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Yesterday β€” June 9th 2024FOX News

Previously deported migrant accused of murder in Las Vegas

An illegal immigrant who had previously been deported from the U.S. is charged with second-degree murder in Las Vegas after allegedly selling fentanyl to a user who overdosed.

Before yesterdayFOX News

We need to SAVE our elections from abuse and here’s how

The presidential election is drawing ever closer and Americans need to find ways to secure our voting so that non-citizens can't abuse the process. Here's how to SAVE our elections.

Biden’s open border lets ISIS walk right into US

Homeland Security should mean keeping terrorist organizations out of the US. It doesn't. ISIS-K can walk right into the US across Biden's broken border. In fact, they already have.

Schumer says Senate to take up border bill again this week

The Senate will vote this week on a bipartisan border security bill after previous efforts collapsed when Republicans withdrew their support, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said.
