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Palestinian Authority Slams Iran for Backing Hamas: Not Helping to 'Liberate' Jerusalem

The Palestinian Authority appeared to condemn Iranian "supreme leader" Ayatollah Ali Khamenei for celebrating the Hamas atrocities in Israel on October 7, stating on Monday that Iran was "sacrificing the blood of the Palestinian people for its own interests."

The post Palestinian Authority Slams Iran for Backing Hamas: Not Helping to ‘Liberate’ Jerusalem appeared first on Breitbart.

Hamas sentences two Gazans to firing squad and hanging for collaborating with Israel

Hamas sentences two Gazans to firing squad and hanging for collaborating with Israel
Hamas is a jihad group that kills innocent people “in the way of Allah,” as do all jihadists. It is stated in Hamas’ “Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement” that Israel must be obliterated. That’s because Israel remains the single unconquered nation in the vast Middle East, the rest of which was conquered by means […]

The ‘Poor’ Palestinians Are Not So Poor

The ‘Poor’ Palestinians Are Not So Poor
Elder of Ziyon has a piece on the latest UN report on poverty in countries around the world. This “Multidimensional Poverty Index” is arrived at by studying health, education, and the standard of living, based on ten weighted indicators. It turns out that in the “State of Palestine,” there is less poverty than in more […]

Biden Regime Boycotts Israel

Biden Regime Boycotts Israel
Straughn informed the organizers that the State Department canceled her authorization to fly. This is governmental BDS, but it also reminds me of how the Obama administration gamed the shutdown by forcing the cancelation of all sorts of events and venues just to make a point. If this story is accurate, then part of the Biden […]

Released jihad terrorist says jihadis ‘carried out the orders of the leadership’ of the Palestinian Authority

Released jihad terrorist says jihadis ‘carried out the orders of the leadership’ of the Palestinian Authority
That’s right, the same leadership that the Biden regime is funding, and pressuring Israel to appease and accommodate. “Released terrorist confirms: Terrorists ‘carried out the orders of the [PA] leadership,’” by Nan Jacques Zilberdik, Palestinian Media Watch, March 29, 2023: Senior PA official and terrorist Fuad Al-Shubaki has confirmed Palestinian Media Watch’s findings that Palestinian terrorists are seen […]

Israeli Finance Minister says ‘There is no such thing as a Palestinian people,’ US says ‘we utterly object’

Israeli Finance Minister says ‘There is no such thing as a Palestinian people,’ US says ‘we utterly object’
Smotrich is right in this. PLO executive committee member Zahir Muhsein said this in 1977: The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians […]

Biden’s handlers accused of planning to train, equip and deploy Palestinian terrorists in Judea and Samaria

Biden’s handlers accused of planning to train, equip and deploy Palestinian terrorists in Judea and Samaria
The Biden administration is either dangerously naive or worse. It is presenting this plan under the pretext of helping to curb terrorism in Judea and Samaria, yet ZOA says this “unconscionable and illegal plan” would aid Palestinian jihadists. Meanwhile, another report has exposed the U.S. State Department’s funding of an anti-Netanyahu Leftist group that is […]

German Tourists Get a Taste of Palestinian Hospitality

German Tourists Get a Taste of Palestinian Hospitality
Two German tourists were visiting Israel recently, where they experienced something Israelis have experienced in the past when they have taken a wrong turn in the West Bank and ended up in the middle of a Palestinian city: an Arab mob quickly forming, intent on pulling them out of their car, in order to beat […]

UNRWA Schools Still Spreading Antisemitic Hate

UNRWA Schools Still Spreading Antisemitic Hate
Every year, watchdog groups IMPACT-se and UN Watch study the textbooks of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), and the UNRWA curriculum, and reports about disturbing behavior by teachers, And every year they find that yet again they must charge UNRWA with using schoolbooks, and employing […]

‘Palestinian’ Muslims attack German tourists who ventured into their city in Israeli car

‘Palestinian’ Muslims attack German tourists who ventured into their city in Israeli car
These Germans say they just wanted a cup of coffee, but they could have gotten that in Tel Aviv. They probably wanted to show their solidarity to their “Palestinian” friends, and they sure good a strong taste of “Palestinian” solidarity. شبان يحطمون مركبة تحمل لوحات تسجيل "إسرائيلية" وسط #نابلس بعد الاشتباه بوجود مستوطنين بداخلها ووجود […]

Palestinian Authority: Teachers are striking because government is paying jihad terrorists, not them

Palestinian Authority: Teachers are striking because government is paying jihad terrorists, not them
Priorities, priorities. And remember: thanks to Old Joe Biden, it’s you who are paying the jihad terrorists. “Should the PA pay monthly salaries to teachers or terrorists?,” by Maurice Hirsch, Palestinian Media Watch, March 15, 2023: The teachers in the Palestinian Authority are striking because the PA is not paying their full wages and has […]

Israel: Palestinians destroy ancient ruins, pave road over First Temple relics, burial caves

Israel: Palestinians destroy ancient ruins, pave road over First Temple relics, burial caves
Back in December, when he visited an historic site dating back to the First Temple period, where pillars still stand and the remains of King Herod’s “giant theater from the Second Temple period” can be seen, MK Rabbi Amichai Eliyahu, who is now Israel’s Heritage Minister, warned that Arabs were “erasing history” in ancient Samaria […]