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Today — June 9th 2024Your RSS feeds

Punks Try Stealing from a Tennessee Perfume Store – Plan Falls Apart When Fed-Up Shoppers Hold the Line

The four young people, right, appeared shocked that bystanders, left, got involved and blocked their getaway.

The four young people, right, appeared shocked that bystanders, left, got involved and blocked their getaway.

Criminals have slowly gotten bolder and bolder about their crimes, moving away from the silent heists of the past and opting for grab-and-runs.

Unfortunately, despite their lack of stealth, many times these individuals never get challenged.

Some stores enforce policies where employees are ordered not to stop thieves for their own safety.

But that doesn’t mean every store is going to be an easy target. During a recent instance at a Tennessee outlet mall, shoppers rallied together in an attempt to hold a group of alleged thieves captive until police could arrive.

On June 1 at the Tanger Outlets in Antioch, Tennessee, four suspects entered a Perfumania wearing hoodies and face masks, intending to shoplift, according to The Tennessean.

While inside ransacking the store, bystanders began to stand in front of the door in an attempt to barricade the suspects inside of the establishment while they awaited a police response.

Much of the incident was captured by a TikToker who uses the handle “ptodropout,” who said she had been inside the store shopping with her son when the four arrived.

@ptodropout This really just happened! Tanger outlet, nashville #robbery #caughtoncamera #crazy #cops ♬ original sound – Girl Boss

The captured video shows the four young people looking for a way out of the store while continuing to grab merchandise from the shelves.

At one point, one of the suspects rushed at the door in an attempt to force it open, but the defenders held firm.

In the end, police took 30 minutes to arrive at the scene, allowing the four hooligans to escape after forcing open the back door, bashing a hole in the wall in the process.

Smash-and-grabs are nothing new, but the boldness of some criminals is undoubtedly beginning to irk more people.

Americans can’t even go on shopping trips without seeing brazen criminals ruining the peace.

It won’t be surprising if more onlookers begin to take action like the good citizens in Tennessee, especially when peaceful means of resistance such as holding a door closed are available.

Of course, no person should put themselves in harm’s way to stop petty theft, but that doesn’t mean that we should permit such outrageous acts of lawlessness.

Sometimes, Americans need to take matters into their own hands when law enforcement isn’t able to fulfill their duties.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

The post Punks Try Stealing from a Tennessee Perfume Store – Plan Falls Apart When Fed-Up Shoppers Hold the Line appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Don’t Be Fooled, Biden’s New Executive Order Does Not ‘Secure the Border’ – Here’s What It Really Does

Thank goodness, after fumbling border security for almost his entire administration, President Joe Biden is finally ready to take control and protect Americans.

Well, kind of. And only because he’s desperately trying to improve his image before the November election.

The Biden administration has had an infamously bad border, allowing millions to cross illegally into the country since he took office.

Worse yet, the massive issue is entirely his fault as when he first took office in 2021, he undid nearly everything that former President Donald Trump had done to secure the southern border.

So after millions of illegal immigrants poured over our border under his watch, on Tuesday he finally signed an executive order to handle the border issue.

Well, again, not really.

What President Biden signed on Tuesday shuts down asylum requests once the average number of daily encounters tops 2,500 between official ports of entry, according to NBC News. But it’s far too little, and far too late.

He talked big talk whenever appearing before news reporters, proudly proclaiming that “The border is not a political issue to be weaponized.”

But the weaponization of the border is exactly what this order is really all about. Biden is trying to turn an obvious weakness for the president into a projection of strength for American voters Democrats hope are gullible enough to be fooled by it.

What it really does is give Biden a Band-Aid on the bleeding wound his illegal immigration policies have caused to his re-election campaign.

While the executive order and what the senile politician says certainly paints a picture that it will solve the issue of border security, everyone who is capable of basic thought processes has already seen through this desperate ploy for approval.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell slammed Biden for waiting so long before taking any measure to tackle the issue, deciding to only act when it benefited his image.

“This is like turning a garden hose on a five-alarm fire, and the American people are not fools. They know that this play is too little too late,” the long-time senator said.

Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz had similar sentiments on the matter, noting how the United States is “facing the worst illegal immigration our nation has ever seen.”

And he blamed Biden squarely for the problem.

At the start of his presidency, Biden inherited the lowest rate of illegal immigration in 45 years.

All he had to do was NOTHING — just sit and leave the border alone.

Instead, he deliberately broke the system.

— Senator Ted Cruz (@SenTedCruz) June 4, 2024

“When Joe Biden came into office, he inherited the lowest rate of illegal immigration in 45 years. All he had to do was nothing,” Cruz added.

“But instead, he deliberately broke the system.”

House Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, a Republican from Lousiana, called out Biden for claiming that he’s done “all [he] can do.”

“He was asked why he wouldn’t use his extensive executive order to address the border catastrophe that he created and 126 days ago he looked into the camera and said ‘I’m out of options, I’ve done all I can do.'”

126 days ago, Biden said “I’ve done all I can do” via executive action on the border.

Today, he’s making invasion-level illegal immigration PERMANENT. @SpeakerJohnson

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 4, 2024

Of course, now that the election is coming up, Biden appears to have more options on what he can do.

It’s abundantly clear that Biden is only issuing this weak executive order for the sake of saving face.

He has meticulously crafted the disaster that pushed Americans to the edge and is now attempting to do the bare minimum to cash in on some quick approval points.

The country will see in November if it works.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

The post Don’t Be Fooled, Biden’s New Executive Order Does Not ‘Secure the Border’ – Here’s What It Really Does appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

California Sheriff ‘Changing Teams,’ Going All-In for Trump

Chad Bianco, the sheriff of Riverside County, California.

Chad Bianco, the sheriff of Riverside County, California.

Sheriff Chad Bianco has spent a lifetime working in law enforcement — and likely never expected that he’d be rallying behind a felon in a presidential election.

During a 30-year career with the sheriff’s office of Riverside County, California — elected to the top spot in 2018 — Bianco has had many different encounters with criminals — and built a national reputation as a law-and-order conservative.

However, the felon that Bianco intends to support isn’t the kind of common criminal selling drugs or committing violent offenses that Bianco sees so often in the crime-loving state of California.

The convict who has this sheriff “changing teams” is a much more monumental figure: Former President Donald Trump.

The outspoken Californian released a video on social media Saturday informing followers that despite Trump being convicted on 34 felony counts in New York, Bianco fully intends to put his support in the presumptive Repubican nominee.


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A post shared by Chad Bianco (@sheriffbianco)

He opens by lamenting how Californian Gov. Gavin Newsom and the other Democrats in power have been actively making the law harder to enforce through numerous pro-criminal decisions.

“For the last five years I’ve been very critical about our governor for slashing our budgets from corrections, for letting prisoners out early, for closing our prisons,” Bianco said in the Instagram video.

“I’ve been critical of our state legislature for passing laws to make it harder to put people in prison. I’ve been critical for their changing laws that let prisoners out early. And I’ve been critical of our attorney general for seemingly not caring about crime.”

Bianco, who holds an office that’s officially nonpartisan, said the “love affair” that leaders within the state have for criminals all stems from the “belief that criminals are not responsible for their own actions.”

Those in power then blame different systems such as law enforcement for being “systemically racist” and let criminals run free to atone for it, he said.

Bianco then admitted that he’s “getting tired” of it all and that maybe it’s time to “change teams.”

“I know it’s going to make some of you angry, I know that you’re going to be mad at me but I’m going to change teams. I think they’re onto something but I don’t think they’re doing enough,” he said.

He said Americans need to go big and rather than simply giving criminals drugs, booze and housing.

We need to “put a felon in the White House,” he said.

“Trump 2024, baby. Let’s save this country and make America great again.”

Of course, the jokes from Bianco about changing sides are more a jab at California’s progressive politicians — but they don’t change his message.

Americans intend to vote for Donald Trump, regardless of a trumped-up criminal conviction.

Even law enforcement agents like Bianco will vote for him despite his newly acquired “felon” tag.

Last week’s conviction in Judge Juan Merchan’s kangaroo court is not the major win that Democrats hoped it was.

If anything, the jury’s verdict has boosted former Trump to even higher levels of popularity than ever before — and that’s saying something.

So, as  Bianco said so elegantly in his video, “Trump 2024, baby. Let’s save this country and make America great again.”

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

The post California Sheriff ‘Changing Teams,’ Going All-In for Trump appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

NFL Team Hit with Major Backlash, Leaves Fans Disgusted by ‘Pride Month’ Post – ‘This Is Embarrassing’

There’s a very simple fact in life: normal people want to enjoy things without some political agenda being shoved down their throats.

If I go to McDonald’s, I don’t want to hear leftists whine about how the company supports a foreign nation they don’t like.

If I drive my car, I don’t need climate zealots screeching about how a three-minute trip to CVS is going to kill the polar bears.

And by all that is good, if I want to watch some American football, I absolutely do not want homosexuals shoved in my face so the team can fit their marketing quota for “pride month.”

Every year when June rolls around, every company throws out the most generic and invasive possible ads for “pride month” that have absolutely nothing to do with the company the advertisement represents.

Of course, 2024 is not going to be an exception.

The Arizona Cardinals wasted no time this year, putting out an Instagram post with the LGBT rainbow alongside the caption, “Football is for everyone. Happy Pride Month.”


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A post shared by Arizona Cardinals (@azcardinals)

Another safe little ad so they can remind leftists throughout America that they love homosexuals and that they should be marked safe from cancel campaigns.

But what the Cardinals may not have expected is how many individuals are beginning to get incredibly frustrated with LGBT values being forced into places they don’t belong.

“This is embarrassing,” one commenter said.

“Sad world we live in. These poor children shouldn’t be knowing what this is,” another user noted.

“Thanks for the reminder Cardinals that I need to cancel my season tickets,” a possibly former fan wrote.

“As a Cardinals fan I lost respect for the team,” replied another annoyed onlooker.

While of course some comments on the post were thrilled with having LGBT values forcibly pushed into football, the vast majority of comments were negative.

And why shouldn’t they be?

“Pride month” has absolutely nothing to do with football.

Imagine if every NFL team made a post about how they supported Israel and condemned Palestine and Hamas.

Leftists would be up in arms, gathered outside headquarters with pitchforks and torches, repeating actions similar to what they’ve done on college campuses.

But because this ad celebrates what they happen to like, it’s A-OK.

The Cardinals and the NFL as a whole, not to mention almost every major institution in American life, are taking sides on issues they really shouldn’t be.

The simple reality is football should be about football. Keep everything else out.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

The post NFL Team Hit with Major Backlash, Leaves Fans Disgusted by ‘Pride Month’ Post – ‘This Is Embarrassing’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Sen. Bob Menendez Is Collecting Signatures in Last Desperate Bid

New Jersey and the Senate may not have seen the last of Sen. Bob Menendez.

The Senator faces ongoing federal corruption charges after 19 years of sitting in the upper chamber.

The politician has been accused of accepting cash, gold bars, a Mercedes-Benz, and payments on a home mortgage among other potential bribes.

Nonetheless, Menendez maintains his innocence and a firm belief that he will be found innocent in court.

However, that doesn’t change the fact that running for office with bribery charges is like running a marathon with ankle weights (perhaps made from gold bars).

“Unfortunately, the present accusations which I am facing, and which I am innocent and I will prove so, will not allow me to have that dialogue and debate with opponents that have already made it the cornerstone of their campaigns,” said during a YouTube video in March.

“Therefore, I will not file for the Democratic primary this June,” he shared at the time.

“I am hopeful my exoneration will take place this summer and allow me to pursue my candidacy as an independent Democrat in the general election.”

For Menendez to file as an independent he needs 800 registered voters to sign his petition before the June 4 filing date.

The filing will permit him the chance to maintain his position or at a minimum provide him more time to consider his options before the August 16th withdrawal date.

But things haven’t been so simple for the long-time Democrat.

According to the New Jersey Globe, the senator has spent nearly $5 million since his indictment to aid his campaign.

He’s also begun to rely on a group of old friends to circulate petitions for him, friends such as Matteo Perez Sr., a furniture store owner in the town where the three-term politician launched his career.

How many signatures he’s garnered so far is unknown but the clock continues to tick.

Additionally, while attempting to get his petition signed he’s also dealing with his trial which is currently on a one-week break.

The break began on Tuesday, allowing Menendez time to deal with personal matters and observe the Memorial Day weekend, but it will resume once again on May 28 and is expected to last at least through the end of June.

Whether the New Jersey senator is innocent or not is yet to be seen, but it’s clear that just the accusations have done massive damage to his political career.

If he can get this petition signed it will undoubtedly put him in a better position as it threatens to siphon votes from the Democrat candidate, putting the seat at risk of being stolen by a Republican.

While it’s a better position, it’s still far from good.

Past the politics proper of the situation, voters should ask how Menendez ended up where he is – accused of serious crimes stemming from serious (again, gold bars) greed – how likely it is that other politicians are doing similar things, and whether any of them are likely to pay a significant price.

Corruption is endemic to the human condition, but for most of its history the US, as part of the English speaking, Christianized West, has been able to boast remarkably upstanding leaders – at least as far as leaders go. But as situational ethics infect absolute values and the postmodern virus spikes our vital organs, America and the West are beginning to rot from the inside.

Bob Menendez isn’t the actual problem. He’s a sign of the problem – an elite class convinced that because of its superior liberal morality (found in philosophy, not history) that it has no obligation to niggling things like traditional right and wrong. And after all, they says to themselves, given how hard the work of fundamentally transforming a country is, don’t they deserve a few off the books bonuses here and there?

This virus infected Americans as we slept, enjoying dreams of prosperity, impregnable safety from without, endless entertainment within, and drugs everywhere. Now if we don’t wake up and begin to purge the poison, we’re done for.

If we really are sick (and we are), hopefully Bob Menendez and the societal rot we’re seeing everywhere else will wake us like that horrible nausea that only comes in the middle of the night, and we then purge ourselves of him, those like him, and the viral stew of godlessness that got us to this point in the first place.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

The post Sen. Bob Menendez Is Collecting Signatures in Last Desperate Bid appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Shock Poll: Young Voters Break for Trump on Two Top 2024 Issues

While younger folks are typically expected to lean left — given their long history of voting for Democrats in the 20th and 21st century — the abysmal administration of President Joe Biden may be turning the tides on that historic trend.

The youngest voters have long been infamous for both their love of liberalism and disdain of conservatism.

Whether it was the hippie movement that heavily involved protests against the war in Vietnam or the modern anti-Jewish protests at colleges, the young minds of America lean toward the blue party.

The youth are also far more likely to buy your standard Democrat lie — untruths like student loan forgiveness and universal healthcare.

Data supports this as well, as an April report from the Pew Research Center found that nearly double the amount of 18- to 24-year-old voters leaned Democrat rather than Republican.

It wasn’t until getting to the 50- to 59-year-olds that they became more right-leaning than left.

Despite this inherent advantage with younger voters, other data shows that Biden may not want to bank on those votes for the 2024 general election.

Research group Blueprint conducted a poll to find what issues voters found most important ahead of the November election.

The poll was conducted from April 27 to April 29, and an online sample of 943 voters aged 18-30 were surveyed by Blueprint. The margin of error is 5.8 percentage points.

Unsurprisingly, the youth widely leaned towards the sitting president when it came to handle issues such as healthcare and corruption, but there were two major exceptions.

When it came to lowering prices and securing the border, most young voters were on the side of former President Donald Trump.

“As we’ve already talked about, young voters are much closer ideologically to Joe Biden than they are to Donald Trump,” Evan Roth Smith, the lead pollster for Blueprint, said, per Washington Examiner.

“But, the two biggest issues of this election, inflation and immigration, it’s very notable that with young voters — those are the only places Donald Trump has an advantage.”

To make matters worse for Biden, when asked what they considered their top issues, topics like inflation and the economy ranked near the very top.

When asked specifically what they wanted to see changed about the economy, the overwhelming majority of respondents (50 percent) said they wanted to see lower prices on goods.

Only 13 percent of those same respondents believe that was something Biden was focused on compared to 32 percent who believe it was something Trump was focused on.

While Trump is still far from popular among the youth, especially those in college, taking away two major issues from Biden is a massive deal in what will assuredly be a competitive general election.

As America continues to edge closer to the election, every vote becomes more and more important.

Any number of voters that typically vote Democrat flipping to the Republican option can easily be a feather in the cap of Trump, and a costly loss for a deeply unpopular incumbent president.

It makes perfect sense this would happen as well.

In 2020, many disenfranchised young people were told (by the media and the left) that they wanted something different from the Trump administration, and that “something different” was Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.

But now those same young people have lived through the Biden administration and seen that it is objectively worse in every metric compared to the Trump years.

President Biden no longer has the benefit of the doubt and the youth can see that.

When major issues like the economy and border security are present, Americans of all ages need to vote for the candidate who will take a step in the right direction.

That is not Joe Biden.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

The post Shock Poll: Young Voters Break for Trump on Two Top 2024 Issues appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
