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Yesterday — May 31st 2024Your RSS feeds

Polls Show Netanyahu, Right-wing Surging in Wartime Israel

Two new polls show Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu surging politically in Israel, despite pressure by Democrats in the United States, and left-wing protests in Israel, to force new elections and a change in government

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Poll: Less than a Quarter Believe Donald Trump Will Be Convicted in Business Records Case

Less than a quarter of Americans believe former President Donald Trump will be convicted in the business records case in New York, a survey from the Economist/YouGov found.

The post Poll: Less than a Quarter Believe Donald Trump Will Be Convicted in Business Records Case appeared first on Breitbart.

Nolte: 54% of DEMOCRATS Want Joe Biden Replaced as 2024 Nominee

When asked if they would like Democrats to replace Joe Biden with another candidate in November, 54 percent of Democrats — Democrats — said yes.

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Memorial Day Polling: Trump Eviscerates Biden's Lead in National Surveys

With the presidential campaigns beginning in earnest, former President Donald Trump holds a national lead over President Joe Biden, reversing his lead from Memorial Day 2023.

The post Memorial Day Polling: Trump Eviscerates Biden’s Lead in National Surveys appeared first on Breitbart.

Polls: Tight Race Brewing Between Biden, Trump in New Hampshire

A pair of polls released out of New Hampshire this week shows a tight race brewing between former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden in the general election.

The post Polls: Tight Race Brewing Between Biden, Trump in New Hampshire appeared first on Breitbart.

Cook Report Poll: Trump Dominates in Key Swing States, Remains Tied in Wisconsin

Former President Donald Trump continues to dominate in the majority of 2024 swing states while remaining tied in Wisconsin, Cook Report/BSG/GS Strategy Group polling confirmed Thursday.

The post Cook Report Poll: Trump Dominates in Key Swing States, Remains Tied in Wisconsin appeared first on Breitbart.

Poll: Florida Voters Favor Trump, Also Support Proposed Abortion Measure

Florida voters are more likely to support former President Donald Trump in the November presidential election — but a strong majority also say they would pass a proposed ballot measure that would enshrine a right to kill unborn babies via abortion in the state constitution, a poll found.

The post Poll: Florida Voters Favor Trump, Also Support Proposed Abortion Measure appeared first on Breitbart.

Guardian Poll: Majority Say U.S. Is in Recession, Blame Biden

Fifty-six percent of Americans believe President Joe Biden's economy is in recession and a majority blame the president, a poll found.

The post Guardian Poll: Majority Say U.S. Is in Recession, Blame Biden appeared first on Breitbart.

Harvard-Harris Poll: Majority Oppose Biden Withholding Arms from Israel

A new Harvard-Harris poll for the month of May confirms data from previous iterations of the poll that suggest roughly 80% of American voters back Israel over the terrorist group Hamas in the ongoing war in Gaza.

The post Harvard-Harris Poll: Majority Oppose Biden Withholding Arms from Israel appeared first on Breitbart.

Poll: Taxpayers Turning on Funding NPR

Taxpayers are turning on the public funding of National Public Radio (NPR), according to the latest survey.

The post Poll: Taxpayers Turning on Funding NPR appeared first on Breitbart.

Poll: More Say Economy Will 'Get Better' if Trump Elected, 'Worse' if Biden Reelected

More believe the economy will "get better" if former President Donald Trump is elected in November, and more believe it will get "worse" if President Joe Biden wins a second term, a recent survey from the Economist/YouGov found.

The post Poll: More Say Economy Will ‘Get Better’ if Trump Elected, ‘Worse’ if Biden Reelected appeared first on Breitbart.

Poll: Blue Minnesota in Play for Donald Trump

Minnesota is in play for former President Donald Trump, a KSTP/Survey USA poll revealed.

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Exclusive -- Trump Pollster: 'Virginia and Minnesota Are in Play'

Virginia and Minnesota are in play, Trump pollster John McLaughlin, CEO and partner of McLaughlin & Associates, said during a Tuesday appearance on Breitbart News Daily.

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Exclusive – Trump Pollster: 'Political Persecution of Donald Trump Is Backfiring'

The political persecution of former President Donald Trump is "backfiring," Trump pollster John McLaughlin, CEO and partner of McLaughlin & Associates, said during an appearance on Breitbart News Daily. 

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New York Times Poll: No Chance Majority Would Vote for Joe Biden 

Among the 52 percent who said they would not vote for Joe Biden, nine percent voted for Biden in 2020, and seven percent are Democrats.

The post New York Times Poll: No Chance Majority Would Vote for Joe Biden  appeared first on Breitbart.

Poll: Donald Trump and Joe Biden Virtually Tied in Virginia

President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump are virtually tied in Virginia, a Fabrizio Ward and Impact Research survey found.

The post Poll: Donald Trump and Joe Biden Virtually Tied in Virginia appeared first on Breitbart.

NYT Poll: Trump Continues to Dominate Swing States; Soars with Hispanic, Black, Young Voters

Former President Donald Trump maintains a strong position among key swing state voters and has made historic inroads with Hispanic, black, and young voters, New York Times/Siena/Philadelphia Inquirer polling found Monday.

The post NYT Poll: Trump Continues to Dominate Swing States; Soars with Hispanic, Black, Young Voters appeared first on Breitbart.

AARP Poll: Trump Leads in Pennsylvania

Former President Donald Trump is leading President Joe Biden in the key swing state of Pennsylvania, a recent AARP poll found.

The post AARP Poll: Trump Leads in Pennsylvania appeared first on Breitbart.

Poll: Biden Suffers 28% Decline Among Black Voters

President Joe Biden is suffering a 28 percent decline in support among black voters, an I&I/TIPP Poll survey released Monday found.

The post Poll: Biden Suffers 28% Decline Among Black Voters appeared first on Breitbart.

Poll: Trump Ties Biden with Suburban Women, Massive Setback for Democrat President

Former President Donald Trump surged to a dead heat with President Joe Biden among suburban women, an ABC News/Ipsos poll found in May, reversing another key demographic that previously favored Biden.

The post Poll: Trump Ties Biden with Suburban Women, Massive Setback for Democrat President appeared first on Breitbart.

Nolte: Exclusive — 71 Percent Want Disney to End LGBTQ Agenda, Brand in Freefall

Today, the Disney brand is a threat to small children and destroys every icon (Indiana Jones, Luke Skywalker) it touches. Today, Disney means divisive lectures, scolding, left-wing propaganda, gay sex, boring characters, and even more boring stories.

The post Nolte: Exclusive — 71 Percent Want Disney to End LGBTQ Agenda, Brand in Freefall appeared first on Breitbart.

Poll: Potential Trump Conviction Would Not Lift Biden's Lagging Support

President Joe Biden's historically low polling numbers would not receive a boost if former President Donald Trump is potentially found guilty in any legal case against him, a poll shows.

The post Poll: Potential Trump Conviction Would Not Lift Biden’s Lagging Support appeared first on Breitbart.

Poll: Plurality Says Joe Biden Is 'Getting Worse' as President

A plurality believes President Joe Biden is "getting worse" as president, April's survey from Harvard-Harris found.

The post Poll: Plurality Says Joe Biden Is ‘Getting Worse’ as President appeared first on Breitbart.

Anti-Trump Media Denounce 'Migrant Detention Camps'

The establishment media are trying to scare swing voters away from President Donald Trump's popular, normal, and beneficial promise to guard the nation's borders.

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Report: Americans Say Immigration Top Issue in U.S. for Third Month

Americans have expressed that the most important issue in the United States right now is related to the topic of immigration, for the third month in a row. A Gallup poll found that in April, 27 percent of Americans felt that immigration

The post Report: Americans Say Immigration Top Issue in U.S. for Third Month appeared first on Breitbart.

Polls Show Mike Johnson’s Betrayals Have Fueled Historic Approval Plummeting Among Republicans, Surge Among Democrats

Embattled House Speaker Mike Johnson, who will face a historic vote next week in the House of Representatives to remove his gavel and strip him of the Speakership, is plummeting among Republicans and supporters of former President Donald Trump and surging among Democrats and supporters of Democrat President Joe Biden.

The post Polls Show Mike Johnson’s Betrayals Have Fueled Historic Approval Plummeting Among Republicans, Surge Among Democrats appeared first on Breitbart.

Poll: Donald Trump Widens Lead Against Joe Biden

Former President Donald Trump's lead against President Joe Biden is widening, according to April's Harvard-Harris survey.

The post Poll: Donald Trump Widens Lead Against Joe Biden appeared first on Breitbart.

Poll: Most Agree Democrats Are Using Legal System to Take Out Political Opponents

Most voters agree that Democrats are using the legal system to take out their political opponents -- namely, former President Donald Trump -- April's Harvard-Harris survey found.

The post Poll: Most Agree Democrats Are Using Legal System to Take Out Political Opponents appeared first on Breitbart.

Poll: Republicans Competitive in Key Swing State Senate Races

A poll shows Republican Senate candidates in competitive positions in hypothetical races in four of five key battleground states.

The post Poll: Republicans Competitive in Key Swing State Senate Races appeared first on Breitbart.

Poll: Cases of Lawfare Against Trump Not Helping Biden

Cases of lawfare against former President Donald Trump are not helping President Joe Biden, a survey from Harvard-Harris reveals.

The post Poll: Cases of Lawfare Against Trump Not Helping Biden appeared first on Breitbart.

Today in NY Times Biden Doom-polling

(Steven Hayward)

Today’s third NY Times installment about their most recent poll piles on the bad news for Biden: not only are you losing to Trump head-to-head, and are unpopular, but today we learn that more voters like Trump’s policies and record better than Biden’s.

Here’s the graphic depiction:

Some excerpts from the Times:

And despite holding intensely and similarly critical opinions both of President Biden and of his predecessor, Americans have much more positive views of Donald J. Trump’s policies than they do of Mr. Biden’s, according to New York Times/Siena College polls.

Overall, 40 percent of voters said Mr. Trump’s policies had helped them personally, compared with just 18 percent who say the same about Mr. Biden’s policies. . .

Women are 20 percentage points more likely to say that Mr. Trump’s policies have helped them than Mr. Biden’s have, despite the fact that Mr. Trump installed Supreme Court justices who ultimately overturned the right to an abortion and that about two-thirds of women in America think that abortion should be legal in all or most instances.

In a separate Times story, the Biden message to doubting Democrats is—drop dead. Well that’s the headline the NY Daily News would have used. Instead the Times headline is:

For Democrats Pining for an Alternative, Biden Team Has a Message: Get Over It.”

. . . The Biden team views the very question as absurd. The president in their view has an impressive record of accomplishment to run on. There is no obvious alternative. It is far too late in the cycle to bow out without considerable disruption. . . Members of Mr. Biden’s team insist they feel little sense of concern.
