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Ashton Kutcher: AI Will Create ‘More Content than There Are Eyeballs on the Planet to Consume It'

Hollywood star Ashton Kutcher is bullish about AI, saying the technology will enable people to create their own content that will compete with the movies and TV shows put out by the Hollywood studios.

The post Ashton Kutcher: AI Will Create ‘More Content than There Are Eyeballs on the Planet to Consume It’ appeared first on Breitbart.

Things to know about an AI safety summit in Seoul

A mini-summit is set to be held this week in South Korea regarding the regulation and risks of artificial intelligence, and aims to build upon work done at last year's AI safety meeting in Britain.

How artificial intelligence is reshaping modern warfare

Harnessing AI is key to the United States staying ahead of adversaries in a competitive battlefield. Software companies are showing off their latest AI tools to military officials.

First AI talks begin between Chinese and US envoys

China and the United States held their first meeting on the topic of artificial intelligence on May 14, 2024, a historic step for governance of emerging AI technology.

Zakaria: Our Chip Subsidies Are Rewarding Those Who Are Less Innovative the Most

During an interview with PBS’s “Firing Line” that took place on May 1 and was released on Friday, Washington Post columnist and CNN host Fareed Zakaria stated that the way we’re subsidizing chip companies to manufacture in the U.S. isn’t effective because

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Willfully yours

(Scott Johnson)

Special Counsel Robert Hur found that President Biden willfully mishandled documents subject to the Espionage Act provision set forth in 28 U.S.C. § 793(e). However, Hur clouded the “willfulness” element of the offense by resting his non-prosecution recommendation in part on Biden’s present senility. Hur presents his analysis of the element of “willfulness” under section 793 in Chapter Nine of his report.

The relevant question is whether Biden committed the acts “willfully” at the relevant time. Hur had a smoking gun or two to prove the “willfulness” element of the offense. Among other things, however, he suggested that a jury would be reluctant to convict someone as out of it as Biden is and imputed the jury’s likely reluctance to Biden’s present inability to act “willfully” beyond a reasonable doubt. See, for example, Chapters Eleven and Twelve of the report.

Just to give an idea of the evidence Hur compiled, the Wall Street Journal’s James Freeman highlights a few passages from Hur’s report. Freeman quotes this from Chapter Twelve:

As with the classified Afghanistan documents [discussed in Chapter Eleven], there is evidence that Mr. Biden kept his notebooks after his vice presidency knowing they were classified and he was not allowed to have them.

The evidence shows convincingly that Mr. Biden knew the notebooks, as a whole, contained classified information. For eight years, he wrote in his notebooks about classified information during classified meetings in the White House Situation Room and elsewhere. He was familiar with the notebooks’ contents, which included obviously classified information. When reviewing the notebooks with [Biden ghostwriter Mark] Zwonitzer, Mr. Biden sometimes read aloud classified notes verbatim, but he also sometimes appeared to skip over classified information, and he warned Zwonitzer that the material in the notebooks could be classified. Mr. Biden also stored the notebooks in a classified safe in the White House for a time as vice president because the notebooks were classified.

In Mr. Biden’s written answers to questions from our office, he called into question whether he knew the information in his notebooks was classified. In those answers, Mr. Biden explained that when he described material in his notebooks to Zwonitzer as “classified’’ he did not actually mean “classified.” According to Mr. Biden, “I may have used the word ‘classified’ with Mr. Zwonitzer in a generic sense, to refer not to the formal classification of national security information, but to sensitive or private topics to ensure that Mr. Zwonitzer would not write about them.” Mr. Biden qualified this answer by explaining, “I do not recall the specific conversations you reference with Mr. Zwonitzer, which took place more than six years ago.”

This explanation-that “classified” does not mean “classified”-is not credible. At the time Mr. Biden met with Zwonitzer, Mr. Biden had nearly fifty years of experience dealing with classified information, including as a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, a member and Chairman of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, a member and Chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, and Vice President of the United States. It is not plausible that a person of his knowledge and experience used the term “classified” in this context as a euphemism for “private.”

Hur discusses the existence of grounds for reasonable doubt regarding Biden’s willfulness at the time of the acts (i.e., evidence that Biden thought the notebooks were his personal property), but falls back on Biden’s subsequent incompetence (my word, not Hur’s). If Biden thought they were his personal property, why did he lie about the meaning of “classified”? As I wrote yesterday, Hur’s analysis has the quality of a student working backward from the known answer to a question. Hur thus concludes Chapter Twelve:

Given the intelligence and military officials present and the topics discussed at the meetings Mr. Biden recounted for Zwonitzer, Mr. Biden should have realized that his notes did or were likely to contain classified information. But taken as a whole, the evidence will likely leave jurors with reasonable doubts about whether Mr. Biden knew he was sharing classified information with Zwonitzer and intended to do so. For these jurors, Mr. Biden’s apparent lapses and failures in February and April 2017 will likely appear consistent with the diminished faculties and faulty memory he showed in Zwonitzer’s interview recordings and in our interview of him. Therefore, we conclude that the evidence does not establish that Mr. Biden willfully disclosed national defense information to Zwonitzer.

I thought someone would press Hur on the “willfulness” issue at the hearing. Rep. Ken Buck, who declared he’s outta here next week, came the closest to getting at it toward the tail end of the five-hour hearing (video below). Even within the five-minutes limiting each round of questions — Buck could have omitted his introductory remarks and gotten to the point — Buck almost got there, but this ain’t horseshoes.

Netanyahu’s negation

(Scott Johnson)

The Biden administration obviously seeks to depose the government of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. The administration has released our intelligence community’s assessment that Netanyahu’s “viability as a leader” is “in jeopardy,” according to the annual report on the national security threats facing the United States that was presented to Congress on Monday. I assess that the wish is father to the thought.

The assessment provides: “Distrust of Netanyahu’s ability to rule has deepened and broadened across the public from its already high levels before the war, and we expect large protests demanding his resignation and new elections,” according to the report. “A different, more moderate government is a possibility.” I assess that the wish is father to the thought and that the assessment bears the trademark of “Our Democracy™.”

Netanyahyu’s voice can be heard in the response attributed to a “very senior” Israeli official in a statement issued to the media: “Those who elect the prime minister of Israel are the citizens of Israel and no one else. Israel is not a protectorate of the US but an independent and democratic country whose citizens are the ones who elect the government. We expect our friends to act to overthrow the terror regime of Hamas and not the elected government in Israel.”

The intelligence community could not be reached for comment.

Denmark: ‘Militant Islamism’ continues to pose the greatest threat to the country

Denmark: ‘Militant Islamism’ continues to pose the greatest threat to the country
There is no doubt that PET’s Center for Terror Analysis (CTA) would explain, if asked, that “militant Islamism” was something quite different from the benign and cuddly religion of Islam itself. But if you asked it to provide specifics about the differences between the two, it would change the subject. “Militant Islamism continues to pose […]

Greece: Muslim migrants plot jihad massacre at synagogue, would be paid $16,250 for every person they murdered

Greece: Muslim migrants plot jihad massacre at synagogue, would be paid $16,250 for every person they murdered
Celebrate diversity! This plot was a direct result of mass Muslim migration into Europe. You know, the mass migration that only “racists” and “Islamophobes” oppose. The Left is forcing “diversity” upon Europe in a sea of blood. “Greek police uncover Pakistani plot to attack Jewish synagogue in Athens – ‘€15,000 per dead,'” Greek City Times, […]

Canada: Alleged ‘civil liberties groups’ call for ‘immediate moratorium’ on ‘prejudiced audits’ of Muslim charities

Canada: Alleged ‘civil liberties groups’ call for ‘immediate moratorium’ on ‘prejudiced audits’ of Muslim charities
A renewed and aggressive launch is underway to smear the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as “Islamophobic” for investigating highly questionable Islamic charities. A relentless effort to stop the CRA has been ongoing. Now comes a portentous news item from the Hill Times: “Civil liberties groups call for immediate moratorium on ‘prejudiced audits’ of Muslim charities […]

Austria: Increased police presence in Vienna over threat of jihad attacks at churches

Austria: Increased police presence in Vienna over threat of jihad attacks at churches
Apparently the jihadis wish to target Muslims who refused to join the jihad, and are planning on hiding out in churches. Welcome to the new, diverse Austria! “Terrorist alert: risk of attack on churches in Vienna,” translated from “Terroralarm: Anschlagsgefahr auf Kirchen in Wien,” Kronen Zeitung, March 15, 2023 (thanks to L.): Increased police presence […]

America’s Teens Are Dumber Than They’ve Been In 100 Years

America’s Teens Are Dumber Than They’ve Been In 100 Years
New in PJ Media: Yes, it’s hard to believe, but after years of being told that boys who think they’re girls and girls who think they’re boys are “brave” and “courageous” instead of mentally ill, and that the Founding Fathers were all racist white supremacist slave owners who did nothing good in the world, and […]