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Conservative Gals Descend on Texas as TPUSA's Young Women's Leadership Summit Kicks Off

Turning Point USA's Young Women's Leadership Summit -- touted as the biggest conservative event for women -- is shaking the political scene up, taking place months ahead of what is sure to be one of the most important presidential elections in modern U.S. history.

The post Conservative Gals Descend on Texas as TPUSA’s Young Women’s Leadership Summit Kicks Off appeared first on Breitbart.

Legendary Coach Geno Auriemma on Caitlin Clark: 'She's Being Targeted'

Geno Auriemma, the legendary coach of UConn women's basketball, said that WNBA rookie superstar Caitlin Clark is "being targeted."

The post Legendary Coach Geno Auriemma on Caitlin Clark: ‘She’s Being Targeted’ appeared first on Breitbart.

Trump, Biden, and CNN: What to Know About the First Presidential Debate

President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump are scheduled to debate on June 27, but the debate will be unlike those held between presidential candidates in the recent past. 

Trump told Biden he would debate him “Anytime. Anywhere. Anyplace,” and Biden accepted, but with stipulations. The Biden campaign said it would only agree to a debate if there was no live audience, hearkening back to the first televised presidential debate in 1960 between Democratic Sen. John F. Kennedy and Republican Vice President Richard Nixon, which was telecast live from a TV studio without a studio audience. 

Fox News reports that the Biden campaign also stipulated that the debate should be hosted by a “broadcast organization that hosted a Republican primary debate in 2016 in which Donald Trump participated, and a Democratic primary debate in 2020 in which President Biden participated—so neither campaign can assert that the sponsoring organization is obviously unacceptable: if both candidates have previously debated on their airwaves, then neither could object to such venue.” 

Those stipulations limited the hosting networks to a handful of outlets, including CNN. The outlet’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash will co-host the debate at CNN’s studios in Atlanta. The debate gives CNN the opportunity, amid low ratings, to appeal to Americans who have come to view CNN as little more than a mouthpiece for the Left. 

During prime time in March, Deadline reports, CNN averaged 601,000 views, falling far behind MSNBC’s 1.31 million-viewer average during the same time of day, and Fox News’ 2.14 million. CNN’s prime-time viewership is up 5% for the first quarter of 2024, compared with the previous year.

With additional Biden campaign stipulations requiring that a “candidate’s microphone should only be active when it is his turn to speak,” viewers will be watching whether CNN adheres to this rule equally between both candidates. 

Perhaps most importantly, CNN’s Tapper and Bash will be judged by the questions they do or don’t ask. 

Apart from questions related to the economy, which are bound to be asked, given Republican and Democratic voters’ shared concerns over inflation, CNN should take the opportunity to show U.S. voters it will hold Biden’s feet to the fire on the president’s border and immigration policies and his handling of foreign policy, with regard to China, Russia, and Iran, and support for Israel. 

If CNN fails to conduct a substantive debate between the two candidates, ABC News will have the opportunity to do so on Sept. 10, but CNN will have missed a golden opportunity to show Americans it can do more than pander to the Biden administration.

On this week’s edition of the “Problematic Women” podcast, we discuss what to expect during the upcoming presidential debates. 

Also on today’s show: A Target store’s tough anti-shoplifting measures in California show how far blue cities have fallen. Plus, ahead of Memorial Day, we honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation. And as always, we’ll be crowning our “Problematic Woman of the Week.”

Listen to the podcast below: 

The post Trump, Biden, and CNN: What to Know About the First Presidential Debate appeared first on The Daily Signal.

Amy Kremer Elected RNC National Committeewoman for Georgia

Amy Kremer, the cofounder of Women for Trump, was elected to represent the Georgia Republican Party (GAGOP) at the Republican National Committee (RNC) as the committeewoman for the state.

The post Amy Kremer Elected RNC National Committeewoman for Georgia appeared first on Breitbart.

Bangladesh: Muslim cleric and three others arrested for ordering a woman to be caned and stoned for adultery

Bangladesh: Muslim cleric and three others arrested for ordering a woman to be caned and stoned for adultery
“Bangladesh has a secular legal system and applying Sharia in criminal cases is illegal.” The stoning was certainly in accord with Sharia. Stoning adulterers is not “extremist”; it is Islamic law. The caliph Umar, one of Muhammad’s closest companions, even maintained that it was originally in the Qur’an: ‘Umar said, “I am afraid that after […]

Iran: Women will be prosecuted and businesses could be shut for failing to observe the country’s hijab rules

Iran: Women will be prosecuted and businesses could be shut for failing to observe the country’s hijab rules
The Islamic Republic continues to try to frighten people into submission. This is the only tool they’ve got, as per the Qur’an: “Make ready for them all that you can of force and of warhorses, so that by them you may strike terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy…” (Qur’an 8:60) “Iran Vows […]

Iran installs cameras to crack down on women not wearing hijab

Iran installs cameras to crack down on women not wearing hijab
Last month, Iran’s judiciary chief reiterated that “removing one’s hijab is equivalent to showing enmity to the Islamic Republic,” and then instituted a new law to fine women 2.5 billion rials ($60,000) for flouting hijab rules. It’s all part of the Islamic Republic’s adherence to the Sharia, as it ramps up efforts even further to counter protests: […]

Turks Recoil At Their Very Own ‘Little Aisha’

Turks Recoil At Their Very Own ‘Little Aisha’
At the age of six, a Turkish girl — identified only by her initials HKG — was married off to 29-year-old Kadir Istekli, a friend of her family, by her father. Why at the age of six? That was the age at which little Aisha was called in from playing on her swing to be […]

Pakistan: Discrimination against Christians ‘supported by the constitution, law, and policies designed by the state’

Pakistan: Discrimination against Christians ‘supported by the constitution, law, and policies designed by the state’
“Indeed, the unbelievers among the people of the book and the idolaters will remain in the fire of Gehenna. They are the most vile of created beings.” (Qur’an 98:6) “On the Ground: Persecution as a Christian Woman in Pakistan,” International Christian Concern, March 30, 2023: 03/30/2023 Washington D.C. (International Christian Concern) – We interviewed one of our […]

Pakistan lashes out at UK Home Secretary for discrimination against Pakistani men in addressing rape gangs

Pakistan lashes out at UK Home Secretary for discrimination against Pakistani men in addressing rape gangs
Pakistan’s foreign office is now criticizing British Home Secretary Suella Braverman for “’discriminatory and xenophobic’ comments after she said that British Pakistani men ‘hold cultural values at odds with British values’….Braverman also alleged British Pakistani men worked in child abuse rings or networks that targeted ‘vulnerable white English girls.'” Braverman is absolutely correct, but one […]

Taliban arrest at gunpoint prominent activist for girls’ education and founder of Afghan girls’ school project

Taliban arrest at gunpoint prominent activist for girls’ education and founder of Afghan girls’ school project
As international human rights organizations has called for the release of Matiullah Wesa, founder and leader of Pen Path charity. No one knows where he is following his arrest at gunpoint and beating by the Taliban.. Afghanistan is known as as the “most repressive country in the world” for women’s rights; the country adheres rigidly […]

Germany’s top court demands easing of child marriage law amid mass migration from Muslim countries

Germany’s top court demands easing of child marriage law amid mass migration from Muslim countries
With unchecked mass migration from Muslim-majority North Africa and Middle East, the German authorities are struggling to cope with the surge in child marriages across the country. Germany’s top constitutional court on Wednesday urged the government to ease the child marriage law which nullifies such marital unions, and requires the separation of child brides from […]

Iran: New law to fine women $60,000 for flouting hijab rules

Iran: New law to fine women $60,000 for flouting hijab rules
Iran is the world’s representative Shia state. To expect the Islamic Republic to change course in order to suit infidel ideals of human rights is to expect its mullahs and ayatollahs to disobey the Sharia. The Qur’an instructs: (Quran 24:31) And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and be modest, and to display […]

Glazov Gang: Western Feminists’ Betrayal of Muslim Women in Hijab

Glazov Gang: Western Feminists’ Betrayal of Muslim Women in Hijab
This new Glazov Gang episode is hosted by Anni Cyrus and features Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, a free-speech champion, author of The Truth is No Defense and host of her own weekly show on Elisabeth discusses Western Feminists’ Betrayal of Muslim Women in Hijab, exposing Leftist hypocrisy, cruelty and cowardice. Don’t miss it! [Show your support […]

Denmark: Muslim migrant kicks and beats, urinates on wife, forces her to wear hijab

Denmark: Muslim migrant kicks and beats, urinates on wife, forces her to wear hijab
There is, of course, domestic violence in all cultures. So to post this is just “Islamophobic,” right? Wrong: there is domestic violence in all cultures, but only in one does it have divine sanction. Islam doesn’t teach that man may kill his wife, but once you’ve allowed him to beat her, accidents will happen. The […]

Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff Video: Islam’s Assault on Human Rights

Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff Video: Islam’s Assault on Human Rights
This new Glazov Gang episode is hosted by Anni Cyrus and features Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, a free-speech champion, author of The Truth is No Defense and host of her own weekly show on Elisabeth discusses Islam’s Assault on Human Rights, unveiling The Real ‘Religion of Peace’. Don’t miss it! [Show your support for Mike Lindell […]