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Yesterday β€” June 8th 2024FOX News

5 takes on the Hunter Biden laptop that have aged poorly

Hunter Biden's laptop was confirmed legitimate by the FBI, becoming key evidence in the federal gun crime trial against the president's son this week.

Before yesterdayFOX News

UNC rager dubbed 'Flagstock 2024,' funded by GoFundMe slated for Labor Day

A group of fraternity members at UNC captured the attention of the nation in May when they held up the American flag as anti-Israel protesters tried to replace it with a Palestinian flag.

Physically healthy Dutch woman dies by assisted suicide at age 29

Zoraya ter Beek was physically healthy, but struggled with her autism diagnosis as well as depression, anxiety and an unspecified personality disorder.

California reparations payouts on hold, but state moves toward apology for slavery

The California Assembly passed a bill on Thursday that will accept responsibility for "all of the harms and atrocities committed by the state." The bill now heads to the Senate.
