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Yesterday — June 8th 2024U.S.

As Chicago Burns, Mayor Brandon Johnson Spends $30K on Hair and Makeup in One Year

Mayor Johnson spent $30,000 in one year on hair and makeup. Image: @milloydenise/Instagram

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson wants to look good while his city burns around him.

According to election board records, Johnson spent $30,000 on hair and makeup during his first year in office.

The Chicago Sun-Times reports that the majority of the money went to makeup artist and self-described “skincare enthusiast” Denise Milloy’s Makeup Majic.  The business is based in a home on the city’s South Side, and records show that more than 30 payments were reported to her in 2023 and 2024.

While a campaign spokesman asserted that “Hair and makeup services are commonplace among high-ranking public officials,” Johnson appears to spend more than other elected officials.

The Sun-Times reports:

Johnson’s predecessor Lori Lightfoot paid an Evanston business about $2,000 total for “event-makeup services” listed under four expenditures last year in her campaign filings.

Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle paid $217 to a South Side woman in 2019 for makeup, she reported.

Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s campaign fund, which he largely underwrites through his own personal fortune, has made 11 payments totaling $6,000 to a South Side beauty salon between 2018 and 2022 for “hair and makeup” for “events like TV shoots,” according to records and interviews.

Paul Vallas, who lost to Johnson in last year’s mayoral election, didn’t provide any details for hundreds of campaign expenditures beyond saying they were for “services.” But Vallas says he doesn’t think he spent anything on hair or makeup through his campaign, noting that he’s bald: “I’d like to take credit for being frugal, but nature took care of that.”

BREAKING: Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Spent Over $30K In Campaign Funds On Hair, Makeup In One Year.

Johnson’s campaign saying that “he’s mayor 24-7” and that “appearances matter.”

There are some people in Chicago who even don’t make $30 a year!

I hope Chicago residents…

— I Meme Therefore I Am (@ImMeme0) June 8, 2024

Does the mayor think about what is happening to his city while he is getting pampered? Like the 41 shootings and 9 fatalities that happened over Memorial Day weekend, according to the Chicago Police Department.

Or the mother who lost her unborn child after being attacked by teens screaming, “We own the street!”

Is he pondering the recent Chicago’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) report warning that the city and the Chicago Police Department (CPD) are unprepared for the protestors who will descend on the city for the Democratic National Convention in August?

Or is he just making sure he looks camera-ready?

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Amber Rose Shuts Down Leftist TMZ Reporter: ‘We are Voting for Trump Because We are No Longer Brainwashed’ (VIDEO)

Screenshot: TMZ

In a recent encounter with a TMZ reporter, model and actress Amber Rose passionately defended her endorsement of former President Donald Trump, stating that she and others are “no longer brainwashed” by the left.

The Gateway Pundit reported last month that Rose sent leftists into a total meltdown when she publicly endorsed Trump in a post to her 24 million Instagram followers. Alongside a photo of herself standing with Trump and Melania at a black tie event, she wrote, “Trump 2024 [US flags emoji].”

Credit: @amberrose/Instagram

Rose, who is also known for her activism on women’s rights issues and is the wife of rapper Wiz Khalifa, urged her followers to reassess their loyalty to the Democratic Party.

She criticized Joe Biden’s commitment to black communities and emphasized her priorities, saying, “Lmaooo yall think Biden cares about black ppl??? Sad. Do ur research. I did,” she wrote. “I’ll ALWAYS put women first.”

She further criticized the left’s stance on reproductive rights and the issue of transgender athletes competing against females in sports. “Y’all want biological men in women’s sports,” Rose continued. “Trump supports the most reasonable compromise on abortion. Stop being brainwashed cuz WE’RE ppl people of color. Make your own decisions.”

Recently, Rose was ambushed by a TMZ reporter who questioned her endorsement of Trump.

TMZ Reporter: A lot of people were shocked with your endorsement of Donald Trump. I mean, you’re all about women’s rights issues. What was the reason for the big change?

Amber Rose: Is Donald Trump not for women’s rights issues?

TMZ Reporter: I guess a lot of people were asking.

Amber Rose: He’s trying to ‘Make America Great Again.’ That’s for women, too, right?

TMZ Reporter: That’s true.

Rose’s unwavering stance continued as the conversation touched on Trump’s controversial past and legal challenges. Despite these hurdles, Rose argued that such challenges only strengthen the resolve of Trump’s supporters.

TMZ Reporter: I know. Does him getting convicted change the way you view him?

Amber Rose: No, not at all.

TMZ Reporter: I mean, do you think you’ll help his chances, like getting reelected or you’ll hurt him?

Amber Rose: I think it helps him more. Oh, it helps him more. Yeah, absolutely. I think people see the injustice and what happened, and they want to vote for him more than ever.

Rose also pointed to a broader shift in the political landscape, suggesting that more celebrities and influential figures are turning towards Trump due to disillusionment with mainstream media propaganda and Democratic failed policies.

TMZ Reporter: I know. I wanted to ask you. So it seems like a lot of celebrities are voting for Trump now. Why do you think people are changing their way of voting?

Amber Rose: I think we just did our research, and we’re not brainwashed anymore by the left. I can say that about myself. All these years, I’ve been brainwashed, and I’m not anymore. So.


I wish more celebrities possessed both the fortitude and the discernment that Amber Rose demonstrates.

— I Meme Therefore I Am (@ImMeme0) June 8, 2024

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Before yesterdayU.S.

The View’s Sunny Hostin Insults Black Republicans- ‘Like Looking at Unicorns’ (Video)

The View’s Sunny Hostin

The View’s Sunny Hostin had her very own ‘You ain’t Black?’ Joe Biden moment on Friday’s show when she insulted conservative Black voters and mocked the idea that Black Republican voters even exist.

Her remarks came as the bitter, sullen ladies of The View discussed recent comments from Florida Congressman Byron Donalds (R-FL), who said that Black families were “together” and voted more conservatively during the Jim Crowe era.

Donalds made the comments during an address to a group of Black conservatives.

Hostin then leveled her insults saying, “These Black men that he was speaking with, I’d love to see them. It would be like looking at unicorns.”

Hostin also accused Donalds, who is considered to be in the running for the number two spot on the Republican ticket, of “pandering to Donald Trump.”

“I thought it was interesting that the framing was a room of Black Republicans,” Hostin said.

She then held her hands to her eyes as she strained to scan the audience and said, “Where are they? Where are they? Because if you look at the stats, 77% – 81%, I’m sorry, of Black men are part of the Democratic Party.”

“Black voters consistently align with the Democratic Party,” Hostin added. “Over 95% of [Black] women are part of the Democratic Party.”

Recent polling suggests Hostin’s narrow and perhaps wishful views are unfounded.

The Gateway Pundit reported that David Hilliard, one of the founding members of the Black Panther Party, went live on TikTok recently to share his support for President Donald Trump.

A Rasmussen Reports poll from last week revealed initial results of a recent poll (yet to be published) showing President Trump leading Joe Biden among Black voters.

Pollster Frank Luntz recently warned CNN about the movement of minority voters to President Trump.

CNN data analyst Harry Enten seemed stunned by the news, “My goodness gracious,” he said as he reacted to the polling average, which showed Trump’s support among Black voters more than doubled to 22% compared to 2020.


Sunny Hostin on black Republicans: “I’d love to see them. It would be like looking at unicorns.”

— Media Research Center (@theMRC) June 7, 2024

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Florida Supreme Court Affirms Removal of Radical Soros Backed State Attorney by Gov. DeSantis

Florida State Attorney Monique Worrel

In a decisive victory for justice, the Florida Supreme Court has affirmed Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ courageous removal of George Soros-backed State Attorney Monique Worrel in 2023 for what he called “dereliction of duty.”

The landmark ruling is a clear warning to activist prosecutors across the nation.

DeSantis said of Worrel at the time, “The practices and policies of her office have allowed murderers, other violent offenders, and dangerous drug traffickers to receive extremely reduced sentences and escape the full consequences of their criminal conduct. In some cases, these offenders have evaded incarceration altogether.”

Although Worrel sued for reinstation, the state Supreme Court ruled against her.

The opinion stated, “We cannot agree with Worrel that the allegations in the Executive Order are impermissibly vague, nor that they address conduct that falls within the lawful exercise of prosecutorial discretion.”

The majority opinion stated, “We have said that a suspension order does not infringe on a state attorney’s lawful exercise of prosecutorial discretion where it alleges that such discretion is, in fact, not being exercised in individual cases but, rather, that generalized policies have resulted in categorical enforcement practices.”

According to the Sentinel, during her 2020 campaign, Worrel received $1.5 million in support from the Soros-backed group Our Vote Our Voice.

Gov. DeSantis has prioritized protecting Florida’s residents from rogue prosecutors who pick and choose which laws to enforce, often through the biased lens of “social justice”.

He stated, “We’ve seen across this country over the last few years, individual prosecutors take it upon themselves to determine which laws they like and will enforce, and which laws they don’t like and won’t enforce. The results of this in cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco have been catastrophic.  You can go in [a store] in San Francisco and steal a certain amount of merchandise, and by definition, you would not be prosecuted…”

Gov. DeSantis continued: “Those who say this represents social justice, look at San Francisco.  They had to recall this prosecutor who was funded by people like George Soros, saying he’s not going to prosecute.  They did the recall election and he was recalled, even in a very liberal jurisdiction.  But, the places that voted to keep him were the affluent communities who are not bearing the brunt of the policies.  The places that voted to recall him are the working class communities, because they bear the burden of ignorance and refusal to enforce the law.”

DeSantis also suspended State Attorney Andrew Warren, who refused to enforce Florida’s abortion laws.  That decision was also upheld by the courts.

“Warren said that it doesn’t matter what the legislature does in the state of Florida. He is going to exercise a veto over that. He’s also instituted policies of ‘presumptive non-enforcement’…that is not consistent with the role of a prosecutor. You can exercise discretion in individual case, but that discretion has to be individualized and case specific,” DeSantis said when he announced Warren’s suspension.

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Mike Rowe Delivers Common Sense Regarding the War on Women

Mike Rowe interviews Riley Gaines on his podcast, “The Way I Heard It.”

Mike Rowe, the former host of the popular TV show “Dirty Jobs,” has a way of telling it like it is.

He recently addressed a comment about his interview with former collegiate swimmer Riley Gaines.

He was asked by ‘Carol,’ “Is it my imagination, or have you and your podcast become more political? I enjoyed the interview with @Riley_Gaines_but was really surprised to see you ‘go there’ and speak so candidly about such a politically charged topic.”

He has consistently criticized America’s dependence on higher education as the only path to success, as well as the rabid anti-Israel protests occurring on college campuses.

He blasted the government for treating the “unvaccinated like the enemy” and shared concerns over the woke elements permeating the military.

Rowe’s response to Carol is brilliant.

Hi Carol.
It’s your imagination.

Your question reminds of a common refrain I hear nowadays from friends of mine on both sides of the aisle. “I didn’t leave my party, my party left me!” I can sympathize. In this case, I would tell you that I haven’t become any more political than I’ve ever been – but everything around me certainly has. Or maybe, everything has just become more controversial, and therefore everything feels more political?

Either way, the facts surrounding Riley’s ordeal are not in dispute. She and her teammates were told by the NCAA to either compete with a man or quit the sport they loved. They were told to either share a locker room with a man or seek professional psychiatric help. They were also told that failing to accept the swimmer formerly known as Will Thomas as a woman, might result in his suicide, and that his blood would be on their hands.

For daring to question the fairness of these decisions, Riley Gaines was branded a bigot and a transphobe. She was attacked by protestors at San Francisco State and held against her will for several hours. Her captors were not punished. In fact, they were congratulated by the administrators at the college.

It’s also important to know that Riley Gaines never suggested to me that adults be denied the right to identify as a member of the opposite sex or take whatever steps they wish to take in order to facilitate a physical transition. We both support that right, even if we don’t support the idea that taxpayers should pay for it, or that minors should be allowed to proceed with irreversible surgeries without their parent’sconsent. But mostly, we both believe that it’s fundamentally unfair to allow men to compete against women, and deeply troubling that so many otherwise sensible Americans stood by and said nothing, as the NCAA made a mockery of Title IX, and ran roughshod over decades of hard-fought women’s rights.

As I said to her on the podcast, Riley Gaines reminds me of the kid in The Emperor’s New Clothes – the only one in the crowd to point out the obvious fact that the man parading before them was stark naked, while the townspeople pretended, he wasn’t. Just like the townspeople in America who pretended that Lea Thomas was a woman, simply because he changed his name and claimed to be one. Even when he leapt from a ranking of #462 as “Will,” to #1 as “Lea,” the townspeople just couldn’t see the difference between him, and the women he so completely and totally dominated. Even when the townspeople saw with their own eyes, a telltale bulge in the women’s bathing suit he wore on the podium, they still applauded the emperor’s new clothes, and congratulated him for his great triumph.

Those townspeople will not be remembered for their politics, Carol. They’ll be remembered for their cowardice. Just as Riley Gaines will be remembered for her courage.

You can listen to the entire episode with Riley Gaines at “The Way I Heard It with Mike Rowe,”  or on Apple or Spotify, Our whole conversation is here,

Riley’s book, Swimming Against the Current, can be found here.

“Is it my imagination, or have you and your podcast become more political? I enjoyed the interview with @Riley_Gaines_ but was really surprised to see you “go there,” and speak so candidly about such a politically charged topic.” Carol Marks

Hi Carol.
It’s your imagination.…

— The Real Mike Rowe (@mikeroweworks) June 6, 2024

The post Mike Rowe Delivers Common Sense Regarding the War on Women appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Connecticut Town Refuses to Honor Trooper Killed in the Line of Duty with Thin Blue Line Flag, Instead, Flys Pride Flag at Half-Mast as “Honor”

Trooper First Class Aaron Pelletier was killed in the line of duty, but Connecticut town refuses to honor him with Thin Blue Line flag.

While the residents of Wethersfield, Connecticut, grapple with the tragedy of losing Trooper First Class Aaron Pelletier, who was killed in the line of duty, they are also facing obscene disrespect by town leaders.

Democrat Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont directed that state flags be flown at half-mast to honor Pelletier. Wethersfield’s Town Council then weighed whether to also fly the Thin Blue Line flag.

During the discussion, Democratic Councilmember Emily Zambrello said, “That flag was either created or at least became prevalent in direct response to the Black Lives Matter protests. It’s viewed as antagonistic even if you don’t see it that way and I don’t think that’s a good flag to fly, especially not without further discussion.”

Republican Councilmember Brianna Timbro hit back and reminded Zambrello that the Thin Blue Line flag existed long before BLM protests.

The measure failed 5-3 with one abstention.

The council, however, is not opposed to flying flags that not everyone agrees with.  The group already voted to fly a Pride Flag in commemoration of Pride Month.

In making an announcement to those gathered for an event to raise the Pride flag, they were told, “We have great respect for our law enforcement community and I realize the dangerous job they do every day. Out of respect for the tragic death of State Trooper First Class Aaron Pelletier, we won’t be raising the Pride flag today; it is already up on the pole flying at half-staff in honor of his passing.”

In Wethersfield, CT the @CTDems own Emily Zambrello declares that the Thin Blue Line flag will not fly today in honor of Trooper First Class Aaron Pelletier who died in the line of duty last week. Not even for a day. That flag pole is the domain of the pride flag which flew at…

— Tom Shattuck (@tomshattuck) June 5, 2024

She says that in honor of the fallen trooper they won’t be raising the pride flag today, “it’s already up at half staff in honor of his passing,”
What a wretched coward. They snuck the flag up BEFORE the flag raising in order to avoid criticism because they know they are scum.…

— Tom Shattuck (@tomshattuck) June 6, 2024

The decision did not go over well and people shared their disgust on the town’s Facebook page. 

“They approve a sex flag but deny a police flag honoring a murdered Trooper. Shameful and Disgusting.”

“All of those on the town council who voted no to raise the thin blue line flag to show support for the CSP Trooper that was killed should be ashamed. I’m definitely going to remember this when it comes time to vote. Shameful cowards you are. Weak politicians are exactly why the pos who killed him were free to do so in the first place. What an absolute disgrace of a town.”

‘What disgusting behavior! The people who voted to not fly the blue line flag are hopefully voted out of office. When it comes time to vote, remember this.”

Pelletier died last week while performing a traffic stop on a state highway when a vehicle collided with Pelletier, his squad car, and the vehicle he had pulled over.  He sustained fatal injuries from the crash.

He is survived by his wife and two young children.

The driver, who initially fled from the scene, was arrested.

According to the Connecticut State Police, Alex Oyola-Sanchez, age 44, of Hartford, was charged with manslaughter/motor vehicle, among other charges, and is being held on a $5 million bond.

HEARTBREAKING: Watch fallen state trooper Aaron Pelletier’s wife honor her husband. Aaron leaves behind a loving wife and 2 young children who will now grow up without a father.

Democrats led my Emily Zambrello decided to fly the PRIDE FLAG at half staff to honor Aaron. They…

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) June 6, 2024

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Radical Campus Anti-Israel Groups Sued for Being Terror Propagandists-‘Fomenting Hatred’

Scenes of the reinstated Gaza Solidarity Encampment at Columbia University on its fourth day
Photo from Wikimedia Commons, CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication, Date: 21 April 2024, 14:07:15

In a new lawsuit filed in Virginia, American Muslims for Palestine and National Students for Justice in Palestine, both notorious for their anti-Semitic, Hamas-supporting rhetoric, are being accused of acting as the “propaganda division” for Hamas terrorists in the United States.

A report from CBN reveals the dark collaboration aimed at spreading terrorist propaganda on American soil.

Arsen Ostrovsky of the Jerusalem-based International Legal Forum told CBN that American Muslims for Palestine and National Students for Justice in Palestine are essentially serving as the “propaganda division” for Hamas terrorists in the U.S. and that the groups are more than just “advocacy organizations”

Ostrovsky is working alongside the U.S. legal team of Greenberg, Traurig, and the National Jewish Advocacy Group.

The Gateway Pundit has reported on the support these groups receive directly from Hamas leaders. Senior Hamas official Khaled Mashal officially thanked student protesters at American universities for their protests and anti-Israel encampments and for their participation in the “Al-Aqsa Flood” war.

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei also released a letter thanking American college students who staged campus protests against Israel and the United States after the October 7 terrorist attack by Hamas and  praised them for their role as part of an international “Resistance Front.”

Ostrovsky explained, “They are acting and serving in collaboration and coordination with Hamas, essentially as propagandists and collaborators on campus to try and promote the Hamas extremist ideology.”

CBN reports:

According to Ostrovsky, the campus agitators began mobilizing the day after October 7th.

“Hamas issued a call to action. And the very next day, SJP and their affiliates throughout the United States – they answered that call. They answered that directive. They created a toolkit, a manifesto for chapters across the United States, echoing the language, the terminology, the instructions by the Hamas terror group, and propagated that across campuses,” Ostrovsky said.

The lawsuit charges these groups with becoming foot soldiers for Hamas and includes nine plaintiffs, both Americans and Israelis, seeking damages for the harm inflicted. The suit also alleges the groups have committed violations of the U.S. Anti-Terrorism Act.

Among the plaintiffs are victims and survivors of the horrific Nova music festival massacre.

Ostrovsky asserted, “They are the ones fomenting the hatred, the antisemitism, the harassment of Jewish students. We need to shut them down. And we can do that legally by branding them as a terrorist organization, as a collaborator of the Hamas terror group, and making sure once and for all they cannot be active on campus.”

And the battle will not be fought only on the battlefield, but also in courtrooms.

“Today, Israel is being demonized, vilified, and delegitimized, with international law being weaponized against us simply for defending our citizens and trying to rescue our captives,” Ostrovsky continued.

He insisted that accountability is crucial not only for Hamas terrorists but also for those who enable and support their agenda. This fight is a critical step towards curbing the spread of extremist ideology and protecting Jewish students across America.

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Another Failed Dem Policy: NY Gov. Hochul Forced to Place ‘Indefinite Pause’ on New York City ‘Congestion Pricing’

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul

In 2023, The Gateway Pundit reported that the Biden Regime approved the nation’s first ‘congestion pricing’ tolling plan for New York to reduce traffic and help the environment.

“The public transit authority hasn’t determined how much to charge drivers, but has considered fares ranging from $9 to $23 for passenger vehicles and between $12 and $82 for trucks. The scenarios contemplate different combinations of potential discounts, credits, and exemptions,” Politico reported.

New York’s Democrat Governor Kathy Hochul’s spox John Lindsay cheered the approval saying at the time, “Governor Hochul is committed to implementing congestion pricing to reduce traffic, improve air quality, and support our public transit system. We’ve worked closely with partners across government and with community members over the last four years to develop a plan that will achieve these goals.”

But in an economy that has been gutted, destroyed, and ravaged by failed Democrat policies, Hochul was forced to admit she has asked top officials at the Metropolitan Transportation Authority to “pause” the implementation of the plan indefinitely.

On Wednesday Hochul was forced to walk back the plan after concerns “over the impact of the tolls on working people.”

Politico reports:

“Circumstances have changed and we must respond to the facts on the ground and not the rhetoric of five years ago,” she said.

The decision by Hochul leaves a host of unanswered questions, including how the MTA will make up the expected annual $1 billion in revenue. The money would have gone to a larger $15 billion capital plan for public transportation improvements.


Kathy Hochul is the worst Governor in NY history. There were already a million reasons, but now she wants to delay her new congestion tax just to get through the election and then put the screws to voters immediately afterwards. NYers need to stop voting for this crap!

— Lee Zeldin (@LeeMZeldin) June 5, 2024

In an important election year, where President Donald Trump drew over 25,000 to his rally in the Bronx, it seems to be less about Americans suffering and more about pandering to voters.

Hochul is just now realizing that 75% of New Yorkers are vehemently against congestion pricing.

Thing is, if it wasn’t an election year, she wouldn’t care who was opposed. But because some congressional dems might be in trouble, she’s considering a delay to the program — until…

— Councilwoman Vickie Paladino (@VickieforNYC) June 5, 2024

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Chicago Woman Loses Unborn Baby After Teens Attack Her, Kick Her in Stomach and Yell “We Own the Street!”

The Streeterville neighborhood in Chicago, where the latest violence cost a family the life of their unborn child.

A pregnant woman and her husband were out for a simple date night in their Streeterville neighborhood on Chicago’s North Side when they were attacked by a group of teenagers.

The woman, Nina, suffered a miscarriage after the attack, and her husband was held down by the group as they viciously assaulted him.

Nina spoke with FOX 32 and said the teens shouted, “We own the street! You can’t walk around,” during the attack while the teens pepper-sprayed her, kicked her in the stomach, and pulled out a chunk of her hair.

Image: Video screenshot/Photo credit: FOX 32 Chicago

Describing the attack, Nina shared,  “Everything happened from behind us. First, someone approached him and hit him on the head, and then another lady grabbed me by the hair and dragged me to the ground.”

“I started screaming, and she pepper-sprayed me in the face. Another person started stomping on me, while my husband tried to save me but was held back by over ten people.”

“We were just trying to get home to our kid. Leave us alone. Why are you doing this to us?” she begged.

From FOX 32:

Nina said this wasn’t a robbery, and that the teens pepper-sprayed her and kicked her stomach. She was two weeks pregnant and said she found out after the attack that she had lost the baby.

“We believe in faith, and it wasn’t meant to be. So, we don’t know why this happened to us,” Nina said.

Chicago police arrived on the scene and quickly caught a 14-year-old boy and a 17-year-old girl. Both were charged with one count of misdemeanor battery.

“They didn’t steal anything. They say like, ‘we own the street. We own the street. You can’t walk around.’ I was wearing like a nice dress and heels. Like I was out on the date with my husband, and they dragged my dress on the ground, and they said, like, ‘we own the street. You can’t just walk around prancing in your little dress.’ And they were saying things that just didn’t make any sense to me because they don’t know me personally,” Nina said.

An investigation is pending per the Chicago Police Department.


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WHO’s Tedros Declares ‘It’s Time to be More Aggressive in Pushing Back on Anti-Vaxxers’ – In Same Week that Media Reports Connection to Excess Deaths and the Jab

Director-General of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

During a talk titled “Celebrating 50 Years of Immunization Progress,” the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, made it clear that no debate is allowed when it comes to vaccines.

Ghebreyesus told the audience, “You know the serious challenge that’s posed by anti-vaxxers, and I think we need to strategize to really push back.”

He continued, “I think it’s time to be more aggressive in pushing back on anti-vaxxers. I think they used COVID as an opportunity, and you know all the havoc they are creating.”

Don’t forget that Dr. Tedros has a long history of openly lying to the global community.

The Gateway Pundit recorded several outrageous and dangerous lies spread by Dr. Tedros during the pandemic. How dare he accuse ANYONE else of “misinformation” when he is the king of misinformation!

Back in January 2020, the WHO and its General Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said the coronavirus was nothing to worry about.

The WHO said there was no evidence of human-to-human transmission.

This was a lie. They knew then it was a lie:

Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China.

— World Health Organization (WHO) (@WHO) January 14, 2020

But soon after this, Dr. Tedros and the WHO went from the coronavirus being no big deal to projecting massive death from the coronavirus.

The Gateway Pundit first reported on March 17, 2020, on the controversial Ethiopian politician and Director General of the WHO, Dr. Tedros, and his irresponsible and criminal fear-mongering. Tedros claimed in a press conference in early March 2020 that the mortality rate for the coronavirus was 3.4% — many multiples that of the fatality rate of the common flu which is estimated to be around 0.1%.

This egregiously false premise led to the greatest global panic in world history.

The Gateway Pundit reported, that the coronavirus fatality rate reported by the liberal mainstream media was completely inaccurate and the actual rate was more like a typical seasonal flu and less than 1.0%  – the media was lying again. In July 2020 our numbers were confirmed.   The CDC stated that at minimum 20 million Americans have had the coronavirus that have not been tested resulting in the coronavirus mortality rates similar to the flu.

The WHO and Ghebreyesusto attack those who have legitimate concerns about vaccinations, and they have ignored data on the dangers of the COVID-19 vaccines.

Research by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) suggests toddlers and young children are at a “significantly elevated” risk of seizure after taking the COVID-19 vaccine.

A comprehensive review by an international consortium of scientists has raised serious concerns about the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines’ safety profile.

The review, “N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ): Friend or foe of cancer?” published on Science Direct, delves into the potential implications of a vaccine ingredient—N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ)—that may play a role in immune suppression and cancer proliferation.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that a recent report published by the American Cancer Society predicted that new cancer cases are expected to reach a new high in 2024.

The Gateway Pundit also reported the case of Dr. Michael Goldman, a Belgian pro-COVID vaccine doctor and a professor at the Free University of Brussels, Belgium, specializing in internal medicine and immunology, where he suggested that the mRNA vaccine might worsen lymphoma cancer.

Vaccine pusher Dr. Deborah Birx, the former White House coronavirus response coordinator who destroyed the country along with Dr. Anthony Fauci, suggests that thousands of Americans could be suffering from vaccine-related injuries due to the experimental COVID-19 shots.

Dr. Robert Redfield, the former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), came forward with serious allegations against health agencies, claiming they suppressed information about significant side effects of COVID-19 vaccines in younger populations.

Dr. Angus Dalgleish, a renowned oncologist practicing in the UK, recently wrote an open letter to the editor-in-chief of the medical journal The BMJ, urging the journal to “make valid informed consent for COVID vaccination a priority topic” because cancers and other diseases are rapidly progressing among “boosted” people.

During a massive protest in Japan against the WHO, Kazuhiro Haraguchi, Japan’s former interior minister, apologized for the many deaths and injuries among the vaccinated population.

Haraguchi recently said publically to those gathered, “You were right, vaccines are killing millions of our loved ones. As a member of the Japanese legislature, I would like to apologize to all of you, to each and every one of you. So many people died. This shouldn’t have happened.”


World’s Biggest Protest against the WHO starts in Japan with Former Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications and current House of Representative Kazuhiro Haraguchi kicking it off!

“As a member of the National Diet(national legislature of…

— aussie17 (@_aussie17) May 31, 2024

And just this week The Telegraph reported the link between excess deaths and the COVID jab.

BREAKING: UK’s Telegraph Comes Clean – Front Page Headline Reads “Covid Jabs May Be to Blame for Increase in Excess Deaths”

Instead of addressing concerns, however, Ghebreyesus and the WHO focus on smearing and silencing dissent.

Watch (comments on 'anti-vaxxers' begins at 9:15)

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Dr. Phil on the Weapanization of the Goverment Against President Trump “If You Let Your Hatred for Donald Trump Compromise Your Ability to Find True North  on Your Moral Compass, Shame on You” (Video)

Dr. Phil McGraw

On Thursday, June 6, “Dr. Phil Primetime” will air a special two-hour event featuring President Donald Trump.

The first hour will be a one-on-one candid interview between Dr. Phil McGraw and President Trump from Mar-a-Lago.  

Following the interview, Dr. Phil will host a live town hall with his Dallas studio audience to discuss the interview, the recent trial, and the broader implications for America’s future.

Monday night’s show focused on how this conviction is a judicial travesty. Closing the episode, McGraw discussed his concerns about the weaponization of the government against President Trump and other political rivals of the current regime and the potentially catastrophic implications it has for democracy.

“I wanted to share my final thoughts about this.”

“This weaponization of our great institutions, the FBI, Justice Department, and individual states’ similar institutions, will lead to one of two outcomes. One is more of the same from the other side, tit for tat.  That may seem deserved, but that is not the right way forward for America. The other is what I call on you to demand from your politicians today. An end to this craziness in order to save the soul and sanity of our country.”

“The Pope has actually given us the right approach in his new book when he says, ‘We are all brothers and sisters, and there must be no resentment among us. For any war to truly end, forgiveness is necessary.’ That is true of any war, including our current cultural war. We need our Justice Department to return to the business of meting out justice and not running the political agendas of those currently in power, blindly seeking convictions, warranted or otherwise, and attacking political opponents.”

“That requires a very few important things from each of you, from all of us.  Finding your voice, forgiveness, and focus on the way forward.  ‘Forgive them, for they know not what they do.’ Forgiveness, and at the same time requiring better.”

“We are not some Banana Republic for God’s sake.”


“I don’t like what I see happening in our country.”

“I don’t like seeing the weaponization of our justice system, agencies, and powerful government actions, that frankly just make my skin crawl, for all of us and for my grandchildren.  And let’s be honest, this is so not just about Trump.”

“If you let your hatred for Donald Trump compromise your ability to find true North on your moral compass, shame on you.”


I don’t advocate voting for one candidate over another.

I stay in my lane, addressing human behavior collectively and culturally, focusing on how we can have maximum control in our lives and turn this ship of state called America in the right direction, getting her back on…

— Dr. Phil (@DrPhil) June 4, 2024

The post Dr. Phil on the Weapanization of the Goverment Against President Trump “If You Let Your Hatred for Donald Trump Compromise Your Ability to Find True North  on Your Moral Compass, Shame on You” (Video) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Founding Member of The Black Panther Party Supports Donald Trump “He’s Always Been a Friend of Black People”

David Hillard, a founding member of The Black Panther Party, endorses Donald Trump/Video screenshot @carol.mitchell27/TikTok

David Hilliard, one of the founding members of the Black Panther Party, went live on TikTok to support President Donald Trump.

TikTok user Carol Mitchell posted an interview with Hilliard in which he discussed Trump’s decades-long support of the Black community.

Carol Mitchell: Welcome to the Random Site. I want you to meet someone who knew Donald Trump, and he’s going to tell you about Donald Trump in his own words.

David Hilliard: My name is David Hilliard, founder member of the Black Panther Party. I knew Trump when Trump was a college student in New York, and he supported the Black Panther Party. That’s how I know Trump.

Carol Mitchell: What person do you think Donald Trump is?

David Hilliard: Trump is a person who’s a decent man, and he supported the Black Panther Party. That’s what I just mentioned to you. He was someone who gave us money, and Trump was a decent guy.

Trump’s a friend to African-Americans. I knew Trump from the 1960s in New York, where he comes from, and he’s a friend to African-Americans.

Carol Mitchell: Now, when you say a friend to African-American, what do you mean by friend to African-American?

David Hilliard: I mean, he’s not a racist. He’s not a racist, fascist White man. He supported Black people.

He owned every brownstone in a place called Harlem, New York.

Carol Mitchell: Oh, wow. Okay. Now, do you remember the time that Trump supported Jesse Jackson?

David Hilliard: No, but I remember when he supported the Black Panther Party.

Carol Mitchell: Wow. That’s incredible. And how did he support the Black Panther Party?

David Hilliard: With his money.

Carol Mitchell: Whoa, for real? My goodness.

David Hilliard: He gave us money.

Carol Mitchell: So in your opinion, Trump has always been now that he has these 34 counts as being a felon, Trump has always been part of the Black community or familiarized, at least, with the Black community.

David Hilliard: That’s exactly right. Trump was a friend to people of African-American descent, and he owned all of Harlem.

Carol Mitchell: Wow, that’s amazing. In your opinion, sir, your valued opinion, why do you think they put all these charges on Trump and they’re afraid of him to be President?

David Hilliard: Because Trump likes Africans in America. He likes Black folks. That’s one. I think that Trump is qualified in a very decent approach to having somebody representing America.

Carol Mitchell: Yeah, I agree with you. I think Trump would be able to get us off this government thing and get us to making our own money because he knows how to make money. He knows how to lose money. And so he would be the perfect person to help us get our own again, right?

David Hilliard: And Trump’s a friend of African-Americans. He’s always been a friend of Black people. That’s how I know Okay.

Carol Mitchell: Well, thank you so much. And what is your name, sir?

David Hilliard: My name is David Hilliard, founding member of the Black Panther Party.

Carol Mitchell: Oh, my God. Well, that’s amazing. You’re a well-known figure in the Bay Area. So we thank you for taking a moment out of your value time to give us an interview for the Random site. Thank you, sir.

David Hilliard: All power to the people.

Carol Mitchell: Okay. You’ve heard it straight from David Hilliard’s mouth, the founding member of the Black Panther Party, supporting Donald Trump. Thank you very much. This has been your host, Carol D. Mitchell on the Random Site.

Will Joe Biden tell Hilliard ‘You ain’t Black?’

Watch here on TikTok:

@carol.mitchell27 #davidhilliard #blackpanthers #donaldtrump #trump2024 #patriots #breakingnews #specialreport #fyp #votetrump ♬ original sound – Carol D. Mitchell

Or on X here:

David Hilliard, founding member of the Black Panther Party supports Donald Trump!✊

— Karen (@Karen6807) June 3, 2024

The Gateway Pundit reported last week that Rasmussen Reports revealed initial results of a recent poll (yet to be published) showing President Trump leading Joe Biden among Black voters.

Pollster Frank Luntz recently warned CNN about the movement of minority voters to President Trump.

CNN data analyst Harry Enten seemed stunned by the news, “My goodness gracious,” he said as he reacted to the polling average, which showed Trump’s support among Black voters more than doubled to 22% compared to 2020.

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Watchdog Group Accuses U.N. Human Rights Council’s Special Rapporteur of Taking Payments from Activist Groups

U.N. envoy Francesca Albanese speaks at a U.N. Human Rights Council press conference, July 2023. Source: U.N. Human Rights Council/YouTube.

On Thursday, the watchdog group U.N. Watch accused the Human Rights Council’s special rapporteur on the Palestinian territories, Francesca Albanese, of  “gross violations of U.N. rules and professional ethics.”

Albanese is in charge of investigating “Israel’s violations of the bases and principles of international law”

According to the legal complaint filed to U.N. Secretary General António Guterres and High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türkwith, Albanese allegedly accepted honorariums and payments from activist and advocacy groups in violation of the U.N. code of conduct.

The role of special rapporteur is a volunteer position technically independent of the United Nations. Expenses are to be paid for out of a designated budget and acceptance of payments, including those for travel and honorariums, from “any governmental or non-governmental source” for “activities carried out in pursuit” of the special rapporteur’s mandate is strictly prohibited.

Albanese also has a history of antisemitic, anti-Israel comments.

She has claimed that Israel has no right of self-defense after the Hamas terrorists on October 7.

She claims “self-defense” has a “narrow meaning under Article 51 of the U.S. charter” and that it does not give the Jewish state the right to defend itself against Hamas terrorists who invaded their land and slaughtered 1,400 civilians, kidnapped others, including babies, and used rape as a tool of war.

A report at the Washington Free Beacon explains Albanese believes the definition requires the threat to come from “another state,” and since she claims Hamas comes from an “occupied territory,” Israel’s defense of its own citizens is a crime.

She also denied that the terrorist group’s hatred of Jews was behind the attack.

The U.N. Watch complaint alleges that Albanese violated the UN code of conduct by illegally requesting payments for work done in her official capacity and argues that she circumvented the prohibition on accepting remuneration by directing honorariums to be paid to her research assistant.

Correspondence cited by UN Watch in the complaint shows Albanese’s assistant, Sara Troian, requesting payment for a lecture on Albanese’s behalf.

Hillel Neuer, Executive Director of UN Watch, said, “Francesca Albanese’s unethical financial practices are a gross violation of UN rules. The United Nations should take immediate action to investigate these allegations and hold her accountable.”

The complaint also includes communications from one of Albanese’s volunteer assistants requesting that an offered honorarium be directed to an unnamed research institute that supports the work of Albanese’s office.

Further, the complaint alleges that a Palestinian lobby group sponsored Albanese’s November 2023 trip to Australia, with a cost in excess of $20,000. Travel for special rapporteurs, according to U.N. Watch, is supposed to be paid for by the United Nations. Accepting sponsorship from lobby groups is prohibited.

Jewish News Syndicate reports:

The U.N. Watch complaint demands an investigation into the alleged violations, including responses and documentation from the United Nations regarding the sources of funding for Albanese’s travel as part of her mandate and a copy of any notes detailing any meetings Albanese and her office had during the visit to Australia and New Zealand.

The complaint notes that the trip does not appear in mandated U.N. disclosure forms, indicating that the United Nations did not pay for the travel costs.

“The disgraceful support for terrorism and promotion of antisemitism” by Albanese “casts a shadow upon the reputation of the United Nations as whole,” the complaint states. “This is now compounded by serious financial improprieties.”

The NGO urged the United Nations to “demonstrate its commitment to openness and transparency by responding forthwith to our requests concerning the grave matters outlined above.”

You can read the full complaint below.

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The People’s President: Huge Crowd Greets President Trump As He Returns Late Last Night to Mar-a-Lago

Just days after an unconstitutional guilty verdict in his Manhattan “hush money” trial, President Trump returned to Mar-a-Lago late last night to a hero’s welcome.

Dan Scavino shared video of the welcome on X, “Huge crowd for President Trump late last night as he returned to Mar-a-Lago. The Donald truly is the people’s President.”

Happening Now: President Trump returning home, to Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida. #TRUMP2024

— Dan Scavino Jr. (@DanScavino) June 3, 2024

Despite the left’s efforts to destroy him, Trump’s supporters are only becoming more vocal and more supportive.

When he appeared at UFC 302 in Newark, NJ, just two days after the verdict, the crowd unleashed a powerful message of discontent with the current administration and support for President Trump as the rousing applause and standing ovation were punctuated by chants of “F—k Joe Biden” and “We Want Trump.”

In the days after the verdict, the Trump campaign raised over $70 million primarily from small donors and, when adding large donations such as Shaun Maguire of Sequoia Capitol Partner, who made a $300,000 donation, the campaign has raised over $200 million.

NEW: Eric Trump reveals that the Trump campaign has raised $200 million since he was convicted in New York City.

“In terms of small dollar, we’re well over $70 million… If you add the large dollar donations to it, you’re over 200 million.”

For comparison, in the last 6 months…

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) June 2, 2024

Supporters also made their support clear when Trump announced he was joining TikTok. Within a few hours, he gained over two million followers, and he now has over four million.

That stands in sharp contrast to the Biden campaign, which has already been on the platform for months and still has less than 350,000 followers.

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Warning: Chicago Watchdog Groups Says City is Unprepared for Protestors Ahead of DNC

2016 DNC

On Thursday, Chicago’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) released a report warning that the city and the Chicago Police Department (CPD) are unprepared for the protestors who will descend on the city for the Democratic National Convention in August.

Chicago is hoping to avoid the bad optics of the 1968 DNC convention that saw then-Mayor Richard J. Daley ring the convention site with barbed wire and ultimately call in the National Guard to quell the violence.

Who had 1968 on their DNC bingo card this year?

The DNC Is Preparing for the Worst in Chicago — Without the Help of the City’s Mayor – POLITICO

— CalRadioHost (@cal_host) May 10, 2024

Chicago is already facing a crisis with a major shortage of police officers.

At a public forum with the Commission for Public Safety and Accountability last week, Chicago Police Supt. Larry Snelling said, “What we’re doing right now is making the best with the number of officers that we have.”

Snelling added, “We are down. We’re down close to 2,000 officers.”

The OIG’s latest was a response to the recent “Chicago Police Department’s Preparedness for Mass Gatherings,” which was a critical review of the department’s botched response to the George Floyd protests and riots in 2020.

The new report warns that while there have been some improvements since 2020, major concerns remain.

Concerns following the 2020 violent riots suggest the CPD was “under-equipped and unprepared to respond to the scale of the protests and unrest in the downtown area.”

Further, OIG identified “failures within intelligence assessment, major event planning, field communication and operation, administrative systems, and, most significantly, from CPD’s senior leadership.”

OIG’s February 2021 report presented the following findings on specific CPD operational failures and shortcomings in response to the protests and unrest:

  1. Breakdowns in the mass arrest process resulted in CPD’s failure to arrest some offenders, the release of some arrestees without charges, and risks to officer and arrestee safety.
  2. During the events at issue, CPD did not fulfill its force reporting obligations and did not provide clear and consistent guidance to officers on reporting obligations.
  3. CPD’s operational response to the protests and unrest and gaps in its relevant policies crippled accountability processes from the start.

Further, “The Department identified the lack of planning documents, a shortage of necessary equipment, and inadequate notice of the cancellation of days off as areas for improvement. The Department committed to creating: plans that classify responses at different severity levels and protect retail corridors, revised Emergency Mobilization Plans, and associated practice exercises to ensure their smooth execution.”

The new report warns that new police crowd control tactics, however,  could cause “escalating tensions” and constitutional violations against lawful demonstrators.

The Chicago Tribune reports:

The report says some of the city’s training materials related to crowd responses rely on old theories from the 1960s and 1990s that assume crowds have a tendency to affect individuals negatively and can lead to conflictual or criminal behavior. That belief — along with an assumption that bad actors are present — can risk “inducing or escalating” CPD’s response, the report said. More updated theories caution that police response can trigger people in the crowd to act more resistant and disorderly.

CPD’s guidance also “continues to permit the use of OC spray on passive resistors in a mass gathering setting,” she said, while other departments, like Philadelphia, “have very explicit guidance” that pepper spray “shall not be used” in a First Amendment gathering against “passive resistors.”

Department policy also lacks specifics about when the department can use corralling tactics sometimes known as kettling, Witzburg said. “Neither do they say that they are prohibited, nor do they offer guidance on when they might be permitted,” she said.

Radical pro-Hamas protestors have already promised to disrupt the gathering.

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Sick: Masked Protestors Hold ‘Kill Hostages Now’ and ‘They’re Not Coming Home’ Messages at Solemn NYC Israel Day Parade As Families of Captives March

Image: @ParmisLJavan/X

Today’s Israel Day Parade in New York City was marred by hate-filled and hate-fueled pro-Hamas protestors, including one man who carried a sign reading “Kill Hostages Now.”

The protestor covered his face in a black mask and wore a Palestinian flag as a cape.

The man taunted marchers, which included family members of hostages kidnapped by Hamas terrorists.

Another protestor, also conveniently covering her face so as not to be recognized for her vile behavior, held up her phone with the message, “They’re not coming home,” spelled out.

“They” include the Bibas family and their two young sons. In February, the Israeli military shared a video of Hamas monsters kidnapping Yarden Bibas and his wife Shiri along with their two red-haired babies, Ariel and Kfir.

Kfir turned one in captivity in January.

The Bibas family, including their two babies, were kidnapped by Hamas terrorists.

Pure evil.

Imagine being so very evil as to hold a sign that reads “kill hostages now”

This is New York City

— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) June 2, 2024

At what point will you all realize this isn’t a game?

These people want Jews dead.

@ParmisLJavan & @VividProwess

— Tamar Schwarzbard (@TSchwarzbard) June 2, 2024

While it is unclear exactly how many hostages remain in the hands of the barbaric monsters, Israeli officials believe 128 hostages taken in the October 7 attacks remain in Gaza and that at least 34 of them are dead.

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Oxford University: Myocarditis and Pericarditis Only Appear After COVID Vaccination, Not After COVID Infection

Researchers at Oxford University evaluated over one million English children aged 5 to 11 and adolescents aged 12 to 15 for incidents of myocarditis and pericarditis in relation to the COVID-19 infection and the COVID-19 vaccine.

According to the preprint, myocarditis and pericarditis only occur after vaccination and not after COVID-19 infection.

“Whilst rare, all myocarditis and pericarditis events during the study period occurred in vaccinated individuals,” the authors wrote.

The Epoch Times reports:

The study analyzed data from the National Health Service (NHS) England’s OpenSAFELY-TPP database, which covers 40 percent of English primary care practices.

Vaccinated adolescents and children were matched to unvaccinated cohorts and followed for 20 weeks to compare positive COVID-19 tests, hospitalizations, COVID-19 critical care, adverse events, and non-COVID hospitalizations.

England’s data showed that myocarditis and pericarditis were only documented in the vaccinated. These results contradict data from other studies that showed a higher incidence of myocarditis after COVID-19 infection.


Except for three pericarditis cases, all other cases occurred after the first vaccine dose. More than half of the adolescents with pericarditis and myocarditis were hospitalized or went to the emergency room. It is unknown how many adolescents needed critical care, though the maximum length of stay for myocarditis treatment was one day.

Cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, who was not involved in the study, told The Epoch Times that the study is one of many demonstrating that COVID-19 vaccination is not medically necessary for children, given the less than 1 percent rate of infection, and that excessive testing for COVID-19 is a waste of resources.

PFIZER KNEW about myocarditis & pericarditis but they didn’t even know how it was caused while maintaining it was “safe & effective.”

Watch them squirm as they fail to explain the mechanism of the damaging biochemical pathway to the heart.

— Kat Kanada (@KatKanada_TM) May 26, 2024

Well, most of the population was vaccinated.
Myocarditis and pericarditis are rare: I had only seen one case in 22 years until vaccination, and then I saw 5 serious cases very quickly.
It is not statistically unexpected that none of the heart problems occurred in the…

— Dr Julian Fidge BPharm, MBBS, FRACGP, MMed (Pain (@JulianFidge) June 2, 2024

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Judicial Watch Receives Records Detailing U.S. Air Force Drag Events Paid for By Taxpayers

According to a FOIA request, The Air Force paid drag queen “Miss Lexi Andrews” for several events. Image: Lexi Andrews/Facebook

In May of 2023, Judicial Watch and CatholicVote filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request submitted to the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) regarding records of drag shows, drag story hours, and other pride events for military personnel and their dependent minors organized and paid for by the U.S. Air Force.

According to Judicial Watch, the DOD issued multiple “no records” responses to the FOIA before finally providing  25 pages of records.

Judicial Watch and Catholic Vote requested:

All emails and text messages sent to and from the Secretary of Defense, Lloyd J. Austin, III, the Deputy Secretary of Defense, Kathleen Hicks and the members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff regarding drag shows and drag story hours on U.S. military installations…

All Department of Defense documentation, including but not limited to PowerPoints, flyers, handouts, that were or are being used to promote any drag shows and drag story hours on U.S. military installations…

The documents include a June 10, 2021, social media post by the Ramstein & Vogelweh Air Force Libraries advertising a Drag Queen Story Time, a seven-week  “Drag Queen Storytime” summer reading program, Drag Queen Karaoke events, various other Pride events promoted by the U.S. Air Force.

The Air Force also paid for bingo and party events attended by drag queen “Miss Lexi Andrews,”  according to a $400 invoice that was included in the documents obtained in the FOIA.

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton stated, “How on Earth is it appropriate to spend our limited defense dollars on promoting these sexually themed events for children and adults rather than on advancing the military’s mission. As we see in these troubling Air Force records, our nation’s military is being ruined by woke ideology.”

“The Department of Defense has once again proven that radical leftist ideology is more important than military preparedness and protecting Americans from tangible threats at home and abroad,” said Tim Huelskamp, Ph.D., CatholicVote Senior Advisor. “After an entire year of stonewalling, the DOD finally returned materials from just one command in one branch, which confirmed what we feared – that taxpayer funds were being used to promote drag shows and radical gender ideology on military bases, with full approval from Air Force leadership.”

Read the full report here.

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Jesse Watters: “There is Something Very Fishy About How Judge Merchan Came to Preside Over This Case”

Just before the jury returned a guilty verdict in corrupt Judge Juan Merchan’s kangaroo court, without even specifying what crime President Trump committed, Fox News host Jesse Watters highlighted serious concerns about communist New York Judge Juan Merchan.

The Gateway Pundit reported that GOP Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (R-NY) filed a misconduct complaint with the New York State Unified Court System related to the “random” assignment of far-left radical and conflicted Judge Juan Merchan to Trump’s NYC ‘hush money’ trial.

Stefanik announced, “I just filed an official misconduct complaint with the New York State Unified Court System related to the “random” assignment of Acting Manhattan Justice Juan Merchan, a Biden donor whose daughter is fundraising millions off his unprecedented work, to criminal cases against President Donald J. Trump, his companies, and his allies.”

Stefanik is not the only one raising questions about the “random” assignment of crooked Judge Juan Merchan as the judge to oversee the Trump Bragg case.

Trump attorney Alina Habba also raised concerns that Merchan was also “randomly” chosen to oversee the Steve Bannon case, the Allen Weisselberg case and now the President Donald Trump case.
Watters discussed how fishy the appointment was.

Watters: There’s something very fishy about how Judge Mershon came to preside over this case. There are 24 sitting judges who were supposed to be randomly selected from to take this case.

Judge Merchan wasn’t even on the list of judges.

He’s an acting judge.

And he’s not just a Biden donor. Judge Merchan donated to the Progressive Turnout Project and to an organization called Stop Trump, and he never recused himself.

Judge Merchan was allegedly randomly selected for the Trump Hush Money case, the Trump Organization Fraud case, and for the Steve Bannon case.

This is almost statistically impossible that an acting judge, not within the pool of sitting judges, who happens to be a stopped Trump donor, is randomly selected to all three of these Trump cases within the same year. It’s probably another conspiracy theory.

Just like the resistance left, fell in love with Fauci, Mueller, and Avenadi, they now have a man crush on Merchan.

MSNBC Clip: With respect to Judge Merchan,I felt like a man crush on him. He is, he’s such a great judge that it’s hard to see that the jurors wouldn’t have the same impression. You just keep on thinking, if you looked in a dictionary for judicial temperament, that’s what you get.

Watters: Judicial temperament? He kicked everybody out of a courtroom so he could yell at a defense witness who rolled his eyes and then threatened to throw the former President of the United States in jail for talking.

The judge is throwing a tantrum inside the courthouse, and the sitting President sends actors to throw tantrums outside the courthouse. He let a porn star suggest she was sexually assaulted and then told the jury, Oops, pretend you didn’t hear that. And then let Michael Cohen sell the jury anti-Trump T-shirts from the witness stand. No one knows what the heck is going on.

President Trump: The confusion is, nobody knows what the crime is because there’s no crime. Nobody knows what the crime is. The DA didn’t name the crime. They don’t know what the crime is. That’s what the problem is. It’s a disgrace, this thing, were to be ended immediately. The judge ought to end it and save his reputation.

Watters: The defendant has a constitutional right to know the crime he’s being charged with. You can’t tell him on the last day, and you can’t tell the jury the crime on the last day either.

And if the judge, witnesses, and the crowd can’t control their emotions, how can we expect the jury to put their emotions aside and use reason to decide this case?


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Marxist Tyrant NY AG Letitia James Loses Bid to Move Pregnancy Help Centers Lawsuit to Manhattan

The Gateway Pundit reported that Marxist tyrant New York AG Letitia James recently notified pro-life pregnancy centers in the state of possible lawsuits over allegedly misleading statements about ‘abortion pill reversal’ (APR) protocols.

On April 22, James’ office sent “Notice of Intention to Sue” threat letters to at least a dozen pregnancy help organizations that offer or share information about the APR protocol. The centers were given just five days to respond.

A collective of pregnancy help organizations are now suing the AG to block the threatened prosecutions.

Several pro-life pregnancy help organizations, represented by Thomas More Society, filed suit against the AG to block the threatened prosecutions.

Thomas More Society attorneys are requesting court intervention against the Attorney General’s threatened legal action, to safeguard the constitutional rights of Heartbeat International and the collective of pregnancy help organizations—many of which are part of Heartbeat International’s Abortion Pill Rescue® Network, or otherwise provide information about APR. At its core, James’ threatened litigation seeks to illegally silence Heartbeat International and its network member organizations from sharing their science-based, life-affirming message about the benefits, success, effectiveness, and safety of APR.

On May 24, 2024, James’s effort to relocate the lawsuit against her from its Rochester venue to New York County Court in Manhattan, where the atmosphere is more likely tto be friendly to her Marxist ways, was rejected by New York Supreme Court Justice Sam Valleriani.

Valleriani issued the consolidation order on May 24, 2024, to combine a lawsuit brought by James against pregnancy help organizations in Manhattan, New York, with the previously filed case brought by the organizations in Rochester’s Monroe County Court.

Peter Breen, Thomas More Society executive vice president and head of litigation said,  “For the past month, Letitia James has tried to illegally frighten and harass New York’s pregnancy help organizations into silence, threatening them with lawsuits if they keep speaking their truthful message about Abortion Pill Reversal. We brought suit in Rochester, near to where most of the organizations are headquartered and work.”

Breen continued, “Instead of agreeing to a convenient venue, James then sued these charitable organizations in Manhattan, despite the fact that not a single one of the organizations is located there. We are pleased that the court in Monroe County agreed that the cases should be consolidated together and heard in Rochester, the ‘most fair, appropriate and logistically convenient venue,’ and not in Manhattan, which has no connection to the case.”

“We look forward to defending Heartbeat International, CompassCare, and all of New York’s pregnancy help organizations targeted by James’ unconstitutional witch-hunt. New Yorkers deserve to know that Abortion Pill Reversal is not just possible but safe and effective, and our clients have the right to share that truth with women who are undergoing a chemical abortion that they do not want to continue.” 

You can read the Decision on Motion to Consolidate, dated May 21, 2024, by Justice SamL. Valleriani of the Supreme Court of the State of New York – Monroe County, here.

You can read the Verified Complaint in Heartbeat International et al. v. Letitia James, filed by Thomas More Society here.

Read a representative “Notice of Intention to Sue” sent from the AG’s office here. 

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Just Words… Speaker Johnson: “House Republicans Are Investigating Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg and Special Counsel Jack Smith for Targeting Political Opponents”

House Speaker Mike Johnson on Fox News Sunday

House Speaker Mike Johnson joined Fox Sunday to discuss House Republicans’ plans to investigate Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg and Special Counsel Jack Smith for targeting political opponents.

It sounds like just more words from Speaker Johnson. We want to see action!

Shannon Bream: Now, I want to ask you about the verdict. Clearly, you think it’s a travesty, as many people do. And I think having watched the trial, there are many grounds, fertile territory for the Trump team to use on appeal, but that’s going to take time. In the meantime, there are a number of Republicans out there saying, You guys need to turn around and do this same thing. John, you’re writing this. Republicans have to bring charges against Democratic officers, even presidents. Only retaliation in kind can produce the deterrence necessary to enforce a political version of mutual assured destruction. The other side, Peggy Newton, writing about how high the temperature is, says this, We have to ease up. We have to stop enjoying our hate so much. We can’t go on indefinitely like this. Are you worried that Republicans will be perceived as doing the very thing you’re accusing Democrats of, of using the legal system for political purposes? If you follow John Hughes’ advice.

Speaker Johnson: Here’s what I believe, Shannon. Listen, we are the rule of law party. Chaos is not a conservative value, and we have to fight back, and we will, with everything in our arsenal. But we do that within the confines of the rule of law. We believe in our institutions. We are Conservatives, and we are trying to conserve the greatest country in the history of the world, and its institutions are an important part of that. Our system of justice is an important part of that.

So what we’ll do with our tools that we have in Congress, in the House, is we’ll use our oversight responsibility. We’ve already done that. You saw our Judiciary Chairman, Jim Jordan, issue requests for Alvin Bragg, the DA in Manhattan, and for the lead prosecutor, Colangelo, to show up for a hearing on June 13th in our Select Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government because that’s what they’ve done.

And the purpose of the hearing is to investigate what these prosecutors are doing at the state and federal level to use politics, political retribution in the court system to go after political opponents of federal officials like Donald Trump.

That’s a really important thing for us to delve into.

And we’re going to look at special counsel Jack Smith, who we believe is abusing his authority as well. We have the funding streams, we have mechanisms to try to get control of that. We’ll be doing that within the confines of our jurisdiction. I think that can have the desired effect and show the American people we’re not going to tolerate this.

Shannon, at the end of the day, people are losing their faith in our system of justice itself, and that’s a serious threat.

Shannon Bream: Okay, we’re almost out of time, but I want to quickly ask you about something that may need clarification. You said on Friday, you think the Supreme Court should step in. You said, I think that the justice is on the court. I know many of them personally. I think they’re deeply concerned. Now, one of your critics out there, somebody who covers the court with me, part of the Supreme Court press corps, Mark Joseph Stern, wrote this. He It’s fascinating to hear the GOP speaker of the House admit to having private conversations with multiple justices who express concern to him about Trump’s conviction. I’m sure those justices were recused from any eventual appeal to avoid sitting on a case they’ve prejudged. I didn’t take your comments to mean that specific conversation, but I want to give you a chance to clarify.

Speaker Johnson: No, thank you. Of course, I haven’t had conversations with the justices. I just know their character, their personality. I know what they’ve said in the past. They are deeply concerned, as we are, about maintaining our system of justice.

If you walk into the Supreme Court building, Shannon, you and I know chiseled on the marble above the front door is equal justice under law. They are concerned about maintaining that idea. We all are because it’s a necessary ingredient to keep a Constitutional Republic.

That’s what I was referring to. I think they’re concerned about using courtrooms for politics and political retribution. We all are. We all should be. Every American. That’s what I was referring to. I think in their heart of hearts, they’re concerned about it just like we are.


House Republicans are investigating Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg and Special Counsel Jack Smith for targeting political opponents.

The American people deserve answers, and we will not tolerate this two-tiered system of justice.

— Speaker Mike Johnson (@SpeakerJohnson) June 2, 2024

You can watch the full interview below:

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Kevin O’Leary to Voters: “Protect the Brand of America”

Kevin O’Leary on Fox & Friends Weekends

‘Shark Tank’ star and famed investor Kevin O’Leary joined Fox News & Friends Weekend and urged Americans headed to the polls in November to “protect the brand of America.”

Kevin O’Leary: Well, first of all, you can’t have a robust economy without energy. It’s the core. Energy security and independence is a very good mandate. There’s no question about it. The debate we have, raging in the country is what energy?

So, if you go back just a few months to the climate meeting that happened in Dubai, I attended that meeting. It’s the first time the world finally said, ‘Okay, there’s no such thing as transition out of oil, there’s only diversification to other energy sources.’ So probably for the next 200 years, we’re going to need oil, maybe longer. We have it in the United States. We could be 18 to 21 million barrels a day if we wanted to.

You heard Trump mention Anwar, and let me tell you why that’s very interesting. Anwar is a remarkable asset. It’s in Alaska. Not only would it provide a tremendous amount of oil, but think about this. Back in 1978, what Norway did is they said, ‘We’ve discovered a ton of oil offshore. We’re going to charge a small royalty off every barrel in perpetuity and put it against national debt.’

We have a big debt in this country. Anwar could solve a portion of that problem in a big way. Because if you open it up and you say, ‘Look, we’re going to charge a 6% or 7% royalty on every barrel,’ but it has to be by law, this is the key, because you know how politicians like to take cash. It has to be put against the national debt.

I think that mandate would get a lot of people saying, ‘Why don’t we do that to solve this debt problem, at the same time making ourselves energy independent?’ That is how you sell it, because I understand the whole raging debate about green and climate and everything, but this is America we’re talking about. We need energy. We have to have it.

Rachel Campos Duffy: I think it’s a super clever plan. It’s the kind of plan I could see Donald Trump saying, ‘We’re going to do this.’ I read your article in the Daily Mail. It was fantastic because I think you nailed the problem economically for America because of the verdict. You said, ‘Banana Republics are bad for business’ and you talked about the American brand being dragged through the mud and the reputation we’re getting internationally. Explain to our viewers how that affects business.

Kevin O’Leary: So I was over in London fundraising. As you know, I’m trying to buy TikTok. Just trying to get my ducks in order for this deal, it’ll probably happen in January, February. It was at the same time that the testimony, the porn star stuff was coming. Talking about salacious sex and condoms and all this stuff, no one understood what that had to do with campaign financing. But why was it happening?

It really dominated the conversation, institutional meetings, asking me ‘What is this? Is that really America?’ Because G20 countries, G7 countries, you usually do not do this to former leadership because you’re protecting the sovereign brand, the mother egg of the United States of America, the White House, regardless who’s in it, it doesn’t matter. Any president, you really have to raise the bar. Maybe if they murdered somebody or were accused of that, maybe you’d bring a trial. But if you look at any G7 country, they protect the sovereign brand.

We have somehow stopped doing that. Look, I’m not saying… I don’t want to get partisan about it. I’m just saying we should protect the brand of America. And think about this, whether you’re a Democrat, whether you’re a Republican, what are we doing to ourselves is a question.

And then the remarkable unintended consequence that I want you to think about here. Just 24 months ago, Trump had about a third of his party starting to think about swapping him out because he was controversial, and they thought, maybe we need new leadership in the Republican Party.

Then Bragg brings these charges, and immediately the entire party coalesces behind him. The country biafricates. All of a sudden, and I know this sounds crazy, but I believe it to be true, history will look at this 5, 10 years from now and say, ‘How did Trump become President again?’ Alvin Bragg was the kingmaker. He did it for him. I know it sounds perverse, but that’s what he did. That’s called an unintended consequence. I don’t know if he’s happy about that, but that’s how he’ll be marked in history.

Will Cain: Kevin, you bring up the other people that were in the Republican field looking to replace him. He talked about that with us yesterday. He talked about he’s really the only one that could be in this environment and come out preserving that brand of America.

Donald Trump: These are bad people. These people are sick, and they do things that are so destructive. I mean, look what they did from the day I got there. I don’t know, a lot of people said, We have no choice but to elect Trump. Republicans, because he’s the only one that can withstand this. Don’t forget, if it weren’t me, they’d be going after somebody else. And I know a lot of the competition, they wouldn’t do so well. They wouldn’t be doing so well right now. They’d be saying, Mommy you take me home. I want to go home. This is brutal. But these are sick people. And for instance, the 51 intelligence agents, who thinks of these? And they think about it just like they say, I’m guilty of… And all this information was from so many years before the election. It was before the election.

Rachel Campos Duffy: That clip, what he talked about there, in addition to what we were talking about with what Alvin Bragg did, all of this is hurting the brand of America, correct? I just am curious, why do you think, who are these people? Why are they willing to wreck America for him? What is it about Donald Trump? What is it about his policies? This is unique. We’ve never seen anything like this.

Kevin O’Leary: I would ask everybody, regardless of your politics, to think about the big picture and what America means to the rest of the world. It’s the largest economy on Earth. It has the best legal system, including the appellate system, which now Trump will go through. If there’s something wrong with his trial, it wasn’t done properly, the appellate system will catch it. That’s what people believe about the American legal system.

It also attracts more foreign capital than any economy on Earth because of the transparency. You want to think beyond Trump. You want to think beyond Bragg. You want to think about after Biden.

What did we do to ourselves here? That should be the question.

When this sentencing occur, and it happens on July 11th, everybody should ask themselves, do we want to belittle someone that was in the White House, make him pick up garbage on the street or jail him?

I mean, this is the American brand we’re talking about. It’s not about Donald Trump only. It’s the White House.


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Maldives Sides With Terrorists: Bans Israelis From Entering Country Over War in Gaza

President Dr Mohamed Muizzu/Image: Wikimedia

The Maldives government has decided to stand with murdering Hamas terrorists and announced the country will ban Israelis from the country.

AP reports:

The Maldives government will ban Israelis from the Indian Ocean archipelago, known for luxury resorts, as public anger in the predominantly Muslim nation rises over the war in Gaza.

The president’s office said Sunday that the Cabinet decided to change laws to prevent Israeli passport holders from entering the country and to establish a subcommittee to oversee the process.

It said President Mohamed Muizu will appoint a special envoy to assess the Palestinian needs and to launch a fundraising campaign.

“President Dr Mohamed Muizzu, following a recommendation from the Cabinet, has resolved to impose a ban on Israeli passports. The Minister of Homeland Security and Technology, Ali Ihsaan, announced the decision at a news conference held at the President’s Office this afternoon,” a statement by the Maldives President’s office read.

Many Jewish friends in the US enjoy vacations in the Maldives. I will contact tour operators and Jewish social media pages to let them know that the Maldives has just banned Israelis, and to cancel plans to visit. @presidencymv @MMuizzu

— Avi Kaner ابراهيم אבי (@AviKaner) June 2, 2024

If the Maldives aren’t safe for Israelis then they aren’t safe for any of us.

The Congress of Christian Leaders is issuing a global travel warning: no Christian should feel safe in a country where Islamic extremists determine national policy.

— Rev. Johnnie Moore ن (@JohnnieM) June 2, 2024

The government of the Maldives decided to ban Israelis from entering the island because of the war in Gaza.
Do you understand they didn’t ban entry for Palestinians after the October 7th massacre? To them if you raped, kidnapped, and massacred Israelis you are welcome to vacation…

— יוסף חדאד – Yoseph Haddad (@YosephHaddad) June 2, 2024

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President Trump Joins TikTok- Debut Garners 35 Million Views in Just a Few Hours

Trump TikTok account

President Donald Trump officially joined TikTok on Saturday night.

In just a few hours, his followers swelled to more than 2.1 million, and he racked up more than 35 million views (and counting) with his debut video.

The video shows him at the Ultimate Fighting Championship 302 in New Jersey on Saturday night.

The crowd at UFC 302 in Newark, NJ, gave Trump a heroes welcome as they chanted “F—k Joe Biden” and “We Want Trump.”

Just two days after an unconstitutional guilty verdict in his Manhattan “hush money” trial, Trump appeared publicly, and the atmosphere was electric as he received cheers and a standing ovation.

The audience’s reaction was not merely applause—it was a loud, resonant endorsement of his enduring influence and a clear rebuke of the forces they perceived as trying to silence him.

UFC President Dana White introduced the debut video, “The president is now on TikTok.”

Trump replied, “It’s my honor.”

The video shows clips of the electric night and the crowd’s roaring enthusiasm.

The President enjoyed the crowd’s enthusiasm.


@realdonaldtrump Launching my TikTok at @UFC ♬ original sound – President Donald J Trump


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Retired Navy Admiral Charged in Bribery Scandal

Robert P. Burke/Image Courtesy of The Navy Times

Federal prosecutors have announced the arrest of former Naval Officer Robert P. Burke, 62, on serious bribery charges.

Burke, a retired four-star Navy Admiral, was arrested on Friday.  According to the Justice Department, he accepted bribes in exchange for steering government contracts to a company that promised him a lucrative job after his retirement from the Navy.

The indictment reveals that from 2020 to 2022, Burke, who oversaw Naval operations in Europe, Russia, and most of Africa and commanded thousands of civilian and military personnel, conspired with CEOs Yongchul “Charlie” Kim and Meghan Messenger of “Company A”) that provided a workforce training pilot program to a small component of the Navy from August 2018 through July 2019.

The Navy terminated a contract with Company A in late 2019 and directed Company A not to contact Burke.

Despite the Navy’s instructions, Kim and Messenger allegedly still met with Burke in Washington, D.C., in July 2021, in an effort to reestablish Company A’s business relationship with the Navy.

It is alleged that at the July 2021 meeting, the charged defendants agreed that Burke would use his position as a Navy Admiral to steer a sole-source contract to Company A in exchange for future employment at the company.

From the Department of Justice:

They allegedly further agreed that Burke would use his official position to influence other Navy officers to award another contract to Company A to train a large portion of the Navy with a value Kim allegedly estimated to be “triple digit millions.”

In furtherance of the conspiracy, in December 2021, Burke allegedly ordered his staff to award a $355,000 contract to Company A to train personnel under Burke’s command in Italy and Spain. Company A performed the training in January 2022. Thereafter, Burke allegedly promoted Company A in a failed effort to convince a senior Navy Admiral to award another contract to Company A. To conceal the scheme, Burke allegedly made several false and misleading statements to the Navy, including by creating the false appearance that Burke played no role in issuing the contract and falsely implying that Company A’s employment discussions with Burke only began months after the contract was awarded.

In October 2022, Burke began working at Company A at a yearly starting salary of $500,000 and a grant of 100,000 stock options.

US Attorney Matthew Graves said in a statement,

“As alleged in the indictment, Admiral Burke used his public office and his four-star status for his private gain,” said U.S. Attorney Matthew M. Graves. “The law does not make exceptions for admirals or CEOs. Those who pay and receive bribes must be held accountable. The urgency is at its greatest when, as here, senior government officials and senior executives are allegedly involved in the corruption.”

“Today’s indictment exemplifies our unwavering commitment to eradicating fraud within the DoD,” said Deputy Director, Grant A. Fleming, Department of Defense, Office of Inspector General’s, Defense Criminal Investigative Service (DCIS). “Together with our federal partners, DCIS will persist in dismantling attempts to defraud the U.S. Government.”

“NCIS takes every allegation of corruption within the Department of the Navy seriously, regardless of rank or position,” said Special Agent in Charge Greg Gross of the NCIS Economic Crimes Field Office. “NCIS and our partners remain committed to rooting out criminality that degrades public trust in the Department of the Navy.”

“Burke allegedly steered a lucrative contract to Kim and Messenger’s company in exchange for the promise of future employment and then lied to try to conceal the scheme,” said FBI Special Agent in Charge David J. Scott. “As a four-star admiral, Burke not only cheated U.S. taxpayers but also did a disservice to military personnel under his command. As this indictment demonstrates, the FBI and our partners remain committed to investigating and prosecuting corrupt officials regardless of their rank or title.”

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Victory for Teacher Barred From Praying in the Presence of Students

The American Center for Law and Justice (SCLJ)  announced a victory in its fight for a public school teacher’s right to pray.

SCLJ filed suit on behalf of teacher Staci Barber against the Katy, Texas, Independent School District.  The school district told Barber it was illegal for her to pray where students could see her, even in a parking lot.

The litigation stems from an incident when Ms. Barber was brought into her principal’s office after she had gathered with two friends and fellow teachers to pray at the school flagpole prior to her workday.

The principal told them that it was against the law for the teachers to pray publicly where students could see them, even denying them the ability to pray in the parking lot.

SCLJ shares that as part of their litigation, the court found that since the school has updated its policy in response to their demand letter, “[A]t present . . . there is no language in the Employee Handbook that explicitly prohibits praying in the presence of students.”

This ruling effectively prevents the school from violating our client’s right to pray even if students might see her.

SCLJ shared news of the victory:

It is a tremendous win for our client because she can now pray when she desires as this case continues to trial.

Because of our initial legal demand, the school removed some language from its policy. But despite Katy Independent School District’s (ISD) purported attempt to correct its policy, our client was still unable to engage in any prayer in the presence of students or to pray publicly, even off the clock, when she was on school grounds. When the school did not respond to our repeated attempts to get this policy corrected and make sure our client could pray, we had no choice but to file this major lawsuiton our client’s behalf to protect her right to pray.

In our lawsuit on behalf of this teacher, we sought a preliminary injunction. Yesterday the judge issued an order regarding our request for an injunction. The judge found that there is no imminent danger of our client being banned from praying in the presence of students anymore because “while it is true that the Employee Handbook originally forbade prayer in the presence of students . . . at present . . . there is no language in the Employee Handbook that explicitly prohibits praying in the presence of students.”

Thus, after many months of the school district refusing to stipulate that our client could pray in the presence of students, the court has now ordered it. And if the school punishes her when she resumes praying while students are present, we can come back to the court with this and hold the school accountable. This ruling represents a major win for what we sought in this lawsuit, and. the order will help protect our client and others like her at Katy ISD.

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Melinda Gates is Now Largest “Catholic” Donor to Pro-Abortion Causes

Melinda Gates

While Melinda Gates has discussed her Catholic upbringing, she seems to embrace the same cafeteria Catholic approach used by Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi to justify a myriad of horrid behaviors, including embracing, championing, and funding abortion.

On May 28, 2024, she announced plans to give tens of millions of dollars globally to support abortion through the foundation she founded in 2015, Pivotal Ventures.

Carol Tobias, president of the National Right to Life Committee, told The National Catholic Register, “Melinda French Gates could do much to help women and their preborn children on the national — and even international level — yet she has decided instead to pour money into the abortion industry that already makes billions of dollars by taking the lives of innocent preborn children.”

“Tragically, this kind of ‘help’ destroys lives and damages women.”

And Gates has promised lots of money to destroy lives, approximately $200 million.

Pivotal Ventures said the new grants are “aimed at supercharging the work of organizations that are fighting in the U.S. to advance women’s power and protect their rights, including reproductive freedom.”

The National Catholic Register reports that some of the abortion-supporting recipients of Gates’ largesse include:

  • Center for Reproductive Rights, a legal advocacy organization headquartered in New York City founded in 1992, advocates for abortion-friendly laws in Latin America, Europe, Asia and the United States. The organization reported for its fiscal year ending June 30, 2022, gross receipts of about $66.8 million, according to its Internal Revenue Service Form 990.
  • The Collaborative for Gender + Reproductive Equity, founded in 2018 in New York City by the David & Lucile Packard Foundation, provides money to other organizations. The collaborative was founded “to bring new money and new donors into work around gender and reproductive equity” and to stop contraception and abortion from being kept separate “from other gender-equity issues, whether that is childcare, paid leave, pay equity, or LGBTQ rights,” according to a March 2023 interview.
  • National Women’s Law Center is a legal advocacy organization headquartered in Washington, D.C., whose website includes a landing page with the headline “Abortion Always.” The law center reported for its fiscal year ending June 30, 2022, gross receipts of about $25 million.
  • Collective Future Fund is a feminist organization founded in 2020 that gives money to other organizations. Its grant recipients include the National Network of Abortion Funds, which pays for abortions. The Collective Future Fund drew support in July 2020 from Mackenzie Scott, the billionaire ex-wife of billionaire Amazon founder Jeff Bezos.
  • Ms. Foundation for Women, an organization founded in 1972 by Gloria Steinem and several other women, advocates for abortion, among other things, through grants and other types of support. The foundation reported for its fiscal year ending June 30, 2022, gross receipts of about $26 million.


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As Chicago Burns, Alderman Will No Longer Share Crime Alerts With Constituents Because They Create a Bad ‘Perception’

Chicago Alderman Leni Manaa-Hoppenworth/Image:

Chicago is engulfed in a seemingly endless crime wave.

Over Memorial Day weekend alone, there were at least 41 shootings with 9 fatalities, according to the Chicago Police Department.

In Alderman Leni Manaa-Hoppenworth’s 48th Ward, robberies and sex crimes are at their highest level in over a decade.

But Manaa-Hoppenwort said she will no longer post crime alerts on social media or send crime alerts to her constituent email list.

In a blog post, she shared that “over-reporting,” or more accurately ACTUALLY reporting crime, leads to an inaccurate public perception about crime rates.”

Our updated alert system is based not only input from our community but is also informed by research from recent years that shows how over-reporting of crime leads to an inaccurate public perception about crime rates. Research also shows us that over-reporting of crime negatively impacts our most marginalized and underserved neighbors.

  • Read more about the influence of crime media on the public’s expectations of crime rates here. [MDPI]

  • Read more about how over-reporting of crime in neighborhood safety apps influence perception of crime here. [APA]

While subscribers must now opt in to receive crime alerts, note that doing so does not guarantee that you will receive an alert for every instance of crime in the ward. We will continue to send alerts based on the questions and research above and the capacity of our team.

Constituents who want to keep their families safe in her Ward will now have to “opt in” or call the local police districts.

CWB Chicago reports:

It’s strange that Manaa-Hoppenworth would take this moment to stop telling grown adults about the ward’s rising violent crime problem. Four men were shot in her ward between May 22 and May 27 in three separate incidents, according to Chicago police.

The first two shootings occurred at the exact same address, according to CPD records. Manaa-Hoppenworth tried to explain away the first shooting by saying it was “isolated.” That came back to bite her when the second shooting occurred at literally the same location. We ribbed her about that. Anyone want to bet our nudge was a major factor in her decision to shut up about crime?

Year-to-date shooting incidents in the 48th ward are at the highest level since 2015, according to the city’s data portal. As of May 13, 41 robberies had been reported this year in Manaa-Hoppenworth’s ward. That’s up 78% compared to the same time last year, and it’s the highest number of year-to-date robberies since 2012.

Also at the highest level in her ward since at least 2012 are criminal sexual assaults. There have been 14 reported so far this year, up from six at this point last year.


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AOC Claims Abraham Accords ‘Absolutely’ Caused Oct. 7 Hamas Terrorist Attacks (Video)

In a recent conversation with leftist Twitch streamer Hasan Piker, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) shared her agreement with Piker’s statement that the October 7 Hamas terrorist attacks against civilians was  ‘direct consequence’ of the Abraham Accords.

The moment came as the two were reacting live to Donald Trump’s massive rally in the Bronx last week.

Piker claimed that the attack was a “direct consequence of the Abraham Accords and many of Jared Kushner’s and Donald Trump administration’s actions like moving the embassy to Jerusalem.”

Ocasio-Cortez responded “10,000%.”

The two were responding to President Trump’s assertion during the rally that Oct. 7 would not have happened with him in the White House.

Piker continued, “He is just as responsible for October 7 as anyone else. The fact that he is saying that October 7 would have never happened is ridiculous when it directly happened as a direct consequence of him moving the embassy to Jerusalem, recognizing the annexed territory of Golan Heights as Israeli territory, going against international law, and also conducting the Abraham Accords completely sidestepping the Palestinians on the conversation.”

Ocasio-Cortez responded, “Absolutely.”


Fellow Democrat Congressman Brad Schneider (D-IL) took issue with AOC’s reckless and ignorant comments.

“The Abraham Accords have been the most important step forward toward peace between Israelis and Arabs, and the region as a whole, in more than two decades. I was proud to witness the signing of the accords on the White House lawn, and I am honored to co-chair the bipartisan, bicameral Abraham Accords Caucus working to reinforce and expand the prospects for peace and prosperity for all the people of the Middle East.”

“It is both ignorant and abhorrent to suggest that pursuing peace—recognizing that both Arabs and Jews belong to this land and must find a way to live together in this land—either caused or justified Hamas’s barbaric attack on Oct. 7. If anything, Hamas timed its attack in an effort to thwart movement towards peace and advance its, and Iran’s, genocidal ambition to destroy Israel and kill Jews.”

“The Abraham Accords, for the first time, fully recognize and put into writing that all people of the Middle East, including Jews and Arabs, are destined to live together, and that by recognizing this, they can help lift each other up and create a better future for themselves and their children.”

“Conversely, Iran and its proxies—including Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis—are hell-bent on destroying any progress towards peace to make their hateful vision of eliminating Israel and Jews into a reality.“

“My colleagues should all recognize this simple truth and measure their words and statements accordingly.”

@AOC is in 10,000% agreement with the ridiculous idea that the Abraham Accords led to the Oct 7th massacre.

While Hamas was busy building terror tunnels & smuggling weapons, the Accords spread peace throughout the region.

AOC shouldn’t be taken

— Joel M. Petlin (@Joelmpetlin) May 30, 2024

We heard yesterday from @AOC that October 7 was caused by the Abraham Accords. Given the limitations of her intellect, I’m not sure she appreciates what that comment reveals. But let’s take a look anyway.

The Abraham Accords cost the Palestinians nothing. Not one inch of…

— David M Friedman (@DavidM_Friedman) May 29, 2024


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American Airlines on the Brink of Strike Before Busy Summer Travel Season

American Airlines is veering towards a strike by flight attendants ahead of the busy summer travel season.

The current contract expired in 2019, and cost-of-living adjustments have stayed stagnant at rates negotiated in 2014.

Whatever you think of unions, workers are suffering in the Biden economy.

The Association of Professional Flight Attendants (APFA) issued a statement to members advising them to prepare for a strike.

Association Negotiations Update #56
Intensive Mediation Concludes With No Agreement;
Flight Attendants Should Prepare For a Strike

Two weeks of intensive mediation at the National Mediation Board (NMB) offices in Washington, D.C., failed to produce an agreement with American Airlines. These sessions followed three weeks of mediation in DFW. Per the request of the NMB, we cannot release particular details. We remain apart on the key economics of the deal plus the company’s completely unacceptable demand for scheduling concessions.

More information about the status of bargaining and the upcoming steps will be forthcoming. We believe the Board will call the parties in for one last ditch effort in the next two weeks but that has not been set. We believe we will have more information from the NMB on Monday and will send an update. If we are unable to reach an agreement, the matter will be before the NMB to determine if we will be released. While these delays are frustrating, we also know that the company’s ability to stall these negotiations is rapidly reaching an end.

All Flight Attendants need to prepare for a strike. Strike handbooks will be mailed to your address on file with APFA.

Our right to strike under the Railway Labor Act has not changed. However, we cannot strike until released by the NMB and following a thirty-day cooling-off period. There must be no unauthorized or illegal work actions, including but not limited to work slowdown/stoppages or concerted action of refusing to pick up open trips. Please do not jeopardize yourself or our collective efforts by advocating for or engaging in unauthorized or illegal activities.

The company, however, remains tone-deaf. For Flight Attendant Appreciation Day, the airline provided cold sandwiches with a side of low wages.


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The comments on Instagram were brutal:

“Appreciate your FA’s with that industry leading contract you promised!!!”

“Why don’t you post about the last 4-5 days operation? About the FAs stranded literally all over the country with no hotel, sitting on hold with tracking/Scheduling for hours and hours all while not being paid???”

“I’m on vacation fielding texts and calls from FAs since 3am the past few days because you willfully left them stranded, lost in the system, abandoned and unsupported. We don’t need an IG shoutout we need reliable infrastructure and consistency from the company we work for. Step it up and for the love of god leave the stale cookies and coagulated ham sandwiches in the drafts folder next time. Pay us what you owe us.”

Some directly called out American Airlines CEO Robert Isom, who received new compensation that soared to over $31 million in 2023.

“@robert_isom Honest question; Do you think you work 2,100 times smarter or harder than a flight attendant does? I don’t think that’s physically possible considering we are worked to our absolute limits. 17 hour days on 6 hours of rest aren’t even uncommon. So why do you pay yourself over 2,100 times what a flight attendant salary is? Your flight attendants want to move on with their lives, buy a car, buy a home, start families, not have anxiety in the grocery store because we can’t afford food.”

“YOU HAVE FAILED US. @robert_isom@americanair Signed, 27,000+ Flight Attendants who respectfully don’t need your degrading ham sandwiches today but would really prefer a contract. Thanks.”

Under the Railway Labor Act, the National Mediation Board does not often allow strikes, but a bipartisan group of 168 lawmakers has urged the Board  “to use all of the tools at its disposal to encourage the resolution of these negotiations.”

We are writing to express our concern about the number of ongoing, protracted contract negotiations between parties before the National Mediation Board. As you know, there are thousands of workers across the country who are currently being subjected to drawn out contract negotiations, and we urge you to use the tools at your disposal to ensure the timely resolution of these cases.

First, we want to acknowledge the work of the National Mediation Board (NMB) in dealing with the unprecedented level of bargaining in recent years due to pent-up demand from delayed bargaining during COVID. With the NMB’s assistance, most of these negotiations are settled, demonstrating the professionalism and hard work of the Board and your staff. We are committed to providing you the resources to do your job moving forward.

However, we are concerned about the increasing number of contract negotiations before the NMB that are being unfairly drawn out to the detriment of workers. We understand that there are certain ongoing negotiations that have dragged on for as long as five years, and we have heard from workers who are justifiably concerned that they are being subjected to unfair delays in the bargaining process. For example, we know that over 100,000 flight attendants are currently in contract negotiations, many of whom are working under the terms of contracts that are now several years past the contract amendable dates. Furthermore, many of these workers were on the frontlines throughout the Covid pandemic and made countless sacrifices to keep their companies financially afloat, and it is important that they are able to reap the benefits of the collective bargaining process in a timely manner.

We are also concerned that the reason for these increasingly prolonged negotiations is due in part to the recent inability of workers to avail themselves of self-help options to facilitate labor disputes. It has long been understood that the best way to achieve labor peace is through collective bargaining backed by the threat of “self-help” for both parties, including the right to strike for workers. Indeed, workers across a range of professions have secured groundbreaking new contracts in recent years, many of which were won due to workers’ credible ability to exercise self-help options.

But, over recent decades, workers’ ability to utilize self-help options has been eroded. In fact, there have there been only two releases to strike of airline workers since 2006, the last being Spirit Airlines Pilots in 2010, compared to dozens in the 1980s and 1990s. Thus, management has little incentive to reach agreements with their workers in a timely manner and many companies have used this development to their advantage,improvements in the lives of tens of thousands of frontline workers.

Accordingly, we urge the Board to use all of the tools at its disposal to encourage the resolution of disputes with ratified agreements that are long overdue.

Thank you for your diligent work to resolve disputes and please continue that work knowing that we support your efforts and use of the statute to encourage settlement of contract disputes.

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Sunny Hostin’s Daughter Celebrates High School Graduation With Genocidal “From the River to the Sea” Message

Paloma Hostin/Image: @StopAntisemites/X

When it comes to The View’s co-host Sunny Hostin, the anti-Israel apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

To celebrate her graduation from her exclusive $63,000-a-year New York City prep school, Ethical Culture Fieldston School, Sunny’s daughter Paloma Hostin shared a genocidal anti-Israel message on Snapchat.

In the Snapchat post obtained and shared on X by StopAntisemitism, Paloma wrote, “Now that I got my diploma: FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA, PALESTINE WILL BE FREE.”

She added, “And to all the mfs who screenshotted my stories and showed them to your parents trying to get me suspended or expelled, look at me now.”

Paloma Hostin shares genocidal message on Snapchat/Image: @StopAntisemites/X


Sunny Hostin’s daughter, Paloma, just graduated from Fieldston, a $63k per year elite private high school in NYC.

How did she celebrate? By taking to SnapChat and calling for the erasure of the world’s only Jewish state.

She’s off to Cornell, class of 2028.

— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) May 31, 2024

According to The New York Post, Paloma, who is headed to Cornell University in the fall, attempted to walk back the disgusting display with a follow-up on her Instagram account, which is now set to private.

“I woke up feeling heavy about the humanitarian catastrophe in the Middle East. Both sides have endured unimaginable loss and suffering. Today, my prayers are with everyone affected by these tragedies,” she wrote in a caption underneath an image of a peace sign painted against a colorful backdrop.

With the recent changes to Title VI and the broader definition of anti-Semitism, does this put Paloma in hot water with Cornell?

Given the recent changes to Title VI and the broader definition of anti-Semitism for the Department of Education to enforce anti-discrimination laws, as well as the House passing the Antisemitism Awareness Act in May 2024, the slogan “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be…

— Always Looking for the Truth (@lehmanlaw) May 31, 2024

It isn’t hard to figure out that Paloma’s anti-Israel sentiments are likely home-grown.

During a recent appearance on The View, liberal comedian Bill Maher drew applause from the audience after he pushed back against Sunny during a debate on Israel, Hamas, and the ongoing war in the Middle East.

“If I had any doubt that I was right about the change that’s happened in the left, watching people protest for a terrorist organization like Hamas — that straightened me out pretty quick,” he said.

Co-host Alyssa Farah Griffin asked Maher why some Americans seemingly taking the side of a terrorist group over Israel.

“It’s astounding to me that they can’t tell the good guys from the bad guys, just morally,” he said. “If you’re for Hamas, just live in Gaza for a day … [even] before the war.”

“Trust me, you would go running, and screaming, and begging to live in Tel Aviv, a place that has your values.”

He added that women’s rights, in particular, are practically nonexistent in Gaza and many other nations.

That’s when Hostin chimed in and asked Maher if he also had concerns about those in Gaza,“Are you at all concerned about the innocent civilians that have been collectively punished and murdered, largely children and women?”

“Are you at all concerned about the fact that the International Criminal Court just today issued a subpoena for Bibi Netanyahu?”

Maher reminded Hostin that Hamas has openly declared its intent to commit genocide against the Jewish people.

“Now, this is a war,” he said. “Do you think Hamas needs to be destroyed? This is the question.”


.@billmaher explains why he’s said “woke” policies on the left could get Donald Trump reelected and gives his take on the college campus protests over the Israel-Hamas war.

— The View (@TheView) May 21, 2024

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University Chancellor Fired for Making Porn Videos Argues It Shouldn’t “Cost Me Tenure”

Joe Gow, the former Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse/Image: Video screenshot

In the fall of 2023, Joe Gow, the former Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, announced his decision to step down from his position at the end of the school year to transition into a faculty role.

In December 2023, however, he was fired from that position for producing and appearing in pornographic videos with his wife and sharing the content on X, porn websites, books, and the YouTube channel “Sexy Happy Couple.”

Gow’s YouTube channel, “Sexy Happy Couple.”

Although the couple used pen names (Geri and Jay Hart) in two books,  “Married with Benefits: Our Real-Life Adult Industry Adventures” and “Monogamy with Benefits: How Porn Enriches Our Relationship,” they did not appear to try to be secretive about their adult entertainment adventures.

University of Wisconsin President Jay Rothman said in a statement at the time that Gow was terminated following a unanimous vote by the UW Board of Regents.

“In recent days, we learned of specific conduct by Dr. Gow that has subjected the university to significant reputational harm. His actions were abhorrent.”

“As a tenured faculty member, Dr. Gow will be placed on paid administrative leave as he transitions into his faculty role at UW-La Crosse. However, I have filed a complaint this evening with interim Chancellor Betsy Morgan regarding Dr. Gow’s status as a tenured faculty member, asking that such status be reviewed. In addition, an outside law firm has been engaged to undertake a fulsome investigation of the matter. We anticipate the complaint will be considered in the normal course as dictated by Wis. Admin. Code Ch. 4.”

Gow now argues in a Chronicle of Higher Education Op-Ed, while bragging about the success of his videos, that he should not lose tenure. He frames the argument as a violation of his First Amendment right to freedom of speech and expression.

Gow wrote:

”For about a decade, my wife, Carmen Wilson (also an academic), and I had used our vacation time to secretly record a series of sex scenes with adult-industry professionals,” Gow wrote. “We made 18 of them in all, and we also published two books (using pen names) about our experiences. Late last year, after I had announced I was stepping down from my administrative position at the University of Wisconsin at La Crosse to focus on my faculty role, we thought it would be interesting to see how a few of our scenes might be received on popular adult websites. We uploaded five of them (featuring just the two of us). Knowing those platforms host millions of videos, we doubted anyone would pay much attention.”

”How wrong we were,” he added. “We watched incredulously as our videos, with no promotion whatsoever, drew hundreds of views per day, then thousands, then tens of thousands. After just a few weeks, we passed a million views in all, leading one site to rank us as its No. 2 creators for North America and Oceania in December 2023.”

Gow continued, ”I understand why UW leaders didn’t want me to continue as chancellor, but I am puzzled by their determination to keep me from returning to the classroom. After all, these are the same people who, at a board meeting held just weeks before my firing, energetically affirmed the importance of promoting free speech on our campuses.”

“In the meantime, I enjoy recalling an anecdote my wife told me: When we were headed to Las Vegas a few years ago, one of her co-workers asked what we planned to do there. ‘Oh,’ she told him, ‘the usual stuff: Sit by the pool, eat nice dinners, make some porn.’ He chuckled at her cheeky reply.”

”If only the Wisconsin regents and system president could lighten up, too. Laugh at us if you want to. Call us strange. But please don’t try to suppress the vital conversations we’re starting,” he said.

According to the Wisconsin State Journal, Interim UW-La Crosse Chancellor Betsy Morgan alleges Gow failed to cooperate with the investigation, participated in unethical and potentially illegal conduct, and violation of information use technologies.

A public hearing, scheduled for mid-June, must be held before Gow is stripped of tenure.

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University of Illinois-Chicago Professor Announces Early Retirement- Cites ‘Institutional Antisemitism’

Barbara J. Risman, Professor of Sociology at University of Illinois-Chicago

Barbara J. Risman, a College of Arts & Sciences distinguished professor of sociology at the University of Illinois at Chicago, planned to continue teaching at the school she called her “beloved academic home” for the past 17 years.

But the disgusting displays of antisemitism from pro-Hamas protestors on college campuses changed everything.

When asked about the tenor of the pro-Palestinian demonstrations and the overall climate on campus since October 7 by the Times of Israel, Risman shared, “The demonstrations are never framed as being about ending the war, helping Gazans, or rebuilding Gaza; all things I could get behind. Instead, everything is framed as an assault on the right of Jews to have a homeland. That’s when I personally feel attacked. That’s when it becomes antisemitic.”

“Jewish students no longer want people to know they’re Jewish. Israeli students no longer want to speak in public because their voices will call attention to them.”

In an Op-Ed for The Chicago Tribune, Risman expands on how the anti-Jewish sentiment infecting campuses across the country led her to the difficult decision to leave her post.

Just days after Hamas’ terrorist attack in Israel on Oct. 7, the faculty in women and gender studies and Black studies posted a joint statement on their websites to assure Palestinian and Muslim students that they were valued and that faculty members were concerned for their welfare. I share that concern, deeply.

Glaringly absent from the statement was concern for Jewish and Israeli students. The faculty claimed to “mourn the loss of life in southern Israel” but went on to “denounce the ongoing escalation of settler colonial violence.” The statement ends in solidarity with those “targeted by colonialism, racism, heteropatriarchy, ableism and state-sanctioned violence” with no mention of antisemitism, the terrorist killings or the hostages. The global Asian studies program posted a similar statement, but only a short statement of concern for Arab, Palestinian and Muslim communities remains at this point.

Even worse, several student support centers, including the Disability Resource Center and the Women’s Leadership and Resource Center, put out a statement of solidarity with the Palestinians. While concern for students who are worried about loved ones in Palestine is important and necessary, why are Jewish and Israeli students rendered invisible? Are Jews of no concern to those at the centers designed to support student success?

Even when the United Nations provided evidence of sexual violence during the Oct. 7 attack, the Women’s Resource and Leadership Center remained silent on Israeli women’s suffering. In a Zoom meeting with some Jewish students, I learned that some no longer feel free to use the state-supported resources available at these centers because the political rhetoric makes them unwelcome. This feeling of being “othered,” of not  belonging at UIC, runs counter to our mission of inclusivity.

Risman concluded, “I will retire before I intended to because UIC is no longer an institution comfortable for me, as a Jew who believes Israel has a right to exist. And to be clear, more than 80% of Jews in America share that belief. When university departments and programs publish statements implying support for the destruction of the state where more than half of all Jews alive today live, they have crossed the line from simple micro-aggressions against Jewish students and faculty to outright institutional antisemitism.”

Risman also told the Times of Israel that, although she is a lone voice speaking publically, she has recevied secret thank yous.

“I expected to get a lot of personal blowback from my colleagues. Instead, what I got was a lot of secret thank-yous from all over campus from students, faculty, staff, administrators. I now know more Jews on campus than I ever did in the past 17 years.”

“They all said, ‘You are really brave. I would never have done that.’ People now contact me when something happens because I’m the only one who has said anything publicly.”

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Emboldened by Hamas and Iran’s Ayatollah, Students for Justice in Palestine Announce Plans to ‘Besiege’ White House

Emboldened by support from leaders of the terrorist Hamas organization and Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, several chapters of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) have announced plans to travel to Washington D.C. to “surround the White House.”

SJP shared their plans on Instagram:

June 8 marks eight months of US-Israeli genocide of the Palestinian people, and marks the 54th anniversary of the occupation of Gaza.

A month ago, Biden said that the invasion of Rafah was a red line. But now, the invasion of Rafah has continued for weeks, has expanded to the entire Gaza Strip, and Biden’s red line is nowhere to be seen. Instead of following through and stopping military aid to Israel, Biden has authorized billions MORE in weapons shipments to be used to kill and massacre Palestinians.

Biden can’t draw the line, but we have. On June 8, we’ll come together from across the country and surround the White House. Wearing red, and raising our demands high, we’ll show the world that we are the red line.

Busses from Raleigh will be meeting at 7AM! Link in our bio for more info.


The flyer accompanying the post says, “Biden, we are your red line. Stop the genocide. Surround the White House!”


View this post on Instagram


A post shared by NCSU SJP (@ncsusjp)

The ANSWER Coalition and Peoples Forum NYC shared that buses are being made available for transportation to the event from all over the country, including Dearborn, Michigan; Des Moines, Iowa; Portland, Maine; and more.

The actions have the full support of terrorists and brutal regime leaders.

The Gateway Pundit reported that senior Hamas official Khaled Mashal officially thanked student protesters at American universities for their protests and anti-Israel encampments and for their participation in the “Al-Aqsa Flood” war.

A translation of his remarks was provided by the Middle East Media Research Institute.

Mashal said, “We thank the great student Flood, which emerged from the American, European, and Western universities, and has reached all the countries of our nation. We are grateful for the spirit that we have witnessed in our nation and in humanity as a whole. We are grateful to the free people of the world.”
“We have an opportunity to defeat Israel, Allah willing. We have an opportunity to dismantle the Zionist enterprise. We have an opportunity to change the world.”

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei also shared his support of the protestors in a letter posted a letter online:

“Dear university students in the United States of America, you are standing on the right side of history. You have now formed a branch of the Resistance Front and have begun an honorable struggle in the face of your government’s ruthless pressure – which openly supports Zionists…Dear university students in the US, my advice to you is to become familiar with the Quran.”

Imam Khamenei’s letter addressed to the American university students #United4Palestine

— (@khamenei_ir) May 29, 2024

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After Losing $200M on Woke DEI-Fueled Games, Warner Bros. Launches New ‘Women And Non-Binary’ Leadership Program

Warner Bros. Games recently suffered a $200 million loss from its Suicide Squad game, which was drenched in woke diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Now, the company is doubling down on its woke commitment and has launched a new ‘Women and Non-Binary Leadership Program’ to ‘rehabilitate’ the male-dominated gaming industry.

Built In contributor Brigid Hogan shared the news following the program’s inaugural run.

Hogan reports that the program “engaged 25 women and non-binary leaders from across Warner Bros. Games’ 11 global studios and global publishing and central teams” with the goal of “cultivating career development opportunities for underrepresented individuals within the gaming sector, elevating diverse voices to leadership roles and shaping a more inclusive future for the industry.”

Hogan also shared remarks from several attendees.

Senior Producer for WB Games Jesyca Durchin said, “If you’re resistant to a program like this, maybe consider it from a position of self-care.”

“Because of the people I met and how the program was organized, I found I was feeling better each day. It was self-care to learn something new. Even something as simple as finding out I can access Linkedin Learning through my company membership helped me grow and find new outlets that are both good for me and help me to feel good.”

Senior Director of Business Development and Licensing Kelly C. Hill added, “I came into games full-time after a career in licensing spaces where women were the majority. I already had a sense that it was important for me to show up and to be an example that people like me can and should have a seat at the table. The program reaffirmed my commitment to bringing more diversity into the industry and doing what I can to let people see an alternative to what they may picture as a games executive.”

“There are challenges faced by women and non-binary people — in the games industry and in other industries, as well — that are unique but also shared, so we had the opportunity to realize that even though our roles were completely different, we still might be facing some of the same challenges. To get different perspectives from people who are at different places in their journey was really valuable, as we could share personal experiences that offered insights to pass back to people facing those challenges now.”

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DeSantis Responds to Trump’s Guilty Verdict – ‘Kangaroo Court’

On Thursday night, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis responded to the guilty verdict on 34 felonies against Donald Trump delivered by a ‘kangaroo court.’

The jury never explained what crime Trump committed and was not required to explain what crime Trump committed.

Although they were rivals in the Republican primary, The Gateway Pundit reported DeSantis and Trump confirmed a reconciliation meeting at Shell Bay Club in Hollywood, Florida, in April.

Trump expressed satisfaction with the meeting, noting, “I am very happy to have the full and enthusiastic support of Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida. We had a great meeting yesterday. The conversation mostly concerned how we would work closely together to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.”

DeSantis released the following statement on X Thursday night:

Today’s verdict represents the culmination of a legal process that has been bent to the political will of the actors involved: a leftist prosecutor, a partisan judge and a jury reflective of one of the most liberal enclaves in America—all in an effort to “get” Donald Trump.

That this case—involving alleged misdemeanor business records violations from nearly a decade ago—was even brought is a testament to the political debasement of the justice system in places like New York City. This is especially true considering this same district attorney routinely excuses criminal conduct in a way that has endangered law-abiding citizens in his jurisdiction.

It is often said that no one is above the law, but it is also true that no one is below the law. If the defendant were not Donald Trump, this case would never have been brought, the judge would have never issued similar rulings, and the jury would have never returned a guilty verdict.

In America, the rule of law should be applied in a dispassionate, even-handed manner, not become captive to the political agenda of some kangaroo court.

Today’s verdict represents the culmination of a legal process that has been bent to the political will of the actors involved: a leftist prosecutor, a partisan judge and a jury reflective of one of the most liberal enclaves in America—all in an effort to “get” Donald Trump.


— Ron DeSantis (@GovRonDeSantis) May 30, 2024

Well said

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 31, 2024

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Group Rescinds Planned Award to Actor Robert De Niro After Unhinged Trump Courthouse Stunt

On Tuesday, the Biden campaign rolled out actor Robert De Niro for an unhinged rant outside the courthouse during the lawfare trial against President Trump.

It didn’t go well.

The presser devolved into chaos as De Niro insulted millions of hardworking Americans, and he was mercilessly heckled as he called Trump supporters “clowns” and engaged in shouting matches with fed-up Americans.

Now, The National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) has announced that it is withdrawing the NAB Leadership Foundation’s Service to America Award De Niro was set to receive in Washington, D.C., on June 4th.

Alex Siciliano, NAB’s senior vice president of communications, said in a statement to The Hill, “This event is proudly bipartisan, uniting those from across the political spectrum to celebrate the impactful work of local broadcasters and our partners.”

“While we strongly support the right of every American to exercise free speech and participate in civic engagement, it is clear that Mr. De Niro’s recent high-profile activities will create a distraction from the philanthropic work that we were hoping to recognize. To maintain the focus on service of the award winners, Mr. De Niro will no longer be attending the event.”

De Niro told The Hill in a statement, “I support the work of the NAB Leadership Foundation and would like to express my appreciation and gratitude for what the Foundation has done and will continue to do for the good of us all, and I wish them well for their continued good work.”

Artist Scott LoBaido captured De Niro perfectly.

The unveiling of Robert De Niro’s portrait “Cry-Baby” @joshmacciello @realdonaldtrump @donaldjtrumpjr @siggyflicker
: @WTPAreTheNews

— Scott LoBaido (@ScottLoBaido) May 29, 2024

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New Trump Ad is FIRE-“Democrats Don’t Get to Use a Sham Trial to Decide an Election-The Only Verdict That Matters is the Verdict at the Ballot Box” (Video)

Image: Video screenshot

The new MAGA War Room ad is fire and highlights the legal abuse heaped upon him in the Marxist Democrat Party’s attempt to influence the 2024 election.

Democrats have thrown 91 charges against President Trump in their hopes of flipping the election to Old Joe Biden.

The ongoing New York City case has kept President Trump from the campaign trail for weeks now.

The ad highlights the countless incidents of political persecution at the highest level.

“The only crime Donald Trump is being prosecuted for is running for President.”

“They’ve quite frankly given up trying to beat him at the polls. (They’re) either going to steal it or stop it by lawfare.”

“This case is the weakest case I’ve seen in 60 years of teaching, practicing, and writing about criminal law.”

“They’re perverting the system of justice; that’s where the danger lies. The corruption and subversion of our institutions by the left.”

The ad concludes with this powerful truth…despite the Marxist Democrats’ efforts in the courtroom,  the only verdict that matters is the verdict at the ballot box.

Watch the excellent video below:

Joe Biden and the Democrats don’t get to use a sham trial to decide an election. The only verdict that matters is at the ballot box on November 5th. Vote Trump!

— MAGA War Room (@MAGAIncWarRoom) May 30, 2024

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Vatican’s World Children’s Day Features Drag Performer

Carmine De Rosa performs in drag at Vatican’s World Children’s Day.

On May 25, Pope Francis’ inaugural World Children’s Day featured a male performer who danced in drag for children.

Carmine De Rosa, one of the official artists at the event, appeared in a myriad of drag outfits along with some suggestive cardboard costumes and danced in front of an audience of children.

In a pink dress with a plunging neckline and full makeup, De Rosa shared on social media, “Today on stage at the Olympic stadium in Rome for World Children’s Day announced by Pope Francis. What a great emotion!”

@carminederosaofficial Oggi in scena allo stadio Olimpico di Roma per la giornata mondiale dei Bambini indetta da Papa Francesco Che grande emozione! ❤#worldchildrensday #25maggio #papafrancesco #carminederosatrasformista #quickchangechallenge #world #eventi #roma #stadioolimpicodiroma #boy ♬ Dreamers [Music from the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 Official Soundtrack] – Jung Kook & BTS

De Rosa dances in drag in front of children.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, shared his concerns on De Rosa’s participation on X, “This is one of the characters called by the Argentine Jesuit as an entertainer at World Children’s Day. It is now clear that Bergoglio is one of the main activists of the hellish LGBTQ + agenda. There are no more words to express the scandal and disgust, in the complicit and cowardly silence of the Episcopate.’ Whoever scandalises even one of these little ones who believe in me, it would be better for him if a millstone turned into a donkey’s wheel were hung around his neck, and he were cast into the depths of the sea’ (Mt 18:6).”

This is one of the characters called by the Argentine Jesuit as an entertainer at World Children’s Day. It is now clear that Bergoglio is one of the main activists of the hellish LGBTQ + agenda.

There are no more words to express the scandal and disgust, in the complicit and…

— Arcivescovo Carlo Maria Viganò (@CarloMVigano) May 26, 2024

De Rosa dances in drag in front of children.

After criticism on social media, De Rosa pushed back and said he was officially invited to perform.

“Bringing smiles to children and beyond was my job and I succeeded…..but I simply defend MY ART.”

“I would like to point out, reading the comments, that I was WANTED in this event FOR THE TYPE OF SHOW I BRING ON THE STAGE and for my professionalism.”

Lifesite News reports:

De Rosa regularly performs for Italian network RAI. However he also appears at a variety of events including First Communion parties, where he dances suggestively and performs his trademark quick outfit change – nearly always wearing female costumes and red lipstick.

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California Catholic Middle School Bars Student’s “MAGA -Styled” Patriotic Speech (Video)

The parents of a middle school student at St. Bonaventure Catholic School in Huntington Beach, California, allege that school principal Mary Flock would not let their student read his patriot speech.

Jimmy Heyward was set to deliver the speech at a forum for candidates for “Commissioner of School Spirit and Patriotism.”

His mother shared the details on a petition that is calling for Flock’s resignation.

According to the petition, Jimmy patterned his campaign around  Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan.

“The Principal, Mary Flock, told him he needed to make changes to his speech,” the mother wrote. “She wanted everything in his speech regarding patriotism to be removed, even though ‘Patriotism’ was a part of the position’s title that he was running for. Ms Flock said that if he did not remove ALL parts about patriotism, he would not be able to read his speech with the rest of the candidates.”

In his speech, Jimmy shares his love for America and how it is “an honor” to live in the United States.

“I can promise to make pep rallies great again,” he concluded. “I will make the school spirit great again. I will make patriotism within SBS great again. And mostly, I will make SBS great again.”

The mother continued, “Jimmy stood up to her and said he wasn’t going to take the parts about patriotism out of his speech.  [Mrs. Flock] then told him he would not be speaking. Jimmy sat on stage with all the other candidates while they said their speeches.”

According to his mother, when Jimmy refused to alter his speech,  the principal “directed the kids hosting the rally to skip Jimmy entirely,” and her son “was on the stage for an hour in front of his peers/teachers/parents being completely humiliated by Mary Flock.”

When Jimmy’s father expressed his concern with the decision, school administrators told him to leave or they would call someone to make him leave.

The principal then proceeded to call the police, who, after hearing the story, told him he was free to stay and watch the rest of the event.

Jimmy’s parents are calling for Flock to step down through the petition. The petition had a goal of 1,500 signatures and has reached over 6,000.

And while Ms. Flock hoped to keep people from hearing Jimmy’s speech, it has more than four million views on X.

You can watch Jimmy’s speech here:

This is Jimmy. A middle schooler in California. He ran for “Commissioner of School Spirit & Patriotism” at school.

His principal allegedly made him change his speech and remove all mention of patriotism. When he refused, she reportedly didn’t allow him to give the speech and he…

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) May 21, 2024

After news of Ms. Flock’s decision went viral, she briefly deleted her account on X.

UPDATE: The principal Mary Flock deleted her X account. There’s also now a petition to remove her from her position as principal.

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) May 21, 2024

Once she reinstated her account, she blocked Libs of TikTok, who shared her questionable decision.

UPDATE: The principal reinstated her account, changed her username, and blocked me. Almost like how she blocked a little kid from giving a patriotic speech.

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) May 22, 2024

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May SEC Filing Shows Vivek Ramaswamy Has Purchased an Activist Stake In BuzzFeed

Credit: Twitter/Vivek Ramaswamy)

The Gateway Pundit reported in 2023 that BuzzFeed News, best known for publishing the fake, Hillary Clinton-funded Russia dossier in January 2017, shortly before Trump’s Inauguration, shut down.

The fake news outlet was sued for publishing the Russia dossier.

In 2022,  it was reported that BuzzFeed was losing $10 million a year.

BuzzFeed News is part of the larger BuzzFeed organization, and the shuttering came as the struggling outlet sought to slash 15% of its workforce or 180 employees.

BuzzFeed chief executive Jonah Peretti said at the time, “While layoffs are occurring across nearly every division, we’ve determined that the company can no longer continue to fund BuzzFeed News as a standalone organization.”

According to a May Securities and Exchange Commission filing, former Republican presidential candidate and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy purchased an activist stake in BuzzFeed.

The Daily Caller reports:

Ramaswamy purchased a 7.7% stake consisting of 2.7 million shares between March 14 and May 21 at costs ranging from $1.47 to $2.51 per share, according to the filing. The businessman asserted in the filing that he feels the company’s shares are “undervalued and represent an attractive investment opportunity.”

Ramaswamy “will seek to engage in a dialogue with the Issuer’s Board of Directors (the “Board”) and/or management about numerous operational and strategic opportunities to maximize shareholder value, including a shift in the Company’s strategy,” according to the filing.

“Stay tuned,” Ramaswamy told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Since March, he has purchased nearly 3M shares of the failing social platform, making him the fourth-largest shareholder.

News of Ramaswamy’s investment sent Buzzfeed’s share price higher by 25% as of Wednesday.

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MSNBC’s Joy Reid Calls Rep. Byron Donalds a MAGA Prop ‘Black Guy’- Donalds Fires Back (Video)

Rep. Byron Donalds

Far, far-left MSNBC host Joy (less) Reid followed a common vile leftist tactic when it comes to those who won’t be told how to think by Democrats.

Reid referred to Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) as the “Black guy” Republicans deploy as phony proof of support from African-Americans.

Reid’s comments came after Donald appeared at a rally for President Trump on Thursday in the deep-blue Bronx.  The event, which drew a crowd estimated between 20,000 and 30,000, featured a diverse audience.

On Friday, Reid said, “The one Black guy that Republicans love to roll out as fake proof that Black people, the Blacks, are MAGA, they’re MAGA. It’s a joke, and just as credible as when they said they were going to make that guy Speaker of the House.”

On Sunday, Donalds fired back at Reid on Fox News Sunday, labeling the MSNBC host’s comments as an attempt to tear him down for his success.

From Fox News:

“I find Joy’s comments to be nothing more than crabs in a barrel,” Donalds told Fox News Sunday’s Shannon Bream. “Just because I have a different viewpoint, different way of looking at the world, different politics, now, all of a sudden, I’m being used. You can make an argument that MSNBC is using her.”


Donalds said the diverse crowd that congregated at Trump’s Bronx-based rally was a result of Democrats creating a “disaster” in New York City and nationwide.

“You had a very diverse crowd, people from the Bronx, Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, Black people, White people, all there supporting President Trump, because they’ve seen the disaster that is New York City,” Donalds said on Sunday. “They’ve seen the disaster that has come to the United States of America because of the master of disaster, Joe Biden himself, and they want Donald Trump back.”

Donalds added that Trump isn’t trying to divide Americans based on race.

“We’re looking at expanding the political map, not shrinking it based upon race or anything else, because that’s what Joy Reid and Joe Biden and the rest of them want to do,” Donalds said. “They want to shrink the political map based upon previous dogma and racial lines.

“That is not what President Trump’s focus is,” he said. “His focus is on all of America.”


Watch the latest video at

In 2023, Donalds absolutely schooled Reid in a one-on-one interview.

FIREWORKS: Byron Donalds Schools Joy Reid In One-On-One Interview: “That’s Not True” (VIDEO)

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Rep. Mast Writes to VA on Behalf of Veterans Who Say They Are Losing Access to Their Doctors (Video)

Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL)

Several Veterans recently spoke with Fox News to share how the Veterans Affairs medical facility in West Palm Beach, Florida, is taking away access to the community providers they are forced to find because the VA is unable to meet veteran needs.

Michael Cohen, a 22-year veteran of the United States Air Force, sought help for emotional challenges resulting from his service.  Cohen told Fox that for years, he tried to see Cohen multiple VA therapists, but they could not see him on a regular basis.  He opted to seek out-of-pocket private treatment through the VA’s community care — a program designed for eligible veterans to receive care from a community provider when the VA cannot provide the care needed.

But now, the West Palm Beach VA Healthcare System is no longer approving their requests for community care and cutting off those who have served our nation from their longtime mental health providers.

Fox News reports:

Jessica Carillo, a former Air Force staff sergeant, receives primary care through the West Palm Beach VA.

“I got laid off last year in September, and I have not been able to pay for my psychiatrist that I used to pay out of pocket,” she told Fox News Digital. She said community care helped pay for her therapy, but the VA cut her off in January.

“I was in the middle of a big, big, big session. We just discovered some major things. And then, they left me in limbo,” Carillo said.

The facility falls in Congressman Brian Mast’s district (R-FL). Mast,  a former Army bomb technician who lost both his legs and a finger in Afghanistan, said his office has been contacted by over 70 veterans, their relatives, and their mental health providers to raise concerns about the potentially devasting consequences of the VA’s decision.

“They are now being told, listen, everybody that you were seeing outside for your mental health care, you can’t do that anymore. You now have to come internal to the West Palm Beach VA hospital and get your mental health care there,” Mast said.

Community care was made permanent when President Trump signed the VA Mission Act in 2018.

On May 13, 2024, Mast wrote the following letter to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Denis McDonough, the Network Director of VA Sunshine Healthcare Network, David Isaacks,  to express his concerns and demand answers.

Secretary McDonough,

I am writing to you because I am concerned about the mental health of our veterans. In recent months, my office has been inundated with calls and emails from veterans upset about being denied access to their current community mental health physicians.

Veterans are reporting that the West Palm Beach VA Medical Center is refusing to authorize their requests to continue community-based care. In particular, veterans say the West Palm Beach VAMC will no longer cover referrals to outside mental health care providers.

This is a departure from a long-standing practice. For years, the Department of Veterans Affairs has allowed veterans to receive outside care because of an inability to retain adequate mental health professionals. This flexibility allowed veterans to escape the poor experiences they previously had within the VA’s network, including frequent last-minute cancellations for appointments to high-turnover rates among mental health staff.

Despite that troubling record, my office is now hearing that veterans are being denied·access to their preferred mental health care providers. As of January, we’ve been contacted by over 70 veterans, relatives, and mental health providers about this matter.

As a veteran who lost his legs in Afghanistan, this is extremely troubling to hear from my brothers and sisters in uniform. Like any individual, veterans do not want to lose access to their doctors, especially after having built trust and personal relationships over years of treatment. In the case of veterans battling post-traumatic stress, these disruptions could have irreparable damage and cause them to relapse.

It takes time for any individual, not just a veteran, to feel comfortable enough with a mental health provider to discuss their traumas and afflictions. By forcing these veterans away from their current providers against their wishes, the WPS VAMC would make veterans relive events and situations that have left them with deep wounds. This is not a risk we can afford to take given that the suicide rate among veterans remains unacceptably high and is on the rise.

I believe that veterans deserve the flexibility to choose from who and where they receive their mental health services. Veterans want to go where they are valued and respected. Unfortunately, the West Palm Beach VAMC, due to high turnover and inferior service, has not shown in the past that this is something it can provide.

The brave men and women who put on this country’s uniform should get the care they earned and deserve. I ask that you answer the following questions:

1. Why has the West Palm Beach VAMC begun denying veterans access to their outside mental health providers?

2. ls the recent surge in community care authorization refusals due to a change in policy within the VA?

3. If a veteran desires to remain with a community-care mental health provider, and their community provider supports continued treatment, will the VA honor that request?

4. In light of the documented shortage of mental health professionals within the VA system,
why does the department continue to restrict veterans’ access to community-based care where such professionals are more readily available?

5. How does the VA justify its denial of community-based mental health care to veterans, especially when it often results in prolonged wait times and exacerbation of their mental health conditions?

6. How does the VA reconcile its obligation to provide timely, effective, and comprehensive mental health care to veterans with its ongoing refusal to fully utilize community-based resources, which are often more accessible and responsive to veterans’ needs?

7. What steps is the VA taking to ensure that veterans who are unable to access timely mental health care within the VA system are promptly referred to and supported in obtaining care from community providers?

8. Given the growing recognition of the importance of holistic, community-integrated approaches to mental health care, why does the VA persist in maintaining policies that limit veterans’ access to the full spectrum of available resources, including community­ based services?

Please respond by May 20, 2024.

You can view the letter below:


Watch the latest video at

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Jewish Author Delivers Blistering Response When Forced to Answer Where She Stands on “Israeli-Palestinian Conflict” Before Scheduled Speaking Event

Author Dina Rubina

Russian Israeli author Dina Rubina was scheduled for an event to discuss her books at Pushkin House in London in collaboration with the University of London.

Before she was “allowed” to speak, however,  event moderator Nataliya Rulyova demanded she clarify “her position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,” saying other invited participants needed to “understand your position on this issue before responding.”

Here is the note Rubina received from Rulyova:

Hello, Dina!
The Pushkin House announced our upcoming conference on social media and immediately received critical messages regarding your position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. They wanted to understand your position on this issue before responding. Could you formulate your position and send it to me as soon as possible?
— Natasha

Here is Dina’s blistering response to the ridiculous request.

Dear Natalia!
You’ve written beautifully about my novels, and I’m so sorry for the time you’ve wasted, because apparently we have to cancel our meeting.

The universities of Warsaw and Torun have just canceled lectures by the wonderful Russian-speaking Israeli writer Yakov Shechter on the life of Galicia’s Jews in the 17th and 19th centuries “to avoid making the situation worse.” I suspected that this would affect me too, since academia is now the main breeding ground for the most disgusting and virulent anti-Semitism, disguised as so-called “criticism of Israel.” I was expecting something like this, and I even decided to write you an email about it… but I put it aside. It’s time for me to publish it.

This is what I want to say to all those who expect from me a quick and obsequious report on my position regarding my beloved country, which currently lives (and always has) surrounded by ferocious enemies who seek to destroy it . My country which is waging a just war today against a rabid, ruthless, deceptive and cunning enemy. The last time I apologized was in elementary school, in the principal’s office, I was 9 years old. Since then, I have been doing what I think is right, listening only to my conscience and expressing exclusively my understanding of the world order and human laws of justice.

Natalia, thank you for your efforts, and I personally ask you to send my answer to all those who are wondering.

On October 7, Saturday, the Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah, the ruthless, well-trained, well-prepared and well-equipped Hamas terrorist regime of Iran, Hamas, which rules in the Gaza enclave (which Israel left around twenty years ago), attacked dozens of peaceful kibbutzim and bombarded my country with tens of thousands of rockets. Hamas has committed atrocities that even the Bible cannot describe, atrocities that rival the crimes of Sodom and Gomorrah. Atrocities filmed by the way, by GoPro cameras, the murderers having taken the horror to the point of sending the images to their families or on social networks in real time.

For hours, thousands of happy, blood-drunk beasts raped women, children and men, shooting their victims in the crotch and heads, cutting off the women’s breasts and playing football with them, cutting off the babies from the wombs of pregnant women and immediately decapitating them, tying up and burning the small children. There were so many charred bodies that, for many weeks, forensic pathologists could not cope with the enormous workload of identifying individuals.

A friend of mine, who worked in the emergency room of a New York hospital for 20 years, then in Israel for 15 years, was one of the first to arrive in the kibbutzim, as part of a team of rescuers and of doctors. She still hasn’t been able to sleep since.

While she is an emergency specialist, accustomed to dissected bodies and corpses, she fainted when she saw the macabre sight and vomited all the way back in the car. Among the Hamas militants, Palestinian civilians rushed in, participating in pogroms of unprecedented scale, pillaging, killing, dragging everything they could get their hands on. Among these “Palestinian civilians” were 450 members of this highly regarded organization UNRWA (United Nations Relief Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East).

Judging by the utter joy of the population (also captured by thousands of mobile cameras), Hamas is supported by almost the entire population of Gaza. But the essential is there for us: More than two hundred Israelis, including women, children, the elderly and foreign workers, were dragged into the beast’s den. A hundred of them are still rotting and dying in Hamas dungeons.

It goes without saying that these victims, who continue to be mocked, are of little concern to the “academic community”. But that’s not what I’m talking about right now. I am not writing this so that anyone will sympathize with the tragedy of my people.

During all these years, while the international community has literally poured hundreds of millions of dollars into this piece of land (the Gaza Strip) — UNRWA’s annual budget alone is equivalent to a billion dollars! — During all these years, Hamas used this money to build an empire with a complex system of underground tunnels, stockpile weapons, teach schoolchildren from primary school to disassemble and assemble Kalashnikov assault rifles, print textbooks in which hatred of Israel is indescribable, in which even math problems look like this calling for the murder of Jews with every word:

There were ten Jews, the shahid killed four, how many are left?

And now, when finally shocked by the monstrous crime of these bastards, Israel is waging a war of annihilation against the Hamas terrorists who so carefully prepared this war, who placed thousands of shells in all the hospitals, the schools, kindergartens…

The academic community, which was not concerned about the massacres in Syria, nor the massacre in Somalia, nor the mistreatment inflicted on the Uighurs, nor the millions of Kurds persecuted by the Turkish regime for decades, this very worried community, which wears “arafatkas” [keffiyehs], the trademark of murderers, around their necks at rallies under the slogan “Liberate Palestine from the river to the sea”, which means the total destruction of Israel (and Israelis). “Academics”, as polls show, have no idea where this river is, what it is called, where certain borders are located.

And it is this same public which asks me “to express a position clear on the issue”. Are you really serious!

As you know, I have been a professional writer for over 50 years. My novels have been translated into 40 languages, including Albanian, Turkish, Chinese, Esperanto, and many more.

Now, with great pleasure, without choosing my expressions too much, I sincerely and with all the strength of my soul send to all the brainless “intellectuals” who are interested in my position to go fuck themselves.
— Dina Rubina

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WV Senator Shelley Moore Capito Reveals EPA Gave $50M Grant to Pro-Hamas Climate Group

Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV)

Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) announced last week that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) gave a $50 million grant to a “climate justice” group that, according to Capito, is involved in pro-Hamas, anti-Israel, and anti-Semitic activities.

Through funding from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), the EPA awarded the grant to the Climate Justice Alliance (CJA).

During remarks about the funding, Capito shared images she claims to have found on CJA’s website and social media showing “the bulldozer that went through the fence when Hamas attacked Israel on October the 7th.”

Capito also shared that the organization showcases antisemitic, anti-Israel, and pro-Hamas imagery on its social media.

Free Palestine – is a Climate Justice issue

— Climate Justice Alliance (CJA) (@CJAOurPower) November 4, 2023


The Post Millenial reports:

She continued, “If you dig deeper they want to defund the police, defund the military, either them—or their affiliates—want to have very radical, drastic initiatives that I think are anti-American, and they certainly are anti-Israel and anti-Semitic.” The group explains the link between climate and the war in Israel by saying that they use “an anti-colonial framework to show how Climate Justice and the liberation of Palestine are connected.” They claim that “colonized places” are at specific risk of exacerbated problems due to the “climate crisis.” They claim that it is through the “restoring of indigenous sovereignty” the “climate crisis” can be improved.

Capito then asked if the Climate Justice Alliance would actually be cleaning up the environment, or funding terrorism adding that the Environment and Public Works Committee would continue to follow the money to find out where American taxpayer dollars are going.

Climate Justice Alliance states that their intentions for how to use the money are “to serve as a bridge, model, and catalyst among organizations nationwide to confront the legacy of environmental harms; strengthen the environmental justice movement; mitigate the effects of climate change; support frontline communities in enacting their localized visions for thriving communities; and pilot co-governance between the EPA and frontline communities hit first and worst by environmental injustice and the climate crisis.”

Time and again when @EPA officials come before our committee, they say “if only we had more money, more resources, more staff.”

This is what they’re spending it on?

Many of us warned of the waste, fraud, and abuse.

No one could have dreamed it could be this bad.

— Shelley Moore Capito (@SenCapito) May 21, 2024

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Arizona Uses State Pension Plan to Push Woke Agenda

According to watchdog group American Accountability Foundation (AAF), Arizona is using its state pension fund to push a woke agenda.

The Arizona State Retirement System (ASRS) is using pension funds to back environmental, social and governance (ESG) shareholder resolutions on issues including race, gender, climate and politics.

Forbes describes the criteria for the ESG strategy as:

Environment. What kind of impact does a company have on the environment? This can include a company’s carbon footprint, toxic chemicals involved in its manufacturing processes and sustainability efforts that make up its supply chain.

Social. How does the company improve its social impact, both within the company and in the broader community? Social factors include everything from LGBTQ+ equality, racial diversity in both the executive suite and staff overall, and inclusion programs and hiring practices. It even looks at how a company advocates for social good in the wider world, beyond its limited sphere of business.

Governance. How does the company’s board and management drive positive change? Governance includes everything from issues surrounding executive pay to diversity in leadership as well as how well that leadership responds to and interacts with shareholders

@ISSGovernance is pleased to announce the launch of our Newly Enhanced Vote Disclosure Services, allowing #investors to showcase their #ESG Stewardship Program and easily meet best practice disclosure standards.

Learn more:

— Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. (ISS) (@issgovernance) June 29, 2021

AAF reveals that ASRS is promoting:

  • Decarbonization policies that would hurt America’s oil and gas industry.
  • Divisive “racial equity” audits that would stigmatize and disadvantage white men and women, Asians, Jews, and other groups who are disfavored by left wing groups.
  • Policies to hurt gun manufacturers.
  • Efforts to defund conservative groups and candidates that represent small businesses and mainstream Arizonians.

All told the report identifies over 180 votes cast by ASRS over the past two years at the annual shareholder meetings of public companies that push a woke agenda.

Arizona state senator Jake Hoffman told the Daily Caller News Foundation, “That Arizona retirees’ pension funds are being used to promote economically disastrous ESG policies should alarm every single state taxpayer, regardless of political affiliation.”

“Taxpayers entrust ASRS to provide and vigorously advocate for the retirements and other benefits for state employees — not to prioritize woke policies like ‘racial equity’ audits and defunding the American Left’s perceived political adversaries.”

From The Daily Caller:

Critics say that ESG investments are not in the best fiduciary interest of shareholders.

“These documents reveal a dark collusion between state bureaucrats and woke corporations to use state pension funds to further a leftist ideological agenda,” AAF president Thomas Jones told the DCNF. “Not the people of Arizona, nor their representatives in the legislature, ever voted on these issues, yet these forces have taken it upon themselves to impose things like woke racial equity and climate radicalism. It is an outrageous betrayal of the people of Arizona.”

Funds that invest in green energy companies and products globally underwent investment outflows amounting to $4.8 billion in the first quarter of 2024, Reuters reported, citing analysis conducted by LSEG Lipper. The S&P Global Clean Energy Index has plunged by around 7% while the S&P 500 Energy Index, which features many oil and gas companies, is up by over 8% in 2024.

Some states, like Florida and Texas, are removing funds from ESG-focused firms like Blackrock, the world’s largest asset manager, which has thoroughly embraced ESG.

In 2021, William Hild, Executive Director of Consumers’ Research, sent a letter to the governors of the 10 states with the top 10 state pension funds invested with BlackRock with a consumer warning.

Hild wrote, “Later today, Consumers’ Research, the nation’s oldest consumer advocacy organization, will issue a Consumer Warning focused on the world’s largest money management firm, BlackRock. The warning is meant to raise awareness among American consumers that BlackRock is taking their money and betting on China. In so doing they are putting American security at risk, along with billions of dollars from U.S. investors, including many state-run pension plans. I wanted to make sure that you were aware that your state is one of the top ten states whose public pension funds are invested in BlackRock and, therefore, potentially at risk based on the issues we outline in our Consumer Warning.”

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New Illinois Bill Mandates “Climate” Brainwashing in Schools

In yet another surrender to the global agenda of the far-left UN and the World Economic Forum, a new proposed bill in Illinois seeks to mandate climate change brainwashing in public schools across the state.

Illinois House Bill 4895 would require students to be taught that human activities are causing global warming and provide state-supported “solutions” to the alleged crisis.

From the bill:

Amends the Courses of Study Article of the School Code. Provides that, beginning with the 2026-2027 school year, every public school shall provide instruction on climate change, which shall include, but not be limited to, identifying the environmental and ecological impacts of climate change on individuals and communities and evaluating solutions for addressing and mitigating the impact of climate change and shall be in alignment with State learning standards, as appropriate. Provides that the State Board of Education shall, subject to appropriation, prepare and make available multi-disciplinary instructional resources and professional learning opportunities for educators that may be used to meet the requirements of the instruction. Effective July 1, 2025.

The Illinois State Board of Education will also prepare “multidisciplinary instructional resources” and “professional development” opportunities for teachers to ensure the agenda’s permeation.

While the state pushes “climate change,” Critical Race Theory, and the sexualization of children in schools, academic rigor in the state continues to slip lower and lower.

The Illinois State Board of Education’s report card is dreadful.

In 30 schools in Illinois, not a single student can read at grade level, 22 of which are in the City of Chicago.

In 53 schools, not a single student can do math at grade level, 33 of which are in  Chicago.

House Bill 4895 is one of three climate change education bills currently active in the Illinois legislature. The others are  Senate Bill 3644, which is similar to 4895, and House Bill 4319, both of which are still in committee.

Last year, Vice President Kamala Harris claimed that kids today suffer from ‘climate mental health’ issues.

If young people have anxiety about the climate, maybe it’s because Democrats, the media, and now public schools keep saying that the world is going to end.

According to a 2021 Lancet study that surveyed 10,000 young people in 10 countries, more than 59 percent were very or extremely worried about climate change and felt the following emotions: sad, anxious, angry, powerless, helpless, and guilty.

More than 45% of respondents said their feelings about climate change negatively affected their daily life and functioning with 75% saying that they think the future is frightening.
Another component of the survey revealed that climate anxiety and distress were also correlated with perceived inadequate government response and associated feelings of betrayal.
Fomenting anxiety and distrust ofd Economic Forum’s apparent goal of disrupting and replacing government fits nicely with the UN and the Worl governments.
Illinois seems determined to do its part to keep students anxious and distrustful.

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Judge Grants Restraining Order Against Wisconsin Elections Commission for Printing Illegal Absentee Ballot Envelopes

There’s a major case out of Marinette, Wisconsin, that impacts every absentee voter in the state. The Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) redesigned absentee ballot envelopes, wasting $600,000 in so-called “election security funds.”

What’s worse, if a judge allows these envelopes to be used in the election this year, there would be no chain of custody of the request for the ballot, making it easier to commit voter fraud in Wisconsin, either knowingly or unknowingly.

In August of last year, the WEC announced the redesign of the absentee certification envelopes to “provide voters with a more user-friendly way to vote absentee in upcoming elections.”

WEC, however, does not have the authority to change state election laws in Wisconsin.

On Friday, a Marinette County judge granted a temporary restraining order against WEC following a lawsuit that alleges the commission redesigned absentee ballot envelopes in a way that violates existing Wisconsin election laws.

Wisconsin attorneys Kevin Scott and Dan Eastman represent a Marinette County voter, Thomas Oldenburg, who filed the lawsuit concerning “the envelope case.”

According to Wisconsin law, an absentee voter must submit a signed statement inside the ballot envelope for it to be lawful. However, the new ballot envelope rolled out by WEC prompts voters to certify the envelopes themselves.

Scott and Eastman argue this violates existing state election laws since an envelope can’t replace a legally required application form.

In a press release, Scott stated, “The Hobson’s choice is either you sign a false statement under oath or you don’t get your absentee ballot counted. Now everybody should care about that. That’s not a partisan issue because these envelopes were created by the bipartisan Wisconsin Elections Commission.”

The new EL-122s, as opposed to previous versions of these envelopes, contain a section that requires the elector to certify under penalty of law that the elector requested the ballot and that the EL-122 itself was “an original or a copy of that request.”

Scott added, “The problem with these envelopes is that they force voters, under penalty of law, to make a false statement. That false statement in which they’re returning an absentee ballot is a copy of the application for the absentee ballot. It’s the most ridiculous, absurd statement you could make.”

Further, Scott and Eastman argue that allowing these new envelopes to be used in future elections will disenfranchise Wisconsin absentee voters.

At a press conference in Union Grove on Monday, Eastman said, “So at this point in Wisconsin, the only way you can vote is in-person at a polling place because you can’t use the envelope until WEC fixes the envelope, or you know, the judge pulls the TRO. The point is, we have a state agency that is basically out of control.”

Election integrity hero State Rep. Janel Brandtjen (R-Menomonee Falls), who was removed from her position on the Election Committee by anti-Trump Wisconsin Speaker Robin Vos, calls the latest WEC scandal an “incredible disaster.”

According to The Federalist, Brandtjen said, “There is no trail for requesting a ballot. … This would make the mail-in delivery system untraceable.”

She added, “Do you just want to hand the election to the Democrats? There is no downside to cheating in the state of Wisconsin with Republicans who are uneducated or unwilling to understand election law as it stands.”

Brandtjen also renewed calls to remove Wisconsin Elections Commission Administrator Meagan Wolfe.

The allegations against Wolfe include promoting and encouraging illegal alterations of absentee ballot applications during the administration of the 2020 presidential election in Wisconsin.

Scott added, “People will say, ‘What’s the big deal?’ but absentee ballot voting being misused is a real issue. This hurts an entire community’s vote.”

The Gateway Pundit has reported extensively on this 2020 voter fraud scheme in several battleground states where military ballots shockingly went almost entirely to Joe Biden.

In March, Wisconsin Democrat Kimberly Zapata was found guilty on all counts against her in a voter fraud scheme involving military ballots in the battleground state. Prosecutors say in 2022, she ordered military ballots using names she made up.

Judge James Morrison is scheduled to make a final judgment on this case on Wednesday, June 5, at 1 p.m.

You can read the brief here:

You can read the brief in support of a motion for temporary injunction here:

You can read the signed temporary injunction here:

The post Judge Grants Restraining Order Against Wisconsin Elections Commission for Printing Illegal Absentee Ballot Envelopes appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Ends State Bridge ‘Pride’ Lighting in Favor of Red, White and Blue

Florida’s Sunshine Skyway Bridge

Governor Ron DeSantis announced that from Memorial Day through Labor Day, Florida’s Sunshine Skyway Bridge will be lit in patriotic red, white, and blue. Thus, the practice of lighting it for a handful of other events, including a week in June for LGBT “Pride” Month, will end.

The bridge serves as a gateway to Tampa Bay.

Florida Department of Transportation Secretary Jared Perdue announced the “Freedom Summer” illumination plan on X.

“As Floridians prepare for Freedom Summer, Florida’s bridges will follow suit, illuminating in red, white, and blue from Memorial Day through Labor Day! Thanks to the leadership of @GovRonDeSantis, Florida continues to be the freest state in the nation.”

As Floridians prepare for Freedom Summer, Florida’s bridges will follow suit, illuminating in red, white, and blue from Memorial Day through Labor Day!

Thanks to the leadership of @GovRonDeSantis, Florida continues to be the freest state in the nation.

— Jared W. Perdue, P.E. (@FDOT_Secretary) May 8, 2024


The DOT directive also impacts decorative lighting on other state-owned bridges, including the Acosta Bridge in Jacksonville and the Ringling Bridge in Sarasota.

While some groups have complained about the decision, Manatee County Commission Chairman Mike Rahn said the decision on lighting should be left up to state officials because the state owns the bridges.

Rahn’s opposition to lighting the Sunshine Skyway Bridge for Pride Month and National Gun Violence Awareness Day led to the directive to go strictly with red, white, and blue.

Rahn explained, “My concern is if we’re going to do it for one group, we have to do it for all groups, no matter what their political stance is.”

“I feel, personally, that the bridge is being politicized by different organizations.”

The Governor also announced a series of events to celebrate the Summer of Freedom.

We’re kicking off summer the right way in Florida—enjoy the Summer of Freedom!

— Ron DeSantis (@GovRonDeSantis) April 30, 2024

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Far Left Boston City Council Member Calls for ‘Revolution,’ and Her Disturbing Behavior Alarms Even Liberal Colleagues (Video)

Tania Fernandez Anderson

Tania Fernandez Anderson is a far-left Boston City Councilor for District 7 and the first Muslim to serve on the Boston City Council.

Anderson was forced to redo her oath of office when it was discovered that she refused to swear the oath required of elected officials, pledging her allegiance to the United States and carrying out her duties with “impartiality.”

Stop voting for Democrats who hate this country.

Democrat Boston City Council member Tania Fernandez Anderson should be removed from office since she refused to pledge an Oath to uphold the United States Constitution.

Why must we placate traitors who despise us?

— Nick Koutrakos (@NickKoutrakos) February 21, 2024

Anderson has developed a reputation for concerning behavior, including lecturing her peers about the importance of “accountability” for public servants despite having an abysmal attendance record herself.

Anderson made headlines in 2022 when she called for the city to declare Mahsa Amini’s birthday as “Boston Hijab Day.”

Amini was murdered by Iranian Regime thugs while in police custody for not wearing a hijab.

Anderson’s behavior, which includes a call to “dismantle the White backdrop” in America and “create a revolution,” has caused concern among even her liberal colleagues, according to Fox News, who spoke with a source who described her wild antics and threats.

Fox News reports:

The source is a city hall employee, who requested anonymity because council member Tania Fernandes Anderson has created an “unhealthy” environment. The employee believes Fernandes Anderson is a “troubled person,” who uses accusations of racism to get people to fall in line. The source discussed the challenges of having someone in the city’s government who has been – in their view – hostile, verbally abusive and antisemitic.

“People are intimidated by her. And that intimidation does work,” the source said. They said some members would give into her because “no one want[s] to disagree with Tania because she’s unpredictable.”

In a December 2021 interview,  Anderson stated her goals in office “will be about equity and I hope we don’t have too many disagreements in there. I think that systemic racism is long overdue for us to overthrow it in order for us to create a revolution that brings about change.”

According to the source, Anderson has become known for public outbursts, swearing, yelling, and screaming during public city council meetings.

“The last thing someone wants is to be labeled as a racist in this city,” the source said.

Fernandes Anderson refers to her own tirades as giving “smoke.”

“Don’t come for me, because if you want smoke, you’ll get smoke. I’m not afraid of any of you,” she said during a March 2024 meeting. 

“It’s a threat. I feel like it’s a threat,” the source said about her comments.

In August 2022, Anderson called the city council “depraved” and “stupidly racially divided” because they refused to side with her on redistricting.

“I can’t even call you guys cowards because desperation deserves mercy,” Fernandes Anderson told her colleagues. “Your votes here sometimes are racist… I am here to represent every Black woman and man in the community.”

“What the f— do I have to do in this f—ing council to get respect as a Black woman,” she yelled, while slamming her fist on the table.



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Hamas Leader Thanks Student Protesters For Being Part of ‘Flood’ to Annihilate Jews (Video)

Image courtesy of MEMRI

Senior Hamas official Khaled Mashal officially thanked student protesters at American universities for their protests and anti-Israel encampments and for their participation in the “Al-Aqsa Flood” war.

Immediately following the October 7 Hamas terrorist attacks against civilians, Mashal, called for a global Muslim uprising in support of Palestine. He emphasized the need for Muslims to sacrifice and carry out Jihad, including a willingness to offer their blood and souls to advance the Palestinian cause.

He urged Muslims worldwide to display their anger, not just in Muslim countries, but also in diaspora communities around the world.

In a May 18, 2024, address to the Flood of the Free conference hosted by the Muslim Brotherhood in Istanbul, Turkey, Mashal made sure to thank anti-Israel protestors on college campuses for doing their part for Hamas.

A translation of his remarks was provided by the Middle East Media Research Institute.

Mashal said, “We thank the great student Flood, which emerged from the American, European, and Western universities, and has reached all the countries of our nation. We are grateful for the spirit that we have witnessed in our nation and in humanity as a whole. We are grateful to the free people of the world.”

“We have an opportunity to defeat Israel, Allah willing. We have an opportunity to dismantle the Zionist enterprise. We have an opportunity to change the world.”

Mashal then explained other steps that are “required” from anti-Israel protestors.

First, he tells protestors to “continue what you started immediately following October 7.”

”The activities and the programs that you have held throughout the past 8 months – you should continue. Continue your financial Jihad. We want a continuous financial Flood, in support of Gaza, to provide the people shelter, aid, and food, in support of the mujahideen, and in order to buy weapons for them.”

He then called on protestors to “siege” Israeli and American embassies.

”We want a flood in the form of a siege of the Israeli and American embassies. We want constant rage that will stop this aggression. We want a media Flood that will deliver its message. We want the truthful Palestinian narrative to reach far and to control all social media platforms and all forums. We want a legal Flood, like in the Hague. We should prosecute the criminal killers. We stand by South Africa and the countries that have now joined it – Turkey, Libya, and Egypt,” Mashal said.

”Today, we have a greater duty to do more than all we have done before. Indeed, on several fronts, there is blessed participation in the Jihad, and we are grateful to the people behind it. We want total integration in the battle on the ground. Today, we want a Flood of Jihad and resistance,” he said. “It is good for Mankind, because annihilating the Zionists is good for humanity as a whole.”


Hamas Leader Abroad Khaled Mashal: We Thank the Great ‘Student Flood’ at American Universities; We Want a ‘Legal Flood’ in the Hague; Annihilating the Zionists Is Good for Humanity; Being Far Away Doesn’t Absolve Us from Jihad and Resistance #Hamas

— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) May 21, 2024

At the same Flood of the Free conference, Indian Islamic scholar, Maulana Salman Hussaini Nadwi, called for Muslims worldwide to attack Israel, eliminate “this worm,” and destroy Tel Aviv.


Indian Islamic Scholar Maulana Salman Hussaini Nadwi: Muslims in Turkey, Egypt, UAE, KSA and Elsewhere Must Attack Israel and Eliminate This ‘Worm’; You Should Destroy Tel Aviv and Every Town These Criminal Apes and Pigs Live In #Turkey #India #antisemitism

— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) May 21, 2024

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Illinois Set to Change Description of  ‘Offender’ to ‘Justice-Impacted Individual’ in State Law

Illinois State Sen. Robert Peters sponsored House Bill 4409 to change “offender” to “justice-impacted individual” in state law.

In a move that seems like parody, but sadly isn’t, a bill that passed both houses in Illinois yesterday would change the word “offender” to “justice-impacted individual” in state law.

Illinois House Bill 4409 also adds Illinois Department of Corrections representation to the Adult Redeploy Illinois oversight board.

After passing both the House and Senate, it can now be sent to the governor for further action.

From the bill:

House Committee Amendment No. 1
Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Illinois Crime Reduction Act of 2009. Changes references from “offenders” to “justice-impacted individuals”. Provides that funds shall be distributed via a grant program (rather than allotment of funds shall be based on a formula). Provides that the Adult Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board is created to oversee, provide guidance, and develop an administrative structure for the Adult Redeploy Illinois Program. Provides that once all members have been appointed, the Board may exercise any power, perform any function, take any action, or do anything in furtherance of its purposes and goals upon the appointment of a quorum of its members. Establishes specified membership on the Adult Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board. Provides that the Oversight Board shall, in addition to its other duties establish a grant program (rather than develop a formula) for the allotment of funds to local jurisdictions for local and community-based services in lieu of commitment to the Department of Corrections and a penalty amount for failure to reach the goal of reduced commitments stipulated in the plans. Provides that grant funds awarded shall be administered by the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority, in coordination with the Oversight Board, and shall be consistent with the requirements of the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act. Provides that the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority shall provide administrative support to the Adult Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board.

The Center Square reports:

The ARI program aims to reduce crime and recidivism at a lower cost to taxpayers through community services as an alternative to prison. Proponents said the ARI program is successful in reducing crime and that it has eligibility requirements, specifically individuals in the program have to be first-time offenders.

State Sen. Terri Bryant, R-Murphysboro, urged lawmakers to vote no.

“Over and over again, we keep changing the name of how we are referring to those who have entered into criminal activity and each time we make that change, each agency has to make that change on every one of their documents. Right now in the Department of Corrections, there’s multiple changes that have been made and it’s costing thousands and thousands of dollars just to do a name change. Why is it necessary to make the name change?” Bryant said Tuesday.


Republicans said the focus shouldn’t be on what they called the “poor offender” but rather on the victims of violent crimes. State Sen. Steve McClure, R-Springfield, brought up how the Prisoner Review Board released Crosetti Brand, the man who killed 11-year-old Jayden Perkins a day after his release. He said Brand wasn’t a justice-impacted individual but rather an offender.

During the debate on the bill, McClure pressed State Sen. Robert Peters, the bill’s sponsor,  for a definition of what “justice-impacted individual” means.

Peters responded, “That means someone who has been impacted by the criminal justice system and is an individual. We [in this bill] don’t mess with anything in regards to the term ‘victim,’ we just change the word ‘offender’ to ‘justice-impacted individual.’”

McClure then asked, “So are you changing what victims are referred to? Are they going to be going to be referred to as ‘criminally-impacted individuals?'”

Peters responded, “Sometimes we refer to victims as ‘survivors.’ Survivors of violent crime, sometimes survivors of domestic violence. So we use multiple terms for a lot of different people for a lot of different things.”

McClure shot back, “So are you saying the bill changes the word victims multiple times? Or is there no change at all to the word victims within the legislation? Or is the word victims not in the legislation at all?”

Peters replied, “Well, we don’t mess with anything in terms of the word victim. We just changed offender to justice- impacted individual.”


Illinois legislators are also pushing a bill to change “armed habitual criminal” to “persistent unlawful possession of a weapon.”

Sen. Peters was a key supporter of ending cash bail in the state.

The Gateway Pundit reported that Illinois became the first state in the U.S. to entirely abolish cash bail which was a massive win for criminals.

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Feds Ban Memorial Day Event to Honor Fallen Heroes From National Cemetery, Call it a ‘Demonstration’

Poplar Grove National Cemetery in Petersburg, VA.

Since the 1960s, the Knights of Columbus have held a Memorial Day event at the Poplar Grove National Cemetery in Petersburg, VA.

For the last two years, however, The National Park Service (NPS) has refused permission for the event due to a new policy prohibiting “religious services”  and calling the ceremony to honor this nation’s fallen heroes a “demonstration.”

The park service has instead said the event must take place in a nearby “free speech zone.”

The Knights and their attorneys say the decision by park officials violates the First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

On May 13, 2024, First Liberty Institute and the law team at McGuireWoods sent a letter to the Chief Park Ranger asking to reconsider the decision, arguing that a 2022 policy on special events is being misapplied.

You can read the letter here.

“Our hope is that the National Park Service will immediately correct this error and grant the permit,” said John Moran, Partner at McGuireWoods.  “This policy and the decision to block the Knights of Columbus from continuing their long-standing religious tradition is a blatant violation of the First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.”

Roger Byron, Senior Counsel at First Liberty, added, “Due to the religious nature of the Knights’ annual service to honor and pray for the nation’s fallen soldiers, they have been assigned a second class status and relegated to the proverbial back of the bus.  That is precisely the kind of unlawful discrimination and censorship the First Amendment was enacted to prevent.  Surely this decision was an oversight.”

The letter to the Park’s chief ranger states, “There is no reason under NPS regulations or Policy Memorandum 22-01 to deny the Knights a permit to hold the service within the cemetery. Indeed, even since the adoption of Policy Memorandum 22-01, the Park Service has authorized Memorial Day masses in other National Cemeteries.”  As the letter further explains, “it violates the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act to discriminate against and censor the Knights’ activities solely because of their religious character.”  Further, the “prohibition of the Knights’ Memorial Day service due to its religious nature is not merely unlawful content-based discrimination on speech—it is textbook viewpoint discrimination, which is per se unconstitutional.”

Now, First Liberty Institute and the law team at McGuireWoods have filed a motion for a temporary restraining order against the NPS in Petersburg, Virginia, to allow the event to move forward.

You can read the motion here.

“The policy and the decision blocking the Knights of Columbus from continuing their long-standing religious tradition is a blatant violation of the First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act,” said John Moran, Partner at McGuireWoods.  “We urge the court to grant our restraining order and allow the Knights to hold their service this Memorial Day.”

Roger Byron, Senior Counsel at First Liberty, added, “The National Park Service is way out of line.  This is the kind of unlawful discrimination and censorship RFRA and the First Amendment were enacted to prevent.  Hopefully the court will grant the Knights the relief they need to keep this honorable tradition alive.”

The motion for a temporary restraining order states:  “The case for preliminary relief is simple: The Knights are likely to succeed on their claims that Defendants’ application of their policies to bar the Knights from conducting a ‘religious service’ in the National Cemetery—as they had previously done for generations—violates their right to religious free exercise under the First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).  The Court should therefore grant the motion and enter an immediate temporary restraining order or issue a preliminary injunction allowing the Knights to continue their decades-long tradition of hosting a Memorial Day mass inside the Poplar Grove National Cemetery.”

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Iranian Women Celebrate the Death of President Raisi “We Freely Dance and Celebrate on Your Dirty Grave”

The daughters of Minoo Majidi, killed during protests by the brutal regime, celebrate news of Raisi’s death with a toast.

Iranian women are celebrating the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and dancing on his “dirty grave.”

The “Butcher of Tehran” oversaw a brutal crackdown on the protests in 2022 that rose against the Islamic “morality police.”

As reported earlier, a helicopter carrying Iranian President and mass murderer Ebrahim Raisi crashed while visiting a northern region.

The Iranian state reported Raisi’s death.

Raisi oversaw a brutal crackdown on the Iranian people protesting following the murder of 22-year-old Iranian woman Mahsa Amini by regime thugs.

Amini died from injuries sustained at the hands of police after her arrest for the “improper” wearing of a hijab.

Under Raisi, and according to a UN Human Rights Council report earlier this year, the monthslong security crackdown killed more than 500 people, and over 22,000 were detained.

The report also found that Iranian security forces raped and sexually assaulted many of the women in custody.

Brave women in Iran have shared their joyous reactions to Amini’s death on social media.


Mersedeh Shahinkar, who was blinded by Iranian security forces after taking part in the mass protests, shared, “We freely dance and celebrate on your dirty grave.”

Shahinkar was joined by Sima Moradbeigi, who lost her right arm after being shot by police during a women’s rights protest.

ما بر سر گور کثیف و نجستتان آزادانه میرقصیم و جشن میگیریم#زن_زندگی_ازادی@simamoradb51053

— MersedeH_eye (@mersedeh_eye) May 19, 2024

A mother whose son was executed by Raisi only a few months ago shared a video of her celebration at the news.

Iranian journalist Masih AlinejadI said of the video, “I told you Iranian women are wounded, but unbowed to their oppressors. My social media is flooded with videos of the family members of those killed by the President of the Islamic Republic, celebrating his death.”

Just a few months ago, Ebrahim Raisi executed her son, Now, she’s dancing over his death in a helicopter crash.
I told you Iranian women are wounded, but unbowed to their oppressors.
My social media is flooded with videos of the family members of those killed by the President of…

— Masih Alinejad (@AlinejadMasih) May 20, 2024

Minoo Majidi, 62, was also killed during the protests and her daughters toasted the news of Raisi’s death while the song “Helikopter” by Bosnian singer Fazlija played in the background.


— Mahsa Piraei مهسا پیرایی (@mahsa_piraei) May 19, 2024

“Raisi ordered the killing of my mother and his minister denied our martyrs. I know it is not right to be happy about the death of a person, but they were not human. Congratulations to all the victims’ families and people of Iran. Zan, Zendegi, Azadi”

— Deepa Parent (@DeepaParent) May 20, 2024

For the death of a bloody dictator like #Raisi in memory of the many women murdered and the many gay and non-gay young people hanged because they asked for freedom. Always on the side of those brave revolutionaries”

Per la morte di un sanguinario dittatore come #Raisi in ricordo delle tante donne trucidate e i tanti giovani gay e non impiccati perché chiedono libertà. Sempre dalla parte di quei coraggiosi rivoluzionari ♥

— anna paola concia (@annapaolaconcia) May 20, 2024

Under Raisi’s rule, the Iranian men and women who protested against the regime’s brutality paid a price for daring to speak up.  Protestors faced being fired on with an AK-47 , there was indiscriminate firing on protesters in the street from moving vehicles, the murder of Hadis Najafi , a powerful symbol of the uprisings, the kidnapping, torture, rape, and murder of Nika Shakarimi,  and a woman being dragged by police and sexually assaulted by a gang of the Islamic Republic oppressive forces.

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Latest Hilarious Take From The Babylon Bee: “Satan Asks Democrats To Tone Down All The Evil” (VIDEO)

Image: Video screenshot

The satire website, The Babylon Bee, released an inside look at a regularly scheduled marketing meeting with Democrats, where Satan asks them to tone down all the evil just a little bit.

Satan: Thank you all for meeting with me. You’re all doing some wonderful work destroying the world, but I think it’s probably time for us to reevaluate.

Speaker 1: Sorry for the interruption, but I think we’re in the wrong meeting. We’re not here to destroy the world. We’re here to save it. You see, we are some of the leading leaders of liberal causes, and I’m with the Human Rights Campaign who focus on LGBTQ+ and trans rights. You see, I have an equal sign to let you know that I’m a good person.

Speaker 2: Oh, excuse me. Women’s Reproductive Rights.

Speaker 3: Climate.

Speaker 4: Free Palestine.

Speaker 5: Open borders.

Satan: I misspoke before. You guys are not destroying the world, okay? You are saving the world.

Speaker 1: What’s up with those scare quotes?

Satan: Pretty sure I didn’t use scare quotes when I said saving the world.

The important thing to keep in mind is that there’s a big election coming up, and we’re all on the same page, okay? So if we want Biden to win, he needs to to win in order for us to save the world. If we want Biden to win, you folks… How can I say this? You might need to tone it down just…

Speaker 2: Tone down what?

Speaker 4: That’s a good question.

Satan: You’re women’s reproductive rights, right? Okay. Excellent branding, by the way. I see it’s much easier on the ears than baby murder. So kudos to you on that one. But opposing any restrictions all the way through to the ninth month, I mean, you see how you’re your hand, right? It makes people think, Wait, maybe they actually want to kill babies. And we do, obviously.

Speaker 2: No, we don’t. No, we don’t. We don’t.

Satan: Right. We don’t. But you see how it can look that way. So that’s all I’m saying. Let’s tone it down. And you, immigration. Clearly, we don’t want a completely open border that undermines any sense of national sovereignty, driving down wages for the working class and overtax in the welfare state. So let’s go a bit easy there, too. Why not something like this? Why not something like Diversity is our…

Speaker 5: Are you trying to say diversity is our strength?

Satan: Yes. How do you say that without laughing? Oh, my gosh. I can’t even get through it. This is… My sides. My goodness. Okay, what about you? Pro-palestine. You are… I’m going to say this. You’re coming across like you just want to wipe Israel off the map and kill all the Jews.

Speaker 4: We do want to wipe Israel off the map and kill all the Jews. Of course, yes, yes.

Satan: Of course, yes, yes. And that’s awesome. I’m I’m all for that. I love that. But you need to pretend like you don’t want to wipe Israel off the map and kill all the Jews.

Speaker 4: Why?

Satan: Excuse me?

Speaker 4: I mean, we’re pretty clear in our position, and most young people and everyone on college campuses, and half the Democratic Party, of course, still support us.

Speaker 2: Yeah, it’s cool now.

Satan: You may have a point there. You might be the only person in here that can be as evil as you want to be and get away with it. All right, still, let’s think about tactics. Okay, do you think that occupying bridges and blocking traffic is somehow winning people over to your cause?

Speaker 3:
Yeah, and making people hate us by blocking traffic is our thing. He’s stealing our thing.

Speaker 4: We’re not stealing your thing. You must die. We will kill you all.

Satan: See, this is what I’m talking about. I mean, okay, I love the homicidal thing that you got going on there. I really dig it, okay? But maybe market it just a little bit differently. Like the serial killer that everyone thinks is such a sweet guy. You know? He’s got 27 bodies in the basement, but he’s like, you know, Coaching Little League. That’s what I want. Be that guy.

Speaker 4: Death to America.

Satan: You know the funny thing is, you don’t even look Middle Eastern. Am I wrong, people? Am I wrong?

Speaker 4: I’m not. I actually grew up on Long Island, but my parents sent me to college. Death to America.

Satan: HRC guy. You have been going over the top as well.

Speaker 1: It’s important for us, they/them, to be accepted it just like everyone else.

Satan: Yes, of course, of course, of course. And convincing people that they’re intolerant for not wanting men to get naked in women’s locker rooms. I guess that’s genius. I mean, come on, it’s next-level stuff. All right, but insisting that your children be mutilated. I mean, come on, just turn people off, you guys. I mean, not everyone, obviously. But until the election, can we just all pretend for a few months not to be crazed lunatic homicidal extremists?

Cross-talk: Extremists? No, it’s my body, my body. Donald J. Trump.

Satan: You will obey me. Sorry. Glad we’re all on the same page, though.


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Pro-Life Advocate Joan Andrews Bell Leaves Sentencing Singing ‘Ave Maria,’ Receives Standing Ovation

Joan Andrews Bell/Image: Courtesy of LifeSiteNews

Seven pro-life activists were sentenced to prison this week for protesting at a late-term abortion clinic in 2020.

Under the Biden Regime, the DOJ has weaponized the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act. This 1994 law prohibits interfering with anyone obtaining or providing “reproductive health services,” as a punishment for the Supreme Court’s reversal of  Roe v. Wade in June 2022.

After the Supreme Court ruling, Biden formed the DOJ-led Reproductive Rights Task Force to enforce the act.

According to The Epoch Times, the FACE Act has now been used 130 times against pro-life individuals but only used three times against pro-abortion protesters.

The activists were convicted of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act and “conspiracy against rights” for a sit-in protest at the Surgi-Clinic in Washington, D.C.

The Gateway Pundit reported that in September 2023, Jonathan Darnel, 41, of Arlington, Virginia.; Jean Marshall, 73, of Kingston, Massachusetts; Joan Andrews Bell, 76, of Montague, New Jersey, were each convicted of a felony conspiracy against rights and a FACE Act offense.

On Wednesday, Bell left her sentencing singing ‘Ave Maria’ as supporters gave her a standing ovation. Bell was sentenced to 27 months in jail, community service, and a $125 fine which she said she will not pay.

Life Site News reports:

“In court … Joan said to the judge, ‘In conscience, I cannot pay any fine. Also, I cannot accept probation as it violates my conscience.’”

When U.S. District Judge for the District of Columbia Colleen Kollar-Kotelly also informed Joan Bell that she would have to do community service, the pro-life prisoner “quietly, yet forcefully” explained that she would not do it.

According to Christopher Bell, Joan said: “It violates my conscience. I cannot do something in reparation for something that the court should be doing: protecting children.” She also said that she would not volunteer for probation, as she did not agree that she had done “anything bad.”


He continued: “As Joan was taken out of the courtroom, the entire gallery of onlookers, as if one body, erupted in applause as they gave her a standing ovation and many, including me, were saying, ‘I love you, Joan.’  She left looking back and singing ‘Ave, Ave, Maria.’”

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Democrat MA Town That Voted Overwhelmingly for Joe Biden Furious They Got What They Voted For 

Norfolk, Massachusetts’ Bay State Correctional Center

Norfolk, Massachusetts’ 11,500 residents voted overwhelmingly for Joe Biden in 2020.

Now, residents are up in arms that they are getting exactly what they voted for.

The state announced it is refurbishing the Massachusetts Bay State Correctional Center in Norfolk, which formerly served as a minimum-security dorm-like facility. The move will alleviate the hundreds of illegals currently camped out at Boston’s Logan International Airport and provide housing for six to twelve months.

Illegals camping at Boston’s Logan International Airport.

But residents are not happy that Biden’s border crisis is coming to their backyard.

On Wednesday, during a Select Board meeting,  around 300 residents attended the meeting to share their concerns about the influx of illegals into their town and expressed frustration that they were left in the dark about the plans.

Residents also demanded answers on how the move would impact community services, including schools, emergency services, and the overall town budget.

Fox News reports:

“Let’s face it, we don’t want it here. We don’t,” resident John Semas said, according to GBH.

“And, it doesn’t make us bad people, it doesn’t make me not compassionate, it doesn’t make me a bad father.” Semas was among a small group of people donning shirts and placards that read “Save Norfolk: No Shelter,” the publication reports.


At Wednesday’s meeting, resident Lauren Vives said the shelter could bring a financial burden to the town, which only has two elementary schools, one ambulance, a small police and fire department and no grocery store.

“The proposition to increase our town’s population by 4% overnight is preposterous,” Vivas said, according to GBH. She said that the plan shows “a lack of respect” for the town.


The Gateway Pundit reported that Massachusetts Democrat Governor Maura Healey approved hundreds of millions in new spending for illegal immigrants, even as people are fleeing the state for greener pastures in early May.

In April, state Democrats ensured state residents knew precisely who they prioritize.

A bill in the Massachusetts House of Representatives aimed at prioritizing U.S. military veterans for shelter assistance over illegal immigrants was defeated.

The bill, known as “Homeless Veterans Prioritization for Shelter Assistance,” was rejected by a 27-129 vote. The majority of Democrats opposed it, while all 25 House Republicans, along with two Democrats, supported it.

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6-Year-Old Girl Saves NYU Law Commencement, Embarrasses Anti-Israel Protesters Who Refuse to Leave Stage

Little Eden Rose Neiger holds up a picture of a heart she had drawn during the ceremony. Image: NYU School of Law/Facebook

Pro-Hamas cheerleaders have made one of the most important touchstones in a person’s life, the pride and accomplishment of commencement, all about themselves.

But one brave little girl turned the tables on the protesters at NYU School of Law’s commencement on Thursday.

During the event, Palestinian flag-waving protesters, shrieking hateful chants, refused to leave the stage.

Protestors demonstrate at NYU Law School graduation

— Old Row (@OldRowOfficial) May 16, 2024


Law school Dean Troy McKenzie pleaded with a student holding a Palestinian flag to stop disrupting the event and leave the stage, saying, “You made your point.”

But the disruptions didn’t stop brave six-year-old Eden Rose Neiger from joining her graduating mother, Devorah Neiger, and two siblings from walking on stage to mark an important moment for her family.

Once on stage, Eden raised a picture of a purple heart she drew while waiting in the audience and handed it to Dean McKenzie.

Her proud father, Edward Neiger, said, “The mood and energy completely changed – she got the biggest applause of the whole ceremony.”

According to The New York Post, Edward added, “There was tension in the room – you didn’t know what was going to happen next. While some students disrupted the ceremony with symbols of hate, Eden drew a purple heart as a symbol of love.”

Via the Post:

“She got such resounding applause” in a day that was dominated by “darkness,” said the mom, noting that the politically charged acts were “really jarring and shocking.”

“You just have to sit there and take it – you don’t want to stoop to that level, even though every part of your body wants to stand up to them,” said Devorah Neiger, who added that the artistic gesture was her daughter’s decision alone.

“We did not put her up to this.”

As they left the stage, Eden told her mom, “That was kind of brave of me.”

Judy Kayne, a Westchester teacher in attendance, was in full agreement.

“All of a sudden, this little girl gets up on the stage with her mother holding a piece of paper with a big heart,” recalled Kayne, who said it elicited standing ovations. “It was very powerful to me – the innocence of a child is all you want in this world. It was beautiful – children don’t know about hatred. That picture is sort of the answer to all of this hate.”

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Frank Luntz Delivers More Bad News to Democrats: “A Third of Male Black Voters Could End Up With Trump in the Fall” (Video)

Frank Luntz delivers more bad news to Democrats. Image: Video screenshot

One of the most talked about aspects of the 2024 Presidential election so far is the movement of minority voters to President Trump.


American politics is in the midst of a racial realignment.

I think this is simultaneously one of the most important social trends in the US today, and one of the most poorly understood.

— John Burn-Murdoch (@jburnmurdoch) March 11, 2024

According to a recent survey,  two specific reasons for this are economic issues, such as the crippling inflation of Joe Biden as well as the  Democrats’ rush to embrace the most extreme elements in their party.


Pollster Franz Luntz spoke with CNN and underscored the trend.

Luntz said, “But specifically, with black voters, it’s not all black voters.  It’s younger Black voters and particularly younger Black men.  I discovered this when I got off a plane at JKF when two baggage handlers come over to me and to tell me I don’t get it.”

“That they are going to vote for Donald Trump because they think are being victimized the same way he is.”

“In some of these votes that have left Joe Biden over the last four years, it’s because of Biden’s weakness.  In this case, young Black men see in Donald Trump the same kind of oppression, the same kind of persecution. The idea that Trump is a victim and they feel victimized by the system and so they’re endorsing Trump because of the fight that he’s having.”

“And I actually think it’s possible that among Black voters, male Black voters under the age of 40, that a third of them could end up with Trump in the fall.”


.@FrankLuntz predicts President Trump could win the support of a third of black men under 40 in November

— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) May 17, 2024

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Dr. Who Actor Blames Series Tanking Ratings on “Racists”

Ncuti Gatwa as Dr. Who/Image: Video screenshot

Over the last 60 years, the BBC show Dr. Who has developed a cult following. The series has seen 14 actors in the title role, with actor Ncuti Gatwa most recently taking over.

Ratings for the current iteration, however, have been slipping, and Gatwa claims that it is because of racists who can’t stand seeing a non-white individual portraying the main character.

While the show has always had socially progressive roots, producer Russell T. Davies recently told Rolling Stone his current incarnation is written to be especially progressive.

Episodes in the newest season include redesigning a flip phone so it doesn’t look like a gun, a character defending a “non-binary” child against “transphobes,” and an entire episode dedicated to pushing abortion.

But for Gatwa, it couldn’t possibly be shoving an endlessly progressive agenda down viewers’ throats, causing a downturn in viewership.

It must be racism.

Bounding into Comics shared Gatwa’s recent interview with NPR.

From there, Deggan would turn to press Gatwa for his thoughts on the mountains of criticism fans have leveled towards Davies’ aforementioned decision to focus the series’ narrative on overt sociopolitical messaging – “If you’re not writing that [in 2024], what on Earth are you doing?” the showrunner declared during a previous interview with Rolling Stone – rather than entertainment.

However, instead of earnestly actually engaging with the substance of this very specific and widespread complaint, Gatwa instead moved to paint those fans who have tuned out of Doctor Who as nothing more than anti-black racists.

“I don’t want to diminish racial aggression at all, but for me, personally, I find it fascinating that it matters so much to these people,” said the actor. “You are going to limit yourselves from a show that you love because you don’t like something about someone’s appearance. It’s just, like, really sad for them.”

It should come as no surprise that the new, progressive-agenda-pushing version of “Doctor Who” debuted on Disney+ on May 14. 

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The View’s Sara Haines Smears Catholics-Calls Those Who Participate in Traditional Latin Mass “Cult-Like” and Likens it to “Extreme” Religions in the Middle East

The View’s Sara Haines smears Catholics.

The bitter ladies of ABC’s The View had a complete meltdown over Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker’s recent commencement speech at Benedictine College, a Catholic institution.

Co-host Sara Haines put her anti-Catholic bigotry on full display, calling Butker and those who share his Catholic faith “extremists” and “cult-like.”

Haines said Butker is part of “a very extreme religion” because he attends a traditional Latin mass.

She added that a Latin mass is similar to the cult-like and extremist like some religions in the Middle East and Asia.”

This is someone practicing what is called the traditional Latin Mass, which is divergent from the majority of Catholics and compared to being cult-like and extremist like some religions in the Middle East and Asia.

So this is a very extreme religion.

She also lectured Butker about how he doesn’t “walk with Jesus” or oppressed people:

So, what I can say to him, as a Christian, is if you’re using this to oppress people or hold them down you’re not walking with Jesus. If you are using the religion, if you’re more obsessed with the religious rituals and practices than you are with the word of Jesus, you’re not walking with Jesus. And if you’re using it for the judgment of others and as a weapon to beat people down you’re also not walking with Jesus.


Pretend-moderate Sara Haines claims Butker is “practicing” an “extremist” and “cult-like” sect of Catholicism like “some religions in the Middle East.”
“This is a very extreme religion,” she adds “as a Christian.”
She claims he’s “not walking with Jesus” and oppressing people.

— Nicholas Fondacaro (@NickFondacaro) May 16, 2024

Butker’s crime was suggesting some women find fulfillment in being homemakers. 

“In the end— no matter how much money you attain— none of it will matter if you are alone and devoid of purpose… I can offer one controversial antidote that I believe will have a lasting impact for generations to come: GET MARRIED AND START A FAMILY.”

As The Gateway Pundit reported in April, Chris Wray’s FBI has targeted Catholic, particularly those who participate in Latin Mass

Wray’s FBI sent out a memo warning agents of the dangerous ‘radical traditionalist Catholic ideology’ that is gaining popularity in the country.

The memo was posted at by former FBI special agent Kyle Seraphin.

The FBI has singled out traditional Catholics as potential domestic terrorists.

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Republicans Send Letter Demanding Answers on Mistreatment of Jailed Pro-Lifers

Jean Marshall (L) Heather Idoni (R)

Joe Biden’s DOJ/FBI is hunting down and jailing pro-life, conservative grandmas while ignoring Antifa and BLM militants and the radical Hamas supporters shutting down and terrorizing college campuses.

Under the Biden Regime, the DOJ has weaponized the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, a 1994 law that prohibits interfering with anyone obtaining or providing “reproductive health services,” as a punishment for the Supreme Court’s reversal of  Roe v. Wade in June 2022.

After the Supreme Court ruling, Biden formed the DOJ-led Reproductive Rights Task Force to enforce the act.

According to The Epoch Times, the FACE Act has now been used 130 times against pro-life individuals but only used three times against pro-abortion protesters.

The Gateway Pundit reported that in September 2023, Jonathan Darnel, 41, of Arlington, Virginia.; Jean Marshall, 73, of Kingston, Massachusetts; Joan Bell, 74, of Montague, New Jersey, were each convicted of a felony conspiracy against rights and a FACE Act offense.

Lauren Handy, 28, of Alexandria, Virginia; John Hinshaw, 67, of Levittown, New York; Heather Idoni, 61, of Linden, Michigan; William Goodman, 52, of Bronx, New York; and Herb Geraghty, 25, of Pittsburgh were also found guilty of conspiring to blockade access to a clinic.

Now, seven members of Congress have sent a letter to U.S. Marshals Service Director Ronald L. Davis Director and Federal Bureau of Prisons Director Colette S. Peters to address the concerning treatment of two of the activists, Marshall and Idoni.

Idoni has been held in prison since she was convicted and before sentencing. It is accurate to say she is being tortured by the Biden Regime.

Idoni spoke with LifeSiteNews and shared the abuses she alleges she has faced while incarcerated.

The Gateway Pundit reported that Idoni recently suffered a stroke after 22 days of solitary confinement in prison for sharing food with fellow prisoners.

The letter to Davis and Peters reads in part:

We are deeply concerned by reports suggesting that the U.S. Marshal Service did not provide medically necessary health care services to two prisoners in its custody: Ms. Jean Marshall, 74, and Heather Idoni, 59. On May 15, 2024, Ms. Marshall was sentenced to 15 additional months in prison, and Ms. Idoni is scheduled to be sentenced next week.

We ask Director Davis to provide a clear and comprehensive account of the care provided to Ms. Idoni and Ms. Marshall during their time in the custody of the U.S. Marshals Service.


A summary of the medical situations reported in the cases of Ms. Idoni and Ms. Marshall is provided below.

Ms. Heather Idoni

Since at least August 2023, we understand that Ms. Idoni, has been in the custody of the U.S. Marshals Service. We understand she is being detained at The Central Detention Facility, known as DC Jail, located at 1901 D Street, SE, in Washington DC. Ms. Idoni has stated that she is not receiving appropriate care for a serious heart condition or for her diabetes.

On May 13, 2024, LifeSiteNews reported that Ms. Idoni had suffered a stroke two weeks previously. Following the stroke, Ms. Idoni said that she “had had 3 stents placed above her heart two weeks ago and was told to take daily doses of heart medicine. However, prison officials have not given her a single dose.”

LifeSiteNews reported that Ms. Idoni has repeatedly raised this issue with jail personnel. She says a jail nurse told her, after six days, that jail records indicate she received her daily dose, so Ms. Idoni is concerned that someone at the jail is falsifying her medical records.[1] Ms. Idoni told a reporter that “she was frightened that she might die.”

Ms. Idoni is also reported to suffer from diabetes. She has said that DC Jail did not offer her diabetes medication and she has been without any prescription for her diabetes. LifeSiteNews noted that Ms. Idoni, who has been held at six other jails since her arrest in 2022, had been able to get her diabetes medication at each of the previous jails. Ms. Idoni told the reporter, “So, my blood sugar numbers are a hundred points higher than they normally should be … My numbers have been perfect at all the other jails.”

Ms. Jean Marshall

Since at least September 15, 2023, we understand that Ms. Marshall has been in the custody of the U.S. Marshals Service. Until her sentencing on May 15, 2024, we understand she was being detained at William G. Truesdale Adult Detention Center in Alexandria, Virginia.

Ms. Marshall writes that she suffers from pain in her hip and an inability to walk. She reports that she was evaluated for osteoarthritis in both hips by Dr. Talmo of New England Baptist Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts. Ms. Marshall explains that she was scheduled for right hip surgery in October 2023 but was not allowed to keep her surgery date. She writes that, currently, “I am afraid to take an anti-inflammatory drug for pain due to the reflux, and today my right knee is stiff, preventing me from bending it, and so I just drag my right leg as I walk.” She also states that “my right leg was growing numb.”

Thank you for your attention to this urgent inquiry. We are seeking the opportunity to speak with you directly about the situations of both individuals by no later than May 17, 2024. Our staff will reach out directly to schedule that conversation.

The letter was signed by Reps. Christopher H. Smith, Andy Biggs, Harriet M. Hageman, Chip Roy, Claudia Tenney, Debbie Lesko, Andy Harris, M.D.

You can read the full letter below:

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Columbia University Commencement Speaker Delivers Anti-Israel Rant (Video)

Saham David Ahmed Ali/ Image: Video screenshot

On Tuesday, Columbia University student Saham David Ahmed Ali delivered the class speaker address at the Mailman School of Public Health’s commencement ceremony.

As she spoke, rather than focusing on the accomplishments of the students sharing an important moment in their lives, Ahmed Ali used it as an opportunity to push her personal agenda and delivered an anti-Israel, anti-Columbia tirade.

While speaking, her mic appeared to glitch multiple times when she mentioned Columbia’s “silence” over the ongoing Gaza war. However, it isn’t clear if the microphone was intentionally cut or was simply malfunctioning.

During the technical issues, the audience can cheer her on and chant, “Let her speak.”

Despite the technical difficulties, Ahmed Ali delivered her roughly 15-minute anti-Columbia and anti-Israel screed without further interruptions, where she falsely accused Israel of false claims of genocide and then bashed Columbia for not doing enough to address the ongoing situation in Gaza.

Ahmed Ali said it felt “dystopian” to walk the halls of the school “scrolling through social media, standing in our classrooms as I witness the genocide of the Palestinian people.”

“The silence on this campus and the pressure to say nothing while administration and professors assert that ‘we’re here for you’ while we’re actively witnessing the most televised genocide of our lives made me lose hope,” she said.

She called for NYPD officers to be removed from campus and for the protestors who were removed from campus to be granted amnesty.

She concluded her speech by listing off the demands from the anti-Israel student group Apartheid Divest, which has been involved in the disruptions on campus over the last several weeks.

Ahmed Ali did not, however, address Hamas’ use of rape as a tool of war, their attack on civilians, their murder of women and children, or the hostages that are still being held.


Saham David Ahmed Ali was the student speaker for @Columbia’s Mailman Class Day. The students received degrees in public health.

Ali began her speech by blasting Israel for false claims of genocide and then went onto to degrade Columbia for not addressing the ongoing war in Gaza…

— Documenting Jew Hatred on Campus (@CampusJewHate) May 15, 2024

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Pro-life Advocate John Hinshaw Tells Court He Accepts Imprisonment to Expiate the ‘Great Guilt’ of Pro-Abortion Judge

Pro-life advocate John Hinshaw

Joe Biden’s DOJ/FBI is hunting down pro-life conservatives while ignoring Antifa and BLM militants and the radical Hamas supporters shutting down and terrorizing college campuses.

Under Biden, the DOJ weaponized the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, a 1994 law that prohibits interfering with anyone obtaining or providing “reproductive health services,” as a punishment for the Supreme Court’s reversal of  Roe v. Wade in June 2022.

After the Supreme Court ruling, Biden formed the DOJ-led Reproductive Rights Task Force to enforce the act.
According to The Epoch Times, The FACE Act has now been used 130 times against pro-life individuals but only used three times against pro-abortion protesters.

On Tuesday, pro-life advocate John Hinshaw, 69, was sentenced to 21 months in prison for blocking access to late-term abortionist Cesare Santangelo’s Washington Surgi-Clinic.

BREAKING: Pro-Life advocate John Hinshaw has been sentenced to 21 months in federal prison for protesting abortion, as Joe Biden’s persecution of pro-life Americans continues.

— (@LifeNewsHQ) May 14, 2024

Hinshaw spent his career in human services working with the homeless, addicted, disabled, and otherwise marginalized populations.

LifeSite News reports that in August 2023, a D.C. jury found Hinshaw, Lauren Handy, Will Goodman, Heather Idoni, and Rosemary “Herb” Geraghty guilty of violating the FACE Act and “conspiracy against rights.”

The following month, Joan Andrews Bell, Jonathan Darnel, and Jean Marshall were convicted of the same and Paulette Harlow was convicted in November.

Hinshaw shared before his sentencing that he accepts his imprisonment to expiate the ‘great guilt’ of the pro-abortion judge, Colleen Kollar-Kotelly, presiding over his case.

Hinshaw declared, ‘I stand here for Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly to accept the punishment rightly hers,’ and condemned the judge’s ‘great guilt of pride, indifference, and intolerance.’

During this unjust imprisonment we were gifted with another baby granddaughter, Charlotte Millie, a fiesty little girl who came early – 32 weeks gestation. I know this court only considers her a “would-be child” at that age. At 32 weeks gestation, she was at the same age as Phoenix, Harriet, Holly, Christopher X, and Angel, the Washington five slain by Santangelo. They are named today in honor of their eternal dignity. What makes my granddaughter a treasure and these five trash?? How is this allowed? HOW IS THIS ALLOWED???? It is allowed by courts covering up the crimes of Santangelo.

Today, I am told is an opportunity for me to say I’m sorry and so I am sorry. Sorry for having failed in the vocation bestowed upon me the day I became a father. The vocation of protecting children. I have failed this miserably, and so I apologize to this court as I believe my failure contributes to the failure of this court to fulfill its vocation to protect the innocent. And this failure of the court thus contributes to my failure.

So all the years of court-protected slaughter have led us here, where I stand convicted, though guiltless. SENT, as I am, to take upon myself the guilt of this court. I stand here for Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly to accept the punishment rightly hers. The Latin term for this is spem in alium. And as I open my arms to plead the mercy of this court on Kollar-Kotelly, I ask the One True Judge, whom she and I will be seeing very soon, to accept my act of love toward her as expiation of her great guilt of pride, indifference, and intolerance.

You can read his full remarks here.

In a very moving address to the court, 69-year-old pro-life activist John Hinshaw, sentenced to 21 months in federal prison and who had held a career serving the homeless, addicted & disabled, expressed his sentiments:

He opened by explaining his wife’s maternal love:

“My wife…

— Lila Rose (@LilaGraceRose) May 14, 2024

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Northwestern University Journalism Professor Says the Quiet Part Out Loud “Our Work is Not About Objectivity”

Northwestern University Journalism Instructor Steven Thrasher /Image: @thrasherxy/X

Northwestern University has already signaled its willingness to cave to radical behavior.

The Gateway Pundit reported that the university recently announced their concessions to the radical Hamas supporters who took over their campus to end their protests and encampment.

Two of the most notable include the promise to offer full-ride scholarships to Palestinian students and the guarantee of faculty jobs for Palestinian academics.

The University will also provide special housing for Muslim students and will “advise employers not to rescind job offers for students engaging in speech protected by the First Amendment.”

However, it seems that at least one professor’s behavior is concerning enough that the school has launched an investigation.

Journalism instructor Steven Thrasher is being investigated after a clash with police at an anti-Israel demonstration in April, where he actively encouraged students to resist law enforcement.

Still not terminated after this…

— Richard Goldberg (@rich_goldberg) April 28, 2024

Even more troubling was the content of a speech he gave to students at the pro-Hamas encampment, “Our Work is Love,”  which was posted online. In his remarks,  he dismissed the need for a commitment to objectivity for journalists and also referred to Ahmed Hassan, the son of a Houthi youth minister, as a “comrade.”

“To the Medill students and journalists within ear shot, I say to you: our work is not about objectivity. Our work is not about ‘scooping’ one another. Our work is about you putting your brilliant minds to work, and opening your compassionate hearts, and linking your arms together understanding all of our fates are interconnected.”

Steven Thrasher, the chair of social justice in reporting at @MedillSchool, just posted the text of the speech he gave in the encampment. For the blocked (there are many), here are some excerpts. And by the way, the Hassan Zaid he mentions was a Houthi official.

— Zach Kessel (@zach_kessel) April 28, 2024

Thrasher’s “comrade” Hassan consistently posts anti-American, anti-Christian, and anti-Jewish sentiments on social media.

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

*Christians Zionists are uglier than Jews Zionists*

️ Muhammad Hassan Zaid
May 13, 2024

1- On May 10, 2024, former US Chief of Staff Mark Milley admitted that his country, America, killed many innocent civilians in…

— Ahmed Hassan أحمد حسن زيد (@Ahmed_hassan_za) May 14, 2024

The College Fix reports:

Hassan sees many other allies beyond American college campuses, according to screenshots compiled by The Fix.

Hassan recently shared a post in Arabic that said, “May God be satisfied with Hamas” and wrote “Hamas is winning.”

The terrorist group killed around 1,200 people, including small children, raped women, and took hundreds of hostages during its October 2023 attack on Israel.

“Israel is losing,” Hassan posted on April 6. “Soon enough, it will ask all the citizens to join the army[.] Hamas will end them all[.]”

In other posts, Hassan wrote “Hezbollah” with a supportive heart emoji and posted pictures of the flag of the Lebanese group, which has killed hundreds of Americans.

Hassan also reacted positively to a post celebrating “solidarity” between Iran and Yemen against Israel and reposted a user who said, “Love live Ansar Allah,” a reference to the Houthi rebels.

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South Carolina Passes Ban on Transgender Surgeries for Children and “Secret Transitions’ at Schools

On Thursday, South Carolina’s Republican-led legislature approved House Bill 4624 to protect children from permanently altering gender mutilation with a 28-8 vote in the Senate and a  67-26 vote in the House.

House Bill 4624


The bill prohibits medical professionals from giving puberty-blocking drugs or cross-sex hormones to children who are under 18 years old.  It also bans “genital or nongenital gender reassignment surgery” for minors.

The bill specifies, “A physician, mental health provider, or other health care professional shall not knowingly provide gender transition procedures to a person under eighteen years of age.”

Those who violate the bill risk losing their licenses.

The bill also strengthens parents’ rights and requires schools to immediately notify parents in writing if their child claims to identify as something other than his or her sex or asks to be addressed by transgender pronouns.

School employees are also prohibited under the bill from withholding information about children’s gender confusion from their parents.

Republican Gov. Henry McMaster has already signaled his support for the bill and his intention to sign it, and the Bill would effect immediately upon his signature.

Life Site News reports:

A large body of evidence shows that puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones cause serious, even life-threatening, injuries, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, stroke, infertility, bone density loss, emotional problems, and permanent damage to reproductive organs.

Transgender surgeries include irreversible procedures to remove sexual organs and construct synthetic genitalia and other features intended to imitate those of the opposite sex. Research shows that people who undergo so-called “sex change” surgeries have an exponentially higher rate of suicide.

Pediatrician and consultant Dr. Hilary Cass conducted a comprehensive and lengthy review of international research into gender medicine for children for NHS England, which concludes that a lack of research and evidence on transgender medical interventions, such as puberty blockers and body-altering surgeries, is failing children.

Cass’s prior findings led to the banning of puberty blockers from children outside of clinical research in the UK.

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Giant Antisemitic Sculpture Removed from Burning Man Art Installation


An antisemitic sculpture has been removed by the Burning Man festival.

The piece was set to be included as part of an art installation set to be on display during the massive event this summer.

The 8-foot-by-14-foot fiberglass watermelon has the genocidal title “From the River to the Sea” and was previously listed on the event’s website as part of the installation, but organizers suggest it was only submitted to cause a “stir” and “likely won’t be part of the annual festival.”

A petition signed by more than 1,100 people demanded its removal.

The petitioners argued in the petition:

We, the undersigned, urgently call for the removal of the “From the River to the Sea” art installation at the Burning Man event. This installation features a phrase that has been condemned as antisemitic and recognized as a call for the destruction of Israel. Our concerns are rooted in the following facts:

As someone who has personally experienced the profound pain caused by antisemitic rhetoric, it is disheartening to see this installation using language that advocates for the annihilation of Israel. The phrase “From the River to the Sea” is more than just words; it is a battle cry that legitimizes violence against Jewish people and promotes a vision that denies the Jewish state’s right to exist. This slogan has haunted our community for generations, reviving memories of persecution and oppression.

Condemnation of the Slogan: The U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed a bipartisan resolution condemning the phrase “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” as “outrightly antisemitic.” This resolution recognizes that the slogan denies the right to self-determination and calls for the eradication of Israel​.

Recent Atrocities by Hamas: On October 7th, 2023, Hamas, a recognized terrorist group funded by Iran, brutally massacred over 1,400 Israelis​​. Hamas aims to destroy Israel and replace it with a regime of religious extremism. Their continued rocket attacks have left thousands wounded and displaced, with over 23,000 missiles fired at Israeli civilians since 2005​​.

Distortion of History: This slogan perpetuates the falsehood that Jews have no historical connection to the land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. However, historical records demonstrate that Jewish civilization has been present in the region for over 3,000 years​​.
Why We Must Act Now: Leaving this art installation intact will only serve to embolden those who seek to spread hatred. Now, more than ever, we must stand united against antisemitism. By removing this installation, Burning Man can make a strong statement that hate has no place in our society. We urge Burning Man organizers to uphold the values of inclusivity and reject all forms of hate.

The listing on the festival website claimed the piece is by “Decolonize Now” and comes directly from Gaza.


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Columbia Janitor Says Anti-Israel Protesters Who Stormed Hamilton Hall Were Armed with Zip Ties and Chains and Left Behind Secret Plans

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – APRIL 29: A member of the maintenance crew confronts the demonstrators attempting to barricade themselves inside Hamilton Hall on Tuesday, April 30, 2024 in New York City. Pro-Palestinian demonstrators marched around the “Gaza Solidarity Encampment” at Columbia University as a 2 P.M. deadline to clear the encampment given to students by the university passed. The students were given a suspension warning if they do not meet the deadline. Columbia students were the first to erect an encampment in support of Palestine, with students demanding that the school divest from Israel amid the Israel-Hamas war, where more than 34,000 Palestinians have been killed in the Gaza Strip. (Photo by Alex Kent/Getty Images)

Columbia University janitor Mario Torres provided one of the most heartwarming videos to come out of the takeover of a building at Columbia University by anti-Israel, pro-Hamas protesters.

As The Gateway Pundit reported earlier, Torres was photographed slamming 40-year-old trust fund kid James Carlson against the wall in Hamilton Hall while rabid leftists stormed the building late at night last Tuesday.

Torres later told reporter Francesca Block that the protesters were organized and their occupation of the building was planned.

The janitors, who were trapped in the building while under siege by radicals, shared that they were gripped with “sheer terror,” and the violent mob was armed with hand-drawn floor plans and supply lists.

Henry Clemente, a head custodian for Columbia, told The New York Post,  “If you have masked people running through the building with zip ties and chains, you don’t know what they’re going to do — if they’re going to take you hostage, if you’re going to be tortured, if you’re going to be made an example.

While Clemente and his crew were cleaning up the wreckage, they discovered hand written secret plans that showed the takeover was anything but spontaneous.  It was well planned.

NEW: Columbia janitors reveal chilling details of the Anti-Israel protest takeover of Hamilton Hall.

According to head custodian Henry Clemente, the rioters stormed in with hand-drawn floor plans and were prepared for a prolonged occupation.

“They mapped everything out. They…

— Hank (@HANKonX) May 11, 2024

The New York Post reports:

Afterward, as he and his colleagues started to clean up the hall after NYPD cops busted up the occupation, Clemente discovered secret plans left behind by the highly organized rioters.

These included hand-drawn floor plans and supply lists noting locations of barricading equipment; a “task list” with items including setting up a pulley system and “security shifts” and even a schedule listing the times of the Muslim call to prayer.

The documents show that the protesters had insider knowledge of the campus and plotted the takeover in advance, he said.

“I’ve been working there a long time, so we know where the tunnels are, but they mapped everything out,” said Clemente, who has worked at Columbia for 17 years.

“They had a food room, a prayer room, the smoking room…they were in there for the long haul.”

Image: @HANKonX/X
mage: @HANKonX/X

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Postal Worker Robbed at Gunpoint in California in Broad Daylight (Video)

Image: Video Screenshot

On Monday, a 63-year-old female mail carrier was robbed at gunpoint by two thugs while delivering mail in Dublin, California.

Surveillance video of the incident shows the carrier, who has worked for the U.S. Postal Service for 33 years,  delivering mail in a quiet residential neighborhood around 4:30 p.m. when suddenly a masked man emerges behind her.

A second masked individual follows closely behind.

Suddenly, a masked man comes up behind the mail carrier, followed by a second person who is also masked and the two masked men pull a gun.

KTVC reports:

“Somebody came up behind me and ‘boom,’ just hit me ,and put a gun to my head,” said the female postal carrier who asked not to be identified.”He said, ‘Give me your keys. You don’t want to die, do you?’ I go no, no, no. So I reached in, got my keys, and he goes, ‘Where’s your phone? You got two minutes’.”

The worker went to the mail truck to get her phone and handed it to the armed robber while fearing the worst.

She said,”On my god, I’m going to die.”

But the two men ran away after taking the keys to mailboxes and the truck, along with her cell phone.

She went to a neighbor for help in calling 911.

The USPS  is offering a reward of up to $150,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible.


NEW: $150,000 REWARD; Two thugs rob a 63-year-old mail carrier in broad daylight and point a gun to her head in Dublin, California

‘Somebody came behind and boom, just hit me and put a gun to the back of my head’

‘And he said, “Gimme your keys, you don’t wanna die, do you?”‘…

— Unlimited L’s (@unlimited_ls) May 10, 2024

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Good Luck Chicago: City Faces Shortage of Police Officers Ahead of DNC

Chicago Police Supt. Larry Snelling warns of police officer shortage in lead-up to summer DNC.

As summer and the DNC approaches, the Democrat hellhole of Chicago is facing a crisis with a major shortage of police officers.

At a public forum with the Commission for Public Safety and Accountability last week, Chicago Police Supt. Larry Snelling said, “What we’re doing right now is making the best with the number of officers that we have.”

Snelling added, “We are down. We’re down close to 2,000 officers.”

CBS 2 reports:

Riccio said with just under 2,000 officers short, the department will pull from special units first.

“Units that normally supplement those officers now become the officers doing the patrolling,” he said.

And as Chicago prepares to host at least 50,000 people in August for the DNC, Riccio believes the shortage only adds to the challenges.

“It’s going to take a lot of manpower, and there’s no substitution for experience, and that’s another thing a lot of the officers – look they’re great hard workers – but there’s no substitution for experience,” said Riccio, “and a lot of these officers are young. They certainly don’t have experience with these type of incidents.”


Chicago Police are already under extreme pressure they contend with escalating crime and pro-Hamas protestors, who have promised to protest the DNC en masse,  wreaking havoc across the city.

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Criminal Climate Activists Attempt to Use Hammer and Chisel to Smash Glass Protecting the Magna Carta (Video)

Unhinged environmental activists attempted to smash the case, holding the historic Magna Carta. Image: video screenshot.

The unhinged climate activists from Stop Oil are at it again.

Two elderly protestors, Reverend Dr. Sue Parfitt, 82, and Judy Bruce, an 85-year-old retired biology teacher, entered the British Library, where two of the four surviving copies of the Magna Carta reside, and attempted to use a chisel and hammer to break the glass case protecting the historic document.

The Magna Carta is the first document to put into writing the principle that the King and his government were not above the law.

The two held a sign that read, “The government is breaking the law” and asked, “Is the government above the law?”


Shocking moment elderly climate change activists use a HAMMER and chisel to smash glass protecting the priceless Magna Carta- the royal charter of rights signed by King John in 1215.

The two women in their 80’s tried to destroy the protective glass at the British Library.

— Oli London (@OliLondonTV) May 10, 2024

A video shows two elderly climate activists attempting to smash the glass protecting the Magna Carta, presumably so they can destroy the foundational document of English political freedom.

They chose their target well: The left is fundamentally at war with freedom and…

— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) May 10, 2024

Sky News reports:

Rev Parfitt said: “The Magna Carta is rightly revered, being of great importance to our history, to our freedoms and to our laws.

“But there will be no freedom, no lawfulness, no rights, if we allow climate breakdown to become the catastrophe that is now threatened.”

In a statement, the British Library confirmed two people had “attacked the toughened glass case” containing the landmark charter in its treasures gallery.

“The library’s security team intervened to prevent further damage to the case, which was minimal,” it said.

The Gateway Pundit has reported on the global rise of vandalism and public temper tantrums by unhinged climate activists.

In October 2022, two disturbed women from the activist group Just Stop Oil threw tomato soup over Vincent van Gogh’s ‘Sunflowers’ on display at London’s National Gallery.

In June 2022, another pair from Just Stop Oil glued themselves to the frame of another Vincent Van Gogh painting.

In France, a 36-year-old man dressed as an old lady tried to break the glass protecting the famous Mona Lisa painting before throwing a cake on its surface.

Claude Monet’s ‘Les Meules,’ displayed at the Potsdam Barberini Museum in Germany, was attacked by an alliance of German and Austrian activists,  Letzte Generation (Last Generation.)

In March, Letzte Generation also vandalized an artwork near the German parliament building.

Vandals smeared black and red paint on the glass case and pedestal of Edgar Degas’ famous and beloved sculpture “Little Dancer Aged Fourteen” displayed at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.

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Student At Philadelphia’s Leaders Academy Cultural Day Event Praises Jihad And Martyrdom

Image: screenshot courtesy of MEMRI

When they tell you who they are, believe them.

On May 7,  Philadelphia’s Leaders Academy held a cultural day event. They shared a video on their YouTube channel of remarks by a student, Raneem Mustafa, where she spoke about Palestine.

According to a translation by MEMRI, Mustafa praised Jihad as the “pinnacle of Islam” and praised the “martyrdom” of the people of Gaza.

According to Mustafa, the men of Gaza have taught her what “real men” are and that “real sacrifice” is sacrificing their souls and children for the sake of their homeland.


Mustafa: “The tragedy of our people in Gaza is grave. Lives are lost and there is total destruction. We are going through the most significant days, in which the pinnacle of Islam is realized – Jihad for the sake of Allah to elevate Truth. This is a path followed by the people of Gaza on behalf of the entire nation. They are saying to Allah day and night: ‘Oh Lord, take our souls until You are satisfied.’ This clearly shows that these are people who love life – the martyrs are alive, and are sustained by their Lord.

“Gaza is teaching us that real men are revealed in times of hardship, when all the masks are removed, and that the Islamic nation’s glory will only be achieved through faith and principles, that real sacrifice is sacrificing one’s soul and one’s children for the sake of the homeland, and that the occupiers are cowards who can fight only when there are no real men on the battlefield. They inherited this from their forefathers about whom Allah said [in the Quran]: ‘They will not fight you all except within fortified cities or from behind walls.’

“The people of Gaza have taught us a lot. We ask ourselves, ‘What are the women of Gaza made of?’ when we see them wallowing in the blood of their children, screaming: ‘Oh Allah, accept them as sacrifices for the Al-Aqsa Mosque.'”


MEMRI notes that the Philadelphia chapter of the Muslim American Society (MAS) previously shared videos from the Leaders Academy’s “One Ummah Day” events from 2017 and 2019, in which young students sang “Chop off their heads!” and expressed their will to become martyrs for the sake of Palestine and the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Following backlash from the 2023 incident, MEMRI reported that the organization claimed that a “process” has been put in place to prevent the repetition of such an “unintended mistake.”

Ms. Mustafa clearly did not get the memo.

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Thousands of Pro-Palestine Protestors Swarm Streets in Sweden Demanding Israeli Eurovision Singer Eden Golan Be Banned

Israeli Eurovision contestant Eden Golan/Image: @golaneden/X

Eden Golan, an Israeli Eurovision contestant, has been ordered by Israel’s national security agency, Shin Bet, to stay in her hotel room because thousands of pro-Palestine protesters are swarming the streets of Malmo, Sweden demanding she be excluded from the competition.

Meer dan 100 Zweedse politieagenten in een konvooi.

Er hangt een politiehelikopter boven.

Dit alles om de Israëlische zanger Eden Golan voor @Eurovision naar Malmö te vervoeren.

De moed van deze vrouw om voor duizenden mensen op te treden in een van de meest antisemitische…

— CADI (@RuleOfLaw01) May 9, 2024

The protestors, including climate-hoaxer Greta Thunberg, are against Israel being allowed to compete in the famous song contest.

The Daily Mail reports:

‘Young people are leading the way and showing the world how we should react to this,’ Thunberg told Reuters news agency. However, she refused to comment on why she had joined the protest, only saying it was ‘good’ as the march took place.

During the demonstrations, smoke canisters in the colours of the Palestinian flag were set off and protesters, some of whom have dogs, young children and bicycles with them, were carrying signs displaying images of Gaza civilians who have been injured amid the Hamas-Israel conflict.

Other banners displayed messages including ‘welcome to Genocide song contest’ and ‘stop using Eurovision to whitewash Israeli crimes’.

Heavily armed police officers carrying machine guns are patrolling outside hotels, and there are reports that terrorists are threatening to bomb the arena.

Some say the Swedish police convoy (100 officers) protecting Israeli singer Eden Golan at the Eurovision Song Contest in Malmö today is exaggerated

Let’s remind them that a mob of 300 tried to storm the stadium when Israel came to play Davis Cup tennis in Malmö in 2009

— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) May 9, 2024

During her performance yesterday,  the crowd booed the singer and chanted Hamas talking points, but Golan refuses to be intimidated.

Eden Golan, the Israeli representative at the Eurovision Song Contest, was booed by the crowd at y-day’s rehearsal in Malmö, Sweden

Her song is about how to cope with friends dying on Oct. 7

25% of Malmö’s pop. on 350K consists of Muslim migrants

— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) May 9, 2024

In an interview with Kan News, she said, “I’m a proud Israeli!”

“They’re quite predictable. It’s to be expected, and I don’t let it affect me.”

“It’s not easy for anyone; our entire country is going through a very tough time.” “

It’s challenging here in Malmö, too, but I handle it. In fact, it even gives me much more strength and pride to represent the people of Israel and showcase our identity. I’m delighted to be here, honored to represent us, and do so proudly!”

“I’m a proud Israeli!” exclaimed Eden Golan.

In a heartfelt interview, she addressed the booing from antisemitic mob in the crowd during her performance:

“They’re quite predictable. It’s to be expected, and I don’t let it affect me,” Golan told Kan News. “It’s not easy for…

— Adam Albilya – אדם אלביליה (@AdamAlbilya) May 9, 2024

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MSNBC Host Lawrence O’Donnell Compares Porn Actress Stormy Daniels to a “Modest Nun” (Video)

Lawrence O’Donnell

Fresh off being mocked by Donald Trump on social media, MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell launched into a creepy description of Stormy Daniels after her Tuesday appearance on the stand and compared the porn actress to a  “modest nun.”

On ‘The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell Highlights,’ O’Donnell couldn’t hide the ick.

In the hushed voice of a romance novel narrator, O’Donnell uttered breathlessly,  “Well, the excitement and anticipation in the room hit a new high. At 10:32 am, she entered wearing all black as if on her way to a funeral. The loose-fitting plain black clothing draping from her shoulders to her toes suggested the modesty of a nun,” he said, referring to Daniels.

“The makeup was minimal, the way she and the other moms in her neighborhood might look when shopping at the local grocery store.”

“The long blonde hair held up with a clip at the back of her head the way it might be in a utilitarian way while she was doing dishes or checking one of the Horseshoes on her horse she later spoke of so proudly.”

“When she walked by him, her face had the same expressionless somber look that all the jurors always have when they walk by him. Looking at the floor she didn’t look at him,” he added.

Watch (if you can stomach it):

Stormy Daniels takes the stand again, today …

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell
compares the Pornographer to an Angelic Nun…

— Lawyerforlaws (@lawyer4laws) May 9, 2024

NEW: MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell appears to try to shoot his shot with Stormy Daniels on live TV, drools over her & compares her to a “modest nun.”

Thank goodness there is a desk blocking his waist down.

“The loose fitting plain black clothing draping from her shoulders to…

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) May 8, 2024

Perhaps O’Donnell was still licking his wounds after Donald Trump provided his thoughts on O’Donnell’s courtroom appearance.

“I spotted Ratings Challenged Lawrence O’Donnell, of MSDNC, in the Courthouse today. I haven’t seen him in years, He looks like shit, a real loser,” Trump wrote.

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