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Legendary Coach Geno Auriemma on Caitlin Clark: 'She's Being Targeted'

Geno Auriemma, the legendary coach of UConn women's basketball, said that WNBA rookie superstar Caitlin Clark is "being targeted."

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DEI and one of the biggest problems facing Black Americans

Since the 1960s, many of us have embraced our freedoms to prove that skin color does not limit our abilities. Yet, thanks to leftist policies, a nasty inferiority still shadows us.

11-Year-Old California Girl Becomes Youngest Graduate of Irvine Valley College

An 11-year-old California girl has broken the record for youngest student to graduate from Irvine Valley College, just a year after her older brother set it.

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Bill Walton, Hall of Fame Player Who Became a Star Broadcaster, Dies at 71

By: AP · AP

Bill Walton, who starred for John Wooden's UCLA Bruins before becoming a Hall of Famer and one of the biggest stars in basketball broadcasting, died Monday, the league announced on behalf of his family.

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NCAA, Power Conferences Back $2.8 Billion Settlement, Setting Stage for Current, Former Athletes to be Paid

By: AP · AP

The NCAA and the nation's five biggest conferences announced Thursday night that they have agreed to pay nearly $2.8 billion to settle a host of antitrust claims, a monumental decision that sets the stage for a groundbreaking revenue-sharing model that could start steering millions of dollars directly to athletes as soon as the 2025 fall semester.

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69% of Elites Want to Restrict Voting to College Graduates Only

New polling from Scott Rasmussen reveals that America’s elite 1%—those with high incomes, urban residences, and postgraduate degrees—are significantly out of step with the rest of the country on a range of issues.

It’s a troubling trend for America, and it doesn’t bode well for our future considering the elite 1% occupy many of the leadership roles in our cultural, educational, and government institutions.

There’s perhaps no statistic more shocking than the 69% of politically obsessed elites who think it would be better if only people with college degrees could vote. By comparison, just 15% of all voters hold that view. (Rasmussen defines “politically obsessed” as elites who talk about politics every day.)

Rasmussen’s latest survey, conducted by RMG Research, asked other questions ranging from government censorship to gun ownership. On nearly every issue, there’s a wide gulf between the ruling class and everyday Americans.

You can learn more about work on the elite 1% by tuning into “The Scott Rasmussen Show,” which airs Sunday at 10 a.m. ET on Merit Street Media.

In the meantime, listen to our full interview on “The Daily Signal Podcast” or read an edited transcript below.

Rob Bluey: What are the headlines coming out of your latest research?

Scott Rasmussen: As a reminder, the last time we talked about how the politically obsessed elites think the American people have too much individual freedom and people in this elite world really trust the federal government.

What we did this time is began to ask some of these same groups, the elite 1 % and the politically obsessed, what do they think America looks like?

Perhaps the funniest finding of all is we ask the question, “Do most Americans agree with you on most important issues?” Now, if we ask voters, about half say, “Yeah, I think most people agree with me.” Among the politically obsessed elites, 82% of that group thinks that most Americans agree with them on most issues. It’s not even close to true, but they’re looking in a mirror. They see what they want to see.

Source: RMG Research

What’s scary about that, if you think about it in context of the administrative state, if these people believe that their views are representative of America, it justifies them cheating a little bit or bending the rules because they can say, “We’re fighting for the American people.” In fact, they’re fighting against the American people.

Bluey: Are there particular policy issues where you see that playing out more so than others? For instance, one that comes to mind is climate change.

Rasmussen: It’s actually harder to find places where the American people are with the elite. You mentioned climate change. About 2 out of 3 of this politically obsessed elite think that most voters are willing to pay $250 a year or more to fight climate change.

When we do polling to ask people how much they’re willing to pay—in terms of taxes or higher prices—about half say they’re not willing to pay anything, and 72% say nothing more than $100.

If you think about that in a policy sense, these influencers believe the American people are willing to pay something they’re not, and that’s why they can support some different policy ideas.

Source: RMG Research

But look, it’s starts with a very basic thing: 71% of the politically obsessed elites think most Americans trust the federal government most of the time. That has not been true for 50 years. It’s been a half century since people tended to trust the government that much. Today, only 22% of voters voiced that much trust in government.

That is one of the core distinctions. If you trust the federal government, you trust the regulatory apparatus a lot more. You trust other rules and regulations, and voters just aren’t there.

Bluey: Another area that you polled had to do with social media. What did you find when you surveyed the elite 1% on that particular topic?

Rasmussen: Everybody, whether you’re in the elite or not, has some concern about disinformation and fake news. Where the difference comes is what to do about it.

Among most voters, they say that having the government decide what is misinformation and fake news is a bigger threat than the fake news itself. Among the elites, they say just the opposite.

Should the federal government be allowed to censor social media posts? Among all voters, 16% say yes. Among the politically obsessed elites, just over 50 % say, “Of course, we should have the right to censor social media.” Fundamentally different views.

Source: RMG Research

The views of the elite 1% amount to a rejection of America’s founding ideals. Even on something as simple as, “Does the federal government listen too much or not enough to the American people?” Overwhelmingly, voters say the government is not listening to us and the elites are saying it’s listening too much.

Bluey: There seems to be a wide discrepancy of views when it comes to who should vote and who should have a say in our country’s future. That number to me was one that stood out and was quite alarming.

Rasmussen: Absolutely alarming.

We asked a question that seemed to me to be absurd, Would it be better if only people with a college degree were allowed to vote?”

Appropriately, most Americans just soundly reject that idea. But among the elites, they heavily believe this country would be better off if all those deplorables who didn’t go to college weren’t allowed to vote.

Bluey: And one issue where there’s also quite a big disparity is gun ownership. How do the elite view guns?

Rasmussen: Consistently for decades, voters say they want to live in a community where guns are allowed. Sometimes it’s in the low 60s, sometimes after a horrific shooting event, it moves down to the low 50s, but consistently a majority of Americans can support that.

Among the elite 1 % that politically obsessed portion of it, about 70% of them say, “No, we want to live where guns are outlawed.” And 76% of them want to ban the private ownership of guns.

If you are in that politically obsessed elite and you believe strongly that we should ban guns, and if you believe that most American people want to live in a community where guns are outlawed, then you take an almost religious fervor to the fight to ban guns because you can convince yourself that you’re fighting on behalf of the public. And once again, you’re actually fighting against what the American people are looking for.

Bluey: Do you feel that the elite 1 % are more out of touch in 2024 than maybe they were in past generations?

Rasmussen: First, I don’t have data from past generations, so I can’t make a clear assessment on that. But I think it’s probably a little bit different.

There have always been elites. Thomas Jefferson and George Washington were clearly elites of their era, but they also had a commitment to something larger than themselves. Thomas Jefferson, in writing the Declaration of Independence, said he was just articulating what the American people were feeling. At the same time, Alexander Hamilton said, “We need to establish a monarchy.” If you actually read his plan, it’s horrific.

So there have always been some people and elites who kind of rejected the founding ideals, who rejected the concepts of the Declaration of Independence.

>>> ‘Most Terrifying Poll Result I’ve Ever Seen’: Scott Rasmussen Surveys America’s Elite 1%

What’s changed in the last couple of generations are two things.

No. 1, we’re a little bit more sorted geographically. Members of the elite aren’t encountering non-elites on a regular basis. It’s not just that we live in gated communities or separate areas. Public transportation has been replaced by Uber. There’s not a lot of contact with people who aren’t like you.

The second part is there has been the rise of what a lot of people view as the global elite, where people begin to see others from other countries as more like them than they do their own countrymen.

Bluey: The use of pronouns has become quite pronounced in a lot of corporate settings, even in our federal government. There are some departments and agencies that now include them in email signatures and things of that nature. Is there a difference of how elites view pronouns vs. the rest of America?

Rasmussen: Let’s start with the fact that most Americans don’t even know what you’re talking about when you’re expressing your preferred pronouns. Only about 1 out of 10 voters has ever introduced themselves in that manner.

When they hear talk of it, it seems very foreign. But among the politically obsessed elite, about 60%, have introduced themselves expressing their preferred pronouns. And it’s hard to overstate the cultural difference at that point.

If you’re in this elite world—if you’re in the elite schools or many agencies of the federal government—it is absolutely normal and an everyday occurrence that you meet somebody and they tell you not only their name and their position, but their preferred pronouns. In the rest of America, that just doesn’t happen.

Source: RMG Research

When you get into discussions about misgendering somebody, there are regulations being pushed right now that would require employers to punish somebody for misgendering—for not using somebody’s preferred pronouns. Only 9% of voters think that’s a fireable offense, but even more than that, they don’t even know what the discussion is about.

This is where that glaring gap between the elites and most Americans is quite visible. It is the cultural world they’re in, whether we’re talking about guns, or climate change policies, or preferred pronouns, or even the topic of should biological males be allowed to play in women’s sports.

Among the politically obsessed elite, 41% say they should. Now, that’s not a majority, but essentially, the politically obsessed elite is evenly divided on this question, whereas to most Americans, it’s ridiculous. Of course, biological males have a physical advantage. Of course, it is dangerous to let biological males into the women’s locker room. But the elite is having a discussion about it. That is out of step with the country. It is dangerous.

It’s fine to have different views. We all live on our own bubbles. Your bubble is a little different than mine, but probably has some overlap. But you have to be able to look outside your bubble and see what the rest of the country is doing.

If you’re in this elite world, you have enormous influence and you think your views are reflecting the public at large, that’s a really dangerous combination.

Bluey: One of the most notable examples of the last decade is when Donald Trump was elected president. It seemed that the elites were in shock. What might happen if Trump is victorious in November and how might they react?

Rasmussen: On Election Day 2016, most of the conversation was Hillary Clinton is up by three in the polls, but there’s a margin of error, she’ll probably win by six. There was a shock. They couldn’t believe it. They couldn’t imagine what was happening. And because in their mind, Hillary Clinton was the ideally prepared person.

Looking ahead to this year, first thing I will tell you is if the election is at all close, the way the last nine elections have been in, whichever team loses, they’ll believe the election was stolen. If Donald Trump wins, we will hear an awful lot about how he stole the election from these elites.

But something else is happening that’s playing a part in the election. It’s a distorted view of the public.

When we see the campus protests about the Palestinian situation, 62% of the elites have a favorable opinion. They think it’s great what these protesters are doing. Most voters don’t. Only 24% of voters support the protesters.

That leaves the pundits to misread the way a situation has played out. In fact, since the campus protest started, support for Israel has gone up—not what some of the protesters might have hoped for.

A lot of the elites are misreading the dynamics going on right now. About 80 % of the elite 1% approve of the way Joe Biden is doing his job.

Source: RMG Research

The post 69% of Elites Want to Restrict Voting to College Graduates Only appeared first on The Daily Signal.

Judge Judy shares the best piece of professional advice she ever received ahead of Her Honor event

Judge Judy Sheindlin offers words of wisdom for the newest crop of mentees for the Her Honor program, matching young women from local high schools with professional women about workplace success.

Why I swim against the current of the gender identity cult

This is the story of how I became an advocate for women and a champion of our uniqueness. I hope it inspires you to speak the truth in this world that seems to have lost its mind.

Ted Cruz Calls for Investigation into Reports of China, Cuba Fueling Anti-Israel Protests in U.S.

The Biden administration must investigate reports of communist China and Cuba directly funding and influencing radical left-wing organizations to incite anti-Israel and anti-American protests across the U.S., according to Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz who noted the goal of such externally funded subversion campaigns is to create chaos, weaken the country, and “tear us apart.”

The post Ted Cruz Calls for Investigation into Reports of China, Cuba Fueling Anti-Israel Protests in U.S. appeared first on Breitbart.

This Is the Next Generation of Marxism

The protests in the summer of 2020 after George Floyd’s death in police custody and today’s antisemitic, pro-Palestine protests on college campuses are rooted in the same ideology of Marxism, Katharine Gorka says. 

Marxism preaches that the world “is divided between oppressor and oppressed,” says Gorka, co-author with Heritage Foundation scholar Mike Gonzalez of the new book “NextGen Marxism: What It Is and How to Combat It.” (Heritage launched The Daily Signal in 20014.)

German-born philosopher Karl Marx believed that the oppressors were the business owners and the oppressed were the workers. But Gorka says that Marxism today, or “NextGen Marxism,” holds that the “oppressors are white, Americans, Israelis, [but] some Asians … kind of the successful.”

“And the oppressed is everybody else, right?” she asks rhetorically. “Anybody who’s a minority of any sort, whether it’s based on race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, [or] having once been colonized.”

This movement of Marxism today has its roots in the 1960s, Gorka explains, as the student activists of those says became the community organizers who influence young people today, often via social media. 

Gorka joins “The Daily Signal Podcast” to outline the progression of Marxism and to discuss philanthropy’s significant role in furthering Marxist ideology in America.

Listen to the podcast below: 

The post This Is the Next Generation of Marxism appeared first on The Daily Signal.

Stanford called out over man in Hamas headband 'terrorizing' Jewish students

Stanford University administrators haven't done enough to address antisemitism on the northern California campus following the Oct. 7 attack on Israel, student Kevin Feigelis says.

Sign of the Times: UK College Cancels Annual Dinner for Christian Saint, Will Celebrate End of Ramadan Instead

Sign of the Times: UK College Cancels Annual Dinner for Christian Saint, Will Celebrate End of Ramadan Instead
New in PJ Media: There are around four million Muslims in Britain, and with that rapidly growing population come societal changes. Oxford’s Magdalen College has in the past celebrated St. George’s Day on April 23 with a ceremonial dinner; this year, however, St. George’s Day plans have been deep-sixed, and Magdalen will instead host a […]

UK: College cancels annual St. George’s Day dinner, denies it ever held it, will celebrate end of Ramadan instead

UK: College cancels annual St. George’s Day dinner, denies it ever held it, will celebrate end of Ramadan instead
“Magdalen College denies it has a tradition of designated St George’s Day dinners. However, the newspaper cited proof of such events, including a formal invite in 2018 from the then college vice-president for lecturers to ‘celebrate St George’s Day’ with ‘a formal hall and high table at 7.30pm with a special English menu.'” They have […]

Who Needs To Major In English or History or Philosophy, When All Things Digital Are Available?

Who Needs To Major In English or History or Philosophy, When All Things Digital Are Available?
Marymount University is a Catholic institution in Virginia that has always focused on the liberal arts: English, History, Philosophy, Art. But Marymount’s trustees are keenly aware that we have entered a brave new world, where vocational training, and not liberal education, in the traditional sense, must take precedence, because what counts now is not the […]