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AG Nessel’s Lawfare Case Against GOP Alternate Electors IMPLODES: Judge Rebukes AG’s Criticism of Her Fairly Conducted Trial–Lead AG Investigator Fumbles—Can’t Answer Critical Questions

Michigan’s Democrat Attorney General Dana Nessel is the top law enforcement officer in the state. Unfortunately, for the lawfare queen, the case of her career, which involves charging 15 MI GOP electors with 8 felonies each, appears to be imploding.

MI Democrat AG Dana Nessel, Lead AG Investigator in MI GOP Electors case Howard Shock, and Judge Kristen D. Simmons

If Michigan’s Democrat attorney general is successful with her politically-motivated witch hunt against the Trump-supporting electors, and they are found guilty of all 8 felony charges, it would be enough to send each member of the group, which consists of primarily senior citizens, to prison for life.

MI GOP alternate electors are pictured above. The photo on the bottom row, second from the left, is James Renner, who has since accepted a plea deal with the MI AG’s office. Donors can contribute to the legal defense of the  MI GOP electors HERE

Unfortunately for the lawfare queen of Michigan, after three days of testimony by AG Nessel’s lead investigator, it is becoming increasingly clear that AG Nessel, or someone in her office, selected the wrong cop to investigate the manufactured crimes against the MI Republican electors.

Michigan’s partisan Democrat AG Dana Nessel

On Friday, MI GOP elector James Renner, who previously worked in the security division of the Michigan State Police Department, testified in front of Judge Kristen Simmons. During his testimony, Mr. Renner revealed that he had agreed to a plea deal several months ago in return for his testimony in the case against his fellow GOP electors. According to Mr. Renner, his lawyers were in discussion with the attorney general’s office even before the AG’s office filed formal charges against 15 of his fellow GOP electors. Unfortunately for the politically-motivated MI Attorney General’s office, Mr. Renner’s testimony only helped his fellow electors, as he confirmed under oath that he believed on December 14, 2020, when he signed the alternate slate of electoral votes, that the election was stolen from President Trump. He also told the defense lawyers that he continues to hold the same belief today.

Charges against MI GOP elector James Renner were dropped in exchange for his testimony in the case against his fellow GOP electors by the MI AG’s office. (Photo by Anna Liz Nichols/Michigan Advance)

On Monday, while under oath in the pre-trial case against 5 of the 15 electors in AG Nessel’s lawfare case, Nessel’s top cop, Agent Howard Shock, was brutally cross-examined by MI GOP Elector Marian Sheridan’s lawyer, John Freeman, who effectively shredded his case against his client, and by extension, all of the electors who’ve been charged in Nessel’s lawfare case.

MI GOP Elector Marian Sheridan’s criminal defense lawyer John Freeman

Attorney John Freeman explores whether or not the case against the electors is politically motivated

Mr. Freeman began his questioning of Attorney General Agent Howard Shock by asking if he had any previous experience in investigating a case that involved more than ten suspects. When Agent Shock responded that he did not, Marian Sheridan’s attorney asked why the AG’s office felt he was qualified to “lead this investigation?” Freeman asked Shock, who previously worked for a municipal police department, about the difference in working for a politically motivated Attorney General’s office headed by a partisan Democrat.

MI GOP Grassroots Vice Chair and Trump elector Marian Sheridan – Donations can be made to Marian’s defense by clicking on the Give Send Go LINK.

Assistant Attorney General Logan quickly objected to Freeman’s line of questioning, and to her credit, Judge Kristen Simmons allowed the question of Agent Shock by Marian Sheridan’s attorney to be answered. Freeman asked Shock, “Do you ever brief the attorney general on what’s going on in this case?” Shock replied, “Yes.” After Assistant AG LaDonna challenged Freeman, the judge allowed Mr. Freeman to continue with his line of questioning after he explained the public statements made by AG Nessel, where she criticized the pace of the case. Judge Simmons’s rebuke of AG Nessel was swift and pointed, “Any statements made about the pace of this case.

Clearly, I don’t see how they are relevant. It’s 16 co-defendants that she decided to bring. So, how long does she think that’s gonna take? They all have the right to cross-examine, and they all have the right to bring their own witnesses should they want to do that.

It’s 16 co-defendants that can’t all fit in one courtroom! So I don’t know how long that’s supposed to take. Maybe we should’ve cleared our entire year in advance and prioritized this case, but there’s other people who have a right to have their cases heard because they’re sitting in custody, and their cases take priority over this case.”

Attorney John Freeman then asked AG Nessel’s lead investigator about their key witness, James Renner, the GOP elector turned witness for the defense, who previously testified that there were about 30 people in the basement of the MI GOP headquarters in Lansing when the alternate slate of electoral votes was signed on December 14, 2020.

Mr. Renner stated that he could identify at least 15 of the individuals in the basement as fellow electors. Additionally, he stated that he could identify some of the individuals as attorneys for the Trump team and some as MI GOP officials. Mr. Renner admitted that he could not identify approximately 10 of the “white men” in the room.

Through cross-examination, Mr. Freeman was able to get the lead AG investigator in the case against the Trump electors to admit that he didn’t bother to subpoena or obtain a search warrant for surveillance of the meeting that took place in the basement of the MI GOP headquarters to determine who the identity of the additional 10 “white males” in the room.

Freeman asked Agent Shock why, if the basement of the MI GOP headquarters is considered the “scene of the crime,” why he didn’t bother to secure the video surveillance footage from inside or outside of the building to determine who was at the scene of the crime.

In a stunning example of his incompetence, whether intended or because of sloppy work, Agent Shock stated that he was unable to answer why he didn’t try to get any surveillance footage from the so-called scene of the crime.

At one point in Agent Shock’s testimony on Tuesday, things were going so badly for Agent Shock that the assistant attorney general admitted to the judge that she was attempting to get him to change his testimony.

After Shock testified that the elector’s strategy was intended to cause a “pause” in the electoral process, Judge Simmons interrupted the cross-examination to ask him about the so-called “crime” that was allegedly committed, “How is it that citizens taking efforts to cause their legislators to pause a process is a crime?” Judge Simmons asked.

The judge asked Shock to explain if the alternate slate of electoral votes cast by the GOP electors was intended to get VP Pence to accept their slate of electoral votes over the Democratic slate of electoral votes.

Several defense lawyers jumped up to question Assistant Attorney General LaDonna Logan, one of the officials in AG Nessel’s office who reportedly approved the ridiculous charges against the 16 GOP electors, as she attempted to convince her witness, Agent Shock, to revise his statement about his claim about the “pause” in the electoral process.

When the judge accused Logan of trying to impeach her own witness by encouraging him to change his previous testimony, she replied, “I’m allowed to impeach my own witness.” Judge Simmons, who has been very fair in this case, snapped back, “Impeach away. Impeach away,” adding, “That just discredits him further and further.”

It wasn’t the first time Judge Simmons mocked the credibility of Nessel’s dirty cop, who sat in the courtroom for multiple days trying to convince the judge that she should recommend the case against the mostly senior citizen electors, which would send them to jail for life if convicted of all 8 felony charges, should be heard by a jury in a separate trial.

On Monday, Judge Simmons reminded the court that AG Nessel’s lead investigator hadn’t given a “great presentation” after days of bumbling through answers that he was either unable to provide the defense lawyers or couldn’t answer because he didn’t appear to have his notes available for his testimony.

In what appeared to be a blatant lie under oath by Attorney Nessel’s lead investigative agent in the MI GOP electors case, he was asked on Tuesday by Attorney John Freeman if Agent Shock previously testified that there were “no statements that the electors were being told what to do on December 14, 2020,” by the Trump attorneys.

Agent Shock answered, “Yes.” Mr. Freeman shot back at the AG’s top cop, “That’s a lie, isn’t it?” Shock bumbled, knowing now that there are emails between Trump Attorney Chesboro and Marian Sheridan where he gave specific instructions about how to cast their backup slate of electoral votes for Trump.

Mr. Freeman drilled down further on the witness, reminding Agent Shock of a statement he made in his affidavit about Trump Attorney Shaun Flynn talking to the electors about becoming an alternate slate of electors. “Even your boss (Dana Nessel) believes that the electors believed that they were doing something that was okay. Isn’t that fair to say?” Mr. Freeman stated.

Assistant AG LaDonna Logan immediately jumped in and objected to Attorney Freeman’s statement, citing “relevance” and adding that Attorney General Nessel’s opinion on the case “doesn’t matter.”  The judge overruled the statement and appeared to admonish her as she reminded the assistant attorney general that her boss brought the case against the 16 electors and that the assistant attorney general was “acting as her agent” in court.

Mr. Freeman then hit a home run when he made the lead investigator admit that his boss, the AG of MI, had gone on the public record to say that “these electors believed what they were doing was okay.” “Yet, here we are today, and you’re maintaining that they had some criminal intent to defraud! That directly contradicts what your boss Dana Nessel has said, correct?” he asked. “Yes,” said Agent Shock.


This case started as a joke and is turning into an even bigger joke the longer it drags out. Like the Trump case in NYC, this case will likely backfire on Democrats, as each day, the basis of this case becomes more obvious. This case is about a witch hunt. It’s about taking out President Trump’s most respected leaders in each swing state where similar charges have been filed against electors.

When will the United States Congress begin to investigate if these cases against the GOP Trump electors and against Trump’s lawyers were coordinated between Attornies General in critical must-win swing states as a way to affect the outcome of the presidential election in 2024?

The post AG Nessel’s Lawfare Case Against GOP Alternate Electors IMPLODES: Judge Rebukes AG’s Criticism of Her Fairly Conducted Trial–Lead AG Investigator Fumbles—Can’t Answer Critical Questions appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

JUST IN: Former Hillary 2016 Donor Shaun Maguire Explains Why He Contributed $300K To Trump After Today’s Jury Announcement — “My friends are gonna hate me — I’m willing to wade into this fire — Some of us need to be willing to”

Shortly after the announcement was made today that an NYC jury found President Trump guilty of 34 ridiculous charges, based on an unfair case heard in a courtroom led by a dirty, far-left judge and prosecuted by a Soros-funded NYC DA, President Trump’s donor campaign website crashed from an excessive amount of traffic.

In addition to everyday Americans racing to help fund President Trump’s re-election campaign, an unlikely donor also made a sizeable contribution to President Trump’s 2024 campaign following the announcement of the jury’s verdict.

Only moments after the 34 guilty charges were announced, Sequoia Capitol Partner Shaun Maguire made a $300,000 donation to Trump’s 2024 campaign.

Shaun Maguire

According to the Sequoia Capitol website, Maguire has partnered with Elon Musk’s successful Boring Company since 2020. Is it possible that Elon Musk helped to “red-pill” Maguire?

Elon Musk-Shaun Maguire partnership

“I just donated $300k to President Trump. The timing isn’t a coincidence,” Maguire wrote in a tweet:

I just donated $300k to President Trump

The timing isn’t a coincidence

— Shaun Maguire (@shaunmmaguire) May 30, 2024

In another tweet, Maguire included a link that takes the reader to a comprehensive explanation for his decision to donate $300,000 to President Trump following the NYC jury’s decision:

“I just donated $300k to Trump. I’m prepared to lose friends. Here’s why.

Back in 2016, I had drunk the media Kool-Aid and was scared out of my mind about Trump. As such, I donated to Hillary Clinton’s campaign and voted for her.

By 2020, I was disillusioned and didn’t vote – I didn’t like either option.

Now, in 2024, I believe this is one of the most important elections of my lifetime, and I’m supporting Trump.

I know that I’ll lose friends for this. Some will refuse to do business with me. The media will probably demonize me, as they have so many others before me. But despite this, I still believe it’s the right thing to do.

I refuse to live in a society where people are afraid to speak.

The 2016 Election

I’m going to start off with something provocative, but I think it leads to a different take on the most controversial Trump issue, which is obviously January 6th. So here goes nothing.

I believe the 2016 election was manipulated to hurt Hilary Clinton and to help Donald Trump.

Hillary Clinton herself believes this; she has denied the 2016 election result dozens of times and still does to this day. Plot twist: I agree with her! Look into Guccifer 2.0, which was the “hacker group” that strategically leaked her emails (through Wikileaks) in a drip campaign at just the right moments. Turns out it was the Russian GRU. And remember all those fake news and bot farms? These incidents are the tip of the spear — some of the publicly known incidents. There was extreme manipulation happening during the 2016 election.

Before proceeding, please watch at least 30 seconds of this video. It’s “24 straight minutes of Democrats denying election results.”

Russia (and others) interfering in the 2016 election was nothing new; this happens in every election, everywhere in the world. Obviously.

But for me, as someone that used to work in National Security, Russia’s implicit support for Trump made me deathly afraid of him getting elected as President.

I was wrong, and Russia miscalculated. President Trump turned out to be a master of foreign policy and particularly strong towards Russia. If you’ve never seen it before, please watch this two-minute clip from Trump at a NATO breakfast 5 years ago.

If you’re too lazy, Trump told Germany that they’re a) owned by Russia via their energy dependence, b) financing Russia’s war machine by buying their energy, c) not investing enough in defense, investing only 1% of GDP, which was below the 2% NATO commitment, meanwhile the US was investing 4.2% of GDP. And yet the world said he’s owned by Russia?
For other Trump foreign policy wins, he: a) signed the Abraham Accords, b) successfully put Iran in the penalty box, which the Biden administration immediately unwound, and c) he helped India see the dangers of having their comms networks controlled by China, resulting in Huawei and TikTok bans there.

My “radicalization” towards the center

August 16th, 2021 was the day I knew I could never support Joe Biden or any of the senior officials in his administration. This was the day that Afghans fell to their deaths from US C-17 airplanes at the Kabul International Airport, or KAIA as ISAF forces referred to it.

Back in 2012, I deployed to Afghanistan, working for DARPA. I used to fly out of KAIA at least weekly, usually taking a Blackhawk to Bagram Airfield (BAF), but sometimes jumping on a C-130 down to Kandahar (KAF).

I’m not going to go into all of the details here, but this was personal for me — as it was for anyone that served in Afghanistan. Most have the wrong impression of what happened there. Afghanistan wasn’t Iraq. And real progress had been made. It took roughly 15 years to stabilize most of Afghanistan, but the ISAF coalition had gotten it to the place that little girls were going to school in Kabul, sometimes walked there by their mothers who weren’t even wearing Burkas anymore. All of this was unimaginable a decade prior.

And then there’s the strategic aspect. The US’s most strategic base in Afghanistan was Bagram Airfield. Unless you’ve been there it’s impossible to imagine how strategic this base is, and how easy it is to defend. Nestled in a remote valley at the foothills of the Himalayas. Within a couple hour flight of China and Iran, and a few minute flight to Pakistan. I believe this airfield could have been held for 50+ years with 50,000 men. A similar scale to the US permanent forces stationed at Ramstein Air Base in Germany or the US bases in Okinawa, Japan.

We gave up one of the most strategic air bases in the world, and arguably stability in Kabul, for political gain — to be able to say that President Biden ended the War in Afghanistan. And we did it in the most incompetent manner possible, literally with people falling from our airplanes. Everyone I have spoken with that served in Afghanistan knows this.

Global instability

It wasn’t just Afghanistan, I believe that the Biden administration has had some of the worst foreign policy in decades. And this has manifested in two major Wars breaking out during their administration, with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and Iran’s proxy attack against Israel.

Was the timing just bad luck? I don’t believe so. I believe that a weak America leads to a chaotic world.

The failed Afghanistan pull-out showed the weakness of the Biden administration. They failed to adapt to changing facts on the ground, chiefly the Afghan army putting up no resistance as the Taliban drove towards Kabul. If the US can’t adapt quickly in a theater where we’re already active, how can it react quickly to a blitz in a new theater, Ukraine?

Granted the Russian’s botched their blitz, miscalculating the weather, almost certainly to keep China happy as they hosted the Olympics in Feb 2022.

The most damaging foreign policy has been the Biden administration’s approach to Iran. Biden resuscitated Obama’s braindead Iran doctrine. Somehow believing that the theocratic Islamic Regime could be turned towards the West.

But it’s much worse than this. After Hamas’ attack against Israel on October 7th, Iran took credit for planning the attack publicly. Moreover, Iran was so bold that their proxies carried out over 300 attacks against US bases and Naval ships. Many of the attacks haven’t been disclosed or publicized. At least 4 US soldiers have been killed in these attacks. And yet, somehow, despite this, the Biden administration has been rewarding Iran by unfreezing their funds, mourning the death of President Raisi, and hamstringing Israel in its proxy battle.

This level of weakness is unprecedented in my opinion. The US has been kissing the ring of its attacker, literally while attacks against our Armed Forces are carried out. If you start looking, it’s hard to see anything other than Iranian foreign influence in the Biden administration, such as what Semafor reported on, and which was effectively buried by our mainstream media.

The Biden administration has been a dream come true for foreign adversaries, and a nightmare for US allies. Trusting of enemies, and fickle with friends.


To anyone that follows me on X, you know that I’m a staunch Israel supporter and also Zionist. I believe that Israel is one of America’s most important allies in the world. Unfortunately, in a post-Snowden world, Israel is now arguably the world’s top cyber power. And it’s a critical intelligence ally for any US operations in the Middle East. It’s also becoming an advanced weapons partner, co-developing the hypersonic missile defense system Arrow 3 and also Iron Dome + Iron Beam.

The Islamic Regime in Iran terrorizes its own people and their proxies terrorize the entire region. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia has been modernizing at an exceptional pace. Somehow the Biden administration has chosen to cuddle up to Iran while driving Saudi Arabia and Israel away. This is unforgivably disastrous policy in my opinion.

Double standards

The next topic that has boiled my blood are the double standards and lawfare that Trump has faced. Here are some examples:

Classified documents: Hilary Clinton, Joe Biden, Mike Pence and Donald Trump were all caught with classified documents. Only Trump was indicted. Either it’s a crime for all of them or none of them. All of the arguments about quantity of documents or obstruction are distractions to justify a double standard.

The Border Wall: remember how Trump was villainized for promoting a border wall? Biden resumed building sections of it after pausing them, which the legacy media has been very quiet about.

Election denialism: yes, Trump denied the 2020 election results. But as we linked to above, so did Hilary Clinton and Joe Biden regarding the 2016 results. As have hundreds of other politicians since 2000. Either they’re all election deniers, or none of them.

Corruption charges: every inch has been searched for Trump corruption while Joe Biden’s involvement with foreign countries (through Hunter) have been swept under the rug.

Here are some examples.

Three strikes for thee but not for me: Joe Biden was the architect of the 1994 Crime Bill, which most attribute as the source of the mass incarceration we saw over the next two decades (especially amongst black communities). Crack cocaine, in particular, was treated harshly when combined with the 1986 Anti-Drug Abuse Act. Watch this video. Hunter Biden would be locked up for life if the same rules were applied to him that Joe Biden imposed on thousands of others.
This is just the tip of the double-standard iceberg.


This is too broad of a topic to go into detail here, but suffice to say I’ve spent hundreds of hours following the trials and researching the charges against Trump. This has been another radicalizing experience. I understand that normally when there’s smoke, there’s fire, but in this case, I think when there’s smoke, there’s lawfare.

To anyone with a curious mind, I implore you to go deep on any of the charges against Trump, whether civil or criminal. Here’s a very quick summary of some of the fishy aspects:

Election Interference Case: Jack Smith was appointed Special Counsel to prosecute Trump. Jack Smith previously got the Governor of Virginia convicted of corruption charges… WHICH WERE THEN UNANIMOUSLY OVERTURNED BY THE SUPREME COURT. Basically Jack Smith misled the Jury. Why would you choose Jack Smith to be the Special Counsel for this case? Maybe if all you’re trying to do is to get charges to stick before an election, even if you know they’ll be overturned subsequently by the Supreme Court?

The Classified Documents Case: once again Jack Smith is the Special Counsel.

Georgia Election Interference: The Fulton County DA, Fani Willis, has a history of corruption. It turns out that the outside lawyer she selected to prosecute Trump … is someone she was having a romantic relationship with, Nathan Wade. Wade’s Law firm made about $700k after Willis appointed him. This was concealed. Wade has since resigned from the case but Willis is still involved.

The Hush Money Case: The key witness, Michael Cohen, is a proven liar. His testimony has been filled with contradiction after contradiction.

Bank Fraud: Trump was ordered by Judge Engoron to pay over $350M in civil judgment that he committed bank fraud. This whole case reeked of corruption. This was an incident where no harm had been done: the banks had already been fully repaid with interest. The most important point in the case was Judge Engoron arguing that Mar-a-Lago was worth only between $18M and $27.6M when Trump had said it’s worth between $426.5M and $612M. Judge Engoron tried to compare apples to oranges, with an appraised value vs market value for a property that is very clearly worth something close to Trump’s range.

Sexual Assault / E Jean Carroll: the background to this case was almost unbelievable. In simple terms, a woman in 2019, E Jean Carroll, came out and said that 20+ years prior, in the late 1990s, Donald Trump had sexually assaulted her. The statute of limitations on this case had expired more than a decade prior to her claims. But the state of New York did something unprecedented and opened a one year window where people could file claims for sexual abuse going back to exactly the window when E Jean Carroll accused him. So that’s point #1, there was lawfare around the statute of limitations. Point #2 is that the case was highly irregular and ultimately the Jury determined that Trump did not rape E Jean Carroll, despite her claims. But they did determine that he sexually assaulted her (a lesser charge than rape.)
All of these cases are too complicated for most to follow, almost by design. As someone that has been following the cases closely, I’ve had the opposite reaction of what was intended: a) every single case seems to have had impropriety, and b) after going through Trump’s entire life, if these are the worst things they can find, then he did less wrong then I otherwise would have assumed.

Fairness is one of my guiding principles in life and simply, these cases haven’t been fair for Trump.

Where do I disagree with Republicans?

The number one area is abortion. This is obviously a lightning rod issue. As someone with libertarian leaning views, I believe the Republicans have the wrong stance around imposing their views on others. That said, I think Democrats misunderstand the constitutional argument that this should be a states issue.

Domestic policies
Other than abortion, I believe that President Trump and the Republicans have been better on most domestic issues. Look at the quality of life in Red States, such as Florida and Texas, vs. that in Blue States, like California, Oregon, and New York. I used to live in San Francisco and now live in Los Angeles. The crime and homelessness is out of control.
Trump was villainized for his stance on building a border wall, but we’ve had about 10M illegal immigrants cross into the US already during President Biden’s tenure.

The Democrats have been trying to regulate technology — especially open source AI and crypto in ways that incentivize the best builders to build outside of America.

25 years ago I believe the Far Right was vastly more dangerous than the Far Left. But today I believe the Far Left, and especially Antifa, is more dangerous. Our attention and maintenance was on the Far Right while we ignored the Far Left.

The 2020 election and January 6th

Now, onto the elephant in the room: the 2020 election. The topic is so taboo that if you talk about it, you’re immediately cancelled. I’m willing to wade into this fire — some of us need to be willing to.

I believe America has conflated two issues: the 2020 election itself and January 6th.

Just as Hilary Clinton and dozens of other democrats claimed the 2016 election was stolen (which I agree with). I believe there was a similar scale, or even more interference in the 2020 election. We need to be able to talk about this, so that we can fix the problems. Democracy doesn’t work without secure elections. But it also doesn’t work without peaceful transitions of power. Both are essential.

I believe there was extreme election interference, but I don’t believe January 6th was the right response. Bear with me.
So what was going on during the 2020 election?

I held a Top Secret (TS/SCI) clearance for about 7 years and used to work in information warfare, and also cybersecurity. I’ve seen nation-state tactics that most can’t imagine. It is from this lens, and through access to lots of non-public information, through which I viewed the election.

If you go back to the 2020 election, arguably the most sophisticated cyberattack in history was taking place. This was the SolarWinds supply chain attack. This attack was so sophisticated that it’s impossible to know exactly what it was used for. And much of what we do know has never been reported.

Washington has an interesting phenomenon where when something incredibly damaging is learned, people oftentimes clam up and refuse to deal with it. I’ve seen this firsthand multiple times now.

But we also have things like the Hunter Biden laptop scandal, which the FBI was in possession of for roughly a year before the election, and despite it being easy to verify its authenticity, the FBI was actively telling Facebook and Twitter that it is fake news and they recommended banning sharing of the NY Post article about it.

But there were so many other issues. Not least of which was a global pandemic that almost certainly leaked from a Chinese lab, but we weren’t allowed to talk about that. Nor the mail-in ballot issues.

Many point to the 2020 election and say “there’s no smoking gun evidence so therefore, there was no interference!” My retort is that there’s not public evidence and in general the DoD/IC is afraid to push too far on the issue, knowing how damaging it would be to find interference. There’s things I can’t say.

The end result is a 2020 election where Biden and Trump combined received 155.5M votes vs the 128.8M combined for Hilary and Trump in 2016. That’s 26.7M more votes in 2020 compared to 2016. That’s a 20% increase in voter turnout in a period where the population only grew by a few percent. In an election where people weren’t inspired by either candidate. And where there was more voting friction than ever before due to COVID-19.

Personally, I don’t think it’s fair for Hilary Clinton to be able to claim the 2016 election was stolen, but Donald Trump to be indicted for the same thing.

Regarding the January 6th protests. I don’t agree with them. Even if an election is stolen, I think the correct democratic response is to accept it, have peaceful transition of power, and then to fight like hell on the backend to make sure it never happens again.

Regarding Trump’s involvement in January 6th. The clearest thing he did was deny the election results, but again, so did Hilary Clinton. So if this isn’t a crime in and of itself, then what else did he do?

The rest is fuzzy. There is conflicting testimony, especially around when the National Guard was requested. On the one hand you had the testimonies of General Charles Flynn and Lt. General Walter Piatt. But on the other side you have the testimonies of Colonel Earl Mathews, Trump’s Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and The Head of the Capitol Police at the time, Steven Sund. The media reports on Trump’s January 6th involvement in absolute terms but again, if you go deep, it’s unclear. For me, if Trump actually asked for the National Guard to be ready to go during January 6th it’s a major counterpoint against the allegations that he was inciting an insurrection.


In 2016 there were two primary reasons I voted for Hilary (and was deathly afraid of Trump)

#1) Russia helped him in the election by hurting Hilary. This made me susceptible to the media narrative that he’s owned by Russia and will be a foreign policy disaster.

#2) Candidly the clip where he said “I grab them by their pussy” deeply bothered me.

These two things built a pattern in my mind that Trump was out of control.

But now with the benefit of hindsight, revisiting these two points:

#1) To my shock, I believe Trump was one of the best foreign policy Presidents in decades, and during the most complex period in almost a century, as the East rises, which leads to a changing set of rules.

#2) That clip still sits in the back of my mind, but I personally consider the double standards and lawfare against Trump to be 10x worse, and 10x more dangerous for our Democracy.

What’s next?

Do I agree with Trump on everything? Of course not. The area where I disagree with Republicans the most is on Women’s rights. And I’m sure I’ll disagree with some of Trump’s policies in the future.

But in general, I think he was surprisingly prescient, such as with the border wall, and he was also a masterful negotiator, such as with the Abraham Accords.

There’s a real chance President Trump is convicted of felony charges and sentenced to prison. Bluntly, that’s part of why I’m supporting him. I believe our justice system is being weaponized against him.

If abortion is your most important issue, then I get it, vote for Biden. If any other topic is your most important issue, then do your homework and investigate the manipulation I outlined above.

Given the two choices, I believe President Trump is overwhelmingly the stronger candidate. Again, this is something I couldn’t have imagined saying in 2016.


Speak up. Don’t be silenced. Freedom of speech is worth nothing if you’re afraid to use it. We can’t let cancel culture win.

There’s no greater country in the world than America. But America has had a bad decade. America is blessed with a robust constitution, abundant natural resources, and diverse people. The way out from here is by focusing on our strengths, which are liberalism and hard work. We need to start building again.

Best of luck to President Trump.”
*Note that everything in this post reflects my personal views and not the views of my employer. I work in Silicon Valley which traditionally leans very far left. I’m lucky to work at a place that tolerates spirited debate and independent thinking. If the truth is in the middle, it’s impossible to find it without sharing our ideas and debating each other.

The post JUST IN: Former Hillary 2016 Donor Shaun Maguire Explains Why He Contributed $300K To Trump After Today’s Jury Announcement — “My friends are gonna hate me — I’m willing to wade into this fire — Some of us need to be willing to” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

HUGE! Email Discussion Marked “CONFIDENTIAL” Shows Discussion About MI Electors With Trump Impeachment Lawyers and Office of Attorney Norm Eisen, Who Attended Law School With Barack Obama, Architect of Lawfare Cases Against Trump 

On November 12, 2020, only nine days after the hotly contested presidential election, a chain of emails shared with the Gateway Pundit by independent investigator Yehuda Miller showed communications between the unashamed lawfare queen of Michigan, Democrat Attorney General Dana Nessel, her then-deputy chief Christina Grossi, two top Trump impeachment lawyers and Senior Counsel for Massachusetts AG Samantha Shusterman.


MI AG Dana Nessel (D)

Assistant Attorney General Christina Grossi

Former MI Chief Deputy Attorney Christina Grossi

Barry H. Berke – Lead counsel for the Democrats for President Trump’s first and second impeachment trial.

Screenshot from Kramer Levin’s website

According to Newsweek– Berke previously served as special counsel during Trump’s first impeachment. For Trump’s historic second impeachment trial, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) and Lead Impeachment Manager Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) said that Berke had once again been “retained on a consulting basis” to represent House Democrats.

Notably, he has also represented Deutsche Bank, the financial institution that has reportedly moved to cut ties with Trump after decades of business and billions of dollars in loans to the outgoing president.

Senior Massachusetts AG Counsel Samantha Shusterman.

Senior Massachusetts AG Counsel Samantha Shusterman.

The November 12, 2020 email chain FOIAd by independent investigative journalist Yehuda Miller has been marked “CONFIDENTIAL-  Cannot be released under FOIA or discovery request” by the MI Attorney General’s office.

The first email was sent by Barry H. Berke and to Samantha Shusterman, the Senior Counsel for the AG office of Massachusetts. Two lawyers working for Norm Eisen’s law firm, Michelle Ben-David and Joanna Lydgate, were cc’d on the email.

The email’s subject is: RE: Michigan Elector Certification Process – Privileged and Confidential/Attorney work Product/Common Interest Privilege.

The Trump impeachment lawyer for the Democrats, Barry H. Berke, writes:

l attach a memo regarding potential challenges in connection with Michigan’s elector certification process. Could I trouble you to share it with Christina Grossi and Mark Totten.


What does Samantha Shusterman, senior counsel for the Massachusetts Democrat AG Andrea Joy Campbell, have to do with the MI electors case? Why is Trump impeachment lawyer Barry H. Berke sending an email to her about “potential elector challenges in connection with Michigan’s elector certification process”? Was Barry Berke plotting in advance of the ALTERNATE slate of electoral votes cast by the MI GOP electors ONE MONTH LATER on December 14, 2020?


WHY were the emails marked “CONFIDENTIAL” and “privileged” multiple times regarding “potential challenges in connections with Michigan’s elector certification process”? Why were the emails about the MI electors being shared by one Trump impeachment lawyer with the law office of Norm Eisen, another Trump impeachment lawyer, a former law school classmate of Barack Obama, as well as the former President Obama’s “ethics czar” and ambassador to the Czech Republic? According to a previous Gateway Pundit report, Norm Eisen is also the key architect behind the Color Revolution and lawfare cases against President Trump.

Aside from representing the Democrats in their impeachment efforts against President Trump, it’s alleged that Eisen is the architect behind the lawfare we see being used as a tool across the nation to take down President Trump’s lawyers and his most essential leaders (electors) in critical swing states.

In February 2021, The Gateway Pundit wrote about Norm Eisen and his role in the ‘Color Revolution’ in the 2020 Presidential campaign.

WATCH Tucker Carlson discuss the ‘color revolution’ and how Norm Eisen is the architect behind the lawfare being used against Trump, which includes 180 lawsuits against him.

Eisen also wrote the book “A Case For The American People; The United States V. Donald J. Trump.” In the radical Democrat’s book, Mr. Eisen admits he had already drafted 10 articles of impeachment against Trump before former witchhunt House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the Democrat’s efforts to use false arguments to impeach the popular president.

Last week, Eisen was confronted outside of a Manhattan courtroom where President Trump is facing bogus charges in the ridiculous Stormy Daniels case. Trump’s defense witness, Robert Costello, on May 21 testified that Norm Eisen coerced Michael Cohen to pay Stormy Daniels out of his own pocket.

The dirty lawyer, Norm Eisen, can be seen rushing away as a reporter shouted at him, “You’re a f*cking liar! You set this all up, and Costello just exploded your bullsh*t! You’re going to jail, Norm!”

It is my sincere hope, that this is the best sixty seconds you experience all day. I’ve been to this trial over a dozen times to talk to one weasel in particular, @NormEisen and here it finally is…

— Crowdsource The Truth (@JG_CSTT) May 20, 2024

The post HUGE! Email Discussion Marked “CONFIDENTIAL” Shows Discussion About MI Electors With Trump Impeachment Lawyers and Office of Attorney Norm Eisen, Who Attended Law School With Barack Obama, Architect of Lawfare Cases Against Trump  appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

JUST IN: Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) Accused of “Criminally Laundering” Almost $28 MILLION in Campaign Contributions From “Smurfs” by President of Election Watch

Independent investigator and President of Election Watch, Inc., Peter Bernenger has publicly accused the far-left US Democrat Senator Tammy Baldwin (WI), of “criminally laundering” an astounding $27,850,750 in campaign contributions from “Smurfs.”

US Senator Tammy Baldwin (WI)

According to Investopedia, smurfing (named after the popular cartoon characters) is “a money-laundering technique involving structuring large amounts of cash into multiple small transactions. Smurfs often spread these small transactions over many different accounts, to keep them under regulatory reporting limits and avoid detection.”

Election Watch claimed in its complaint to have identified thousands of ultra-small-dollar donations made in the names of hundreds of mostly elderly donors, none of whom had any idea that they had made such donations when a private investigator asked about them.

“The Federal Election Commission states the average number of political donations an individual makes, if donating, is 1.4 per year,” the complaint against Janet for Justice alleges. “239 [donors] donated more than 10 times [each] to Janet for Justice.”

Independent investigator Peter Bernegger has done an incredible job uncovering what appears to be a number of dirty “Smurf” operations that involve indivduals (real and imaginary) who make up to tens of thousands of small dollar (under $100) donations through Act Blue to Democrat candidates in one year or less.

Mr. Bernegger just tweeted a bombshell public accusation against U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI):

Exclusive: I accuse United States Senator Tammy Baldwin of criminally laundering $27,850,750 into her campaigns since 2017, including the current one. She is committing illegal Smurfing, i.e. structured money laundering. We have documented this in extreme detail using state and federal government data. Baldwin has numerous campaign committees, PACS, and other sources funding her campaigns.

This is pure election fraud by Baldwin and all those participating with her. She is stealing from the elderly their identities to use in laundering money into her campaign. Baldwin is committing identity theft and elderly financial abuse.

One specific example is Baldwin using the name of a real person called Sonia (so are many other liberals using this same person), where Sonia has been making 69,433 contributions since 2017. This means Sonia – who is in assisted living, as confirmed by her daughter – has made 7.5 contributions per day on average, every day of the year, for 7.5 years. But, Sonia did not make these contributions.

It was ActBlue and its former corrupt founders Ben Rahn, Matt DeBergalis and Jonathan Zucker. Zucker is now running the very corrupt Democracy Engine – a PAC also committing Smurfing on a massive scale to fund liberal campaigns. Joe Biden is protecting this entire racket, and yes his campaign is into smurfing big time.

Late last year Biden put Dara Lindenbaum on as a Commissioner of the FEC (federal election commission overseas campaign finance). Not long after we broke the whole smurfing scheme with James O’Keefe.

Dara was an attorney on Stacy Abrams campaign, the Abrams campaign was into Smurfing big time. This is all election fraud, on a massive scale. This is why campaigns have skyrocketed in spending to unreal heights. The money is coming in from China, from the US Treasury and other unlawful places. Yet no attorney or law enforcement will step up to bring justice.

Exclusive: I accuse United States Senator Tammy Baldwin of criminally laundering $27,850,750 into her campaigns since 2017, including the current one. She is committing illegal Smurfing, i.e. structured money laundering. We have documented this in extreme detail using state and…

— Peter Bernegger (@PeterBernegger) May 28, 2024

Only last month, on April 2, 2024, Wisconsin investigative reporter and researcher Peter Bernegger of Election Watch Incorporated was arrested and booked by the Dane County Sheriff this morning for the rarely used crime of “Simulating Legal Process,” according to the Dane County Sheriff’s website.

Bernegger was intricately involved in exposing election campaign “smurfs,” or donors who are believed to be unknowingly used to launder numerous small-dollar donations to political candidates. Bernegger previously told The Gateway Pundit that the “smurfing” scheme “looks like the largest money laundering scheme in the history of the country.”

In March 2023, O’Keefe Media Group’s James O’Keefe interviewed several of these unsuspecting “smurfs” to see if they had donated large quantities of money to candidates and political action committees such as ACTBlue through numerous small-dollar donations. Of course, they hadn’t. These donations often amounted to thousands of dollars from “unemployed” (retired) seniors in numerous small donations.

Democrats such as Senators Raphael Warnock and John Fetterman, Governors Katie Hobbs and Gretchen Whitmer, Congressman Troy Carter, and Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Janet Protasiewicz were reported beneficiaries of this operation. Protasiewicz was recently elected to swing the makeup of the Wisconsin Supreme Court in favor of the Democrats.

The post JUST IN: Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) Accused of “Criminally Laundering” Almost $28 MILLION in Campaign Contributions From “Smurfs” by President of Election Watch appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Renowned Attorney John Eastman Delivers Blistering Speech on Illegitimate 2020 President Election – John Describes Complete Breakdown of the Election Process Like No Other (FULL VIDEO)

Renowned Constitutional Attorney John Eastmen spoke in Lansing, Michigan on Friday May 10, 2024.

Brilliant scholar and former Trump attorney John Eastman, traveled to Michigan on Friday night.

Attorney Eastman delivered a powerful speech on lawfare and how it’s being used against President Trump and his supporters. Mr. Eastman addressed a large crowd in Lansing, Michigan, at an event that was hosted by Michigan’s top election integrity group, MI Fair Elections, which was created by the incredible author and patriot extraordinaire Patrice Johnson.

John Eastman described the election fraud in 2020 in great detail during his speech.

The Biden regime and deep state players DO NOT want you to know this.


* * * * * * * * * *

Attorney John Eastman: Thank you all so much. I start this story when I get a call from the White House switchboard. I thought they were joking. I thought it was a buddy of mine saying, the White of the President is on the line. Can you take a call? I said, Steve, what are you doing? I did a hop-up on the phone. And the President said, “I’d like you to represent me. We’re trying to get an action before the Supreme Court of the United States.”

That normally is something that would be considered the catch stone of one’s career. My daughter thought so. She took the brief we filed in the Supreme Court, my motion to intervene on behalf of the President in the Texas versus Pennsylvania case. She had it framed and gave it to me for Christmas that year. It still adorns my office at home.

But a funny thing happened on the way to the forum, as the old guy says, because apparently, in 21st-century America, you’re not supposed to challenge the status quo. You’re not supposed to challenge what government tells you. No matter how blatantly false it manifestly is. When they said masks should be worn or masks shouldn’t be worn, we’re supposed to act like they didn’t change their mind. And then it was equally the same when they said it’s okay to have 50-year-old men showing up naked in your daughter’s showers. We’re supposed to just say, Well, this is the government, they said this is okay. Or competing against your daughters in the swim meet. What’s she going to do when she grows up and wants to get a scholarship swimming or running track and she’s competing against the man? It’s not fair. It’s not American, and we need to stand up against it.

Bill Barr

And the same thing is true with elections. Bill Barr said that there was no evidence of fraud. He looked. Except when we filed a Public Records Act request asking what he looked at and getting access to the investigatory materials that he based that statement on, now the investigative materials are exempt from the FOIA Freedom of Information Act. And what you get back, normally, it says, yes, we have such materials, but it’s exempt under whatever subsection of the statute it’s exempt under. That was not the message that came back. There was a fellow that filed FOIA requests in every swing state US attorney’s office – asking for all the investigative materials that supported Bill Barr’s statement. And the answer didn’t come back. We have these materials, and they’re exempt. The message, the letter came back and it said, There are no such materials. In other words, what Bill Barr said was a lie.

As we know from US Attorney in Pennsylvania, Bill McSwain. Barr was separately telling him, calling in, saying, stand down, hand the materials over to the attorney general of Pennsylvania. Think about that. The Democrats in Philadelphia are stealing an election. You’re going to hand it over to the Democrat attorney general to conduct the investigation. In other words, the investigation is occurred.

The head of CISA said it was the most secure election in history. I mean, you can’t even say that with a straight face. I tried to sell that storyline to Hollywood. They turned it out as too implausible. No, I’m kidding. An article that just recently published based on a speech I gave at the Gatestone Institute in New York some months back called, in quotes, ‘The Most Secure Election in History.’…

…My job was to focus on the illegality, and I want to lay out the basic constitutional premise here. Article 2 of the Constitution is so clearly written that even lawyers should be able to understand it. It says that the states shall choose the presidential electors in the manner chosen by, directed by the legislature of the state. The legislatures decide how presidential electors are going to be chosen. In the first half century of our nation’s history, most of the state legislatures just chose the presidential electors themselves. You can imagine what those campaigns for state legislative office were like. It took a whole new meaning every four years because whoever got in office would be the ones choosing the presidential elector from that state. Since the Civil War, all the states, Colorado, when it first in, chose its own electors by the legislature. But since the Civil War, all the states have chosen electors in the manner by having a popular vote.

And what that means is the election code, how you conduct that election, becomes the manner for choosing presidential electors. And under that constitutional assignment of authority, plenary power, the Supreme Court had said to the state legislators, only the legislature can alter that manner. Only the legislature can decide whether we’re going to get rid of signature verification or water it down. Only the legislature can decide whether we can have drop boxes or human drop boxes. Only the legislature can decide, we’re not going to have bipartisan teams going into the nursing homes as Wisconsin required. Only the legislature can decide, we’re not going to bother making sure we have bipartisan teams at every county table in TCF Center. The decisions to alter those state election laws by county clerks, by secretaries of state, even in some instances by state courts, Court judges, were not only an illegal thing under state election law, because we’re dealing with the federal election whose power to design that system comes from the federal constitution. Those actions were unconstitutional. That alone made the election invalid. I don’t have to prove fraud politically, you want to say, and it affected more votes in the outcome because you don’t want to rest on a technicality there.


In Wisconsin, the Secretary of State there prohibited the mandatory bipartisan teams from going into nursing homes. Why do we have bipartisan teams as part of the law in Wisconsin? Because people in nursing homes tend to be Particularly susceptible to undue influence. And we don’t want that undue influence affecting their right to vote. So you have bipartisan teams going to make sure that doesn’t happen. She prohibited it, claimed it was because of COVID. The fish tank cleaners, I’m told, were still allowed to go in, but not the bipartisan teams to secure honesty in the vote from those nursing homes. That opened the door for fraud. It was one of the main checks against fraud that the legislature had were directed, and it was ignored by the Secretary of State without any constitutional authority. How do we know people walked through that door with fraud? Well, turnout rates in the nursing homes in Wisconsin went from a historical average of 20 to 30 % to nearly 100%, including in memory care wings of the nursing house.

And many of the ballots were in the same handwriting. There’s no evidence of fraud. How many have heard that on that. That alone affected more ballots than the margin of victory in Wisconsin, which was just over 20,000. Another thing which the courts have subsequently held was illegal in Wisconsin was drop boxes. There’s no That’s where authority for drop boxes. And in Wisconsin, they not only put drop boxes in haemily democratic areas, they put human drop boxes. That was a clever way of… They ran an operation called Democracy in the Park, which was a battle harvesting operation for college It’s in Madison, Wisconsin, where University of Wisconsin is. And that one operation over two Saturdays leading up to the election, they collected illegally 17,500 votes. The margin was 20,600 and something. That’s just that one operation. These things have subsequently been held to be illegal. And yet people continue to insist that I am… What’s the phrase they use in the California Bar proceeding? I’m exhibiting moral turpitude because I continue that there was illegality in the conduct of the election. Georgia, they ran what I call portafolio precincts all over town in Atlanta. They created portable precincts.

Georgia Signature Evaluation was not performed

Now, that violated several laws in Georgia. The precincts have to be fixed, and you have to notify people ahead of time where they’re going to be. I don’t think they ever provided notice of what the route of the portable precinct was going to be. It makes it very difficult to have the observers violated the law. The Secretary of State there in an individual consent decree, months before the election, they completely obliterated, watered down the signature verification process. So much so that in Fulton County, they didn’t even bother to try even the watered down signature verification process. They admitted that in one of the cases down there. That was all illegal, and it affected many more folks in the 11,779 vote market in Georgia.


In Pennsylvania, to this day, there are 120,000 more ballots cast than voters. Think about that for a minute. It lends credence to the story that supposedly was debunked about the truck driver who said, I trucked in 200,000 ballots from Long Island to Philadelphia, and I don’t know what happened to that. 120,000 more ballots than people voted. In my bar trial, the Deputy Secretary of State testified, Well, you don’t know what you’re talking about because those numbers are based on the current data in the voter rolls, and that number constantly changes as people die or move out of state. Heather Honey, who heads the voter integrity operation in Pennsylvania, told me how many people from election day to February, when Philadelphia and Pittsburgh had finally finished up voting their numbers so we could compare apples and apples. She said there were only 16,000 people that had been dropped from the rolls over those four months. So he lied when he said that that was the explanation for the 120,000 disparity. I said, If we’d been allowed to call Heather as a rebuttal witness, she would have said, Well, it’s 16,000. That means 120 minus 16. High calculated math. Okay, still 104,000 more ballots than votes. That’s a problem in a state where the margin was 80,000.


n Atlanta, you had ballots coming in from 490 different precincts all over the county. And every precinct has a different ballot because every precinct has different school boards, has different city council races. And so the ballots has to have a key code to tell the counting machine what key to look to to decide how to count those levels on your ballot. And what they discovered in this forensic audit, you run 490 different precincts in random to create a batch to scan of 100. We’ve got any mathematicians there? That means 100 to the 490th power is the odds that that same sequence would be replicated. In other words, zero possibility of a replication of the exact sequence of that 100. They found in that one week on that one machine, over 5,000 ballots that were in the same identical sequence. In other words, the ballots are being scanned multiple times and counted multiple times, or they’re being scanned once and replicated and counted multiple times. And just yesterday in the Georgia Board of Elections hearing, they identified this problem as well as several others, like 600,000-some ballots that there’s no valid image for.


In Mesa County, Colorado, again, somebody made a… She’s about to suffer a felony trial for doing this, but they were going to update the software and the machine machines in her county, all over the state, her order of the Secretary of State. She said, That’s illegal because that update is going to destroy election data. And under federal law, we have to keep all election data for 22 months. And I’m the one who’s on the hook if that data isn’t preserved because I’m the county clerk, the chief elections officer in my county. If that data is not preserved, I could go to jail. So she makes a mirror image copy of the machine data before they do the update, which destroys the data. Now she’s got this thing, and she gives it to the forensic scientist to have a look. They discovered that packets of vote data were deleted and the new ones uploaded in their place. But Mr. Krebs says this is the most secure election in history.


Here in Michigan, of course, you started all this stuff with the Antrim County. That would be a great job. I think it was very clever. Let’s look at the school board race or whatever it was, because nobody will pay attention. There Everybody’s focused on the presidential race. We get a judge and say, Yeah, you can look in the machines. – And maybe there’s an explanation on the update and so I think Mr. Alderman, they back out and reverse engineered what happened, and that seems to make a lot of sense. But both of them identified in the course of their review, unbelievable security breaches. They’re still using the same password for admins that is the way everybody accesses it. It’s been in place since 2008. It hasn’t changed. With that password, you can get into the system.

Alderman has been going around the world for a decade decade or more, raising these questions until the people that were concerned about it were on the other side of the political aisle – now he thinks it’s all perfect. He was the guy who testified down in Georgia in a current litigation. They were going to throw out the use of the machines down there. But then they kept his report under seal for a long time and came out, and it showed security breaches. They found a Wi-Fi chip on the motherboard of the machine in Antrum County. I think I recall seeing a news account that your attorney general was going to prosecute Deperno and his team for planting evidence. Except he had already obtained in discovery a copy of the invoice that had a line item for the Wi-Fi chip.

They’re going after the truth-sayers

These are the things we know. It means that the illegality, the ignoring of state statutes that were designed to make it difficult to do do those things and open the door for fraud. And people with a lot at stake walk through that door. Now, let me talk about what’s happened for anybody that dare stand up to this. What is it? What is it? It’s often attributed to George Orwell. I don’t know if he ever actually said it, but it certainly fits with the things he would have said. In an era of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. I like to make a different comparison. The English used to have a law on sedentary libel. It’s one of the reasons we fought a revolutionary war. If you criticized the government, you could be prosecuted for sedentary libel. If what you said was true, that didn’t matter. Truth was not a defense because the greater the truth, the greater the libel. In other words, if what you were saying and criticizing the government was true, it brought them into greater disrepute, and we needed to prosecute you more.

That, ladies and gentlemen, I fear, is the step we’ve taken in this country. People that are simply shining a light on what went on and telling the truth about it are essentially being accused of sedentary libel. I’m an indicted co-conspirator number 2 in DC. I’m indicted, co-conspirator number 3 in Georgia. And last week, I get indicted in Arizona. I had zero communications with the electors in Arizona. I had zero involvement with the election challenges in Arizona.

Don’t Say a Word – It Will Be Used Against You?

When the indictments started coming down, my lawyer who was the first lawyer, the criminal defense lawyer, I had to hire to deal with the completely bipartisan, neutral January sixth committee. (high sarcasm) That’s what Criminal defense lawyers always tell their clients, right out of the box, Don’t say a word.

Don’t say a word. It’ll be used against you. I understand that’s the right advice in almost all circumstances. But I also understood before he did that that these are not normal circumstances, that the battles I’m dealing with have precious little to do with the actual war. These are political battles. For me not to be out speaking means I am ceding the turf on the only battlefield that matters, which is the court of public opinion. And it took him a couple of months to come around to that view, but he agreed, and now I do interviews all the time now, even with hostile press, even with 60 Minutes, all sorts of things. Because the American people need to have a light shine on what went on. Because if they don’t, it’ll go on again and and elections will cease to matter in this country. As Patrisse pointed out, the reason that is so important comes straight from our Declaration of Independence. All men, all human beings are created equal. That’s the fundamental self-evident truth set out in that document. The corollary truths mean that means nobody gets to rule others without their consent. The only legitimate form of government is one based on consent.

* * * * * * * * * *

This was an absolutely amazing speech by John Eastman.

The renowned attorney then took several questions from the crowd, including one from The Gateway Pundit’s Patty McMurray.

Patty McMurray led efforts in Michigan on several election integrity projects over the past three years, including:

  • Documenting and recording election workers describing the lawlessness at the TCF Center on November 3-4, 2020.
  • Exposing the late-night ballot deliveries after 3:00 AM in Detroit to flip the vote to Joe Biden. They are still unexplained.
  • Exposing the Detroit ballot box footage of dozens of individuals dropping handfuls of ballots into the drop boxes.
  • Exposing Detroit postal workers making numerous ballot deposits at the drop boxes.
  • Exposing the GBI Strategies ballot registration scandal involving THOUSANDS of illegal ballot registrations. The FBI and Michigan Democrats buried this scandal to this day!

Watch the entire video below.

The post Renowned Attorney John Eastman Delivers Blistering Speech on Illegitimate 2020 President Election – John Describes Complete Breakdown of the Election Process Like No Other (FULL VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
