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44 Retired Generals and Admirals Ask Biden Administration to Provide Israel with the Weapons It Needs

44 Retired Generals and Admirals Ask Biden Administration to Provide Israel with the Weapons It Needs
Joe Biden has assured the world that Iran will not acquire nuclear weapons β€œon my watch.” How much credence ought the people of Israel, who will be the ones most affected should Iran acquire a nuclear weapon, give to this assurance? None at all. Israelis cannot entrust their national survival to assurances from Joe Biden […]

Jewish Democratic Council of America to Protest Israel

Jewish Democratic Council of America to Protest Israel
Jewish Dems show support for Israel by protesting against it. The Jewish Democratic Council of America is showing its support for Israel by joining protests outside the Israel Bonds conference. After staging a virtual event about democratic judicial reform consisting entirely of opponents of the measure to restore checks and balances to Israel’s political system, […]

Inside the Vaccine Passport Racket, by Michelle Malkin

The profit-maximizing corporations that covet your "digital health" data hide behind nonprofit umbrella groups that pose as public interest do-gooders. These vaccine passport profiteers are turning millions of human beings into walking QR codes in the name of fighting COVID-19 and under the guise of bringing "normalcy" back. It's an unprecedented worldwide racket that rewards...

There Is No Vetting, by Michelle Malkin

Back in August, as the Biden administration prepared to dump 82,000-plus Afghan refugees onto U.S. soil, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security assured Americans that it was "working around the clock to conduct the security screening and vetting of vulnerable Afghans before they are permitted entry into the United States" and taking "multiple steps to...

Black Lies Matter, by Michelle Malkin

I dare you to look, with a clear and unfiltered lens, at the bloody nightmare we once called the United States of America. Connect the dots. Contemplate the utter chaos in every major city while Black Lives Matter militants, academics and bureaucrats prattle on about "systemic racism" and "two-tiered justice." It's about much more than...

Church Militants, Not Church Milquetoasts, by Michelle Malkin

These are abridged remarks I gave Tuesday morning in Baltimore at the "Enough is Enough" protest across from the annual gathering of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Church Militant senior producer and St. Michael's Media founder Michael Voris was forced to go to court to hold the prayer rally and gathering of Catholic dissidents...

Our Children Are Not Chattel, by Michelle Malkin

COLORADO SPRINGS β€” They admitted it. Now, they think they can get away with it. Three weeks ago, I reported to you on the appalling case of 6th-grade student Rylee M., who was pressured by teachers at Chinook Trail Middle School to seal her mask to her face with thick blue painters’ tape. Another schoolmate...

America's Nutty Professor of Anti-White Rage, by Michelle Malkin

Brittney Cooper β€” sorry, that's Dr. Brittney Cooper β€” certainly takes the cake for the nation's worst tenured radical (at least for this week, until the next academic nutjob erupts). Armed with a Bachelor of Arts in English and political science from Howard University and a doctorate in American Studies from Emory University, the Rutgers...

Grant Napear’s Life Matters, by Michelle Malkin

Should a peaceful, law-abiding man of faith be punished in perpetuity for publicly proclaiming his heartfelt belief that β€œALL LIVES MATTER…EVERY SINGLE ONE”? The question is not merely rhetorical. It is now a legal matter for a California court and jury to decide. Grant Napear, radio talk show host and former announcer for the Sacramento...

Who's Choking Off Your Children?, by Michelle Malkin

COLORADO SPRINGS β€” The latest horror story involving COVID-19 control freaks erupted right here in my backyard on Friday. It's breathtaking. Literally. No responsible parent can in good conscience sit by silently while pandemic tyrants choke off our children's freedom and oxygen supply. Stephanie M. is a work-at-home mother of three young daughters. On Friday,...

GooTube: Dems' Kiddie Propaganda Arm, by Michelle Malkin

In case you hadn't heard, Vice President Kamala Harris' venture into government space propaganda for children was a galactic bust. The veep's smarmy performance in a NASA agitprop video touting World Space Week was universally ridiculed and exposed this weekend after a local Monterey, California, TV station interviewed one of five child actors who auditioned...

COMPLY or DIE: Vaxx-Partheid in the Operating Room, by Michelle Malkin

Photo: Colorado Springs friends and Bible study classmates Leilani Lutali (left) and living donor volunteer Jaimee Fougner (right) For nearly 20 years, I’ve reported on America’s medical welcome mat for chronically sick illegal aliens. Under a 1986 federal law, β€œunauthorized immigrants” with conditions such as kidney disease and cancer cannot be denied emergency room care,...

What Every Parent Must Know About Pfizer, by Michelle Malkin

The CEO of Pfizer (market cap: $240.5 billion) is Albert Bourla (2020 compensation package: $21 million). Bourla and his colleagues want your kids to start getting jabbed with his company’s COVID vaccine by Thanksgiving. Triumphant after the Biden administration last week approved Pfizer’s COVID booster shots (estimated global sales: $26 billion), the company is touting...

The Manufactured Border Crisis, by Michelle Malkin

In nearly 30 years of covering America's corrupted immigration and entrance policies, I can tell you definitively that every "border crisis" is a manufactured crisis. Caravans of Latin American illegal immigrants don't just form out of nowhere. Throngs of Middle Eastern refugees don't just amass spontaneously. Boatloads of Haitians don't just wash up on our...

All It Takes Is 1, by Michelle Malkin

"One is the loneliest number," Three Dog Night famously sang over five decades ago. But all it takes is one brave soul fighting against the tide to inspire 10. Ten become hundreds. Hundreds become thousands. Thousands become millions. Millions become a new majority. Riverside County, California, Sheriff Chad Bianco is one. On Monday, Sheriff Bianco...

The Coming Abortion Insurrection, by Michelle Malkin

I told you it was coming. Back in May, on my show, "Sovereign Nation," I chronicled significant signs of pro-life progress that were driving death-lobby Democrats mad β€” and I warned of a wave of intolerant tantrums to come as we hurtle into autumn. It's here. In a 5-4 ruling last week, the U.S. Supreme...

Ivermectin: Horse Hockey vs. Truth, by Michelle Malkin

Ivermectin: Horse hockey vs. truth Shhhhh. The information I’m about to share with you is dangerous and subversive. You cannot publish it on social media platforms without risking scary labels and permanent suspensions. You and anyone you discuss this topic with will be called anti-science β€œkooks,” β€œconspiracy theorists,” or β€œquacks.” So be it. I’ve been...

Coward Cuomo's Last Act of Treachery, by Michelle Malkin

Disgraced Andrew Cuomo abandoned the New York governor's mansion last week, leaving nearly 15,000 dead nursing home residents in his wake as a result of a catastrophic executive order forcing their facilities to take in COVID-19-infected patients. He also left behind a bevy of female underlings with a mountain of sordid sexual harassment allegations. And,...

Endless Wars = Endless Refugees, by Michelle Malkin

It’s time to end the madness. However you feel about Joe Biden’s handling of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, I want you to focus on what’s best for Americans on American soil right here. Right now. Our citizens are suffering under continued draconian lockdowns, medical tyranny, skyrocketing inflation, violent crime, cancerous homelessness, border chaos,...

The Worst O-Limp-Ics Ever, by Michelle Malkin

Never have so many won so many accolades for so few real achievements on the world stage. That about sums up the Olympics 2021 β€” or, as I call them, the O-limp-ics 2021. Indeed, the time has come to retire the hallowed motto of the Games: "Faster, Higher, Stronger." In our modern age, it's: "Woker,...

COVID-19, Catholics and Illegal Alien Charities, by Michelle Malkin

It seems there's no sanctuary from draconian mask and vaccine mandates. You can't get on a plane, go to school, work at a hospital, perform onstage, compete in sports, exercise at a gym, worship in church or walk outside without the long shadows of Big Pharma and the COVID-19 control freaks looming over every aspect...

Hide, Seek, Selective Leak: Update on Jan. 6 Anderson Tapes, by Michelle Malkin

Two weeks ago, I introduced you to the case of Jan. 6 Capitol rally defendant John Steven Anderson, whose lawyer Marina Medvin is fighting for the release of 30 seconds of an exculpatory Capitol surveillance video clip that prosecutors don’t want the public to see. There's a new filing in the case from lawyers for...

Return of the Fleebagger Democrats, by Michelle Malkin

Cut-and-run Democrats are making headlines this month for bailing on their state legislative duties in order to sabotage election integrity efforts in Texas. After jetting off on a private plane to Washington, D.C., in hopes of meeting with President Joe Biden last week, six of the high-flying fugitives came down with COVID-19. On Monday, aides...

Feds' Bill for No-Fly Secrets: $4,536, by Michelle Malkin

I sent a simple request in April to my government for public data that taxpayers have the right to see. Through the federal Freedom of Information Act, I asked the Transportation Security Administration (as well as the Federal Bureau of Investigation) for the following information: No. 1: The policy statement outlining the processes and criteria...

The Jan. 6 Video Cover-Up: Case of John Steven Anderson, by Michelle Malkin

Hide and seek should be a game for children, not for ruthless feds. But here we are. An American citizen, innocent until proven guilty, is fighting for his freedom against a government juggernaut hell-bent on framing him as a violent Jan. 6 insurrectionist. One crucial key to clearing his name, his lawyer argues, lies in...

Corrupt-a-Homa: Judicial Abuse in the Heartland, by Michelle Malkin

Corrupt-a-Homa: Judicial Abuse in the Heartland by Michelle Malkin Creators Syndicate Copyright 2021 Second in an ongoing series on probate abuse; previously: Blowing the Lid Off Probate Predators Thanks to Britney Spears' court battles over her hard-earned fortune, more Americans than ever before are learning about how predatory lawyers, judges, doctors, conservators and guardians collaborate...