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Reagan at Pointe du Hoc, 40 Years Later

June 1984 was a tense and dangerous time in the Cold War, but domestic politics were sweeter than today.

Reagan at Pointe du Hoc, 40 Years Later

Ike Returns to Normandy

In the 1964 anniversary film, Eisenhower recounts the D-Day invasion for CBS's Walter Cronkite.

Ike Returns to Normandy

Trump's Trial Violated Due Process

He was denied notice of the charges, meaningful opportunity to respond, and proof of all elements.

Trump’s Trial Violated Due Process

Phony Claims From 2020 Return To Haunt Biden

Democrats eager for a guilty ruling that would allow them to call Donald Trump a "convicted felon" for the remainder of the 2024 campaign got their wish Thursday in a New York court. Mr. Trump became the first former president convicted of a crime.

Phony Claims From 2020 Return To Haunt Biden

Libertarians Should Vote for Trump

He isn't one of us, but he promised to pardon Ross Ulbricht-and he's a lot better than Joe Biden.

Libertarians Should Vote for Trump

I'm a Crime Victim--ProPublica Has My Tax Returns

Many such crimes could be avoided if the government collected and stored less confidential data.

I'm a Crime Victim--ProPublica Has My Tax Returns

Will Biden Drag Senate Democrats Down With Him?

So far at least, his party's swing-state incumbents are polling ahead of the unpopular president.

Will Biden Drag Senate Democrats Down With Him?

What Was Anthony Fauci's Top Aide Hiding?

‘I learned from our foia lady here how to make emails disappear,' David Morens wrote in one email.

What Was Anthony Fauci’s Top Aide Hiding?

A Flagging Campaign Against Justice Alito

The ‘ethics' attack having failed, the left turns to flag etiquette.

A Flagging Campaign Against Justice Alito

Teach Your Children To Love America

For Memorial Day, I'm taking inspiration from the New York schools' 1900 ‘Manual of Patriotism.'

Teach Your Children To Love America

Samuel Alito, His Wife, and the Ginsburg Standard

The late justice didn't recuse herself after expressing her own political opinions.

Samuel Alito, His Wife, and the Ginsburg Standard

Biden's Demoralizing Speech to Morehouse Grads

In his 2013 commencement address, Obama stressed opportunity. His successor emphasizes victimization.

Biden’s Demoralizing Speech to Morehouse Grads

Biden's Weak Argument for Concealing Tapes

The president channels a predecessor in seeking to shield White House tapes.

Biden's Weak Argument for Concealing Tapes

Gavin Newsom's Battleground Gift to Donald Trump

The governor's war on gasoline will hike prices in California, but also Arizona and Nevada.

Gavin Newsom’s Battleground Gift to Donald Trump

Why My New Jersey Friend Is Sticking With Trump

‘It was like he made you feel everything's gonna be OK,' she says. And ‘he's very funny and sarcastic.'

Why My New Jersey Friend Is Sticking With Trump

Biden Goes From the Basement to Denial

Polls show him behind Trump, and he won't come back unless he admits the problem.

Biden Goes From the Basement to Denial

Marxism Is a Gulag of the Mind

The left manipulates politics by inverting the meaning of terms like ‘democracy' and ‘equity.'

Marxism Is a Gulag of the Mind

Brown v. Board: Right Result, Wrong Reason

Segregation is wrong, but black students don't need to share a classroom with white ones to learn.

Brown v. Board: Right Result, Wrong Reason

Preventing Bailouts Is Simple, But It Isn't Easy

The Fed could simply stop blocking run-proof banks from emerging. But that would take political will.

Preventing Bailouts Is Simple, But It Isn't Easy

The George Costanza Presidency

With each expedient act, from climate policy to the Mideast, Joe Biden digs a deeper hole for himself.

The George Costanza Presidency

My Mother's Day Regret

If your mother is still around, don't make the mistake of taking her for granted.

My Mother's Day Regret

Trump and the Lawfare Implosion of 2024

Will his prosecution end up putting him back in the White House?

Trump and the Lawfare Implosion of 2024

The Post-Covid Truancy Epidemic

While urgent events clamor for our attention, it's often the quieter trends that do more to shape our future. Consider school absence.

The Post-Covid Truancy Epidemic
