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Yesterday — June 8th 2024Your RSS feeds

China Taunts Biden: 'He Has No Faith in Ukraine'

China's state-run Global Times propaganda newspaper accused leftist American President Joe Biden on Thursday of a "lack of confidence" in Ukraine's ability to defeat the two-year-old Russian invasion of its homeland, condemning him for skipping a global "peace summit" organized by Ukraine in Switzerland.

The post China Taunts Biden: ‘He Has No Faith in Ukraine’ appeared first on Breitbart.

Russia Jails French Citizen on Charges of Collecting Military Data

A court in Moscow ordered a French citizen accused of collecting information on military issues in Russia be held in jail pending a trial.

The post Russia Jails French Citizen on Charges of Collecting Military Data appeared first on Breitbart.

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France shares eternal flame with US for D-Day Commemoration

A group of French ambassadors helped send a light from eternal flame to Arlington National Cemetery to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasion.

U.N. Nuclear Watchdog Condemns Iran for Banning Inspectors

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on Wednesday passed a resolution condemning Iran for banning nuclear inspectors and calling on the Iranian government to cooperate more fully with the U.N. nuclear watchdog.

The post U.N. Nuclear Watchdog Condemns Iran for Banning Inspectors appeared first on Breitbart.

Papers Please! British Paratroopers Met by French Border Officials at D-Day Reenactment

British paratroopers who led an historic reenactment to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day were met by French border officials immediately after they touched down Wednesday in a Normandy field.

The post Papers Please! British Paratroopers Met by French Border Officials at D-Day Reenactment appeared first on Breitbart.

Party of 12 Children Hit by Motorist in French City, Several in Critical Condition

Police launch investigation after motorist ran down school group of 12 children who were cycling to a city park, critically injuring several.

The post Party of 12 Children Hit by Motorist in French City, Several in Critical Condition appeared first on Breitbart.

French Open Bans Alcohol After Player Claims Fan Spit Chewing Gum at Him

The French Open has decided to curtail the rowdiness of tennis fans by banning the sale of alcohol in response to a recent spitting incident.

The post French Open Bans Alcohol After Player Claims Fan Spit Chewing Gum at Him appeared first on Breitbart.

Sixth Death Recorded During Anti-Colonial Uprising in French Territory of New Caledonia

(AP) — French security forces reported another death Saturday in armed clashes in the French Pacific territory of New Caledonia, the sixth fatality in a nearly a week of violent unrest scorching the archipelago whose indigenous population has long sought

The post Sixth Death Recorded During Anti-Colonial Uprising in French Territory of New Caledonia appeared first on Breitbart.

Massive Manhunt in France Underway After Deadly Prison Break

A massive manhunt was underway in France on Wednesday for an armed gang that killed two prison officers to spring an inmate.

The post Massive Manhunt in France Underway After Deadly Prison Break appeared first on Breitbart.

Gun-Control Fail: Four Gunmen Ambush French Prison Convoy, Killing Two Officers

Breitbart News reported that four gunmen in two cars ambushed a convoy of government vehicles transporting a convicted criminal from court back to prison in France on Tuesday morning. 

The post Gun-Control Fail: Four Gunmen Ambush French Prison Convoy, Killing Two Officers appeared first on Breitbart.

Iranian Filmmaker Fleeing Flogging, Prison Casts Dark Cloud Over Cannes Film Festival

Award-winning Iranian filmmaker Mohammad Rasoulof said on Monday he has fled his native country after it sentenced him to eight years in prison, plus flogging, for “collusion to act against national security.”

The post Iranian Filmmaker Fleeing Flogging, Prison Casts Dark Cloud Over Cannes Film Festival appeared first on Breitbart.

French Prison Guards Killed in Ambush, Convict Mohamed Amra Escapes With Gunmen

Gangster identified as Mohamed Amra snatched from prison convoy in "attack of incredible violence" by four gunmen, leaving two officers dead.

The post French Prison Guards Killed in Ambush, Convict Mohamed Amra Escapes With Gunmen appeared first on Breitbart.

Fans flock to Paris to cheer as Lise Davidsen becomes classical music's Taylor Swift

In the same week that fans of Taylor Swift flocked to Paris for the singer's Eras Tour, Lise Davidsen attracted crowds to the Paris Opéra for her performances in 'Salome.'

French Students Terrorized by Jihadists [Updated]

(John Hinderaker)

In France, at least two teachers have been murdered by Muslim students, one of them beheaded. The French press reports that “death threats and threats of rape have become common among pupils.” Those threats are directed toward both teachers and fellow students.

Now, students at dozens of French schools have been sent “threatening messages and beheading videos” by Islamic radicals. The story is hard to parse out, and more is, perhaps, being concealed than revealed:

At least 30 schools in the Paris region have this week received threatening messages accompanied by “shocking” footage of beheadings, the education ministry said on Thursday.

That effort is being made in support of Islamic terrorism:

The establishments – mainly secondary schools – have received “serious threats” containing “justification of and incitement to terrorism,” a representative of the education ministry told AFP.

The Muslims apparently made use of software that France uses to connect students and teachers. Reportedly, they “‘hacked a student’s email address’ in order to distribute the message and a beheading video.” They also have been making bomb threats:

In the department of Seine-et-Marne, to the east of the French capital, a secondary school received a message saying that explosives had been hidden throughout the establishment “in the name of Allah”, a police source said.

The latest threats follow a flurry of false bomb alerts targeted schools, airport and tourist sites in autumn 2023.

All of this is due to France’s feckless immigration policies. But, to be fair, their policies are a lot better than Joe Biden’s.

UPDATE: Of course, it could be worse. You could be in Russia.

Macron warns EU ‘must reduce’ dependence on U.S. dollar to avoid conflict with China

Macron warns EU ‘must reduce’ dependence on U.S. dollar to avoid conflict with China
French President Emmanuel Macron doesn’t want to “follow America” into a war with China over Taiwan, and has said that “Europe needs its ‘strategic autonomy’ from the United States, including potentially its dependence on the dollar.” Of course, Macron is looking out for himself, but even so, France would benefit from his proposals. This is […]

France: Muslim repeatedly screams ‘Allahu akbar’ on city street, is arrested ‘with great difficulty’

France: Muslim repeatedly screams ‘Allahu akbar’ on city street, is arrested ‘with great difficulty’
Police received twenty reports about this fellow before he was arrested. Why was anyone concerned? The establishment media a few years ago made a full-court press to convince Americans that “Allahu akbar” was a benign phrase that only greasy Islamophobes could possibly be concerned about. In the New York Daily News, Zainab Chaudry of the Hamas-linked […]

France: Teen Muslima threatens to shoot officials, ‘I swear on the Qur’an!’

France: Teen Muslima threatens to shoot officials, ‘I swear on the Qur’an!’
Not that this has anything to do with… “Carcassonne. ‘I swear on the Koran and the baby I lost because of you!,'” translated from “Carcassonne. “Je vous jure sur le Coran et le bébé que j’ai perdu à cause de vous !”,” La Depeche, April 7, 2023 (thanks to Medforth): Yesterday afternoon, an 18-year-old young […]

France: ‘Transgender’ threats force halt to symposium defending Afghan and Iranian women

France: ‘Transgender’ threats force halt to symposium defending Afghan and Iranian women
You cannot defend Afghan and Iranian women from Islamic misogyny unless you agree to pretend that men can become women and vice versa. Otherwise, you may be murdered by “transgender” activists. If they don’t get you, their Islamic jihadi friends will get you for standing for Afghan and Iranian women against the suffering they must […]

France: Muslim who screamed ‘Allahu akbar’ and attacked cop is released with an electronic bracelet

France: Muslim who screamed ‘Allahu akbar’ and attacked cop is released with an electronic bracelet
What could possibly go wrong? “​An individual suspected of Islamist terrorism released with an electronic bracelet,” translated from “Un individu soupçonné de terrorisme islamiste remis en liberté sous bracelet électronique,” Valeurs Actuelles, March 31, 2023 (thanks to Medforth): A questionable decision. On Monday March 27, a man suspected of an Islamist terrorist act was released […]

France: Muslim migrant teen held for stabbing, three stabbings since Friday and six injured in Lyon

France: Muslim migrant teen held for stabbing, three stabbings since Friday and six injured in Lyon
Celebrate diversity! What happens when you bring in a large number of people who believe that violence can be holy under the right circumstances, and have contempt for the legal system of the “most vile of created beings” (Qur’an 98:6)? “Lyon: three stabbings since Friday at Guillotière, at least 6 injured to deplore,” translated from […]

France: Catholic church to host Ramadan iftar during Easter octave

France: Catholic church to host Ramadan iftar during Easter octave
Isn’t this wonderful? Now: when is the Easter celebration at the local mosque? What’s that? Never? These expressions of generosity and outreach always and in every case only go in one direction, and are never reciprocated? Now, why is that? “Lille: during the Easter octave, we will celebrate iftar at the St-Pierre-St-Paul church,” translated from […]

The Riots in France Contain an Important Lesson for Americans

The Riots in France Contain an Important Lesson for Americans
New in PJ Media: The ongoing protests in France ramped up Tuesday. Thousands of people took to the streets, the Eiffel Tower was closed, and the French government warned that the protesters wanted “to destroy, to injure and to kill.” Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin took the unprecedented step of putting 13,000 officers in place to face the […]

France: ‘Each year, during Ramadan, the fights are numerous’

France: ‘Each year, during Ramadan, the fights are numerous’
Why would there be more fights during Ramadan than in other times? “Ramadan is not a month of laziness but rather a month of activity, of effort, and of hard work, and as it also was in the life of the Prophet, a month of jihad, conquest, and victory.” — Palestinian Authority Supreme Sharia Judge Mahmoud […]

Burkina Faso suspends France 24 indefinitely after it airs interview with regional head of al-Qaeda

Burkina Faso suspends France 24 indefinitely after it airs interview with regional head of al-Qaeda
It is abhorrent that France 24 would glorify a high-level jihad leader by giving him a public forum, and then make up excuses about it. Would France 24 interview an innocent man whom Leftists deem guilty by Leftists for the “offense” of insulting Islam, or someone whose aim is to show  that mainstream Islam is […]

France: Half of the bestselling children’s books are about Islam

France: Half of the bestselling children’s books are about Islam
What will France be like in ten years? Twenty? Thirty? The answer is quite obvious. “Among the 8 bestselling ‘children’s books’ from Amazon France, 4 books are on Islam,” translated from “Dans les 8 meilleurs ventes “livres pour enfants” d’Amazon France, 4 livres sur l’islam,” Fdesouche, March 24, 2023 (thanks to the RAIR Foundation): Bestselling […]

Iran’s Foreign Minister: ‘We strongly condemn the repression of the peaceful demonstrations of the French people’

Iran’s Foreign Minister: ‘We strongly condemn the repression of the peaceful demonstrations of the French people’
It’s not that Hossein Amir-Abdollahian has no self-awareness or no information about the violent suppression of protests in Iran. It is an attempt to show that what the Islamic Republic has done with its protestors is not so out of the ordinary, and to deceive people into thinking that the Iranian regime has not actually […]

France: ‘I saw the man, in a djellaba, go after the driver without saying a word,’ also severely injures two women

France: ‘I saw the man, in a djellaba, go after the driver without saying a word,’ also severely injures two women
“The aggression against two women, a driver of the minibus of the medico-educational Institute of Vesoul, and a local resident – who is in serious condition – throws fear in the peaceful district of Pierres vives.” That’s the idea. “Make ready for them all that you can of force and of warhorses, so that by […]

France: Ten Muslims arrested for death threats and aggravated harassment of journalists who reported on no-go zone

France: Ten Muslims arrested for death threats and aggravated harassment of journalists who reported on no-go zone
The no-go zones are real, and those making the threats did not, at least from the looks of this report, deny their existence. They just don’t want the general public to know about them. In Islamic law, it is considered a good thing to conceal the faults of a fellow Muslim, as Muhammad said: “The […]

France: Muslim migrant breaks the crucifixes on around 30 tombstones

France: Muslim migrant breaks the crucifixes on around 30 tombstones
Senegal is 97% Muslim. The cross is an affront to Islam. The Qur’an claims that Jesus was not crucified, although in somewhat equivocal language for what is supposed to be the perfect word of an omniscient god: “And because of their saying, We killed the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, the messenger of Allah, they […]

France: Muslim migrant rapes woman two months after arriving in the country, says rape charge is ‘conspiracy’

France: Muslim migrant rapes woman two months after arriving in the country, says rape charge is ‘conspiracy’
Why does this keep happening? Yes, sexual molestation happens all over. But we see Muslim migrants involved in this kind of story is seen on a not infrequent basis. Why? One reason may be because such treatment of infidel women is sanctioned in the Qur’an. In France, a Muslim quoted Qur’an while raping his victim. A survivor […]

France: Muslim migrant assaults woman with broken bottle

France: Muslim migrant assaults woman with broken bottle
There is violence against women in all cultures. So to post this is just “Islamophobic,” right? Wrong: there is violence against women in all cultures, but only in one does it have divine sanction. Had this Libyan internalized the idea that violence against women was justified in certain circumstances? Where did he get the idea […]

France: Convert to Islam on trial for incitement to hatred for stating that Islam prescribes death for homosexuality

France: Convert to Islam on trial for incitement to hatred for stating that Islam prescribes death for homosexuality
No one in this case seems to be in the least concerned with whether or not what this fellow said was true. Imagine the embarrassment of French authorities when they discover that he was simply enunciating a mainstream Sharia position. A hadith depicts Muhammad specifying the punishment for homosexual activity: “The Messenger of Allah (peace […]

France: Muslim with ‘record of Islamist radicalization’ disrupts church service, breaks crucifix into pieces

France: Muslim with ‘record of Islamist radicalization’ disrupts church service, breaks crucifix into pieces
Celebrate diversity! “Paris: a man on file S arrested after disrupting a religious service,” translated from “Paris : un homme fiché S arrêté après avoir perturbé un office religieux,” by Aude Blacher, France 3, March 17, 2023 (thanks to Medforth): A man was arrested on Thursday after disrupting a religious service. The man, who is […]

France 24 Investigates the Staff of its Arabic Service

France 24 Investigates the Staff of its Arabic Service
The Arabic Service of international broadcaster France 24 has had problems with its staff similar to those experienced by the BBC’s Arabic Service in 2021. It has suspended four of its journalists over their antisemitic social media posts. A preliminary Jihad Watch report is here, and more on the staffing problems of France 24’s Arabic […]

France24 suspends four Muslim journalists for extreme antisemitism and pro-jihad messages

France24 suspends four Muslim journalists for extreme antisemitism and pro-jihad messages
Any guesses on what the angle might have been when these now suspended journalists covered any topic related to Israel? Laila Odeh celebrated murderers as “martyrs.” Lebanese journalist Joelle Maroun tweeted: “If Only Hitler Was Lebanese.’” Dina Abi-Saab celebrated Hamas rocket fire upon Israel, and Sharif Bibi declared “We will eradicate you, Israel.” CAMERA said […]

France: Three Muslim migrants arrested as police intercept large weapons delivery

France: Three Muslim migrants arrested as police intercept large weapons delivery
Investigators suspect that these weapons “were intended for Toulouse delinquents,” who are themselves largely Muslim migrants. For some of these, the overall goal is to destabilize the state and ultimately replace it with an Islamic state. “Tarbes: A large delivery of weapons intercepted in the parking lot of a hotel,” translated from “Tarbes : Une […]