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Pamela Geller, American Thinker: Urgent Case for Legislation against Facebook and Google

Read my latest over at The American Thinker. We are seeing an unprecedented erosion in our First Amendment rights, increasingly prohibiting the flow of ideas and free expression in the public square (social media). Run by left-wing self-possessed snowflakes, social media giants are indulging their worst autocratic impulses. And because they can, it is getting worse. “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

Having grown up in the 1970s, I can tell you it was a vastly different country then. It was free. But we aren’t any no longer, and it is time we took back what is ours — our unalienable freedoms.

January 30, 2018

The Urgent Case for Legislation against Facebook and Google

By Pamela Geller, American Thinker

Having been one of the early targets of social media censorship on Facebook, YouTube et al, I have advocated for anti-trust action against these bullying behemoths. It is good to see establishment outlets such as the Wall Street Journal and National Review coming to the same conclusion, or at least asking the same questions.

Just this week, Facebook launched its latest of many attacks on my news site, the Geller Report. It labeled my site as “spam” and removed every Geller Report post — thousands upon thousands of them, going back years – from Facebook. It also blocked any Facebook member from sharing links to the Geller Report. The ramping up of the shutting-down of sites like mine is neither random nor personal. The timing is telling. The left is gearing up for the 2018 midterm elections, and they mean to shut down whatever outlet or voice that helped elect President Trump, the greatest upset in left-wing history.

In fighting this shutdown, we had to go back to the drawing board in our lawsuit against these social media giants. The basis of our suit was challenging Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA) under the First Amendment, which provides immunity from lawsuits to Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, thereby permitting these social media giants to engage in government-sanctioned censorship and discriminatory business practices free from legal challenge.

Facebook and Google take in roughly half of all Internet ad revenue. According to the Wall Street Journal:

In the U.S., Alphabet Inc.’s Google drives 89% of internet search; 95% of young adults on the internet use a Facebook Inc. product; and Inc. now accounts for 75% of electronic book sales. Those firms that aren’t monopolists are duopolists: Google and Facebook absorbed 63% of online ad spending last year; Google and Apple Inc. provide 99% of mobile phone operating systems; while Apple and Microsoft Corp. supply 95% of desktop operating systems.

Both companies routinely censor and spy on their customers, “massaging everything from the daily news to what we should buy.” In the last century, the telephone was our “computer,” and Ma Bell was how we communicated. That said, would the American people (or the government) have tolerated AT&T spying on our phone calls and then pulling our communication privileges if we expressed dissenting opinions? That is exactly what we are suffering today.

Ma Bell was broken up by the government, albeit for different reasons. But it can and should be done.

It’s not a little ironic that, according to Breitbart:

AT&T has called for an “Internet Bill of Rights” and argued that Facebook and Google should also be subjected to rules that would prevent unfair censorship on their platforms.

AT&T, one of the largest telecommunications companies, called for Congress to enact an “Internet Bill of Rights” which would subject Facebook, Google, and other content providers to rules that would prevent unfair censorship on Internet Service Providers (ISPs) such as Comcast or AT&T as well as content providers such as Facebook and Google.

AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson wrote, “Congressional action is needed to establish an ‘Internet Bill of Rights’ that applies to all internet companies and guarantees neutrality, transparency, openness, non-discrimination and privacy protection for all internet users.”

Stephenson posted the ad in the New York Times, Washington Post, and other national news outlets on Wednesday.

We must get behind this — all of us — and fast. Because what is happening is being engineered at the government level. A chief officer from a major American communications company went to the terror state of Pakistan to assure the Pakistani government that Facebook would adhere to the sharia. The commitment was given by Vice President of Facebook Joel Kaplan, who called on Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan. “Facebook has reiterated its commitment to keep the platform safe and promote values that are in congruence with its community standards.”

Why the block? Because under Islamic law, you cannot criticize Islam. Facebook adhering to the most extreme and brutal ideology on the face of the earth should trouble all of us, because Mark Zuckerberg has immense power. He controls the flow of information.

Early last year, I wrote: “The US government has used anti-trust laws to break up monopolies. They ought to break up Facebook. Section 2 of the Sherman Act highlights particular results deemed anticompetitive by nature and prohibits actions that ‘shall monopolize, or attempt to monopolize, or combine or conspire with any other person or persons, to monopolize any part of the trade or commerce among the several States, or with foreign nations.’ Couldn’t the same be applied to information? The United States government took down Standard Oil, Alcoa, Northern Securities, the American Tobacco Company and many others without nearly the power that Facebook has.”

NRO has come to that same conclusion:

Tech companies such as Google and Facebook are also utilities of sorts that provide essential services. They depend on the free use of public airwaves. Yet they are subject to little oversight; they simply make up their own rules as they go along. Antitrust laws prohibit one corporation from unfairly devouring its competition, capturing most of its market, and then price-gouging as it sees fit without fear of competition. Google has all but destroyed its search-engine competitors in the same manner that Facebook has driven out competing social media.

Clearly Mark Zuckerberg, Sergey Brin, Eric Schmidt, and Jeff Bezos are contemporary “robber barons.” So why are they not smeared, defamed, and reviled like the robber barons of yesteryear? Says NRO:

Why are huge tech companies seemingly exempt from the rules that older corporations must follow? First, their CEOs wisely cultivate the image of hipsters. The public sees them more as aging teenagers in T-shirts, turtlenecks, and flip-flops than as updated versions of J. P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, or other robber barons of the past. Second, the tech industry’s hierarchy is politically progressive.

In brilliant marketing fashion, the Internet, laptops, tablets, and smartphones have meshed with the hip youth culture of music, television, the movies, universities, and fashion. Think Woodstock rather than Wall Street. Corporate spokesmen at companies such as Twitter and YouTube brag about their social awareness, especially on issues such as radical environmentalism, identity politics, and feminism. Given that the regulatory deep state is mostly a liberal enterprise, the tech industry is seen as an ally of federal bureaucrats and regulators. Think more of Hollywood, the media, and universities than Exxon, General Motors, Koch Industries, and Philip Morris.

The groovy t-shirt-turtleneck vibe may keep the great unwashed under their spell, but it’s the shared political ideology with the left that keeps these corporate managers free from accountability. The WSJ writes that antitrust regulators have a narrow test: Does their size leave consumers worse off? Surmising that if that’s the test, “there isn’t a clear case for going after big tech.”

I disagree. The consumer is far worse off. If we are not free to speak and think in what is today’s Gutenberg press, than we could not be worse off.

Pamela Geller is the President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), publisher of The Geller Report and author of the bestselling book, FATWA: Hunted in America, as well as The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America and Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance. Follow her on Twitter or Facebook.

Pamela Geller, American Thinker: Urgent Case for Legislation against Facebook and Google

Read my latest over at The American Thinker. We are seeing an unprecedented erosion in our First Amendment rights, increasingly prohibiting the flow of ideas and free expression in the public square (social media). Run by left-wing self-possessed snowflakes, social media giants are indulging their worst autocratic impulses. And because they can, it is getting worse. “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

Having grown up in the 1970s, I can tell you it was a vastly different country then. It was free. But we aren’t any no longer, and it is time we took back what is ours — our unalienable freedoms.

January 30, 2018

The Urgent Case for Legislation against Facebook and Google

By Pamela Geller, American Thinker

Having been one of the early targets of social media censorship on Facebook, YouTube et al, I have advocated for anti-trust action against these bullying behemoths. It is good to see establishment outlets such as the Wall Street Journal and National Review coming to the same conclusion, or at least asking the same questions.

Just this week, Facebook launched its latest of many attacks on my news site, the Geller Report. It labeled my site as “spam” and removed every Geller Report post — thousands upon thousands of them, going back years – from Facebook. It also blocked any Facebook member from sharing links to the Geller Report. The ramping up of the shutting-down of sites like mine is neither random nor personal. The timing is telling. The left is gearing up for the 2018 midterm elections, and they mean to shut down whatever outlet or voice that helped elect President Trump, the greatest upset in left-wing history.

In fighting this shutdown, we had to go back to the drawing board in our lawsuit against these social media giants. The basis of our suit was challenging Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA) under the First Amendment, which provides immunity from lawsuits to Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, thereby permitting these social media giants to engage in government-sanctioned censorship and discriminatory business practices free from legal challenge.

[the_ad id=”104820″]

Facebook and Google take in roughly half of all Internet ad revenue. According to the Wall Street Journal:

In the U.S., Alphabet Inc.’s Google drives 89% of internet search; 95% of young adults on the internet use a Facebook Inc. product; and Inc. now accounts for 75% of electronic book sales. Those firms that aren’t monopolists are duopolists: Google and Facebook absorbed 63% of online ad spending last year; Google and Apple Inc. provide 99% of mobile phone operating systems; while Apple and Microsoft Corp. supply 95% of desktop operating systems.

Both companies routinely censor and spy on their customers, “massaging everything from the daily news to what we should buy.” In the last century, the telephone was our “computer,” and Ma Bell was how we communicated. That said, would the American people (or the government) have tolerated AT&T spying on our phone calls and then pulling our communication privileges if we expressed dissenting opinions? That is exactly what we are suffering today.

Ma Bell was broken up by the government, albeit for different reasons. But it can and should be done.

It’s not a little ironic that, according to Breitbart:

AT&T has called for an “Internet Bill of Rights” and argued that Facebook and Google should also be subjected to rules that would prevent unfair censorship on their platforms.

AT&T, one of the largest telecommunications companies, called for Congress to enact an “Internet Bill of Rights” which would subject Facebook, Google, and other content providers to rules that would prevent unfair censorship on Internet Service Providers (ISPs) such as Comcast or AT&T as well as content providers such as Facebook and Google.

AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson wrote, “Congressional action is needed to establish an ‘Internet Bill of Rights’ that applies to all internet companies and guarantees neutrality, transparency, openness, non-discrimination and privacy protection for all internet users.”

Stephenson posted the ad in the New York Times, Washington Post, and other national news outlets on Wednesday.

We must get behind this — all of us — and fast. Because what is happening is being engineered at the government level. A chief officer from a major American communications company went to the terror state of Pakistan to assure the Pakistani government that Facebook would adhere to the sharia. The commitment was given by Vice President of Facebook Joel Kaplan, who called on Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan. “Facebook has reiterated its commitment to keep the platform safe and promote values that are in congruence with its community standards.”

Why the block? Because under Islamic law, you cannot criticize Islam. Facebook adhering to the most extreme and brutal ideology on the face of the earth should trouble all of us, because Mark Zuckerberg has immense power. He controls the flow of information.

Early last year, I wrote: “The US government has used anti-trust laws to break up monopolies. They ought to break up Facebook. Section 2 of the Sherman Act highlights particular results deemed anticompetitive by nature and prohibits actions that ‘shall monopolize, or attempt to monopolize, or combine or conspire with any other person or persons, to monopolize any part of the trade or commerce among the several States, or with foreign nations.’ Couldn’t the same be applied to information? The United States government took down Standard Oil, Alcoa, Northern Securities, the American Tobacco Company and many others without nearly the power that Facebook has.”

NRO has come to that same conclusion:

Tech companies such as Google and Facebook are also utilities of sorts that provide essential services. They depend on the free use of public airwaves. Yet they are subject to little oversight; they simply make up their own rules as they go along. Antitrust laws prohibit one corporation from unfairly devouring its competition, capturing most of its market, and then price-gouging as it sees fit without fear of competition. Google has all but destroyed its search-engine competitors in the same manner that Facebook has driven out competing social media.

Clearly Mark Zuckerberg, Sergey Brin, Eric Schmidt, and Jeff Bezos are contemporary “robber barons.” So why are they not smeared, defamed, and reviled like the robber barons of yesteryear? Says NRO:

Why are huge tech companies seemingly exempt from the rules that older corporations must follow? First, their CEOs wisely cultivate the image of hipsters. The public sees them more as aging teenagers in T-shirts, turtlenecks, and flip-flops than as updated versions of J. P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, or other robber barons of the past. Second, the tech industry’s hierarchy is politically progressive.

In brilliant marketing fashion, the Internet, laptops, tablets, and smartphones have meshed with the hip youth culture of music, television, the movies, universities, and fashion. Think Woodstock rather than Wall Street. Corporate spokesmen at companies such as Twitter and YouTube brag about their social awareness, especially on issues such as radical environmentalism, identity politics, and feminism. Given that the regulatory deep state is mostly a liberal enterprise, the tech industry is seen as an ally of federal bureaucrats and regulators. Think more of Hollywood, the media, and universities than Exxon, General Motors, Koch Industries, and Philip Morris.

The groovy t-shirt-turtleneck vibe may keep the great unwashed under their spell, but it’s the shared political ideology with the left that keeps these corporate managers free from accountability. The WSJ writes that antitrust regulators have a narrow test: Does their size leave consumers worse off? Surmising that if that’s the test, “there isn’t a clear case for going after big tech.”

I disagree. The consumer is far worse off. If we are not free to speak and think in what is today’s Gutenberg press, than we could not be worse off.

Pamela Geller is the President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), publisher of The Geller Report and author of the bestselling book, FATWA: Hunted in America, as well as The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America and Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance. Follow her on Twitter or Facebook.

Pamela Geller in American Thinker: Banned From LinkedIn, Who Is Giving These Orders?

Check out my latest article at the American Thinker:

I was banned from LinkedIn for telling the truth

By Pamela Geller Amerian Thinker, March 18, 2023:
On Thursday, I got yet another notice from the LinkedIn’s “Trust & Safety Team”: “Your post goes against our policy on misinformation. It has been removed and only you can access it.” The post that LinkedIn found objectionable was from my website, the Geller Report, and was entitled

“CORPORATE STATE: Domestic Terror Group Black Lives Matter Received Nearly $83 Billion from Corporations.”

My post consisted of an excerpt from a Breitbart article plus three lines of my own commentary. LinkedIn didn’t dispute the accuracy of anything in my post or its source; it just doesn’t want it said. This comes after LinkedIn had banned me from their platform for nearly three years for posting accurate and well-sourced information that goes against the leftist narrative.

Who is giving these orders?

Keep reading……


Kyle Marisa Roth, TikTok Star Known for Celebrity Gossip, Dies at 36

Widely followed TikTok personality Kyle Marisa Roth, known for her hot takes on celebrity gossip, has died. She was 36.

The post Kyle Marisa Roth, TikTok Star Known for Celebrity Gossip, Dies at 36 appeared first on Breitbart.

Engagement Killer: Elon Musk Announces X/Twitter Newcomers Must Pay to Send Tweets

Elon Musk, owner of the social media platform X (formerly known as Twitter), has reportedly declared that new users will have to pay a fee to tweet on the platform.

The post Engagement Killer: Elon Musk Announces X/Twitter Newcomers Must Pay to Send Tweets appeared first on Breitbart.

Expert Predicts $1 Billion Market for AI Girlfriends as Men Spent $10K a Month on Fake Relationships

In a social media post, tech executive Greg Isenberg, CEO of Late Checkout, shared his encounter with a 24-year-old man in Miami who admitted to spending $10,000 per month on "AI girlfriends," predicting that this growing trend could lead to a billion-dollar industry.

The post Expert Predicts $1 Billion Market for AI Girlfriends as Men Spent $10K a Month on Fake Relationships appeared first on Breitbart.

First Artificial Intelligence Beauty Pageant 'Miss AI' Coming in May

The world’s first-ever artificial intelligence beauty pageant “Miss AI” is set to take place this May, with prizes totaling over $20,000. Judges for will be looking at AI-generated contestants’ “beauty,” “tech,” and “social clout” when determining the winners of the Miss AI

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Tesla to Seek Shareholder Re-Approval for Elon Musk's Massive Pay Package

Tesla is set to ask its shareholders to once again vote on approving the controversial 2018 pay package for CEO Elon Musk, which was recently thrown out by a Delaware judge.

The post Tesla to Seek Shareholder Re-Approval for Elon Musk’s Massive Pay Package appeared first on Breitbart.

Jeff Bezos' Earth Fund Launches $100 Million Challenge to 'Fix' Climate with AI

Claiming to harness the potential of AI in combating climate change and nature loss, Jeff Bezos' Earth Fund has announced a $100 million grant program called the AI for Climate and Nature Grand Challenge.

The post Jeff Bezos’ Earth Fund Launches $100 Million Challenge to ‘Fix’ Climate with AI appeared first on Breitbart.

Telegram Founder Tells Tucker Carlson that Google and Apple Are Threats to Free Speech

In a recent interview with Tucker Carlson, Pavel Durov, the founder of the popular messaging app Telegram, accused tech giants Google and Apple of being the real enemies of free speech on the internet.

The post Telegram Founder Tells Tucker Carlson that Google and Apple Are Threats to Free Speech appeared first on Breitbart.

Report: China Covertly Lobbying Congress on TikTok

The Chinese Communist Party is secretly lobbying the U.S. Congress regarding TikTok, according to Capitol Hill staffers familiar with the situation.

The post Report: China Covertly Lobbying Congress on TikTok appeared first on Breitbart.

Electric Vehicle Sales Plunge Across Europe as Demand Stalls

Electric vehicle (EV) sales plunged across Europe in March as demand dried up despite the E.U.’s push to ban petrol and diesel vehicles by the middle of the next decade.

The post Electric Vehicle Sales Plunge Across Europe as Demand Stalls appeared first on Breitbart.

Insiders: TikTok Initiative to Isolate U.S. User Data from Chinese Government 'Largely Cosmetic'

Former TikTok employees say the Chinese app's effort to isolate U.S. user data from China — a hostile foreign country run by a communist regime — is ineffective, calling the initiative "largely cosmetic."

The post Insiders: TikTok Initiative to Isolate U.S. User Data from Chinese Government ‘Largely Cosmetic’ appeared first on Breitbart.

Google Terminates 28 Employees over Protests Against Israel Contract

Google has fired 28 employees for their involvement in sit-in protests at the company's offices in New York and Sunnyvale, California, against Google's $1.2 billion contract with the Israeli government and military.

The post Google Terminates 28 Employees over Protests Against Israel Contract appeared first on Breitbart.

Cornell Professor Arrested for 'Disorderly Conduct' During Ann Coulter Event

A Cornell University faculty member was arrested after a campus event featuring conservative author and Breitbart News contributor Ann Coulter as its keynote speaker.

The post Cornell Professor Arrested for ‘Disorderly Conduct’ During Ann Coulter Event appeared first on Breitbart.

NPR CEO Katherine Maher Reveals How She Ruined Wikipedia

Katherine Maher, NPR's newly appointed CEO, is facing criticism over her past tweets as a veteran editor accuses the organization of leftist bias. But along the way, another interesting line of investigation has opened — how Maher wrecked Wikipedia by turning away from "free and open" discussions on the "online wikipedia" because that goal represents a "white male westernized construct." 

The post NPR CEO Katherine Maher Reveals How She Ruined Wikipedia appeared first on Breitbart.

Rural Texas towns report cyberattacks that caused one water system to overflow

A hack that caused the water system of Muleshoe, Texas to overflow in January has now been linked to a Russian hacktivist group; the hacking attempts were reported to federal authorities.

Ever-evolving generative AI brings new, game changing element to sports landscape

The NFL, PGA Tour and other sports leagues and brands have used generative AI for years, but organizations are working to keep pace as the technology continues to evolve.

How to zoom in and out on PC

Tech guru Kurt "CyberGuy" Knutsson explains an easy trick to avoid squinting while working or surfing the web by zooming in on your personal computer.

Pedal Stuck to the Metal: Tesla Recalls All Cybertrucks Due to Dangerous Faulty Accelerators

Elon Musk's Tesla has issued a recall for all 3,878 Cybertrucks shipped to date because of a defect that can cause the accelerator pedal to get stuck, increasing the risk of crashes.

The post Pedal Stuck to the Metal: Tesla Recalls All Cybertrucks Due to Dangerous Faulty Accelerators appeared first on Breitbart.

China Recruits Taylor Swift to Collect Data on Young Americans with Special TikTok Deal

Taylor Swift is heading to TikTok for a special promotion to highlight her new album “The Tortured Poets Department” potentially giving the China-owned social media goliath access to millions of global user accounts and all the associated personal data that delivers.

The post China Recruits Taylor Swift to Collect Data on Young Americans with Special TikTok Deal appeared first on Breitbart.

Hackers claim Belarus fertilizer plant infiltrated to demand political prisoner release

A hacker activist group in Belarus has claimed to have infiltrated computers at Grodno Azot, the country's largest fertilizer plant, to pressure the government to free political prisoners.

Mark Zuckerberg's Meta Launches Woke Chatbot Full of Bizarre Answers

Mark Zuckerberg's Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, has recently introduced its new "Llama 3" AI systems that powers what Zuckerberg calls "the most intelligent AI assistant that you can freely use." As you might suspect, the chatbot comes complete with bizarre and woke answers to questions from early users.

The post Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta Launches Woke Chatbot Full of Bizarre Answers appeared first on Breitbart.

FBI Director: China Considers Vital U.S. Infrastructure ‘Fair Game’ for Cyberattacks

FBI director Chris Wray said at a security conference on Thursday that China’s legion of state-sponsored hackers “considers every sector that makes our society run as fair game in its bid to dominate on the world stage.” 

The post FBI Director: China Considers Vital U.S. Infrastructure ‘Fair Game’ for Cyberattacks appeared first on Breitbart.

Fox News AI Newsletter: Star singer fights AI

Stay up to date on the latest AI technology advancements and learn about the challenges and opportunities AI presents now and for the future.

Ultra Woke Google Claims Company Is Not Place to 'Debate Politics' After Firing Anti-Israel Radicals

Google CEO Sundar Pichai has taken a comical stance against using the ultra woke company's offices for political debates and protests after terminating 28 employees who participated in anti-Israel sit-ins at various Google locations.

The post Ultra Woke Google Claims Company Is Not Place to ‘Debate Politics’ After Firing Anti-Israel Radicals appeared first on Breitbart.

TikTok's Real Owners: China Orders Apple to Censor Popular Messaging Apps Including WhatsApp, Telegram

China has reportedly ordered Apple to remove WhatsApp, Signal, and Telegram, among other popular messaging apps, from its iPhone app store in order to comply with the Chinese Communist Party's censorship demand.

The post TikTok’s Real Owners: China Orders Apple to Censor Popular Messaging Apps Including WhatsApp, Telegram appeared first on Breitbart.

Jackpot! Australian Casino Loses Millions in Mistaken Payouts Due to 'Software Glitch'

A software bug in Star Casino's ticket redemption machines resulted in the Sydney-based casino inadvertently giving away more than AU$3.2 million ($2.05 million) to gamblers over several weeks.

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Consumer Alert: FBI Warns of Text Scam Targeting Toll Road Users Across Multiple States

The FBI has issued a warning about a new phishing scam that targets Americans using toll roads via SMS text messages. The messages typically claim that the user's toll account is overdrawn with a link to the hacker's site to make a false payment.

The post Consumer Alert: FBI Warns of Text Scam Targeting Toll Road Users Across Multiple States appeared first on Breitbart.

Pinkerton: The Proliferation of 'Disinformation' Media and AI Puts More Bricks in the Wall 

Both journalists and AI are being assisted by a constellation of quasi-journalistic “centers” for combating disinformation, most of them foundation-funded non-profits, often connected to a college or university. Together, all that tech and all that money are building a wall of progressive orthodoxy to control what’s “true.”

The post Pinkerton: The Proliferation of ‘Disinformation’ Media and AI Puts More Bricks in the Wall  appeared first on Breitbart.

Anti-Israel Protesters Set Up Encampment at MIT

Students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge have established an anti-Israel encampment on the university's lawn, days after a similar encampment was established at Columbia University in New York.

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EV Demand Challenges: Elon Musk's Tesla Slashes Prices on Most Models

In a desperate attempt to stimulate sales and prop up a stock price dropping like a rock, Elon Musk's Tesla has reduced the prices of three of its five models in the United States.

The post EV Demand Challenges: Elon Musk’s Tesla Slashes Prices on Most Models appeared first on Breitbart.

Mark Zuckerberg's Meta Plans for You to Not See Donald Trump on Platforms Before Election

In a significant shift from its previous approach to elections, Mark Zuckerberg's Meta is distancing itself from politics, which could have a profound impact on the 2024 U.S. presidential election. An analysis of posts by the Trump and Biden campaigns show both have faced a 60 percent drop in engagement between 2020 and 2024 on Facebook.

The post Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta Plans for You to Not See Donald Trump on Platforms Before Election appeared first on Breitbart.

TikTok Ban Bill Expected to Pass This Week

The legislation that would ban China's TikTok app in the United States unless its parent company, Chinese tech giant ByteDance, sells it could become law within days.

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Rapper Drake Uses AI to Resurrect Tupac Shakur for a Guest Verse

Platinum-selling rapper Drake has revived the late Tupac Shakur by using artificial intelligence technology in a new diss track against rival artist Kendrick Lamar.

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States Rush to Combat AI-Generated Deepfake Nudes Targeting Minors

In response to the growing issue of boys using AI apps to create and share sexually explicit images of their female classmates, state legislators across the United States are introducing bills to protect minors from this new form of exploitation. Meanwhile, Silicon Valley continues to make billions with the very AI models boys are exploiting.

The post States Rush to Combat AI-Generated Deepfake Nudes Targeting Minors appeared first on Breitbart.

Facebook has ‘interfered’ with US elections 39 times since 2008: study

Meta-owned social media juggernaut Facebook has "interfered" with elections in the United States at least 39 times since 2008, according to a study by the Media Research Center.

‘A Knight’s Tale’ Director: Netflix Algorithm Concluded a Sequel with Female Protagonist Would Flop

A Knight’s Tale director Brian Helgeland revealed his past efforts to make a sequel to his 2001 medieval action-comedy classic were stymied by the Netflix algorithm which deemed a female protagonist would lead to box office flop.

The post ‘A Knight’s Tale’ Director: Netflix Algorithm Concluded a Sequel with Female Protagonist Would Flop appeared first on Breitbart.

UnitedHealth Confirms Massive Ransomware Hack Affects 'Substantial Proportion' of Americans

UnitedHealth Group, one of the largest health insurance providers in the United States, recently disclosed that a ransomware attack on its subsidiary, Change Healthcare, has led to a significant theft of private healthcare data belonging to a "substantial proportion of people in America."

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Media Research Center: Facebook Has Interfered in U.S. Elections 39 Times Since 2008

A recent study conducted by the Media Research Center (MRC) has uncovered 39 instances of Facebook interfering with U.S. elections since 2008, raising concerns about the platform's influence on the democratic process.

The post Media Research Center: Facebook Has Interfered in U.S. Elections 39 Times Since 2008 appeared first on Breitbart.

Google Fires 50+ Employees for Protesting Israeli Government Contract

Google has fired more than 50 employees in the past week for participating in protests against the company's cloud computing deal with the Israeli government, according to activist group No Tech for Apartheid.

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TikTok Faces U.S. Ban as Bill Set to Be Signed by Biden

The U.S. Senate approved a bill late Tuesday night that could see TikTok banned in America over national security fears.

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Tesla Stock Surges Despite Dismal Quarter as Elon Musk Promises Affordable EVs by 2025

Tesla shares jumped almost 12 percent in pre-market trading on Wednesday after CEO Elon Musk announced that the company aims to start production of affordable electric vehicle models by early 2025, or possibly even late this year. The bounce comes despite dismal earnings, including net income that dropped 55 percent in the first quarter.

The post Tesla Stock Surges Despite Dismal Quarter as Elon Musk Promises Affordable EVs by 2025 appeared first on Breitbart.

TikTok Influencer, ‘Club Rat’ Director Eva Evans Cause of Death Revealed

The cause of death has been announced for Eva Evans, a TikTok influencer and director of the Prime Video series Club Rat, who died at the weekend aged 29.

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Joe Biden Signs Bill Potentially Banning TikTok, Bundled with Ukraine-Israel Aid

President Joe Biden signed into law Wednesday a $95 billion war aid measure that includes aid for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan that also includes a provision that would force social media site TikTok to be sold or be banned in U.S.

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Department of Bad Ideas: Flamethrowing Robot Dog Can Torch Anything in Its Path

In a bizarre twist that seems straight out of a dystopian sci-fi movie, U.S. residents can now legally purchase a flame-throwing robot dog named Thermonator for just under $10,000.

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Lawsuit: Amazon AI Exec Was Pressured to Ignore Copyright Violations

A former Amazon AI scientist, Dr. Viviane Ghaderi, has filed a lawsuit against the tech giant, claiming she faced discrimination, retaliation, and wrongful termination after disclosing her pregnancy and raising concerns about copyright infringement in AI research.

The post Lawsuit: Amazon AI Exec Was Pressured to Ignore Copyright Violations appeared first on Breitbart.

China's TikTok Plots Its Escape from U.S. Sell-or-Ban Legislation

China's TikTok is reportedly exploring its options to see if it can escape the sell-or-ban legislation that the U.S. Senate passed on Tuesday night, sending the bill to President Joe Biden's desk for his signature. 

The post China’s TikTok Plots Its Escape from U.S. Sell-or-Ban Legislation appeared first on Breitbart.

Controversial 'Hate Speech' Provisions Sneak into Kids Online Safety Act

Democrats are sneaking online censorship of “hate speech” into the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) under the guise of “protecting kids” – and many Republicans on capitol hill appear to be on board.

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Jennifer Lopez's Netflix Thriller 'Atlas' Slammed as 'AI Propaganda'

Pop star Jennifer Lopez's Netflix thriller, "Atlas" -- about a scientist who is forced to confront her "deep distrust of artificial intelligence" by turning to AI to help her save humanity -- has been slammed as "AI propaganda."

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Report Claims Russian Hackers Disrupted Texas Town’s Water Supply

A report published by cybersecurity firm Mandiant last week claimed that a gang of hackers linked to the Russian government has attacked water utility companies around the world, including a treatment plant in the northern Texas town of Muleshoe.

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Lawsuit: China's TikTok Flooded Teen with Pro-Suicide Content Before His Death

An Arkansas mother is suing China's popular TikTok app following the death of her son, saying he "would be alive today had he not seen those videos" on the Chinese social media platform.

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Thought Police: Google Launches "Prebunking" Campaign to Counter 'Election Misinformation'

Google claims it is stepping up efforts to combat online "misinformation" ahead of the European Union's parliamentary elections in June with a new "prebunking" initiative. The European elections will likely serve as a dry run for Google's attempts to influence the 2024 presidential election.

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Senate Investigation Reveals Real Reason Behind Eventbrite's Canceling of Riley Gaines

An extensive report published by Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz reveals that ticket-selling company Eventbrite refused to sell tickets to save women’s sports advocate Riley Gaines due to the company’s left-wing political ideology. In his report entitled “Weaponizing Terms of

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Elon Musk's Twitter Censors ALIPAC Ad on Documentation of Noncitizen Voters Citing 'Hate Speech'

Americans For Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) has withdrawn support for Elon Musk's X/Twitter after the platform censored its ad promoting a new website and forum section aimed at documenting noncitizen and illegal migrant voters.

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Radical NPR chief Katherine Maher's top secret agenda

NPR CEO Katherine Maher’s résumé provides us with a map of modern power, connecting political revolutions overseas with the cultural revolution here at home.

Buyer's Market: Experts Ponder What Company Could Buy China's TikTok Preventing Ban

While President Joe Biden signed legislation on Wednesday that would force Chinese tech giant ByteDance to sell TikTok in nine months or else be banned in the United States, the question of who could actually swoop in and buy the social media platform remains.

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China's TikTok to File Court Challenge to U.S. Sell-or-Ban Law

China's TikTok says it plans to file a lawsuit against the U.S. ban-or-sell legislation that President Joe Biden signed into law on Wednesday. The Chinese company, controlled by a hostile foreign country, ironically told Americans that it will "fight" for their "rights," adding, "the Constitution is on our side."

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My daughter was killed at 19, and this barbaric trend of casually filming violence has to stop

In the age of social media, police frequently identify deceased persons and locate their parents long after clips of the crime scene have already been circulated online for everyone to see.

China's Car Makers Readying to Flood the West with Cheap EVs

Do you drive a China-made electric vehicle (EV)? If the answer is "no" then Beijing would like to think one day you will have little choice but to answer "yes."

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Democrats Return to Net Neutrality, Despite Economic Damage

The vote Thursday by the Democrat majority on the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to restore Obama-era Net Neutrality rules returns the U.S. to the vulnerable place it was in before the policy was ended under Trump.

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Spotify CEO Rakes in $119 Million on Stock Sale as Artists Lament Stingy Royalties

Spotify CEO Daniel Ek has raked in nearly $119 million in a stock sale after recently overseeing the layoff of 1,500 employees -- a reduction that Ek himself acknowledged created a "significant" challenge" for the streaming company.

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Report: China's ByteDance Wants TikTok Shut down in U.S. if Legal Fight Fails

Chinese tech giant ByteDance reportedly wants TikTok to shutdown in the United States if its legal fight against the recently passed ban-or-sell legislation fails.

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Zac Brown Band Founder John Driskell Hopkins 'Scared to Death' of Artificial Intelligence

John Driskell Hopkins, one of the founding members of the Zac Brown Band, says he is "scared to death" over the advancement of artificial intelligence and what it will do to the entertainment industry and society at large.

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Mark Zuckerberg's Meta Allows Facebook and Instagram to Be Flooded with Explicit 'AI Girlfriend' Ads

Mark Zuckerberg's Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, has come under fire for flooding Facebook and Instagram with ads promoting sexually explicit "AI girlfriend" apps while simultaneously cracking down on content posted by human prostitutes.

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Masters of the Universe: Google Reports Strong Q1 Earnings, Stock Soars

Google's parent company Alphabet exceeded analysts' expectations in its first-quarter results, driving shares up by about 10 percent in morning trading on Friday.

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Mark Zuckerberg's Metaverse Ambitions Persist Despite Billions in Losses for Meta

Mark Zuckerberg's Meta, the company formerly known as Facebook, continues to invest heavily in his Metaverse vision, even as its Reality Labs division reports significant financial losses, including an astounding $3.8 billion loss in the first quarter of 2024.

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xAI, Elon Musk's AI Venture, Raises $6 Billion to Take on OpenAI

xAI, Elon Musk's artificial intelligence startup aiming to rival ChatGPT developer OpenAI, is set to close a massive $6 billion funding round that values the 10-month-old company at a staggering $18 billion.

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Why does my PC freeze and how do I fix it? Expert answers

Tech guru Kurt "CyberGuy" Knutsson offers solutions to fixing a personal computer that freezes up. There are a number of reasons this might be happening.

The state of the American teenager

From the dislocating effects of the pandemic that impacted teens' academic and social development to the effects of widespread smartphone use, there are plenty of reasons to be concerned.

Study: AI-Generated Reviews Deceive Humans and Detectors, Eroding Trust in Online Platforms

A recent study by Yale School of Management professor Balázs Kovács reveals that AI-generated restaurant reviews can pass the "Turing test" by fooling both human readers and AI detectors, potentially undermining the credibility of online reviews.

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Nolte: Ford’s EV Division Lost $1.3B in Q1 -- That's $132K per Car!

Ford's electric vehicle (EV) division lost $1.3 billion in the first quarter of 2024, which adds up to a $132,000 loss for each of the 10,000 EVs sold.

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Consumer Alert: Update Google Chrome Immediately to Stop Critical Vulnerability

Google has issued an urgent warning to its vast user base of over 1 billion Chrome users, strongly advising them to update their browsers as soon as possible to protect against a critical security vulnerability.

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Lawsuits Challenge Elon Musk's Claim of Driver Responsibility in Tesla Autopilot Crashes

As Elon Musk's Tesla faces multiple lawsuits and a federal investigation, the company's assertion that drivers are solely responsible for crashes involving its Autopilot technology is coming under intense scrutiny.

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ChatGPT Developer OpenAI Strikes Deal to Use Financial Times Journalism to Train AI Models

ChatGPT developer OpenAI has reportedly struck a deal with the Financial Times that allows it to use the newspaper's journalism content as a means for training artificial intelligence systems.

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Elon's Pink Slips Strike Again: Tesla Axes More Jobs, Including Senior Execs and EV Charging Team

Tesla has reportedly laid off hundreds of employees, including senior executives and a majority of its Supercharging team. The desperate move comes on the heels of a major recent layoff of 14,000 workers, part of what Musk claims is an "absolutely hard core" plan to cut costs at the struggling EV company.

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EU Launches Investigation of Mark Zuckerberg's Meta Meddling in Elections

European regulators have launched an investigation into Mark Zuckerberg's Meta, escalating pressure on the tech giant to bolster its safeguards against misinformation and foreign interference on Facebook, Instagram, and Whatsapp ahead of pivotal EU elections.

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