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Today — June 17th 2024Your RSS feeds

What Happened to Glenn Youngkin?

Gov. Glenn Youngkin remains torn between the main current of his party today, Trumpist grievance politics and being the pragmatic governor of a Democratic-leaning state.

What Happened to Glenn Youngkin?

Conservative Grassroots Want JD Vance as Trump's VP Pick

Sen. J.D. Vance cemented his status as frontrunner to become Donald Trump's running mate on Sunday, coming top of a poll of attendees at Turning Point Action's People's Congress in Detroit,

Conservative Grassroots Want JD Vance as Trump's VP Pick

How Rubio Went From ‘Little Marco' to Trump's VP Shortlist

Presumptive GOP presidential nominee hasn't made up his mind but sees appeal in having the senator on the ticket

How Rubio Went From ‘Little Marco’ to Trump’s VP Shortlist

Force Design 2030: Operational Incompetence

The United States Marine Corps is no longer capable of effectively conducting combat operations across the spectrum of conflict. Who is responsible? Over the past five years, some Marine Corps senior leaders have myopically reorganized and restructured Marine forces to perform regional small unit operations focused on a single enemy. The results of these efforts have become clear: the Marine Corps' ability to project force "in every clime and place" to maintain global deterrence and to fight and win the Nation's battles has been compromised.

Force Design 2030: Operational Incompetence

Military Recruitment Shortfall: Should U.S. Bring Back the Draft?

This year represents the smallest active-duty U.S. military force since 1940.

Military Recruitment Shortfall: Should U.S. Bring Back the Draft?

Nearly Half of Voters Say Biden Not Mentally Fit for 2nd Term

In recent weeks, after several very public signs of age-related issues, 81-year-old President Joe Biden's physical and mental fitness for the White House have once again become a topic of deb...

Nearly Half of Voters Say Biden Not Mentally Fit for 2nd Term

Republican Rats Return to Trump's Ship

Trump's visit to the US Capitol - where the Republicans he almost got killed three years ago fawned over him - would be funny if it weren't pathetic

Republican Rats Return to Trump's Ship

Inside Snapchat's Teen Opioid Crisis

Drug dealers have used Snapchat to sell fake pills to teens, but these opioids are often laced with fentanyl, helping to fuel an overdose epidemic

Inside Snapchat's Teen Opioid Crisis

The Left's Anti-Family Ideology Is a Self Own

The left's anti-family ideology took hold and replicated so strongly that this virus will end up killing its hosts.

The Left's Anti-Family Ideology Is a Self Own

Why Declining Birthrates Are a Cause for Celebration

Human population is in the news, but not for the reasons we are used to.

Why Declining Birthrates Are a Cause for Celebration

When Opioids Steal Your Parents

In a sleepy part of West Virginia, the majority of children are now being raised by their grandparents. Olivia Reingold reports from Lincoln County.

When Opioids Steal Your Parents

Don't Fall for Biden's Nice Old Man Act

Biden might act like a doddering incompetent, look like a wax effigy and walk like a robot, but the president has the uncanny ability to exceed all expectations when it counts, politically.

Don't Fall for Biden's Nice Old Man Act

Biden's Secret Weapon Against Trump: Older Voters

Republicans have carried seniors in every presidential election since 2000. Polls show this year could be different.

Biden’s Secret Weapon Against Trump: Older Voters

Biden and Trump Wage Furious Pre-Debate Duel

President Joe Biden is directly trying to exploit Donald Trump's criminal conviction in a significant new campaign gambit ahead of their pivotal debate clash next week.

Biden and Trump Wage Furious Pre-Debate Duel

How Left-Wing Conspiracies Work

When we hear such things in the months to come, remember that these mythologies are usually a warning: what the left is alleging is, quite often, precisely what the left is already doing.

How Left-Wing Conspiracies Work

Yesterday — June 16th 2024Your RSS feeds

How Trump Wins the Debate and the Election

It's the demeanor, stupid.The public already overwhelmingly supports Donald Trump on the issues. But what many of them worry about is his demeanor. In other words, does he "act presidential"?So, on June 27, when Trump joins President Joe Biden on CNN for the earliest general election presidential debate in U.S. history, it's not going to matter what the former president says so much as how he says it.Think of it as the equivalent of a medieval knight running the gauntlet. Every question from pro-Democrat moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash and every taunting response from President Biden...

How Trump Wins the Debate and the Election

The Resistance To a New Trump Admin Has Already Started

An emerging coalition that views Donald J. Trump's agenda as a threat to democracy is laying the groundwork to push back if he wins in November, taking extraordinary pre-emptive actions.

The Resistance To a New Trump Admin Has Already Started

J.D. Vance's Strange Turn to 1876

The most favorable gloss you could give to Donald Trump's effort to Stop the Steal is that it was an

J.D. Vance's Strange Turn to 1876

Western Anxiety Makes for Unexpectedly Smooth G7 Summit

The Group of 7 summit that ended on Saturday went extraordinarily smoothly by the standards of a gathering where the

Why Hollywood Can't Save Joe Biden This Time

Presiden Joe Biden's re-election hopes are dimming. Hollywood scribes think they can rally the base. Here's why that's wrong.

What Have We Liberals Done to the West Coast?

As Democrats make their case to voters around the country this fall, one challenge is that some of the bluest

What Have We Liberals Done to the West Coast?

SCOTUS Ruling a Rebuke of Conservative Appellate Court

All nine justices felt forced to correct a deeply flawed opinion by the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals that would have eviscerated the court's standing doctrine.

A Dad's Love Is a Strong and Steady Current

As I was growing up in Tacoma, I learned my dad wasn't perfect. I also learned that had nothing to do with his love for his kids.

A Dad's Love Is a Strong and Steady Current

Joe Biden Is Mired in a Losing Streak

A common refrain in politics is that two weeks is a lifetime, meaning big changes can happen quickly.

Joe Biden Is Mired in a Losing Streak

Father Hunger Fuels the Persistence of Father's Day

Despite the pernicious influence identity politics has had on our culture, America still longs for devoted fathers.

Father Hunger Fuels the Persistence of Father's Day

Before yesterdayYour RSS feeds

Why Trump's Veep Pick Matters

Why Trump's Veep Pick Matters: It's not just because a 78-year-old reelected Trump could die during his second term. The Republican Party will have a future once the felon leaves the political stage. Trump's 2024 running mate may shape it.

Why Trump's Veep Pick Matters

Biden Needs the Race To Change--GOP Hopes It Doesn't

Republican pollster Jim McLaughlin offered President Joe Biden some advice: Keep running.

Biden Needs the Race To Change--GOP Hopes It Doesn't

What City Kids Learn on My Farm

'Hens don't lay on demand. Tomatoes aren't ripe in June. And animals don't care about your feelings.'

How Frederick Forsyth Learned He'd Been 'Bowdlerized'

'Did you know that select passages have been removed from The Fourth Protocol?' His eyebrows shot up. 'I did not.'

How Nigel Farage Blew Up the UK Election

Britain's top Brexiteer has made it his life's work to torment the Conservative Party. This time he could reduce it to rubble.

'Workers of All Races Have a Common Bond'

Glenn Loury on how obsessing over race corrodes working-class solidarity.

Kennedy on Whether He's a Spoiler in 2024 Race

Robert F. Kennedy on whether he's a spolier and what his father would think about his political aspirations

Kennedy on Whether He's a Spoiler in 2024 Race

Progressives Realize They Have a Jew-Hate Problem

As the woke of New York issue condemnations of antisemitism, it's tempting to dismiss it as too little, too late. But that would be a mistake.

'Media Reporting' Is Now Just More Censorship

Media reporting doesn't exist to bring transparency to the industry, anymore. Now it's just another way to engage in information censorship.

'Media Reporting' Is Now Just More Censorship

Garland Contempt Resolution Doesn't Amount to Anything

It was obvious that House Republicans planned to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt as part of a partisan stunt. GOP members did it anyway.

Garland Contempt Resolution Doesn't Amount to Anything

Bidens Have Become One of Richest Families in Politics

FOX News host Laura Ingraham reacts to the "open and shut" Hunter Biden federal gun case verdict on 'The Ingraham Angle.'

Bidens Have Become One of Richest Families in Politics

A New Regime Is Taking Over Our Military

Most military members are offered more opportunities to attend pride-focused events than opportunities to train at a rifle range.

Is Virginia About To Flip?

Early polls show Trump is gaining in the non-battleground state, an ominous sign for the Democratic president

Is Virginia About To Flip?

Power Without Responsibility

The despotism of the 21st century is unique in that its tyrants, from the experts of the state down to the mob, are all faceless.

Power Without Responsibility

Pro-Family Rhetoric and Its Fascist Resonances

Traditional gender roles have propped up authoritarian regimes of the past. In Republicans' views on women, the echoes are clear.

Pro-Family Rhetoric and Its Fascist Resonances

The Dishonorable Attack on the Alitos

A left-wing activist impressed her comrades, hardened her foes, and got attention. So what?

The Dishonorable Attack on the Alitos

GOP's Latest Cheap Shot Is About More Than Merrick Garland

Both Democrats and Republicans have held recent attorneys general in contempt - but for very different reasons.

GOP's Latest Cheap Shot Is About More Than Merrick Garland

The Biden Issue That Won't Go Away

Just last week, an edition of this newsletter was headlined,

The Biden Issue That Won't Go Away

The West Is Sick of the New Woke Jihadism

What are the mobs in Washington defiling iconic federal statues with impunity and pelting policemen really protesting?

The West Is Sick of the New Woke Jihadism

State Dept. Won't Deny Colluding With Big Tech Censors

The State Department didn't respond when pressed on whether it's colluding with Big Tech to censor so-called 'disinformation.'

State Dept. Won't Deny Colluding With Big Tech Censors

If Biden Isn't the Dems' 2024 Candidate, Harris Will Be

One of the stranger phenomena of this election year has been the chronic pundit talk of Joe Biden "stepping aside" as presidential nominee and Democrats replacing him with Gretchen Whitmer or Gavin Newsom or some other sort of fantasy candidate.

If Biden Isn't the Dems' 2024 Candidate, Harris Will Be

Trump Gains With Young Voters

Thursday on the RealClearPolitics radio show, Andrew Walworth, Carl Cannon, and Tom Bevan discuss President Biden's meeting today with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, where they announced a new 10-year security arrangement.

Trump Gains With Young Voters

Swap Out 'Bidenomics' for an Abundance Agenda

Finish the Job ain't gonna cut it.

Swap Out 'Bidenomics' for an Abundance Agenda

The Abortion Pill Stays Legal. But for How Long?

Rarely has a straightforward 9-0 decision at the Supreme Court felt as unsettling as it did on Thursday. The justices'

The Abortion Pill Stays Legal. But for How Long?

Trump Set for Greatest Political Comeback in History

Former President Donald Trump's blaring motorcade snaked its way up to Capitol Hill on Thursday, marking his first visit to the Capitol since he was drummed from power nearly four years ago.

Trump Set for Greatest Political Comeback in History

Can Jeff Bezos Save the Washington Post Again?

The paper's reinvention, with the appointment of Will Lewis as publisher, is a mess - but there's still time to turn things around

Can Jeff Bezos Save the Washington Post Again?

World Rallies to Trump's Defense in Aftermath of Verdict

Biden and his Democratic allies were in for a crude awakening in the aftermath of last week's sham guilty verdict against President Trump.

World Rallies to Trump's Defense in Aftermath of Verdict

What Dems Should Say To Beat Trump

Former President Donald Trump held a pre-sentencing interview Monday with a probation officer after being convicted last month of falsifying business documents concerning hush money paid to conceal an alleged affair. In the aftermath of the trial, Democrats have struggled with delivering a consistent response to the verdict and taking advantage of moments like Monday's probation interview.

What Dems Should Say To Beat Trump

Supreme Hypochondria

The baseless and hysterical attacks on Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas ignore the fact that both justices have delivered wins for liberals.

Nashville Shooter Manifesto Released Despite FBI Resistance

The 2023 Nashville Covenant School murders understandably received massive news coverage when they occurred. The fight over obtaining the murderer's diary also received news attention.

Nashville Shooter Manifesto Released Despite FBI Resistance

Elon Musk (Kind of) Gets His F-You Money

The world's third-richest man got a vote of confidence as his control over the company was called into question.

Elon Musk (Kind of) Gets His F-You Money

Hezbollah vs. Israel: Fears Grow of All-Out War in Lebanon

The situation on the Israel-Lebanon border is worsening, all while US efforts to reach a cease-fire in Gaza have yet to lead to a deal.

Swamp Seeks Revenge on Freedom Caucus' Rep. Good

Virginia Rep. Bob Good is the kind of leader the Swamp hates, but the conservative movement needs in Congress.

The Cartel Works Well for D.C., Not So Well for the People

Center for Renewing America founder Russ Vought on Steve Bannon's 'War Room' program.

The Cartel Works Well for D.C., Not So Well for the People

Biden Sent the Wrong Message at Morehouse

Last month, President Biden delivered the commencement address at Morehouse College's graduation. The year is 2024, but hearing the president talk, you would swear it was 1964. Amidst the speech's self-promoting pablum, he felt it necessary to tell these young men they would have to work ten times as hard (presumably ten times as hard as their white peers) to get a fair shot in the United States, and that while they may love their country, their country "doesn't always love [them] back in equal measure."

Biden Sent the Wrong Message at Morehouse

The Radicalization of the Climate Agenda

Climate-change obsessives insist that we must roll back living standards in order to save the planet.

The Radicalization of the Climate Agenda

States Must Fight Out-of-State Influence in Our Elections

The unrelenting flow of money into our elections is threatening the conservative values we hold dear, among which are local control and representative self-government. There is too much political power in the hands of a few people, who are often out-of-state billionaires funneling their money through dark money special interest groups and shell corporations.

States Must Fight Out-of-State Influence in Our Elections

Biden Travels to G7 Summit

Wednesday on the RealClearPolitics radio show, Andrew Walworth, Carl Cannon, and Tom Bevan preview President Biden's trip to Europe this week for the annual G7 summit and consider the implications of the results of this weekend's European Union Parliament elections.

Biden Travels to G7 Summit

Trump's Project 2025 Would Take 'Wrecking Ball' to U.S.

Jared Huffman sounds alarm over extremist manifesto for second Trump term produced by Heritage Foundation

I Went To Cover a Protest. I Was Surrounded by a Mob

But in the context of other incidents over the past 24 hours, what happened to me was mild.

I Went To Cover a Protest. I Was Surrounded by a Mob

Watch Out, Wall Street

Probably not, but the added competition may prove healthy for America's finance industry.

The House GOP's Latest Bid To Make Garland a Villain

Republicans' vote to hold him in contempt, briefly explained.

The House GOP's Latest Bid To Make Garland a Villain

Can America Stop Biden's Partisan Lawfare?

The unprecedented targeting of the former president and his allies invites partisan retaliation.

Can America Stop Biden's Partisan Lawfare?

House Votes To Hold Attorney General Garland in Contempt

The resolution to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt passed by a vote of 216 to 207, with all but one Republican voting in favor.

House Votes To Hold Attorney General Garland in Contempt

Ten Rules for Understanding the 2024 Elections

Be wary of polls, don't overreact and make sure to check your deodorant

Ten Rules for Understanding the 2024 Elections

Dems and GOP Manipulating 3rd Parties. Here's How To Stop It

Democracy may be on the ballot this fall, but meanwhile, both Democrats and Republicans are working hard to game the electoral system and weaponize choice against voters.

Dems and GOP Manipulating 3rd Parties. Here's How To Stop It

Fantasyland General

Hospital pricing is impenetrable to consumers and regulators alike. The result: increased costs and profits, and wasteful reliance on armies of middlemen.

Fantasyland General

The U.S. Desperately Needs New Political Leadership

Nayib Bukele, the president of El Salvador, speaks with Tucker Carlson about the failure of leadership in the United States. You can watch the full interview below this segment of transcript.

The U.S. Desperately Needs New Political Leadership

Searching for the Truth About the Raid at Mar-a-Lago

Top officials at the Department of Justice are downplaying recently disclosed documents showing FBI agents were authorized to use deadly force during their 2022 raid of Donald Trump's Florida estate, Mar-a-Lago.

Searching for the Truth About the Raid at Mar-a-Lago

Martha-Ann Alito Can't Wait to Let Her Freak Flag Fly

The Supreme Court justice's wife turns out to be a far-right Catholic crackpot with a deep vindictive streak. She brings vergogna-shame-upon her family and the court.

Martha-Ann Alito Can't Wait to Let Her Freak Flag Fly

The Cover-Up Is Worse Than the Crime

The old Washington adage that the cover-up is worse than the crime has never been more true than in the Hunter Biden case.

The Cover-Up Is Worse Than the Crime

Hunter Convicted, But Not Out of Legal Woods

President Biden stepped off Marine One, walked across the tarmac of the Delaware Air National Guard base, and embraced his son Hunter, a convicted felon.

Hunter Convicted, But Not Out of Legal Woods

Joe Biden Won't Give Up on Hunter or America

Who is the real tough guy in this race? It's not Donald Trump.

Joe Biden Won't Give Up on Hunter or America

Is Biden's Israel Policy Cynical or Naive?

Evaluating eight months of the President's attempts to moderate Netanyahu's bombing campaign in Gaza.

Is Biden's Israel Policy Cynical or Naive?

New Poll on Kamala Harris' Strengths and Liabilities

Harris does perform better than Joe Biden among African Americans, according to the POLITICO/Morning Consult poll. She also saw some of her highest numbers on key issues like abortion.

New Poll on Kamala Harris' Strengths and Liabilities

Ukraine at Stake as Biden Takes Battle With Trump to G7

President Biden will arrive at the G7 Summit locked in a tough reelection fight with Donald Trump, and the future of other key allies is also uncertain.

Ukraine at Stake as Biden Takes Battle With Trump to G7

Biden Should Know Better Than To Deal With Hamas

Yahya Sinwar says the deaths of tens of thousands of his fellow Palestinians are necessary sacrifices.

Biden Should Know Better Than To Deal With Hamas

Starbucks' Political Activism Has Backfired

For an American company to build and maintain a customer base, it must choose one of two courses: either be apolitical and serve all Americans, or be political in a single consistent direction and serve only some (like Ben & Jerry's). It cannot be political in all directions at once, or in different directions at [...]Read More...

Starbucks' Political Activism Has Backfired

Biden Is Not All There - And It's Getting Worse by the Day

Unlike you-know-who, Joe Biden did not duck out of his D-Day duties last Thursday. But was he really all there? The videos suggest that he was not.

Biden Is Not All There - And It's Getting Worse by the Day

The Voice in RFK Jr.'s Ear: A Former Aide to the Clintons

In his outsider bid for the White House, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is flanked by a team of unlikely political

The Voice in RFK Jr.'s Ear: A Former Aide to the Clintons

Brown's Nevada Primary Win Tees Up Key 2024 Senate Race

Army veteran Sam Brown easily secured the Republican nomination in Nevada's Senate race Tuesday night, setting up a spirited battle against incumbent Democrat Jacky Rosen in what is expected to be one of the nation's most closely watched 2024 Senate races.

Brown’s Nevada Primary Win Tees Up Key 2024 Senate Race

Will Hunter's Conviction Impact 2024?

Tuesday on the RealClearPolitics radio show, Andrew Walworth, Carl Cannon, and Tom Bevan discuss the political impact of Hunter Biden's conviction on federal gun charges and whether President Biden will pardon or commute his son's sentence. They also chat about newly released footage of Nancy Pelosi from Jan. 6th and a recent article in Rolling Stone magazine on Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito which was based on secret audio recordings made by a reporter posing as a religious conservative.

Will Hunter's Conviction Impact 2024?

He Doesn't Live Here: Tracking Nevada's Dirty Voter Rolls

Hundreds of questionable addresses remain on Nevada's voter rolls, and elections officials appear to be doing nothing to clean up the list.

He Doesn't Live Here: Tracking Nevada's Dirty Voter Rolls

Europe Votes Against the Ukraine War

In Sunday's elections, the continent's national-conservative parties took an important step forward, breaking out of their narrow focus on immigration.

Europe Votes Against the Ukraine War

Germany's Future Will Be Populist

The AfD's success in the EU elections is a stunning rebuke to the establishment.

Germany's Future Will Be Populist

Americans Must Criticize Our Corrupt Courts

The conviction of Donald Trump and the silencing of criticism rely on principles alien to the American justice system.

Americans Must Criticize Our Corrupt Courts

Gaza Chief's Brutal Plan: Civilian Bloodshed Will Help Hamas

Yahya Sinwar's correspondence with compatriots and mediators shows he is confident that Hamas can outlast Israel

Gaza Chief's Brutal Plan: Civilian Bloodshed Will Help Hamas

Biden Is Now Supporting a Hamas Victory in Gaza

Get your daily dose of politics, law, and culture with Josh Hammer Premium by subscribing to Newsweek today.

Biden Is Now Supporting a Hamas Victory in Gaza

European Voters Stun the Elite Establishment

The continent's elites worry about America's election, but the problem has hit closer to home.

European Voters Stun the Elite Establishment

Is Populist Surge in Europe an Omen for Trump & Biden?

In June 2016, Britain voted to leave the European Union in a populist revolt that foreshadowed Donald Trump's shock outsider election win a few months later.

Is Populist Surge in Europe an Omen for Trump & Biden?

The iPhone Is Now an AI Trojan Horse

Today, at Apple's annual developers conference-where new software products are previewed in slick video presentations-the company finally joined the generative-AI race. The company introduced Apple Intelligence, a suite of AI features that will be rolled out to the tech giant's latest operating systems starting this fall. New generative-AI models will help Apple users write work memos and highly personalized text; create images and emoji; connect and organize photos, calendar events, and emails.

The iPhone Is Now an AI Trojan Horse

Why Europe Is Lurching to the Right

Far-right parties made big gains in EU Parliament elections - and that's already having an effect.

Why Europe Is Lurching to the Right

Can a Return to Traditional Discipline Save Schools?

By Vince Bielski, RealClearInvestigationsJune 10, 2024COLUMBUS, Ohio-On a bright morning in May at the Columbus Collegiate Academy Main, orderliness is on display. Students in khakis and blue t

Can a Return to Traditional Discipline Save Schools?

Biden Has a TikTok Problem. A Superfan Wants To Help

The 21-year-old student is a nonstop source of pro-Biden content on a platform that's increasingly hostile to the president.

Biden Has a TikTok Problem. A Superfan Wants To Help

UFC Fans and Fighters Want Common Sense and Trump

UFC President Dana White discussed the politics of UFC fans in an interview Saturday with FNC's Brian Kilmeade on "One Nation."

UFC Fans and Fighters Want Common Sense and Trump

Congress Digs Into Scandals Surrounding Biden Iran Envoy

Few individuals have been more integral to the Obama-Biden project to "realign" the U.S. with Iran and strengthen the Middle East theocracy - at the expense of Israel, America's Sunni Arab allies and partners, and U.S. national interest - than Rob Malley.

Congress Digs Into Scandals Surrounding Biden Iran Envoy

The Biggest Lie 2024 Voters Are Telling Themselves

The system is holding is not a plan for a knowable future. It never was.

The Biggest Lie 2024 Voters Are Telling Themselves

An Urgent Call to Action for the 2024 Elections

We cannot afford to be complacent. The left is not going to hand us this election or even allow for a fair process to unfold. They are preparing for an all-out battle, and so must we.

An Urgent Call to Action for the 2024 Elections

Praising the Jim Crow Era? That's a Red Flag

The problem was Rutherford B. Hayes winning the electoral college but losing the popular vote in 1876. To get over the hump - there was a filibuster contesting the results - Hayes agreed to remove federal troops from former Confederate states.

Praising the Jim Crow Era? That's a Red Flag

The Sliming of Byron Donalds

Twisting a black Republican's words about the black family during Jim Crow.

The Sliming of Byron Donalds

Unfounded Attacks on Justice Dept Must End

Conspiracy theories, falsehoods and threats of violence against DOJ personnel are not normal.

Unfounded Attacks on Justice Dept Must End

Terrorism Warning Lights Blinking Red Again

Echoes of the run-up to 9/11.

Terrorism Warning Lights Blinking Red Again

A Free Speech Retreat in America

As a young lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union, David Goldberger defended the rights of Nazis to hold a demonstration in Skokie, Ill., a village that was home to many Jewish residents, including hundreds of Holocaust survivors. The famous case, which set the course of his legal career, also led to a historic First Amendment ruling by the US Supreme Court, which was issued in June 1977 - 47 years ago.

A Free Speech Retreat in America

Legal System Is Victim of Elites' Relentless Pursuit of Trump

If you come for the king, you had best be careful not to miss. Donald Trump may not be a monarch, except in the eyes of his more venomous detractors, but his enemies have nonetheless ignored this sage wisdom. Sadly, the crusade to "get Trump" has also been to the misfortune of the country at large.

Legal System Is Victim of Elites’ Relentless Pursuit of Trump

Ruth Bader Biden

We are a little over one week removed from the verdict-that verdict-and Democrats have what they've long been craving: a conviction of Donald Trump, 34 times over. What impact, if any, is it having on this noisy roulette game in which we're trapped? Let us do the responsible thing and hedge: too soon, too soon. But early polls suggest that a significant plurality of Americans agree with the jury's decision, and that it could produce at least a small bump in support for President Joe Biden.

Ruth Bader Biden

Will the First Amendment Save Assange?

The UK has extracted promises that prosecutors would recognize speech protections for the Wikileaks founder.

Will the First Amendment Save Assange?

The One-Click Economy

Digital subscriptions are here to stay. What should we do about that?

The One-Click Economy

The Foundation of American Folly

The Ford Foundation has spent decades tearing the country apart, tax-free.

The Foundation of American Folly

Biden Taking Wrong Path in Russia-Ukraine War

There is nothing for the United States to gain and a great deal to lose by expanding the allowed target list of our weapons and ammunition to Ukraine. Risking nuclear escalation is foolish to the highest degree. Biden's permission last week should be rescinded immediately before any damage is done.

Biden Taking Wrong Path in Russia-Ukraine War

Beacons of Hope for the Ukrainian Economy

Beacons of Hope for the Ukrainian Economy: As donors and investors gather this week in Berlin for the Ukraine Recovery Conference, all eyes are on helping the besieged nation. In Mykolaiv, near the Black Sea, the Danish government assists by jump-starting local businesses, fighting corruption-and helping Ukraine shake off its Soviet economic legacy.

Beacons of Hope for the Ukrainian Economy

There Were More 2-Parent Black Families Under Jim Crow

On Friday, I sat down with Megyn Kelly of SiriusXM. We talked a lot about Late Admissions, but we also addressed a handful of topics in the news, including the new New York Times Magazine piece about Ibram X. Kendi (more on that tomorrow in my conversation with John McWhorter) and unfair criticisms of black conservatives like Clarence Thomas, Florida Congressman Byron Donalds, and, of course, me.

There Were More 2-Parent Black Families Under Jim Crow

Will Trump's VP Pick Be a Surprise to Voters?

Is Trump confident enough in his broad appeal to select a lesser-known running mate?

Will Trump's VP Pick Be a Surprise to Voters?

When Hostages Come Home

I was at the beach in Tel Aviv when the lifeguard broke the news. We cheered and wept for the liberation of strangers that feel like family.

When Hostages Come Home

The Left Knows Leftism Doesn't Work

If Biden and his handlers have taught us anything, human nature cannot be fooled, and the current four-year experiment will have to end before it ends us-and soon.

The Left Knows Leftism Doesn't Work

The Election Will Be Decided by 25 Counties in Five States

RNC Deputy Counsel Bill McGinley talked to Steve Bannon on his show 'War Room' about the 2024 campaign.

The Election Will Be Decided by 25 Counties in Five States

Trump's Gag Order Should Not Be Lifted

For the sake of protecting the administration of justice, Merchan should maintain the order.

Trump's Gag Order Should Not Be Lifted

Charting Trade Chokepoints: A How-To Guide

Understanding what our supply chains really look like could help make friendshoring a reality

Charting Trade Chokepoints: A How-To Guide

The ICC's Brazen Anti-Israel Bias

Prosecutor Karim Khan selects advisers and experts who are openly hostile to the Jewish state.

The ICC's Brazen Anti-Israel Bias

The Mandate for Leadership, Then and Now

The Heritage Foundation's 1980 manual aimed to roll back the state and unleash the free market. The 2025 vision is more extreme, and even more dangerous.

The Mandate for Leadership, Then and Now

I Think I Can Explain Biden's Bad Approval Ratings

In January of 1980, Jimmy Carter had been in office for three years, and the economy was terrible. Cumulatively, consumer prices were up more than 32 percent since he had entered the White House, and they had been rising steadily for more than 18 months. The unemployment rate was on the rise, after averaging 6.3 percent across his time in office. Wages, adjusted for inflation, had been falling for a year, gas prices were surging, and the interest rate on a typical home mortgage was over 15 percent. Things were very bad, and getting worse.

I Think I Can Explain Biden's Bad Approval Ratings

Biden's Family Business and the Compromised DOJ

Don't see the Hunter Biden gun case as an effort to hold the president's prodigal son to account, but as a political maneuver aimed at protecting his father.

Biden's Family Business and the Compromised DOJ

A Medical Negligence Cartel

The WPATH files offer a disturbing look into the group's decision-making process for gender-affirming care.

EV Mandates Are Killing Affordable Cars

One big reason for the sudden extinction of affordable cars is President Joe Biden's climate policies and electric vehicle (EV) mandate.

Seven Takeaways From Trump's VP Short List

Former President Donald Trump has narrowed down his vice presidential short list to seven candidates.

Seven Takeaways From Trump's VP Short List

Civic Renewal Through Constitutional Repair

The disunity that plagues America imposes high costs on the nation. A diverse citizenry must work together despite partisan differences to advance the common good, but disunity produces dysfunction.

Civic Renewal Through Constitutional Repair

Could RFK Jr. Still Be in the First Debate?

Yes, there's still a chance that he could qualify. CNN's rules state that participants must qualify for the presidency under the Constitution and have filed a formal statement of candidacy to the Federal Election Commission. Five candidates have done so: Biden, Trump, Kennedy, Cornel West, and Jill Stein.

Could RFK Jr. Still Be in the First Debate?

This Is Your Kid on Smartphones

A Q&A with Jonathan Haidt on smartphones, kids today, and what the skeptics get wrong about his argument.

Biden Needs To Stop Whining About the Media

The administration's constant complaining about press coverage is unhelpful and unbecoming.

Biden Needs To Stop Whining About the Media

Biden's Status With Voters Has Reached Red Alert Status

It has been a disappointing spring for the president. Historically low job approval numbers, especially for his handling of the economy. Inflation, driven by food and gas prices, remains above 3 percent. Antisemitic protests disrupting campuses and two wars still raging with no end in sight. And his nemesis, Donald Trump, continues to score significantly better on issues with voters nationally and in the key target states that will likely determine the election.

Biden's Status With Voters Has Reached Red Alert Status

Trump's True Crime: Threatening To Win Another Election

New York Democrats prosecuted Trump solely to create a political advantage for their unpopular candidate by convicting and threatening to imprison his Republican opponent.

Trump's True Crime: Threatening To Win Another Election

DNC Targets Trump With 'White-Collar Crook' Billboard

Democrats call Trump 'unfit to serve' on the advertisement in Las Vegas, where he's due to speak on Sunday

DNC Targets Trump With 'White-Collar Crook' Billboard

Can America Survive the 'Defenders of Democracy'?

In 2024, the greatest test for our Constitution may be whether it can survive the "Defenders of Democracy."

Can America Survive the 'Defenders of Democracy'?

How Debt Ate Chicago

Mounting liabilities are the greatest threat to the city's survival.

There's No 2024 Game Changer Coming

For months now, many political observers have stared at polls that show Donald Trump with a modest lead over Joe Biden and have placed a mental thumb on the scales for the incumbent due to "Trump's legal problems." This was particularly common (and justifiable) back when it looked as though Trump could be on trial for multiple criminal charges in different cases before Election Day. And even when it turned out the (arguably) weakest case against him was the only one that would reach fruition before November, the available evidence and plain logic suggested that being officially branded as a...

There's No 2024 Game Changer Coming

DOJ Indicts Doctor Who Blew the Whistle on TX Hospital

Eithan Haim blew the whistle on Texas Children's Hospital's illegal child sex-change program. Now he's being prosecuted.

The Failure of the College President

How the university presidency became so complex and public this year.

The 'Felon' Brand Will Stick

The master of branding has just branded himself a criminal

The 'Felon' Brand Will Stick

How To Win the Coming Battery War

Bipartisan consensus is key-but depends on U.S. control of supply chains.

Why Americans Are Frustrated With the Economy

US consumers see no end to the one-two punch of high inflation and high interest rates - and they cannot take much more of it.

Why Americans Are Frustrated With the Economy

Now Fauci Says 'There Was No Science Behind It'

Many of us could have told Dr. Anthony Fauci his COVID-19 guidelines were doing harm.

Now Fauci Says 'There Was No Science Behind It'

What's Next for Biden's Lawfare Campaign Strategy?

A surreal situation is unfolding across multiple fronts in the lawfare campaign against former President Donald Trump.

What's Next for Biden's Lawfare Campaign Strategy?

Biden's Aides Get Involved in Family Business Dealings

For years, Joe Biden shared a bookkeeper with his son, Hunter. He also shared a personal lawyer with his brother, Jim. And when Jim Biden wanted to know more about one of Hunter Biden's associates, he hired the former head of Joe Biden's Secret Service detail to investigate.

Biden's Aides Get Involved in Family Business Dealings

The Human Cost of Biden's Border Policies

Joe Biden took executive action to limit asylum seekers at the border. This sudden and isolated attempt to distract American voters from 3 ½ years of disastrous open border policies is far

The Human Cost of Biden's Border Policies

Blame Washington Post's Woes on Its Blatant Political Slant

We are losing large amounts of money. People are not reading your stuff. I can't sugarcoat it anymore, said Will Lewis, the publisher of The Washington Post.

Blame Washington Post's Woes on Its Blatant Political Slant

Why Does American Folly March On in Ukraine?

Russia looks ready to negotiate-so why escalate?

Why Does American Folly March On in Ukraine?

40 Yrs Later, Biden Tries To Echo Reagan's Legacy of Leadership

The aging American president facing a re-election campaign came to the Normandy coast of France to pay tribute to the

40 Yrs Later, Biden Tries To Echo Reagan's Legacy of Leadership

Why Biden's New Border Plan Is a Terrible Idea

The president wants to limit asylum seekers entering the U.S. But cruelty will increase border chaos, not win the election.

Why Biden's New Border Plan Is a Terrible Idea

All the Lawfare in World Can't Make Biden a Better Candidate

Don't let Joe Biden's creepy grin fool you. He's not confident. He's terrified. They all are. Imagine being them right now. Imagine having all of the power, all of the culture, all of the institutions, and most of the administrative and security state; imagine the impeachments, the indictments, the endless attacks against Trump for eight years, and he's still the frontrunner to be President of the United States in 2024.

All the Lawfare in World Can't Make Biden a Better Candidate

Caucus Cash: How Black and Hispanic Leaders Raise Millions

By James Varney, RealClearInvestigationsJune 7, 2024Like-minded members of Congress have created hundreds of caucuses to help them work on specific issues - including the Arthritis Caucus,

Caucus Cash: How Black and Hispanic Leaders Raise Millions

The Biden Administration's DEI Bind

It knows that it cannot defend the constitutionality of the equity agenda.

The Biden Administration's DEI Bind

Laptop Deniers Can't Make Hunter News Disappear Now

The Hunter Biden laptop is real, even the FBI doesn't deny it anymore. But the media and top political figures spent years doing just that. Now the press is unwilling to ask about it.

Laptop Deniers Can't Make Hunter News Disappear Now

Did Biden Meet the Moment on D-Day?

Thursday on the RealClearPolitics radio show, Andrew Walworth, Carl Cannon, and Tom Bevan talk about how President Biden's speech this morning marking the 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasion compares to former presidents, the appearance of the infamous "laptop from hell" this week at the trial of Hunter Biden, and whether delaying Donald Trump's other criminal trials until after the election helps or hurts his campaign.

Did Biden Meet the Moment on D-Day?

Rolling Back Diversity Programs Shows Pure Cowardice

At Harvard, on Wall Street and elsewhere, attacks on diversity, equity and inclusion ignore how race continues to shape opportunity in the U.S.

Rolling Back Diversity Programs Shows Pure Cowardice

Ukraine's Peace Summit Could Be a Game-Changer

This summer, more than at any time since Russian troops crossed the border in February 2022, Ukraine urgently needs the strongest possible reaffirmation of the West's diplomatic, security and economic support.

Ukraine’s Peace Summit Could Be a Game-Changer

Is Hunter Biden Being Prosecuted Because of Politics?

His gun trial is unusual. Here's the tangled backstory.

Is Hunter Biden Being Prosecuted Because of Politics?

The Absolute Worst Argument for Why Trump Won't Win

I'm routinely gobsmacked by how many people - including influential Democrats - tell me that they can't imagine a victory

The Absolute Worst Argument for Why Trump Won't Win

Biden's Hand in the Prosecutions of Trump

The five criminal and civil prosecutions of former President Donald Trump all prompt heated denials from Democrats that President Joe Biden and Democrat operatives had a role in any of them.

Biden's Hand in the Prosecutions of Trump

Why I'm Backing President Trump

But today I am giving my endorsement to our 45th President, Donald J. Trump, to be our 47th President. My reasons rest on four main issues that I think are vital to American prosperity, security, and stability - issues where the Biden administration has veered badly off course and where I believe President Trump can lead us back.

Why I’m Backing President Trump

Prosecuting Trump Different From Persecuting the Innocent

One accusation that you can never level at the contemporary Republican Party is "taking things in stride." Since former President Donald Trump's swift and unanimous conviction on 34 felony counts in Manhattan last Thursday, Republicans across the country, from pundits to presidential candidates, have absolutely lost their minds, promising revenge and retribution by prosecuting Democrats everywhere for... well, they'll get back to you about that. The thing they want you to know is that they will now use "lawfare" to prosecute Democrats for unnamed crimes as both retribution and deterrent. And...

Prosecuting Trump Different From Persecuting the Innocent

Reagan at Pointe du Hoc, 40 Years Later

June 1984 was a tense and dangerous time in the Cold War, but domestic politics were sweeter than today.

Reagan at Pointe du Hoc, 40 Years Later

Ike Returns to Normandy

In the 1964 anniversary film, Eisenhower recounts the D-Day invasion for CBS's Walter Cronkite.

Ike Returns to Normandy

Conviction Not Having Big Impact Yet

You can be forgiven if you thought the criminal conviction of Donald Trump on 34 felony counts by a New York jury might be a game-changing moment in the 2024 presidential contest.

Conviction Not Having Big Impact Yet

Didn't Earn It

For more and more Americans, these words spell out the real meaning of DEI.

Didn't Earn It

Politician First, Influencer Close Second

Donald Trump's first TikTok video, in which the former president arrives at a UFC fight to the tune of Kid Rock's "American Bad Ass," has now been viewed 78.4 million times in two days. If Trump hadn't already cemented himself as a political social media influencer, this viral splash is sure to seal the deal.

Politician First, Influencer Close Second

Hamas Has Reinvented Underground Warfare

The group's Gaza tunnels will inspire others.

Hamas Has Reinvented Underground Warfare

Fauci's Lies Are Saddening and Infuriating

Dr. Anthony Fauci took away life milestones from young people through his recommended COVID-19 restrictions during the global pandemic.

Fauci's Lies Are Saddening and Infuriating

Forty-Nine Ways To Fix the World (Hint: Start Locally)

Crisis at the border. You fear the other guy will win the November election. Are we really talking about nuclear war with Russia, again, and maybe with China, too? Worried about the economy, your job security, your rent or mortgage increase, rising utilities, expensive groceries and gasoline? Floods, hurricanes, wildfires, tornados. Not to mention terrorism. It's. All. Just. Too. Much.

Forty-Nine Ways To Fix the World (Hint: Start Locally)

The Surprising Results of a Focus Group of Swing Voters

The coveted undecided voter is profoundly unpredictable - and isn't swayed in obvious ways by Trump's conviction.

The Surprising Results of a Focus Group of Swing Voters

Trump's List of Running Mates Narrows

Wednesday on the RealClearPolitics radio show, Andrew Walworth, Tom Bevan, and Carl Cannon discuss the results from primary elections Tuesday in New Jersey, Montana, Iowa, and New Mexico and the fallout from Attorney General Merrick Garland's five-hour testimony yesterday before the House Judiciary Committee.

Trump's List of Running Mates Narrows

Biden's Claims About 'Laptop From Hell' Don't Hold Up

Whether it's Russian collusion in the 2016 election or the COVID lab leak theory, Democrats and the legacy media often team to form a narrative.

Biden's Claims About 'Laptop From Hell' Don't Hold Up
