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PBS Hosts Obama-Biden Lawyer to Warn Trump Will Prosecute Opponents (and Biden Hasn't?)

Thursday evening’s PBS NewsHour warned of Trump persecuting his political opponents in a second term, and they pretended that no one is presently prosecuting his political opponents in their first term. Anchor Amna Nawaz dragged out the "without evidence" swagger:  Anchor Amna Nawaz: For months, former President Donald Trump and his allies have claimed, without evidence, that the Biden administration has weaponized the Department of Justice to pursue prosecutions against him for purely political reasons. But, as Laura Barron-Lopez explains, the presumptive Republican nominee has also suggested that a second Trump term could see an escalation of those prosecutions. Laura Barron-Lopez, White House reporter: Amna, Donald Trump first called for his political enemies to be locked up during his 2016 campaign. Now he's forecasting plans to enact such threats if he returns to the White House. PBS won’t bother to pursue the line of argument that a lead prosecutor in the Trump “hush money” case, Matthew Colangelo, had a high-ranking position in the Biden Justice Department before joining Bragg’s prosecution of Trump. Barron-Lopez promised a discussion about “the rule of law and how a future President Trump could upend it.” She brought on a familiar guest: Ryan Goodman had previously appeared on PBS in February to neutralize all the scandals and suspicions emanating from Biden and son Hunter. Now he’s shifted to throwing out dire warnings about a second Trump term. Barron-Lopez identified Goodman as "a professor at NYU Law who previously served as special counsel at the Department of Defense." But for whom? Once again PBS left off the fact that Goodman served during the Obama-Biden administration, which presumably means he has a rooting interest in clearing Biden’s name.    After playing a clip of Donald Trump on Hannity, out came the "no evidence" line again:  Barron-Lopez: There's been no evidence of President Biden weaponizing the Justice Department, and some of these prosecutions, we should note, are state prosecutions, not federal. What are the implications of Trump's comments to FOX News? Ryan Goodman: I think there are very serious implications, because the president of the United States is the commander in chief, but is also the top executive for the Justice Department, and has enormous power. So this is not just a kind of an idle threat. And we know from the first Trump administration that he, in fact, did try to make good in the threats by, for example, asking his attorney general, Jeff Sessions, to investigate and prosecute Hillary Clinton.  So I think it's a very real concern for politicizing and weaponizing the Justice Department. Conversation turned to Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg. the man behind the partisan prosecution of former President Trump, with guest Goodman ludicrously suggesting Bragg had no choice but to indict Trump. ("The way I look at the Alvin Bragg case is, as a district attorney, what choice did he have?") This is odd, since Bragg's predecessor in office, Cyrus Vance Jr., had reviewed the evidence and passed on the case. Laura Barron-Lopez: There's also been a lot of threats against judges, jurors, law enforcement. From your perspective, as someone who served in government, what kind of damage has this already done to the judicial system? And what's at stake for the U.S. justice system in this election? Is it not hypocrisy for journalists to whine about Republicans damaging the “judicial system,” considering their constant attempts to denigrate the integrity of the U.S. Supreme Court with silly stories about upside-down flags? This segment was brought to you in part by BNSF Railway. A transcript is available, click “Expand.” PBS NewsHour 6/6/24 7:21:28 p.m. (ET) Amna Nawaz: For months, former President Donald Trump and his allies have claimed, without evidence, that the Biden administration has weaponized the Department of Justice to pursue prosecutions against him for purely political reasons. But, as Laura Barron-Lopez explains, the presumptive Republican nominee has also suggested that a second Trump term could see an escalation of those prosecutions. Laura Barron-Lopez: Amna, Donald Trump first called for his political enemies to be locked up during his 2016 campaign. Now he's forecasting plans to enact such threats if he returns to the White House. Last night, FOX News host Sean Hannity asked Mr. Trump to respond to criticism that he would seek retribution against his opponents. Donald Trump, Former President of the United States (R) and Current U.S. Presidential Candidate: It has to stop, because, otherwise, we're not going to have a country. Look, when this election is over, based on what they have done, I would have every right to go after them. And it's easy, because it's Joe Biden, and you see all the criminality, all of the money that's going into the family and him. Laura Barron-Lopez: To discuss the rule of law and how a future President Trump could upend it, I'm joined by Ryan Goodman, a professor at NYU law who previously served as special counsel at the Department of Defense. Ryan, thank you so much for joining us. There's been no evidence of President Biden weaponizing the Justice Department, and some of these prosecutions, we should note, are state prosecutions, not federal. What are the implications of Trump's comments to FOX News? Ryan Goodman, Former Department of Defense Special Counsel: I think there are very serious implications, because the president of the United States is the commander in chief, but is also the top executive for the Justice Department, and has enormous power. So this is not just a kind of an idle threat. And we know from the first Trump administration that he, in fact, did try to make good in the threats by, for example, asking his attorney general, Jeff Sessions, to investigate and prosecute Hillary Clinton. So I think it's a very real concern for politicizing and weaponizing the Justice Department. Laura Barron-Lopez: And when he asked Geoff Sessions to do that, Sessions refused, according to Robert Mueller's report. So what's to stop President Trump from doing that again, potentially successfully, if he has a second term? Ryan Goodman: At some level, there might be very little to stop President Trump from doing that again. We only found out, as the public, from the Mueller report years later what he had tried to do with Jeff Sessions. Even at the time, Jeff Sessions was recused from the very investigation itself with respect to Hillary Clinton. So Trump was saying, please unrecuse yourself and do this. So there was an additional safeguard that time around. And President Trump, according to The New York Times, was also directing Attorney General Barr to go after the investigation of the investigators, which ended up with nothing. It was actually an embarrassment, no other word for it, for special counsel John Durham. So I think that's when he had a more pliant attorney general. And we only discovered that by a New York Times 2023 article about how Trump had driven Attorney General Barr and John Durham to do that, years later. So I do think that the forces that stood up against him in the past are not going to be the same, when he has learned much better how to utilize the levers of power. Laura Barron-Lopez: Right. He could install loyalists across all of these agencies, not just the Justice Department. I also want to ask you about comments from Stephen Miller, former senior adviser to then-President Trump. And he's still close to Trump. And he said on FOX after the New York verdict: "Is every Republican DA starting every investigation they need to right now? Every facet of Republican Party politics and power has to be used right now to go toe to toe with Marxism and beat these communists," using common slurs that Republicans do now for Democrats there. Other Trump allies have called for Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg to be jailed. What are they essentially calling for here across the board? Ryan Goodman: So it's quite extraordinary. Mr. Miller himself, I imagine, will have a senior position in a second Trump administration if there is one. They're calling for state-level attorney generals and local-level district attorneys to just indict people on the basis of politics. It's not as though Mr. Miller is actually citing criminality or actual crimes being committed. So it's just really extraordinary what he's saying rhetorically, but I don't think it's pure rhetoric. And the comparison with what Alvin Bragg has done in New York, I think, is stark. The way I look at the Alvin Bragg case is, as a district attorney, what choice did he have? He was actually handed basically a case that the Southern District of New York said Michael Cohen was guilty of having acted on behalf of Individual 1, but they hadn't charged Individual 1. And in the plea agreement, Michael Cohen pleads to falsifying business records as part of the Trump Organization. So that's a very different crime base that Alvin Bragg was going off on. And what Stephen Miller is saying is, there's hardly a word for it other than, like, retribution and political retribution. But this is really where he's at. I don't think there's any way to otherwise interpret his words. Laura Barron-Lopez: There's also been a lot of threats against judges, jurors, law enforcement. From your perspective, as someone who served in government, what kind of damage has this already done to the judicial system? And what's at stake for the U.S. justice system in this election? Ryan Goodman: So I think that our country is unfortunately entering a very dangerous period in which there are heightened threats of political violence, and there have been skyrocketing threats against election officials, for example, as well. And it's just extraordinary to see how a former president of the United States has been placed under multiple gag orders in order to protect the judiciary, jurors, and witnesses. And I think he's giving a license to other people to try to do the same. So, in fact, in New York, he stopped doing it. But then surrogates seemed to be picking up the exact messaging that he had instead left to them to do.
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PBS Can’t Decide About Biden’s Border Bluff: Better Than Trump or Hypocrisy?

President Biden’s surprise executive order to limit (on paper, anyway) the number of migrants seeking asylum on the southern border led the PBS NewsHour on Tuesday. They gave it thirteen minutes of attention, with a news story followed by an interview that alternately covered for President Biden (he’s no immigrant-hating Trump!) and chided Biden from the pro-open-borders left (though there is doubt among conservatives as to how tough Biden’s executive order truly is). Anchor Geoff Bennett quickly attempted to inoculate the Democratic president, under pressure just five months before Election Day, by running Biden’s self-aggrandizing CYA statement separating his crackdown from anything Trump did at the border. Bennett: The president used the announcement to set himself apart from his predecessor and political rival, former President Donald Trump. Joe Biden, President: I will never demonize immigrants. I'll never refer to immigrants as poisoning the blood of a country. And, further, I will never separate children from their families at the border. I will not ban people from this country because of their religious beliefs. I will not use the U.S. military to go into the neighborhoods all across the country to pull millions of people out of their homes and away from their families, to put detention camps while awaiting deportation, as my predecessor says he will do if he occupies this office again. Bennett: Still, the move is one of the most restrictive President Biden has taken to date to crack down on the U.S.-Mexico border. From there, White House reporter Laura Barrón-López talked about Biden using his “212(f) authority" to temporarily shut down asylum requests when the daily average hits 2,500. She noted possibly wide exceptions to the ban -- unaccompanied children and victims of human trafficking were exempted -- but did note “it's going to impact potentially hundreds of thousands of migrants who have attempted to claim asylum between ports of entry." Biden received a 30-second soundbite, and Congressional Hispanic Caucus chair Nanette Diaz Barragan (D-Calif.) received another 27 seconds. PBS offered one 17-second soundbite from Republican Sen. John Cornyn of Texas. PBS switched to co-anchor Nawaz for the next story, a related interview with Sen. Mark Kelly of Arizona, a Democratic senator who supported Biden’s decision -- resulting in the novel sight of a PBS anchor challenging a Democratic politician, albeit from the left. So that's about nine minutes of Democrat air time, and 17 seconds for the Republicans. At least Nawaz noted the political timing: Nawaz: Let me ask you about the president's move today, because to take this step some three weeks before the first presidential debate, some five months before the election, when polls do show immigration is a top voting issue for many, leaves many to think that it's a political decision and not a policy one. As you’ve noted, Republicans walked away from a border deal back in February, but the president has always had this authority. So why this move now? So now PBS admits Biden always had the authority to control the border? Here’s what President Biden said in January 2024: "I've done all I can do, just give me the power." Now, five months before his re-election vote, he’s suddenly discovered he had the power all along. PBS consistently ignored that inconvenient fact during the February debate over the failed congressional border bill. Nawaz followed up with Kelly with a gotcha against Biden (you know the president has angered the left when PBS does that to a Democrat): “Senator, let me ask you about what President Biden has said previously, because he did slam then-President Trump for using this exact same authority to restrict asylum years ago. Here President Biden is actually debating Mr. Trump back in 2020.” Biden: This is the first president in the history of the United States of America that says anybody seeking asylum has to do it in another country. That's never happened before in America. That's never happened before in America. You come to the United States, and you make your case. Nawaz asked: "Senator, the question is, why should migrants today not have that right under international law and U.S. immigration law to make their case?" The government-subsidized TV network advocates for the illegal immigrants. How does that happen? Unless the Left wants to turn all these immigrants into Democrat voters down the line. On the other hand, the Democrats have been losing Latino voters to the Republicans these days. These left-wing pro-asylum segments were brought to you in part by Cunard. A transcript is available, click “Expand.” PBS NewsHour 6/4/24 7:02:55 p.m. (ET) Amna Nawaz: Welcome to the "NewsHour." President Biden signed an executive order today that temporarily blocks migrants from seeking asylum when border encounters reach a certain number. Geoff Bennett: The president used the announcement to set himself apart from his predecessor and political rival, former President Donald Trump. Joe Biden, President of the United States: I will never demonize immigrants. I'll never refer to immigrants as poisoning the blood of a country. And, further, I will never separate children from their families at the border. I will not ban people from this country because of their religious beliefs. I will not use the U.S. military to go into the neighborhoods all across the country to pull millions of people out of their homes and away from their families, to put detention camps while awaiting deportation, as my predecessor says he will do if he occupies this office again. Geoff Bennett: Still, the move is one of the most restrictive President Biden has taken to date to crack down on the U.S.-Mexico border. Our White House correspondent, Laura Barrón-López, joins us now. Laura, it's great to see you. So what does this executive order actually do? Laura Barrón-López: President Biden said that he needed to take this action to secure the border. And what it does is that it uses 212(f) authority, what's known as 212(f) authority, to temporarily suspend entry. And so what that allows them to do is to — asylum requests will be shut down when daily averages hit 2,500 encounters between ports of entry. Migrants will then be sent across the border or to their home country. And asylum requests will only reopen if the average drops below 1,500 encounters across a 14-day period. And the ACLU has already said, Geoff, that it plans to file a legal challenge to this executive action. And so it's headed to the courts, potentially as far as the Supreme Court. Geoff Bennett: And this is notable, Laura, in part because President Biden ran for the office he now holds promising to make the asylum process more humane, as he put it, for migrants. Who does this affect the most? Laura Barrón-López: There are going to be two exceptions to this ban, which is that it will not impact unaccompanied children and it will not impact victims of human trafficking. But, roughly, according to April numbers from CBP, daily encounters are around 5,900. And under U.S. law, migrants have the right to claim asylum not just at ports of entry, but between ports of entry. So it's going to impact potentially hundreds of thousands of migrants who have attempted to claim asylum between ports of entry. And immigration lawyers told me that they're fearful that this executive action is going to force some families to separate themselves, essentially parents sending their children across the border alone, since unaccompanied minors are not going to be prohibited to seek asylum wherever they claim asylum across the border. Geoff Bennett: The president today was flanked by some border town mayors, Democratic governors, Democratic House members. Still, he's getting some incoming from other Democratic members of Congress and, of course, Republicans in Congress. Give us a sense of the reaction so far. Republicans like Senator John Cornyn of Texas accuse President Biden of playing politics with this executive action. Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX): It is a shell game. It is a shell game. They are not serious about it. This is a conversion based on the proximity of the next election and sinking poll numbers. And we think it deserves to be called out for what it is. Laura Barrón-López: Now, it's important to note, Geoff, that Senator Cornyn was one of the Republicans that voted against that bipartisan Senate border deal that President Biden negotiated with Republicans, with one of the most conservative Republicans that there is in the Senate, Senator James Lankford. But President Biden also received some harsh criticism from Democrats. REP. NANETTE DIAZ BARRAGAN (D-CA): It's not a time for us to turn to Trump era policies. It's not time to go and use the tools that Trump used. That doesn't make this better or OK. On the contrary, we should not be looking to those policies. It didn't work under the prior administration and it's not going to work today under this administration. Laura Barrón-López: That's Congresswoman Nanette Barragan there. She's the chairwoman of the Hispanic Caucus. And she, along with a number of other Latino lawmakers, were not happy about this executive action. But there were some Latino lawmakers that were present that were at the White House event today alongside the president. Geoff Bennett: And lastly, Laura, the president said he will have more to say on this in the coming days. Based on your reporting, what might that entail? Laura Barrón-López: So, multiple sources told me, including some in the room, that, when President Biden met recently with leaders of the Hispanic Congressional Caucus, that they asked Biden to not implement this executive order that he did today. They asked him to not do it, but that they said that, if he had to do it, that they wanted him to accompany it with other actions that would potentially provide relief for undocumented migrants currently in the United States. And so I'm told that the White House is considering some actions that would impact undocumented migrants currently in the U.S. that are married to U.S. citizens. And that could protect some 700,000 to one million undocumented migrants who are married to U.S. citizens. It would give those spouses protections, allowing them to potentially get work permits. And that would take away the fear of deportation as they go along the process to get green cards. *** Amna Nawaz: Senator Mark Kelly is a Democrat from the border state of Arizona. He supports the president's move and he joins me now. Senator Kelly, welcome back to the "NewsHour." Thanks for joining us. Sen. Mark Kelly (D-AZ): Well, thank you for having me on, Amna. Amna Nawaz: Let me ask you about the president's move today, because to take this step some three weeks before the first presidential debate, some five months before the election, when polls do show immigration is a top voting issue for many, leaves many to think that it's a political decision and not a policy one. As you have noted, Republicans walked away from a border deal back in February, but the president has always had this authority. So why this move now? Sen. Mark Kelly: Well, first of all, Arizonans and folks who live in other border states deserve to have real solutions for this problem and deserve to have a border that's under control. It's often been out of control. I have been in the United States Senate for about three years, and it's really been unfair, especially to people who live close to the border. I talk to mayors and sheriffs all the time about this issue. And we had an opportunity — and you talk about the politics behind this. We had an opportunity with bipartisan legislation negotiated by Democrats and Republicans and the White House, worked on for months. We were right up to the finish line on this legislation. And the politics of the presidential election superseded everything, where the former President Donald Trump decided that he did not want this legislation passed and was able to get my Republican colleagues in the Senate to run away from a comprehensive piece of legislation that was going to help the Border Patrol, help CBP, help communities in Southern Arizona and other states. I have never seen — I have never seen… Amna Nawaz: Yes, sir. And, as I noted — pardon the interruption — this was back in February. Sen. Mark Kelly: That is correct. Amna Nawaz: So President Biden could have taken the facts sooner. Why now? Sen. Mark Kelly: Well, he's been calling on Congress for the last three-and-a-half years to do something on this issue. We were going to have more Border Patrol agents on the border, funding for that, more CBP agents, judges to adjudicate, asylum claims, machines to detect fentanyl, changes in asylum policy. These were all very positive steps. I spent a lot of time on the border in Arizona, and it's very unfair, especially to the Border Patrol agents, who have — who often lose control of the situation. The president was put in a situation where he had to do this unilaterally without Congress. But, ultimately, the solution is for Congress to come back together. I hope this can happen soon. It may have to wait until after the election, unfortunately, and have not only a border security bill, but comprehensive immigration reform that supports our economy to help us grow our economy, to provide for companies the work force they need. Amna Nawaz: Senator, let me ask you about what President Biden has said previously, because he did slam then-President Trump for using this exact same authority to restrict asylum years ago. Here President Biden is actually debating Mr. Trump back in 2020. Joe Biden, President of the United States: This is the first president in the history of the United States of America that says anybody seeking asylum has to do it in another country. That's never happened before in America. That's never happened before in America. You come to the United States, and you make your case. Amna Nawaz: Senator, the question is, why should migrants today not have that right under international law and U.S. immigration law to make their case? Sen. Mark Kelly: Well, this is different than what President Trump did. You know, this… Amna Nawaz: It is under the same authority, though, to restrict asylum access. Sen. Mark Kelly: Well, it's under the same — essentially, the same federal — yes, same federal authority to put restrictions. But this doesn't change the ability for individuals to come here and seek asylum. What it does is, if the numbers go up to a point where it's unmanageable, we will temporarily close the southern border for people to enter between ports of entry. They will still have the CBP-1 app to lawfully seek asylum.   That's available today. It's been available for some time now. So there will be pathways. Amna Nawaz: Senator, as you know, that's a very restricted app with very restricted access. This would essentially restrict access across the southern border for people to arrive and make an asylum claim. Sen. Mark Kelly: It's true. Well, I don't agree with you that the CBP-1 app is restrictive. It may be challenging at times to get an appointment. But the idea behind the app is, you register ahead of time, you go to a port of entry, you get an appointment for an asylum claim. People will still be able to do that. What will happen, though, if the numbers go up above a certain average in a given week, until they go back down, we will restrict people from coming across the southern border. Hey, we are a country of immigrants. And it's very important to me that people can come here when they meet the requirements to have an asylum claim, that they can come to our country, especially children, people that have special needs and other issues that they're facing in their home country. That's important. But what's also important is that this is safe for Border Patrol, for CBP officers, for people who live in these southern border communities. And over time, it has not been a safe situation. It also needs to be safe for the migrants. When Border Patrol gets overwhelmed with the number of individuals and people are waiting in the desert, essentially, with no water, no food, and Border Patrol can't manage this, this is not good for them. We have migrants that die, that pass away in the desert. We're trying to get operational control over the situation. It's unfortunate that the legislation in February did not pass. That provided Border Patrol, CBP with the tools they need to manage this. But it became political because of the former president didn't want this issue solved. So Republicans ran away from this. Ultimately, Amna, we need comprehensive immigration reform and we need border security. Amna Nawaz: Senator, I have been on the Mexican side of the border during previous times of border restrictions and seen families who then have to decide whether or not they will decide to send their kids alone, because, obviously, unaccompanied minors still do get access. Are you at all worried this is going to fuel another potential crisis of children arriving alone at the U.S. border? Sen. Mark Kelly: Of course I'm worried. I mean, we don't want to see kids winding up in a situation where, in Mexico, they're separated from their parents. That's not the goal here. I was speaking to the — Ali Mayorkas, the secretary of homeland security, today about this. And as we roll out these changes in policy, what we expect to see is the number of individuals that are entering our country between ports of entry and who are not using things like the CBP-1 app and other lawful means to come to the United States and seek asylum, that those numbers will trend down significantly. That's the expectation.  

PBS Airs Latest Stephanopoulos Rant Against Trump: ‘Shameful and Unconstitutional'

On Monday’s edition of Amanpour & Co., which airs on PBS and CNN International, journalist Walter Isaacson talked to George Stephanopoulos, the former Democratic operative in President Bill Clinton’s White House and now the cohost of ABC’s Good Morning America and the Sunday political roundtable This Week, about his new book The Situation Room -- The Inside Story of Presidents in Crisis. The weirdest plug for the book was ABC's Jeopardy! Masters having George narrate a category on presidential crises.  After hailing President Barack Obama for making the call that took out Osama Bin Laden for 9/11, the discussion predictably turned to Stephanopoulos’s ongoing pretentious fretting about the possible reelection of Donald Trump. Isaacson set the Democratic operative turned media up to spread his fear-mongering about a second Trump term to a tax-funded media outlet. After Isaacson noted Trump barely used the Situation Room, Stephanopoulos pounced: George Stephanopoulos: He hardly ever went there. And his reason was not unlike that of Richard Nixon. In some ways, this was not his place and he was actually very suspicious of those who worked in the Situation Room. He famously called those people the Deep State, and he was a little paranoid about it. So, he didn't use it that much at all and didn't draw that much on the information from the Situation Room…. And I think that’s one of the most chilling conclusions about the Trump experience in the Situation Room: Those who had the highest, most sensitive national security positions, from his first secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, to his defense secretary, James Mattis, to his White House chief of staff, John Kelly, to his national security adviser, John Bolton, are the ones who have the most damning critiques of his competence and character. Isaacson prodded his guest to mention “the unsung heroes of the Situation Room,” i.e. the permanent bureaucracy, i.e. the “deep state.” Stephanopoulos praised the dedication patriotism of the so-called “deep state,” (this after years of the media denying its existence) while basking in reflected glory. Stephanopoulos readily obliged. Stephanpoulos: ….their sense of duty, their sense of patriotism, their rigorous ethic of being apolitical, serving the presidency, not the president, was so impressive to me at a time when, so many are deriding the so-called deep state. I was talking to people from the Deep State every single day, and the biggest thing I learned is that they are the most patriotic people in the government, out there serving their country every single day to the best of their ability, and making it work in the highest-pressure situation, in the White House. Isaacson didn’t challenge Stephanopoulos or even suggest he was overstating things a bit, instead egging him on to suggest the media needs to keep its Trump coverage focused on how dangerous Trump is for refusing to accept the results of a presidential election that hasn’t yet taken place. Isaacson: You've been very eloquent about what's at stake in this election, and you've talked about the concept of the peaceful transfer of power being at the total core of what a democracy is about. What are you worried about and what do you think journalists should be doing in covering this? Stephanopoulos: I'm most worried about how, what is shameful and unconstitutional becoming normalized. I mean, for me, I think it's very possible to just say that the beginning and end of the conversation should be looking back at what happened on January 6th. You know, never before in American history has a former president incited an insurrection instead of handing over the reins of power. Never before in American history has a president continued to lie about that election after being both indicted and impeached. And also never before has a candidate for president refused going in to say, I'm not going to accept the results basically if I lose. The peaceful transfer of power is what's -- you know, is fundamental to our democracy. And what I'm concerned about as we all try to figure out how to cover this race every single day, is how that just becomes one more issue to be discussed, on a par with tax policy or environmental regulations when it's wholly another character. It's very difficult to keep that in context. And I think to keep the focus on how dangerous that is. A transcript is available, click “Expand.” PBS's Amanpour & Co. 6/4/24 2:19:29 a.m. (ET)   ISAACSON: The odd scenes in the situation room, a lot of them, are during the Trump presidency. And he doesn't seem to either care about the place, as you call it, the situation room, or the people, or the process. And he barely goes in and lets it work, especially during COVID, when the room was used to coordinate the response to the coronavirus epidemic. STEPHANOPOULOS: He hardly ever went there. And his reason was not unlike that of Richard Nixon. In some ways, this was not his place and he was actually very suspicious of those who worked in the situation room. He famously called those people the deep state, and he was a little paranoid about it. So, he didn't use it that much at all and didn't draw that much on the information from the situation room. One of the odd things he had, situation room duty officers collect were the banners from news programs, not even the recordings of what was being said in the news programs, just the banners of what was going on below the screen. I end up titling that chapter "Postcards from the Edge." It's really just a series of oral histories from the people who served in top national security positions in the Trump White House. And I think that's one of the most chilling conclusions about the Trump experience in the situation room. Those who had the highest, most sensitive national security positions from his first secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, to his defense secretary, James Mattis, to his White House chief of staff, John Kelly, to his national security adviser, John Bolton, are the ones who have the most damning critiques of his competence and character.   ISAACSON: When we talk about the situation room and you write about it, you talk about the unsung heroes of the situation room, which are actually sort of the permanent -- the bureaucrats and the people we don't know that well. STEPHANOPOULOS: You know, for me, the best part of doing this book was every afternoon, having the chance to talk to these duty officers. I spoke with more than a hundred of them who served across administrations, who come from every part of the government to serve one to three years in the situation room, tracking information, synthesizing intelligence, setting up communications for the White House. These are the best of the best from the government. And their sense of duty, their sense of patriotism, their rigorous ethic of being a political, serving the presidency, not the president, was so impressive to me at a time when, you know, so many are deriding the so- called deep state. You know, I was talking to people from the deep state every single day, and the biggest thing I learned is that they are the most patriotic people in the government, out there serving their country every single day to the best of their ability, and making it work in the highest-pressure situation in the White House. ISAACSON: You talk about people deriding the deep state, of course the person doing that the most, or most prominently, is Donald Trump, as he's running for re-election. And he says he'll get rid of the civil service protections. He'll try to just root out this entire group of people who serve different presidents. How dangerous do you think that is? STEPHANOPOULOS: Huge, huge. And we came close. I talked to one duty officer, Mike Stigler (ph), who was actually serving inside the situation room on January 6th. When he was in contact with the Secret Service on Capitol Hill, worried that they were losing the vice president and explaining to me that most people don't know how close we came to losing the vice president that day. He and his fellow duty officers that day did worry that our institutions were crumbling. And, you know, they even started to implement these continuity of government procedures, which were designed to ensure that the government survived an attack like a nuclear war was being implemented on January 6th. Thank goodness. The republic did stand that day, the institutions didn't crumble. But Mike Stigler (ph), and he's talked to several of his colleagues, is deeply worried to see -- knowing what he had seen inside the situation room and inside the national security decision-making process during those years, that if -- in a second term, we wouldn't have that kind of guarantee. ISAACSON: You've been very eloquent about what's at stake in this election, and you've talked about the concept of the peaceful transfer of power being at the total core of what a democracy is about. What are you worried about and what do you think journalists should be doing in covering this? STEPHANOPOULOS: I'm most worried about how, what is shameful and unconstitutional becoming normalized. I mean, for me, I think it's very possible to just say that the beginning and end of the conversation should be looking back at what happened on January 6th. You know, never before in American history has a former president incited an insurrection instead of handing over the reins of power. Never before in American history has a president continued to lie about that election after being both indicted and impeached. And also, never before has a candidate for president refused going in to say, I'm not going to accept the results basically if I lose. The peaceful transfer of power is what's -- you know, is fundamental to our democracy. And what I'm concerned about as we all try to figure out how to cover this race every single day is how that just becomes one more issue to be discussed, you know, on a par with tax policy or environmental regulations when it's a wholly another character. It's very difficult to keep that in context. And I think to keep the focus on how dangerous that is. ISAACSON: George Stephanopoulos, thank you so much for joining the show. STEPHANOPOULOS: Thank you, Walter.

New York Times Again Waxes Nostalgic for Communism: ‘Not Everything Was Bad'

A Sunday New York Times story by Berlin-based reporter Christopher Schuetze was the latest example of the paper’s repellent habit of condoning certain aspects of Communist tyrannies in Russia and Eastern Europe. for the authoritarian Communist past, “‘Not Everything Was Bad’: Saluting the Mercedes of Eastern Europe and a Communist Past.” Schuetze visited a May Day event in the former East Germany celebrating classic cars from the Communist Era, complete with a young man, Uwe Rockler, dressed as an East German traffic cop. Repression chic! The hundreds of motorcycles, buses, trucks, cars and farming vehicles on display exuded the nostalgia that many here feel for a vanished country that -- despite its oppressive dictatorship -- was home for decades. .... To Mr. Röckler, whose parents toiled under the communist regime, the era holds a fascination. “Not everything was bad, it was just everyday life,” he said. Of the East German police, which many see as one of the most obvious manifestations of a repressive state, he said: “They were actually pretty good criminalists -- in many ways equal to those in West.” The repression was represented in mild, almost joking fashion. Waiting in line to board a carefully maintained bus from 1958 that would take him on a tour of Pirna, Thomas Herzog, 62, remembers the requirements of that era well. “I’m here because no one is forcing me to be here,” he said with a laugh. Among those in Pirna celebrating this May Day, 35 years after East Germans last celebrated it in a functioning communist state, many said the era had been rife with problems, including restrictions on speech and travel, with citizens living under the yoke of one of the most restrictive state security systems behind the Iron Curtain. But as that time recedes into the past, memories of the communist country have become more attractive for many, especially as discontent with the current system grows. …. Conny Kaden, 60, the founder of the G.D.R. Museum, said that despite the benefits reunification brought, there were downsides. The socialist state, he noted, in addition to offering jobs at state-run enterprises, had fostered a sense of community through mandatory meetings in youth, worker and community clubs. “I’m not saying this is about raising the G.D.R. flag,” Mr. Kaden said. “But we lost something, we lost the cohesion.” The paper indulges this sinister nostalgia on such a regular basis that one can break the stories down by regime, from Soviet Russia to East Germany to China to Cuba: In 2017 the paper ran a “Red Century” series to mark the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution that offensively whitewashed the repression and hardship of daily life under Communist rule. A headline over a February 1992 story on the last Soviet political prisoners being released read: "A Gulag Breeds Rage, Yes, but Also Serenity." That was a year-end Notable Quotable for us. From a June 2019 story about East Germany by Thomas Rogers: “But it still arouses nostalgia among some former citizens who fondly remember its gender egalitarianism and social safety net or admire its utopian aspirations.” In February 2018, the Times Katrin Bennhold hailed government child care, presumably accompanied by forced female labor, as a highlight of human liberation: “Eastern women, who were part of the work force and with free child care, were more emancipated than their western sisters, and proved to be more mobile than their male counterparts.” An October 2008 book review carried the astounding headline "East Germany Had Its Charms, Crushed by Capitalism." Moving east, nice things were said about Communist China under mass-murdering dictator Chairman Mao Tse-Tung, including “greater rights” for women, while dismissing the millions who died in the Great Leap Forward in a few words. Don’t forget Communist Cuba under Fidel Castro, on the front of the Travel section in 2018, courtesy of contributor Tony Perrottet: “It’s a tribute to the resilience of the young rebels who -- whatever their later faults once they took power -- took on the brutal Batista dictatorship at great personal risk. The aura of idealism becomes particularly poignant today, as Cuba’s revolutionary dream has become as battered as the corrugated iron ceiling of the Presidio itself….” Reporter Schuetze’s bio noted he also covers “the rise of populism and the far right, which is especially concerning given Germany’s past.” Evidently he has no such concerns for the far left represented by Communist tyranny.

NY Times Front Page Cherishes New Spin: 'Convicted Felon' Trump vs. Statesman Biden

In Saturday’s front-page story by New York Times White House reporter Peter Baker on the aftermath of the Trump trial in Manhattan, Baker relished the contrast between Biden and the “felon” Trump, while fiercely defending the Democratic president against allegations his administration had anything to do with the former president’s prosecution. The print edition headline was over the top: “Biden Denounces G.O.P. Moves To Subvert the Decision of a Jury.” So disagreeing with the verdict in one heavily politicized case is subverting justice? President Biden took on his newly convicted opponent on Friday, declaring that a New York jury’s guilty verdict against former President Donald J. Trump should be respected and denouncing efforts to undermine the justice system as “reckless,” “dangerous” and “irresponsible.” Breaking his long silence over Mr. Trump’s legal troubles, Mr. Biden directly and unambiguously characterized the putative Republican nominee as a lawbreaker whose conviction amounted to a victory for the rule of law. And he rejected assertions that the prosecution was a political witch hunt, noting that it was not a case brought by his own administration. Never mind the presence of Matthew Colangelo, former third-in-command in Biden’s Justice Department, on prosecutor Alvin Bragg’s team. The press love to pretend that all these Democrat prosecutors -- many like Bragg, elected on the promise of prosecuting Trump -- aren't political. We all know if an elected Republican DA in a deep-red district that voted 90 percent for Trump indicted Biden, they wouldn't demand respect for the prosecutor and judge and jury. Baker allowed Biden to pose as a noble defender of American norms. The president’s decision to address the outcome of the trial directly was a major strategic shift. Ever since Mr. Trump was charged in this first of four indictments brought against him by state and federal prosecutors over the past year, Mr. Biden has resolutely refused to discuss the matters. He had hoped to stay above the fray and avoid fueling the former president’s false claims that the White House was directing the prosecutions. …. Indeed, Mr. Trump has been trying to goad Mr. Biden into engaging on the New York case as well as the other indictments by falsely accusing the president of masterminding them. While Mr. Biden appointed the attorney general who has overseen the two federal cases against Mr. Trump, there is no known evidence that the president himself or his White House have played any role in them…. Baker managed to even turn his son Hunter's upcoming federal gun trial inside out to reflect badly on Trump's accusations. The notion that the Justice Department is simply a political weapon surely comes as something of a surprise to Mr. Biden given that the same department is putting his own son, Hunter, on trial on Monday on federal gun charges. Baker dropped the word “felon” a lot, though the actual offense Trump was convicted of, falsifying business records, was a rarely prosecuted misdemeanor, charges boosted up by convoluted and controversial legal shenanigans into felonies. Baker smirked in print: “It says something about today’s politics that running against a felon is not seen as a winning strategy.” Things really got obnoxious at the end, with Baker letting loose with what seemed like years of bottled-up hostility cherishing the compare-and-contrast between Biden’s presidential public persona and Trump the “convicted felon.” The president’s formal statement came at the start of an announcement about the latest cease-fire proposal in the Middle East and shortly before meeting with the visiting prime minister of Belgium and hosting a celebration of the Kansas City Chiefs. Mr. Biden then left for Rehoboth Beach, Del., for the weekend before heading to France next week for ceremonies marking the 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasion. That is a contrast the Biden campaign is all too happy to foster: On the one hand, a commander in chief welcoming foreign leaders and football champions to the White House, grappling with momentous questions of war and peace and traveling to the iconic beaches of Normandy to pay tribute to American heroes. On the other hand, a challenger railing against the system and preparing for a sentencing hearing where he may get prison time, just as convicted felons typically do. “Trump will descend even more deeply into rage and self-pity. He cannot help himself,” [former Obama adviser David] Axelrod said. “Biden and the campaign would be well served to lean more deeply into the contrast between a president fighting to address the pressing concerns of people, and Trump, who fights only for himself.”

RIGGED? PBS Touts Focus Group of Two-Time Trump Voters Switching to Biden After Verdict

The PBS NewsHour quickly rounded up its semi-regular focus group of GOP voters one day after Donald Trump’s conviction in a Manhattan courtroom on 34 felony counts for falsifying business records (misdemeanors inflated to felonies). They touted that six of nine in their collection of two-time Trump voters said that Trump’s conviction made them less likely to vote Trump in 2024. PBS pounced on Friday, with anchor Amna Nawaz getting the focus-group scoop via "Republicans Against Trump" organizer Sarah Longwell and the staff's biggest liberal activist, White House reporter Laura Barron-Lopez. Laura Barron-Lopez: Amna, this focus group was of voters who voted for Donald Trump twice in 2016 and in 2020. And they were slightly already a little souring on him, but some of them could have very well gone back to him. And it was conducted by a group run by Republican strategist Sarah Longwell. And so after this verdict, they said, about six of them, there were nine total, about six of those voters said that the fact that these were felonies that Trump was convicted of carried more weight for them than if they had been misdemeanors. And out of those nine voters, five of them said that this made them less likely to support Donald Trump, including 52-year-old Michele from Florida. Barron-Lopez emphasized life-long Republican Michele, who said Trump “as a convicted felon is completely unfit” for office. Valerie from Georgia wanted him to serve jail time. Only one of the nine, Mark from Georgia, called the trial a double standard and that the case (reviled as a hit job in conservative circles and even seen as dubious in some liberal channels) would make him more likely to vote Trump. Who might have guessed that the "Republicans Against Trump" lady would nudge her focus group into voting for Biden? No rigging there... But the end of the segment was a wall of fear-mongering, with the host and reporter spinning justified questions about, and criticism of, the case into Republican attacks on “the judicial system” itself. Amna Nawaz: Laura, as you know, and we heard earlier, Mr. Trump also continued his attacks on the judge in this case, Judge Merchan. In the last 24 hours, we have now seen Republicans relentlessly attacking the judge, the judge's daughter, the judicial system. What is the impact of all of that rhetoric? As often happens on liberal channels, PBS didn’t bother to mention the Democrat tilt of the Merchan family: That Judge Merchan made a small but still illicit donation to the Biden campaign (New York State judges are barred from political donations) and that his daughter Loren Merchan is a highly partisan Democrat fundraiser.  Barron-Lopez responded with talking points from a left-wing nonprofit that in her phrase, “tracks far-right social media.” Sound objective? Barron-Lopez: Well, we're starting to see some direct impact, Amna, because, as you noted, a lot of Republicans, in addition to Donald Trump, have said that -- tried to sow doubt about the justice system, have directly attacked the judge in this case. And I was working with Advance Democracy, a nonprofit investigative group that tracks far-right social media, and provided us an early look at data that they have been gathering since the verdict came out yesterday. And they were tracking social media across X, formerly known as Twitter, Telegram, TRUTH Social -- that's Trump's social media site -- and they found an increase in calls for violence and violent rhetoric. They also found an increase in calls to dox jurors and to dox the judges. And here are some examples. On Telegram, one posted: "Hang the judge for corruption." On a site called Patriots Win, another follower said: "Someone in New York with nothing to lose needs to take care of Judge Merchan. Hopefully, he gets met with illegals and a machete." And then another one posted: "We need the judge's address, along with his daughter's. And we will be peacefully protesting, but, ultimately, the gloves are off and do your duty." This sudden concern about doxing comes from the same network that didn’t mention the June 2022 assassination attempt by Nicholas Roske on Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh outside a few brief sentences in “news wrap” segments. This segment was brought to you in part by Cunard. A transcript is available, click “Expand.” PBS NewsHour 5/31/24 7:06:06 p.m. (ET) Amna Nawaz: For more on the political fallout of Trump's guilty conviction, Laura Barron-Lopez heard from Republican voters about how this impacts their thoughts on the former president and the upcoming election. Laura, good to see you. Laura Barron-Lopez: Good to be here. Amna Nawaz: So you watched this focus group today with a group of voters the day after that guilty verdict. How were they reacting? Laura Barron-Lopez: Amna, this focus group was of voters who voted for Donald Trump twice in 2016 and in 2020. And they were slightly already a little souring on him, but some of them could have very well gone back to him. And it was conducted by a group run by Republican strategist Sarah Longwell. And so after this verdict, they said, about six of them, there were nine total, about six of those voters said that the fact that these were felonies that Trump was convicted of carried more weight for them than if they had been misdemeanors. And out of those nine voters, five of them said that this made them less likely to support Donald Trump, including 52-year-old Michele from Florida. Michele, Florida: I'm tired of the lies. I'm tired of the nonsense. And I believed the testimony. And that is why I am happy that the jury found him guilty. And I think also, now that he is a convicted felon, he's completely unfit. He can't pass a basic security clearance at this point. I'm not sure if he can vote in Florida. He may not be allowed to go to different countries as a felon. This is not appropriate. Knock it off, Republicans. Find somebody else. Laura Barron-Lopez: And Michele, that voter, Amna, Michele, she had voted for Republicans her entire life, voted for Trump twice. But this verdict carried a lot of weight with her. It carried a lot of weight with a number of the other voters, who also some of them raised January 6 as something — the insurrection as something that had started to convince them that they maybe couldn't vote for Trump again. Amna Nawaz: So, Michele from Florida less likely to vote for him as a result of the verdict. Was anyone pushed further towards Mr. Trump as a result of the verdict? Laura Barron-Lopez: One out of the nine voters in this focus group said that this verdict made him more likely to support Donald Trump. And that's Mark, 54, from Florida — sorry — from Georgia, and he called it a sham trial. Mark, Georgia: It's a double standard. It was a politicized prosecution. It was the elevation of what are misdemeanors into felonies just for political purposes. Laura Barron-Lopez: And the voters were also asked whether or not this verdict made them trust the justice system more, trust the justice system left, or it didn't change their mind. And three of them said that it made them trust the justice system more. Most said it didn't change how they viewed the system. Mark, who we just heard from in Georgia, said that it made him not trust the justice system as much. But as for whether or not they thought that Donald Trump should go to jail, Valerie, 64, also from Georgia, had a very strong response to that. Valerie, Georgia: He should start jail time, the crime — the — pay paid the penalty for the crime. We all know what's going to happen. They're going to negotiate and renegotiate. And he's not going to serve any time, but he will get more time on television right here at election time. Laura Barron-Lopez: And, at the end of the day, they were asked, if you had to pick between President Biden or Donald Trump, who would you pick come November? And roughly six of them said that they would vote for Joe Biden. One, Mark, who we heard from, said that he would vote for Trump. And one to two of them were basically unsure or said that they may not vote. Amna Nawaz: Fascinating insight there. Laura, as you know, and we heard earlier, Mr. Trump also continued his attacks on the judge in this case, Judge Merchan. In the last 24 hours, we have now seen Republicans relentlessly attacking the judge, the judge's daughter, the judicial system. What is the impact of all of that rhetoric? Laura Barron-Lopez: Well, we're starting to see some direct impact, Amna, because, as you noted, a lot of Republicans, in addition to Donald Trump, have said that — tried to sow doubt about the justice system, have directly attacked the judge in this case. And I was working with Advance Democracy, a nonprofit investigative group that tracks far right social media, and provided us an early look at data that they have been gathering since the verdict came out yesterday. And they were tracking social media across X, formerly known as Twitter, Telegram, TRUTH Social — that's Trump's social media site — and they found an increase in calls for violence and violent rhetoric. They also found an increase in calls to dox jurors and to dox the judges. And here are some examples. On Telegram, one posted: "Hang the judge for corruption." On a site called Patriots Win, another follower said: "Someone in New York with nothing to lose needs to take care of Judge Merchan. Hopefully, he gets met with illegals and a machete." And then another one posted: "We need the judge's address, along with his daughter's. And we will be peacefully protesting, but, ultimately, the gloves are off and do your duty." Now, posting these on Telegram, Amna, that is a Web site that is also used by Proud Boys. The Proud Boys were at January 6. So, overall, there has been an increase in calls for violence, an increase in calls for doxxing. And, potentially, it appears that one user may have actually doxxed a juror, but they're still trying to verify whether or not it's that juror's address. Amna Nawaz: Laura Barron-Lopez, great reporting, as always. Thank you so much. Laura Barron-Lopez: Thank you.

Amanpour, Guest Compare Trump to Joe McCarthy; Were Hamas Rallies ‘Pro-Peace’?

On Monday, the interview show Amanpour & Co., which airs on CNN International and taxpayer-supported PBS, aired a conversation between host Christiane Amanpour and Jelani Cobb, the dean of Columbia Journalism School, both fretting over the perils of Trump and bringing the Joe McCarthy era into the discussion (you know it's serious when journalists bring up the Red Scare). The show included this laugher of a line fromAmanpour: "And yet, most journalists, most -- I guess, mainstream media would say, it's not our job to tell people how to vote." Could have fooled us!     Cobb agreed in “yes, but” fashion, insisting journalists must make the “Joseph McCarthy” level dangers of a second Trump administration clear. Interestingly, Trump’s name was barely mentioned, as if he was Voldemort, but it was clear who Amanpour and Cobb were fretting over. Last year, Cobb awarded Amanpour the Columbia Journalism Award at the school's graduation ceremony, and she made a fiery liberal speech in which she also suggested the media treat Trump like McCarthy. Cobb and Amanpour are clearly like-minded liberals, “mainstream” or not Cobb: I don't think that we have to be in the business of telling people how to vote. But at the same time, we really should be in the business of pointing out things that are exceedingly dangerous. You know, we don't tell you what to wear in the morning, but we do tell you that it's going to rain. And so, you know, these are the things that we have to, really seriously, foreground in our work. And we've seen some of it, the eight years since this threat emerged, but I still don't think we're necessarily where we should be as an industry and as a profession. That “threat” of course, was a five-letter word that starts with T. Amanpour suggested the press treat Trump like McCarthy and ignore him: Amanpour: Are there historic examples that you teach at the Journalism School or that we should be aware of? I mean, I remember reading, and I'm just going to get this a little fuzzy, but I think it was one of the main national newspapers back at the height of McCarthy's lies, basically. Cobb: That's right. Amanpour: And his Red Scares and his blacklists and destroying the lives of people. They decided that they would not any longer print stuff that did not, what, reach the level that could be defended in a court, right? Cobb: And so, here's the amazing thing about this, the parallels with the Joe McCarthy era and in American history are astounding. One of the things that began to happen as a result, and McCarthy would say outrageous things and newspapers would just print them or put them on the headlines, they had a built-in conflict of interest because if you said something outrageous, you knew that people were going to pick up the paper and buy it…. Switching to the campus protests at Columbia, Cobb surprisingly admitted there were “some people who were legitimately dangerous who found their way onto campus.” Yet, the dean of the journalism school found no threatening left-wingers, even though protesters forcefully occupied a campus building and at least one student protest leader was banned from campus for threatening to murder “Zionists.” He was talking about “far-right” Proud Boys as the true threat. Some journalism! Cobb: Well, some far-right groups, actually, who were Proud Boys and they were kind of a presence there. And so those were things that complicated the scenario. But for us, we err on the side of free speech and free press at every turn. Amanpour dropped a stunning bit of news – those pro-Hamas contingents at Columbia and elsewhere, harassing Jews and taking the side of terrorists, were actually “pro-peace”: What do you think the lasting fallout will be? Because it really was an upheaval on American campuses and in this -- the domain of free speech versus hate speech, or intimidating speech, or even acts of violence. Because I read that UCLA, which called in the police to stop, actually, a pro-Israel group attacking the pro-peace group. A transcript is available, click “Expand” to read: Amanpour & Co. 5/27/24 1:37:33 p.m. (ET) AMANPOUR: So, what do you make of the challenge for all of us, and for you, as the dean of the major journalism school of what's happening right now, as I said, this avalanche of disinformation right around yet another important election? COBB: Yes. So, I think this is not a new problem. AMANPOUR: No. COBB: No, obviously -- AMANPOUR: But it's getting worse. COBB: It's getting worse. And the problem that I think we really confront is the learning curve for us, you know, socially, you know, as democratic societies and professionally, particularly in the journalism world, we have not quite figured out the formula that we need in order to address how we operate in a disinformation ecosystem. And all these things are coming to a head as we see this wave of elections around the world and this is going to be a defining issue in the coming -- AMANPOUR: And you're in London and you're meeting with a lot of likeminded people. COBB: Sure. AMANPOUR: And from here, you can really see the rest of the world and all the elections that are going on. But my question, Jelani, is you're also a journalist. We're not quite up to it, but it's been -- how long has it been since Trump was first elected? And we still haven't got it right. How would you think the mainstream media, let's just say television since we're on television, is covering Trump in a -- now, you know, taking everything that he says live and all the rest of it? COBB: So, I mean, I think that we see things like still treating him as if he were a normal candidate. Still reporting on him, you know, and the kinds of protocols you would use for a normal candidacy. Not kind of drilling down on facts. Being susceptible to the distractions. If he says or does something outrageous and, you know, we chase after it like a pet chasing a shiny toy as opposed to drilling down on fact after fact after fact, doing the things that are boring, quite frankly, the things that are less spectacular, but the things that really go to the heart of saying who this person is, what he actually stands for, what the threats, the potential threats to -- in the United States, our democratic system and the -- by implication, the threats globally, that could be a product of his presidency if he were to be elected again. Like that's the work that I think that we have to really emphasize. AMANPOUR: I mean, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry when I saw a headline that -- I'm paraphrasing -- Trump declares the FBI was locked and loaded ready to kill him when they were searching Mar-a-Lago for these, you know, classified documents that shouldn't have been in his possession and that he was actually not forthcoming about. So, that's the kind of craziness that we're dealing with. And yet, most journalists, most -- I guess, mainstream media would say, it's not our job to tell people how to vote. Are those two connected? COBB: Yes. I don't think that we have to be in the business of telling people how to vote. But at the same time, we really should be in the business of pointing out things that are exceedingly dangerous. You know, we don't tell you what to wear in the morning, but we do tell you that it's going to rain. And so, you know, these are the things that we have to, you know, really seriously, you know, foreground in our work. And we've seen some of it, you know, the eight years since this threat emerged, but I still don't think we're necessarily where we should be as an industry and as a profession. AMANPOUR: Are there historic examples that you teach at the Journalism School or that we should be aware of? I mean, I remember reading, and I'm just going to get this a little fuzzy, but I think it was one of the main national newspapers back at the height of McCarthy's lies, basically. COBB: That's right. AMANPOUR: And his red scares and his blacklists and destroying the lives of people. They decided that they would not any longer print stuff that did not, what, reach the level that could be defended in a court, right? COBB: And so, here's the amazing thing about this, the parallels with the Joe McCarthy era and in American history are astounding. One of the things that began to happen as a result, and McCarthy would say outrageous things and newspapers would just print them or put them on the headlines, they had a built-in conflict of interest because if you said something outrageous, you knew that people were going to pick up the paper and buy it. But over the time, as people began to see the corrosive effects of what they were doing, they began to correct him in headlines, parenthetically, McCarthy accuses a congressman of being a communist, parentheses, no evidence this is true. And so, there was a learning curve where they recognized the real danger of what they had been doing. AMANPOUR: And what did that do to his -- the potency of his lies and his red baiting? COBB: Well, it certainly made it more difficult for him to be able to do that. And the other part of it was that, just as he had been a product of the news media, it was television media that brought him down. You know, and so, it was a kind of almost immune response. AMANPOUR: People like Edward R. Murrow. COBB: Edward R. Murrow, that's right. AMANPOUR: And his forensic digging into it all. COBB: And that is exactly the case study that we used. Yes. AMANPOUR: OK. But we know that we're not there anymore. We've got multiple television organizations. We've got multiple, multiple online silos and social media platforms. How is anybody meant to know which has the so- called good housekeeping seal of approval in terms of journalism? COBB: Well, I think one of the problems is that, you know, we on, you know, the broader kind of regulatory side, you know, that's an environment that was infinitely more complicated than it was in the 1950s in the United States. But we haven't come to any real conclusions about what should be done with disinformation, about whether protected speech includes lies. You know, that's a really complicated area of American law. So, some of this is in the realm of what journalists have to be, you know, thinking about. Some of this is in the realm of governments and policy and judiciary and legislatures. You know, this is really a multifaceted, layered problem that we're trying to grapple with all at once. AMANPOUR: And you are, as I said, the dean of Columbia Journalism School and a practicing journalist. How did you grapple with what was happening on your campus, the protests, calling in the police, essentially the struggle between protest and speech? COBB: Sure. So, you know, at the Journalism School, we kind of looked at this in a slight -- I think maybe slightly differently from other – some of the other institutions at Columbia, because this is something we would report on. And so, we followed the protocols of any news organization. Youknow, we were proponents of the free press, proponents of free speech, and went out and covered the story. And it was a really amazing moment to see, you know, our faculty and people who were literally in their classes out working shoulder to shoulder and reporting on what was going on. And so, you know, there were complicated kind of issues around, you know, whether there were threats, you know, there were some people who were legitimately dangerous who found their way onto campus, you know, who -- AMANPOUR: Outsiders, as the police said? COBB: Well, some far-right groups, actually, you know, who were Proud Boys and they we're kind of a presence there. And so, those are things that complicated the scenario. But for us, you know, we err on the side of free speech and free press at every turn. AMANPOUR: What do you think the lasting fallout will be? Because it really was an upheaval on American campuses and in this -- the domain of free speech versus hate speech, or intimidating speech, or even acts of violence. Because I read that UCLA, which called in the police to stop, actually, a pro-Israel group attacking the pro-peace group. COBB: Sure, sure. AMANPOUR: Now, the -- UCLA has dismissed some of those -- their own law enforcement officers and things. So, what do you think the fallout is going to be on campus? COBB: It's hard to say. Honestly, we can't predict. The one thing that I can say is that this story seems to have abated because, you know, schools are in recess and graduation has taken place. By no means should we presume that that means the story is over. That the implications and ramifications of this will likely continue into the next academic year, if not beyond. AMANPOUR: And globally, where do you see journalism as a defender of democracy? Obviously, truth, but that's a pillar of democracy. COBB: Well, it's really disturbing because, at the same time, we talked about all these threats of misinformation and authoritarianism and so on. It is disturbing to see that we have had -- even if we exclude, you know, Gaza and Israel, we have had an astounding number of journalists die in the course of conducting their work. Certainly, in Ukraine, in Latin America, in Africa, the Committee to Protect Journalists has been all over this story and pointing out the tremendous uptick. And so, I think the general climate of anti-democracy has translated into very real dangers for us as we go about doing this work. And the fundamental reality of it is, is that we believe, optimistically, that the world is a better place when we know what is going on around it, so much so that we're willing to risk our lives to provide people with information. If nothing else, that's a banner an indicator of how important democracy is.

New York Times Can't Handle Fetterman's Rightward Shift: 'Caustic...Hostile'

On the front page of Sunday’s New York Times, congressional correspondent Annie Karni sympathized with recent criticism of Pennsylvania’s freshman Democratic senior, John Fetterman - once mocked in Republican circles for his Senate floor fashion sense but now reviled by the left for his support of Israel and other iconoclastic positions - in “Fetterman, Flashing a Sharper Edge, Keeps Picking Fights With the Left.” Karni led off with an anecdote to make the left’s case of Fetterman, a Democratic mental health hero turned cranky troglodyte: Senator John Fetterman was hard to miss, lumbering down an empty hallway in a Senate office building dressed in his signature baggy gym shorts and a black hoodie. So when Stevie O’Hanlon, an environmentalist and organizer from Chester County, Pa., spotted him recently, she took the opportunity to question her home-state senator about a pipeline in her community. Mr. Fetterman’s reaction was surprisingly hostile. Raising his phone to capture the confrontation on video, the senator began ridiculing her. “I didn’t expect this!” Mr. Fetterman said, feigning excitement. “Oh my gosh!” As Ms. O’Hanlon politely pressed him on what she called his “change of heart” on the issue of the local pipeline, which he had previously opposed, Mr. Fetterman pulled faces of faux concern until he stepped onto an elevator and let the closing door end the interaction. Ms. O’Hanlon, a co-founder of the progressive Sunrise Movement, was stunned. “I’ve talked to Republicans who are much friendlier than that,” she said in an interview, after a clip of the interaction circulated widely on social media. “The person that we voted for is not the person who mocks constituents when they bring up concerns.” What kind of monster is this? Ms. O’Hanlon is not the only one wondering who Mr. Fetterman has become. Since last fall, the first-term Democratic senator from Pennsylvania has undergone a significant change in political persona. He routinely takes aim at the left wing of his party that he once courted -- and appears to enjoy the spasms of anger he produces because of it, as well as the strange new respect he commands from right-wing media outlets that once dismissed him as a vegetable and lobbed sexist attacks at his wife. Mr. Fetterman’s sharpest break with the left has been on the Israel-Hamas War. A firm backer of Israel before the war, he decided early in the conflict that he would offer unconditional support for Israel and its prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. He has relentlessly hewed to that stance, at times provocatively. Fetterman was fine until he started leaning rightward, apparently. The hostile characterizations continued: But those who have observed his recent transformation also describe a shift in demeanor by Mr. Fetterman, who has begun to express himself in more caustic, sometimes hostile ways. She blamed Fox News and the New York Post for creating this Frankenstein Fetterman: Former staff members and supporters suggest there is more at play, both personally and politically. Mr. Fetterman, who swore off social media, and news in general, after his hospitalization for depression, for a time relied on staff to curate a package of clips that kept him up to speed on what he needed to know. But his return to work and sharp break with the left has coincided with a distinct shift to the right in his media diet; he sometimes appears sucked into a vortex dominated by social media, The New York Post and Fox News, where for the first time in his political career, he is receiving approving coverage. Karni admitted Fetterman's "repudiation of the left" has helped him in Pennsylvania polling. But now that he supports Benjamin Netanyahu’s “far right government” in Israel, it’s suddenly important that Times readers know “he lacks a deep familiarity with the region.” (This after the Times fiercely defended Fetterman from Republican attacks on his mental capability after his hospitalization for depression.) Karni was far more supportive of Fetterman in 2023, when “hard-right” Republicans targeted him for his slobby attire on the Senate floor in defiance of Senate rules.

PBS Doc Falsely Blames Big-Spending Nixon for Punitive Repression of Blacks

“The Riot Report,” the latest entry in PBS’s historical documentary series American Experience, regrets the lack of influence of the radical 1967 government-issued report on race relations, widely known as the Kerner Commission Report. The report’s infamous concluding statement encapsulated liberal pessimism on race, and that the billions of dollars spilled out for anti-poverty programs wasn’t nearly enough: “This is our basic conclusion. Our nation is moving toward two societies. One black, one white. Separate and unequal.” The two-hour PBS program was larded with left-wing voices like Elizabeth Hinton of Yale University, and Jelani Cobb, dean of Columbia Journalism School. Before the main course, a small sample platter was another cold serving of misguided Nixon-bashing. Hinton came out against preventive policing designed to keep crimes from happening. "The police also supported tactical patrol units who walked the streets in order to prevent crime before it occurred. Essentially subjecting people of color to a set of laws that people in middle-class suburban and white communities would never be subjected to," she said. Later, she enthused the Kerner Commission wanted even more spending to address the inner city “rebellions” (don’t call them riots). Jelani Cobb of Columbia was pleased that the report led to more media diversity and coverage of urban issues “with more nuance, and more balance” -- in other words, the coverage became even more liberal as the 1960s and 1970s wore on.     In February 2023, Cobb appeared on PBS to forward the wild argument that the five black police officers who killed Tyre Nichols could have been motivated by self-hatred, having internalized “white supremacy.” Robert Kennedy, who would run for president in 1968 before being assassinated in Los Angeles, was lauded by another hand-picked liberal historian, John Powell of the UC Berkeley Othering & Belonging Institute (gee, wonder which way he leans politically?): I think Robert Kennedy really cared about the country. And increasingly to him that included marginalized people, including African Americans….I have to believe, maybe 'cause I wanna believe, that if Kennedy had lived, the Kerner Commission would've lived and the country would be in such a different place. But instead Nixon comes along and says, we're not doing this. The producers found a convenient long-time liberal bogeyman in new president Richard Nixon. President Nixon, archive: For the past five years, we have been deluged by government programs for the unemployed, programs for the cities, programs for the poor, and we have reaped from these programs an ugly harvest of frustration, violence, and failure across the land. I say it's time to quit pouring billions of dollars into programs that have failed in the United States of America. (...) Hinton: Lyndon Johnson had introduced a new punitive element in national policy. Of course, Johnson did this alongside his ambitious social welfare program. But when Richard Nixon took office, he abandoned the social welfare part and really seized on the punitive elements of the Great Society and expanded them. Over the scene of Nixon being sworn into office, Hinton lamented: "So we begin to see even more aggressive policing tactics being embraced by national policy makers. We begin to see more draconian laws and sentencing provisions being enacted. And the carceral state continued to expand." Commission staffer David Boesel huffed that the riots ushered in “a racially conservative political era in which law and order and repression pretty much prevailed, and that suited most of the white citizenry of the country.” Despite the liberal conventional wisdom spouted on PBS, Richard Nixon, his administration actually proposed a precursor to the left-wing notion of Universal Basic Income and ended up expanding the welfare state, according to scholar Richard P. Nathan: “Over the six years Nixon held office, Nathan writes, total domestic spending rose from 10.3 percent of the gross national product to 13.7 percent.” No such inconvenient thoughts pieced the left-wing tax-funded bubble. Columbia’s Cobb paid tribute to Kerner via a left-wing “touchstone,” the 1992 Rodney King “uprisings” (or as normal people know them, riots): "My first serious engagement with the Kerner Report was in 1992, in the aftermath of the Rodney King uprisings in Los Angeles…"

PBS Surprise: CBS’s O’Keefe Slaps Down NPR Hysteria on Alito Flag Issue

During a segment entitled “Alito Under Fire,” the latest episode of PBS’s Friday political roundtable Washington Week with The Atlantic aired some less-collegial-than-usual exchanges between CBS News senior White House correspondent Ed O’Keefe and Mara Liasson of National Public Radio, concerning the flag controversies the media was wrapping around conservative Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, with Democrats pouncing to demand Alito recuse himself from upcoming January 6 related cases. Liasson, public radio’s representative on the panel, was the most vituperative and historically ignorant regarding the second shoe to drop (or flag to unfurl) in this so-called scandal, so lame the Washington Post passed on the scoop when it was offered in 2021 -- the “Appeal to Heaven” flag that flew outside Alito’s beach house in New Jersey. "[Alito] was so quick to blame his wife on the upside-down flag, he hasn`t said anything about this other flag, which is also a symbol of the insurrection." she falsely proclaimed. "So, you’d think if he had a handy excuse, he would have used it."     Liasson had to be gently reminded by host Jeffrey Goldberg that "One handy excuse is that it is an actual Revolutionary War flag." The choppy conversation continued. Liasson: Yes, but it’s become a symbol of the kind of -- Goldberg: The extreme credulity is what you’re suggesting? Liasson: Yes. Goldberg: Yes. Ed, any thoughts about the lasting impact of this or this is -- O’Keefe was the only panelist concerned about where such prying into the personal lives of judges could lead and already had led: O’Keefe: This is -- and now everything is fair game. What you do on, at, or in your house as a public official is now fair game. And is official Washington and are we as a country okay with that, because that`s where this is going now? Goldberg: Are we as a country okay with it? O’Keefe: We’ll see. Liasson retorted: What do you mean, that everybody should be able to fly insurrectionist flags over their house if they want to, if they`re a Supreme Court justice, without any damage to the court`s reputation? O’Keefe shrugged: O'Keefe: The court’s reputation was already damaged. Liasson: This damages it more. O’Keefe: Sure, in the eyes of 50 percent of the -- Liasson: Yes. It looks like the court is not just conservative, it`s partisan. O’Keefe: Sure, but I think that perception has been there for about 24 years. Liasson: Yes, I agree, but this confirms it. O’Keefe actually expressed concern about where the liberal outrage may lead, perhaps referencing the attempted assassination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh in June 2022: O’Keefe: So, okay, but my point is, we’ve had federal judges targeted in their homes. Their children or husbands shot. We’ve had legislation introduced to try to keep their addresses out of the public sphere. And now we go and do this. And the shoe will be on the other foot at some point, and it’ll be Republican senators accusing liberal justices, and the whole dichotomy will shift, and now, as you said, the politicization of the courts is here, and this is how it’s always going to be now, if this is what we’re all focused on. And that’s fine, if that`s where the debate is headed, but that’s where the debate is headed now, if this is the conversation….

In One Segment, PBS Makes Alito an Insurrectionist and Trump Hitler

Before it compared Trump to Hitler, Thursday’s edition of the PBS NewsHour made the Justice Alito flag controversy an all-encompassing scandal. First, the network’s Supreme Court expert Marcia Coyle discussed the Supreme Court’s decision to allow a Republican-drawn congressional district in South Carolina to stand but segued into the controversy over two flags being flown over two of Justice Alito’s homes – an American flag hung upside down at his residence and the “Appeal to Heaven” flag hung outside his beach home in New Jersey. On those feeble grounds, the New York Times Jodi Kantor, who broke the story in the paper and previously appeared on the NewsHour to suggest Alito had “insurrectionist” January 6 views, since the upside-down U.S. flag and the Appeal to Heaven flag (featuring a pine tree below the phrase “An Appeal to Heaven”) were allegedly symbols of the “Stop the Steal” movement in support of Donald Trump having won the 2020 election.     On Thursday, Coyle said that when she saw the flags, “I wanted to call Justice Alito up and say, what were you thinking? Because it's just something -- it's incomprehensible.” From there, host Geoff Bennett moved onto Flag-gate Part II: “Appeal to Heaven,” with slanted report from the show’s most biased correspondent, White House correspondent Laura Barron-Lopez. BENNETT: We're going to focus more closely now on that New York Times reporting about that Appeal to Heaven flag seen flying outside Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito's New Jersey beach home last year. The flag has origins dating to the Revolutionary War, but is now associated with Christian nationalism and efforts to overturn President Biden's 2020 election win. The flag was also carried by rioters at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021…. Barron-Lopez explained the flag dated back to the Revolutionary War but was recently popularized by pastor Dutch Sheets of the New Apostolic Reformation. She ran a clip from scholar Matthew Taylor, who said the “Appeal” flag had “become a symbol of right-wing Christian extremism, of Christian supremacy, of aggressive Christian nationalism” and support for Donald Trump. "So, as Taylor says, the flag was popularized by the New Apostolic Reformation. but it has become much bigger to represent the 2020 election lies," she added. PBS used the flag and its “undercurrent of violence” as a gateway to talk more about “right-wing extremism,” via a bad video that the Trump team posted and later removed from social media: BENNETT: So how does this fit into the bigger picture of right-wing extremism? BARRON-LOPEZ: So there were two other examples of extremism from Trump and his allies this week, Geoff, that we want to highlight. And on his TRUTH Social account, Trump posted a video that referenced a -- quote -- "unified reich" if he's elected in November. Trump's campaign said that that was reposted by a staffer, it wasn't a video that campaign created and that they weren't aware of that reference in the video. But this isn't the first time, Geoff, that Trump has echoed Nazi Germany. He has repeatedly talked about migrants -- quote -- "poisoning the blood of the country" on the campaign trail, which historians point out that that is a direct reference to Adolf Hitler and his use of the terms blood poisoning…. Evidently any odd thing Trump says could conceivably herald the dawning of fascism. Barron-Lopez even cited a Yale historian, who said Trump’s claim that Biden’s FBI wanted to assassinate him (as recollected by Barron-Lopez) “is essentially a classic tactic used by fascist movements, that they want to get a monopoly on victimhood...." Your tax dollars at work. This segment was brought to you in part by BNSF Railway. The Transcript is below. Click "expand": PBS NewsHour 5/23/24 7:29:30 p.m. (ET) Geoff Bennett: We're going to focus more closely now on that New York Times’ reporting about that Appeal to Heaven flag seen flying outside Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito's New Jersey beach home last year. The flag has origins dating to the Revolutionary War, but is now associated with Christian nationalism and efforts to overturn President Biden's 2020 election win. The flag was also carried by rioters at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. Our White House correspondent, Laura Barron-Lopez, has been covering this and joins us now. So, Laura, you have reported on this flag before, but tell us more about how it's become popularized in recent years. Laura Barron-Lopez: As you noted, Geoff, this flag dates back to the Revolutionary War. It was used by the Colonies a lot during that war, but now it's connotation have changed. It's very different. And in recent years, it was popularized by a pastor named Dutch Sheets, a leader in what's known as the New Apostolic Reformation, and they believe that it's destiny for the U.S. to be a completely Christian nation. And I spoke to Matthew Taylor, an expert on Christian nationalism and a Protestant pastor with Institute — a Protestant scholar — excuse me — with the Institute of Islamic Christian and Jewish Studies. And he described the modern symbolism of that flag. Matthew Taylor, Institute of Islamic Christian and Jewish Studies: I would say it has become a symbol of right-wing Christian extremism, of Christian supremacy, of aggressive Christian nationalism, especially built around ideas of spiritual warfare and fighting against the demons that they believe have taken over the United States. So it attaches itself to all these different things, and it especially connotes support for Donald Trump. And, today, to fly the flag is, in many ways, to reference January 6, to point back to this other moment where people believed that they were appealing to heaven to see an election overturned. Laura Barron-Lopez: So, as Taylor says, the flag was popularized by the New Apostolic Reformation, but it has become much bigger to represent the 2020 election lies. Geoff Bennett: Well, tell me more about this movement and how it's grown. Laura Barron-Lopez: So leaders in the New Apostolic Reformation, like Dutch Sheets, who I mentioned, who helped popularize the flag, are strong supporters of Donald Trump. They were some of the first Christian leaders to rally around him in 2016. And this movement, specifically, just to expand on that, Geoff, believes in Christian supremacy, believes that Christianity should be the official religion of the United States, ending any separation of church and state, and trying to enact their vision of a Christian society. And as the popularity of that New Apostolic Reformation has grown, so has Trump's popularity amongst Christians and evangelicals. And these Christian nationalists have essentially worked since 2015, Matthew Taylor said, to get more Republican lawmakers and government officials to fly this flag. And as we reported earlier this year, House Speaker Mike Johnson has this Appeal to Heaven flag, has — has put it outside of his Capitol Hill office. And Johnson's office told us at the time that they did not see any affiliation with January 6 in him putting this flag outside of their office. They denied that wholeheartedly and said that the speaker simply liked the historical — the history of the flag going back to the Revolutionary area. But key context here, Geoff, is that there's always been an undercurrent of violence attributed to this flag, whether it's the Revolutionary War history, but more commonly now, which is that this movement that has really popularized it believes in spiritual warfare. Geoff Bennett: Well, unpack the context around this inverted American flag that, according to The New York Times, was seen flying outside Justice Alito's Virginia home shortly after the election. Laura Barron-Lopez: That flag, which was an upside-down American flag, was also a flag that was carried by rioters on January 6. And that flag was flown outside Alito's Virginia home 11 days after the insurrection, three days before President Biden's inauguration. And it flew for multiple days out there, according to The New York Times. And I spoke to Jodi Kantor for "PBS News Weekend" a few days ago, and she said that Alito hasn't answered some key questions, whether it's about he doesn't believe in the peaceful transfer of power, if he is or isn't aware of the connotations around that upside-down flag. Geoff Bennett: So how does this fit into the bigger picture of right-wing extremism? Laura Barron-Lopez: So there were two other examples of extremism from Trump and his allies this week, Geoff, that we want to highlight. And on his TRUTH Social account, Trump posted a video that referenced a — quote — "unified reich" if he's elected in November. Trump's campaign said that that was reposted by a staffer, it wasn't a video that campaign created and that they weren't aware of that reference in the video. But this isn't the first time, Geoff, that Trump has echoed Nazi Germany. He has repeatedly talked about migrants — quote — "poisoning the blood of the country" on the campaign trail, which historians point out that that is a direct reference to Adolf Hitler and his use of the terms blood poisoning. And then Trump took to TRUTH Social also this week, claiming that the Justice Department authorized the use of deadly force against him during their search of Mar-a-Lago, claiming that Biden's FBI wanted to assassinate him. And so I spoke to a Yale historian, Timothy Snyder, who said, when you look at this in the big scale of things, Geoff, that ultimately Trump's comments about Biden trying to — his FBI trying to assassinate him is essentially a classic tactic used by fascist movements, that they want to get a monopoly on victimhood, so that way they can justify any actions they take, whether it's overturning an election or using violence against their enemy.

PBS: Are the Alitos 'Insurrectionists Who Oppose the Peaceful Transfer of Power?’

Taxpayer-funded PBS took another bite out of the Justice Alito flag controversy on Sunday’s edition of PBS News Weekend, interviewing New York Times reporter Jodi Kantor, who made the front page with her scoop that the American flag briefly flew upside down outside the home of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito in January 2021. Laura Barron-Lopez, perhaps the network’s most biased reporter, was substitute anchor over the weekend and coincidentally or not, the usually sleepier Weekend shows were more ideologically charged than usual. The harder edge was apparent from Saturday’s show introduction, using the upside-down American flag that flew over Alito’s home in January 2021 to condemn the conservative Supreme Court. Anchor Laura Barron-Lopez: Tonight on PBS News Weekend, the Supreme Court’s credibility is called into question after a photo emerged of a Stop the Steal flag outside a justice’s home…. During the seven-minute story which appeared under the graphic “Election Denialism,” she used Trump’s “lie that President Biden stole the 2020 presidential election, which led to the violent January 6 insurrection,” as her segue to a wild extrapolation. Barron-Lopez: “And we also learned this week that a symbol of the Stop the Steal movement reached the highest court in the land. The New York Times reported that in January of 2021, an upside-down American flag, an emblem now widely associated with the lie of a stolen 2020 election, was flying at the home of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito. I spoke with Jody Kantor, the New York Times reporter who broke the story, earlier today. We discussed the implications of such a symbol flying at Alito’s home 11 days after rioters stormed the Capitol. Kantor; ….At this point, that flag had really become a symbol of the Stop the Steal campaign. And neighbors are just having a kind of ‘what the heck’ reaction. Because first of all, these are Washington, D.C. area people they know that federal judges are never supposed to make political displays. That is a very bedrock rule. And second of all, they`re looking at and saying wait a second, are the Alitos insurrectionists who oppose the peaceful transfer of power? It leads to these bedrock questions about law and trust and rules and democracy. Short answer? No. But Democrats inside and outside the media want "Democracy" to be an issue, meaning conservatives hate Democracy. Barron-Lopez relayed Justice Alito’s explanation that his wife placed the flag upside down in response to a neighbor’s display (a sign with a four-letter insult of Trump). Always a willing partisan, Barron-Lopez used the controversy to tar another conservative justice through something his wife did. Barron-Lopez: Alito isn’t the only Supreme Court justice with apparent ethics violations. Justice Clarence Thomas’s wife, Ginny Thomas was directly involved in the efforts to overturn the 2020 election and he has refused to recuse himself from any related cases. Do you think that this time will be any different? …. Barron-Lopez: Jodi, finally, the Stop the Steal lies about a stolen 2020 election haven’t gone away. Donald Trump continues to say that he won in 2020. Election denialism is essentially a litmus test for entrance to the GOP. What do you think this flag incident means looking forward to the 2024 election? Kantor was eager for her Alito scoop to impact the election, and insisted Justice Alito himself was all to blame for the flag controversy: Kantor: So first of all, I think we have to see, we just broke this news a few days ago. Let’s see how it enters the bloodstream. But the idea of a Supreme Court justice flying this flag outside his home, even if it was his wife, as he says, I think does connote a kind of mainstreaming of Stop the Steal, it says that, you know, this was accepted by a lot of people, a lot of people in power, and that even if it was his wife who did it, that flag didn’t come down for a couple of days…. This anti-Alito segment was brought to you in part by Consumer Cellular. A transcript is available, click “Expand.” PBS News Weekend 5/19/24 7:05:27 p.m. (ET) LAURA BARRON-LOPEZ: The lie that President Biden stole the 2020 presidential election which led to the violent January 6 insurrection is alive and well. A CBS investigation found that there are nearly 80 officials overseeing elections across seven battleground states who don`t believe the 2020 election results or supported the actions of January 6. On the campaign trail Saturday, former president Donald Trump again lied about his 2020 defeat. DONALD TRUMP, Former U.S. President: But they want to rigged that just like they rigged the presidential election of 2020. They want to rig it. LAURA BARRON-LOPEZ: And we also learned this week that a symbol of the Stop the Steal movement reached the highest court in the land. The New York Times reported that in January of 2021, an upside down American flag and emblem now widely associated with the lie of a stolen 2020 election was flying at the home of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, I spoke with Jody Kanter, The New York Times reporter who broke the story earlier today. We discussed the implications of such a symbol flying Alito`s home 11 days after rioters stormed the Capitol. Jodi Kantor, The New York Times: I kind of want to start with the neighbors and what they saw. They`re walking down the street during this very fret period, as you say, right after January 6, but also critically, it`s three days before President Biden`s inauguration. And they see this upside down flag hanging outside the Alito home. At this point, that flag had really become a symbol of the Stop the Steal campaign. And neighbors are just having a kind of what the heck reaction. Because first of all, these are Washington DC area people they know that federal judges are never supposed to make political displays. That is a very bedrock rule. And second of all, they`re looking at and saying wait a second, are the Alito`s insurrectionists who oppose the peaceful transfer of power? It leads to these bedrock questions about law and trust and rules and democracy. LAURA BARRON-LOPEZ: In response to your reporting, Justice Alito said that he had, quote, no involvement in placing the flag that his wife, Mrs. Alito put up the flag in response to a neighbor of theirs a display that they had. So I just want to dive into this because what are the implications of his response? Did he not know that this upside down flag was flying outside of his home for multiple days? JODI KANTOR: Well, the response is a fascinating one, because first of all, he`s not denying that it was there. He`s not denying knowledge that it was there. And he`s not denying that this was a Stop the Steal symbol. He`s making a kind of surprising argument, which is to say, even though this was my home, and even though judicial ethics rules are all about the impression of a lack of fairness, they`re not only focused on what you actually do as a judge. They`re focused on the impression you give other people. And he`s saying despite all of that, this was, you know, just something my wife did and part of a neighborhood spat. LAURA BARRON-LOPEZ: Why does this revelation matter? Now, as the Court prepares to rule on two cases involving the January 6 insurrection? JODI KANTOR: In the next few weeks, we are going to get two major decisions from the Supreme Court that are going to shape the legacy of January 6, the accountability for January 6. Former President Trump`s scope of accountability, it may shape the future criminal trial, if one takes place, it could really also directly affect the next election because polls are showing that whether or not former President Trump is convicted might have some impact on what voters think of him. So, the court already had an enormous challenge in getting these decisions kind of accepted by the American people. It`s such a partisan time. Everything is so fractured. These cases are so politically fraught. It makes it much more challenging for the court to earn broad acceptance of whatever their legal reasoning is, and whatever the outcome is. LAURA BARRON-LOPEZ: Alito isn`t the only Supreme Court justice with apparent ethics violations. Justice Clarence Thomas`s wife, Ginny Thomas was directly involved in the efforts to overturn the 2020 election and he has refused to recuse himself from any related cases. Do you think that this time will be any different? JODI KANTOR: So recusal is an interesting question. On the one hand, so there are two categories of rules we`re dealing with. One is the code of conduct for judges. That`s really the ethics code. That`s voluntary. The court recently adopted a new one, it`s pretty loose. It`s not that strong. That is what govern things like political displays. The second set of rules we`re dealing with is a federal recusal statute that binds all federal judges, including Supreme Court justices. But at the Supreme Court, it`s essentially self-administered. And the Court has said that justices have to police their own recusal. So, I don`t think Justice Alito has spoken directly to this. But as you know, he was already involved in the case. And I don`t see any sign right now that he`s planning to recuse himself halfway through the process. LAURA BARRON-LOPEZ: Jodi, finally, the Stop the Steal lies about a stolen 2020 election haven`t gone away. Donald Trump continues to say that he won in 2020. Election denialism is essentially a litmus test for entrance to the GOP. What do you think this flag incident means looking forward to the 2024 election? JODI KANTOR: So first of all, I think we have to see, we just broke this news a few days ago. Let`s see how it enters the bloodstream. But the idea of a Supreme Court justice flying this flag outside his home, even if it was his wife, as he says, I think does connote a kind of mainstreaming of stop the steal, it says that, you know, this was accepted by a lot of people, a lot of people in power, and that even if it was his wife who did it, that flag didn`t come down for a couple of days. So I think you`re right to ask the question, and let`s see how this becomes part of the bigger story of what happened in the last election and what will happen in the next one. LAURA BARRON-LOPEZ: Jodi Kantor of The New York Times, thank you for your time. JODI KANTOR: Thanks for having me.

PBS's Washington Week Sees Dangerous GOP, Is Sad Hunter Trial May Make Joe Unhappy

It was a livelier-than-usual roundtable on Friday’s Washington Week with The Atlantic, as the import of former President Trump’s polling strength in the face of multiple trials seemed to be causing panic among the press corps. Moderator Jeffrey Goldberg led the feisty journalists in the discussion, including Laura Barrón-López of PBS NewsHour, Eugene Daniels of Politico, Susan Glasser of The New Yorker, and Steve Inskeep of National Public Radio. Susan Glasser of The New Yorker suggested it was only Republican members of Congress who were "play to the crowd" and "the cameras": Institutions are unraveling, not just the institution of the U.S. Congress, in fact, you see the Trumpification arguably of the Senate Republican conference, where the traditions have held up across-aisle-civililty much stronger until more recently. I think that this is, we’ll talk more about the Supreme Court, we’re seeing not only the hyper-politicization of our institutions but a kind of constant playing to the crowd, to the cameras, to the social media, and Marjorie Taylor Greene is a very effective example of this strand of our politics. It’s not going to go away.”     Glasser found it tacky for Congressional Republicans to travel to New York to support Donald Trump on trial. Then she really went low: GLASSER: ….not only is it Trump's party, but they even dress up like Donald Trump now. And that was something that -- for me, that is a visual marker, in some ways, of just what the decline of the Republican Party has been in many ways into a kind of a cult of personality, right? So, it's not only that the Republican Party is going to have as their nominee, someone who might well be convicted of felony crimes, who's even essentially acknowledged already in a court of law to be a sexual assaulter. GOLDBERG: He is a civilly adjudicated sexual offender? GLASSER: Yes. You know, this is a phrase that you used and I thought it was really notable. I don't think it's broken through to most people, a civilly adjudicated sexual offender is going to be the third time in a row the nominee of the Republican Party, and here they are dressing up like him. Meanwhile, Democratic President Bill Clinton paid Paula Jones $850,000 to settle a sexual harassment lawsuit while president in 1998. He spoke to the 2000 Democratic National Convention as president and at every convention since then, so he’s not yet a party pariah, not even after the #MeToo era. As for dressing up in solidarity for a cause, surely Glasser recalled the Democratic leadership dressing and kneeling wearing kente cloth to support police-reform legislation after the killing of George Floyd. She can read her own magazine for some pungent criticism of the stunt. Eugene Daniels of Politico was worried that average people weren’t as scared of Trump as the smart journalists who were paying attention, harping on a tweet from Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL) in support of Trump: “Standing back and standing by, Mr. President”: DANIELS: …the folks that are paying attention right now are were all kind of nervous about it, but the American people really aren't making those kinds of connections, right? When you talk to the American people, they say Congress is broken versus the Republican Party is, you know, all going on the Acela up to New York to dress the same, to defend Donald Trump, to do all the things he can't do, and also to wink and nod to the most dangerous aspects of the Republican Party, the most dangerous aspects of the Trump base, that, hey, we may need you to do something here. And this would be hyperbolic if the insurrection hadn't happened on January 6th…. GOLDBERG: Steve [Inskeep], I just want to ask you to switch subjects to another trial that is coming next month -- the Hunter Biden trial, gun possession. Now, Hunter Biden is not running for president, there is a big difference. But the question is, how is this going to affect the mood and happiness and effectiveness of Joe Biden? Hmm. WAs that really the big question? There was no speculation or even a hint regarding President Biden’s own possible culpability, even though the president was allegedly heavily intertwined with his son Hunter’s financial mis-dealings. For journalists, it’s always only about the president’s personal anguish of seeing his son on trial. Inskeep also kept the issue on a personal, not legal, level for the President: “…he’s gonna take it personally because he takes this personally.” Goldberg somberly stated: “He's a father and it’s gonna affect him.”

As United Methodist Church Empties Out, PBS Celebrates LGBTQ vs. 'Heteronormativity'

The latest example of taxpayer-supported celebration of the gender alphabet came on Friday’s PBS NewsHour. Anchor Geoff Bennett set the scene of a Christian denomination in crisis. Geoff Bennett: We turn now to a seismic shift within the United Methodist Church. It recently voted to lift bans on LGBTQ clergy and same-sex marriages….In late April, hundreds of delegates from around the world gathered in Charlotte, the first such meeting since 2019….They voted overwhelmingly to end the church's bans on same-sex marriage and the ordination of LGBTQ clergy. Bennett ran down the evolution of the church’s teachings on gay matters, including most recently a 1996 prohibition on churches officiating gay marriages, but explained the rules weren’t always enforced, resulting in conservative branches leaving the denomination, even before this year’s vote to end the church’s gay bans: “By 2022, the United Methodists had 5.4 million members in the U.S., less than half their peak in the 1960s. The recent departures have seen that number drop even further.” But after laying out those grim facts, Bennett didn’t grill his guest, Rev. Valerie Jackson, about the mass exodus from the denomination. He certainly didn’t invite an opposing religious conservative voice into the debate. There was no debate about the import of LGBTQ acceptance in the churches. Instead he asked about how lifting the bans in 2019 had “resonated with her” personally. No surprise, given the NewsHour’s documented 90% favoritism toward the “alphabet movement” of gender self-expression. Jackson, lead pastor of a United Methodist church in Denver, appeared remotely, clad in a rainbow scarf and basking in the latest LGTBQ triumph within the religious hierarchy, complete with calling straight couples “heteronormative” and other flaky comments. Rev. Valerie Jackson’s response was rambling and odd. Rev. Jackson: I didn't think I was really feeling the oppression of the rule until it was lifted. And then, once it was lifted, I became aware of how much I embodied that oppression. And it surprised me that, on the last day of the conference, I so freely danced. And I don't do that. I don't do that in public anyway. I danced freely by myself in the middle of the assembly hall on the last day of general conference. It was beautiful. There was a single, gently phrased rebuttal to the culturally leftist happy talk: Bennett: What do you say, Reverend Jackson, to those conservative Methodists who argue that the church is now buying into the culture, that the Bible hasn't changed, but the church has changed? What's your reaction to that? Jackson: The church is changing, and thank God. The church is becoming aware of who God is, in comparison to who writers throughout generations have said about God and who those religious leaders that have been dear to us throughout the generations have also declared that God is…. When Bennett asked what the move meant “for the future of the United Methodist Church” Jackson replied with the thought of LGBTQ couples holding hands in church, “just like those who are heteronormative,” and looked forward to “a church where all people will get to thrive in love, life and liberation.” So much for that old-time religion. This “religious left” segment was brought to you in part by Cunard. A transcript is available, click “Expand.” PBS NewsHour 5/17/24 7:21:57 p.m. (ET) Geoff Bennett: We turn now to a seismic shift within the United Methodist Church. It recently voted to lift bans on LGBTQ clergy and same-sex marriages. I spoke to a Methodist pastor about these changes, but, first, a bit of background. Woman: And the results should now appear on the screen. Geoff Bennett: It was described as the most consequential meeting of the United Methodist Church in more than half-a-century. In late April, hundreds of delegates from around the world gathered in Charlotte, the first such meeting since 2019. Woman: The affirmative has it, and the motion is adopted. Geoff Bennett: They voted overwhelmingly to end the church's bans on same-sex marriage and the ordination of LGBTQ clergy. Bishop Tracy Malone, Council of Bishops President, United Methodist Church: And these decisions that have been made over these last few days is a testimony that we are claiming that we are a church where everyone belongs. We are a church with open hearts, open minds and open doors. Geoff Bennett: In 1972, the Methodists adopted language that "the practice of homosexuality was incompatible with Christian teaching." In 1984, they banned clergy who are "self-avowed practicing homosexuals." And, in 1996, the church prohibited clergy from officiating same-sex marriages. Man: We will not leave this church of Jesus Christ. Geoff Bennett: After heated discussions at a conference in 2019, delegates voted to uphold those bans. But in the years that followed, some 7,600 U.S. conservative Methodist congregations located mostly in the South left the church over its lack of enforcement of the anti-LGBTQ policies. By 2022, the United Methodists had 5.4 million members in the U.S., less than half their peak in the 1960s. The recent departures have seen that number drop even further. For more on the significance of these changes, I spoke recently with the Reverend Valerie Jackson, the lead pastor at Park Hill United Methodist Church in Denver. She joined the Methodist Church from the Baptist Church years ago. I asked Reverend Jackson how the church lifting its bans has resonated with her. Rev. Dr. Valerie Jackson, Leader Pastor, Park Hill United Methodist Church: I didn't think I was really feeling the oppression of the rule until it was lifted. And then, once it was lifted, I became aware of how much I embodied that oppression. And it surprised me that, on the last day of the conference, I so freely danced. And I don't do that. I don't do that in public anyway. I danced freely by myself in the middle of the assembly hall on the last day of general conference. It was beautiful. Geoff Bennett: When you say that you were embodying the oppression, help us understand what that means. How did that show up in your life? Rev. Dr. Valerie Jackson: What that means is, even though I had the privilege of living in a conference, in a region where being LGBTQ was not criminalized, that, somewhere deep within me, I still knew that I was at risk, that my ordination was at risk, that a claim could be filed against me, that I could go to trial. Somewhere deep within me, I knew that. And so it's almost like looking over your shoulder unconsciously or subconsciously all day, every day, 365 days a year. That's a lot of pressure. Geoff Bennett: Nearly a quarter of the United Methodist Church broke away. What is the impact of that on the church and really on the faith? Rev. Dr. Valerie Jackson: Well, it's multilayered, right? So the impact is grieving the loss of United Methodist siblings. Even though we did not have the same theology or the same values, they were family. And so you grieve the loss of family members. On the other hand, it was liberating because it's like being in a marriage where you grow apart and you don't share the same vision for the lives that you have or the future that you're living into. And so, when you finally make that courageous decision to separate and go your different ways, it's freeing, it's liberating, and it gives the space for people to live into being who they really are. It's tiring to code-switch depending on who you're talking to and who is in the space. Think about the time that it takes for the mind to take in, in seconds who is in the room and what you are allowed to say and what you should not say. And to live like that is so profoundly tiring. Geoff Bennett: What do you say, Reverend Jackson, to those conservative Methodists who argue that the church is now buying into the culture, that the Bible hasn't changed, but the church has changed? What's your reaction to that? Rev. Dr. Valerie Jackson: The church is changing, and thank God. The church is becoming aware of who God is, in comparison to who writers throughout generations have said about God and who those religious leaders that have been dear to us throughout the generations have also declared that God is. I know what it's like as a former Baptist to be indoctrinated with a particular teaching and to not be able to see anything beyond that teaching. I know what that's like. I know how difficult it is to break through that. So we are not responsible for the systems that we are born into, but we are accountable and responsible for the decision to remain in those systems. And so I pray for my siblings, and I pray that they will one day be liberated and set free and come to experience the liberating, unconditional love and grace of God. Geoff Bennett: Lastly, what does all of this mean for the clergy, for your congregants, and for the future of the United Methodist Church? Rev. Dr. Valerie Jackson: We are looking forward to preserving a church for the future, for those who are coming behind us that will not have to worry, can they walk through the doors? Will they be loved? Will they be accepted? Will they be seen? We look forward to leaving a church where those who are in the LGBTQ community can walk into the church holding hands, can sit in the pews in each other's arms, just like those who are heteronormative? There are so many things about being LGBTQ that we have to give up that those who are heteronormative never have to think about. So we look forward to a church where all people will get to thrive in love, life and liberation. Geoff Bennett: The Reverend Dr. Valerie Jackson is lead pastor at Park Hill United Methodist Church in Denver. Thanks so much for your time and for your insights this evening. We appreciate it. Rev. Dr. Valerie Jackson: Thank you so much for having me.

PBS NewsHour Wrecks Texas for Abbott Pardon, Pressured by 'White Right-Wing Conservatives'

The PBS NewsHour on Friday questioned Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott’s pardon of “convicted killer Daniel Perry” as a sop to “white right-wing conservatives.” Host Geoff Bennett loaded his lead to tar Abbott’s decision right from the start. Geoff Bennett: Texas Governor Greg Abbott has pardoned a man convicted of fatally shooting a Black Lives Matter protester in the summer of 2020. Abbott had faced pressure to issue the pardon from white right-wing conservatives, including then- Fox News host Tucker Carlson. Reporter Stephanie Sy also loaded her description, complete with an extraneous mention of the white victim’s “black fiancé,” but barely mentioning that the BLM-supporting victim, Garrett Foster, was also armed and allegedly raised his weapon at Perry. (An AK-47 rifle no less, a tool feared by the liberal media.) Sy: Yesterday, the Texas State Parole Board, whose members are appointed by the governor, unanimously recommended the release of convicted killer Daniel Perry and the restoration of his firearm rights. He walked free just hours after the pardon was issued. Perry was serving a 25-year prison sentence for the murder of Garrett Foster, an armed white man who was attending a racial justice protest with his black fiance. In court, Perry argued he shot Foster from his car in self-defense. Prosecutors argued he sought out the encounter, and the jury ultimately agreed. For more on what led to Perry's pardon, we're joined by KVUE and Austin-American Statesman investigative reporter. Tony Plohetski. Tony, welcome to the NewsHour. The board said it did a meticulous review of this case. But critics say this is politics, and you had right-wing pundits like Tucker Carlson calling for this for a year. What was the biggest justification Governor Abbott gave for this pardon? The pardon power was once strongly embraced by liberals, but no longer, at least when Republican presidents and governors use it. Tony Plohetski, Austin-American Statesman: Well, to your point, while the parole and pardons board issued this statement saying that they had done a meticulous review, what was absent from their statement was any sort of legal rationale, in terms of recommending that the governor issued this pardon. In a separate proclamation, the governor, however, says that Texas has a very strong, one of the strongest, in his words, self-defense, stand-your-ground laws here in Texas. And so he saw this as upholding that law, and that the conviction of Daniel Perry in this case were, in his words, a travesty of justice. Sy immediately suggested Abbott was guilty of hypocrisy:  Sy: How does this fit into Abbott's broader record on pardons? Is this a governor who has shown mercy to others who have been convicted of such serious crimes? Plohetski: Well, certainly this adds fuel to the already burning fire between Republicans here in Texas and progressive district attorneys like district attorney Jose Garza here in Austin. There has been a lot of back-and-forth discussion about what crimes get prosecuted and what crimes don't get prosecuted here in Austin. But with regard to the governor's record with regard to pardons, over time, the governor has issued precious few of these pardons, usually doing so at the end of the year…. Sy read from a hysterically strong letter from Foster’s fiancé, entering it into the media record: With this pardon, the governor has desecrated the life of a murdered Texan and U.S. Air Force veteran and impugned that jury's just verdict. He has declared that Texans who hold political views that are different from his and different from those in power can be killed in this state with impunity. Sy tried to make Plohetski say the pardon was out of bounds: "Pardons, as you know, Tony, are often political. Does this pardon go beyond a norm? Does it set a new precedent?" Plohetski hinted agreement, citing concern among “the criminal justice community in Austin” that future similar moves would risk “further upending the criminal justice system.” This segment was brought to you in part by Cunard. A transcript is available, click “Expand.” PBS NewsHour 5/17/24 7:15:42 p.m. (ET) Geoff Bennett: Texas Governor Greg Abbott has pardoned a man convicted of fatally shooting a Black Lives Matter protester in the summer of 2020. Abbott had faced pressure to issue the pardon from white right-wing conservatives, including then FOX News host Tucker Carlson. Stephanie Sy has the story. Stephanie Sy: Yesterday, the Texas State Parole Board, whose members are appointed by the governor, unanimously recommended the release of convicted killer Daniel Perry and the restoration of his firearm rights. He walked free just hours after the pardon was issued. Perry was serving a 25-year prison sentence for the murder of Garrett Foster, an armed white man who was attending a racial justice protest with his Black fiance. In court, Perry argued he shot Foster from his car in self-defense. Prosecutors argued he sought out the encounter, and the jury ultimately agreed. For more on what led to Perry's pardon, we're joined by KVUE and Austin-American Statesman investigative reporter Tony Plohetski. Tony, welcome to the "NewsHour." The board said it did a meticulous review of this case. But critics say this is politics, and you had right-wing pundits like Tucker Carlson calling for this for a year. What was the biggest justification Governor Abbott gave for this pardon? Tony Plohetski, The Austin-American Statesman: Well, to your point, while the parole and pardons board issued this statement saying that they had done a meticulous review, what was absent from their statement was any sort of legal rationale, in terms of recommending that the governor issued this pardon. In a separate proclamation, the governor, however, says that Texas has a very strong, one of the strongest, in his words, self-defense, stand-your-ground laws here in Texas. And so he saw this as upholding that law, and that the conviction of Daniel Perry in this case were, in his words, a travesty of justice. Stephanie Sy: And he also had criticism for Travis County's DA's handling of the case, right? But how does this fit into Abbott's broader record on pardons? Is this a governor who has shown mercy to others who have been convicted of such serious crimes? Tony Plohetski: Well, certainly this adds fuel to the already burning fire between Republicans here in Texas and progressive district attorneys like district attorney Jose Garza here in Austin. There has been a lot of back-and-forth discussion about what crimes get prosecuted and what crimes don't get prosecuted here in Austin. But with regard to the governor's record with regard to pardons, over time, the governor has issued precious few of these pardons, usually doing so at the end of the year. We're talking, Stephanie, only about a handful per year, most of them nonviolent offenders who were convicted, some of them after serving years or in some cases even decades in prison. This pardon, however, stands very distinct from that, in that Daniel Perry has only been in prison a little more than a year. Stephanie Sy: I want to read a statement from Whitney Mitchell, Garrett Foster's surviving fiancee. She was at the protest that night. She testified during the trial. And she said through her attorney — quote — "With this pardon, the governor has desecrated the life of a murdered Texan and U.S. Air Force veteran and impugned that jury's just verdict. He has declared that Texans who hold political views that are different from his and different from those in power can be killed in this state with impunity." Pardons, as you know, tony, are often political. Does this pardon go beyond a norm? Does it set a new precedent? Tony Plohetski: I can tell you that that is certainly the concern, not only here in the criminal justice community in Austin, but really across the state, what this might lead to with regard to other cases that are on dockets, not only in Austin, but across the state, whether or not Governor Abbott may lend support to those offenders, should they be convicted sometime down the line, and, in the minds of some people here in Texas, further upending the criminal justice system. Stephanie Sy: How else are you hearing reaction from this, particularly from the family and Black Lives Matter protesters? Tony Plohetski: Well, I can assure you that the reaction of Whitney Mitchell is consistent to a lot of feelings here in Austin. Austin has a very strong community with regard to activism and demonstrations. And so they were alarmed the night that Garrett Foster was killed. But let me assure you that, elsewhere in the state, a deeply conservative state, others view this, other loud voices, including, for example, the attorney general, view this as righting a wrong, that a miscarriage of justice occurred in this case. And so they see this as the governor using his authority, legally using his partner authority to right that wrong. But, again, the reaction really does range, depending on who you talk to, not only in Austin, but across the state of Texas. Stephanie Sy: Tony Plohetski with The Austin-American Statesman, thank you so much for joining the "NewsHour." Tony Plohetski: Thanks for having me.

PBS Takes Pro-Hamas Line on Israel, Nakba: 'Mass Expulsion' of Palestinians in 1948

Wednesday’s edition of the PBS NewsHour forwarded pro-Hamas historical talking points to paint Palestinians as endless victims of yet another war they launched against Israel, matching up with the network’s consistently slanted coverage of the current Israel-Hamas war. It’s been 76 years since Arab countries attacked the fledgling state of Israel en masse in 1948 to strangle the Jewish homeland in its crib, but were repelled. PBS portrayed the al-Nakba, or “catastrophe,” using the Palestinian rhetoric of “mass expulsion,” with no caveats or actual historical explanation given. Host Geoff Bennett stirred in the anniversary to portray Palestinians as endless victims of unjust Israel aggressions, based on two wars begun by Arab/Islamic entities. The full report: Bennett: In the Middle East, there's been intense fighting across the Gaza Strip, including in the southern city of Rafah. An Israeli government spokesperson said today that Israel will eliminate the four remaining Hamas battalions there, but not necessarily every Hamas fighter. Separately, an Israeli airstrike hit a residential building in the Jabalia refugee camp near Gaza City. Medics say at least three people were killed and 20 others injured. This all comes as Palestinians marked 76 years since the Nakba, or catastrophe, which refers to their mass expulsion from what today is Israel. Some displaced Gazans say the war now is even worse. Faridah Abu Artema, Displaced Palestinian (translation): My mother and father told me about the Nakba, but this here is worse. This is destruction. What we have seen, no one else has seen. Every day is a catastrophe, the catastrophe of hunger, the catastrophe of illness. Every day, we move from place to place. The children are sick. I don't know what to say. Bennett: The U.N. says more than 80 percent of Gaza's population have fled their homes since the start of the war. Many have relocated more than once. The historical reality: In 1948 Britain partitioned the Palestinian Mandate, cleaving out a Jewish state and an Arab state, with the Jews accepting statehood but the Arabs refusing to live alongside the Jews in the region. Several Arab countries then launched a failed war on Israel they day it declared independence. PBS managed to out-do the slanted description from Wednesday’s CBS Evening News. These pro-Hamas talking points were brought to you in part by Consumer Cellular.

New York Times Admits 'MSNBC's Leftward Tilt,' But Presents NBC News Shows as Neutral!

The New York Times devoted nearly 3,000 words by writer-at-large Jim Rutenberg and media reporter Michael Grynbaum to a topic rarely acknowledged: Media bias from the left, in “How MSNBC’s Leftward Tilt Delivers Ratings, and Complications.” (Right-leaning Fox News, by contrast, is a constant target of the paper’s hostility.) But what does it say about the paper’s own tilt when its reporters constantly appear on the left-wing airwaves of MSNBC? The story began: MSNBC placed a big bet on becoming comfort TV for liberals. Then it doubled down. Time slots on the cable network once devoted to news programming are now occupied by Trump-bashing opinion hosts. The channel has become a landing spot for high-profile alumni of President Biden’s administration like Jen Psaki, who went from hosting White House press briefings to hosting her own show. On Super Tuesday, when producers aired a portion of a live speech by former President Donald J. Trump, Rachel Maddow chastised her bosses on the air. The moves have been a hit with viewers. MSNBC has leapfrogged past its erstwhile rival CNN in the ratings and has seen viewership rise over the past year, securing second place in cable news behind the perennial leader, Fox News. The unintentionally funny part is when NBC News suggested MSNBC was ruining it branding as "straight news." Who believes that any more?  But MSNBC’s success has had unintended consequences for its parent company, NBC, an original Big Three broadcaster that still strives to appeal to a mass American audience. NBC’s traditional political journalists have cycled between rancor and resignation that the cable network’s partisanship — a regular target of Mr. Trump — will color perceptions of their straight news reporting.  NBC faced "tensions" in an election year, on "how to maintain trust and present neutral, fact-based reporting in a fractionalized era when partisanship carries vast financial and cultural rewards." The report talked about how they tried to take some of the hyperpartisan tone out in the last decade by moving Al Sharpton to weekends, bringing Greta Van Susteren over from Fox, and creating a daily version of Meet the Press. But then Donald Trump showed up, and even those cosmetic shifts were scuttled: Then, Mr. Trump’s ascent shocked the Democratic base and spiked viewership of Ms. Maddow and other left-leaning hosts, whose programs became a kind of televised safe space. MSNBC’s ratings surged. The story centered on NBC News boss Cesar Conde and how he's tried to bring Republican voices on NBC, including the brief Ronna McDaniel Debacle, and Kristen Welker's incredibly combative interview with Donald Trump on her debut at Meet the Press host. The Left has a fit any time NBC interviews Republicans, and so the interviewers end up sounding fiercely oppositional.  At least, Rutenberg and Grynbaum acknowledged that MSNBC was “tightly embracing its partisan direction” by hiring Biden press secretary Jen Psaki and another Biden aide, Symone Sanders: “It was the kind of revolving-door hiring that liberal pundits used to criticize when it happened with Fox News and the Trump administration.” Left out of the long story were any mentions of the myriad Times reporters (including authors Rutenberg and Grynbaum themselves) that have appeared as guest talent on the "comfort food for liberals" channel during the Trump era and beyond, presumably contributing to what the Times itself calls the network’s “leftward tilt.” some with contributor contracts. A partial list of Times journalists who’ve appeared on MSNBC in recent years would include Susan Craig, Nicholas Kristof, Nicholas Confessore, Katie Benner, Jeremy Peters, Annie Karni, Carl Hulse, Michael Schmidt, Nicholas Confessore, Jeremy Peters, Mike Isaac, Megan Twohey, as well as the story’s authors Jim Rutenberg and Michael Grynbaum (the article contained no disclosure of their previous MSNBC appearances). Appearances by Times scribes are much thinner on right-leaning Fox News, though ex-NYT staffer Nellie Bowles did appear on America’s Newsroom on Wednesday to promote her eyebrow-raising criticism of wokeness, including some bizarre anecdotes from her days at the Times.

PBS Drools Over Dem Success on Abortion Issue: 'Could You Ever Vote Republican Again?'

The PBS NewsHour on Monday attempted to bolster the struggling Biden re-election campaign by focusing on a purported Democratic issue, abortion -- or as PBS labels it, “reproductive health care” -- in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion in all 50 states. It’s a partisan tactic they’ve tried several times before both on weekdays and the weekend edition. Monday’s story featured the program’s most biased reporter, political correspondent Laura Barron-Lopez, complete with labeling bias. Besides the euphemistic references to “reproductive health care” and the “right to choose” a "procedure," the reporter used the term "conservative" twice, but no liberal or even “progressive” ones. Amna Nawaz: Since the fall of Roe v. Wade, Republicans have banned abortion in 14 states and restricted it in more. But, when given the chance, voters have overwhelmingly supported ballot initiatives to protect access to the procedure. This election year, abortion will again be a defining issue. Laura Barron-Lopez reports from the battleground of Michigan, where Democrats plan to keep reproductive health care front and center. Annie Sharkus, Michigan Voter [to her child]: You got it? Great job. Laura Barron-Lopez: Raised in a deeply religious and conservative household, Annie Sharkus stayed out of politics, until the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. Sharkus: I gathered signatures. We organized, like, a rally. I gave a speech at one, started going to, like, coffee hours and things like that with our local politicians, just getting more involved, because I didn't want my kids to look back at this point in time and say, like, OK, well, what did you do, and I couldn't tell them that I did nothing. Sharkus told PBS she doesn’t “specifically identify as Democrat or Republican,” but if you can't ever imagine voting for Republicans again, you sound like a Democrat.  Barron-Lopez: Do you think that you could ever vote Republican again? Sharkus: I don't think that I would with the current direction that the Republican Party is going. I am so far from identifying with what they want to happen that I don't see it ever happening. Barron-Lopez: Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin wants to keep women like Annie squarely in the Democratic column. Her message to voters, abortion will always be on the ballot. ...When voters turned out for abortion rights in Michigan in 2022, it was a victory for Democrats. In 2024, they're trying to replicate that success here and in states across the country. Slotkin, now running for the U.S. Senate, is one of many down-ballot Democratic candidates trying to maintain urgency. Shanay Watson-Whittaker of Reproductive Freedom for All (formerly NARAL Pro-Choice America) combined belief in God with the “right to choose” abortion. Slotkin has been endorsed by this abortion lobbying group, and boasts a 100 percent pro-abortion voting record. But neither Slotkin nor the abortion lobby are apparently "liberal" or "leftist." Even the conservative in the story sounded liberal on the issue, not wanting to make it a federal issue. Barron-Lopez: Nolan Finley is the conservative opinion editor at The Detroit News. What exactly would you like to see either the presidential nominee, Donald Trump, lay out or other Republicans across the board in terms of the specific policy towards abortion? When asked by the reporter to pin down a time frame during the pregnancy, Finley was amenable to a ban after 20 weeks, far past the first trimester of pregnancy. Finley: Fifteen, maybe twenty, wherever -- somewhere in that range where people can settle and say, this is fair. This allows people time to make their decision…. There were a couple of a Trump soundbites as well, so it wasn't completely one-sided. After soundbites from two other pro-abortion voters, Barron-Lopez huddled up again with Rep. Slotkin and gave her the last word, sounding the “wakeup call for Democrats” against the party’s previous “complacency” on the issue. This pro-abortion, pro-Democratic segment was brought to you in part by Cunard. A transcript is available, click “Expand.” PBS NewsHour 5/13/24 7:24:01 p.m. (ET) Amna Nawaz: Since the fall of Roe v. Wade, Republicans have banned abortion in 14 states and restricted it in more. But, when given the chance, voters have overwhelmingly supported ballot initiatives to protect access to the procedure. This election year, abortion will again be a defining issue. Laura Barron-Lopez reports from the battleground of Michigan, where Democrats plan to keep reproductive health care front and center. Annie Sharkus, Michigan Voter: You got it? Great job. Laura Barron-Lopez: Raised in a deeply religious and conservative household, Annie Sharkus stayed out of politics, until the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. Annie Sharkus: I gathered signatures. We organized, like, a rally. I gave a speech at one, started going to, like, coffee hours and things like that with our local politicians, just getting more involved, because I didn't want my kids to look back at this point in time and say, like, OK, well, what did you do, and I couldn't tell them that I did nothing. Laura Barron-Lopez: Now abortion access is protected in Michigan, but voters are still thinking about it. Even though it's not on the ballot in Michigan this time around, do you still think that it is a top issue for a lot of voters? Annie Sharkus: Even if we're not worried about it in our state in particular, yes, it's definitely something that people are using to gauge how they're voting. Laura Barron-Lopez: The stay-at-home mom of two, who lives in the suburbs of Detroit, isn't excited to vote for Joe Biden. But Annie thinks he will ultimately make access to abortion safer. Annie Sharkus: With voting for Joe Biden, it is hard, because I'm not a single-issue voter. I don't specifically identify as Democrat or Republican. While I will vote for him, I wish that there was another option. Laura Barron-Lopez: Do you think that you could ever vote Republican again? Annie Sharkus: I don't think that I would with the current direction that the Republican Party is going. I am so far from identifying with what they want to happen that I don't see it ever happening. Laura Barron-Lopez: Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin wants to keep women like Annie squarely in the Democratic column. Her message to voters, abortion will always be on the ballot. Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-MI): The other side has made this a central issue for them for 50 years. Their actions speak louder than words. And their actions are currently, like, as we speak, trying to threaten a woman's right to choose, and people see that. Laura Barron-Lopez: When voters turned out for abortion rights in Michigan in 2022, it was a victory for Democrats. In 2024, they're trying to replicate that success here and in states across the country. Slotkin, now running for the U.S. Senate, is one of many downballot Democratic candidates trying to maintain urgency. Rep. Elissa Slotkin: We have to understand that most people see this as a kitchen table issue. A decision about whether to have a child or not is the most profound kitchen table issue that we have. It's not separate from inflation. It's not separate from the economy. It's like your whole family trajectory and whether you are going to be able to afford that life. Laura Barron-Lopez: What happened in Michigan became a blueprint for how to organize around abortion effectively. Ohio followed suit in 2023. Now the right to an abortion will be on the ballot this November in three states, including Florida, which currently bans any kind of termination after six weeks of pregnancy. And similar initiatives could end up on the ballot in up to nine other states this year, including the battlegrounds of Arizona and Nevada. Shanay Watson-Whittaker, Reproductive Freedom for All: What happened in 2022 wasn't an anomaly. Laura Barron-Lopez: Back in Michigan, state activists like Shanay Watson-Whittaker, who works for the nonprofit Reproductive Freedom for All, were instrumental in mobilizing voters in 2022. Two years later, she's sharing that strategy. Shanay Watson-Whittaker: Michigan, for a lot of folks, has been like a North Star. We specifically and intentionally had conversations with Black clergy, with clergy from other denominations, sat them down and talked about reproductive freedom. What people forget are that clergy are humans. They have experienced loss — miscarriage loss. They have had abortions. We believe in God and we believe in Jesus. And,at the same time, we believe that government should not interfere with a woman's right to choose. Laura Barron-Lopez: Meanwhile, Republicans who cheered the Supreme Court's reversal of Roe are struggling to find their footing. In March, the presumptive GOP nominee, Donald Trump, spoke favorably of a national 15-week abortion ban. Donald Trump, Former President of the United States (R) and Current U.S. Presidential Candidate: People are really — even hard-liners are agreeing, seems to be — 15 weeks seems to be a number that people are agreeing at. Laura Barron-Lopez: Then, last month, he flip-flopped, saying states could decide for themselves. Donald Trump: The states will determine by vote or legislation, or perhaps both, and whatever they decide must be the law of the land, in this case, the law of the state. Laura Barron-Lopez: Still, some top Republicans in Congress support the national 15-week ban and measures that would make it a crime to transport minors across state lines for an abortion without parental consent. Donald Trump: Thank you, Wisconsin. Laura Barron-Lopez: More recently, Trump told "TIME" magazine he'd allow states to both monitor pregnancies and prosecute those who violate abortion bans. Nolan Finley, Opinion Editor, The Detroit News: Republicans keep handing Democrats this issue every election cycle. It never seems to be out of the political picture. Laura Barron-Lopez: Nolan Finley is the conservative opinion editor at The Detroit News. What exactly would you like to see either the presidential nominee, Donald Trump, lay out or other Republicans across the board in terms of the specific policy towards abortion? Nolan Finley: Well, I would like them to stay away from a federal policy. I think that's what's the point of the Dobbs ruling. But I think the Nikki Haley solution of let's all sit down and find out where we can agree in terms of a point in the pregnancy where were going to say you have had time to make your choice. Laura Barron-Lopez: Whether it's six, 15 weeks? Nolan Finley: Fifteen, maybe 20, wherever — somewhere in that range where people can settle and say, this is fair. This allows people time to make their decision. This allows you to deal with rape and incest, et cetera, but it also prevents something I think most people would be opposed to, and that is abortion in the last month or so of pregnancy. Laura Barron-Lopez: For voters we spoke to in Lansing, they're heeding calls that abortion is an issue to turn out for in November. Matt Allswede, Michigan Voter: Michigan voters, they recognize that this is an issue that goes beyond the borders of the state of Michigan. Susan Anderson, Michigan Voter: I think we have all found out that we cannot rest on our laurels, that we must come out and vote for the right people. Laura Barron-Lopez: Ultimately, Roe was a wakeup call for Democrats like Congresswoman Slotkin, one that she says exposed their party's complacency. Rep. Elissa Slotkin: I think we let ourselves get comfortable, that we didn't believe the other side when they said, we're coming for Roe v. Wade and we want to overturn it. We saw all that happening, but we just had a failure of imagination. What I want to do is say publicly to the whole country that we have a 10-year plan to get back to a federal right to an abortion. We're not going to let it just be a state issue. We're actually going to organize and mobilize to do the thing we didn't do for 50 years, which is pass a piece of federal legislation to codify Roe. Laura Barron-Lopez: The results in November could determine if Slotkin's plans takes 10 years or another 50. For the "PBS NewsHour," I'm Laura Barron-Lopez in Michigan.      

New York Times Roots for Pro-Hamas Competition: 'Al Jazeera Finds Fans On Campus'

The radical leftists on campus don't trust newspaper like The New York Times for their coverage of the Israel-Hamas war, but the Times doesn't mind. On the front of Monday's business section, they offered a laudatory look at the pro-Hamas, Qatar-funded network Al Jazeera, under “Why Al Jazeera is the Go To News Source for Student Protesters.” Santul Nerkar, a young journalist at the paper, never used terms like "leftist" or "radical" or even "progressive." They're just "pro-Palestinian." The print headline: “Al Jazeera Finds Fans On Campus.” He began: Nick Wilson has closely followed news on the war in Gaza since October. But Mr. Wilson, a Cornell student, is picky when it comes to his media diet: As a pro-Palestinian activist, he doesn’t trust major American outlets’ reporting on Israel’s campaign in Gaza. When conservatives say they don’t trust the mainstream press to cover Republicans fairly, they’re often smeared as ignorant or racist or McCarthyite. (The Times certainly doesn't respect the right-leaning New York Post.) Yet when leftists readers spout distrust, journalists from those same outlets under attack sound supportive. Strange how that works. Instead, he turns to publications less familiar to some American audiences, like the Arab news network Al Jazeera. “Al Jazeera is the site that I go to to get an account of events that I think will be reliable,” he said. Nerkar listed a few freak-show outlets, including Jewish Currents, which spouts about “Israel war crimes and “genocide,” as reliable reportorial options. Many student protesters said in recent interviews that they were seeking on-the-ground coverage of the war in Gaza, and often, a staunchly pro-Palestinian perspective -- and they are turning to alternative media for it. There’s a range of options: Jewish Currents, The Intercept, Mondoweiss and even independent Palestinian journalists on social media, as they seek information about what is happening in Gaza. .... Israel’s recent ban on the local operations of Al Jazeera has only elevated the network’s status among many student protesters. They prize coverage from reporters on the ground, and Al Jazeera has a more extensive operation in Gaza than any other publication. Students also noted the sacrifices it has made to tell the story there. Two Al Jazeera journalists have died since the start of the war. What didn’t make it into this report: Al-Jazeera’s pro-terrorist coverage like throwing a “birthday party” with cake and fireworks in 2008, to celebrate the release of a Lebanese terrorist who killed four in Israel, including a four-year-old girl. Al Jazeera reporters Ismail Abu Omar and Mohamed Washah were caught moonlighting as Hamas commanders. In February, The Times of Israel reported that "the IDF revealed a trove of images" that showed Washah in a Hamas uniform training fighters how to shoot rocket-propelled grenades, build warheads, and operate drones armed with an RPG. Nerkar oddly described Hamas as "armed resistance," not as engaged in the slaughter of civilians and hostage-taking. Critics say its coverage veers into support of the armed resistance to Israel. The Israeli government, which has accused Al Jazeera of acting as a “mouthpiece” for Hamas, last Sunday seized its broadcast equipment and shut down its operations in the country for at least 45 days. This is apparently Al Jazeera’s idea of balance: Terrorist videos as well as Israeli government news conferences. Al Jazeera called the government’s accusation “baseless” in a statement, adding that it has broadcast every news conference held by the Israeli cabinet and representatives for the Israel Defense Forces, in addition to videos from Hamas. …. The protesters rattle off a list of mainstream American publications as having coverage they find objectionable, including CNN, The Atlantic, the BBC and The New York Times, among many others. Nerkar approached the truth when he quoted scholar Hussein Ibish that the show’s “distinctly anti-American bent” had found a new fanbase on American college campuses: “There’s a third-worldist, anti-imperial point of view, and that’s also the view that many college kids have adopted.” Can’t disagree with that.

NPR Loves Far-Left Tik-Tok Effort to Punish Celebrities For SILENCE on Gaza

Chloe Veltman, a correspondent on National Public Radio’s “Culture Desk” who last year celebrated the “Nation's first 'drag laureate,'" is still guarding the far-left ramparts of U.S. culture for NPR with Saturday’s “The Met Gala has fueled backlash against stars who are silent about the Gaza conflict.” She demonstrated, as if any more evidence was needed, the tax-supported network’s rigid adherence to a left-wing worldview that offends at least half its intended audience. Even as other outlets are trying to rein in the woke left and open public debate back up with more tolerance of opposing views, Veltman went all-in in support of anti-Israel (i.e. pro-Hamas) social media-fueled cancel culture targeting the outlandish Met Gala in NYC. A collective effort on TikTok and other social media platforms to push celebrities to speak publicly about the conflict in Gaza went into overdrive this week after The Met Gala. Creators on TikTok have earned millions of views for videos they've made linked to hashtags like #celebrityblocklist, #letthemeatcake and #blockout. Many of these posts list the names of actors, musicians and other high-profile figures whom the video creators say had not yet spoken out against Israel's attacks on the region -- or hadn't spoken out sufficiently -- and therefore should be blocked. And there's been a special push in recent days to name those who attended the opulent, star-studded annual Met Gala on Monday. They're not punishing celebrities speaking out for Israel. They're for punishing celebrities who say nothing about Israel or Gaza. This doesn’t sound sinister at all: "I made a Google Doc of every celebrity that attended the Met Gala, and now I'm going through and writing if they've been silent, or if they've been using their platform to speak up about the genocide in Gaza," said one TikTok user in a video displaying a long list of celebrity names against a black background with the word "SILENT" in red next to some, including Zendaya, Nicki Minaj, Keith Urban and Andrew Scott…. (There’s an unrelated “Zionist authors” version of this sort of hate-list as well.) Veltman the NPR culture journalist sounded precisely like Veltman the far-left activist: Calls on social media to boycott celebrity silences have been on a slow burn for months. But the fact the New York event, with its unchecked display of privilege and wealth, took place at around the same time as thousands of Palestinians were being forced to flee Rafah at less than 24 hours notice as Israeli troops took control of the Gaza territory's border crossing with Egypt, fanned the glowing embers into full-on flames. …. The rationale behind the calls on social media to block celebrities, thereby negatively impacting their advertising revenue, is to put pressure on them to use their massive influence to try to stop the violence in Gaza. The journalist concluded her taxpayer-supported segment celebrating the destructive, ultra-online temper tantrums for somehow helping “Gaza” (though calling for Israel to stop its war on Hamas would benefit the terrorists who run Gaza). And even if the many, much-viewed videos aimed at canceling celebrities don't help to bring about a change for the people of Gaza, there's at least an emotional reward for those doing the canceling. "It does provide some sense of agency," said the University of Michigan's Collins. "A sense that I've done something to influence other people to do something that perhaps maybe might make a difference. Because in the minds of those folks, it's better than doing nothing."

PBS Slights Non-Protester Rights on Campus: 'No Right to...Most Convenient Path to Library'

Tuesday’s PBS NewsHour actually brought on a critic of the pro-Hamas protesters currently infesting college campus quads across the country, which so far have gotten a nearly free ride from scrutiny (there’s certainly been little scrutiny of the pro-Biden groups funding them). New York Times columnist David French is certainly no hard-core conservative -- he's pretty close to PBS regular David Brooks -- but his opinion that the “camping” protesters posed a threat to other students and should be removed was a strong counterpoint to PBS’s knee-jerk support of the agitators and its exquisite sensitivity to the radicals’ demands. That was too much for NewsHour reporter and interviewee Lisa Desjardins, who found bizarre ways to excuse the mobs, which have often targeted Jewish students in disgusting ways. She introduced French as someone "who says colleges are not doing enough to crack down" on protests. Journalists have been terrible at distinguishing peaceful protests and occupying public or private spaces.  Desjardins suggested to French he's weak on injustice:  "Protesters do say they see an injustice overseas and America tied to that injustice some — they say, through its support of Israel. They see this as a life-and-death cause. They're talking about nothing less than starvation, violent deaths of civilians. What should protesters be doing when they see injustice like that, in your view?" FRENCH: Well, they should absolutely lift up their voices in protest, and the schools should absolutely provide an avenue and a place for people to protest. They can engage in their own boycotts. They can engage in all kinds of constitutionally protected activities to lift up this issue. But they do not have the ability, under American law, to violate the rights of others because they think it's for a good cause. That is not the way this works. You cannot — my First Amendment rights and my rights to study, to sleep, to receive the benefit of an education do not depend on whether or not another group of students consider that a cause is important enough to disrupt my rights. That's not how this works. Desjardins lectured that non-protesting students shouldn't complain about little inconveniences: "As you know, there's not the same kind of right to free speech on private college campuses as there is on public, but many embrace that ideal. But I also don't know that there is an espoused right to sleep or right to have the most convenient path to the library….the Founders themselves espoused rebellion, not just their own.” Jew checkpoints on campus aren’t exactly the same thing as a “convenient path to the library." Bonus coverage: In the previous segment, NewsHour congressional reporter Laura Barron-Lopez claimed Donald Trump had “demonized Palestinian refugees” at a campaign rally. What awful thing did Trump say? Her clip: Donald Trump: Your towns and villages will now be accepting people from Gaza, lots of people from Gaza, because, under chain migration, they can bring everybody they ever touched. Under no circumstances should we bring thousands of refugees from Hamas-controlled terrorist epicenters like Gaza to America. We just can't do it. This segment was brought to you in part by Certified Financial Planner. A transcript is available, click “Expand.” PBS NewsHour 5/7/24 7:32:27 p.m. (ET) Amna Nawaz: Protests against the war in Gaza continue on a number of campuses across the country. As part of our ongoing coverage, Lisa Desjardins has a conversation tonight about the wave of crackdowns at some colleges and universities and how they are being justified. Lisa Desjardins: Amna, the past day shows more action and reaction. Police made dozens of arrests as they broke up an encampment at the University of California, San Diego. At the University of Chicago, police disbanded another encampment. But, at MIT, pro-Palestinian protesters refused to move, despite the threat of academic suspension. Today, in his own speech recognizing Holocaust Remembrance Day, House Speaker Mike Johnson charged that many schools are hostile places for Jewish people and have — quote — "succumbed to an antisemitic virus." Last night, we looked at the idea that colleges have themselves fomented these protests. Our guest tonight says colleges are not doing enough to crack down on them. David French is an opinion columnist for The New York Times. And, David, what do you think universities are getting wrong here? David French, Opinion Columnist, The New York Times: Yes, what they're getting wrong is, they're ignoring their own reasonable time, place and manner restrictions that should allow all parties to have equal access to campus facilities. This is something that universities who have tens of thousands of students often, but not — they don't have the public spaces big enough to encompass everybody who might want to engage in free expression. So, when you have a time, place and manner restriction, what that does is, it says everyone's going to have equal access to the campus, and also that place and manner restriction means that people can't disrupt the actual educational process of the school. And so what's happening is that many of these protests, particularly encampments, are occupying space on the quad. They're, by necessity, excluding others who might want to use it. And then, with the nature of the protests, they're interfering with the students' ability to study, to learn, sometimes even to sleep. And some of these Jewish students are finding that their access to campus is limited by the protests as well. And so by blowing through these time, place and manner restrictions, the protesters are actually violating the rights of other students. And in that circumstance, the university has to step in. Lisa Desjardins: Some of these protests, as you say, have raised a lot of concerns, but so has the idea of calling in police. Police have more power than students. How do you see the idea that perhaps how do you make sure that a get-tough approach doesn't go too far? David French: Well, the bottom line is that these universities have a legal obligation to protect the rights of all of the students and also to protect the Jewish students on campus from antisemitic harassment. So, when these encampments violate the rights of others and they refuse to leave, then, sometimes, there's no option but to bring in law enforcement. Now, that doesn't mean that law enforcement can do whatever it wants. It should be disciplined. It should be restrained in its use of force. But when a group of students is violating the rights of other students, there are legal obligations that attach to the university to defend the rights of others. And so if these students won't move, the university is, in many ways, their hands are tied, because they cannot continue to consent to the violation of other students' rights. Lisa Desjardins: Let me get at this idea of what is civil disobedience and what is actually problematic, unlawful conduct, as you're saying. For example, if there was a sit-in at a diner… David French: Right. Lisa Desjardins: … and those conducting the sit-in were preventing the business from conducting its own business and preventing other patrons from entering, is that something that you see in the same kind of light? And is it civil disobedience or not? David French: Well, when we saw the civil rights movement, what you saw was protesters violating unjust laws, like prohibiting Black Americans from eating in the same diners as white Americans. That's violating an unjust law and then accepting the consequences. So you accept the consequences of your legal violation, which upholds the rule of law. But that's the key. There's an unjust law that you violate, and then you accept the consequences, and you do it all peacefully. Here, in many ways, what they're doing is, they're violating just laws. In other words, they're actually in violation of laws that protect the rights of others, and then they're refusing to accept the consequences. They're covering their faces to avoid detection. They're often in outright defiance of the police when the police try to move them. And that's when you're moving from civil disobedience, which is honorable and respects the rule of law, to outright lawlessness, where they're violating just laws and refusing to accept the consequences. Lisa Desjardins: Protesters do say they see an injustice overseas and America tied to that injustice some — they say, through its support of Israel. They see this as a life-and-death cause. They're talking about nothing less than starvation, violent deaths of civilians. What should protesters be doing when they see injustice like that, in your view? David French: Well, they should absolutely lift up their voices in protest, and the schools should absolutely provide an avenue and a place for people to protest. They can engage in their own boycotts. They can engage in all kinds of constitutionally protected activities to lift up this issue. But they do not have the ability, under American law, to violate the rights of others because they think it's for a good cause. That is not the way this works. You cannot — my First Amendment rights and my rights to study, to sleep, to receive the benefit of an education do not depend on whether or not another group of students consider that a cause is important enough to disrupt my rights. That's not how this works. Students have ample opportunity to express their views, and they also have opportunity to engage in true, genuine, peaceful civil disobedience. But what we're seeing on many campuses, not all, but many campuses is something an order of magnitude beyond that. Lisa Desjardins: As you know, there's not the same kind of right to free speech on private college campuses as there is on public, but many embrace that ideal. But I also don't know that there is an espoused right to sleep or right to have the most convenient path to the library. All of this is sort of weighing with something you pay attention to, our founders. You're an originalist. You pay attention to their intention here. The founders themselves espoused rebellion, not just their own. How do you weigh that idea of this sort of American tension between, yes, speak up, even do rebellious acts for something you believe in, but also perhaps follow the law? David French: In many of these campuses, if you're talking about people in their own dorms, in the comfort of their own dorms, there is a right to some peace and safety and security here. And it is in fact violation of federal law, anti-harassment law, in particular, when, in particular, Jewish students can't have full access to campus, can't have — can't sleep, can't rest. These things actually violate federal law when it rises to that level. And in that circumstances, these universities have to do something to protect the rights of other students. The right to rebellion, I would say that that was seriously diminished after the loss in the Civil War by the Confederacy. I don't think there's any real concept of a right to rebellion. In this circumstance, if you have an actual rebellion against authority on campus, where people move beyond these reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions, they're violating the rights of others. And I'm sorry, the law protects all of us. It doesn't just protect a small cohort of people who decide to occupy part of a campus. Lisa Desjardins: David French, part of a national conversation here, we appreciate your time.

Desperate NY Times: Valid Soros Criticism Equals 'Republicans Echo Antisemitic Tropes'

As pro-Hamas campus protesters scream end-of-Israel slogans on college campuses and President Biden cuts off weapons to Israel, the New York Times put its investigative journalism to a very political task, neutralizing any attempt by Republicans to campaign against antisemitism:  How Republicans Echo Antisemitic Tropes Despite Declaring Support for Israel Prominent Republicans have seized on campus protests to assail what they say is antisemitism on the left. But for years they have mainstreamed anti-Jewish rhetoric. The Times spent some 3,500 words and used Artificial Intelligence and four staffers (Karen Yourish, Danielle Ivory, Jennifer Valentino-DeVries, and Alex Lemonides) to try to paint the GOP as the true anti-semitic party. Their methodology?  The Times used a variety of methods to examine the extent to which federal politicians have used language promoting antisemitic tropes. Reporters examined official press releases, congressional newsletters and posts on X (formerly Twitter) of every person who served in Congress over the past 10 years that contained the words “Soros,” “globalist” or “globalism” — terms widely accepted by multiple historians and experts on antisemitism as “dog whistles” that refer to Jews. The paper’s ideologically motivated thesis rests heavily on the false assumption being that criticism of left-wing ideological financier George Soros is by definition anti-Semitic. Some “seizing” occurred on the “largely peaceful” (really?) campus protests, which the Times severely underplayed. Amid the widening protests and the unease, if not fear, among many Jews, Republicans have sought to seize the political advantage by portraying themselves as the true protectors of Israel and Jews under assault from the progressive left. While largely peaceful, the campus protests over Israel’s bombardment of Gaza that has killed tens of thousands have been loud and disruptive and have at times taken on a sharpened edge. Jewish students have been shouted at to return to Poland, where Nazis killed three million Jews during the Holocaust. There are chants and signs in support of Hamas, whose attack on Israel sparked the current war. A leader of the Columbia protests declared in a video that “Zionists don’t deserve to live.” Debate rages over the extent to which the protests on the political left constitute coded or even direct attacks on Jews. But far less attention has been paid to a trend on the right: For all of their rhetoric of the moment, increasingly through the Trump era many Republicans have helped inject into the mainstream thinly veiled anti-Jewish messages with deep historical roots. The conspiracy theory taking on fresh currency is one that dates back hundreds of years and has perennially bubbled into view: that a shady cabal of wealthy Jews secretly controls events and institutions contrary to the national interest of whatever country it is operating in. The Times will not tolerate any criticism of leftist financier George Soros. The current formulation of the trope taps into the populist loathing of an elite “ruling class.” “Globalists” or “globalist elites” are blamed for everything from Black Lives Matter to the influx of migrants across the southern border, often described as a plot to replace native-born Americans with foreigners who will vote for Democrats. The favored personification of the globalist enemy is George Soros, the 93-year-old Hungarian American Jewish financier and Holocaust survivor who has spent billions in support of liberal causes and democratic institutions. The reporters extrapolated wildly to make standard political rhetoric “hate-filled speech of the extreme right.” This language is hardly new -- Mr. Soros became a boogeyman of the American far right long before the ascendancy of Mr. Trump. And the elected officials now invoking him or the globalists rarely, if ever, directly mention Jews or blame them outright. Some of them may not immediately understand the antisemitic resonance of the meme, and in some cases its use may simply be reflexive political rhetoric. But its rising ubiquity reflects the breaking down of old guardrails on all types of degrading speech, and the cross-pollination with the raw, sometimes hate-filled speech of the extreme right, in a party under the sway of the norm-defying former, and perhaps future, president. The reporters spared a few paragraphs of their diatribe to note left-wing anti-Semitism, referencing the campus protests and Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) “for her statements after the Hamas attack, including ‘from the river to the sea.’” The Times repeated the same snotty “In fact…” formulation for the pro-Hamas protests. An “indirect” connection is still a connection, no matter how often the press throw around “anti-Semitism” in Soros’s defense. In fact, Mr. Soros’s connection to the protests is indirect: His foundation has donated to groups that have supported pro-Palestinian efforts, including recent protests, according to its financial records….

PBS NewsHour: Trump's Wild Gestapo Remarks vs. Biden Faces 'Jaded Electorate'

The “Politics Monday” segment of the PBS NewsHour, as hosted by substitute anchor William Brangham, was spicier than usual. Brangham found “controversy” on Trump’s side (no surprise there) but President Biden eluded blame for his poor polling -- blame a “jaded electorate” instead. Brangham: It's already shaping up to be a busy political week, as Republicans navigate the fallout from controversial remarks made by former President Trump at a fund-raiser over the weekend. Meanwhile, six months out from the election, President Biden continues to deal with a jaded electorate, as he wrestles with the political ramifications of the war in Gaza. He was joined by the usual Monday political duo, Amy Walter of The Cook Political Report and NPR White House correspondent Tamara Keith. Brangham huffed: Six months out, as I just mentioned, from this election, this weekend, Donald Trump was at this campaign event and he made these comments where he basically equated the Biden White House with the Nazis, saying that they are running a -- quote – ‘Gestapo administration.’ Now, this is, obviously, Amy, the -- just the latest in a long history of Trump saying things like this. But one of his fellow Republicans, one who's vying to be the number two on the Trump ticket, North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum, came out and defended Donald Trump. Here's what he had to say. Gov. Doug Burgum (R-ND): The majority of Americans feel like the trial that he's in right now is politically motivated. And if it was anybody else, this trial wouldn't even be happening. So I understand that he feels like that he's being unfairly treated. In sarcasm mode, Brangham interjected his own thought. "So feeling like a trial is unfair is equivalent to being part of the Nazi secret police."  As if Democrats haven’t been calling Trump or all the other Republican presidential candidates some form of “fascist” for time immemorial. Walter lamented how Republicans must suck up to Trump to be his vice presidential candidate, as if that’s a novelty. Kamala Harris didn't have to demonstrate loyalty? Walter: What we are seeing as well, as you pointed out, Doug Burgum reportedly on the short list to be a vice-presidential candidate, is that loyalty to Donald Trump is always important. I think, in a Trump 2.0, it will be very, very top priority in picking who is around him. And so, when we talk about, what are the constraints or what are the restraints or the guardrails around a Trump presidency for things that he says or does, who's going to maybe rein him in, stand up and say no in the way that the vice president, Mike Pence, did, these folks are not saying that they would like to… Brangham: They're saying: I won't do that. Don't worry, boss. NPR’s Keith explained a sort of running mate beauty contest in Palm Beach. She mocked it as comparable to the soapy reality show The Bachelor: Tamara Keith: They brought all of these candidates, potential vice-presidential picks in, and then many of them went out on the Sunday shows. And what they had to do was show their loyalty to former President Trump. As Amy said, he does not want another vice president who will be loyal to him only up until when it matters and when the Constitution is on the line. He wants someone who will go out there and prove and tie themselves in knots, like Senator Tim Scott did on Meet the Press, just tie themselves in knots to stick with the reality that is Trump's reality, even if it is not true. Then Brangham ran the infamous clip from NBC’s Meet the Press of host Kristen Welker hassling Republican Sen. Tim Scott, a possible Trump VP choice, asking him SIX times if he would accept as valid the results of a presidential election that hasn’t taken place yet. No panelist admitted their fellow journalist's questioning was hackishly excessive, though both Keith and Walter agreed it went on “for a long time,” and the PBS clip skipped the part when Scott finally said in frustration, “This is why so many Americans believe that NBC is an extension of the Democrat Party.” The panel then turned to Biden’s poor polling. This snotty segment was brought to you in part by BDO. A transcript is available, click “Expand.” PBS NewsHour 5/6/24 7:45:57 p.m. (ET) William Brangham: It's already shaping up to be a busy political week, as Republicans navigate the fallout from controversial remarks made by former President Trump at a fund-raiser over the weekend. Meanwhile, six months out from the election, President Biden continues to deal with a jaded electorate, as he wrestles with the political ramifications of the war in Gaza. Following this all closely is our Politics Monday duo, Amy Walter of The Cook Political Report With Amy Walter and Tamara Keith of NPR. So nice to see you both. Happy Monday. Six months out, as I just mentioned, from this election, this weekend, Donald Trump was at this campaign event and he made these comments where he basically equated the Biden White House with the Nazis, saying that they are running a — quote — "Gestapo administration." Now, this is, obviously, Amy, the — just the latest in a long history of Trump… Amy Walter, The Cook Political Report: Yes. Yes. William Brangham: … saying things like this. But one of his fellow Republicans, one who's vying to be the number two on the Trump ticket, North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum, came out and defended Donald Trump. Here's what he had to say. Gov. Doug Burgum (R-ND): A majority of Americans feel like the trial that he's in right now is politically motivated. And if it was anybody else, this trial wouldn't even be happening. So I understand that he feels like that he's being unfairly treated. William Brangham: So feeling like a trial is unfair is equivalent to being part of the Nazi secret police. Amy Walter: Well, first, let's talk about the majority of Americans, as the governor said right there, feel that this is unfair, which, according to the most recent poll, the NPR/PBS/Marist poll, that is not true; 54 percent in that poll thought that it's fair. Now, 46 percent think it's unfair. So there are a lot of people… William Brangham: Right. Amy Walter: … who think the way the North Dakota governor does. But if we think that this candidate Trump or a Trump 2.0 president is going to look any different than the candidate we have known since 2016 or the person who was president for four years, you're going to be sorely mistaken. This is the reality of — this is just who Donald Trump is, how he's going to operate, how he is going to speak and behave. What we are seeing as well, as you pointed out, Doug Burgum reportedly on the short list to be a vice presidential candidate, is that loyalty to Donald Trump is always important. I think, in a Trump 2.0, it will be very, very top priority in picking who is around him. And so, when we talk about, well, what are the constraints or what are the restraints or the guardrails around a Trump presidency for things that he says or does, who's going to maybe rein him in, stand up and say no in the way that the vice president, Mike Pence, did, these folks are not saying that they would like to… William Brangham: They're saying: I won't do that. Don't worry, boss. Amy Walter: I'm pretty good with — I'm pretty good with the way that Trump is going to operate. Tamara Keith, National Public Radio: Yes. Right now, we are in the audition phase of the vice presidential pick contest… Amy Walter: Yes. Tamara Keith: … or, like, an episode of "The Bachelor" or something. And he — they had this event in Palm Beach. They brought all of these candidates, potential vice presidential picks in, and then many of them went out on the Sunday shows. And what they had to do was show their loyalty to former President Trump. He — as Amy said, he does not want another vice president who will be loyal to him only up until when it matters and when the Constitution is on the line. William Brangham: Right. Tamara Keith: He wants someone who will go out there and prove and tie themselves in knots, like Senator Tim Scott did on "Meet the Press," just tie themselves in knots to stick with the reality that is Trump's reality, even if it is not true. William Brangham: Let's take a look at what Tim Scott had to say, because he was asked about, will you accept the election results, regardless of who wins? Here's what he had to say. Kristen Welker, Moderator, "Meet the Press": Well, Senator, will you commit to accepting the election results of 2024, bottom line? Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC): At the end of the day, the 47th president of the United States will be President Donald Trump. And I'm excited to get back to low inflation, low unemployment, and… (Crosstalk) Kristen Welker: Wait, wait. Senator, yes or no, yes or no, will you accept the election results of 2024, no matter who wins? Sen. Tim Scott: That is my statement. William Brangham: I mean, Kristen Welker went back and forth about this multiple times. Tamara Keith: For a long time. Amy Walter: Yes, for a long time. Tamara Keith: And this is relevant because former President Trump is still denying the results of the last election. He is going to Wisconsin and Michigan and saying, oh, no, I actually won here, when he didn't. So, it's entirely relevant whether you will accept the results of the 2024 election. He has also said in that "TIME" magazine interview that — it came out last week — that he doesn't think that there will be violence or any issues, as long as the election is fair. But, at the same time, he is saying that the last election, which was fair, wasn't. William Brangham: Fair meaning, "I won." Tamara Keith: Generally speaking, yes. (Crosstalk) Amy Walter: Yes. William Brangham: Amy, meanwhile, Biden has got polling that again showing not great news for his campaign. We want to put up this graphic here. A majority of the U.S. adults, 54 percent, disapprove of Biden's performance. That is a 3 percent jump since March. Now, that's within the margin of error. Amy Walter: Yes. William Brangham: But it is his worst rating since 2019. I mean, how panicked should that campaign be? Amy Walter: Well, he is deeply unpopular, but he's not that much more unpopular than Donald Trump is. And the poll that you're citing are — the Marist poll. So, Donald Trump's overall approval rating is 42 percent, the president being at 40 percent. Where we sit right now is really fascinating. It feels like we have been — this campaign has been going on for about 100 years, because it basically has. (Laughter) Amy Walter: We're rerunning 2020. William Brangham: You both look great for 100-year-old people. (Laughter) Amy Walter: Thank you. Thank you. Appreciate that. But the focus right now is on Joe Biden. He's the president now. Obviously, four years ago, it was Donald Trump. If the question is, should we go — which president do you think did a better job in his first term, right now, Trump is winning that argument. And you see in poll after poll when they ask questions about what do you think — who you did a better job on the economy, whose policies do you think have helped you the most, Biden or Trump, Trump is beating Biden on those matters. But if you talk about a campaign, which is about the future, that's the conversation that we haven't really gotten into yet. And that's why you saw even the Tim Scott interview. You hear the surrogates, as well as Donald Trump, talk a lot about, remember back in the days, let's bring us back to those days of four years ago… William Brangham: Right, booming economy. Amy Walter: … when the economy was great and inflation was low. So, remember, remember how great those times were. It's up to the Biden campaign to make the case that — not so much to fight about whether those times were great, but to talk about the next four years and what an administration of Biden's would look like and his policies and compare them to Donald Trump's. Tamara Keith: Which is why the Biden campaign continues to highlight all of the things that Trump says… Amy Walter: Yes. Tamara Keith: … like the Gestapo comments and everything else that he has said, while also really trying to amplify what he is saying he would do… Amy Walter: That's right. Tamara Keith: … and, in particular, on abortion rights, where he is trying not to say what he would do, and on any number of policy matters. In that "TIME" magazine interview, again, where he talked about wanting to round up migrants and… William Brangham: Right, deploy the military inside the U.S. Tamara Keith: Yes. And then he was asked, well, but the military being used on civilians? And he said, oh, no, they're not civilians, which is a pretty significant departure from norms. William Brangham: Right. Amy Walter: Yes. And this — the case hasn't really been prosecuted yet. Tamara Keith: Yes. Amy Walter: Believe it or not, we are still, which feels like either six months, you think, is a long time from now or a very short time from now. I tend to think of it as a short time. I think most normal voters think, well, we're a long way away from the election. William Brangham: So they just haven't dialed in yet. Amy Walter: Yes. And the — and both candidates soon enough will be on the airwaves making their case to voters. Theoretically, there will be debates between these candidates, where the differences between the two will become more of the conversation. William Brangham: Theoretically, on those debates. Amy Walter, Tamara Keith, so nice to see you both. Thank you. Amy Walter: You're welcome. Tamara Keith: Thanks, William.