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Report: Mexico Funds Lawsuit for Illegal Migrants in Florida

The Mexican government has funded a lawsuit for illegal migrants in Florida who are facing human smuggling charges and prison time under Gov. Ron DeSantis's law curbing illegal migration.

The post Report: Mexico Funds Lawsuit for Illegal Migrants in Florida appeared first on Breitbart.

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DeSantis: 'Trump Hasn't Lost His Voting Rights in Florida'

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) clarified on Friday that former President Donald Trump still has the right to vote in Florida elections despite a Manhattan jury finding him guilty on 34 counts that DistrictΒ Attorney Alvin Bragg has asserted are felonies.

The post DeSantis: β€˜Trump Hasn’t Lost His Voting Rights in Florida’ appeared first on Breitbart.

EXCLUSIVE: Sen. Rubio’s Killer Video Blow to the Left’s Depressive Values

β€œYou can’t lead America with ancient ideas.”

That was the claimβ€”shouted, not spokenβ€”by the president of the United States in what was considered by many to be the most divisive State of the Union address ever given before a joint session of Congress.Β 

President Joe Biden’s March 7 lecture seemed to punctuate what has become a brutally disheartening term in office, with liberals demanding Americans throw aside traditional values and institutions for a β€œliberating” future of hedonistic affirmation in the pursuit of an ambiguous β€œequity.”

This bastardized system of valuesβ€”promoted by the Left to usurp the traditional American institutions of faith, family, and communityβ€”are now in the sights of Florida’s senior senator.

β€œFaith, family, communityβ€”teach us who we are and what we’re here for,” Sen. Marco Rubio, R.-Fla., calls out in a new video, juxtaposing some of the most stark contrasts ever seen between the American Left and Right. Older video clips of Americans from every background singing, marching, and praying are contrasted with those of more recent LGBTQ+ parades, pro-abortion rallies, and news coverage of violent pro-Hamas protests.

Unlike many political videos delivered amid the presidential election season that we observe every four years, making bland statements about the economy and the border, Rubio appears to be throwing a spotlight from his office on the stark divide between the two opposing political movements and ideological foundations beckoning to an exhausted and weary country battered by calls to abandon β€œancient ideas.”

These classic institutions β€œare the ones who teach us who we are and what we’re here for,” Rubio intoned, β€œbut ties like these pose a threat to the Left, which insists that relationships exist only to affirm fleeting feelings and identities.”

That charge isn’t without warrant, as public school officials and liberal activists around the country have spent the past several years and millions of dollars attempting to separate children from their parents, encouraging children to confide in those outside their β€œunsupportive” families.

Rubio asserted that β€œthe Left claims the only idea worth believing is its changing definition of β€˜equity.’” That contrasts sharply with an image of Vice President Kamala Harris, who in a January 2023 speech created her own definitions for the words β€œequality” and β€œequity,” drawing wide criticism.

Equality is when the teacher gives every student the same test

Equity is when the teacher gives every student the same mark

Here’s our VP explaining that:

β€” End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) January 20, 2023

β€œFaith in woke ideology cannot replace faith in the Almighty God,” Rubio said. β€œGovernment programs and bureaucrats cannot stand in for family, and political echo chambers on social media are no match for real community.”

Rubio’s assertion is not only correct, it’s a timely message Americans have shown they are drawn to. Favorability toward the Biden administration has plummeted sharply as a country that was told it was going to experience β€œunity” and β€œa return to normal” received instead crisis and devastation in the economy, at the border, and on the world stage.

If other conservatives continue pushing messages like those in Rubio’s video, this could be a turning point for American society. A return to celebrating faith, family, and community as essential to the success of the United States would provide a far better foundation for growth as the Left’s fearmongering and guilt trips over these institutions no longer appear to hold voters in their sway.

The post EXCLUSIVE: Sen. Rubio’s Killer Video Blow to the Left’s Depressive Values appeared first on The Daily Signal.

Police: Florida Woman Jumps Off Pier to Avoid Arrest for Public Sex

A Florida woman dove into the ocean to escape the police after allegedly being caught having sex in broad daylight on a Naples pier, authorities said.

The post Police: Florida Woman Jumps Off Pier to Avoid Arrest for Public Sex appeared first on Breitbart.

U.S. Coast Guard: Man Dies After Jumping Off World's Largest Cruise Ship

By: Amy Furr Β·Β Amy Furr

Authorities said a passenger died after leaping from the world's largest cruise ship on Sunday during a journey from Florida to Honduras.

The post U.S. Coast Guard: Man Dies After Jumping Off World’s Largest Cruise Ship appeared first on Breitbart.

Poll: Florida Voters Favor Trump, Also Support Proposed Abortion Measure

Florida voters are more likely to support former President Donald Trump in the November presidential election β€” but a strong majority also say they would pass a proposed ballot measure that would enshrine a right to kill unborn babies via abortion in the state constitution, a poll found.

The post Poll: Florida Voters Favor Trump, Also Support Proposed Abortion Measure appeared first on Breitbart.

Venezuelan Migrant Accused of Molesting Young Boy in Florida

A Venezuelan migrant is now accused of molesting a boy under the age of 12 in Gainesville, Florida, local police reveal.Β 

The post Venezuelan Migrant Accused of Molesting Young Boy in Florida appeared first on Breitbart.

Trump highlights Biden admin authorizing β€˜deadly use of force’ in Mar-a-Lago raid

The Biden administration authorized the use of deadly force during the FBI’s raid on former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in August 2022 as part of its investigation into classified records, court documents revealed.

Florida fisherman catches 12-foot tiger shark: β€˜One to remember’

Florida fisherman, Owen Prior, reeled in a 12-foot tiger shark last weekend with the help of friends, which he said was a record for him with that type for shark.

Trump to attend son's high school graduation Friday

Former President Trump is attending youngest son Barron Trump’s high school graduation in Florida on Friday, a break from his criminal trial in New York City.

WWE legend Ric Flair addresses viral restaurant confrontation, denies being drunk

Several days after Ric Flair's viral confrontation at a Gainesville, Florida, restaurant, the WWE legend said he was "wrong for getting mad" and expressed regret.

Who Needs DEI?

(John Hinderaker)

Black college athletes do, according to the NAACP. The NAACP is urging black athletes not to go to college in Florida:

The NAACP asked Black student-athletes to reconsider their decisions to attend public colleges and universities in the state of Florida, in response to the University of Florida and other state schools recently eliminating their diversity, equity and inclusion programs.

In a letter sent to NCAA president Charlie Baker and addressed to current and prospective student-athletes Monday, NAACP president and CEO Derrick Johnson wrote, β€œThis is not about politics. It’s about the protection of our community, the progression of our culture, and most of all, it’s about your education, and your future.”

The idea that black athletes at major sports schools like Florida and Florida State need DEI departments to…what? Prevent them from being discriminated against? The idea is laughable, as is the NCAAP’s apparent suggestion that DEI bureaucrats are somehow helpful to a student’s education.

My guess is that not a single black athlete who otherwise wants to play for Florida, Florida State or any other public Florida college will be deterred by the NCAAP’s advice. What this episode really shows is how useless the once-relevant NCAAP has become. And also, how Florida has taken the lead in adopting common-sense policies that have put the state in the Left’s cross-hairs.

Red States Getting Redder

(John Hinderaker)

The Great Sort is under way, as normal people move to red states and liberals move to blue states. (That last is hypothetical and hasn’t actually been observed.) When massive numbers began leaving blue states like California and New York for red states like Texas and Florida, many conservatives worried that those blue staters might bring their bad voting habits with them. Happily, that doesn’t seem to have happened.

This Wall Street Journal story is headlined: β€œBlue-State Residents Streamed Into South Carolina. Here’s Why It Stayed Ruby Red.” But it deals with more than one state:

A Wall Street Journal analysis of census data found that a third of [South Carolina’s] new residents between 2017 and 2021 hailed from blue states and a quarter from red ones, according to census data. …

Yet the new arrivals are disproportionately Republican. Estimates from the nonpartisan voter file vendor L2 suggest about 57% of voters who moved to South Carolina during that time are Republicans, while about 36% are Democrats and 7% are independents. That places them roughly in line with recent statewide votes in South Carolina.

It shouldn’t be surprising that when conservatives leave liberal states, they likely will move to conservative ones. The same thing is happening in states other than South Carolina:

The Palmetto State is a prime example of why a yearslong wave of migration to the South has largely failed to change its partisan tint. Many people who leave blue states are Republicans gravitating toward a more politically favorable new home.

In Florida, for instance, 48% of people who moved there between 2017 and 2021 came from blue states while 29% came from red states, Census figures show. Among those who registered to vote, 44% are Republicans, 25% are Democrats and 28% are nonpartisan, according to L2 data. Texas also has a heavier flow of newcomers from blue states but a greater share who L2 data estimates are Republican.

There is much more at the link; it is fun to see Democrats try to spin the numbers:

McDougald Scott and other South Carolina Democratic officials are working to target these new voters and persuade them to vote Democratic by focusing on issues like education…

I live in a blue state (for the time being, anyway) where the public schools are almost unbelievably bad. To be fair, though, the schools in New York and California are likely worse.


Have these people never driven on a highway in California?

and healthcare…

What about healthcare? Most people get health insurance through their jobs, and jobs are much more plentiful in red states. Blue states spend incomprehensible amounts of money on Medicaid, but that isn’t exactly a magnet for desirable new inhabitants.

…which she believes the Republicans are neglecting.

Apparently millions of Americans who are moving from blue to red states do not agree. Perhaps this is what it comes down to:

She said South Carolina’s limited access to abortionβ€”which is banned at six weeks of pregnancyβ€”is also something that crosses party lines.

Right. Hey, blue state economies may suck, crime may be rampant, taxes may be too high, government may be corrupt–but if the occasion arises, you can always kill your baby. This is the sales pitch my state’s liberal government is actually trying to implement: come here to get an abortion or a sex change operation, especially if you are a kid! Somehow, it doesn’t seem to be working.

The bottom line is that the Great Sort continues to benefit Red America. The question is, to what extent is the out-migration of normals locking liberalism into the blue states?

Floridians Incurs Left’s Wrath by Resisting Anne Frank P0rn

Floridians Incurs Left’s Wrath by Resisting Anne Frank P0rn
New in PJ Media: Leftists will tell you: patriots are a bunch of book-burning neo-Nazis who are busy even now trying to control what people think by taking books out of the hands of our young people who are thirsting for knowledge. And so the headline of the WednesdayΒ reportΒ from Tampa Bay’s WFLA was downright ominous: […]

New York Had 72 Antisemitic Assaults, Florida Had 1

New York Had 72 Antisemitic Assaults, Florida Had 1
New York had 580 antisemitic incidents making it the highest in the country. In news fromΒ the Florida Sun-Sentinel. Antisemitic incidents surge in Florida, growing more than nationwide. – Sun Sentinel Those South Florida incidents, from the early weeks of 2022, were at the beginning of a surge that produced the highest annual number of antisemitic […]

DeSantis Strips! β€” the Liquor License From Hotel That Held Drag Show with Kids Present

DeSantis Strips! β€” the Liquor License From Hotel That Held Drag Show with Kids Present
New in PJ Media: Aside from some grumbling from social conservatives, the Hyatt Regency Miami likely never dreamed it would suffer any consequences for hosting β€œA Drag Queen Christmas.” The sexually explicit celebration of our current societal obsessions took to the stage last December β€” with children present. After all, the big corporations have thoroughly […]