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Yesterday — May 17th 2024Your RSS feeds

J6er Jake Lang Emerges From 36 Days in Sensory Deprivation Chamber

The capacity of human beings to adjust to nearly any environment is quite terrifying. Just ask January 6 Political Prisoner Jake Lang, who just endured 36 days in horrific solitary confinement at the hands of the Biden Regime.

Jake’s social media team released a triumphant tweet earlier today, marking his high-spirited release with a hallmark ‘what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger’ attitude.

Lang shared on X:

40 months ago, TODAY on January 16th 2021, I was kidnapped from my home in Upstate NY by the Gestapo FBI for my role in January 6 & I have remained incarcerated by the Biden Regime as a J6 Political Prisoner without bond or trial since.

And TODAY after nearly 40 days in a Sensory Deprivation Chamber (HORRIFIC SOLITARY CONFINEMENT)

I have finally been RELEASED back into General Population where I can stretch my legs, do Bible studies, and not starve every night!!


These last 40 months have been undeniably difficult – but they have been an epic journey of God’s potent grace & His ability to give enduring strength through the name of Jesus – overshadowing the most insane 3rd world treatment of American citizens since Japanese internment camps during WWll

The Spiritual significance of the number 40 is seen over and over in God’s living Word. Noah spent 40 days in the Ark. Moses lead the Jewish people for 40 days through the desert until they finally reached the Promised Land Eretz Israel, Jesus fasted for 40 days after the Spirit descended upon Him, and appeared to thousands in Israel victorious after Resurrection for 40 days!!

Make no mistake America – your soul felt prayers are SHIFTING THE ATMOSPHERE

This National season of despair, defeat and depression are waning & a New Bloom of Liberty is amongst us!! Take Heart!! Brace yourself like MEN!!



#Restored #MadeWhole #FullyRedemed #Free #Trump2024 “

40 months ago, TODAY on January 16th 2021, I was kidnapped from my home in Upstate NY by the Gestapo FBI for my role in January 6 & I have remained incarcerated by the Biden Regime as a J6 Political Prisoner without bond or trial since ⛓⛓⛓

And TODAY after nearly 40 days in a…

— Jake Lang – January 6 Political Prisoner (@JakeLangJ6) May 16, 2024

In exclusive remarks to The Gateway Pundit, the semi-liberated Lang shares, “Few things will make you cling to God like Brooklyn MDC Federal Prison solitary confinement, Jim!”

“I can’t believe human beings are being subjected to such extreme Constitutional and human rights deprivations! I had to wear the same pair of under for over a week and was never provided with any towel or toiletries beyond a roll of 1-ply toilet paper, a 2-inch toothbrush, and a bar of soap. That’s it to survive. No books, envelopes or stamps, only one phone call a month with only 2 hours out of your cell PER WEEK!!”

“To the Americans out there who are thinking of politically dissenting against the Biden Regime – this what awaits you – BUT YOU CAN MAKE IT! Fear not and stand firm; there is a 4th man in the fire – Jesus, the Living God. We will make it through together. Vote Trump to end the madness!!”

If you want to become a commissary sponsor to help the struggling January 6 Political Prisoners, please visit and sign up!

You can also listen to The Political Prisoner Podcast powered by The Gateway Pundit on 

The post J6er Jake Lang Emerges From 36 Days in Sensory Deprivation Chamber appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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WAYNE ROOT: Democrats Keep Calling Trump “Hitler.” Could It Be Because They’ve Turned America into 1930s Nazi Germany?

Scenes of the reinstated Gaza Solidarity Encampment at Columbia University on its fourth day
Photo from Wikimedia Commons, CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication, Date: 21 April 2024, 14:07:15

By Wayne Allyn Root

Folks, Democrats (ie radical communist traitors who hate America) keep calling Trump “Hitler.” They keep saying if Trump is elected, he will become a Hitler-like dictator. Hillary Clinton said it days ago. Robert De Niro said it on ABC’s “The View.” again.

But why go to the extreme of comparing Trump to Hitler? Of all people, why Hitler? It’s so extreme, ridiculous, over-exaggerated and preposterous. Why exaggerate like that?

The answer is simple: Saul Alinsky.

Every leading Democrat has studied Saul Alinsky. He is their God- along with Satan. Don’t believe me? Think I’m exaggerating? Saul Alinsky’s book, “Rules for Radicals” is the Democrat playbook. They all follow his strategy. The book is dedicated to the devil. On the very first page you’ll see the dedication. The book is dedicated to “the first radical who fought the establishment and won his own kingdom, Lucifer.”

Insanity, right?

This explains a lot about what’s happening today in America. Satan runs the Democrat Party. His right-hand man may be Obama…with help from George Soros, Klaus Schwab and the Chinese Communist Party. But in the end, the guy at the top of the food chain giving the final orders is Satan.

Democrats really are the party of criminals, illegal foreign invaders, communists, terrorists, weirdos with mental illness, and Satan.

Saul Alinsky is famous for saying, “Look in the mirror. Whatever you see, blame your opponent.”

So, the reason you see and hear Democrats calling Trump “Hitler” so often is they looked in the mirror and saw Hitler in themselves. They are the dictators. They want to imprison, or impoverish, or enslave, or torture anyone who disagrees with them, criticizes them, or challenges them. They are ones following the playbooks of communist Saul Alinsky and National Socialist Hitler.

Look around. America today looks very much like 1930s Nazi Germany.

Start with the Covid vaccine. Trump never mandated it. He never threatened anyone with losing their job, or career for not taking it. He never kicked hero warriors out of the military for not taking it. Trump believes in freedom. He gave everyone a choice. There was no coercion.

But Biden and Democrat Governors forced every employee and even school children to take an experimental, for-emergency-use only vaccine against their will. Exactly like Hitler did. This mandate violated the post-Hitler era rule called “The Nuremberg Code” that no human being would ever again be forced to take any vaccine or drug against their will.

So, who is more like Hitler? Trump or Democrats?

Democrats also acted Hitler-like with ridiculous lockdowns that destroyed the U.S. economy for a germ…and suffocating, dehumanizing masks with holes bigger than the germ…and business closures. Trump never mandated any of them.

Democrats wanted you to believe that germs only attack small businesses (who mostly support Trump), but leave billion dollar businesses alone (who mostly support Democrats). They closed and bankrupted small businesses, made tens of millions of Americans jobless, destroyed small landlords, and jailed Americans who refused to listen.

That sounds pretty Hitler-like to me.

Who wanted vaccine passports to walk into any store, restaurant, bar, gym, or hair salon? Only Democrats. They demanded “your papers” 24/7.

Doesn’t that sound a lot like the Nazi Gestapo asking Jews for “their papers?” Yup.

Who weaponized the government? Not Trump. Did Trump send the IRS to destroy Democrat’s lives? Nope. Did Trump use the FBI to go after Democrat protestors? Nope. Did Trump send the FBI to harass or intimidate critics? Nope.

But Biden (and his boss Obama) sent FBI SWAT teams to arrest J6ers…and Catholic church goers…and PTA parents…and Pro-Life protestors who sang religious songs and prayed outside abortion clinics.

Obama used the IRS to try to destroy critics like me (I’m a witness), and conservative organizations and donors.

That sounds pretty Hitler-like to me.

Trump never used the government to arrest his political opponents. Heck, Trump never even indicted Hillary!

But Biden (and his boss Obama) have been conspiring with obsessed, Trump-hating, Democrat prosecutors across the USA to frame Trump with bogus charges, or make up crimes that either never happened, or prosecute behavior that has never been prosecuted in the history of America.

They have created rigged judges and juries. In New York they want to put Trump in prison for years by using the testimony of a discredited, disbarred shyster lawyer, and a porn star and alleged prostitute. These are communist show trials. These are things a tyrant does to get rid of his opponents.

That sounds pretty Hitler-like to me.

Then there’s rigged elections. It was Stalin who said, It’s not who votes that counts, but who counts the votes.”

And media manipulation to blackout anything negative to Democrats (like Hunter Biden’s laptop, or rigged elections, or Covid vaccine deaths).

And the way Biden demonized the unvaccinated and now conservatives as “domestic terrorists” sounds awfully like the way Hitler demonized Jews.

And then there’s mass censorship, banning and silencing of conservatives and critics of this administration on social media through a conspiracy between government and Silicon Valley.

Did Trump ever do any of that? Nope. But Biden (and his boss Obama) sure did.

And now we have the cherry on top…

Watch the anarchy, hate and threats of violence on college campuses across America by thugs screaming “Death to Jews” “Death to Israel” “From the River to the Sea” and “We are Hamas.” And the thugs on college protests are exactly like Hitler’s youth army. Except now they’re the youth army of the Democrat Party.

So, now you know why Democrats are comparing Trump to Hitler. Because they looked in the mirror.

Democrats have introduced Nazi tactics into American politics. Democrats have turned our country into 1930’s Nazi Germany. And if you can’t see that, you’re part of the problem.

There is only solution: Trump.

HOT OFF THE PRESSES: Watch Wayne’s brand new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to to watch.

The post WAYNE ROOT: Democrats Keep Calling Trump “Hitler.” Could It Be Because They’ve Turned America into 1930s Nazi Germany? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

WAYNE ROOT: My Message to President Trump: The Debates are a Trap. Something is Wrong. Drug Test Biden.

By Wayne Allyn Root

President Trump and Team Trump, I hope you’re listening. Something is very wrong.

I smell a trap.

Democrats want Biden to debate? Are you kidding me? He’s clearly a brain-dead puppet with dementia and diapers. The man doesn’t know where he is most of the time…or what decade it is…or what he’s signing. He doesn’t know the names of the national media at his press conferences- he needs charts with their names on their seats.

But suddenly he wants to debate? In June? Trust me, it’s a trap.

There are a myriad of possibilities why Democrats want this….

First of all, President Trump, do not agree to a debate without drug testing Biden. He cannot stay lucid for 90 minutes without state-of-the-art drugs. Don’t debate him unless he agrees to a drug test immediately preceding the debate, with independent doctors.

Second, Biden will absolutely use an electronic listening device in his ear. Biden has no ability to answer questions on the fly. The man reads the words “period” and “end of sentence” on his teleprompter. How can he answer questions on the fly…or debate you? He can’t.

I guarantee you, Biden’s team will be giving him the answers in his ear. Don’t debate him, unless he agrees to no electronic listening devices, and agrees to be searched on the stage.

Third, Democrats cheat. They rig debates just like they rig elections. All the questions will be given to Biden days before the event- just like Democrats already did with Hillary before her debate with Bernie Sanders. Your team must come up with a way to ensure no one sees the questions in advance. Lie detector tests?

Fourth, why would you agree to debate on only biased liberal TV networks like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, or NBC? There are 2 debates. One can be on a liberal network, one can be on a conservative network.

Why would you ever agree to play two “away games?”

Fifth, you need fair moderators. Would the Biden campaign allow me as the moderator of the debates? Why not? I’m an Ivy League grad who has been in the media my entire adult life. I’ve hosted shows on major networks for 35 years. But they’d say “Wayne is biased. He’s an America-First, MAGA, conservative, Trump warrior.”

Yet every media member they pick will be a biased, liberal, Deep State, DC Swamp, Trump-hater with Trump Derangement Syndrome.

If they can have a Trump-hater as moderator, why can’t you demand one moderator at each debate of your choice? Each side gets a draft pick!

Pick me, Mr. President. I volunteer to moderate, representing Real America’s Voice TV.

Lastly, here is the real trap. Why June?

I know of no presidential debate in history ever held in June. Why so early? This is bizarre. Something is rancid. Hinkey. FUBAR.

I know Obama like no one on earth. Obama is running the show, and calling all the shots. He is the real President, for all intents and purposes.

If I’m Obama, I’m replacing Joe Biden at the convention in August. I’m betting Michelle Obama is the choice- which is why the Democrat convention is in Chicago in the first place. They planned this all along. Why Chicago? Why would anyone have a convention in a state you are already guaranteed to win? It makes no sense. You always pick a battleground state that is up for grabs. Hence, Milwaukee, Wisconsin for the GOP convention.

So why Chicago? Illinois is a 100% blue state. But if Joe Biden is stepping down at the convention “for the good of the nation”…and giving a tearful farewell speech…and then introduces Michelle Obama as his replacement…the 100% born and bred Chicago girl…and the city goes wild with delight that a native daughter…”another Obama from Chicago”…is the nominee…the publicity, promotion, excitement and branding is worth billions of dollars…and could propel “celebrity Michelle” to victory.

It’s certainly worth a shot. Because Democrats know with Biden as the nominee, they have no chance to beat Trump. What do they have to lose? Might as well take a shot with Michelle.

And that could also be THE reason for a June debate.

By August, Biden will be long gone. Trump will have wasted his breath attacking a man who is no longer his opponent. All Trump’s arguments against Biden on June 27th are useless by the second debate in September.

But Democrats have now seen a “sneak preview” of Trump’s arguments. They have the advantage. Now Michelle (who has never debated in her life), has seen his debate style, and knows all of Trump’s arguments.

Better yet, Michelle is nothing but a celebrity candidate with no record, and no policies to defend.

And Trump has already agreed to only one more debate in September. Michelle only has to risk a single debate. What a lucky break for her!

Meanwhile “celebrity Michelle” even if she loses the September debate, spends the rest of the campaign smiling, kissing babies and accepting wild applause from record-sized crowds of adoring feminists, children and radical communist agitators, who see her as their Marxist hero and the first female president.

She has none of Biden’s baggage. She has no record to defend, she never mentions any policy details. Her debate loss in September is long forgotten.

This debate in June is the tip-off. Something is very wrong.

But no matter what Mr. President, if you only listen to one piece of my advice…

Refuse to debate, unless Biden agrees to be drug tested.

HOT OFF THE PRESSES: Watch Wayne’s brand new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to to watch.

The post WAYNE ROOT: My Message to President Trump: The Debates are a Trap. Something is Wrong. Drug Test Biden. appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

J6 Political Prisoner Marc Bru Shares Concerns About Horrible Abuse and Neglect in US Prison System

Marc Anthony Bru

Marc Anthony Bru was seen on January 6th raising his phone to document the events as they unfolded that day at the US Capitol.

Bru was found guilty of attending a protest and “obstruction of an official proceeding” because he was in attendance at the protest.

The obstruction charge is a felony. The Biden DOJ also found him guilty of “civil disorder” for attending the protest and five misdemeanors.

Federal agents pulled guns on Marc and his mother when he was arrested.

DC Judge Boasberg found him guilty of all charges.

Marc Bru did not shut down an official Congressional proceeding by pulling a fire alarm like radical Democrat Jamaal Bowman. Marc’s crime was attending the J6 protests and walking inside the US Capitol.

Before Joe Biden, conservative Americans had the right to protest their government. Today, conservatives are jailed and their lives are ruined for attending a protest.

But it isn’t only J6 prisoners who are being abused and neglected by the prison system. Marc shared his concerns about what is happening within the prison system and alleged violations of human rights by careless staff and the cruel and unusual punishment and torture of incarcerated prisoners.

Marc wrote to The Gateway Pundit to share the stories of two such prisoners.

***Please help Marc here.***

Reported by Marc Anthony Bru, January political prisoner:

I’m in the belly of the Bureau of Prisons (BOP)! It’s been several months, July 8th, if I recall correctly, since I’ve been held hostage by the belligerent Biden Regime. The highly contested 2021 Presidential Election brought Americans together for a collective redress of grievances, through primarily the STOP THE STEAL protest event. We saw what was being done to end President Trump’s position in the Executive branch.

Fast forward three and a half years, and several jail locations across the country later, and my eyes have been opened to the depravity of the judicial system, which we see naturally set the tone of the cultural development of “law enforcement “ all across the “nation.”

You can mostly ignore it in the outside world, yet from inside, you can’t unsee it, nor can you abase yourself to accept it. So I’ve set my intentions to expose the TRUTH of the corruption. My current focus is on the treatment and the intentional neglect by employees whose employers’ name has the words correctional facility associated with them. What are the methods of correction? Are they effective? Let us go straight to the source, the inmates themselves, their testimonies will shock your very soul.

Story # 1 Inmate (we call each other “cellies”)
He is from Las Vegas, Nevada. John Brandon Casutt has been suspiciously incarcerated, likely due to his rise in East Las Vegas politics and his getting too close to affecting some local politicians’ cash payments, adding up to billions annually. His challenges didn’t end with incarceration; they really began after being sentenced by yet another suspicious “court” proceeding. He was held in what we call the SHU, Secure Housing Unit. There, he was ignored when he’d asked multiple times for medical assistance, as a previous neck injury left in its wake chronic pain in his shoulders and neck. They refused to fill his already prescribed pain medication. Stating, “He was in transport, and they didn’t have a legal obligation to provide medical aid unless it was immediately life-threatening.”

I ask, how would these non-medical professional guards be able to make that determination? What they ignored turned into a life-threatening diagnosis when he was finally seen by professional medical outside of the Bureau of Prisons. How he finally got them to a place where he could receive medical attention sounds like fiction, EXCEPT it is totally a true story!

Cellie #1 was told by other inmates, “They (BOP) will never see you or answer your medical requests, and there’s certainly no way to leave the SHU, ever!” It took some time, but he realized he was on his own. Then he had an idea to help alleviate the neck pain. He devised an apparatus that went around his neck and was padded for comfort in the collar. He tied one strip of rope – he’d made from a bed sheet- across from his bunk frame to the shower nozzle, and another strip of the bed sheet hanging down, allowing him to suspend himself from his knees, to hang gently there stretching the neck, which would relieve the pain. He used this invention as he knelt down to place weight on the sling and stretched his neck for a few minutes in the sling and stretched his neck; a few minutes passed, and a guard doing his rounds in the SHU walked by his little door window. He came back to the window and seeing him hanging there, started to shout and opened the door to his cell. Running past him to release the line, the guard hit his shoulder, causing a drop and tightening the neck sling until he passed out from loss of oxygen to the brain.

Long story short, they thought he was dead and hung himself, so they tried to perform CPR on him before checking his vitals. Another guard came and determined he was still alive although he showed no signs of consciousness. They eventually got him out of prison, through the gate, and to an outside hospital, where he slowly regained his senses shortly before arrival.

As he came to, the medic in the back of the ambulance and escort guard from BOP told him he had died, and they revived him. The rest of the story is documented in the hospital’s medical records. He was the only one to successfully exit the SHU in response to his complaint, which he was forced to make happen. A clear, and very common standard of medical neglect, which would have never been addressed if it weren’t for Cellie #1’s attempt to relieve his pain himself. This is just one of many issues with BOP and prisons in general. A jail or prison of any official capacity is only tolerated when they assume these obligations: CARE, CUSTODY, CONTROL. Examine any BOP, or DOC (Department of Corrections), the grievance methods are illusory, and they do not fulfill the first of the 3 obligations.

***Please help Marc here.***

Story #2 BOA Medical Incompetence
My next example, and witness, has been labeled by law enforcement as a really bad guy and member of a notorious local gang called “shameless.” He has a tragic story, but one of perseverance, despite hopeless odds against him, here’s his witness testimony:

“My name is Chadwick Lewis Spann, I am a Hostage # 52718-510 here in State Prison, Victorville, CA. San Bernardino County, where I am in complete and utter torment due to numerous ailments. The most serious and urgent issue is my left eyeball. Back in 2001, I had my face shoved into a light fixture, where the light bulb stabbed through my eye. It tore my cornea, detached my retina, and required a stint placement in my eye to keep the pupil in place. Adding to the need for repairs to my eyeball, the medical doctor had to give me an artificial lens replacement and stitches literally across my eyeball. It was a very serious trauma that left me half-blind in my left eye. Fast forward to 2024, and I’m in West Valley Detention Center, San Bernardino County Jail. We were getting ready to eat. I asked my cellie for a spoon, so he handed me a spoon, but from the side of my bad eye. I turned directly into the spoon, and the handle scraped directly into the center of the eyeball, sending me straight to the ER, outside of the jail.”

“I was taken to Arrowhead Regional Hospital in San Bernardino County. Upon said visit, my eye pressure was zero. Normally, it should be at 6-7. The pain in my eye was beyond bearable. Due to the impact, my pupil shifted to the upper left corner of my cornea, as well as this problem a bright white light (shaped like a worm) developed. The doctors told me they could not find a rupture, so they prescribed steroid eye drops to increase my eye pressure. I would have to continue taking these drops because otherwise, my eyeball would begin to shrivel up and die, like seriously die!?!”

“While I was there with actual medical staff that had integrity and held to their oath, as doctors, I was doing ok. My pain level was only existent if I over-extended myself. But now, I sit in unimaginable pain, my eye is stuck sideways (cockeyed). My confidence is uncertain, and my self-esteem is destroyed, all because this Federal Facility, Victorville, CA, refuses to give me my already prescribed eye drops. Their willful medical neglect is torture. Even though I have shown them the defect created, not to mention, I have migraines and pain that some days bring me to my knees in tears because of shock and being stuck in my bed, unable to open my eyes. I’ve developed depression and anxiety now, I’m disfigured, and my wife is making fun of me. My heart is broken, and my sight is worse than ever. My eye is almost completely dead, and I’m being told by administrators and guards that I’m not ‘entitled’ to receive medical attention because I’m not going to be here, held over long enough to matter.”

“My question is, since when do human beings have times or conditions when their lives do not matter in an institution that assumes the obligations and is liable for CARE, CUSTODY, & CONTROL? I have been here for over 2 months, and now I look like a freak; I’m miserably in pain and anguish. All because they won’t fill my prescription for my vital eye medication. I need to save my eye and my face from deformity. I was cleaning up my past street life of using drugs. I was on Suboxyn to help come down gradually. Now, because the BOP won’t fill my prescriptions, and the torturous pain in my eye and head, I have succumbed to self-medication to gain some limited relief; it is a form of torture. I am forced to cope with the consequences due to the total indifference at the highest level of government.”

CONCLUSION NOTE: My words cannot begin to express how prolific these issues are in the kind of “care” provided by the Bureau of Prisons administrators. They have rendered the grievance process illusory and abandoned any responsibility for the health and safety of the prisoner population with a rogue Federal Administration under the Biden Regime. But let’s not fool ourselves; this torture and neglect have been standard operations within the BOP from many years ago to the present. The assumed government is the real criminal revealed.

Note: IF these horror stories have any emotional effect on you today, consider praying, but also write to the BOP facilities and let them know they cannot operate hidden from the public anymore!

Please help Marc with his legal bills and help support his beloved dog, Tono. 
Marc’s beloved dog, Tono.

The post J6 Political Prisoner Marc Bru Shares Concerns About Horrible Abuse and Neglect in US Prison System appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Wayne Allyn Root with #1 Story in America: Wayne Warns of Chaos, Crisis and Death Coming from Biden/Obama’s Army of Tens of Millions of Illegal Aliens Waiting Both Inside the USA and in Mexico for Their Orders to Attack, Heading into Our Presidential El

Watch Wayne’s “America’s Top Ten Countdown” with his World-Famous “Final Four” airing every Friday at 10pm ET and Saturday at Noon ET on Real America’s Voice TV Network. Also watch Wayne’s new nightly show, “The ROOT Reaction” every night at 10 PM ET on Real America’s Voice TV.

Wayne Allyn Root with #1 Story in America: Wayne warns of chaos, crisis and death coming from Biden/Obama’s army of tens of millions of illegal aliens waiting both inside the USA and in Mexico for their orders to attack, heading into our presidential election.


HOT OFF THE PRESSES: Watch Wayne’s brand new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to to watch.

The post Wayne Allyn Root with #1 Story in America: Wayne Warns of Chaos, Crisis and Death Coming from Biden/Obama’s Army of Tens of Millions of Illegal Aliens Waiting Both Inside the USA and in Mexico for Their Orders to Attack, Heading into Our Presidential Election appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Even as He Fights for His Own Life, J6 Political Prisoner Isaac Thomas is Fighting to Help Children in the Failed Foster Care System

Isaac Thomas
Isaac Thomas via Condemned USA
Isaac Thomas was the voice for the voiceless on January 6

The Gateway Pundit has shared the heartbreaking story of what has been done to J6er Isaac Thomas.

Isaac was orphaned at the age of 6 and endured years of abuse and neglect as a child— trafficked through various placements while in the custody of the Department of Health and Human Services. Thomas emancipated himself at 16 and got involved in political activism.

Isaac, who was only 18 at the time of January 6, was inspired to speak out for other victims of the failed foster care system when he went to the Capitol along with thousands of other Americans to peacefully protest and make their muffled voices heard.

Despite the miscarriage of justice he is currently fighting regarding January 6, Isaac continues to be inspired and compelled to fight the system that abused him so brutally as a child and to protect other children from enduring what happened to him.

Isaac shares, “I have filed multiple lawsuits against the system for the rape, beatings, and other abuse I endured during my time under the government’s care. I was unable to find an attorney who would do these cases without charging me, so now I’m thousands of dollars in legal debt on top of my J6 case.”

“But I refuse to abandon the children under the care of the Department of Health and Human Services, many of whom do not have families to advocate for them. They are depending on people like us to step up and be a voice for them. My lawsuits are not just for me but also to speak for the thousands of kids being abused by our government every single day. I know because I experienced it firsthand.”

Isaac has created a fund to continue his lawsuits against the government. “These bad actors are still using our tax dollars to experiment on our children with Fauci-funded pharmaceuticals. They are beating and raping them.”

Please help Isaac fight for children in the foster care system.

One of the lawsuits is against an individual who babysat Isaac while he was in foster care. The individual was convicted of raping him and three others. He is also suing the church who tried covering it up.

The defense is attempting to get the judge to dismiss the lawsuit based on the fact that Isaac is a January 6 defendant. They are also asking the judge to order him to pay $36,000 from legal funds reserved for his J6 defense to pay for the attorneys for the people that tried covering it up.”

The criminal rape case was originally filed when Isaac was only seven years old and has absolutely nothing to do with J6.

Isaac says, “In my opinion, this proves that the left is weaponizing the courts and the government even in cases that have nothing to do with politics. Even for a convicted rapist.”

Please help Isaac fight for children in the foster care system.

Isaac has also filed a lawsuit against Lakeside Academy.

Lakeside is one of the DHHS-licensed foster placements he was placed in, where he alleges both physical and sexual abuse.

One of his friends, Cornelius Frederick, 16, was murdered at that facility.

NBC News reported that at least six staff members at the Michigan youth facility restrained the teenager until he lost consciousness. Cornelius died in a hospital two days later.

If you or anyone you know was a victim of the foster care system and want to help us get justice please email

Isaac also asks that we pray for these children and continue to help him share their stories. If you are able, please also help Isaac in his fight.

Please help Isaac fight for children in the foster care system.

The post Even as He Fights for His Own Life, J6 Political Prisoner Isaac Thomas is Fighting to Help Children in the Failed Foster Care System appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

WAYNE ROOT: If You’re Paying Attention, Biden Just Told Us How Democrats Plan to Rig & Steal 2024 Election.

President Joe Biden speaks during an interview with CNN.
President Joe Biden speaks during an interview with CNN.
President Joe Biden speaks during an interview with CNN. (CNN / YouTube screen shot)

By Wayne Allyn Root

Biden did it again.

A feeble, decrepit, brain-dead, old man with dementia and diapers is running the country. Have you heard?

And people with dementia often “spill the beans.” They have no filter. So, they act like little kids- they say whatever is on their mind. Secrets come spilling out.

Pay attention to Joe Biden. He has dementia and belongs in a nursing home, not the White House. So, sometimes secrets come spilling out of his decrepit mouth.

The secret to how Democrats planned to beat Trump in the 2020 presidential election came spilling out of Biden’s decrepit mouth during the 2020 campaign.

If only we had listened and acted.

Biden said (and I quote word), “We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”


That was on October 24, 2020. Don’t believe me? Watch here:

Biden spilled the beans. He told us how Democrats were going to win. They were going to rig and steal the election with voter fraud.

And they did.

They used mail-in ballots with no Voter ID; ballot drop boxes with no oversight; ballot harvesting- a scam that is illegal in every other country in the world; no signature match; and millions of illegal aliens voted too. Without Voter ID and no one asking about citizenship at the polls, it’s easy.

That’s exactly how the 2020 election was stolen. Old decrepit dementia puppet Biden told us what they planned to do, and they did it.

Biden said, “VOTER FRAUD.” Why didn’t anyone listen?

Well, old decrepit Joe has done it again. So, this time we’d better listen and take action. Because out of the mouths of little children, and decrepit old men with dementia, comes truth.

During an interview with a Spanish radio station last week, Biden referred to millions of illegal alien foreign invaders as “Hispanic voters.”

There it is. That’s the Democrat plan to steal the 2024 presidential election.

Biden also said two other telling things. He said that speaking Spanish is “America’s Future.” And he said the millions of illegal aliens who have crossed his open border into America are “the only reason our economy’s so good.”

Oh my God.

Out of “the mouth of babes” comes truth. This is the Democrat’s new updated plan to intentionally destroy America. Biden just told you.

Trump is leading by a landslide. Blacks, legal Latinos, young voters- everyone hates Biden. Everyone hates “Bidenomics” and this crappy economy. Everyone hates Biden’s massive inflation. Everyone hates the direction of America.

Polls show Biden is the most unpopular president in 70 years- worse than even Carter or Nixon. His approval on the economy and inflation is the lowest in modern history.

And that’s why Trump is leading by double digits in the most recent reliable polls. And winning all the battleground states- including my home state of Nevada by 12 points and Georgia by 10. The latest AARP poll also shows Trump pulling away in Pennsylvania.

James Carville, one of the most brilliant political strategists and soothsayers in history, had a meltdown days ago. He is losing his mind because nothing the Democrats are saying or doing can stop Trump. Not calling him “Hitler.” Not using abortion as the only issue 24/7. Not indictments, rigged trials, or even convictions. “Nothing is working,” Carville ranted like a madman.

Actually Carville is wrong. It is all working- for Trump.

But trust me, Democrats have a plan. Biden just told you. It’s called, “The Great Replacement.”

Biden (and his boss Obama- the real President) have let in millions of illegals, or as Biden just called them, “voters.” Why would anyone want to let in millions of foreign invaders, criminals, terrorists and the world’s poverty-stricken who require welfare from cradle to grave? You’d have to be insane. You’d have to be a suicide bomnber.

Because to Democrats these are all simply new Democrat voters.

Give them all $10,000 visa cards, $2,000 cash, free flights anywhere they want (without any ID necessary to board planes), free food, free healthcare, free phones and free legal services. Add in welfare, food stamps and Medicaid. Add in free public school for each illegal alien child- worth $20,000 to $40,000 per child, annually.

And then ask only one thing in return- fill out the voter registration form and vote for Biden and straight Democrat down the ballot.

And of course, no one needs to read or speak English. Conveniently, they can all vote in Spanish. That’s why Biden calls the Spanish language “America’s future.”

The open border isn’t about letting illegal aliens into America. It’s about letting Democrat voters into America.

These sheeple will vote Democrat to thank Biden for letting them in. They will vote Democrat to keep from being deported. They will vote Democrat to keep the welfare checks and food stamps coming.

Democrats know Trump is winning by a landslide with legal American citizens- including this time around with large numbers of blacks, Hispanics and young voters. So, the only way to overcome perhaps 10 to 20 million new Trump voters is to import 25 million illegal alien foreign invaders to outvote and replace the citizens.

Hence the name “The Great Replacement.”

Don’t you get it? The polls show a Trump landslide. And they’re accurate, IF we’re only counting legal American citizens. But polls don’t count illegal aliens. These poll numbers don’t include millions- perhaps 25 million- of illegal alien voters.

Add them in and Trump’s landslide lead evaporates into thin air.

This is how Democrats plan to turn a landslide Trump victory into a loss. “It’s all about the illegals, stupid.”

Biden just told us.

HOT OFF THE PRESSES: Watch Wayne’s brand new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to to watch.

The post WAYNE ROOT: If You’re Paying Attention, Biden Just Told Us How Democrats Plan to Rig & Steal 2024 Election. appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

WAYNE ROOT: “SHOW AND TELL.” This is the Phenomenon Producing Shocking Trump Landslide.

Thousands of Trump supporters wait for President Trump to speak in Wildwood, New Jersey hours before his arrival. – screen grab

By Wayne Allyn Root

Did you see the Wildwood New Jersey rally for President Trump over the weekend? The NY Post estimated there were over 100,000 Trump fans in attendance. In deep blue New Jersey!

Yes, size matters.

Nothing like this has ever happened in the history of American politics. 100,000 people with nothing better to do on a beautiful weekend beach day on the Jersey shore, but to fight traffic and parking nightmares, and get jammed into a political rally, with porta-potties, to listen to a politician speak.

This is called a phenomenon.

And this is no aberration. See the latest polls. Trump is up by double digits nationally. More importantly, Trump is dominating battleground states (which determine the electoral winner) like no one since Reagan.

In the latest battleground polls produced by the ultra-liberal and biased NY Times, Siena College, and Philadelphia Inquirer, Trump is destroying Biden. He’s up by a landslide 12 points in my home state of Nevada, by 10 points in Georgia, by 7 points in Michigan and Arizona, and by 3 in Pennsylvania. Wisconsin is a dead tie (within the margin of error).

This is with Biden enjoying a booming stock market…tens of millions of dollars spent by the Biden campaign for TV ads in battleground states…Trump convicted in civil court in New York…and on criminal trial for his life, involving an affair with a porn star. How is this possible?

I call it, “Show and Tell.”

Usually, people believe the lies, propaganda and misinformation they see and hear from the mainstream media. This time is different. Remember watching “Show and Tell” in 3rd grade? Telling someone is one thing, but to actually see it and feel it, is proof!

That’s why Trump is winning big. It starts with “the economy, stupid.” Everyone can see and feel inflation destroying their wallets, pocketbooks, bank accounts and budgets. They can see it and feel it in every grocery bill, restaurant bill, electric and gas bill, and at the gasoline pump.

This time, you can’t fool them, brainwash them, or gaslight them. No amount of propaganda works, when it comes to inflation. Because everyone can see it and feel it.

This is “Show and Tell.”

The government and media can cover-up Hunter Biden’s laptop, but they can’t cover-up inflation.

Secondly, this witch-hunt against Trump is not happening in secret. It’s all out in the open. No amount of propaganda, or gaslighting can hide this witch-hunt. Everyone can see with their own eyes that what’s happening to Trump is “injustice.” The charges are bogus, ridiculous, or aimed at only one man for the first time in history. The judges and juries are rigged. Trump is being persecuted and framed by a weaponized government.

The J6 prisoners are being tortured with cruel and unusual punishment, while radical leftist protesters like BLM, antifa and pro Hamas get the kid glove treatment. The DOJ goes after Catholics and PTA moms. Everyone sees it. Everyone is starting to understand, next it could happen to you and me.

Again, it’s “Show and Tell.”

America is becoming a combination of the Soviet Gulag, 1930’s Nazi Germany, and a Latin America Banana Republic.

Finally, perhaps the most important reason of all for the Trump landslide. For the first time, the American people can officially see and feel the difference between Trump/Republican rallies and Biden/Democrat rallies.

And the difference is frightening.

Turn on the TV. Just look at the makeup and personality of the people at Trump rallies. They are “apple pie and Chevrolet.” Hard-working, law-abiding, salt-of-the-earth Americans. Patriots of all kinds, proudly waving American flags. They look like your mom and dad, your grandparents. The people who made America great.

Until now, we had no Biden rallies to compare.

Since the day Biden started running for president in 2020, Biden has had very few rallies. On the rare occasions he leaves his basement, 50 people show up- 25 of them are media, the rest are Democrat Party officials.

But now for the first time, we actually have a comparison.

Look at the anti-Israel, anti-American rallies at college campuses across America. These are Obama/Biden/Democrat voters. They are filled with hate and rage for America, Israel, Jews, Christians, capitalism, police and military.

Not one of these radical, communist, low-lives has ever contemplated voting for Trump, or any Republican.

Their signs and chants say, “Death to Jews” “Death to Israel” “Death to America” “We are Hamas” “Intifada” and “End Capitalism.” They burn American flags and desecrate statues of American heroes. They threaten the lives of Jewish students. These aren’t patriots, they’re pigs.

These are enemies from within.

These are rioters, looters, torchers, thugs. They block Jewish students from entering classrooms, just like the KKK used to block black students. One day soon they will murder an innocent Jewish student.

This is the base of the Democrat Party. Vile, violent, radical Jew- haters and America haters.

“Show and tell.” Everyone can see and feel it. Normal God-fearing Americans don’t like what they see. Normal people don’t want America to look like this. They certainly don’t want people like this in power.

Trump attracts 100,000 patriots- with love in their hearts for America, American exceptionalism, the American Dream and yes, Israel too.

And these anti-Israel rallies attract a few hundred dirtbags, Hamas sympathizers and outright terrorists. This is the Democrat base. You can’t cover it up.

That’s why Trump’s lead is exploding. That’s why 100,000 Americans showed up for a Trump rally on a beautiful weekend beach day, in deep blue New Jersey.

“Show and Tell” is the phenomenon that is producing a shocking Trump landslide.

I’m certain Democrats are busy scheming how to replace Biden at the Democrat convention. But this is so big, even Michelle Obama can’t save the Democrats now.

HOT OFF THE PRESSES: Watch Wayne’s brand new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to to watch.

The post WAYNE ROOT: “SHOW AND TELL.” This is the Phenomenon Producing Shocking Trump Landslide. appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Wayne Allyn Root with #1 Story in America: Wayne Explains How Joe Biden’s New Capital Gains Tax Increase Will Destroy the US Economy and Cost You Your Job!

Wayne Allyn Root with #1 Story in America: Wayne explains how Joe Biden’s new capital gains tax increase will destroy the US economy and cost you your job!

Watch Wayne’s “America’s Top Ten Countdown” with his World-Famous “Final Four” airing Fridays at 10 PM ET and Saturdays at Noon ET on Real America’s Voice TV Network.


HOT OFF THE PRESSES: Watch Wayne’s brand new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to to watch.

The post Wayne Allyn Root with #1 Story in America: Wayne Explains How Joe Biden’s New Capital Gains Tax Increase Will Destroy the US Economy and Cost You Your Job! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

WAYNE ROOT: The “C” in Columbia U. Stands for Communist. I Graduated Columbia with My Classmate Obama. Here’s What It Was Like.

Scenes of the reinstated Gaza Solidarity Encampment at Columbia University on its fourth day
Photo from Wikimedia Commons, CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication, Date: 21 April 2024, 14:07:15

By Wayne Allyn Root

Columbia University is in the headlines day and night- and not for good reasons. For me, in the words of the great NY Yankee Hall of Famer Yogi Berra, “it’s déjà vu all over again.”

Are you shocked at the scenes of radicals taking over Columbia U with signs and chants showing their hatred for America, capitalism, Israel, even the Jews? Don’t be.

Nothing much has changed in 41 years.

I spent four shocking, miserable years at Columbia back in the early ‘80’s. I graduated Columbia U, Class of ’83. My classmate was Obama. I’m here to tell you nothing has changed.

Let me tell you about my experiences.

I am a S.O.B. (son of a butcher). But my dad the butcher (David Root) was a great father and patriot. He taught me to love America and live the American Dream.

My dad used to say, “The Republican Party isn’t the party of the rich, it’s the party of anyone who wants the opportunity to be rich- or wants their children to have the opportunity to be rich.” In 2012 I repeated that phrase on Fox News and the next day Mitt Romney used that exact phrase at his presidential rally. From a butcher’s mouth to a presidential candidate’s lips.

I’m sure my dad was looking down from heaven with great pride and saying, “Only in America.”

My dad relentlessly taught me 24/7 that I would someday attend Columbia University. He said, “In America the streets may be paved with gold, but only an Ivy League degree gets you onto those streets!”

I listened to my father. I studied, got straight A+’s, graduated as Valedictorian of my class, and in 1979 I was accepted at Columbia University. A butcher sent his son to the Ivy Leagues.

I was bursting with pride as I stepped onto the Ivy League campus at Columbia. I thought “My dad was right. Only in America. How lucky am I to be living in this country?” I credited God, faith, family, freedom, America, and American exceptionalism for my achieving the American Dream.

Boy was I about to experience culture shock.

When I walked into my first class at Columbia, I found the best and brightest. But there were no SOB’s. None of them were sons or daughters of butchers like me.

I met the luckiest, richest, spoiled brats in America.

Everyone was filthy rich and heirs to fortunes. These were the children of the richest and most powerful businessmen, CEOs, Wall Street titans, investment bankers, lawyers, doctors, judges, and politicians.

They all drove Mercedes and BMW’s at age 18. They had mansions waiting in Scarsdale or Great Neck, and summer homes in the Hamptons, or Martha’s Vineyard. They had all been on many vacations to Europe.

My dad drove an Oldsmobile. My family got two weeks a year vacation- in July to a motel in Atlantic City, New Jersey. I’d never been to Europe. Heck, I’d never been out of New York or New Jersey.

I was in culture shock. But it was soon to get much worse. Because all these filthy rich, white, spoiled brats, who were born into “the Lucky Sperm Club,” who never did one thing in their lives to earn their privileged lives, HATED America.

They hated our country…hated the idea of American exceptionalism…hated capitalism…hated white people (even though they were almost all white)…hated Israel (even though many of them were Jewish)…hated God and religion (they were almost all atheists), and they wanted to destroy America and bring the system crashing down to create “equality.”

They told me this all day, every day, for four long years.

They hated the three things in life I respected most- police, military, and small business (my dad owned his butcher store).

They hated my hero Ronald Reagan (just as today they hate most President Trump).

But most of all, they hated white, straight, male Republicans.

Does all of this sound familiar?

Even more of a bullseye with today, my Columbia classmates almost to a man and women, called themselves “communists, socialists, or Marxists.” They bragged about this all the time.

I was in shock. Here I was a blue-collar kid from a dead-end street on the Bronx borderline- and I loved and appreciated America. I credited America for my success. I loved God. I loved my parents. I was living the American Dream and proud of it.

And my classmates already had everything I hoped to enjoy twenty or thirty years down the line, from the moment of their birth with a silver spoon in their mouths. And yet they hated America and wanted to destroy it. And they hated God.

And the one thing that actually shocked me the most- they hated white people.

How could you be white and hate white people? How bizarre. How could you be so filthy rich and hate rich people? How could you be Jewish and hate Israel? What was wrong with these people?

I grew to hate my communist classmates. I grew to hate Columbia. I spent four miserable years there, earned my degree and escaped. I couldn’t get out of there fast enough. I graduated 6 months early and went straight into business. I skipped my graduation ceremony- because I despised my radical, “Lucky Sperm Club” communist classmates so much, I never wanted to see any of them again.

Fast forward to 2008. I knew America was in trouble when I heard a Columbia U Class of 1983 grad was running for President. Barack Obama. I knew instantly that we had a radical communist scumbag trying to destroy America from within.

Boy was I right.

It’s 41 years later. Nothing has changed. The students at Columbia are exactly the same- radical communist spoiled-brats who hate America, American exceptionalism, capitalism, God, Judeo-Christian values, and Israel.

And I believe my communist Columbia classmate Obama is still in charge, still the de facto president, giving the orders, trying to destroy America and everything I believe in.

HOT OFF THE PRESSES: Watch Wayne’s brand new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to to watch.

The post WAYNE ROOT: The “C” in Columbia U. Stands for Communist. I Graduated Columbia with My Classmate Obama. Here’s What It Was Like. appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Mother of Abused J6 Political Prisoner Mason Courson, Former College Football Star and Young Father, Shares Update with The Gateway Pundit

Mason Courson

Mason Courson went to Washington, D.C., on Jan 6, 2021, to stand and listen to his President speak, with no ill intent. Unfortunately, the 27-year-old, who was born and raised in South Florida, found himself in a situation he never imagined.

Mason excelled academically and athletically, including playing college football. He loves reading and history. Mason is proud of his Cuban roots and immigrant maternal grandparents, who were honored to become US Citizens.

Mason was held without bond by the Biden administration.  And he is unable to support his 4-year-old son, whom he had a month before he was arrested.

Mason pleaded guilty to one count of interfering with an officer.

In June, District Judge Rudolph Contreras sentenced Mason Courson to 57 months in prison, three years probation, and a $2,000 fine for the felony charge of “assaulting, resisting, or impeding a law enforcement officer with a dangerous weapon.”

Mason is a victim of the Biden regime. Compare his actions to the actions of thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters this past week!

This is the definition of judicial abuse.  A young man with no criminal background was sent to prison for nearly five years for his actions on January 6 after lawless police opened fire with exploding gas canisters and rubber bullets on innocent protesters outside the US Capitol.

This only happens to conservatives.  And so now Mason sits behind bars for several years.

Mason’s mother, Angie, wrote to The Gateway Pundit to share her perspectives and experiences during these trying times.

** Please help Mason here.

Dear Gateway Pundit Family,

I am Angie. The mom of J6er Mason Courson. I still wake up some days, the days I can actually sleep, and I am in disbelief our lives are what they are today. That my son has been held prisoner for over 875 days now. That he, like many others, was made an example of.  Their lives temporarily ruined. Some had their lives permanently ruined because some lost their lives that day.

A day that was planned by THEM so that people in the future would fear standing up for what they believed in. They wanted to show us all that you can do just about anything you want these days. You can steal, murder, threaten, and destroy property with no consequences as long as it fits their narrative.

But, whatever you do, do not go against their agenda, especially wearing a MAGA hat. If you do, then you will have exaggerated and unjust consequences. So, fall in line, be sheep, and you will not be bothered. You see, if we all just remain silent, THEY can do whatever they want. Thankfully, we so-called Patriots are not that kind. We stand for what is right and what is good. We believe in God and fear only him. We will not be silenced. And my son has lost years of his life, years of his life with his son, years he will never get back, because of this.

Our journey started December 14, 2021, when I received a call from my son saying, “Mom I am being arrested, not sure for exactly what, I think it’s for being at the Capitol January 6th. They asked me if I was there.”

And the rest is history.

He had the typical J6 arrest like so many have shared. You know, bang on the door early morning, several lasers pointed at his head and chest when he opened the door to many SWAT vans, city police, county sheriffs, FBI, and so on. Disrupted an entire neighborhood, people outside half asleep, confused, and afraid, all to make a TRUMP supporter look as bad as they possibly could, especially for going to DC on that infamous day. I mean, countless law enforcement geared up?

But, I see what THEY were trying to do here. My son apparently was more dangerous and they needed all of that reinforcement and waste of tax dollars to arrest a young man who would have turned himself in. They almost all would have, no need for any of this, except the theatrics to make it seem like they had just scored one of America’s most wanted. A terrible attempt to humiliate a TRUMP supporter.

Quick point, you can yell “Death to America” in Michigan and not be a threat or considered a domestic terrorist, or even kill an innocent boy, Cayler Ellingson in North Dakota for example, because he was a young Republican, and be allowed to bail out of jail while you await your trial, even though you intentionally rammed your car into a group of teenagers, with intent to harm them, and took one of their lives. But, I suppose they aren’t threats to society? OK got it. I just wish more Americans understood what is really happening here and more would spread awareness and stand up against this evil.

** Please help Mason here.

From there it was Broward County jail, to Federal Court for bond hearings. Denied bond because, apparently, even though they identified him on May 2, 2021, and waited 7 months to arrest him, he was a threat to society and an insurrectionist. From there to another county jail in Broward, FCI Miami, the way center almost all J6ers go to in Oklahoma, Northern Neck in Virgina, where he spent the most time and was the worst of all jails J6ers have been in, FCI Lewisburgh Medium, DC Gulag, to another facility in Virgina, then Atlanta, then finally his destination in Florida at Coleman Low. Exhausting isn’t it?

Try that with no sleep, in shackles, hunched over, while being verbally abused every time you are transferred. Coleman is where he will spend the remainder of his time as he completes his sentence. Deciding to take an open plea, pleading guilty only to the charge of impeding, regardless of what was said by the media, he never pled guilt to assault and still stands by his innocence, that he not only never assaulted an officer that day but he never assaulted anyone that day. He was still found guilty on all charges and sentenced to 57 months. All of these men have had sentences given to them that are longer than they should be for the crimes they have been convicted of. Again, this is a ploy to have all J6ers made an example of. To keep instilling fear in Americans, the ones that actually love this country at least. To sit in a courtroom with your child on the opposite side, wearing orange because he was not allowed to clean up, shave, or wear a suit. To hear the United States of America vs Mason Joel Courson? Debilitating. It lets you know right away you are up against the biggest beast there is. No one is winning against them. Especially when every picture they have of you has you in a TRUMP hat. This can not be the America we love so much.

When that day was over Mason said he actually felt relieved. He explained to me that he at least had an end date and could now just concentrate on passing the time with a goal in sight and getting home. He said he could not sit there being angry and depressed because that’s what THEY want. They want all of our J6ers to fall apart, and he refused to do that. After his long journey to Coleman Low, he remembers getting out of the van and feeling the Florida sun and thinking to himself, ‘I am finally back home in Florida.’ It was his first sign of hope, he was at last back in his home state that he loves so much.

There were so many days I thought something horrible happened to him. Well, something horrible had happened to him, but I mean in reference to his safety, his life. No calls, no communication, nothing. Threats to his life from other inmates, constantly being singled out, looking over his shoulder constantly. Me, glued to my phone like never before and in a whole different way. If I missed a call, I would literally cry. Waiting over a year to see him, and now I still count the days in between visits. I know at all times the exact number of days he’s been gone and how many we have left to go before he’s home. The constant stress and anxiety over finances, commissary needs, and money for travel expenses to and from visits. I have extended the length of time in between visits because of financial reasons. To hear Mason say that when we are there it is the only thing that brings him any happiness and when we tell him the date of our next visit it is what keeps him going, and me knowing I have to keep extending the visits is heartbreaking. During the last visit, he said to us that he was ready to be home. He’s over it. He is in prison for something that he did not do. He said can you imagine how many men sit in jail convicted of things that they did not do, and they sit helpless. Just horrific and horrible.

** Please help Mason here.

I want to state that I feel a tremendous amount of guilt that I feel the way I do when I have a son who is alive and healthy. He is, and will be, stronger than ever. He will be home, will rebuild, and is looking forward to starting his life over. I know that not all those who went to the Capitol that day can say the same. For their families and their souls, I pray that at some point there is enough peace to go on advocating and remembering what their loved ones would’ve wanted. I can not imagine how horrific their lives have been as I know how hard mine has been. Mason could have easily been in one of their shoes. I thank God every day we still have him with us.

We are grateful for anyone who reads about Mason, who keeps in touch, who donates, who cares about him. I have found more love from strangers and more understanding than I have with some very close to me. I have suffered losses, I have grown thicker skin, and have the ability to let go and spot BS a mile away. There have been some positives out of this. I am awake, wide awake, and have never been more proud to stand on the right side of this. Never stay quiet, and always stand strong. We are God fearing, moralistic people, and THEY cannot stand any of that.

Mason said it many times over and I remind him always…He, along with these men and women held, were chosen. There is a purpose for them. They are among the strongest. They are the examples. They were meant to be broken but are more inspired. My son is my hero. With every single long day that passes, his strength amazes me more and more.

God Bless you all and God Bless America.

@J6PatriotMom on X and TRUTH

** Please help Mason here.

The post Mother of Abused J6 Political Prisoner Mason Courson, Former College Football Star and Young Father, Shares Update with The Gateway Pundit appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

WAYNE ROOT: My Warning to President Trump: This Crisis & Chaos in America is All About Obama. Get Ready for What’s Coming Next. Hint: Michelle Obama.

Former first lady Michelle Obama speaks on Jay Shetty's podcast "On Purpose."
Former first lady Michelle Obama speaks on Jay Shetty's podcast "On Purpose."
Former first lady Michelle Obama speaks on Jay Shetty’s podcast “On Purpose.” (Jay Shetty Podcast / YouTube screen shot)

By Wayne Allyn Root

Let’s put two and two together.

Start with what’s happening in America at this very moment.

The anarchy on college campuses. That’s not brain-dead Biden. It’s all Obama. Why do you think it’s all centered around Columbia University?

This all started at Columbia University, Class of 1983. I’m a witness. We were taught to hate America and support socialism and communism. Even back then, all my Columbia classmates wanted “Death to America.” We were taught “Cloward-Piven”- the plan to destroy America, the US economy, the great American middle class, and of course, capitalism.

Who was my college classmate back at Columbia? Obama.

The weaponization of government and persecution of President Trump. That’s not brain-dead Biden. It’s all Obama.

That all started with Obama’s presidency. Obama used the NSA and CIA to spy on Trump and then frame Trump with fake “Russian Collusion.” Just like the fake trial going on in New York right now. Take note President Trump. This is Obama going after you.

Obama also used the IRS to try to destroy his critics and opponents. I’m a witness. I was one of Obama’s victims.

Obama used the IRS to try to destroy my life. The IRS was his personal goon squad. Obama used the IRS to threaten, intimidate and terrorize conservatives and conservative non-profits.

When I went public and exposed Obama on Fox News, guess what happened next? Hundreds of GOP donors who had written checks to Mitt Romney’s campaign, contacted me to say they were also victims of IRS attacks only days after writing a check to Romney. You know what this means?

Obama used the IRS to rig the 2012 presidential race.

That was when the rigging and stealing of presidential campaigns begun. Take note President Trump. Trust me, it was Obama who came up with the plan to rig and steal your 2020 election.

How about the massive spending, welfare and debt that is crushing the US economy and producing the worst inflation in modern history. That’s not brain-dead Biden. That all started under Obama too. That’s all “Cloward-Piven.”

The open border and the mass foreign invasion of America. That’s not brain-dead Biden. It’s all Obama.

The border was first opened under Obama. People have short memories. It was so bad back then, I was the opening speaker for candidate Trump at the last Trump rally before the 2016 election. I warned…

“If Hillary wins, it will be the third term of Obama. He will finish the job. Obama will open the border like never before. It will be open borders on STEROIDS. He will wave millions of criminals, gangbangers, radical Islamic terrorists, and military-age males from our enemies across the globe into the USA. Between the crime, welfare, spending, debt and terrorism, we will never recover. And mark my words, millions of illegals will be allowed to vote, and no Republican will ever be elected president again. America will fall.”

No truer words were ever spoken.

It’s all happened exactly as I warned. Except Trump interrupted the plan, so it came four years later. Everything I predicted is happening right now.

The list goes on and on. DEI. CRT. ESG. Green New Deal. Transgender brainwashing. This split with Israel. All of this started under Obama.

For all intents and purposes, Obama is the real President of the United States. He’s giving the orders. He’s coordinating this chaos and crisis.

I know my old college classmate, better than anyone in the world. I know how he plays the game. I’ve correctly warned about and predicted every move he’s made since 2009.

If I were Obama, what would I do next?

Trump looks unbeatable at this point. The latest Rasmussen poll has him up 10 points over Biden. With third party candidates included, Trump is up 12 points.

The latest Gallop poll shows Biden is the least popular president in 70 years- lower than Nixon or Jimmy Carter.

The latest YouGov/Economist poll shows 68% of Americans believe the country is “out of control” under Biden.

The latest CNN poll shows Biden’s rating on the economy and inflation is among the lowest ever seen- 34% and 29%.

Read the tea leaves. It’s all over for Biden. He can’t beat Trump. There will be no 4th term of Obama. Trump will reverse everything Obama and Biden did. And he will put the bad guys in prison for treason. So, if I was Obama, I’d roll the dice…

I’d replace Biden at the Democrat convention in August with Michelle Obama.

Trust me, it’s coming. Democrats are desperate and they have nothing to lose. The results can’t be any worse than Biden. Their choice is a desperate “Hail Mary” with Michelle, or a surefire loss to Trump.

How will they do it? Who knows? Maybe they’ll force Biden to announce his retirement due to health issues. Maybe he will come to the decision by himself, for the good of the party.

Maybe they’ll replace Kamala as VP with Michelle Obama, use Michelle to try to win back disaffected Democrat voters, and then rig the election even bigger than 2020. Then, if Biden is re-elected, he will quickly step aside. Instantly, Michelle is president, without ever actually being elected, and without the scrutiny of being at the top of the ticket.

I don’t know how they’ll do it. But I’m certain the plan is in the works right now. Because Michelle on the ticket is the only way to try to get back some of the young voters and black/Latino voters who have moved to Trump.

Obama needs a 4th term to finish the job he started- the destruction of the United States. One way, or the other, I’m betting Biden will be gone soon. My best guess is Michelle will be the replacement.

This is my warning to President Trump: BE PREPARED.

HOT OFF THE PRESSES: Watch Wayne’s brand new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to to watch.

The post WAYNE ROOT: My Warning to President Trump: This Crisis & Chaos in America is All About Obama. Get Ready for What’s Coming Next. Hint: Michelle Obama. appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Former Indiana Judge Running for Congress Exposed as Soft-on-Crime Advocate

The crowded Republican primary in Indiana’s 3rd congressional district will come to an end next week, on May 7.

Law and order Republicans should know that one of the leading candidates, Wendy Davis, is a soft-on-crime imposter.

Davis’ latest ad features lots of images of President Trump. The ad says “In 2024, we’re taking our country back, but President Trump can’t do it alone.” It touts Davis as a former judge who will work with Trump to secure the border and stop drugs, gangs and violent crime.

But this is not Davis’ record as a judge or deputy prosecutor in Indiana, where she often ensured that criminals and violent offenders received lenient or reduced sentences. Davis is an alternative sentencing advocate, and even created a program for offenders to enter house arrest or traditional housing instead of serving time in prison. The program, Hoosiers Opportunity Probation with Enforcement (HOPE), was based on the HOPE program started in Hawaii by Circuit Court Judge Steve Alm, previously a Bill Clinton-appointed U.S. Attorney. A National Institute of Justice study of HOPE found that the program had “no statistically significant effects on recidivism” and “HOPE probationers had a statistically significant greater number of probation violations.”

It’s no wonder that Wendy Davis never talks about her signature achievement. And it’s not hard to find the negative outcomes of Davis’ soft-on-crime program. In 2012, it was reported that just hours after being released from jail, 34-year-old Vincen Velez robbed a pharmacy seeking the prescription painkiller Opana. He had been in the HOPE program after a previous arrest for theft and resisting law enforcement. In 2013, Ricardo Hood, 33 – a career criminal with prior convictions for theft, failure to return to lawful detention, possession of marijuana, domestic battery, resisting law enforcement, receiving stolen auto parts, drunken driving, and more – was shot and killed by a Fort Wayne homeowner as Hood was attempting to rob his house just a few months after being released from prison into the HOPE probation program.

As a prosecutor and a judge, Davis went easy on criminals over and over again. Here is just a sampling of her work:

As a prosecutor in 2008, Davis handled the case of Adonis Robinson, who robbed a restaurant at gunpoint in 2008. He received a plea agreement that reduced his eight-and-a-half year sentence by one-and-a-half years, despite the fact he had previously been convicted of resisting law enforcement and carrying a handgun without a license. After being prosecuted by Davis, in 2014 Robinson shot a man for being a “snitch” in connection to a gang.

In 2006, Davis prosecuted Jose Martinez after he allegedly broke into the home of his ex-girlfriend, beat her, and attempted to stab her and her boyfriend with a knife. Davis gave Martinez a plea agreement in which the charges of criminal recklessness, domestic battery, and battery were dropped. He received only 100 days of confinement.

In 2007, Davis twice prosecuted Christopher Dirig for stealing a car, receiving stolen auto parts, and other related crimes. After initially being sentenced to 17 years in prison, 12 years were suspended and he received probation. In 2016, Dirig lured a woman into his apartment and beat her over the head with a large, metal exercise bar before robbing her.

Davis prosecuted Tazz Langston in 2007 after he assaulted a man and woman in their home, attempted to strangle the man, and threatened to shoot his entire family before fleeing. Lanston received a plea agreement and one year of probation. After being prosecuted by Davis, Langston shot a man in 2013.

Davis repeatedly prosecuted Justin Pease, a serial thief who had his prison sentence suspended in favor of probation. Davis again prosecuted Pease in 2007 after he robbed a woman at knifepoint, for which he received only one-and-a-half years in prison. In 2016, Pease broke into his ex-girlfriend’s home, stabbed her and another person, barricaded himself in a bedroom, and lit the room on fire when confronted by police. One officer was left in a medically induced coma.

Justin Pease

Davis prosecuted Daniel Reynolds for the crimes of battery and domestic battery in 2008. Reynolds had beat his wife, who was 7 months pregnant, and slammed her head into the wall. Reynolds received a plea agreement that saw two years of his three-year prison sentence suspended.

In 2008, Tameka Bratton allegedly stabbed her boyfriend with a knife and a screwdriver in front of her children. Davis successfully sought for the charges to be dismissed.

In 2010, Pedro Perez allegedly forced entry into a man’s home to help Juan Mata assault his ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend. Davis successfully sought for the charges to be dismissed.

In 2010, Davis prosecuted Carmen Mentzer, a woman who was using her home to distribute drugs, which were found to be in reach of her 7-year-old son. Mentzer received a plea agreement, with all of her prison sentence except six months being suspended.

When a 27-year-old teacher was caught having sex with her 17-year-old male student, in 2015 then-Judge Wendy Davis gave the teacher, Paige Mostella, zero jail time, giving her only three years of probation.

When 19-year-old Demetrius Eldridge pulled an innocent mother into his Motel 6 room and raped her at gunpoint, Judge Davis inexplicably took 5 years off his 15-year prison sentence in 2013. Freshly out of prison last year, Eldridge attacked his girlfriend, fracturing her jaw, biting her face and threatening to kill her and her daughter, “who he grabbed by her neck.”

Demetrius Tyrell Eldridge

In 2019, Judge Davis accepted a plea deal for Michael Moring, 49, that saw him plead guilty to misdemeanor harassment instead of a felony stalking charge. He received only one year probation after sending lewd texts, photos and a video to a woman whose house he had previously painted.

And on it on it goes.

This is not the record of someone who will work with President Trump to stop drugs, gangs, and violent criminals. Davis is a liberal activist for leniency for thugs and offenders who make our neighborhoods less safe. Let’s hope Indiana voters choose wisely on Tuesday.

The post Former Indiana Judge Running for Congress Exposed as Soft-on-Crime Advocate appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

WAYNE ROOT: Hell Yes, This is “The Great Replacement.” That’s Why Social Media & the Entire Mainstream Media are So Scared of My Speech That It’s Been Banned, Censored & Demonized Everywhere. Here It Is.

By Wayne Allyn Root

I gave a speech a few days ago about open borders, why it’s happening, who benefits, and what’s behind it- “The Great Replacement.” My speech was delivered at a conservative conference put on by and attended by sheriffs from across the USA.

My speech brought down the house and ended with a standing ovation. That’s what happens when people get to hear raw truth. It’s so rare.

You need to hear the details from my speech below- raw truth in writing, so you can study it, memorize it, and share it.

And of course, you can watch the speech here:

But it’s important to note how my speech has been demonized and shadow-banned by the media and social media. They don’t want you to see it. They’re clearly scared to death of raw truth.

NBC called it “racist.” On X/Twitter, Facebook and other social media, few can see my speech, or my posts about it. I might be the most censored conservative patriot in America.

But here are the details the Deep State doesn’t want you to know.

I started my speech by reporting that I debated at a huge Libertarian conference called FreedomFest a couple of years ago about the topic, “Was the 2020 Election Stolen From Trump?” FreedomFest brought in a liberal New York journalist to debate me.

He had what he thought were all the facts to destroy my arguments about the fraud of mail-in ballots, no Voter ID, ballot drop boxes, ballot harvesting, no signature match, counting votes for days on end until only Democrats win, and of course, 3 AM deliveries of hundreds of thousands of fake ballots (which turned out to be almost 100% for Joe Biden).

While we debated about all of those voting scams perpetrated by Democrats, I destroyed him with a surprise attack he never saw coming. My main argument was that illegal alien votes made the difference in the 2020 election, specifically in battleground states. He had no answers for that argument.

The liberal journalist demanded to know how illegal aliens could vote? I pointed out to the crowd that in Nevada where I live, and in 18 other states (plus Washington DC), illegal aliens are legally allowed to obtain drivers licenses.

This is where the scam begins.

While at DMV to get their license, they are by law automatically registered to vote. They can’t even say “no.” It’s automatic. And the employees at DMV cannot ask them if they are a legal U.S. citizen. So, every illegal alien in Nevada who drives is automatically registered to vote. That’s a fact. There can be no debate.

Then I asked a question to this liberal shill. Once legally registered to vote, why would any illegal alien choose not to vote? It’s legal. And at the polls no one asks for ID. It’s foolproof. Their vote counts and they face zero risk of getting in trouble.

Then I asked a second question of this clueless liberal shill. Why wouldn’t every illegal alien take advantage of this situation and vote, if they can elect Democrats who will never deport them, pay them generous welfare, free healthcare and education for their kids, and reward them after Democrats win, with even bigger government checks. If you were them, wouldn’t you choose to vote? Of course you would!

That’s why they’re all voting!

Then I ended the debate with “Their votes in battleground states like my state of Nevada (where Trump lost by only 33,000 votes) stole the election from President Trump. The entire country has been stolen from us by illegal alien votes. Period. End of story.”

The crowd exploded. Then they voted. I won a landslide victory. Almost everyone of the 3,000 in attendance voted me the winner of the FreedomFest debate.

This is the story of open borders.

Democrats invite the whole world in, wave them through with no questions asked, and disperse them throughout the USA wherever needed to win elections. And if letting in millions works, why not let in tens of millions? Shower them with $10,000 visa cards, free travel, free housing, free lawyers, free phones and ask only one thing of them- register to vote in the state we’re sending you to. Simple, easy, effective.

Result? Democrats are stealing not only elections, but the whole country. If Democrats can bring in enough new illegal aliens, no Republican president will ever win again. Soon Democrats will control the Senate and House forever more. And then…

America is finished.

Need further proof? While this nation is on fire…while millions illegally cross the border…while hundreds of thousands more are flown straight from the Darien Gap in Panama into the USA with $20,000 loans by Uncle Sam (forgiven the moment they land on U.S. soil)…while we spend a half TRILLION dollars a year on illegal aliens (which means the national debt will soon overwhelm the economy and collapse the country)…while America is experiencing a crime wave like no other in our history…while our schools and healthcare system are being overwhelmed…

Worst of all, while our colleges are invaded and occupied by vile, violent, Jew-haters from Muslim terrorist nations flying Palestinian flags, burning U.S. flags and chanting “Death to America”…while Jewish students lives are threatened…while Jews feel persecuted like never before in our country’s history…

In the middle of all this, Joe Biden is telling us he wants to import Palestinians from Gaza.

What? Palestinians? People so poverty stricken for generations…so addicted to welfare…so dependent on government…so filled with rage and hate for Jews, Christians and Americans…taught from childhood to murder Jews…and their ranks so filled with criminals and terrorists…that no Muslim nation in the world will take them.

In the middle of the anarchy going on at our colleges, Joe Biden wants to pour fuel on the fire? He wants to import the most serious Jew-haters, America-haters and Islamic terrorists in the world? Because we don’t have enough trouble already?

He’s willing to further endanger the lives of every Jew in America?

What this tells you is, Biden (and his boss Obama who is directing all of this) are either hell bent on the intentional destruction of America…

Or simply want to import more bodies to vote Democrat. Any bodies at all, as long as it’s a warm body, able to vote Democrat for life. Even the Palestinians, that no Muslim country in the world wants to touch because of the violence and terrorism they bring.

Hell yes, this is “The Great Replacement.”

But it’s not just white Americans that Biden (and his boss Obama), and the entire Democrat Party are replacing. They want to replace white Americans…

and black Americans…

and legal Latino Americans…

and any American with a brain and common sense.

Democrats want to replace all American citizens. Period.

Why? All so that they can turn America into a one-party country, turn us all into desperate sheeple, dependent on government for life, and retain control forever.

Hell yes, this is “The Great Replacement.”

And that’s why the liberal media is so afraid of me and my speech.

I’ll have Part II in a few days.

HOT OFF THE PRESSES: Watch Wayne’s brand new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to to watch.

The post WAYNE ROOT: Hell Yes, This is “The Great Replacement.” That’s Why Social Media & the Entire Mainstream Media are So Scared of My Speech That It’s Been Banned, Censored & Demonized Everywhere. Here It Is. appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Political Prisoner James Elliott Did What He Could to Help Injured Patriots on January 6, Now He Sits Behind Bars – Please Help This Man’s Young Family


James Robert Elliot Sr., Jim Bob, was sentenced to more than three years in prison, four months of supervised release, and ordered to pay $2,000 in restitution to the Architect of the Capitol for being in DC on January 6th to protest.

Amidst the chaos of that day, as police fired rubber bullets and gas indiscriminately into the crowd, Jim Bob did what he could to help his fellow patriots by treating minor wounds, washing eyes, helping to keep people from getting trampled, and leading others to safety.

Jim Bob, who is the father of five-year-old twins, recently wrote to The Gateway Pundit.

To my Fellow Patriots,

My name is James Elliott Sr. I am a devoted husband to my wife Jessica and a loving father to my twin 5-year-olds, James Jr and my sweet Annabelle. I am the oldest of six kids with a mother and father who have been nothing but supportive.

Over the years, my father, Mike, and my mother, Cindy, forged my siblings and me with a strong work ethic, noble Christian values, and a faith as strong as iron with enough Patriotism to match. So now here I am, 26 years old with a beautiful wife and 2 crazy kids of my own, but I’m locked in a prison in Kentucky, stolen from my loved ones, all ultimately because of my political beliefs.

At this point, my story isn’t an unheard-of one. I went to DC because of many reasons. I believe the election was stolen. I believe the Bidens are a corrupt family, and many of us saw the disaster of his Presidency WELL before he took office. Like many other J6ers, I got caught up in the chaos, and though all of my decisions were, I believe, made with the best intentions, not all of my decisions were the best ones. However, I was able to help protect MANY other Patriots there, treating minor wounds, washing eyes, helping keep people from getting trampled, and leading others to safety.

**Please help Jim Bob here.**

I was shot with rubber bullets, pepper sprayed, tear gassed, and flash banged, and even got hit in the noggen with a tear gas canister. All while trying to aid those around me. The NEWS and liberal media smeared me after my arrest in December of 2021, being called an “extremist,” a “domestic terrorist,” “a racist,” “a violent threat to my community,” and so many other hot-button words we have all heard to the point of exhaustion.

I’m a tow truck driver for a company just outside of Chicago and did my utmost best to be an upstanding member of my society and my community, doing my best to support not only my family but also to help support my parents’ household as well while my father fights many health issues, issues extending from his fight with stomach cancer.

I have no criminal history, not even a speeding ticket to my name, and yet here I am, 37 months in federal prison, locked in with drug dealers and sex offenders because we stood in defiance. We are guilty of the ultimate crime of disagreeing, standing, and together saying, “No, I do not accept your lies. Recount that vote,” and they have stolen 3 years of my life for it.

**Please help Jim Bob here.**

I have lost a lot since the start of this: the money my wife and I had saved, the small amount of faith I had left in the system, even my Patriotism took a huge hit, but most importantly, I have lost time. The time I have been forced away from my wife and kids that I will never get back is a hole in my heart.

No father should have to hear his daughter say, “Don’t you even like us anymore Daddy?” No little girl should have that fear. Or to have my son ask, “Why can’t you come home, Dad?” No son should know that doubt.

Trying to dispel that kind of fear is hard in person let alone over a phone call… My children turned 5 on February 7th, this is such an important time in their lives. They have already grown so much in the 8 months I’ve been away, and here I sit, being a father over the phone for 15 minutes a night before I have to put my stripes back on and continue the fight to get back home. I miss them so badly. They are so young still, but I pray that even though they don’t understand yet, I hope one day, they will see what I have done and be proud of me.

I’m so grateful for the love and support of my beautiful wife, and I pray that my family can stay strong and know that we are all in God’s hands and that this is all happening for a reason.

I pray for my fellow J6ers and their families, and I pray for our country.

America and her people aren’t done fighting yet.

Thank you for reading me ramble on for a while.

Thank you for all your support and all that you do.

Please pray for my family.

Good luck to all my fellow J6ers, the lord is with us. I pray he helps us go home soon.
God Bless America
God Bless Us All – JimBob Proverbs 17:17

**Please help Jim Bob here.**


Jim Bob’s wife, Jessica, added, “Thank you so much for any help you can provide our family.”

The post Political Prisoner James Elliott Did What He Could to Help Injured Patriots on January 6, Now He Sits Behind Bars – Please Help This Man’s Young Family appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

J6er Wrongful Labels Causing Mistreatment from the Shadows

J6 political prisoner Barry Ramey was sentenced to sentenced to 5 years in prison for his participation on January 6th.

The Gateway Pundit exclusively reported that he has launched an appeal against the egregious politically motivated sentence.

On January 6th, Ramey did not make physical contact with Law Enforcement, was not violent, and did not break anything. Yet he was found guilty of assault. He is appealing the sentence based on the lack of evidence brought by the prosecution, false testimonies by government witnesses, and the misrepresentation of evidence by the prosecution.

Before the sentence was even handed down, he was held for nearly two years pre-trial in deplorable conditions.

The Gateway Pundit reported in August that Barry was stabbed in the face for watching Tucker Carlson.  Additionally,  in a letter to TGP, he sounded the alarm on the abuse he and other J6 defendants are enduring from bigoted correction officers.
Barry’s fiance, Desiree, is working to shed light on what is happening to him and other J6ers.
She recently wrote to The Gateway Pundit to share the mistreatment facing Barry and other J6 political prisoners.

**Please help Barry here.***

I’m writing this hoping to bring under the microscope two damaging issues with J6ers currently in DOJ/BOP custody and them being labeled behind the scenes, which is affecting their treatment and where they are permitted to serve time.

We already know J6ers are not being treated very well, but it’s even worse than we thought! As I tell the story of my fiancé Barry Ramey, know it’s not a unique story because it’s happening to all the men and women who are serving time for anything related to January 6th.

First, the BOP has wrongfully labeled, not only Barry but a very large portion of J6ers, with the label known as ‘Greatest Severity”.

What does this mean?

It’s a label that they code as a great threat to the community at large. It also means that, with this label, J6er’s eligibility for serving time in a Federal Prison Camp (which is the safest option available for serving incarcerated prison time) is eliminated due to the way the BOP score calculates the label, regardless of whether they, like Barry, have no criminal past.

Yet, sitting in Federal Prison Camps, as we speak, are bank robbers, people who have committed violent crimes, and others convicted of terrible things. How is it that these people are allowed to serve time in Prison Camps, and J6 patriots are being designated with a label that places them in higher security prisons that hold convicted rapists, murderers, gang members, and others with a recurrent history of convictions?

Their justification for this “Greatest Severity” label, as was told to Barry, is that it is not their charges but “their conduct” on January 6th. However, they are attempting to justify this egregious overreach by lumping together all the things that happened or even didn’t happen the entire day of January 6th into one report and applying all of it to J6ers, even if it had nothing to do with them, their charges, their location, etc.

**Please help Barry here.***

As an example, when reading Barry’s Pre-Sentencing report, it mentions the following things that have nothing to do with Barry.

1. Property damage and vandalism is listed. Barry never damaged or vandalized anything.
2. The Breach inside the capital is listed. Barry never went inside.
3. The initial breach is listed in detail as if Barry had been there even though by time stamp, they say that Barry arrived 20 minutes after that had occurred.
4. The conduct of another J6er, Ryan Samsel, is listed. Barry was nowhere around Mr. Samsel and didn’t even know him at that time. So, what does one thing have to do with the other? It doesn’t. I would guess Mr. Samsel’s report is riddled with misstatements and untruths, to no fault of his own, as well.
5. The entirely false statement claiming Barry threatened an FBI agent investigating his case, despite the fact those charges were dropped after it came to light that it didn’t happen and the prosecution withheld evidence that proved Barry’s innocence on this issue.

So, when you, or anyone in the Federal prison system, read the Pre-Sentencing reports for J6ers, it leads the reader to believe that their conduct was far worse than it was, as shown by the above things that either have nothing to do with Barry or were false accusations. But they are in the report as if they are true. And that is wrong.

The Second horrific and wrong label (and what many believe to be illegal) placed on not only Barry but so many J6ers by the DOJ / BOP is “terrorist.” There is a division of the BOP that focuses on “counter-terrorism.” What seems to be their focus now is to monitor J6ers and take things they say out of context and punish them with more time while under DOJ/BOP custody.

And this has been done in the shadows!

They even told Barry they were monitoring MY social media accounts. I was not at the Capitol on January 6th nor have I even been accused of this. I am a private citizen. I’m not under BOP custody. So, why would the counter-terrorism unit under the BOP monitor MY social media?

Let’s not forget that this DOJ will not even call cartels or Iranian-backed proxy groups “terrorists,” but they are labeling J6ers this way. This is so dangerous! Call me naïve, but I believe there are still some good people left in the DOJ/BOP.

But as Edmund Burke said, “All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” This inappropriate torquing of the system behind the scenes causes one to ponder if it’s J6ers now, what next? If doing nothing paves the way for evil to triumph, what then?

Barry may have been charged with two assaults (the 2nd which never happened) and while he is in the process of appeal while serving a five-year sentence, the story that doesn’t get told is the level of provocation that day. And some are saying entrapment.

**Please help Barry here.***

Imagine being among the crowd on January 6th, peacefully singing the National Anthem like Barry was, only to be erratically barraged by tear gas, concussion grenades, rubber bullets, and witnessing a man get shot through his cheek with munitions!

Was Barry wrong for reacting? He’ll be the first to tell you he wishes he could have done things differently that day.

Should Barry or any J6er be labeled a terrorist?

No! You’ll never catch Barry at a college campus yelling, “Death to Israel or Death to America.” That’s what terrorists yell!

Barry is a good man who stands for the triumph of America, not the triumph of evil.

With thanks,

Desiree (aka Osprey Sensei) Fiancée to J6er Barry Ramey

X & Truth Social: @Osprey_Sensei

Please consider donating any amount to help our family with this long road of covering Barry’s existing expenses and Monthly Commissary.

The post J6er Wrongful Labels Causing Mistreatment from the Shadows appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

WAYNE ROOT: How Biden & Democrats Not Only Killed a Hero Firefighter with Their Deadly Policies…They Killed Him TWICE.

By Wayne Allyn Root

It’s truly amazing how the evil, biased, wickedly Marxist, mainstream media covers up for Biden’s crimes.

Before I get to the tragic story of a young NYC firefighter…let’s go through some other horrible tragic results of Biden’s policies that the media has blacked out and covered up.

Can you believe President Trump attended the wake of a hero police officer in New York City and met with his grieving widow…and on the exact same day Biden was in New York to attend a glamorous fundraiser…and never bothered to contact the widow, or attend the wake…and never even found the time to send his condolences?

But after saying nothing about a hero cop being murdered, leaving behind a grieving widow and baby boy…Biden did manage days later to issue a statement of condolences to the family of murderer O.J. Simpson.

The media said nothing about Biden’s reckless disregard for a dead hero.

Can you imagine if the roles were reversed? What if President Trump attended a $25 million political fundraiser in NYC and ignored the death of a national hero? What would the media say? It would have been a national media firestorm. The media would have said “Trump values money over human lives. Trump has abdicated the role of national leader.”

How is it possible this wasn’t a national scandal of epic proportions for Joe Biden?

Or take the national outrage only days ago about Republican Governor Kristi Noem’s new book. She brags openly in her book about killing a young dog 20 years ago, because the puppy was wild, untrainable, and killing chickens.

Now let me say, I was angry and outraged too. I’ve been a dog lover for my entire life. Dogs are man’s best friends. Like millions of Americans, my dogs are treated like family. This was a terrible thing for Governor Noem to admit in a nation where 2/3rds of all households own a dog.

Yet what she admitted to doing to one dog 20 years ago is NOTHING compared to what Joe Biden did to dogs more recently.

I’ll bet 90% of Americans don’t know what Joe did. He left our hero military dogs to die an agonizing death on the tarmac in Afghanistan during our military retreat. Over 200 of them. Beautiful, precious, hero German Shepherds- who guarded our military heroes and saved countless lives. Man’s best friends.

They were abandoned on the airport tarmac in cages in 110 degree heat. Biden would not allow the dogs on the cargo planes rushing to leave Afghanistan.

Did you know this?

Can you imagine how agonizing their deaths were? They all either died from heat, no water, starvation, or shot dead by the radical Islamic terrorist Taliban (who hate dogs).

If dog lovers hate Kristi Noem, what about Biden? Why didn’t PETA or the ASPCA call Biden a mass dog killer? If Trump did it, they would have.

If you love dogs, Biden is the most evil, callous politician in US history.

And yet, no one in the media said a thing. A complete blackout. A coverup like Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Now we come to the most recent story of what Biden’s policies do to Americans.

In New York City, Derek Floyd- a 36 year old hero Marine veteran and firefighter- died of cardiac arrest just months after being terminated from the FDNY, because they needed to cut spending to pay for illegal aliens.

This is a national disgrace. It should be the biggest media firestorm in America. We just left a hero behind. This man served 3 tours as a Marine in the Middle East. Then he came home and became a firefighter. He was an American hero.

Democrats like Joe Biden (and his boss Obama), Kamala Harris (the border czar who has never been to the border), DHS Chief Alejandro Mayorkas, and New York City Mayor Eric Adams all conspired to abandon this hero. These open borders Democrats value and prioritize illegal alien foreign invaders over the lives and well-being of American citizens.

This is TREASON to the highest degree.

This Marine and firefighter surely died of a broken heart. He died because he could no longer do the job he loved. He died because his family saw him unemployed. He died because he felt abandoned. He died because he saw how Democrats valued illegal aliens over a Marine hero.

And he died short of a pension and death benefits, leaving his wife and two young children destitute.

We are all now second-class citizens. Criminals; people who scream “Death to America” at rallies across America; Jew-haters; and terrorists are all valued by Biden and his traitorous communist cabal higher than you and me.

Where is the national media coverage of this tragic story? Why isn’t Biden to blame? Why isn’t the entire Democrat Party to blame? They opened the border and welcomed millions in. The cost of that is bankrupting America. It certainly contributed to the death of this hero firefighter.

But did Biden and Democrats contribute to his death TWICE?

Remember Biden chose to mandate the Covid vaccine- specifically to First Responders. First Responders like Derek Floyd are dying in huge numbers of heart attacks and strokes- only since the vaccine. Yes, Trump supports the vaccine. But he never mandated it, and never will. No firefighter like Derek Floyd would have ever been forced to take it. But in Biden’s America and deep blue Democrat New York, all firefighters were forced to take the jab, or lose their jobs.

Did it contribute to Derek Floyd’s heart attack death? He’s not alone- we are seeing an epidemic of excess death. The media should be demanding an investigation of why so many cops, firefighters and military personnel are dying of heart attacks at a young age- only since Biden mandated the vaccine.

So, where is the media?

They are in all these cases (and many more) covering up the truth that would destroy Biden and the Democrat Party forever.

HOT OFF THE PRESSES: Watch Wayne’s brand new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to to watch.

The post WAYNE ROOT: How Biden & Democrats Not Only Killed a Hero Firefighter with Their Deadly Policies…They Killed Him TWICE. appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Wayne Allyn Root with #1 Story in America: Wayne Explains How Trump was Right About Everything – Again. Democrats Have Used Open Borders to Turn America into a Third World Craphole – Gaza.

Wayne Allyn Root with #1 Story in America: Wayne explains how Trump was right about everything – again. Democrats have used open borders to turn America into a third-world craphole – Gaza.

Watch Wayne’s “America’s Top Ten Countdown” with his World-Famous “Final Four” airing Fridays at 10 PM ET and Saturdays at Noon ET on Real America’s Voice TV Network.


HOT OFF THE PRESSES: Watch Wayne’s brand new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to to watch.

The post Wayne Allyn Root with #1 Story in America: Wayne Explains How Trump was Right About Everything – Again. Democrats Have Used Open Borders to Turn America into a Third World Craphole – Gaza. appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

WAYNE ROOT: “We’re all GAZA Now.” Trump was Right. One Rigged & Stolen Election has Turned America into a Third World Craphole.

Texas National Guard members are seen being overrun by illegal immigrants trying to force their way across the southern border at El Paso, Texas.
Texas National Guard members are seen being overrun by illegal immigrants trying to force their way across the southern border at El Paso, Texas.
Texas National Guard members are seen being overrun by illegal immigrants trying to force their way across the southern border at El Paso, Texas. (@JennieSTaer / X screen shot)

By Wayne Allyn Root

Trump was right- again. Only 3 years ago our country was MAGA. America was great again. The economy, prosperity, inflation, interest rates, jobs, incomes, the border, crime, peace around the world.

Three short years later we’ve gone from MAGA to Gaza.

Trump was right about a lot of things. Here are just a few.

Trump predicted if the border was open and millions came into our country illegally, we’d be turned into a third world craphole. It happened exactly as he predicted. Look around.

Illegal aliens are murdering Americans from coast to coast. Illegals are fighting with pipes and belts in the middle of a major street in Midtown Manhattan. Cops are being beaten by illegal aliens in broad daylight in the middle of Times Square. Illegal alien squatters are stealing homes. Fentanyl is killing hundreds of thousands of our children.

One of my best friend’s children just died of a fentanyl overdose only days ago. Where do you think fentanyl comes from? The open border.

And then there’s the protests at Columbia University with angry mobs chanting “Death to Jews” “Death to America” and “We are Hamas.” Nothing like this has ever happened in the history of America.

U.S. Senators are now demanding President Biden send National Guard to protect Jewish students at Columbia U. This is happening in America?

Don’t look now but my alma mater Columbia U. has become “Hamas with a really bad football team.”

Now these Jew-hating protests are spreading to elite colleges across the country. And to the home of Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer who just happens to be Jewish. Who saw this coming?

President Trump saw it coming.

Remember President Trump’s so-called “Muslim Travel Ban.” He told us: Don’t let bad people, with evil intent, from terrorist nations, into America.

Trump’s point was, they will bring their hate with them. They will not blend in, as prior immigrants did. They will destroy our cities- which will be turned into dangerous “no go” zones. They will stir hate and division. Crime will explode. They will kill Americans- specifically Jews.

Don’t look now, but this is exactly what is happening.

The real name of Trump’s Executive Action was “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States.” It was simply an Executive Action aimed at keeping bad people with evil intent (and hatred for Jews, Christians, America and Western Civilization) out of the USA.

It wasn’t “racist.” It wasn’t aimed at Muslims. It was aimed at terrorists, criminals and people with hate in their hearts, coming from the worst terrorist nations in the world. It was aimed at keeping our citizens safe and keeping us from becoming a third world craphole. Like Gaza.

Trump was right.

Why do you think all of this hate and anarchy is happening right now? Because we opened the borders and welcomed everyone in. No one was vetted. We have no idea who is a criminal…who is a murderer…who is a terrorist…who hates Jews….and who wants “Death to America.”

Biden (and his boss Obama) opened the borders and let the whole Middle East in- with no questions asked. How many are Hamas? Hezbollah? ISIS? How many have criminal records? How many have an unnatural hatred for Jews, Christians and America?

Did anyone think to ask, before we let them into our country?

And let’s not single out radical Islam. Letting in MS-13, gangbangers from prisons around the world, and Chinese military-age males is just as stupid, reckless and dangerous.

Trump understood. Not everyone is alike. Not everyone should be allowed into our country. It’s a privilege to become an American. We have to investigate people who want to come in- to make sure their values are compatible with America, American exceptionalism, freedom, and democracy.

Now you’re seeing the results of unvetted open borders on the streets and college campuses of America. It didn’t start with Biden. It started with Obama. Obama opened the floodgates for eight long years. He let millions of illegals in.

Now Biden (and his boss Obama) have excellerated the foreign invasion on STEROIDS.

Now for the first time in the history of America, there are protestors openly screaming about murdering Jews. Coincidence?

Now for the first time in the history of America, we need National Guard troops to protect Jewish students. Coincidence?

Now for the first time in the history of America, there are Jewish professors demanding police escorts to walk onto their own campus. Coincidence?

Now for the first time in the history of America, mobs of thugs are attacking the homes of Jewish US Senators. Coincidence?

Biden (and his boss Obama), Kamala (the border czar who has never been to the border), DHS chief Mayorkas, and the entire Democrat Party have sold out to China and the Mexican Drug Cartels. They’ve taken billions in bribes.

And as a bonus, Democrats are betting millions of foreign voters means there will never be another Republican president.

They’ve turned us into a third world craphole. They’ve invited and welcomed in people who want to murder us. All of us. Not just Jews. Jews are just first on their list. They don’t just hate Jews. They hate Christians. They hate Americans. They hate freedom.

Open borders are why things have suddenly changed so dramatically.

That’s why a country that has always treated the Jewish people the best of any country in the world…a country that has never shown hatred for Jews…never seen protests against Jews…a country that has shown overwhelming support for Israel from the first day…

Is suddenly seeing anarchy and revolution in the streets…hatred for Jews…chants of “Death to America”…and crime exploding in big cities, run by Democrats, and filled with newly arrived illegal aliens.

Biden (and his boss Obama), and the entire Democrat Party have imported Gaza into America. And now the chickens have come home to roost.

Trump was right. America may never be the same.

We’re all Gaza now.

HOT OFF THE PRESSES: Watch Wayne’s brand new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to to watch.

The post WAYNE ROOT: “We’re all GAZA Now.” Trump was Right. One Rigged & Stolen Election has Turned America into a Third World Craphole. appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Wayne Allyn Root with #1 Story in America: The Open Border Invasion of America – Of Course. Nothing Else is More Important. This Week Wayne Rips to Shreds the Biggest Traitor in America – DHS Chief Alejandro Mayorkas.

Watch Wayne’s “America’s Top Ten Countdown” with his World-Famous “Final Four” airing Fridays at 11 PM ET and Saturdays at Noon ET on Real America’s Voice TV Network.


HOT OFF THE PRESSES: Watch Wayne’s brand new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to to watch.

The post Wayne Allyn Root with #1 Story in America: The Open Border Invasion of America – Of Course. Nothing Else is More Important. This Week Wayne Rips to Shreds the Biggest Traitor in America – DHS Chief Alejandro Mayorkas. appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

WAYNE ROOT: This is 100% Obama: Columbia U Anarchy. Jew-Hatred. America-Hatred. The Rigged Communist Show Trial Against Trump. The Intentional Destruction of America. This is Where It All Started- with my College Classmate Obama at Columbia.

By Wayne Allyn Root

This is all Obama.

What you see happening right now in New York City. It all started at Columbia University way back in the early 1980’s. Obama was my Columbia U classmate. And now it’s all full circle back to our roots (excuse the pun).

Columbia University is the canary in the coal mine.

George HW Bush talked about “1,000 points of light.” Obama uses “1,000 points of destruction” to achieve his goal- the intentional destruction of America.

You can see it all happening just blocks apart right now – all built around Columbia University and NYC.

Upper Manhattan is where the anarchy at Columbia is on display. The Jew-hatred. The America-hatred. The hatred of capitalism. The desire to destroy the greatest nation in world history, ever blessed by God.

And then a few miles south to lower Manhattan is the courtroom where a rigged communist show trial is happening to destroy the greatest symbol of everything Obama hates- President Donald J. Trump.

SYNERGY: Columbia U and New York City. That’s where Obama and I learned the plan to destroy America- called “Cloward-Piven.”

I have a unique understanding of Obama. Not only was he my college classmate, I’ve studied him for most of my adult life. You want to understand what makes Obama tick? Read 452 pages of my #1 bestselling book from 2013, “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.”

Here is what I see happening right now…

Obama is the real President of the United States. Unelected. Yet he holds all the power, calls all the shots for his brain-dead, dementia puppet Joe Biden.

The rigged election; the open borders; the Green New Deal; DEI and Critical Race Theory; transgender brainwashing of your kids at school; the weakening of our military; the division and hatred; the crime wave created by radical leftist prosecutors who let every criminal go free; the weaponization of government; the 86,000 new IRS agents; the massive spending and debt, leading to massive inflation, which murders the middle class.

Everything bad and evil happening for the past 3 ½ years- it all started with Obama’s presidency.

Obama honed these skills at Columbia. Then he sharpened them for eight years as president. Now he has perfected and accelerated them as the “shadow president” – the man behind puppet Biden.

Everything happening in NYC right now…has Obama’s fingerprints all over it.

The anarchy at Columbia U. That’s Obama.

The hatred for America. That’s Obama.

The hatred for capitalism. That’s Obama.

The hatred for President Trump and the communist show trial rigged to destroy him. That’s Obama.

The hatred for Jews (and anyone in power). That’s Obama.

By the way, don’t take my word for it. Even ultra-liberal, lifelong Democrat, and former Obama supporter Alan Dershowitz recently said Obama hates Israel and the Jews. He called Obama “despicable.” He blames Obama for the antisemitic, anti-Israel and anti-American attitudes in this country today.

Alan, welcome to “Wayne’s World.” This is exactly what I’ve been saying about Obama since my college classmate was campaigning for President in 2007.

One more thing Obama is great at- painting everyone who disagrees with his plans to destroy America as a “racist.” You know the real definition of racist? Anyone winning an argument with a communist.

This is all Cloward-Piven.

The main tool of Cloward-Piven was to get the whole country on welfare and food stamps, so the country would be overwhelmed. This creates so much debt, the economy implodes, the country collapses and in this mess, America is reborn as a socialist/communist utopia.

Obama started all of that during his presidency. The spending, taxes and debt exploded. Even though Obama’s friends and donors got filthy rich on Wall Street, Main Street was decimated. By some measures, Obama’s economy was worse than the Great Depression.

Under Obama the number of Americans on welfare, food stamps and a thousand other government programs exploded to well over 100 million.

Then he passed Obamacare to solve a problem that never existed. Healthcare spending exploded. More Americans dependent on government, more debt, more inflation to wipe out the middle class.

But now Obama has perfected his craft.

If you can’t get everyone on welfare, just open the border and wave in the whole poverty-stricken world. Plus the added benefit of all the sick and pregnant of the world to add more massive spending, healthcare spending, welfare and debt until the economy is overwhelmed and America collapses.

Meanwhile you also completely change the demographic makeup of America and replace American citizens with foreign sheep who vote 100% Democrat to keep their welfare checks coming.

And boy did Obama sharpen his use of government as a weapon. I’m a witness. As president he used the IRS to try to destroy me personally.

Today he has weaponized every agency of government and funded 86,000 new IRS agents- many with guns. He uses the DOJ and FBI to destroy President Trump, J6 protestors and soon everyone who stands in the way of the final destruction of America.

Obama and his Marxist comrades use a government partnership with media and social media to push propaganda and misinformation out to the public 24/7, and to censor, silence and ban anyone who tells the truth.

And then there’s the radicalized lynch mobs used as Obama’s army to create chaos and crisis. Today he is behind the anarchy and unrest of this radical anti-Israel, pro-Hamas movement.

Soon the real “Obama Army” will appear- 20 million new illegal aliens- most of them criminals and military age males.

The Trump persecution. The rigged Trump trials. The Jew-hatred. The America-hatred. The open border empowering a foreign invasion. The insane welfare, spending and debt. Exploding healthcare costs.

It’s all Obama on STEROIDS.

It all started at Columbia U. That’s the centerpiece of the attack on Trump, America, capitalism and Jews right now.

It’s all come full circle.

HOT OFF THE PRESSES: Watch Wayne’s brand new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to to watch.

The post WAYNE ROOT: This is 100% Obama: Columbia U Anarchy. Jew-Hatred. America-Hatred. The Rigged Communist Show Trial Against Trump. The Intentional Destruction of America. This is Where It All Started- with my College Classmate Obama at Columbia. appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

WAYNE ROOT: I’m a Jewish Columbia University Alumni. What if the Victims of This Hate Were Blacks, Instead of Jews? How Would the Nation Respond?

Wayne Allyn Root speaks on Real America's Voice.
Wayne Allyn Root speaks on Real America's Voice.
Wayne Allyn Root speaks on Real America’s Voice. (Real America’s Voice / Rumble screen shot)

By Wayne Allyn Root

Well Biden, Obama the radical Democrats got their way, didn’t they?

They wanted America radicalized and weaponized. They wanted division, hatred and envy. They pushed grievances and “the blame game.”

They wanted the whole country and economy based on social justice, diversity, equity, inclusion, Critical Race Theory, reparations and 1,000 other crazy, radical, dangerous, racist ideas.

Then they opened the border and waved the whole world in- including criminals, terrorists, America-haters, Jew-haters, and military age males with nothing to lose (and perhaps taking marching orders from our enemies).

Throw in a weaponized government demonizing and framing the leading opponent to Joe Biden; rigging the jury and judges to ensure a guilty verdict; then holding multiple “communist show trials” with one goal- to stop President Trump, imprison him, or perhaps kill him. Keep in mind this is all happening in Manhattan just blocks from Columbia University.

Throw in America’s sworn enemies like George Soros, Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum, and most prominently China and the Chinese Communist Party, no doubt spreading billions around to fund this toxic brew, and bribe the politicians.

Spin, stir, shake, and now you have the anarchy, unrest, vile hatred, anti-semitism and violence at Columbia University (and every other elite university).

This is our enemies greatest dream- we are so divided and consumed by hate, we will destroy ourselves from within.

But this much I know- my alma mater Columbia University is ground zero for what’s coming.

Radical America-haters and Jew-haters have occupied the campus of Columbia.

Protestors celebrate and cheer the murdering terrorists and mass murderers of Hamas. They chant about genocide and “death to the Jews.”

Columbia’s chief rabbi has warned Jewish students to leave campus immediately because they are not safe on the campus.

A pro-Israel Columbia professor had his key deactivated and has been told he won’t be allowed on campus for “his own safety and protection.”

The school has now capitulated to the mob and cancelled in-person classes and moved to online education. Keep in mind Jewish students’ parents are paying $86,000 per year for this treatment.

At Ivy League “sister-school” Yale the same radicals have occupied the campus in solidarity with their Columbia communist and Jew-hating comrades.

Incredibly, Yale protestors just blocked a Jewish student from entering a campus building. Remind anyone of Hitler’s young Nazi thugs in 1930’s Germany?

A Jewish journalist from the Yale student newspaper was poked in the eye with a Palestinian flag after she was surrounded by thugs, sending her to the hospital.

Incredibly, this is all happening in America. Today. Right now.

Now let’s put the shoe on the other foot. Let’s take the same scenario and replace “Jew” with “black American.”

I want everyone to picture how horrified and hysterical Democrats and the liberal mainstream media would be if the shoe was on the other foot.

What if white students wearing hoods occupied Columbia University (and other Ivy League universities) and called for the genocide of black Americans?

What if white terrorists mass murdered and raped blacks in another country last October 7th and these white students at Columbia celebrated the event and waved KKK flags?

What if a black university leader told black students to immediately leave because they weren’t safe on campus?

What if a black professor was locked out of the Columbia campus “for his own safety and protection?”

What if a black student was blocked by a mob of white thugs from entering a Columbia University building?

What if a black journalist for the Columbia student newspaper was surrounded by a mob of white thugs, and sent to the hospital after being poked in the eye by a KKK flag?

What if the President of Columbia capitulated to the white KKK mob and cancelled in-person classes? What an insult to the parents of black students who pay $86,000 per year for this treatment.

What if these KKK white supremacist rallies were spreading all over the USA with protestors screaming about “death to blacks.”

Would this be allowed by President Biden? For even an hour, let alone days or weeks on end?

Here is what I guarantee would be the response if the victims were black…

The President of Columbia University would either be fired, or forced to step down.

Columbia would bring in hundreds of police, or private security to guarantee the safety of black students.

The Governor of New York would order National Guard to the Columbia campus to stop the protests and to protect black students.

Columbia would offer a full refund of all tuition to the black students.

Black students and alumni would pursue a class-action lawsuit against Columbia for hundreds of billions of dollars for allowing a dangerous, hostile and racist environment.

The President of the United States would terminate all federal funding for any colleges allowing this kind of racism and hate on campus.

The protestors would be labeled as “domestic terrorists,” be arrested and face years in prison.

But this is America today, run by Joe Biden (and his boss Obama) and a Democrat Party made up of communist radicals and racists who preach hate, division and envy.

They created this toxic brew. They’ve turned us into a combination of 1968…1860 in the days before the Civil War…and 1930’s Nazi Germany.

The questions are…

As this hateful occupy movement and anarchy grows (and it will) what will Biden do?

Will local officials, police and university presidents take strong steps to stop this anarchy?

And can Biden and his radical comrades control this toxic monster they’ve created? Or is this now out of their control?

I know there are three places to start…

All the colleges that allow Jew-hatred and pro-Hamas anarchy must lose their federal funding.

The President of Columbia University must be fired immediately, or forced to step down.

And that other President who created this hostile environment should also take responsibility and resign effective immediately. Joe Biden wanted a nation of division and hate. He owns this mess.

HOT OFF THE PRESSES: Watch Wayne’s brand new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to to watch.

The post WAYNE ROOT: I’m a Jewish Columbia University Alumni. What if the Victims of This Hate Were Blacks, Instead of Jews? How Would the Nation Respond? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

WAYNE ROOT: We are Living in a Bizarro, Twilight Zone, Zombie Apocalypse Nightmare. Exhibit A: Alejandro Mayorkas

By Wayne Allyn Root

I swear we are living in some kind of bizarro “Twilight Zone” episode. Or a zombie apocalypse nightmare. Things are that bizarre in America nowadays.

48 hours ago, I was watching a TV show on CBS when a promotion came on my TV screen for the CBS morning show. Host Gayle King (Oprah’s BFF) said, “Join us tomorrow for our show dedicated to how to keep your children safe- with HHS Chief Alejandro Mayorkas.”

Did I really hear that? I reversed my TV to watch it again. Gayle King really said that. This one :30 second promotion proves without any doubt that leftists and the liberal media are a combination of insane, delusional and suicide bombers.

They’re a danger to us all. A danger to our survival. A danger to our children’s lives.

It also proves without a doubt that we are being brainwashed, gaslighted and defrauded with a level of media propaganda not seen since the Nazi Germany Gestapo, Soviet Union KGB and East Germany Stasi.

Our nation is under foreign invasion by millions of barbarians- including murderers; rapists; terrorists; welfare addicts who will bankrupt our country; illegal alien invaders carrying third word diseases that will kill us; and let’s not forget millions of military-age men from our enemies like China, Hamas, Hezbollah and MS-13.

This is literally an ARMY of 20 million or more brand new illegal alien criminals that can and will turn America into “Mad Max” at a moment’s notice if…

A) They get their marching orders from their leaders to destroy America…

or B) their goal is to create crisis, chaos, anarchy, unrest, rioting, looting, torching, killing, fear and intimidation before the November election to prevent Trump from taking back the White House …

or C) their goal is to create crisis, chaos, anarchy, unrest, rioting, looting, torching, killing, fear and intimidation after the election in order to topple the Trump administration…

or most likely, D) all of the above.

In the middle of it all sits HHS Chief Alejandro Mayorkas.

In my opinion Alejandro Majorkas is the worst traitor in the history of America. He is evil personified. He is the devil. Or he is certainly taking his marching orders from Satan himself.

Majorkas makes Benedict Arnold (who gave the secret location of General George Washington to the British Army and was banned from America for the rest of his life) look like a petty pickpocket.

Majorkas makes Julius and Ethel Rosenberg (who passed secrets about the atomic bomb to the Soviet Union in 1945 and were executed) look like pikers.

Majorkas is doing more damage to America and America’s children than anyone in the history of America.

He is not only enabling and empowering the full-scale invasion of America…and letting barbarians into our country who will murder and rape your children…and infect your children with third world diseases…and bring pedophiles and perverts into our country…and the cost of this illegal invasion will force higher taxes that will destroy quality of life for your children…but perhaps worst of all, Majorkas is allowing all the fentanyl into America that will hook your children on drugs, ruin their lives, and literally kill over 100,000 Americans annually.

One of them could be your child.

Wait, it gets worse. We just let 20 million brand new illegals into America- at least that many. Because this administration of suicide bombers admits 10 million have been welcomed in in the past 3 ½ years. But that number does not include “got aways.” That at least doubles the number to 20 million. Maybe substantially more. And that’s 20 million as of today. But by Trump’s swearing in on January 20, 2025, it may well be 30 million, or more.

Think about this. We’ve added 20 to 30 million new poverty-stricken patients, but no new doctors. This is the bankruptcy and collapse of our healthcare system.

And we’ve added millions of new criminals and terrorists, but no new cops. This will lead to mass chaos, anarchy and the worst crime wave ever seen in America’s history.

It’s already started.

Think what all these millions of illegal alien children added to public schools will do to retard your children’s education and their future earning potential.

And how about the national debt. This foreign invasion is costing America about half a trillion dollars a year. That’s what they admit- it’s probably much higher. That’s trillions added to the national debt in the next decade. Our economy will be overwhelmed. Our country will collapse.

Alejandro Majorkas is the point man for the intentional destruction of America.

He has done more damage to our country and our children than anyone in history. He is more deadly to America than all the Islamic terrorists in the world combined.

And yet the CBS morning show portrays him as a “hero” who can show us how to keep our children safe. And the U.S. Senate voted for the first time in history to kill his impeachment trial before it even started.

This is the definition of gaslighting and propaganda. This man is the enemy of every American citizen. He is the enemy of your children. He is evil personified. He is the devil.

I know where he belongs. Burning in hell.

But until then, how about we elect President Trump on November 5th. And then immediately indict Alejandro Majorkas for treason. And after conviction, sentence him to life in prison, breaking rocks at Guantanamo.

And then America will be great again. And your children will be safe again. God bless America.

HOT OFF THE PRESSES: Watch Wayne’s brand new nightly TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” every weekday night at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to to watch.

The post WAYNE ROOT: We are Living in a Bizarro, Twilight Zone, Zombie Apocalypse Nightmare. Exhibit A: Alejandro Mayorkas appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
