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Biden's Afghanistan: Taliban Holds Mass Flogging Event for Crimes of 'Fleeing from Home,' 'Disrespect'

The Taliban, the uncontested government of Afghanistan since 2021, used a stadium to stage a mass punishment event for 63 people on Tuesday, administering public floggings for crimes ranging from "fleeing from home" to "adultery."

The post Biden’s Afghanistan: Taliban Holds Mass Flogging Event for Crimes of ‘Fleeing from Home,’ ‘Disrespect’ appeared first on Breitbart.

Russia Says It Will Soon Delist Taliban as Terrorist Organization

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told Russian media on Tuesday that his government is planning to remove the Afghan Taliban from its list of designated foreign terrorist organizations to facilitate diplomacy with Afghanistan.

The post Russia Says It Will Soon Delist Taliban as Terrorist Organization appeared first on Breitbart.

Afghanistan: Taliban bans ‘things in contradiction with Islam,’ including music cassettes and foreign dramas

Afghanistan: Taliban bans ‘things in contradiction with Islam,’ including music cassettes and foreign dramas
“‘Imran bin Husain narrated that the Messenger of Allah(s.a.w) said: ‘In this Ummah there shall be collapsing of the earth, transformation and Qadhf.’ A man among the Muslims said: ‘O Messenger of Allah! When is that?’ He said: ‘When singing slave-girls, music, and drinking intoxicants spread.’” (Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2212) “It was narrated from Abu Malik […]

Afghanistan: ‘The Taliban are offering money for Afghans to turn in any Christians they know’

Afghanistan: ‘The Taliban are offering money for Afghans to turn in any Christians they know’
Building a Sharia paradise through terror. And why not? Muhammad is depicted in a hadith as having said: “I have been made victorious through terror” (Bukhari 4:52.220). “Taliban puts bounty on Afghan Christians,” Mission Network News, April 3, 2023: Afghanistan (MNN) — Famine fears loom in Afghanistan. Multibillion-dollar aid packages have kept 20 million Afghans alive – […]

UK: Muslim proudly waves Taliban flag in Derby

UK: Muslim proudly waves Taliban flag in Derby
Posted by an Afghan illegal – a man proudly waving the Taliban flag in Derby. An example of what the government is allowing into our country. They’re even housing some of them on military bases where some of our armed forces and their families live nearby. It won't end well. — Steve Laws (@Steve_Laws_) […]

UK government in negotiations with Taliban over three British men held captive

UK government in negotiations with Taliban over three British men held captive
Let’s hope that Britain does not give up on its citizens, as America has apparently done. Antony Blinken recently admitted under pressure, during an exchange with Rep. Joe Wilson, that there “several Americans who are being detained by the Taliban.” Does “being detained” mean that these arrests took place recently? And what about the Americans who […]

Taliban arrest at gunpoint prominent activist for girls’ education and founder of Afghan girls’ school project

Taliban arrest at gunpoint prominent activist for girls’ education and founder of Afghan girls’ school project
As international human rights organizations has called for the release of Matiullah Wesa, founder and leader of Pen Path charity. No one knows where he is following his arrest at gunpoint and beating by the Taliban.. Afghanistan is known as as the “most repressive country in the world” for women’s rights; the country adheres rigidly […]

Family of Marine killed In Afghanistan stunned to learn snipers were ordered not to take out jihad suicide bomber

Family of Marine killed In Afghanistan stunned to learn snipers were ordered not to take out jihad suicide bomber
Old Joe Biden’s woke and desperately corrupt military actively misled the family of one of the soldiers who was killed in the jihad attack. An update on this story. “Family Of Marine Killed During Afghanistan Withdrawal Stunned To Learn Snipers Could Have Taken Out Suicide Bomber,” by Micaela Burrow, Daily Caller, March 26, 2023: A […]

Afghanistan: Taliban boasts, shows off 300 military vehicles left behind by America 

Afghanistan: Taliban boasts, shows off 300 military vehicles left behind by America 
According to Forbes in 2021: “The U.S. provided an estimated $83 billion worth of training and equipment to Afghan security forces since 2001. This year, alone, the U.S. military aid to Afghan forces was $3 billion.” Even CNN reported that the US gave “a total of $18.6 billion of equipment to the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces […]

Pakistani Taliban now using weapons and night vision devices U.S. left behind in Afghanistan

Pakistani Taliban now using weapons and night vision devices U.S. left behind in Afghanistan
These weapons have surfaced in Kashmir as well. Old Joe Biden is a chief weapons supplier for the global jihad. “U.S. arms left in Afghanistan surface in Pakistan Taliban insurgency,” by Zia Ur Rehman, Nikkei Asia, March 12, 2023: PESHAWAR, Pakistan — Modern weapons and sophisticated night vision devices left behind by U.S.-led coalition forces […]

Afghanistan: ISIS-K steps up attacks, believed responsible for bombing at journalist award ceremony

Afghanistan: ISIS-K steps up attacks, believed responsible for bombing at journalist award ceremony
No one claimed responsibility for the attack during the awards ceremony for journalists at the Tabian Farhang Centre in Mazar-e Sharif, but the Islamic State in Khorasan Province (ISIS-K) is the primary suspect, since it is a key rival of the Taliban and has intensified its attacks of late. ISIS-K seeks to regain control over […]