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Today — June 9th 2024U.S.

AOC Says Trump Will ‘Round Up’ His Political Enemies, Throw Her In Jail If He Wins

By: Ben Kew
On Friday, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez appeared on CNN and said that she believed the U.S. should be responsible for taking in Palestinian refugees.

On Friday, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez appeared on CNN and said that she believed the U.S. should be responsible for taking in Palestinian refugees.

Far-left Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has claimed that Donald Trump is preparing to round up his political enemies if he wins election in November.

The Congresswoman made the remarks during an appearance on journalist Kara Swisher’s podcast, named On with Kara Swisher.

“I mean, it sounds nuts, but I wouldn’t be surprised if this guy threw me in jail,” she said. “He’s out of his mind. I mean, he did his whole first campaign around ‘lock her up.’ This is his motto.”

Ocasio Cortez- added that Trump would “round up” his political enemies once in office and that she was strongly supporting Joe Biden’s re-election campaign.

She continued:

I take him at his word when he says that he’s going to round up people. I take him at his word when he threatens journalists. I take him at his word. I feel like what we saw in his first presidency was an amuse-bouche to what his intentions are. He has learned from his mistakes of appointing professionals, and he will not make that mistake next time.

Trump does absolutely have a chance to win. That is why I have thrown my support behind Biden early and I support it vociferously. It is unequivocal that if Donald Trump wins, we are looking at the potential dissolution of democracy in the United States of America and the question about what would happen to me or the Democratic Party is a joke compared to the question of what is going to happen to our country.

The New York Congresswoman is far from the only elected Democrat warning that Trump will lock them up them on his return to the White House, while others have even speculated that he is planning to assassinate people.

Back in April, California Rep. Adam Schiff said he was taking the prospect “seriously” that Trump would send him to prison and making preparations for a potential prosecution.

“We’re taking this seriously because we have to,” Schiff said at the time. “We’ve seen this movie before … and how perilous it is to ignore what someone is saying when they say they want to be a dictator.”

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BUSTED: California Gov. Gavin Newsom Caught Charging U.S. Taxpayers For Illegal Alien Healthcare

By: Ben Kew

California Gov. Gavin Newsom has been caught charging U.S. taxpayers for the healthcare bills of the state’s illegal alien population.

According to local media, Newsom filed nearly $53 million worth of reimbursements that the state now must return to the federal government:

NBC15 reports:

California owes the federal government $52.7 million after it “improperly” requested reimbursements for services provided to noncitizens, according to a recent inspector general report.

The Golden State claimed Medicaid reimbursements for services it provided to “noncitizens with unsatisfactory immigration status,” the report reads. The category does not include those seeking asylum or refugees. States are prohibited from claiming such federal reimbursements except in medical emergency situations, which did not apply here, according to the report.

A review conducted by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services inspector general’s office revealed that California employed an “outdated calculation” method for claiming federal reimbursements between October 2018 and June 2019. This method failed to exclude services provided to noncitizens, which must be paid for by the state.

“We recommend that California: (1) refund to the Federal Government the improperly claimed Federal reimbursement of $52.7 million for capitation payments made on behalf of noncitizens with UIS and (2) work with CMS to determine the amount of any improperly claimed Federal reimbursement for capitation payments made on behalf of noncitizens with UIS for an agreed-upon period not covered by our audit,” auditors wrote.

California is one of many Democratic states that not only protect illegal aliens from deportation but provide a variety of freebies including healthcare bills.

Last December, the Golden State became the first in the nation to give illegal aliens taxpayer-funded health insurance. Since its implementation, around 700,000 people have become eligible for Medi-Cal, the state version of the low-income federal Medicaid program.

“In California, we believe everyone deserves access to quality, affordable health care coverage – regardless of income or immigration status,” Newsom said at the time.


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MADNESS: Germany Declines Taliban Offer to Repatriate Afghan Migrants Convicted of Heinous Crimes

By: Ben Kew

The German government has declined an offer from the Taliban to repatriate Afghan migrants convicted of crimes on the grounds that it would indicate recognition of the Islamist regime.

The offer from the Taliban government follows the murder of a police officer by an Afghan national in a senseless knife attack in the southwest city of Manheim.

Following the attack last week, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz initially indicated that he wanted to deport violent criminals, even to dangerous countries such as Syria and Afghanistan. “Such criminals should be deported – even if they come from Syria and Afghanistan,” Scholz told the Bundestag or lower house of parliament.

There is currently a ban on deporting migrants back to Afghanistan since the Taliban took back control of the country back in 2021.

The Taliban’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Abdul Kahar Balchi expressed openness to the idea, posting on the X platform: “The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan calls upon the German authorities to address through normal consular engagement and an appropriate mechanism based on bilateral agreement.”

Remarks of IEA-MoFA Spokesman regarding comments by German Chancellor about expulsion of Afghan Nationals from the Federal Republic of Germany

— Abdul Qahar Balkhi (@QaharBalkhi) June 7, 2024

However, the Germany Foreign Ministry has since played down the idea, stating that it refuses to work with a government it does not recognize.

“The Taliban will want to have any repatriations paid for at least through international recognition,” a spokesman for Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said in Berlin. “And it is a fact that the German government does not recognize the de facto Taliban government in Afghanistan, just like any other country in the world, and does not cooperate with it.”

According to InfoMigrants, there are around 400,000 Afghans currently living in Germany. Around 33,000 of those have entered the country since the Taliban’s takeover in 2021.


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Yesterday — June 8th 2024U.S.

Michael Cohen Claims Trump Will Assassinate His Political Enemies: ‘People Will Start Flying Out Of Windows’ (VIDEO)

By: Ben Kew

Donald Trump’s disgraced former attorney Michael Cohen has claimed that the former president is planning to assassinate his political enemies if he returns to the White House next year.

Appearing on MSNBC with host Ali Velshi, Cohen claimed that people will “start flying out of windows” if he wins the election in November.

He explained:

State-sponsored news just like what you have in Russia and their station which is called Pravda and means truth which is ironic, right? All of this goes away under a Donald Trump administration. Why? Because he doesn’t want to hear anything negative being said about him. The fact that you have this television show, the fact that you have the ability to speak truth to power, all of that goes away if in fact this man into becoming president.

All of these people whether it is Marco Rubio, Mike Johnson, Mark Meadows have all said disparaging things about Donald Trump at one point in time. they believe that if Donald Trump wins and they are shoulder to shoulder with him, that they will have unlimited power which would of course give them the ability to have unlimited resources and assets. One mistake that they are making, Donald Trump doesn’t share. It is all about him, not about his kids, not about his family, it is all about him.”

So they think that they are going to hitch themselves to his wagon in hopes that they are going to elevate themselves whether it is in power, through money, through connections and so forth, it does not work that way. He will not allow that and just like Putin, once you start to get too big for your own britches, people will start flying out of windows, they will end up in gulags. As Donald says all the time, send them to Gitmo, send them to Guantanamo bay.

Cohen, a convicted perjurer and self-confessed thief, made the remarks just weeks after he testified at Trump’s sham criminal trial, in which the hand picked jury found him “guilty” on all counts.

“Today is an important day for accountability and the rule of law,” he said after Trump’s conviction last month. “While it has been a difficult journey for me and my family, the truth always matters. I want to thank my attorneys Danya Perry for her invaluable guidance and support throughout this process.”

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Rep. James Clyburn Blames Biden’s Declining Support Among Black People on ‘Faulty Polling’

By: Ben Kew

Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) has said that he does not believe data indicating that Joe Biden is losing support among African-Americans.

Speaking to CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, Clyburn blamed “faulty polling” for Biden’s apparent struggles as multiple polls suggest that he has lost significant ground since the 2020 presidential election.

“How far does President Biden’s message on democracy go when Trump is still leading Biden in several battleground state polls and just raked in a massive fundraising haul off of this felony conviction?” Blitzer asked.

Clyburn responded:

I am not all that concerned about the polling taking place now. I remember the poling over there in Maryland a few weeks ago when the candidate who’s down five and won by 13. There’s something going on with polling today that I don’t think we have taken into account. If you’re pulling people with landlines and there’s so many people with landlines, I’m not too sure we can get an accurate poll.

I know this what I keep hearing about the loss of support among African-Americans by Joe Biden is not when I’m hearing you want to go into barbershops as I go into churches, my Sunday polls, I don’t hear that. So I’m not sure what’s going on with polling today, but I think that Joe Biden is in a very good place. I think it’s faulty polling. I just don’t see anything else.


VIDEO – Clyburn: I Don’t Believe Biden Lost Support with Black Voters — ‘It’s Faulty Polling’

— Grabien (@GrabienMedia) June 8, 2024

While polling surveys can sometimes be faulty, the sheer volume of data suggests that Clyburn is clinging on to false hope.

According to a poll from The Wall Street Journal, Donald Trump has doubled his support among black voters since 2020, with another survey from Rasmussmen even indicating he may be in the lead among black voters altogether.

Even the Democratic-aligned NBC network admitted last year that Biden’s approval among black voters was down a whopping 17 points since the start of his presidency and has likely fallen even further since then.

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California Restaurants Have Slashed 10,000 Jobs Since Democrats Introduced $20 Minimum Wage

By: Ben Kew

Restaurants across the state of California have cut at least 10,000 jobs since Democrat lawmakers mandated a $20 minimum wage, according to a major trade group.

According to the California Business and Industrial Alliance (CABIA), thousands of restaurant workers have lost their positions as businesses are forced to cut labor costs and raise their prices in order to survive.

The New York Post reports:

The California Business and Industrial Alliance (CABIA) slammed  Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom for pushing through the law, which went into effect April 1 – and was blamed for forcing one beloved taco chain to shutter 48 locations in the state last week.

“California businesses have been under total attack and total assault for years,” CABIA president and founder Tom Manzo told Fox Business. “It’s just another law that puts businesses in further jeopardy.”

Several major chains – including McDonald’s, Burger King, and even low-cost favorite In-N-Out Burger – jacked up prices to offset the higher wages. Many had to cut employee hours and some have expedited a move to automation.

Manzo said nearly 10,000 jobs have been cut across fast food restaurants since Newsom signed California Assembly Bill 1287 into law last year, adding that officials were living in a “fantasyland” by thinking that drastic wage increases will help workers or businesses.

Just this week, the beloved restaurant chain Rubio’s Coastal Grill, announced that it would be closing 48 locations statewide due to the unaffordable costs of doing business.

“The closings were brought about by the rising cost of doing business in California,” said a statement from a Rubio’s spokesperson. “While painful, the store closures are a necessary step in our strategic long-term plan to position Rubio’s for success for years to come.”

Meanwhile, many other stores such as Taco Bell and Denny’s have been forced to close their doors or become drive-thru facilities because of soaring levels of crime.

In April, an analysis from Kalinowski Equity Research found that fast-food restaurants across the Golden State have hiked prices by around eight percent since the minimum wage law took effect.

And as long as Californians keep voting for far-left Democrats to look after their interests, things are only likely only get worse.

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Before yesterdayU.S.

ELECTION INTERFERENCE: Google Censors PragerU App From Play Store For ‘Hate Speech’ Over Documentary Exposing Radical Islam

By: Ben Kew

The far-left censors at Google have censored the PragerU app from the Play Store over claims that it promotes “hate speech.”

Posting on the X platform, PragerU shared a screenshot of a message sent to them from Google’s censorship team warning that its content was “asserting that a protected group is inhuman, inferior or worthy of being hated.” 

“We don’t allow apps that promote violence, or incite hatred against individuals or groups based on race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, age, nationality, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or any other characteristic that is associated with systemic discrimination or marginalization,” the message read.

BREAKING: @Google removes PragerU app from Play Store for “Hate Speech.”

Help us fight back:

— PragerU (@prageru) June 7, 2024

According to PragerU’s website, the video in question is entitled Dear Infidels: A Warning to America and exposes the threat posed by radical Islam.

Radical Islam poses a significant threat to our freedom. The rise of anti-American rhetoric and violence in cities and universities is a direct result of the indoctrination led by those perpetrating a religious war against the West. PragerU’s short documentary features first-hand accounts from those who escaped Islamic rule and have come to warn America.

PragerU has responded by accusing Google of emulating the communist Soviet Union.

“Google is using Soviet-style tactics and attempting to silence us. According to Google, sharing the stories of a former Palestinian refugee, an Arab Muslim born in Israel, and brave U.S. Navy SEALs who witnessed the horrors of Muslim extremism constitutes ‘hate speech,'” the organization said in a statement. “This is a blatant attempt to silence truth and censor speech. We urgently need your help to fight back against this suppression.”

Founded in 2009 by Dennis Prager, PragerU produces short, educational videos on topics like economics, history, politics, and culture. It is specifically aimed at younger audiences, with its videos featuring conservative thinkers making the arguments for conservativism free speech, countering progressive narratives. Its videos have garnered billions of views across various platforms, despite constant efforts by Big Tech companies to censor and stifle their growth.

Google and its CEO Sundar Pichai have a well documented history of censoring and attacking conservative companies.  In 2021, the company demonetized The Gateway Pundit in an attempt to starve the company of revenue.

You can watch Dear Infidels: A Warning to America for free at the following link.


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Hunter Biden’s Stripper Baby Mama Says Joe Biden Has Never Reached Out to His Granddaughter – While Hunter Has Never Even Met Her! (VIDEO)

By: Ben Kew

Lunden Roberts, the mother of Hunter Biden’s illegitimate child, has revealed that Joe Biden has never even bothered to reach out to his five-year-old granddaughter.

In an interview with British broadcaster Piers Morgan, Roberts spoke out about her relationship with the Biden family and their lack of interest in their offspring.

“Have you ever heard from either President Biden or the First Lady directly?” Morgan asked.

“No. No, I have not,” Roberts answered.

When the child, named Navy Joan, was born in late 2018, Hunter denied that he was the father and eventually was forced to take a DNA which confirmed that he was. He has since refused to allow her to use the Biden family name.

Joe Biden, meanwhile, only acknowledged his granddaughter’s existence last July. “Jill and I only want what is best for all of our grandchildren, including Navy,” Biden said at the time, adding that it was a “family matter”.

Roberts went on to reveal that Hunter Biden has never met his daughter in person and has only communicated with her via online video calls.

Hunter’s relationship with his daughter has been built through Zoom. He was required to call once a month or something like that. Navy gets to pick out one of his paintings, and that’s how they would start building a relationship.

However, Hunter went above and beyond. He not only called her once a month, but once they started building a relationship, he wanted to call weekly or sometimes a couple of times a week just to talk to her. When she goes into surgery, he wants to Zoom and talk to her. He calls to check on her at different times and things like that. He has gone above what the time frame required and has done that for her, which I appreciate tremendously.

Morgan asked if there are plans for father and daughter to meet in person:

Yeah, I’m sure. Me and Hunter haven’t worked the details out with that. But, I mean like the world knows. Hunter has a lot on his plate right now. I think that that needs to be his main focus, and getting through this time and then the rest can come after. Navy is well aware. She knows that her father’s very busy right now, and he’s got a lot of things going on and she’s waited five years; she can wait a couple more months.

Roberts has an upcoming memoir, entitled Out of the Shadows, about her experiences. It will be released as the Democratic National Committee will be held in chicago.

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500 Non-Citizens Register to Vote in Washington D.C. – Democrats Outnumber Republicans By Ratio of 10 to One!

By: Ben Kew

The latest voter registration numbers among noncitizens in Washington D.C. are a stark reminder of how the Democratic Party plans to use foreigners to cement their national majority.

Last year, an Obama-appointed federal judge upheld a Washington D.C. law that allows noncitizens, including illegal aliens, to vote in local elections.

The Washington Post reports:

The voters include 310 who registered as Democrat, 169 independent, 28 Republican and 16 Statehood Green, said Sarah Graham, a spokesperson for the D.C. Board of Elections.

In this city, which has no voting representative in Congress, leaders have expanded voting rights to noncitizen residents. Noncitizens are eligible to vote if they are at least 18 years old as of Election Day, have been a D.C. resident for at least 30 days before the election, have not been deemed by a court legally incompetent to vote and are not claiming the right to vote in any state, territory or country.

There has been opposition, with critics arguing that the right to vote should be reserved for American citizens. The U.S. House advanced a bill last month to block noncitizen voting in D.C., though it’s unlikely this bill would move forward in the Democratic-controlled Senate. Workers for the D.C. Board of Elections have also been fielding angry messages from callers opposed to noncitizen voting, said Monica Evans, the office’s executive director.

As reported by The Gateway Pundit, the city’s Democratic authorities are also handing out documents to illegal aliens and noncitizens explaining how they can register to vote and secure their left-wing supermajority.

.@JudicialWatch: New Documents Reveal DC Training for Noncitizen Voting –

— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) May 14, 2024

As well as voting, noncitizens in D.C. are also permitted to work as police officers. The change in policy was reportedly implemented after the city realized that it was struggling to recruit and retain police officers. Successful applicants are also eligible for a massive $25,000 signing bonus to help accelerate the recruitment drive.

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Disgraced Former FBI Chief Andrew McCabe Says Some Agents Will Flee Country If Trump Wins, Fear They Will Be ‘Thrown In Jail’ (VIDEO)

By: Ben Kew

Former FBI chief Andrew McCabe has claimed that some FBI agents and other law enforcement employees are planning to leave the country if Donald Trump wins in November.

In an interview with CNN’s Kaitlin Collins, McCabe argued that many individuals fear being  “thrown in jail or grabbed in some sort of extra judicial detention” if Trump returns to the Oval Office.

He explained:

When you think about these things and you try to predict how Donald Trump is going to react are the steps he’s going to take you really don’t have to go any further than listening to the things he says and does his, comments recently are offensive and horrendous, but they’re not a surprising in any way. He’s been saying this for quite some time. I will be your retribution is referring to is supporters. So, you know him, you know, what motivates him. He is not a person who’s driven by principle or ideology. He is someone who’s entirely transactional.

If he feels like he’s been wronged in some way, then he focuses on revenge and then in vengeance. He’s made it perfectly clear that that’s what he’s gonna do. In the process of seeking that he run the risk of dismantling or greatly incapacitating the Department of Justice and the FBI. That is something that Americans on both sides of the political aisle should be worried about. We depend on those institutions to protect us.

It’s terrifying, it’s frightening. I have a lot of conversations with former colleagues, people who are or were in the intelligence and law enforcement community, and may have worked in the Obama administration, other places and people are really trying to assess what is life going to be like if Donald Trump wins a second term.

On a very personal level, I mean, these are tortures discussions with their family members about whether or not they have to leave the country to avoid being unconstitutionally and illegally detain. People were actually worried about being thrown in jail or grabbed in some sort of extra judicial detention. I think it’s crazy as this sounds in the United States, America, I think people should really consider that these are possibilities listen to what the man says.

Watch the interivew below:

Andrew McCabe claims certain FBI agents are worried about Trump throwing them in jail, and many are thinking of fleeing the

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) June 6, 2024

McCabe’s fear may be predicated on acts that he himself has commited, including secretly spying on Trump and his administration in the hope that he could somehow bring it down. He has since admitted that this was a mistake.

Back in 2022, McCabe complained that Joe Biden had not gone far enough in threatening Trump supporters, who he described as “a clear and present danger to our democracy.”

McCabe said he would have preferred more references to “accountability,” a coded way of saying they should be sent to prison. “People would like to have seen a bit more references to accountability,” he said at at the time. “There really wasn’t much talk about what we’re doing about those insurrectionists.”


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HUMILIATION: Biden Awkwardly Hunches Over at D-Day Celebrations… “Is He Downloading in His Diaper?” (VIDEO)

By: Ben Kew

Joe Biden once again reminded the world how mentally and physically unfit he is for office by randomly crouching down during war celebrations in France.

Appearing at D-Day 80th anniversary celebrations with French President Emmanuel Macron, Biden started leaning forward and appeared on the brink of collapse before eventually restoring balance.

Both Jill Biden and Brigitte Macron looked on in confusion as the 81-year-old continued to embarrass himself.

Watch the clip below:


— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 6, 2024

There were predictably many responses to Biden’s bizarre behavior, with some netizens speculating as to whether he was pooping his pants.

Is he downloading in his diaper?

— Vicki (@VickiDodd6) June 6, 2024

Did he just fill his diaper?

— MAG2A us (@armsparts2) June 6, 2024

Others pointed to Jill Biden’s reaction to her husband’s lack of control.

Dr Jill….do you have even a single ounce of shame…smh

— WestCoast_Life (@westcoast_lyfe) June 6, 2024

Jill: Not here Joe wait there is a bathroom inside.

— Arizonan ODD (@CScottSmith3) June 6, 2024

— leroys burner (@YirmumJ) June 6, 2024

Perhaps the most significant comparison was with Donald Trump’s speech at the same event back in 2019.

Here is what President Trump was doing on the 75th anniversary of D-Day.

Giving one of his all time greatest speeches to honor the heroes of that day.

— Shem Horne (@Shem_Infinite) June 6, 2024

What a humiliation for all involved.

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Former AG Bill Barr Says Trump’s Conviction an ‘Abomination’ – Will Be Overturned on Appeal (VIDEO)

By: Ben Kew

Former Attorney General Bill Barr has come out swinging against Donald Trump’s sham criminal trial and conviction, describing the entire process as an “abomination.”

Barr made the comments during an interview on Fox News with Martha McCallum, pointing out that Trump obviously did not commit a crime.

“I said from the very start that this was an abomination, and I actually was surprised that they went ahead with the case because there really was nothing there,” Barr said. “There was no crime there, and they really weren’t able to articulate it until after the defense rested its case. So I thought the whole thing was a travesty.”

Bill Barr says no crime was committed, verdict will be overturned before election

— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) June 5, 2024

The 74-year-old, who betrayed tens of millions of Americans by refusing to investigate election fraud during the 2020 presidential election, added that the conviction would undermine any potential Biden victory.

“This will be eventually overruled after the election. But what if there’s a close election? And Biden squeaks through, and then the case is overruled?” he continued. “Half the country is gonna feel this was a stolen election and again, this is a grave injustice and disservice to the country.”

Barr recently confirmed that despite their fallout and Trump’s various attacks on his character, he would still be voting for the former president in November.

“If faced with a choice between two people, neither of which I think should be president, I feel it’s my duty to pick the person who I think would do the least damage to the country,” Barr said at the time.

“And I think Trump would do less damage than Biden. And I think all this stuff about a threat to democracy, I think the real threat to democracy is the progressive movement. And in the Biden administration.”

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Rep. Paul Gosar Proposes Issuance of $500 Bills to Combat Bidenflation… Featuring Donald Trump’s Portrait!

By: Ben Kew

Arizona Congressman Paul Gosar has called on the Federal Reserve to start issuing $500 bills that would feature President Trump’s portrait.

Gosar, a staunch Trump ally and one of the most trustworthy Republican members of the Congress, authored the Treasury Reserve Unveiling Memorable Portrait (TRUMP) Act, which he claims will “empower Americans with the freedom of more tangible options to save and exchange goods and services.”

“As Bidenflation continues to devalue our currency, the issuance of $500 bills featuring President Trump by the Treasury offers several practical advantages,” Mr. Gosar said.

The legislation would require the Secretary of the United States Treasury to print $500 Federal Reserve notes featuring Trump’s portrait.

Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) wants a $500 bill with Trump’s face on it.

— bryan metzger (@metzgov) June 5, 2024

Gosar added that Trump’s face would help create increased tax revenue as a result of increased demand for “numismatic items.”

“Collectors often covet currency with unique designs and historical significance and bills featuring the very popular 45th President will attract considerable attention from collectors,” he said.

Given the current Democratic control of the Senate and White House, such legislation has zero chance of passing, at least with Trump’s face on it.

The current U.S. currency denominations and their featured figures include George Washington on the $1 bill, Thomas Jefferson on the $2 bill, Abraham Lincoln on the $5 bill, Alexander Hamilton on the $10 bill, Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill, Ulysses S. Grant on the $50 bill, and Benjamin Franklin on the $100 bill.

The Treasury Department has previously issued $500 at a time when they were worth multiple times what they are now, however they were discontinued in 1969 due to lack of use.


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‘Non-Stop Love, Laughter and Drama’: Alec Baldwin and Wife Hilaria Given Own Reality TV Show – Despite Pending Manslaughter Charges Against Him

By: Ben Kew

Alec Baldwin and his wife Hilaria will be launching their own reality television show, despite the pending manslaughter charges against the Hollywood star.

In a statement on Wednesday, TLC confirmed that The Baldwins will air on the network in 2025 and follow the family as they “invite viewers into the home they share with their seven growing kids.”

Variety reports:

Alec and Hilaria Baldwin are inviting viewers into their chaotic home for a reality series airing on TLC in 2025.

The husband and wife duo announced the show (working title “The Baldwins“) in a video posted to Instagram, in which their seven children run around the house screaming.

“We’re inviting you into our home to experience the ups and downs; the good, the bad, the wild and the crazy,” Alec says in the video. “Home is the place we love to be most.”

As he attempts to wrangle a horde of kids, he adds, “We are the Baldwins, and we’re going to TLC! God help you all.”

“Alec and Hilaria Baldwin have been making headlines since they were married nearly 12 years ago,” TLC said in a statement. “In this TLC follow-doc series, Alec and Hilaria invite viewers into the home they share with their seven growing kids. For the first time, they’re opening up their family lives and bringing everyone in to join in the nonstop love, laughter and drama.”


View this post on Instagram


A post shared by Alec Baldwin (@alecbaldwininsta)

The announcement coincides with Alec Baldwin’s upcoming criminal trial on manslaughter charges related to the tragic death of Rust cinematographer Halyna Hutchins. If convicted of involuntary manslaughter, Baldwin could face up to 18 months in prison.

According to prosecutors, Baldwin recklessly pointed a firearm at Hutchins and pulled the trigger during a scene rehearsal. Additionally, as a producer of the film, Baldwin has been criticized for not adhering to required safety standards.

Meanwhile, his wife, Hilaria, was caught faking her heritage by pretending to have a Spanish identity and changing her name from Hillary.

This will certainly be one to miss.

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Trans Actor Elliot Page to Narrate Documentary on Homosexual and Gender-Fluid Animals – Dubbed One of Nature’s ‘Best Kept Secrets’ (VIDEO)

By: Ben Kew

Transgender actor Elliot Page will narrate and work as an executive producer on a documentary about homosexual and gender-fluid animals.

According to a report from Deadline, Page has signed on for Second Nature, which will explore themes of sexuality across the animal world.

The report states:

Oscar-nominated actor Elliot Page has signed on to narrate and executive produce Second Nature, a documentary that explodes myths about sexuality and gender in the animal world, revealing there’s way more same sex behavior and parenting and gender fluidity than most people realize.

“Homosexual behavior in nature is one of the best kept secrets. It’s absolutely everywhere,” one of the film’s scientific experts notes in the teaser for the film. “Dolphins have homosexual sex all the time. Penguins pair bond with members of the same sex too… Many waterfowl are very gay.”

A sneak peek of an hour-long version of the film will screen at the Frameline Film Festival in San Francisco later this month. The full feature-length version of the film is in production and will be released at a later date.

Second Nature, directed by Drew Denny, explores “the 1500+ animal species who engage in same-sex sexual behavior and parenting, change sex, form matriarchies, and more,” according to a release. “The film debunks harmful myths about sex and gender, following trans trailblazer Dr. Joan Roughgarden and groundbreaking female, BIPOC and immigrant scientists who face fierce opposition for correcting the record.”

In a statement provided to Deadline, Page said he/she was delighted to be part of such an “inspiring” project.

“What a joy and honor it has been to narrate this beautiful, funny, enlightening and inspiring documentary,” Page said. “Second Nature reveals the full spectrum of life and how when it comes to gender and sexuality in nature, the diversity is endless. I learned so much and am thrilled others will too.”

Watch the teaser trailer below:

Once a beautiful Hollywood actress who starred in films such as Juno and Inception, Ellen Page transitioned to “Elliot” back in 2020 and has since become a campaigner for transgender rights.

Second Nature is not the only documentary series exploring homosexuality within the animal kingdom. NBCUniversal’s Peacock recently released Queer Planet, which similarly focuses on gay and transgender behavior across a variety of species.


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VICTORY: FBI Whistleblower Who Exposed Agency’s Lies About January 6th Has Security Clearence Reinstated, Will Receive Over Two Years of Back Pay

By: Ben Kew

A patriotic former FBI agent who helped expose the agency’s lies about the January 6th protests has scored a major victory against his former employer.

FBI agent Marcus Allen had his security clearance suspended in 2022 after he raised questions about Director Christopher Wray’s statements regarding law enforcement involvement during the January 6th protests.

Empower Oversight, a legal advocacy group, filed a lawsuit against the bureau and asserted that the FBI’s actions were retaliatory and falsely labeled Allen as disloyal to the United States.

It has now been confirmed that the FBI reinstated Allen’s security clearance on May 31st and agreed to pay him over two months of back pay as part of a settlement between the two parties. He has now resigned from the bureau.

“This letter is to inform you that I am reinstating your Top Secret (TS) security clearance effective upon receipt of this letter,” the FBI said in a letter to Allen. “My decision to reinstate your security clearance is based upon a determination that the original security concerns have been investigated and have been sufficiently mitigated.”

Allen’s lawyer, Tristan Leavitt, described the settlement as a “total vindication” for his client.

“The F.B.I. has completely backed down and provided everything that we had asked for on behalf of Marcus,” Leavitt said. “It’s clear from the evidence and the FBI’s capitulation there was absolutely no truth to their accusations.”

Allen upset his superiors at the bureau when he testified before the House Judiciary Committee last year and revealed how he was the victim of political retaliation for his views about January 6th.

“I was not in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6, played no part in the events of Jan. 6, and I condemn all criminal activity that occurred,” he testified. “Instead, it appears that I was retaliated against because I forwarded information to my superiors and others that questioned the official narrative of the events of Jan. 6.”

Marcus Allen bravely served our country overseas in the armed services and has been suspended without pay for OVER a year by the FBI for “disloyalty.”

Listen to his powerful testimony ⬇

— House Judiciary GOP (@JudiciaryGOP) May 18, 2023

In a statement on Tuesday, Allen called for accountability against abuse of power by FBI authorities.

“It’s been a difficult couple of years, and I am truly grateful for my friends and family who helped us through this. While I feel vindicated now in getting back my security clearance, it is sad that in the country I fought for as a Marine, the FBI was allowed to lie about my loyalty to the U.S. for two years,” he said.

“Unless there is accountability, it will keep happening to others. Better oversight and changes to security clearance laws are key to stop abuses suffered by whistleblowers like me.”

The FBI, meanwhile, has denied any wrongdoing in the case. “While we can’t comment on the specifics of any settlement, both parties agreed to resolve this matter without either admitting wrongdoing,” the bureau said in a statement provided to The New York Times.

“The F.B.I. takes seriously its responsibility to F.B.I. employees who make protected disclosures under whistle-blower regulations, and we are committed to ensuring they are protected from retaliation.”


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‘I’m Not Going to Let You Say That’: Clinton Henchman George Stephanopoulos Freaks on Trump Lawyer Who Suggests Biden Was Behind Sham Conviction (VIDEO)

By: Ben Kew

Former Bill Clinton henchman turned ABC anchor George Stephanopoulos freaked out on Donald Trump’s attorney after he suggested that the Biden regime was behind his sham criminal conviction.

In a rigged trial orchestrated by New York Democrats in conjunction with the Biden Department of Justice, Trump was found guilty last week of all 34 charges of falsifying business records related to a hush-money payment made to adult porn star Stormy Daniels during the 2016 presidential election.

During an interview with Donald Trump’s attorney, Will Scharf, Stephanopoulos became very upset when his guest pointed out the coordination between the Biden regime and Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

Here is a transcript of the exchange:

SCHARF: I vehemently disagree that the District Attorney in New York was not politically motivated here, and I vehemently disagree that President Biden and his political allies aren’t up to their necks in this prosecution.

STEPHANOPOULOS: There’s no evidence of that. Sir, there’s no- I’m not going to let you continue to say that. There’s just zero evidence of that.”

SCHARF: Well, how about the fact that [former Justice Department official] Matthew Colangelo was standing over Alvin Bragg’s shoulder when he announced this verdict? You want to talk about political coordination, George?” he asked.

STEPHANOPOULOS: This has nothing to do with President Biden. Do you want to answer the question about the sentencing process or not?”

SCHARF: I completely disagree that this has nothing to do with President Biden. I don’t think President Trump is going to end up being subject to any sentence whatsoever, and we look forward to getting this case into the next court and taking this again all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court if necessary to vindicate President Trump’s rights.

Watch the exchange below:

It seems like someone got a little close to the bone there.

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Louisiana Passes Bill Ordering Surgical Castration of Convicted Pedophiles

By: Ben Kew

The state of Louisiana will not be a good place to be a convicted pedophile.

On Monday, Republican lawmakers passed a bill that will allow judges to order the surgical castration of pedophiles found guilty of various sex crimes including rape, incest and molestation against any child younger than 13.

Several other states – including Florida and Texas – already allow the chemical castration of pedophiles in certain circumstances. However, Louisiana would be the first state to impose surgical castration instead.

“This is a consequence,” Republican state Sen. Valarie Hodges said during debates over the bill. “It’s a step over and beyond just going to jail and getting out.”

JUST IN: Louisiana lawmakers have given final approval to allow judges to order SURGICAL CASTRATION of child mol*st*rs

This should be implemented NATIONWIDE

Of course, the democrats worked to protect child r*p*sts and block the measure, but the Republican controlled…

— Nick Sortor (@nicksortor) June 3, 2024

Somewhat surprisingly the legislation was authored by a Democrat, state Sen. Regina Barrow, although her fellow Democratic lawmakers overwhelmingly voted against it.

“We are talking about babies who are being violated by somebody. That is inexcusable,” Barrow said about the proposed legislation. “For me, when I think about a child, one time is too many.”

While castration is typically associated with men, Barrow noted that the law could also apply women. She emphasized that the decision to impose this punishment would be made on a case-by-case basis and at each judges’ discretion.

According to the legislation, if an offender “fails to appear or refuses to undergo” surgical castration after it has been ordered by a judge, they could be charged with “failure to comply” and face an additional prison sentence of three to five years.

It also requires a medical expert to “determine whether that offender is an appropriate candidate” for the procedure before it is performed.

The bill will now head to Gov. Jeff Landry’s desk. He has not yet confirmedwhether he will sign it into law.

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Supreme Court Sides With Biden Regime — Denies InfoWars Host Owen Shroyer’s Appeal Against Sham J6 Conviction — Despite Never Entering Capitol Building!

By: Ben Kew
Source: The Gateway Pundit

The Supreme Court has denied an appeal from InfoWars host Owen Shroyer against his conviction related to the January 6th protests.

Shroyer, a hugely popular commentator, and activist with Alex Jones’s InfoWars, was convicted of a misdemeanor and received a 60-day prison sentence after pleading guilty to engaging in “disruptive and riotous behavior” at the Capitol Building, despite the fact he never went inside.

His appeal was rejected as part of a routine list of orders released on Monday morning, with no Justice dissenting or commenting on the decision.

In his petition to the court, Shroyer’s lawyers argued that the District Court had failed to recognize his “unique role” as a journalist and had violated his First Amendment rights.

“The precedent has been set. You can be arrested & sentenced for legal & lawful speech,” Shroyer wrote on the X platform after his appeal was rejected. “My case was the precedent. The message is clear. Speak out against government & risk arrest.”

The precedent has been set. You can be arrested & sentenced for legal & lawful speech. My case was the precedent. The message is clear. Speak out against government & risk arrest.

Supreme Court won’t hear InfoWars host’s 1st Amendment challenge

— Owen Shroyer (@OwenShroyer1776) June 3, 2024

While Shroyer did not enter the Capitol, he had previously signed a deferred prosecution agreement after interrupting a House Judiciary Committee hearing during Donald Trump’s impeachment proceedings back in 2019.

As part of the agreement, Shroyer had agreed not to “utter loud, threatening, or abusive language or engage in any disorderly or disruptive conduct” anywhere on the U.S. Capitol Grounds with the “intent to disrupt the orderly conduct of any congressional session.”

After he attended the Stop the Steal rallies on January 6th, prosecutors targeted Shroyer and accused him of being responsible for the events that took place because of his “violent rhetoric” beforehand.

“The Democrats are posing as communists, but we know what they really are,” he said at the time. “They’re just tyrants, they’re tyrants. And so today, on January 6, we declare death to tyranny! Death to tyrants!”

“Shroyer helped create January 6,” the prosecutors wrote at the time. “Shroyer cannot light a fire near a can of gasoline and then express concern or disbelief when it explodes.”

Fortunately for Shroyer, the nightmare of his imprisonment and persecution by the Biden regime is over, at least for the time being. However, the fight for justice for the hundreds of other patriots who stood up against the fraudulent 2020 presidential election continues.

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WW3 WATCH: Kremlin Warns U.S. of ‘Fatal Consequences’ as Biden Greenlights Missile Strikes on Russian Mainland

By: Ben Kew

The Kremlin has warned the United States is facing potentially “fatal consequences” after the Biden regime greenlighted Ukrainian missile strikes on targets within the Russian mainland.

“I would like to warn American leaders against miscalculations that could have fatal consequences,” Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said, according to the Russian state news agency RIA. “For unknown reasons, they underestimate the seriousness of the rebuff they may receive.”

“I urge these figures (in the U.S.) … to spend some of their time, which they apparently spend on some kind of video games, judging by the lightness of their approach, on studying what was said in detail by Putin,” Ryabkov said, adding that Putin had given “a very significant warning and it must be taken with the utmost seriousness.”

“Constant escalation can lead to serious consequences,” Putin told reporters in Tashkent last week. “If these serious consequences occur in Europe, how will the United States behave, bearing in mind our parity in the field of strategic weapons?”

Last week, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken confirmed that the White House had granted approval for Ukraine to use U.S.-supplied weapons against targets within Russian territory, specifically near the border close to Kharkiv.

However, Blinken insisted this authorization was given solely for the purpose of defending Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city, which is situated around 18 miles from Russia and has been enduring relentless and escalating attacks, including frequent airstrikes.

“The hallmark of our engagement, our support for Ukraine over these more than two years has been to adapt and adjust as necessary to meet what’s actually going on on the battlefield, to make sure Ukraine has what it needs, when it needs it, to do that deliberately and effectively,” Blinken said during a recent press conference. “And that’s exactly what we’re doing in response to what we’ve now seen in and around the Kharkiv region.”

“Over the past few weeks, Ukraine came to us and asked for authorization to use weapons that we’re providing to defend against this aggression, including against Russian forces that are amassing on the Russian side of the border and then attacking into Ukraine,” he continued. “And that went right to the [U.S.] president. And, as you’ve heard, he’s approved the use of our weapons for that purpose.”

The risk of escalation and potentially catastrophic consequences comes despite reports that Putin is open to agreeing a ceasefire agreement with Ukraine along current battle lines, an outcome that he believes he can sell to the Russian people. However, western leaders are simply not interested and the war is expected to continue for the forseeable future.


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Activision’s ‘Call of Duty’ Video Game Offers Transgender Bullets, Rainbow Themed Assault Weapons For Pride Month

By: Ben Kew

The massively popular Call of Duty game series is offering its users the chance to play with transgender bullets and rainbow themed assault weapons as part of its celebrations for Pride Month.

According to the gaming website Dexterto, the company has created a variety of “free skins,” a term that refers to the customization of a player’s outfit and weaponry.

The website notes:

These new skins, which will be available in Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone, allow players to deck out their weapons in the different LGBTQ+ flags, rainbows, glitter, and more.

The full list of skins that are now available as part of CoD’s Pride Month celebrations includes the following:

  • Traditional Pride flag
  • Bisexual Pride flag
  • Lesbian Pride flag
  • Nonbinary Pride flag
  • Pansexual Pride flag
  • Transgender Pride flag
  • Asexual Pride flag

To claim these new LGBTQ+-centric skins, simply head over to the game’s main menu, visit the CoD store, scroll down to the Free Gift Pack and click redeem.

Once doing so, these new skins should be ready to download and equip as you like. At the time of writing, it is unclear if CoD will release any other Pride Month merchandise or cosmetics, however, we’ll be sure to update this article if any more goodies are up for grabs.

Happy Pride Month.

A FREE bundle is now live in Call of Duty in MW3 x Warzone with 6 camos to use in game across all weapons.

— CharlieIntel (@charlieINTEL) June 1, 2024

While the idea of LGBT themed designs and weaponary may seem inappropriate enough for a game that involves slaughtering as many people as possible, some netizens picked up on the inclusion of “transgender bullets” and the dangerous associations involved.

If you’re still playing Call of Duty, stop. They introduced trans flag bullets to honor pride month. With the number of mass shootings involving trans/non binary people recently, it seems they have a motive.

— 9mmSMG (@9mm_smg) June 2, 2024

Activision’s Call of Duty just added transgender bullets to the game in honor of Pride Month, so you can literally roleplay a transgender mass shooter.

— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) June 3, 2024

Activision’s Call of Duty just added transgender bullets to the game in honor of Pride Month, so you can literally roleplay a transgender mass shooter.

⭐Edwin⭐ (@Nuked4Every1) June 3, 2024

Call of Duty was first launched in 2003 by Activision as a World War II shooter. It quickly expanded into modern warfare settings and remains the most popular first person shooter in video game history.

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Idaho Bar Trolls Pride Month By Celebrating ‘Heterosexual Awesomeness Month,’ Gifting Free Beers to Straight People

By: Ben Kew

A bar in Idaho has come up with its own interesting response to Pride Month.

The Old State Saloon in Eagle, Idaho announced on its Facebook page that rather than dedicating the month of June for Pride, it would instead be celebrating “Heterosexual Awesomness Month.”

The announcement read:

June will be OSS’s inaugural Heterosexual Awesomeness Month! Come join us all month to celebrate heterosexuals, for without them, none of us would be here! Each Monday will be Hetero Male Monday and any heterosexual male dressed like a heterosexual male will receive a free draft beer. Each Wednesday is Heterosexual couples day and each heterosexual couple will receive 15% off their bill. More events to be announced in the coming weeks. Follow us on Instagram or Facebook to stay informed.

After a backlash from progressives, the bar took again to Facebook to assure people that they love their LGBT patrons and will not be cancelling the celebrations.

Predictably, the bar has revealed that progressives have tried a range of despicable tactics to try and shut the bar down.

The owner has since set up a fundraiser on GiveSendGo and given more details about his motivations:

Since we announced Hetero Awesomeness Month we’ve had some significant backlash: theft of our property, vendors refusing to fulfill our orders for ingredients, wedding catering cancelation, libel, slander – even the owner being falsely accused of being a sex offender!

But, to the credit of the community that is rational and reasonable, we’ve also received so much support from like-minded people who want to celebrate “Heterosexual Awesomeness Month” with us, and get the concept of it as being about freedom and being true to our personal values.

Many have asked about sending financial support, so this platform is going to serve as the conduit for people who want to contribute to this vision and fund the construction of a physical location specifically for traditional and faith-based events, preserving Idaho’s amazing and conservative culture.

Brave owner Mark Fitzpatrick said “If the world wants to support ‘Heterosexual Awesomeness Month’ by crowdfunding an even larger Hetero HQ, lets do it!” He and his team are passionate about building a Community Event Center where conservatism can be appreciated, including Hetero Awesomeness Month-style events every year.

Even if you do not wish to celebrate your heterosexuality, or indeed if you are not heterosexual, it is important that conservatives support each other and help build a parallel economy that is not dependent on liberal institutions.
If you live in Eagle, Idaho or are just passing by, perhaps consider giving this bar a visit!

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Two NYPD Officers Shot in Queens By 19-Year-Old Illegal Alien From Venezuela… Living at Taxpayer Funded Luxury Hotel!

By: Ben Kew

Two New York Police Department officers were shot in Queens by an illegal alien from Venezuela.

Officers Richard Yarusso and Christopher Abreu, both 26, was shot while investigating a robbery pattern.

CBS reports:

 Two NYPD officers were shot overnight in East Elmhurst, Queens while investigating a robbery pattern involving suspects on scooters, police say. Police said the officers returned fire and shot the suspect in the ankle. Both of the officers and the suspect were hospitalized in stable condition.

Mayor Eric Adams and Police Commissioner Edward Caban spoke with the injured officers and their families early Monday at Elmhurst Hospital. The mayor held up a police vest with a bullet hole, saying it saved one officer’s life. He called the shooting a “senseless act of violence” and a “total disregard for life.”

“They observe a male suspect drive a moped the wrong way on 82nd Street near 23rd Avenue and attempted to pull him over. The suspect then fled on foot, and our officers began a foot pursuit, which led for several blocks,” Caban explained. “During the pursuit, the suspect fired multiple rounds at our officers, who then returned fire.”

“We visited the officers and their families a few moments ago, they’re in good spirits, and the NYPD stands at the ready to assist them in the full recovery,” said Caban.

BREAKING: 19-year-old Venezuelan ILLEGAL who recently crossed into the U.S via Eagle Pass SHOOTS TWO NYC COPS

“Because of this vest, a young police officer is going home” NYC Mayor Eric Adams

19-year-old Venezuelan illegal Bernardo Raul Castro Mata shot two NYC cops early…

— Unlimited L’s (@unlimited_ls) June 3, 2024

However, it has since emerged that the man responsible has been identified as Bernardo Castro Mata, a 19-year-old illegal alien from Venezuela.

According to The New York Post, Mata had been living at the migrant shelter in the former Courtyard Marriott Hotel, which typically costs members of the public around $250 a night.

2 NYPD Officers were gunned down last night during a traffic stop.

Castro Mata is a Venezuelan illegal alien who invaded the U.S. in 2023 and was allowed in.

He’s already tied to multiple robberies.

He was living in a tax-funded shelter.

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) June 3, 2024

Hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants have arrived in New York since Joe Biden seized office in 2021, many of whom have made their way to New York and other Democratic-run cities.

Mayor Adams has repeatedly complained about the situation and warned that the city is at “breaking point,” but has never gone so far as to suggest that the Biden regime secure the border.


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Crazy Maxine Waters Suggests Trump is Pushing America Towards ‘Civil War’ (VIDEO)

By: Ben Kew

California Rep. Maxine Waters has called Donald Trump supporters domestic terrorists and at risk of pushing America toward civil war.

In an interview on MSNBC’s ‘The Saturday Show,’ Waters argued that Trump’s talk of “revenge” could push America over the edge.

“Congresswoman Waters, your name has been invoked several times,” asked host Jonathan Capehart. “We will give you the last word. What do you think?”

Waters responded:

Let me say when I tweeted about Trump talking about the Constitution, I basically said in my tweet that he had disregarded the Constitution he doesn’t have ant respect for the Constitution, I got over a million hits on that. I think the American people see through him and, they will be guarded in how they deal with the election.

Let me just say this, I am worried that he is so divisive and that he is talking about retribution and about revenge and I think that is dangerous. He has even mentioned civil war saying there will be bloodshed. I will spend some time with the criminal justice system, with the justice system asking them, tell us what’s going on with the domestic terrorists? Are they Preparing a civil war against us? Should we be concerned? What is he doing with this divisive language? It is dangerous.”

It is not just that he is a criminal, this is a man who disrespects the Constitution and democracy and we have to figure out what they are doing as domestic terrorists tried to take over the government January 6, how far is this going to go? Are they going to be attacking?

Last month, Waters aired a similar conspiracy in which she claimed Trump supporters were “training up in the hills somewhere.”

“I wanna know about all those right-wing organizations that he’s connected with who are training up in the hills somewhere and targeting what communities they’re going to attack,” Waters said at the time, without providing any evidence of these claims.

Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters floats a completely unhinged conspiracy theory that “right-wing organizations” are “training up in the hills somewhere”

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) May 6, 2024

Yet back in 2018, Waters famously whipped up a crowd of leftists and urged them to harass members of Trump’s cabinet.

“If you see anybody from [Trump’s] Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere!” she declared at the time.

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93-Year-Old Rupert Murdoch Gets Married… For The Fifth Time!

By: Ben Kew

The 93-year-old Media titan Rupert Murdoch has tied the knot for the fifth time.

Murdoch married 67-year-old Elena Zhukova after dating for just several months. His last marriage ended in 2022 when he divorced his fourth wife, 67-year-old actress and model Jerry Hall.

The Sun, which is owned by Murdoch’s News Corp, has all the details:

NEWS legend Rupert Murdoch was all smiles yesterday as he married his beautiful bride. Mr Murdoch, 93, tied the knot with retired molecular biologist Elena Zhukova, 67, after dating for several months.

The new Mrs Murdoch looked stunning in an elegant white dress clutching a small posy of Lily of the Valley flowers. Mr Murdoch wore a dark suit, white shirt and patterned yellow tie.

The happy couple beamed for the wedding photographer as they celebrated their big day with delighted relatives at a ceremony blessed with blue skies and warm sunshine at his vineyard in California.

Murdoch, who has six children from three different women and has an estimated net worth of around $20 billion, now serves as chairman emeritus of News Corporation, which hosts a range of media companies, including Fox News and The Wall Street Journal.

Rupert Murdoch, 93, marries fifth wife biologist Elena Zhukova, 67, at news tycoon’s Los Angeles vineyard wedding

— Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) June 2, 2024

He stood down as chairman of the organization last November, handing over control of the conglomerate to his son Lachlan.

Rupert Murdoch, an Australian-born American business magnate, investor, and media proprietor marries for the fifth.

Murdoch marries 63 years old Elena Zhukova at the age 93.

Photo Credit REDIT: News Corp.

— AremoOdua (@Aremottunde) June 2, 2024

While Murdoch may divide opinion across the political spectrum, he has at least one ringing endorsement to his name. Back in 2021, Joe Biden described him as the “most dangerous man in the world,” meaning perhaps he isn’t so bad after all.

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Even RINO Mitt Romney is Denouncing Trump’s Sham Conviction, Calls It ‘Political Malpractice’

By: Ben Kew

Even the notorious RINO and former presidential candidate Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah is denouncing the sham conviction of President Donald Trump.

In a rigged trial orchestrated by New York Democrats in conjunction with the Biden White House, Trump was found guilty of all 34 charges of falsifying business records related to a hush-money payment made to adult porn star Stormy Daniels during the 2016 presidential election.

Romney, who makes no secret of his disdain for the former president and has tried to sabotage him at every turn, argued that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg should never have let the case go to trial.

“Bragg should have settled the case against Trump, as would have been the normal procedure. But he made a political decision,” Romney reportedly told his biographer McKay Coppins, a writer at the Atlantic.

“Bragg may have won the battle, for now, but he may have lost the political war,” he continued. “Democrats think they can put out the Trump fire with oxygen. It’s political malpractice.”

Last month, Romney also made the case that Joe Biden should pardon Trump because it would make him seem like the bigger man.

“You may disagree with this, but had I been President Biden, when the Justice Department brought on indictments, I would have immediately pardoned him,” he said in an interview with MSNBC.

“I’d have pardoned President Trump. Why? Well, because it makes me, President Biden, the big guy and the person I pardoned a little guy.”

Meanwhile, other Republican Senators have warned that they will create havoc in the Senate unless the White House stops politically persecuting its opponents.

Strongly worded statements are not enough.

Those who turned our judicial system into a political cudgel must be held accountable.

We are no longer cooperating with any Democrat legislative priorities or nominations, and we invite all concerned Senators to join our stand.

— Mike Lee (@SenMikeLee) May 31, 2024

“The White House has made a mockery of the rule of law and fundamentally altered our politics in un-American ways,” read a letter led by Mike Lee, also of Utah, and signed by several other Senators. “As a Senate Republican conference, we are unwilling to aid and abet this White House in its project to tear this country apart.”

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‘Non-Starter’: Netanyahu Slaps Down Biden’s Major ‘Peace Proposal,’ Says Israel Has Agreed to Nothing

By: Ben Kew

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has slapped down Joe Biden’s plan for ending the war in Gaza, dismissing it as a “non-starter.”

During an address at the White House on Friday, Biden unveiled his three-part plan for ending the conflict that involved an immediate ceasefire from Israeli forces before negotiating a “permanent end to hostilities.”

“I know there are those in Israel who will not agree with this plan and will call for the war to continue indefinitely,” Biden said. “Some — some are even in the government coalition.”

The United States has worked relentlessly to support Israelis’ security, to get humanitarian supplies into Gaza, and to get a ceasefire and a hostage deal to bring this war to an end.

— President Biden (@POTUS) June 1, 2024

“And they’ve made it clear: They want to occupy Gaza, they want to keep fighting for years, and the hostages are not a priority to them. Well, I’ve urged the leadership in Israel to stand behind this deal, despite whatever pressure comes.”

In a statement on Saturday, the Israeli government dismissed the plan and said Israel’s position had not hcanged.

“Israel’s conditions for ending the war have not changed: The destruction of Hamas military and governing capabilities, the freeing of all hostages and ensuring that Gaza no longer poses a threat to Israel,” Netanyahu said.

“Under the proposal, Israel will continue to insist these conditions are met before a permanent ceasefire is put in place,” he continued. “The notion that Israel will agree to a permanent ceasefire before these conditions are fulfilled is a non-starter.”

Under the proposal, Israel will continue to insist these conditions are met before a permanent ceasefire is put in place. The notion that Israel will agree to a permanent ceasefire before these conditions are fulfilled is a non-starter.

— Prime Minister of Israel (@IsraeliPM) June 1, 2024

Biden’s big idea comes as he continues to hemorrhage support from the left wing of the Democratic Party, many of whom have pledged not to vote for him and accused him of being complicit in a genocide against the Palestinian people.

Just this week, a poll from the American Arab Institute found that Donald Trump was leading Joe Biden by 14 points among Arab Americans in the run-up to this year’s presidential election. The survey also found that 88 percent of Arab Americans disapprove of his handling of the conflict.

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‘THIS IS LONDON, NOT LONDONISTAN’: Tommy Robinson Leads Huge Patriotic Rally in Central London to Oppose Mass Immigration

By: Ben Kew

A massive rally took place across central London on Saturday as patriotic Brits voiced their opposition to the mass immigration that has destroyed their beautiful city.

The rally was attended by journalist Andy Ngo, who estimated that between 15,000 and 20,000 people attended in what the liberal media dubbed a “far-right” gathering.

A woman who attended the Tommy Robinson rally in London shows me her “Make England Great Again” hat along with a shirt showing a mugshot of Trump & the text: “Never surrender.”

The rally was attended by an estimated 15-20k. The event is called

— Andy Ngô ️‍ (@MrAndyNgo) June 1, 2024

Ngo noted that the rally was attended by English people rather than foreigners, underlining how the native British people are opposed to the mass immigration being forced upon them by globalist elites.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many English people in London before.

— Andy Ngô ️‍ (@MrAndyNgo) June 1, 2024

At one point, protesters chanted in support of President Trump following his sham conviction by the Biden regime on charges of falsifying business documents.

Breaking: Chants of “Trump, Trump” break out in front of Big Ben at the Tommy Robinson rally in London.

— Andy Ngô ️‍ (@MrAndyNgo) June 1, 2024

Tommy Robinson himself took to the X platform to make clear his “message to the world” that London should remain British rather than becoming an Islamic city.

Our message to the world today

— Tommy Robinson (@TRobinsonNewEra) June 1, 2024

Other journalists and British patriots took to social media to express their support for the rally.

Tommy Robinson’s call to march to parliament was met positively. Tens of thousands honored his call which can also be seen as a counter-reaction to far-left pro-Hamas marches London has seen since October 7.
Any Tommy Robinsons in other European cities?

— Harry Theocharous (@TheocharousH) June 1, 2024


Tens of thousands rallying right now, taking London back from the Jihadists who have occupied and terrorised the city for the last 8 months

— Avi Yemini (@OzraeliAvi) June 1, 2024

It is so refreshing to see British flags waving in London after 7 months of Palestine, Hamas and Hezbollah flag.

British Patriots march with Tommy Robinson to uphold British values.

— Imtiaz Mahmood (@ImtiazMadmood) June 1, 2024

Antifa thugs and other counter protesters also turned up at the rally, although they failed to disrupt it in any meaningful way.

About 50 counter protesters turned up today from @AntiRacismDay @hopenothate against @TRobinsonNewEra. Lots of people have asked how effective they were. This picture sums it up nicely…

— Voice Of Wales (@VoWalesOfficial) June 1, 2024

Just about to catch my train back to lovely Lincolnshire. The Tommy Robinson rally went well, and even though there was an obvious Antifa presence, there was zero trouble. If any kicks off now, it’s an orchestrated attempt to smear the right. As per usual

— Princess Pigtails aka Pugtails (@TexanGhost) June 1, 2024

‘Anti-hate’ activists from the Stand Up To Racism movement call for British journalist Tommy Robinson to be assaulted.

“Get a milkshake in your face.”

The small group are holding a counter-demonstration to @TRobinsonNewEra’s patriotic rally taking place in Westminster.

— Oli London (@OliLondonTV) June 1, 2024

Conservatives and patriots are waking up across America, Europe, and all around the world.

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Companies Are Scaling Back ‘Pride Month’ Celebrations Over Fears of Conservative Boycotts

By: Ben Kew

Major American companies are scaling back their “Pride Month” celebrations over fears that they may become subject to a conservative boycott.

Pride celebrations last the entire month of June, and over recent years, companies have gone all out to promote LGBT products, services, influencers, parades, and other related activities.

However, conservative boycotts against companies such as Target and Bud Light have made executives think twice about shoving rainbow flags down the throats of their customers.

USA Today notes:

Love-themed Mickey Mouse backpacks. Pronoun pins. “Not a Phase” hoodies. “So gay for each other” greeting cards.  Every year, national brands cozy up to LGBTQ+ Americans with colorful merchandise for Pride Month. This June, those displays may not be as loud and proud.

Mainstream brands used to brush off anti-LGBTQ+ sentiment. That changed last year when conservatives organized boycotts online that slashed sales.

National retail chain Target moved its Pride displays from the entrances to the back of stores after conservative activists confronted employees and vandalized displays. This year, Target is scaling back its Pride collection and won’t carry the collection in all stores.

Bud Light, owned by beer giant Anheuser-Busch, is still struggling after last year’s conservative blowback over a social media campaign with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney.

Last month, Target made a point of emphasizing that its Pride collection will focus on “adult apparel” after they were found to be promoting LGBT propaganda for children. 

“We’re offering a collection of products, including adult apparel and home and food and beverage items, curated based on consumer feedback,” the company stated. “The collection will be available on and in select stores, based on historical sales performance.”

Bud Light, meanwhile, publicly acknowledged the damage that the partnership with Mulvaney had done to their company.

“We recognize that over the last two months, the discussion surrounding our company and Bud Light has moved away from beer, and this has impacted our consumers, our business partners, and our employees.,” the company said in a statement last year. “We are a beer company, and beer is for everyone.”

Matt Skallerud, president of Pink Media, an organization that “helps brands reach the LGBTQ+ demographic,” told the newspaper that the media is refusing to admit how badly the boycotts have affected them.

“Especially during Pride season, most companies like ours are pretty busy working on Pride projects. I can tell you for myself, I have not been, and I think it’s across the board,” he said.

“Nobody in the media, marketing and advertising world wants to admit how heavy and hard this has been,” he said. “Ever since Target and Bud Light had their fiascos last year, a tremendous number of brands have decided it would be much better to sit on the sidelines and let this sort itself out.”

While this may not be the end of Pride Month, it certainly indicates that the whole concept may be in decline. Conservatives should learn from this victory and continue voting with their wallets and support companies that align with their values.

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SHOCK POLL: Trump Leads Biden By 14 Points Among Arab Americans, 88 Percent Disapprove of Biden’s Handling of Gaza

By: Ben Kew

Donald Trump holds a commanding lead over Joe Biden among Arab Americans, according to the latest polling data from the American Arab Institute.

The institute surveyed around 900 voters in four key states that have sizeable Arab populations: Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.

This is what they found:

While some national polls show President Joe Biden’s support for Israel’s war in Gaza is impacting voters from traditionally Democratic constituencies, this is most clearly the case with Arab American voters. In 2020, Biden bested former President Donald Trump by 59%-35%. In this poll, Biden is now losing to Trump by 32%-18%.

As in our October 2023 poll, President Biden continues to receive less than 20% of the Arab American vote—which stands in sharp contrast to the nearly 60% of the Arab American vote he received in 2020. Donald Trump continues to receive the votes of about one-third of Arab Americans—the same as he did in 2020.

The pollsters concluded that the main reason for Biden’s massive decline in popularity is because of his role in supporting Israel’s war against Hamas.

BREAKING- AAI 2024 election poll of #ArabAmericans in key states: Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania, + Virginia.

– Support for Biden at 18%
– 88% disapprove of Biden’s handling of Gaza
– 80% view Gaza as important in determining their vote


— Arab American Institute (@AAIUSA) May 30, 2024

They continued:

79% of Arab Americans have an unfavorable view of President Biden, while 56% have an unfavorable view of Donald Trump. Biden’s negative ratings are largely driven by the 56% of Democrats who view him unfavorably—with almost all Republicans saying they have an unfavorable view of Biden. On the other hand, Trump’s numbers are higher because he retains the near total support of those who identify as Republicans (while, of course, receiving almost no support among Arab Americans who are Democrats).

The simple reason why Biden’s numbers and ratings are so low is, in a word, Gaza. When given 10 issues and asked to rate which of the three are most important to them, 60% say it is the war in Gaza. In response to another question, 57% also say that Gaza will be “very important” in determining their vote in November.

After 8 months of Israel’s relentless assault on Palestinians in Gaza, 88% of Arab Americans say they have a negative view of the way Biden has handled the war, with overwhelming majorities across all party identification: Republicans (87%), Independents (86%), and even Democrats (87%).

As we have extensively reported at The Gateway Pundit, Democrats are panicking about Biden’s unpopularity among Arab voters.

As a result, he is desperately trying to change course on Israel by unveiling a three-part proposal to end the conflict that would start with a six-week ceasefire in which the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) would be forced to withdraw from populated areas of Gaza. Unfortunately for Biden, Israel has yet to agree to the plan and is unlikely to do so.

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Scientists Announce ‘Ground-Breaking’ Cancer Vaccine — Uses Same Technology as Dodgy COVID Jabs

By: Ben Kew

Scientists in the United Kingdom have announced a “ground-breaking” vaccine that they claim could save people from bowel cancer.

In a statement from the British National Health Service, the state-run healthcare system confirmed that thousands of cancer patients would be given “fast-tracked access to trials of personalised cancer vaccines.”

The statement read:

The NHS today announced it has treated its first patient in England with a personalised vaccine against their bowel cancer, in a clinical trial part of NHS England’s new Cancer Vaccine Launch Pad.

In a national first, father-of-four Elliot Phebve received the developmental jab at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, one of several sites taking part in the colorectal cancer vaccine trial sponsored by BioNTech SE.

The German biotechnology company will tomorrow (1 June) present new preliminary data at the American Society of Clinical Oncology’s annual conference in Chicago on how measuring circulating tumour DNA could potentially help early detection of colorectal cancer.

According to the NHS, the cancer vaccines have been developed using the same MRNA technology used to create the COVID-19 jabs, which incidentally are neither safe nor particularly effective.

Elliot is among the first in England to receive a personalised cancer vaccine as part of a trial aimed at helping cancer patients.

If successful, these vaccines might one day prevent a patients cancer from returning or spreading.

Find out more.

— NHS England (@NHSEngland) May 31, 2024

The statement continued:

The investigational cancer vaccines evaluated in the colorectal cancer trial are based on mRNA – the same technology used for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine – and are created by analysing a patient’s tumour to identify mutations specific to their own cancer.

Using this information, medics then create an experimental individualised cancer vaccine.The developmental vaccines are designed to induce an immune response that may prevent cancer from returning after surgery on the primary tumour, by stimulating the patient’s immune system to specifically recognise and potentially destroy any remaining cancer cells.

The investigational cancer vaccines being jointly developed by biopharmaceutical companies BioNTech and Genentech, a member of the Roche Group, are still undergoing trials and have not yet been approved by regulators.

The development comes as scientists around the world say they are baffled by a mysterious cancer “epidemic” affecting young people. This has been particularly highlighted in the United Kingdom by Princess Kate Middleton’s cancer diagnosis, although the specific type of cancer has not been publicly disclosed.

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Billionaire Hedge Fund Manager, Longtime Democrat Donor Bill Ackman Set to Endorse Donald Trump

By: Ben Kew

Billionaire hedge fund manager and longtime Democratic Party donor Bill Ackman is set to endorse Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential election.

Ackman, who is the CEO of Pershing Square Capital Management and has an estimated worth of $4 billion, has reportedly decided to endorse Trump after concluding that Joe Biden must be removed from office.

The Financial Times reports:

Hedge fund billionaire Bill Ackman is leaning towards backing Donald Trump in the US election, according to a person briefed on his thinking, as some of Wall Street’s leading figures throw their weight behind the former president.

Ackman, who backed Trump’s Republican rivals, including Nikki Haley, in the party’s primary contest this year, is likely to make his endorsement on X, the Elon Musk-controlled social media platform in which he is a minority investor. Ackman has previously donated money to Democrats, including Dean Phillips, who mounted a primary challenge to President Joe Biden this year.

The person familiar with Ackman’s thinking said the billionaire did not believe alternative candidates such as Robert F Kennedy Jr, whose long-shot White House bid he had also supported, were likely to win.

They added that Ackman’s dislike for Biden far outweighed his ambivalence for Trump.

Ackman has recently expressed grave concerns about the rise of anti-semitism across the American left and helped spearhead the campaign to remove Harvard President Claudine Gay from office.

His likely endorsement comes after the CEO of Blackstone, Stephen A. Schwarzman, also confirmed that he would be fully supporting Trump against the Biden regime.

“The dramatic rise of antisemitism has led me to focus on the consequences of upcoming elections with greater urgency,” Schwarzman told Axios.

“I share the concern of most Americans that our economic, immigration and foreign policies are taking the country in the wrong direction. For these reasons, I am planning to vote for change and support Donald Trump for President. In addition, I will be supporting Republican Senate candidates and other Republicans up and down the ticket, he added.

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MUST WATCH: Megyn Kelly Goes NUCLEAR on Trump Verdict – Says Democrats ‘Will Rue The Day’ – Republicans Must Prosecute Biden, Obama and Clinton to ‘Save The Republic’ (VIDEO)

By: Ben Kew

The days of Megyn Kelly’s feuds with Donald Trump are well and truly over.

In what has been widely denounced as a show trial, Trump was found guilty on Wednesday evening on all 34 charges of falsifying business records related to a hush-money payment made to adult porn star Stormy Daniels during the 2016 presidential election.

In an epic rant on her eponymous talk show, Kelly laid into the verdict and warned that Republicans must target Democrats such as Joe Biden, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton in order to seek retribution.

Here is a transcript of her remarks:

It is a before-and-after moment for America. What just happened today is a line we can’t uncross. And these Democrats will rue the day they decided to use lawfare to stop a presidential candidate. I’m not talking about violence. I’m talking about tit for tat.

You just wait and it won’t be Hunter Biden the next time. It is going to be Joe Biden. It could potentially still be Barack Obama. It could still potentially be Hillary Clinton. We’re going to have to look at what the statutes of limitations are, on the various crimes they surely committed.

We’re going to have to look at passing laws to revive those dead crimes, felonies or misdemeanors so that those cases can be brought out of time. That’s what may be in the interests of justice. Just like they did for E. Jean Carroll with a New York state law that was passed just so that she could sue him.

That’s what happened. Turned about as fair play and John Yoo, an amazing lawyer who worked in the Bush administration, Department of Justice, has a great piece out today how that is the only way they’ll learn. The only way to save the Republic now is to give them a taste of their own medicine.

Megyn Kelly calls for retribution and revenge.

We’re going to start putting Democrats in

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) May 31, 2024

What more can you add to that?

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Elon Musk Slams Trump’s Rigged Show Trial, Says ‘Great Damage’ Done to America’s Legal System

By: Ben Kew

Business mogul Elon Musk came out against the politically motivated Donald Trump show trial, saying it has done “great damage” to America’s legal system.

Trump was found guilty on all 34 charges of falsifying business records related to a hush-money payment made to adult porn star Stormy Daniels in what is widely regarded as a rigged process.

Musk appeared to agree with that assessment, tweeting out his condemnation of the verdict to his over 185 million followers on the X platform.

“The first felony conviction of a former US President wasn’t for the Iraq or Afghanistan wars, illegal CIA coups, drone striking weddings, or spying on Americans… It was because Trump misclassified a $130,000 payment for a porn star’s NDA,” wrote a user by the name Geiger Capital.

“Indeed, great damage was done today to the public’s faith in the American legal system,” Musk responded. “If a former President can be criminally convicted over such a trivial matter – motivated by politics, rather than justice – then anyone is at risk of a similar fate.”

Indeed, great damage was done today to the public’s faith in the American legal system.

If a former President can be criminally convicted over such a trivial matter – motivated by politics, rather than justice – then anyone is at risk of a similar fate.

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 31, 2024

Musk will be all too aware of the risks of malicious prosecution. Since he bought the X platform and began stating his opposition to leftist ideology, various senior Democrats including Sen. Elizabeth Warren have called for “investigations” into his companies.

Trump, meanwhile, is now the first former U.S. president to be convicted of a crime. His sentencing is scheduled for July three days before the Republican convention.

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‘Hellish Noise’: Person Killed After Being Sliced By Jet Blades at Amsterdam Airport

By: Ben Kew

A person has died after being ingested by a jet engine at Amsterdam Airport.

The incident took place on Wednesday on an aircraft run by Dutch airline KLM that was destined for Denmark.

The Daily Mail reported:

Officials investigating the death of a person who was sucked into a jet engine in Amsterdam yesterday are yet to identify whether the victim was a man or woman after their body was shredded by the spinning turbines. The unidentified victim was killed immediately when they were pulled into the KLM passenger plane’s engine at Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport yesterday afternoon as it prepared for takeoff.

Passengers and crew members on board the Embraer 190 aircraft – which KLM uses for their Cityhopper service to nearby destinations – told local outlet De Telegraaf that a ‘hellish noise’ came from the engine, which quickly began trailing smoke. Emergency crews carried out a ‘massive’ response after the horror tragedy was reported around 3pm, with a picture posted by public broadcaster NOS showing the plane surrounded by fire trucks and ambulances.

Investigators from the Dutch military police have said that is was too early to say whether this was an ‘incident’, or a form of suicide, and in a press conference late last night said they were still trying to identify the sex of the victim.

In a statement from the Dutch airline KLM, the airline said it was “taking care” of passengers traumatized by the incident.

“A fatal incident took place at Schiphol today during which a person ended up in a running aircraft engine. Sadly, this person has died,” the statement read.

“The flight concerned was KL1341 bound for Billund. We are currently taking care of the passengers and employees who witnessed the incident at Schiphol. The circumstances are currently under investigation.”

Schiphol Airport also confirmed the incident on their X feed.

“Today there was a horrible incident where a person ended up in an airplane engine,” they wrote. “Our thoughts go out to the relatives and we care for the passengers and colleagues who witnessed this. The Royal Military Police is currently conducting an investigation.”

Vandaag is er een afschuwelijk incident geweest waarbij een persoon in een vliegtuigmotor is beland. Onze gedachten gaan uit naar de nabestaanden en we hebben zorg voor de passagiers en collega’s die dit hebben gezien. De Koninklijke Marechaussee voert momenteel onderzoek uit.

— Schiphol (@Schiphol) May 29, 2024

Last year, a similar incident took place at San Antonio airport in Texas when an airport worker was sucked into a plane run by Delta Airlines. Examiners eventually concluded he had taken his own life.

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WW3 WATCH: Senior Biden Officials ‘Signal Openness’ to Allowing Ukraine to Strike Inside Russia With U.S. Missiles

By: Ben Kew

Senior aides within the Biden administration are moving towards supporting the use of American missiles to strike targets inside Russia.

According to a report from POLITICO, two senior administration officials have “opened the door” to reversing the current policy, which prohibits the Ukrainian military from firing missiles directly at targets within the Russian mainland.

The report states:

The move, if made, would come as European allies, lawmakers and Ukrainian officials exert pressure on the White House to lift the restrictions, and as Russia has made major advances on the battlefield. It also suggests that President Joe Biden and his team are increasingly worried about Kyiv’s ability to fend off Russia’s attacks, especially its latest advance in Ukraine’s second-largest city of Kharkiv.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken signaled the possible change during a visit to Moldova when pressed by reporters. A “hallmark” of the Biden administration’s approach toward Ukraine since Russia launched its full-scale invasion two years ago “has been to adapt as the conditions have changed, as the battlefield has changed, as what Russia does has changed.”

“We’ve adapted and adjusted, too, and we’ll continue to do that,” he continued.

Shortly afterward, National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby, while stating that there’s “no change” in the current policy that says Ukraine can’t use U.S.-supplied weapons to strike inside Russian territory, also noted that America’s “support to Ukraine has evolved appropriately.”

The apparent shift comes just days after Secretary-General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, indicated his support for lifting the ban despite the obvious risks of escalation that propels the world into a Third World War.

“I think the time has come for allies to consider whether they should lift some of the restrictions they are put on the use of weapons they have donated to Ukraine because, especially now when a lot the fighting is going on in Kharkiv, close to the border,” Stoltenberg said.

“To deny Ukraine the possibility of using these weapons against legitimate military targets on Russian territory makes it very hard for them to defend themselves.”

Earlier this month, the Ukrainian government sent a delegation to Washington with a view to persuading the Biden regime to reverse the ban. David Arahamiya, a Ukrainian MP who led the delegation, said that the current U.S. policy was a form of insanity.

“It’s like if somebody were to attack Washington, D.C., from the Virginia state, and you say we’re not going to hit Virginia for some reason,” he said. “It’s crazy. Military people, like generals, they don’t understand. So they are pushing us as politicians, like stop [the policy] this is insane.”

According to a recent report from Reuters, Russian President Vladimir Putin is willing to agree on a ceasefire in Ukraine along current battle lines. However, the U.S. and other NATO is currently no signs of taking him up on that offer.

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Biden Campaign Co-Chair: Americans Have Too Many ‘Struggles’ Right Now to Understand Biden’s Incredible Achievements (VIDEO)

By: Ben Kew

The co-chair of Joe Biden’s re-election campaign, Lisa Blunt Rochester, has claimed that Americans are struggling too much right now to realize his incredible achievements.

Blunt Rochester, who is also a Congresswoman from Delaware and is currently running for U.S. Senate, made the remarks during an interview with NBC’s Peter Alexander on Wednesday, who asked her about reports that the Biden campaign is struggling with black voters.

Here is a transcript of the exchange:

ALEXANDER: So, Congresswoman, let me ask you specifically, then, I think the question is, if the campaign was in such good shape with black voters, as President Biden has done in the past so many times, why would it be using its most valuable resource, the President, to hold so many events, five events, targeting black voters in May of an election year?

BLUNT ROCHESTER: I think part of it is to show that we see how important that vote is. A lot of times, people feel like their vote doesn’t matter. A lot of people are going through a lot of struggles right now, coming out of the pandemic. And they are not even aware of the things that this administration has done to really uplift our communities.

ALEXANDER: Is that evidence of why we are seeing some of the erosion right now, the need to sort of better communicate that so they can bring those black voters back?

BLUNT ROCHESTER: Again, I think a lot of people have their own pains and things that they’re dealing with. And so, we want to make sure that we highlight the different investments that he has made, whether it is in our infrastructure and creating jobs, the lowest black unemployment rate in 50 years and probably ever, for us, investments in our black small businesses, which is why he was visiting small businesses today. When you look at the investment in education, the $16 billion for HBCUs, and also, student debt relief, which is one of the top issues that I hear about from black voters.

Her comments demonstrate the panic within the Biden camp following a shock poll from Rasmussen Reports that showed Donald Trump leading Joe Biden with black voters in both head-to-head and five-way matchups.

BREAKING: Mark Mitchell of @Rasmussen_Poll tells Steve Bannon on the WarRoom that his latest polling data shows President Trump currently WINNING THE BLACK VOTE by 1 point in a two-way matchup against Joe Biden.

— VISH BURRA ‍☠ (@VishBurra) May 28, 2024

Also performing well with black voters is Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who is garnering 12 percent support. The full results of the poll are yet to be published.

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North Korean Commies Launch Hundreds of Excrement Filled Balloons at South Korea – Regime Calls It a ‘Gift of Sincerity’ (VIDEO)

By: Ben Kew

The communist regime in North Korea has launched an unconventional yet disgusting attack on its South Korean neighbors.

According to the South Korean military, Kim Jong-un’s henchmen released 260 balloons containing human excrement and other hazardous materials in what they described as an “inhumane and low-level” act.

The balloons reached as far as Jeolla Province, near the southern tip of South Korea’s mainland, meaning they traveled hundreds of miles.

Voice of America reports:

Pictures released by South Korea’s military showed various garbage items, some mixed with an unspecified brown substance, strewn across streets and on what appeared to be front porch areas, including in Seoul, the capital.

In a statement, South Korea’s military said the actions violate international law and seriously threaten public safety.

Overnight Wednesday, text message alerts warned some South Korean residents in border provinces to refrain from outdoor activities because of unknown objects presumedly from North Korea.

The vile and disgusting attack was allegedly a retaliation against a South Korean human rights activist who had used balloons containing anti-North Korean messages to try and spread the truth about the wicked and tyrannical regime.

In a typically bizarre statement released by Kim Jong-un’s sister Kim Yo Jong, the regime said the attack was merely about the North using its “freedom of expression” and represented a “genuine gift of sincerity.”

The statement read:

The Joint Chiefs of Staff of the ROK puppet army said that the DPRK is scattering a large number of balloons over the ROK from last night. It urged the DPRK to stop such an act at once, claiming that it is a clear violation of international law, an act of seriously threatening the security of ROK people and an unethical and lowbrow act.

We have tried something they have always been doing, but I cannot understand why they are making a fuss as if they were hit by shower of bullets. After all, they hoisted a white flag just one day after they themselves have been exposed to the despicable article-scattering which the DPRK has called into question and demanded a stop for years.

They should continue to pick up rubbish scattered by our people, regarding them really as “sincere presents” to the goblins of liberal democracy who are crying for the “guarantee for freedom of expression”.

Such reports come as North Korea continues to advance its nuclear weapons program to protect itself against the Western alliance. Just this week, the regime fired a long-range missile towads Japan, although it exploded shortly after takeoff.


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PLANNING THE STEAL: ACLU Sues Pennyslvania to Force Counties to Count Fraudulent Mail-In Ballots

By: Ben Kew

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has sued the state of Pennsylvania in an effort to try and force counties to count votes with errors that would otherwise be invalidated.

PHL17 reports that the lawsuit is seeking to challenge a provision in the law that states that voters must write the correct date on the envelope of their mail-in ballot.

According to ACLU attorney Steve Loney, ensuring the correct date is written on the ballot “means nothing” and should be discounted.

“When something buts up against the Constitution, the Constitution wins,” said ACLU attorney Steve Loney. “So here we have a requirement that people have to sign and date. And include a handwritten date that means nothing.”

BREAKING: Today we and @PubIntLawCtr filed suit in Commonwealth Court on behalf of 9 voting rights groups, challenging PA’s requirement to handwrite a date on the mail ballot return envelope.

The rule is unconstitutional and has disenfranchised tens of thousands of PA voters.

— ACLU of Pennsylvania (@aclupa) May 28, 2024

“Right, everybody agrees that we’re talking about tens of thousands of ballots that were received on time. They complied with every other step in the process. And this one step means nothing.”

Around 8,000 mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania from the 2022 midterm elections were rejected for errors with dates and signatures.

The lawsuit comes after the U.S. Third US Circuit Court of Appeals ruled last month that mail-in ballots without the correct date cannot be counted towards the final vote tally.

As long reported by The Gateway Pundit, mail-in ballots are the primary method that the Democratic Party uses to manipulate, rig, and ultimately steal elections from Republican opposition.

The COVID-19 pandemic provided a perfect cover for the widespread use of mail-in ballots, which ultimately allowed Joe Biden to steal the 2020 presidential election from Donald Trump.

Another federal lawsuit challenging the written date requirement for mail-in ballots remains ongoing.

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Texas’s RINO House Speaker Dade Phelan Prevails in Primary Election Thanks to Democrats, Defeats Trump-Endorsed Candidate By 366 Votes – AG Paxton Weighs In

By: Ben Kew

The Speaker of the House in the Texas legislature, Dade Phelan, has prevailed in his primary race against his Trump-backed opponent David Covey.

Phelan had become an unpopular figure within the Republican grassroots over his unsuccessful effort to impeach Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on baseless bribery and corruption charges. He has also faced criticism for appearing intoxicated while addressing the legislature.

Attorney General Ken Paxton called for Dade Phelan to step down after his failed attempts to oust the popular Attorney General.

Texas State Rep. Calls for House Speaker Dade Phelan to “Step Down” After Acquittal of AG Ken Paxton on All Articles of Impeachment

However, Dade defeated former Orange County Republican Party chairman David Covey, despite his major endorsements that included Trump, Paxton, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and former Texas Republican Party Chairman Matt Rinaldi.

With all precincts reporting, Phelan led by 366 votes. Although Covey had the right to a recount, he conceded the race in a speech to supports around 21:30 local time.

Everything in per SOS, @DadePhelan defeats @CoveyTX by 366 votes in #HD21. #txlege

— Brad Johnson (@bradj_TX) May 29, 2024

“I will be your state rep for HD 21 and I will be your speaker for the Texas House in 2025,” Phelan said during his victory speech. “This was a true grassroots effort — not the fake grassroots.”

Attorney General Ken Paxton weighed in on Phelan's win blaming it on Democrat voters in the district.

Democrats just reelected @dadephelan.

We must close our primaries.

Now.#txlege @texasgop

— Attorney General Ken Paxton (@KenPaxtonTX) May 29, 2024

Covey, meanwhile, called Phelan an "Austin swamp creature" who had only won re-election with the support of Democrats in a "brazen act of betrayal."

According to the Texas Tribune, Phelan won the race with the backing of "business-minded Republicans" who "spent millions" trying to save him.

The Tribune reports:

The more business-oriented establishment wing of the party viewed Phelan’s campaign as a last stand to maintain influence — and civility — in the Legislature. That group, led by some of the state’s wealthiest business executives, political strategists like Karl Rove and erstwhile Republican elected officials including U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison and Gov. Rick Perry, poured millions of dollars into Phelan’s campaign.

Phelan’s win was a victory for them, too. That well-heeled group of powerbrokers, who swept Texas Republicans into power in the 1990s, cracking a century of Democratic dominance, showed that despite recent attacks on their own reputations as RINOs, they still have sway within the state party.

However, it appears that Phelan may struggle to retain the Speakership, with very few Republican legislatures backing him throughout the campaign. Rep. Tom Oliverson of Cypress has already announced his candidacy for the role.

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Hunter Biden’s Stripper Baby Mama to Publish ‘Tell-All’ Memoir – During The Democratic National Convention!

By: Ben Kew
Lunden Roberts, right, is pictured with her daughter, Navy Joan, left. Roberts recently wrote an Op-Ed, where she explained why she has never publicly criticized Hunter Biden as a father.
Lunden Roberts, right, is pictured with her daughter, Navy Joan, left. Roberts recently wrote an Op-Ed, where she explained why she has never publicly criticized Hunter Biden as a father.
Lunden Roberts, right, is pictured with her daughter, Navy Joan, left. Roberts recently wrote an Op-Ed, where she explained why she has never publicly criticized Hunter Biden as a father. (@DailyMail / X)

Lunden Roberts, the mother of Hunter Biden’s illegitimate child, is planning to publish a “tell-all” memoir about her experiences with Joe Biden’s youngest son.

According to Skyhorse Publishing, Roberts will publish the “brave and honest” memoir on August 20th, the same week as the Democratic National Committee will be held in chicago.

Skyhorse’s description states:

He was sitting there wearing nothing but parrot boxer briefs, organizing his pipes on his Rosemont Seneca desk. I was sitting in Barack Obama’s actual chair from the Senate floor. I took another look at Hunter – this kind, intense, and startlingly transparent man – and thought, “this is definitely a guy I want to get to know better.”

That was the first time Lunden Roberts met Hunter Biden. She had moved to DC from Arkansas in an impulsive decision to apply for a grad program. Hunter radiated the “live-for-the-moment” energy she sought. What followed from that first meeting was a wild journey that would come to define Lunden’s young life in ways she never could have anticipated. Out of the Shadows chronicles that rollercoaster ride of a relationship, touching on the drug cook working in Rosemont Seneca’s kitchen, strip clubs where Hunter might try the pole himself, protecting him from would-be terrorists in New York City, the night she grabbed two guns and was certain she would have to fatally shoot a crazed MMA fighter, and dozens of other stories that make the laptop debacle seem routine.

Lunden is finally ready to step into the light and tell her story. In her brave and honest memoir, she recounts the chaos, the broken trust, and ultimately the incredible love she found mothering and protecting the long-unacknowledged grandchild of the sitting President of the United States.

It is unclear whether Roberts is publishing the memoir in an effort to harm Hunter and his father’s chances of re-election.

In an op-ed for the Daily Mail last year, Roberts criticized those making “hurtful” comments about Hunter and expressing fear over when her daughter will find out about his many transgressions.

EXCLUSIVE – Lunden Roberts: Why I’ve never written Hunter Biden off as a dad

— Daily Mail US (@DailyMail) November 16, 2023

When their child was born in late 2018, Hunter denied that he was the father and eventually was forced to take a DNA test to confirm her true parentage.

Biden eventually agreed to pay a whopping $20,000 per month in child support to Roberts, who is a former employee at his Rosemont Seneca consultancy firm, although he has since lowered these payments on account of a reported decline in income.

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SICK: Biden Regime Wants to Prioritize Minorities For Kidney Transplants to Address ‘Racial Inequities’

By: Ben Kew

The Biden regime is taking its racist agenda to the next level with a plan to prioritize minorities for kidney transplants.

According to a report over at The Washington Free Beacon, Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra wants hospitals to prioritize low-income patients in order to address “racial inequities” in the “transplant process.”

The report notes:

The proposal, which Becerra’s agency announced on May 8, would place 90 of the nation’s 257 transplant hospitals into a pilot program that uses an annual point system to grade participants. Under the system, a successful kidney transplant counts as one point. A transplant furnished to a low-income patient, however, counts as 1.2 points thanks to a “health equity performance adjustment,” thus incentivizing the hospitals to prioritize such patients.

At the end of each year, those points are applied to a transplant quota. Hospitals that meet their quota receive as much as $8,000 per transplant; those that don’t may have to pay up to $2,000 per transplant.While the proposal uses income to categorize patients rather than race, Becerra made clear that the scoring system is meant to address racial concerns.

In his statement announcing the proposal, Becerra said it further evidence of how the Biden regime was taking “concrete steps to remove racial bias … in the transplant process.”

“The organ transplant industry, like every other part of society, is not immune to racial inequities,” he said. “Black Americans disproportionately struggle with life-threatening kidney disease, yet they receive a smaller percentage of kidney transplants.”

“The Biden-Harris administration is taking concrete steps to remove racial bias when calculating wait times and rooting out profiteering and inequity in the transplant process.”

It is not the first time the Biden regime has sought to prioritize the needs of minorities across America’s health care system.

Back in 2022, The Gateway Pundit reported on how the administration was allowing people preferential access to monoclonal antibodies, oral antivirals and other COVID-19 treatments based on their race or ethnicity.

Old Joe himself has also claimed that the coronavirus pandemic was a reminder of the “structural racism” that exists across American society.

“This pandemic is shining a light on so many inequities in our society — the lack of paid sick leave for workers, the need for stronger unemployment insurance, the necessity for a livable minimum wage,” he wrote back in 2020.

“Unsurprisingly, it’s also amplifying the structural racism that is built into so much of our daily lives, our institutions, our laws, and our communities.”


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Donald Trump Says He Will Give ‘Serious Consideration’ to Pardoning Julian Assange

By: Ben Kew

Donald Trump has said he will give “very serious consideration” to the idea of pardoning WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

Trump made the comments during an interview with podcaster Tim Pool before his speech at the Libertarian National Convention.

“Well, I’m going to talk about that today, and we’re going to give it very serious consideration,” Trump said.

BREAKING: Trump just stunned the world on Tim Pool, saying he will consider pardoning WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange once he’s President


— George (@BehizyTweets) May 28, 2024

Assange is currently fighting extradition to the US, where he faces espionage charges carrying a maximum 175-year sentence for obtaining and publishing classified information on his organization, WikiLeaks.

Trump’s comments were welcomed by Assange’s brother, Gabriel Shipton, who told The Sydney Morning Herald: “I think we are reaching a critical point in the fight to free Julian. All presidential candidates have made statements on Julian’s freedom in the past two months.”

“It’s time this scandalous prosecution is brought to an end and, with the help of the Australian government, Julian is brought home to be with his family,” he added.

Back in 2021, Trump told conservative commentator Candace Owens that he came “very close” to pardoning Assange at the end of his last administration.

“You have two sides of it: In one case, you have sort of a spy deal going on, and then another case, you have somebody that’s exposing real corruption,” he said at the time.”I won’t say which one, but I feel a little bit more strongly about one than the other….but I could have done it.”

Trump explains to Candace Owens why he started the prosecution of Assange and didn’t pardon Assange/Snowden.

— V (@Vedthalegend) December 22, 2021

“I will say you have people on both sides of that issue. Good people on both sides, and you have some bad people on one side. But I decided to let that one ride, let the courts work it out. And I guess the courts are actually doing that.”

During his speech at the Libertarian Party convention over the weekend, Trump also pledged to commute the sentence of Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht, who was sentenced to life in prison without possibility of parole.

“If you vote for me, I will commute the sentence of Ross Ulbricht,” he declared. “He’s already served 11 years, we’re gonna get him home.”

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James Biden’s Former Business Associate Pleads Guilty to $51 Million Healthcare Scam

By: Ben Kew
Joe Biden (L) and his brother James Biden during the 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denver (Credit: Rick Friedman/Corbis via Getty Images)

A former business associate of James Biden, Joe Biden’s younger brother, has pleaded guilty for his role in a massive healthcare scam.

According to the Department of Justice, 39-year-old Keaton Langston admitted to billing for unnecessary tests and orders on behalf of companies he had a financial interest in.

The press release stated:

A Mississippi man who owned, operated, had financial interests in, or was affiliated with pharmacies, durable medical equipment (DME) companies, and a laboratory today admitted his role in a health care fraud scheme that caused losses to Medicare in excess of $51 million, Attorney for the United States Caroline Sadlowski announced. Keaton Langston, 39, of Booneville, Mississippi, pleaded guilty before U.S. District Judge Michael E. Farbiarz in Newark federal court to an information charging him with conspiracy to commit health care fraud.

According to documents filed in the case and statements made in court: Langston and others owned, operated, had financial interests in, or were affiliated with pharmacies, DME companies, and a laboratory that Langston and others used to defraud health care benefit programs by offering and paying kickbacks and bribes in exchange for doctors’ orders for DME, genetic cancer screening tests, and compounded medications.

The pharmacies, DME companies, and laboratory submitted or caused the submission to Medicare of claims for reimbursement without regard to medical necessity, and sent a portion of the proceeds to others as payment for the doctors’ orders generated through the conspiracy. Langston and others concealed the payment of bribes, in part, by entering into sham contracts designed to make it appear that suppliers were engaged in and being paid for legitimate marketing and referral services based on the hours and expenses incurred or on a flat-rate basis.

The pharmacies, DME companies, and laboratory billed Medicare and other health care benefit programs at approximately $51 million for tests and orders that were the product of the illicit scheme. Langston received approximately $10 million from these reimbursements.

Langston was formerly a close associate of James Biden, who is not understood to have been involved in the scheme.

The New York Post explains:

Keaton Langston founded Fountain Health, a lab company, in May 2017 and offered its services to rural hospital operator Americore Health, which later went bankrupt. Records show James Biden was involved with Fountain Health in 2017 before connecting with Americore, which provided him in $600,000 in loans in 2018 as he allegedly vowed to use his political connections to secure foreign investors. James passed $200,000 of the funds to Joe Biden in an alleged loan repayment.

Shortly after the lab firm launched, Joey Langston emailed James Biden and his son Keaton and three others on July 12, 2017, about an upcoming “meeting for Fountain Health partners,” Politico reported in February. “Jim will report to the group the results of his discussions earlier today with a contact at [Blue Cross Blue Shield],” the elder Langston wrote. “There will also be discussion about how to proceed with the Union contacts that have been made by Jim and Keaton, within the last two weeks.”

James Biden is now seeking to “distance” himself from Langston. His attorney, Paul Fishman, previously claimed that his his client had “conducted himself ethically and honorably in all his business dealings,” despite evidence that he also traded off the family name with foreign governments.

Langston, meanwhile, is facing up to 10 years in prison and a fine of $250,000. Sentencing is scheduled for October this year.

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Libertarian Party Nominee Chase Oliver is a Radical Leftist, Supports Black Lives Matter, Drag Queen Story Hour and Big Tech Censorship

By: Ben Kew

Chase Oliver, the Libertarian Party’s nominee for president, is a woke leftist.

Oliver, a 38-year-old openly gay former Democrat, was chosen as the party’s nominee on Sunday evening after multiple rounds of voting.

According to Politico, he is “aligned with a more traditionalist faction of the Libertarian Party, the Classical Liberal Caucus,” and “defeated a more hard-line Mises Caucus candidate by less than 1 percent in the penultimate round of voting.”

However, it has since emerged that far from being a libertarian, he is an ultra-progressive who supports the Marxist terror group Black Lives Matter, drag queen story hours, open borders, and Big Tech censorship.

Evidence of Oliver’s views circulated around the X platform, including one post in which he celebrated Donald Trump’s banning from Twitter back in January 2021 and called for the invocation of the 25th Amendment to remove him from office.

To top EVERYTHING else off, Libertarian party nominee Chase Oliver is also a BLM supporter who advocated for defunding the police.

It just gets better and better

— Nick Sortor (@nicksortor) May 27, 2024

Libertarian nominee Chase Oliver:

99% of drag queen story hours are fine for kids. If he had children, he says he’d bring them to one and leave them there.

“It’s just like the Wiggles”

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) May 27, 2024

Bye @realDonaldTrump glad you are banned.#SorryNotSorry #Accountability #25thAmendmentNow

— Chase Oliver (@ChaseForLiberty) January 8, 2021

The Libertarians just nominated Chase Oliver, who has PUBLICLY called for:

➡ Transing children
➡ Mask & Vax mandates
➡ Men in women’s sports
➡ Open borders

And that’s just what he’s been calling for under Biden

What a joke. This guy’s not getting anywhere CLOSE to 3%

— Nick Sortor (@nicksortor) May 27, 2024

A former sales and HR executive, Oliver was a relatively unknown figure until his unsuccessful run for the U.S. Senate in Georgia in 2022, when he won just two per cent of the vote.

According to his website, Oliver describes him as a “champion of the rights of the individual against the growing power of the state,” having began “his political activism opposing the War in Iraq under George Bush, aligning with the Libertarian Party after an encounter at the Atlanta Pride Festival in 2010.”

There is only candidate libertarians should consider voting for and it is Donald J. Trump.

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Far-Left Reps. Cori Bush and Ilhan Omar Mix Up Memorial Day With Veterans Day, Delete Tweets in Embarassment

By: Ben Kew

Far-left Democratic Reps. Cori Bush and Ilhan Omar made an another embarrassing gaffe by appearing to mix up Memorial Day with Veterans Day.

While the two Congresswomen put out messages marking the national holiday, they appeared to confuse Memorial Day, a day to honor fallen American soldiers, with Veterans Day, a day to honor everyone who has served in the military.

Omar posted on the X platform:

On #MemorialDay, we honor the heroic men and women who served our country.

We owe them more than our gratitude — they have more than earned access to quality mental health services, job opportunities, housing assistance, and the benefits they were promised.

Bush also posted:

This #MemorialDay & every day, we honor our veterans in St. Louis.

We must invest in universal health care, affordable housing, comprehensive mental health services, and educational & economic opportunities for our veterans as we work to build a world free of war and violence.

After people pointed out their mistakes, the pair then deleted their posts and replaced them with more appropriate wording.

Omar wrote:

On Memorial Day, let’s say thank you to the brave men and women who selflessly sacrificed their lives in service to our country. Thank you to the families who also have sacrificed and have dedicated their time to ensuring their loved ones are remembered.

On Memorial Day, let’s say thank you to the brave men and women who selflessly sacrificed their lives in service to our country. Thank you to the families who also have sacrificed and have dedicated their time to ensuring their loved ones are remembered.

— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) May 27, 2024

Bush added:

This #MemorialDay, we honor those who served and lost their lives for our country, and we hold in our hearts the loved ones they’ve left behind. We must continue to push to protect our service members while working to build a world free of war and violence.

This #MemorialDay, we honor those who served and lost their lives for our country, and we hold in our hearts the loved ones they’ve left behind.

We must continue to push to protect our service members while working to build a world free of war and violence.

— Congresswoman Cori Bush (@RepCori) May 27, 2024

Unfortunately for these leftists, the internet never forgets.

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Libertarian Party Chooses Openly Gay Former Democrat Chase Oliver as Its Nominee, Uses Victory Speech to Rail Against ‘Genocide in Gaza’

By: Ben Kew

The Libertarian Party has chosen 38-year-old Chase Oliver as its 2024 presidential nominee.

An openly gay former Democrat who once supported Barack Obama, Oliver used his victory speech to rail against the U.S. “war machine” and demand an end to the “genocide in Gaza,” according to the Washington Examiner.

After author Michael Rectenwald was eliminated from the race during Sunday night’s voting, the final vote was between Oliver and “none of the above,” in which he ultimately prevailed with around 60 percent support. He announced economist Mike ter Maat as his running mate.

The delegates have selected Chase Oliver as the Libertarian Party’s presidential candidate.

— Libertarian Party (@LPNational) May 27, 2024

Politico reports:

Oliver — who is aligned with a more traditionalist faction of the Libertarian Party, the Classical Liberal Caucus — clinched the nomination after almost 8 hours and seven rounds of voting. He defeated a more hard-line Mises Caucus candidate by less than 1 percent in the penultimate round of voting, before delegates were asked to choose between Oliver and no candidate.

Oliver said his foray into politics came as an anti-war protester in the early 2000s, and that he plans to target young voters angry about the Israel-Hamas war on college campuses, Twitch and TikTok.

“We were looking at who are the most likely populations to be ready to go outside of the two-party system, and we’ve identified young people, and in particular, those who are upset with the war going on in Gaza, upset with the immigration crisis, and upset with cost of living,” Oliver said. “Those are the young people that we’re going to target.”

Also on the ballot was independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr, although he was eliminated druing the first round of voting.

If Oliver had not been selected, the party would have faced difficulties getting a candidate on the ballot in November’s presidential election.

A former sales and HR executive, Oliver was a relatively obscure figure until his unsuccessful run for the U.S. Senate in Georgia in 2022, when he won just two per cent of the vote.

According to his website, Oliver’s policies include open borders, promotion of gun rights, decriminlizaing drugs, low taxation and opposition to all U.S. involvement in foreign wars.

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Far-Left Rep. Rashida Tlaib Suggests Voting Against Biden in November, Calls Him an ‘Enabler’ of Genocide

By: Ben Kew

Far-left Rep. Rashida Tlaib has suggested voting against Joe Biden in November, accusing him of enabling genocide in the Middle East.

Addressing the People’s Conference for Palestine in Detroit this weekend, Tlaib said that she and other voters would not forget Biden’s lukewarm support for Israel as the country’s security forces carry out a war against the Islamist terror group Hamas.

“It is disgraceful that the Biden administration and my colleagues in Congress continue to smear [anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian students on college campuses] for protesting to save lives — no matter their faith or ethnicity. It is cowardly. But we’re not going to forget in November, are we?” Tlaib said.

The Michigan Congresswoman went on to slam Biden for criticizing an arrest warrant by the International Criminal Court against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“President Biden, I hope you hear us loud and clear,” she continued. “Attacking the authority of the International Criminal Court and interfering in the legal process is nothing more than an attempt to prevent the genocidal maniac [Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu and senior Israeli officials from being held accountable for their crimes against humanity.”

“You are an enabler, President Biden,” she declared.

Oh sh*t. Rashida Tlaib straight up calls out Joe Biden for enabling the genocidal government of Israel and tells him “we aren’t going to forget this in November”

— Joe Biden Hates Black People (@realnikohouse) May 26, 2024

It is not the first time that Tlaib has come out against the Biden regime. In February, she encouraged voters in Michigan to vote “uncommitted” in the state’s primary election, which they did in large numbers.

Tlaib has also repeatedly refused to endorse his campaign, instead urging voters to look at the “whole ballot” when making their decision.

Such rhetoric is another reminder of the internal war within the Democratic Party over the Israel-Palestine conflict. Just this week, Muslim activists launched an “Abandon Biden” campaign” across nine different states with a view to denying Biden a second term in office.

“By defeating [Biden], it would signal to the entire political landscape that defending genocide could lead to your defeat, so beware,” said the campaign’s organizer Abdel Salam. “That’s my goal … promote the message throughout the nation and ensure it’s a consistent one.”

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WHO Global Pandemic Treaty Fails After Two Years of Negotiation, Commie Chief Says He Will ‘Try Everything’ to Reach Fresh Agreement

By: Ben Kew

After two years of negotiations, an effort by the World Health Organization to agree on a global pandemic treaty has failed.

The plan, which sought to agree on a framework for how countries would respond to the next pandemic, would give the WHO the power to mandate lockdowns, vaccines, and vaccine passports and other forms of authoritarian control.

The effort was led by WHO Director, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, an Ethiopian politician with links to Marxist guerilla movements whose “recommendations” shaped the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

ABC reported:

On Friday, Roland Driece, co-chair of WHO’s negotiating board for the agreement, acknowledged that countries were unable to come up with a draft. WHO had hoped a final draft treaty could be agreed on at its yearly meeting of health ministers starting Monday in Geneva. “We are not where we hoped we would be when we started this process,” he said, adding that finalizing an international agreement on how to respond to a pandemic was critical “for the sake of humanity.”

Driece said the World Health Assembly next week would take up lessons from its work and plot the way forward, urging participants to make “the right decisions to take this process forward” to one day reach a pandemic agreement “because we need it.” The draft treaty had attempted to address the gap that occurred between COVID-19 vaccines in rich and poorer countries, which WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said amounted to “a catastrophic moral failure.”

The accord’s aim was to set guidelines for how the WHO’s 194 member countries might stop future pandemics and better share resources. But experts warned there were virtually no consequences for countries that don’t comply. The co-chairs of the treaty-drafting process didn’t specify what caused the logjam, but diplomats have said vast differences remained over sharing of information about pathogens that emerge and the sharing of technologies to fight them.

Addressing the media after the negotiations broke down, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus insisted that the process was “not a failure.”

“We will try everything — believing that anything is possible — and make this happen because the world still needs a pandemic treaty,” he said. “Because many of the challenges that caused a serious impact during COVID-19 still exist.

“What matters now is when do we learn from this and how can we reset things, recalibrate things, identify the main challenges, and then move on,” he continued.

As previously reported by The Gateway Pundit, the negotiations for the agreement took place in secret as bureaucrats sought to slip in language and provisions that would bolster their authority during the next pandemic.

Earlier this month, it emerged that the United Kingdom would oppose the treaty on the grounds that it violated the country’s sovereignty.

“The U.K. could not accept these proposals in their current form – and they have not been agreed,” a government spokesperson said at the time. “We will only support the adoption of the accord and accept it on behalf of the UK, if it is firmly in the UK national interest and respects national sovereignty.”

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Angry Muslims Step Up ‘Abandon Biden’ Campaign Across Nine Swing States, Seek to Make Democrats ‘Pro-Palestinian Party’

By: Ben Kew

Angry Muslims have launched an “Abandon Biden” campaign” across nine different states as tensions continue to rise over America’s support for Israel.

According to a report from the Minneapolis Star Tribune, the campaign is being led by human rights Professor Hassan Abdel Salam, who recently retired from teaching classes on global Islamophobia to launch a campaign against Biden’s re-election.

Despite being an opponent of the former president, Salam has indicated that he does not mind if Trump wins the presidency as a result of his efforts.

The Tribune reports:

Abdel Salam, 48, is among a group of Muslim activists, including several Minnesotans, who are organizing in nine swing states in opposition to Biden’s re-election. The group’s leaders say they want to politically punish the president for what they describe as enabling mass civilian casualties in Gaza.

They say they oppose Donald Trump, too, but are OK if their efforts help re-elect the former president who once banned Muslims from the United States and threatens to do it again.

“By defeating [Biden], it would signal to the entire political landscape that defending genocide could lead to your defeat, so beware,” Abdel Salam said. “That’s my goal … promote the message throughout the nation and ensure it’s a consistent one.”

He said he and other Abandon Biden leaders are evaluating third-party candidates and plan to make an endorsement this summer. And if Trump wins because of their work, “the big gift that would come out of punishing the president is that an entire party … becomes a pro-Palestinian party against the occupation and will begin to look for equity much more aggressively than we have in the past,” Abdel Salam said.

In what could be great news for the Trump campaign, the Abandon Biden campaign is even targeting swing states where Muslims could determine the outcome of the election.

With the Israel-Hamas war in its eighth month and after several hundred thousand Americans have voted “uncommitted” in Democratic primaries, Abandon Biden is zeroing in on states with closer margins where Muslims in some cases can potentially swing a tight general election.

While those states have their own leaders and campaign infrastructure, Minnesota Muslim leaders, including Abdel Salam, account for 3 of 5 board members of the national organization. The other Minnesotans are healthcare professional Sadia Tarannum and Jaylani Hussein, executive director of the Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

Hussein said Minnesota has about 50,000 Muslim voters, well short of the 233,012-vote margin by which Biden bested Trump in the state in 2020. Hussein said he believes that there’s just a 30% chance of succeeding here. But he said chances are good in states where Biden had much smaller winning margins: Georgia, Arizona, Michigan and Wisconsin. Hussein said the Abandon Biden group is also focusing on Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Nevada and Florida.

The report adds further weight to the view that the conflict in the Middle East may tip the election in Donald Trump’s favor.

While Republicans overwhelmingly stand with Israel, many on the left of the Democratic Party are also disgusted with the Biden regime, with many accusing him of enabling genocide against the Palestinian people over his lukewarm support for Israel.

According to the latest RealClearPolitics polling average, Trump holds a 1.1 point lead over Biden nationally, while leading him by higher margins across most of the important swing states.

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WW3 WATCH: NATO Chief Says U.S. Must Allow Ukraine to Fire Missiles Against Russian Mainland

By: Ben Kew

The Secretary-General of NATO has said that the U.S. should reverse its ban on Ukraine firing its missiles against the Russian mainland.

In an interview with The Economist, Stoltenberg said that lifting the restrictions would allow Ukraine to push Russian forces back, despite the obvious risk of escalation and potential nuclear Armageddon.

“I think the time has come for allies to consider whether they should lift some of the restrictions they are put on the use of weapons they have donated to Ukraine because, especially now when a lot the fighting is going on in Kharkiv, close to the border,” Stoltenberg said.

“To deny Ukraine the possibility of using these weapons against legitimate military targets on Russian territory makes it very hard for them to defend themselves,” he continued. “It is legal, it is legitimate, and we are helping Ukraine with upholding that right and that should include the ability to also strike targets on Russian territory.”

Stoltenberg’s plea comes days after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky sent a delegation to Washington with a viewing to asking the Biden regime to reverse the ban.

David Arahamiya, a Ukrainian MP who led the delegation, indicated that the request came directly from the country’s military generals.

“It’s like if somebody were to attack Washington, D.C., from the Virginia state, and you say we’re not going to hit Virginia for some reason,” he said. “It’s crazy. Military people, like generals, they don’t understand. So they are pushing us as politicians, like stop [the policy] this is insane.”

However, Secretary of State Antony Blinken recently argued that Ukraine should focus on retaking lost territory.

“Ukraine has to make decisions for itself about how it’s going to conduct this war, a war it’s conducting in defense of its freedom, of its sovereignty, of its territorial integrity,” Blinken said last week. “We’ve been clear about our own policy.”

According to a report from Reuters this week, Russian President Vladimir Putin is now actively seeking a ceasefire in Ukraine along current battle lines. However, he is still willing to continue fighting if the West rejects his attempts to end the conflict that has now dragged on for well over two years.

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BIDENOMICS: Nearly 80 Percent of Americans Now Consider Fast Food a ‘Luxury Item’

By: Ben Kew

Nearly 80 percent of Americans now consider fast food to be a “luxury item” as families feel the squeeze from the Biden regime’s failing economy.

According to a survey from Lending Tree of around 2,000 adults, what was once considered an affordable option for low-income workers is fast becoming the opposite.

The company noted:

Thanks to rising prices, most Americans now see fast food as a luxury and are eating it less often, according to a new LendingTree survey. Rampant inflation has forced millions of Americans to reassess their spending habits. For many, that has meant fewer trips to the drive-thru for that burger, burrito or spicy chicken sandwich they love — and even a change in how they perceive fast food.

Americans love fast food, but costs are forcing them to curb their cravings. 3 in 4 Americans typically eat fast food at least once a week, but the majority (62%) say they’re eating it less due to rising prices. In fact, 65% of Americans have been shocked by the high price of a fast-food bill in the past six months.

78% of consumers view fast food as a luxury because it’s become increasingly expensive. Additionally, half of Americans say they view fast food as a luxury because they’re struggling financially. This is especially true among Americans who make less than $30,000 a year (71%), parents with young children (58%), Gen Zers (58%) and women (53%).

The analysis continues:

For generations, fast food has been a quick, low-cost, convenient way for budget-watching Americans to feed their family on busy school nights, after a long day of work or even when no one feels like cooking but you don’t want to break the bank.

We know it isn’t the healthiest choice for us physically, but it could sometimes serve an important purpose financially for busy families living paycheck to paycheck and trying to make ends meet.

However, inflation is changing that. Most Americans (75%) still eat fast food at least once a week, but 62% of Americans say rising prices are forcing them to eat it less often.

Such reports are a reminder of how average Americans are being priced out by Joe Biden’s economy, with prices surging across the country amid soaring levels of inflation.

Among those most affected by the rising cost of fast food will be Californians, where prices have skyrocketed following the imposition of a $20 minimum wage.

According to an analysis from Kalinowski Equity Research, fast-food restaurants across the Golden State hiked prices by around eight percent since the law went into in April.

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KA-CHING! Big Pharma Stocks Soar as They Plan Next Vaccine to Solve Bird Flu Pandemic

By: Ben Kew
Credit: Vigilant News

Major pharmaceuticals had a fantastic week in the global markets amid speculation that they may be ready to develop a vaccine to treat bird flu.

As fears grow around the world over the risk of another pandemic following the detection of avian bird flu in humans, pharmaceutical companies are benefitting from talk that they may be ready to develop another vaccine to stop another pandemic in its tracks.

The Motley Fool reports:

Shares of vaccine stocks ModernaNovavax, and BioNTech SE rallied this week, appreciating 23.4%, 16.4%, and 9.3%, respectively, through Thursday trading, according to data from S&P Global Market Intelligence.

While these three stocks gained notoriety back in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, it appears this week’s detection of avian bird flu in a second U.S. citizen and the first-ever detection of avian flu in a human in Australia are spurring fears of an outbreak and thus a possible boon for companies that can quickly produce a bird flu vaccine.

A new avian flu, H5N1, was detected in cattle back in March, with one worker in Texas coming down with associated conjunctivitis at that time. But on Wednesday this week, a second U.S. dairy worker in Michigan tested positive for the avian flu as well. That same day, an Australian dairy worker also tested positive for avian flu, marking the first-ever human case of avian flu in that country.

The discoveries spurred fears of an outbreak. That same day, the Assistant Secretary of Preparedness and Response at the Department of Health and Human Services, Dawn O’Connell, noted that Moderna and Pfizer, which partnered with BioNTech on the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine, were in talks over a potential mRNA vaccine program for the new avian flu.

As has been extensively reported by The Gateway Pundit, major pharmaceuticals including Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca made billions in profits for their shareholders after developing a series of vaccines intended to treat COVID-19.

Although they supposedly lowered the risk of serious illness, the vaccines did not prevent infection nor the transmission of the virus and also carried a plethora of potential side effects that the scientific establishment attempted to cover up.

Meanwhile, left-wing politicians around the world attempted to marginalize those who refused to take the vaccine, particularly those working in public sector jobs such as the military.

Earlier this month, AstraZeneca announced a global withdrawal of its version of the COVID-19 vaccine, known as Vaxzevria, after acknowledging that it could cause rare but serious side effects.

Depending on the severity of the virus, a bird flu vaccine may or may not be necessary. However, you can guarantee there if the opportunity presents itself, these multinational pharmaceuticals will waste no time in trying to make billions off it.

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Over 40 Democrat Mayors Demand Biden Give Illegal Aliens Jobs and Work Permits, Claim They Will Boost Economy By $7 TRILLION!

By: Ben Kew

Over 40 Democratic mayors and county officials have demanded that Joe Biden give jobs and work permits to migrants who have entered the U.S. illegally, claiming that new arrivals will add a staggering $7 trillion to the economy over the next decade.

In a letter signed by the likes of New York City Mayor Eric Adams, Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson, Boston Mayor Michelle Wu and San Francisco Mayor London Breed, the Democrats plead with Biden to force the Department of Homeland Security to “leverage its authority to grant parole for longterm undocumented immigrants and our most recent arrivals to create a process for streamlined work authorization.”

The letter states:

Our request is rooted in the belief that extending the dignity of legal authorization to work for our residents born in Mexico, Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, and other countries would be a positive step forward. These individuals have embraced the United States as their home and have, over decades, worked diligently, paid taxes, raised families, started businesses and bought homes. A substantial majority of Americans, including approximately half of surveyed Republican voters, strongly endorse the extension of work permits for individuals who have made long-term contributions.

Today, approximately 11.3 million U.S. citizens share a home with someone who is undocumented, making this issue resonate in key electoral states like Nevada, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and North Carolina. Both recent arrivals and the long-standing undocumented community are susceptible to dangerous work conditions and exploitation that often result when individuals lack access to work authorization and the protections that come with it.

It is our strong recommendation that in the development of this program, worker safety and worker choice is prioritized, and a worker’s legal presence is not solely tied to their employment by a single employer. We must acknowledge that in the absence of long-awaited comprehensive reform from Congress, we need to consider other significant actions that allow us to tap into the incredible value immigrants bring to our workforce and communities.

Your administration’s proactive stance in welcoming Afghan and Ukrainian refugees, and others through this policy is commendable. We also applaud the extension of work authorization to recent migrants from Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba, Honduras, Burma, El Salvador, and Haiti, but urge the same protections and work authorization opportunities to recent arrivals from Mauritania, Angola, Ecuador, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Legal scholars affirm your authority to extend work permits to long term immigrants, and the support from 80+ members of Congress, American Business Immigration Coalition’s 300+ Employers, CEOs and Associations, as well as labor organizations like UNITE HERE, the Teamsters, and United Auto Workers (UAW), underscores the broad consensus on this matter. We acknowledge the challenges your administration faces, especially in responding to various priorities including “Operation Lone Star”. Since this busing operation municipalities have welcomed thousands of asylum seekers arriving from the US-Mexico border.

Amidst Congressional inaction to fix our broken immigration system, this is a unique opportunity to change the tide from crisis to an opportunity, one that supports both new arrivals and long-term undocumented residents. There are several thoughtful ways to initiate this process. For example, your administration could expand the existing program that grants “parole” to the spouses and parents of U.S. military service members to include the 1.2 million undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens.

A work permit program could focus on long-term undocumented individuals who have been in the nation for 10 years or more, or a parole program could specifically address Dreamers who are too young and ineligible for DACA. Moreover, parole could be granted under significant benefit to the state as extending work permits to long-term contributors is not only the morally right thing to do for our communities but also a strategic move for our economy. Legally allowing long-term immigrants to work will result in higher wages, shielding them from workplace exploitation and enabling them to contribute more effectively to the labor market. This, in turn, will lead to increased tax contributions, estimated at $13.8 billion annually.

Additionally, the Congressional Budget Office predicted that the GDP of the U.S. economy is going to be boosted by $7 trillion over the next ten years due to the contributions of new arriving immigrants. Despite their lack of work authorization, long-term immigrants are valued members of communities across this country. They add tremendous value to the U.S. economy as neighbors, taxpayers, workers, consumers, and entrepreneurs. It is time we provided the security and opportunity they have long yearned for. It is time to extend work permits to bring millions out of the shadows. On behalf of our new residents and long-term immigrants, we urge you to use this authority to everyone’s shared benefit.

Nearly all of those who have signed the letter represent sanctuary cities, where Democratic officials protect illegal immigrants from deportation and often pay for their housing, food and other living expenses.

Since Joe Biden seized office back in 2021, approximately 10 million illegal immigrants have entered the country through the southern border, with that figure increasing every day. Numerous studies and analyses have concluded that the U.S. suffers economically as a result.

According to a poll carried out by Reuters and Ipsos, more than half of Americans want to see illegal aliens rounded up and deported, something that Donald Trump has pledged to do if he returns to the Oval Office.


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House Democrat Leader Hakeem Jeffries Threatens ‘MAGA Extremists’ on Supreme Court, Warns Congress Must Get Them ‘Under Control’ (VIDEO)

By: Ben Kew

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries has launched a scathing attack against the originalist judges on the Supreme Court, describing them as “MAGA extremists” who need to be reigned in by Congress.

In an appearance on MSNBC’s Deadline, Jeffries warned that the Court must be controlled with a “legislative effort to implement an ethical code of conduct.”

He explained:

This is part of the challenge that we confront with the runaway Supreme Court that appears to want to conduct itself as if the Judiciary is above the law. For years, members of Congress in both the House and the Senate have indicated that it’s time for the Supreme Court to have an ethical code of conduct that is enforceable.”

Last year, Chief Justice Roberts did implement a code of conduct, but it appears to be voluntary and is being ignored. And so, as a result of that, the first opportunity that we have in the Congress, I believe we need to have a real conversation about a legislative effort to implement an ethical code of conduct on the Supreme Court that is enforceable. They are the only branch of government currently that can operate with impunity.

Congress has an ethical code of conduct enforceable under law. The executive branch has an ethical code of conduct enforceable under law. We’ve got to get the MAGA extremists on the Supreme Court under control.

His comments come as Democrats continue to freak out about Justice Samuel Alito after he reportedly flew an upside-down American flag at his Alexandria, Virginia, home in protest of the widespread voter fraud that took place during the 2020 presidential election.

In a statement to the far-left New York Times, Alito said that he had no involvement in the flying of the flag. “I had no involvement whatsoever in the flying of the flag,” Alito told the Times. “It was briefly placed by Mrs. Alito in response to a neighbor’s use of objectionable and personally insulting language on yard signs.”

According to Fox News anchor Shannon Bream, Alito’s nasty leftist neighbor also called his wife a “c*nt.”

“I spoke directly with Justice Alito about the flag story in the NYT,” she said. “In addition to what’s in the story, he told me a neighbor on their street had an “F— Trump” sign that was within 50 feet of where children await the school bus in Jan 21. Mrs. Alito brought this up with the neighbor.”

Since Biden seized power in January 2021, the Supreme Court has blocked vast swathes of his agenda, including his planned nationwide vaccine mandate.

As a result, Democrats have made no secret of their plan to expand and pack the court if they have the votes to do so. Just last year, a group of Democratic lawmakers introduced a bill seeking to expand the court from 9 to 13 justices with a view to overturning the current conservative majority.

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Lucid Becomes Latest EV Manufacturer to Announce Layoffs, Will Cut Six Percent of Workforce

By: Ben Kew

Yet another electric vehicle (EV) manufacturer has confirmed that it will lay off a significant number of employees as consumers turn back towards gas-powered alternatives.

Around 400 employees, equivalent to six percent of the company’s employees, will lose their jobs as the company seeks to cut costs.

Reuters reported:

The layoffs at Lucid will impact employees at all levels, including leadership and mid-level management, CEO Peter Rawlinson told employees in an email, but said the cuts would not impact the hourly manufacturing and logistics workforce.

The company had a total of around 6,500 full-time employees globally, as of December last year, its latest annual filing showed. Shares of the EV maker rose 1% in premarket trading.

Lucid expects to incur a total of around $21 million to $25 million in charges related to the workforce reduction and expects to complete the plan by the end of the third quarter of 2024.

Yet Lucid is far from the only EV manufacturer forced to lay off workers as people decide that EVs are not the value proposition they may appear.

Last month, The Gateway Pundit reported how Ford had lost a staggering $1.3 billion in its EV division over the first quarter of 2024, equivalent to $132,000 for each of the 10,000 EVs it sold in that the time period.

Even the most popular brands including Elon Musk’s Tesla have seen a marked decline in sales, forcing the company to also lay off 10 percent of its global workforce.

The troubles across the EV market are a continued blow to the Biden regime, which remains determined to force the transition away from gas powered vehicles despite the lack of clear scientific evidence about the economic and environmental benefits of doing so.

However,, The New York Times recently reported that the administration was giving up on many of its EV production targets as part of an election year “concession” to automakers and labor unions.

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REPORT: Putin Wants to End Ukranian War Along Current Lines, Plans to ‘Sell Victory’ to Russian People

By: Ben Kew

Russian President Vladimir Putin wants a ceasefire in Ukraine along current battle lines, according to a report from Reuters on Friday.

However, the Russian leader is willing to continue fighting if the West rejects his attempts to broker a ceasefire agreement.

Reuters reports:

Three of the sources, familiar with discussions in Putin’s entourage, said the veteran Russian leader had expressed frustration to a small group of advisers about what he views as Western-backed attempts to stymie negotiations and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy’s decision to rule out talks.

“Putin can fight for as long as it takes, but Putin is also ready for a ceasefire – to freeze the war,” said another of the four, a senior Russian source who has worked with Putin and has knowledge of top-level conversations in the Kremlin.

The appointment last week of economist Andrei Belousov as Russia’s defence minister was seen by some Western military and political analysts as placing the Russian economy on a permanent war footing in order to win a protracted conflict.

It followed sustained battlefield pressure and territorial advances by Russia in recent weeks. However, the sources said that Putin, re-elected in March for a new six-year term, would rather use Russia’s current momentum to put the war behind him.

They did not directly comment on the new defence minister. Based on their knowledge of conversations in the upper ranks of the Kremlin, two of the sources said Putin was of the view that gains in the war so far were enough to sell a victory to the Russian people.
However, any ceasefire agreement will likely need the backing of the United States. A State Department spokesperson said that any peace agreement must respect “territorial integrity, within its internationally recognised borders.”
“The Kremlin has yet to demonstrate any meaningful interest in ending its war, quite the opposite,” the spokesperson said.

>Last month, Congress approved over $60 billion in military aid to Ukraine as it seeks to prolong the war between the two sides despite the risk of escalation between the world’s leading nuclear powers.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky sent a delegation to Washington this week to demand that the Biden regime reverse a ban on the firing of U.S. missiles on Russian territory. Ukrainian MP David Arahamiya, who led the delegation, said the request came directly from the country’s military generals.

It’s like if somebody were to attack Washington, D.C., from the Virginia state, and you say we’re not going to hit Virginia for some reason,” he said. “It’s crazy. Military people, like generals, they don’t understand. So they are pushing us as politicians, like stop [the policy] this is insane.”

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The Failing Washington Post Wants to Replace Its Journalists With AI Bots as Losses Mount

By: Ben Kew

The failing newspaper The Washington Post is seeking to pivot towards artificial intelligence (AI) after posting a humiliating $77 million loss over the past financial year.

According to Semafor media industry editor Max Tani, the paper’s CEO and publisher, Will Lewis, told staff that it plans to incorporate AI across the company.

Tani reported:

Washington Post CEO Will Lewis is introing the paper’s new “Build It” plan today. In a meeting with staff, he noted that the paper lost $77 million over the past year, and saw a 50% drop off in audience since 2020: “To be direct, we are in a hole, and we have been for some time.”

Lewis says the says the three pillars of the new strategy are: great journalism, happy customers, and making money: “If we’re doing things that don’t meet all three…we should stop doing that.” He adds that the company will also be looking for ways to use AI in its journalism.

AI is a major component of the Post’s internal strategy announcement today. WaPo’s chief tech officer told staff that going forward, the paper has to have “AI everywhere in our newsroom.” Lewis says the company is focused on growing subscriptions organically but is open to growing them through an acquisition if it makes sense.

Lewis says the says the three pillars of the new strategy are: great journalism, happy customers, and making money: “If we’re doing things that don’t meet all three…we should stop doing that.” He adds that the company will also be looking for ways to use AI in its journalism.

— Max Tani (@maxwelltani) May 22, 2024

Lewis says the company is focused on growing subscriptions organically but is open to growing them through an acquisition if it makes sense…

— Max Tani (@maxwelltani) May 22, 2024

The Post’s financial troubles come after their billionaire sugar daddy Jeff Bezos indicated that he would not continue to subsidize the company’s losses. Last year, the company laid off hundreds of employees in response to the “financial hardship” it had experienced amid falling subscribers.

Coincendetally, the shift towards AI coincides with the announcement of a $250 million agreement between NewsCorp and OpenAI that will grant the company access to content from NewsCorp’s various properties, including The Wall Street Journal, The New York Post, and The Times of London.

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Soros-Backed Media Matters Lays Off a Dozen Employees as Staffers Blame ‘Far-Right Billionaires’

By: Ben Kew

The far-left media watchdog Media Matters for America (MMFA) is laying off around a dozen staff as the organization faces a series of federal probes and defamation lawsuits.

MMFA’s explicit goal is to try and “expose” conservative media organizations such as The Gateway Pundit and strip them of their platforms and advertising revenue.

Staffers took to the X platform on Thursday to confirm they had been let go, with one seemingly blaming Musk for her dismissal.

“Bad News: I’ve been laid off from @mmfa, along with a dozen colleagues. There’s a reason far-right billionaires attack Media Matters with armies of lawyers: They know how effective our work is, and it terrifies them (him),” wrote employee Kat Abughazaleh in an obvious reference to Musk.

Bad News: I’ve been laid off from @mmfa, along with a dozen colleagues.

There’s a reason far-right billionaires attack Media Matters with armies of lawyers: They know how effective our work is, and it terrifies them (him).

— Kat Abu (@abughazalehkat) May 23, 2024

“After nearly four years of working at media matters, I got laid off,” added another staffer. “So if anyone is looking for researchers with video experience, drop a line.”

After nearly four years of working at media matters, I got laid off. So if anyone is looking for researchers with video experience, drop a line.

— Bee (@mount_bees) May 23, 2024

“Got laid off, lmk who wants research done,” added researcher Brendan Karet. “On the plus side, no more listening to the dumbest dogshit on earth everyday.”

got laid off, lmk who wants research done

— Brendan Karet (@bad_takes) May 23, 2024

“Journalism milestone achieved (got laid off),” wrote former writer Bobby Lewis.

journalism milestone achieved (got laid off)

— Bobby Lewis (@revrrlewis) May 23, 2024

Jared Holt, a prominent left-wing researcher, urged other organizations to scoop up those who had been let go.

Layoffs at Media Matters today. Lots of smart people available for jobs now

— Jared Holt (@jaredlholt) May 23, 2024

Although there is no evidence the layoffs are directly linked to Elon Musk or the ongoing investigations, one can safely assume that they have not helped the organization’s financial position.

Last November, Musk filed a defamation lawsuit against MMFA in federal court in November, accusing them of manipulating images to show advertisements from major corporations alongside posts from white supremacists and neo-Nazis.

Meanwhile, the Missouri Attorney General filed a separate lawsuit last December for engaging in fraudulent business practices and refusing to cooperate with an ongoing investigation.

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FAIL: Supreme Court Rejects NAACP Lawsuit Over South Carolina’s ‘Racial Gerrymandering’

By: Ben Kew

The Supreme Court has rejected a lawsuit from the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People that accused South Carolina of “racial gerrymandering” across its new Congressional map.

In a 6-3 decision split along conservative-liberal lines, the Court ruled that the challengers had not proven the state legislature’s actions were racially motivated when it relocated thousands of Black voters from the state’s 1st Congressional District.

Writing for the majority, Justice Samuel Alito said that there was “no direct evidence” that race was an issue when the lines were drawn.

“No direct evidence supports the District Court’s finding that race predominated in the design of District 1,” Alito wrote. “The circumstantial evidence falls far short of showing that race, not partisan preferences, drove the districting process.”


The U.S. Supreme Court *REVERSES* South Carolina’s rejection of “racially gerrymandered” districts in federal elections.

Justice Alito delivered the opinion of the court:

“These doctrinal lines collide when race and partisan preference are highly correlated. We…

— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) May 23, 2024

Justice Clarence Thomas also weighed in, writing that there was “no substance to the dissent’s attacks.”

The affected area in Charleston was previously a swing sweat, having changed parties in 2018 and 2020. It is currently held by Republican Congresswoman Nancy Mace.

Writing in dissent for the liberal wing of the court, Justice Elena Kagan said that there was “more than enough evidence” racial gerrymandering had taken place.

“The Challengers introduced more than enough evidence of racial gerrymandering to support the District Court’s judgment,” she wrote. “The majority declares that it knows better than the District Court what happened in a South Carolina map-drawing room to produce District 1.

“But the proof is in the pudding: On page after page, the majority’s opinion betrays its distance from, and lack of familiarity with, the events and evidence central to this case.”

The ruling is an obvious victory for the GOP, which is likely to hold at least one Congressional seat as a result. However, litigation on a separate claim related to Voting Rights Acts will be returned to lower courts, placing the future of the Congressional map under continued doubt.

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THE LEFT CAN’T MEME: Biden Campaign Wants to Hire a ‘Meme Manager’ to Win Over Young Voters

By: Ben Kew

As polls consistently show Joe Biden’s presidential campaign is on course for defeat by Donald Trump in November, his advisors want to hire a “meme manager” to help win over young voters.

Everyone already knows that the left can’t meme. In fact, they are so bad that one barely ever sees left-wing memes because they are neither true nor funny.

However, the Biden campaign wants to change this by replacing some of their few successes, including the “Dark Brandon” meme that they chose to embrace.

In a job posting on Daybook, the Biden campaign frames the position as a Partner Manager, Content and Meme Pages.

The listing states:

The Biden for President (BFP) campaign is looking for a Partner Manager to join the Digital Partnerships team. In this role, you will initiate and manage day-to-day operations in engaging the internet’s top content and meme pages. The ideal candidate for this role is passionate about bringing political content to voters where they already are on the internet. They have a deep interest in politics and thrive in a fast-paced environment. This position is full-time and based in Wilmington, DE.

The Washington Times suggests that the position is part of an effort to win over young voters:

Memes have played a big part in how presidential candidates have tried to get the word out about their campaigns. The Biden campaign has lovingly adopted “Dark Brandon,” a meme that portrays an alter-ego of President Biden that was created after a reporter misheard chants of “F—- Joe Biden” as “Let’s Go, Brandon” as she was interviewing race winner Brandon Brown at the Talladega racetrack for the Xfinity series in 2021.

The adoption of memes could be seen as a way to engage with Gen Z voters, the youngest group that can vote in the upcoming election. Mr. Biden is struggling to reach the demographic. A CNN poll from late April showed that Mr. Trump leads Mr. Biden among younger voters ages 18-34 by 11 percentage points in a head-to-head matchup, even though younger voters typically lean Democratic.

The job listing led to amusing reactions across social media, as various individuals put themselves forward for the role.


Where do I apply for Meme Manager?

— Being Libertarian (@beinlibertarian) May 22, 2024

Biden campaign to hire Meme manager; because the Left can’t meme.

— RoamingRN (@roaming_rn) May 22, 2024

Biden’s new meme manager announced…

— C3PMeme (@C3PMeme) May 22, 2024

Whoever the Biden campaign end up hiring, they better hope they are extremely talented. Because the only thing worse than no memes are bad memes.

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Illegal Aliens Caught Staging Armed Robberies So ‘Victims’ Can Apply For Green Cards

By: Ben Kew

Six men in Chicago have been charged with staging robberies and filing false police reports so the supposed “victims” can apply for green cards.

In a federal indictment unsealed over the weekend, the six men were accused of recruiting individuals to pose as robbers at gas stations, fast food restaurants, and liquor stores in Chicago, Louisiana, and Tennessee.

CBS reports:

A federal indictment unsealed on Friday in Chicago accuses the men of recruiting people to pose as robbers and then filing false police reports in order to obtain forms to qualify for U nonimmigrant status, also known as a U-visa, from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Such visas are set aside for victims of certain crimes who have suffered physical or emotional abuse and are providing assistance to police or prosecutors.

Parth Nayi, 26, of Woodridge; Kewon Young, 31, of Mansfield, Ohio; Bhikhabhai Patel, 51, of Elizabethtown, Kentucky; Nilesh Patel, 32, of Jackson, Tennessee; Ravinaben Patel, 23, of Racine, Wisconsin; and Rajnikumar Patel, 32, of Jacksonville, Florida, are charged with conspiracy to commit visa fraud.  Ravinaben Patel is also charged with making a false statement in a visa application.

Federal prosecutors said Nayi and Young organized a series of staged armed robberies between July 2022 and January 2024, in which the four other men pretended to be robbery victims so they could apply for U-visas.

According to the indictment, the supposed “robberies” involved a three-step process:

  1. During the staged robberies, individuals acting as robbers brandished what appeared to be firearms, approached the purported victims, and demanded money and property.
  2. Afterwards, some of the purported victims submitted forms to local law enforcement to obtain certification that they were victims of a qualifying crime and had been or would be helpful in the investigation.
  3. Upon receiving certification, some of the purported victims then submitted fraudulent U-visa applications to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services predicated upon their alleged status as a robbery victim.

The defendants facing conspiracy charges are facing up to five years in prison, whereas Ravinaben Patel, charged with making a false statement, could face up to 10 years behind bars.

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MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace Triggered By Nikki Haley’s Trump Endorsement, Says Only ‘Cult Experts’ Can Explain (VIDEO)

By: Ben Kew

MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace appeared to freak out over Nikki Haley’s endorsement of Donald Trump, suggesting that only “cult experts” would be able to explain her decision.

Speaking at an event hosted by the Hudson Insitute on Thursday, Haley confirmed she would be voting for Trump, despite having previously refused to endorse him after pulling out of the race for the Republican presidential nomination.

BREAKING: Nikki Haley: “I will be voting for Trump”

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) May 22, 2024

Wallace, who worked as White House Communications Director under George W. Bush, was predictably appalled by the endorsement.

Here is a transcript of the exchange.

NBC REPORTER VAUGHN HILLYARD: Nikki Haley, in 2015, said, ‘Donald Trump is everything I taught my children not to do in kindergarten. I told my little ones, you don’t lie and make things up.’ She ended up serving in his administration.

WALLACE: Who are these people?!

HILLYARD: On, January 6, she called it “an ugly day.” She then went and said – a couple months later that she wouldn’t run against him for president. She ended up running for president. And then we saw Nikki Haley – while her husband was deployed to Africa with U.S. armed services – mocked by Donald Trump for being away. And it was the words of Nikki Haley that were very explicit about Donald Trump. [She] said in part that, ‘They were disgusting, awful and unhinged,” and said that “somebody that makes comments like that doesn’t deserve to be commander-in-chief.” Her own husband got on social media and fired back and said, ‘The difference between humans and animals – animals would never allow the dumbest ones to lead the pack.”

His allies pushed extramarital fair rumors about her. This is somebody who suggested that she may not even be eligible to run for president because her parents are immigrants. And today, her announcing she’s going to vote for Donald Trump is just, I think, another chapter in something that we’ve already lived out with the likes of Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio eight years ago. She did raise her hand in that Republican debate and said that she would vote for a convicted felon if Donald Trump was found guilty. And today, as evidence that she’s sticking to her word.

WALLACE: We need shrinks and cult experts to explain this because what you’re reporting doesn’t make a lick of sense to me, and it’s so recent. I mean, J.D. Vance, in 2015, said something similar. But for her and her husband to both have been feuding publicly with him just days and weeks before endorsing him is inexplicable to me at a human level.

HILLYARD: I think it’s power. And I think in American politics, access to power and a party that you identify with is a future. And I think that we have a great share of individuals that have proved this time and again, that staying closely associated to Donald Trump is a guarantee that you are relevant within politics if you choose to remain in politics.

WALLACE: It’s unbelievable. Unbelievable.

Unlike Wallace, Nikki Haley may be starting to realize that the Republican Party of George Bush and John McCain is dead and never coming back.


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TOTAL WIPEOUT? Why Britain’s Impending General Election Could Be a DISASTER For Conservatives

By: Ben Kew

In a surprise move, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced on Wednesday afternoon that he would hold a general election in July.

The news will be met with a sense of frustration and bewilderment by some in the Tory Party, many of whom point out that he did not have to call an election for another six months.

While the Tories currently hold an 80-seat majority, most election experts are predicting a near wipeout across the country as voters punish Sunak and his party for failing to deliver on his promises.

The moment a soaking wet Rishi Sunak calls a general election for the 4th of July, while he struggles to be heard above the theme song of Labour’s 1997 landslide victory.

— PoliticsJOE (@PoliticsJOE_UK) May 22, 2024

Having been elected on a semi-populist platform in 2019 under Boris Johnson, the party has continued to betray its voters by presiding over a draconian lockdown regime, high taxes, record levels of immigration, and an embrace of “woke” ideology.”

In short, the Tories deserve to lose.

Yet waiting in the wings is the hard-left Labour Party and its leader Keir Starmer, who will actively embrace the woke, open borders, big government agenda. The man who will hold the post of Foreign Secretary, David Lammy, has compared Donald Trump to Nazi Germany and the KKK.

Let me get this straight: the woke left attack our history, pull down statues, indoctrinate our kids with gender ideology, infiltrate our institutions, take the knee for BLM,and when we dare to question this Keir Starmer says the Tories are starting a culture war.

What an idiot

— Lee Harris (@addicted2newz) January 22, 2024

If Labour wins with a comfortable majority, as they are widely expected to do, Britain will have another five years of left-wing, progressive government from which it will likely never recover.

However, some thinkers on the right, most notably Brexit leader Nigel Farage, argue that the demise of the Conservatives could well turn out to be a good thing for conservatism.

The theory goes that given that the Conservative Party is not actually conservative, only their wholesale destruction can pave the way for a true right-wing patriotic party to emerge.

Rishi Sunak has chosen suicide over political obliteration.

— Nigel Farage (@Nigel_Farage) May 22, 2024

Genuine conservatives are facing a Catch-22. They can either punish the Tories by sitting out the election and letting the Labour Party run riot, or they can once again give them their vote in the full knowledge that it will be betrayed as soon as they secure power.

The Conservative Party of Margaret Thatcher and Winston Churchill is sadly ancient history. Now, it must either become a genuinely conservative outfit or face inevitable extinction.

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Germany Will Reduce Sentences For Possession of Child Pornography, Downgrade From Felony to Misdemeanor

By: Ben Kew

Germany will downgrade the severity of punishment for individuals found guilty of possessing child pornography.

In a press release on Wednesday, the German Bundestag confirmed that it had passed legislation lowering the minimum sentences for distribution, acquisition, and possession of child pornographic content. The law will also downgrade it from a crime to a misdemeanor.

Reduxx reports:

Germany’s Parliament (Bundestag) has received the votes necessary to remove a section of the Criminal Code which made the possession of child sexual abuse materials a felony crime. Once the bill, passed last Thursday, comes into effect, minimum sentences for the possession of child pornography will be reduced, and the offense will be downgraded to a misdemeanor.

According to the Bundestag, the bill stipulates that “possession and acquisition should be punishable with a minimum penalty of three months’ imprisonment, and distribution with a minimum penalty of six months’ imprisonment, and distribution with a minimum penalty of six months’ imprisonment. The offenses regulated in Section 184b of the Criminal Code are therefore classified as misdemeanors and not as crimes.”

According to lawmakers, the change is require to provide “flexibility” for juvenile offenders found guilty of such offenses. The legislation states:

A downgrade to a misdemeanor is also urgently required in order to be able to respond appropriately and with the necessary flexibility to the large proportion of juvenile offenders. Here, too, the perpetrators generally do not act in order to be sexually aroused by the child pornography content, but rather out of a drive typical of the adolescent stage of development, such as naivety, curiosity, thirst for adventure or the desire to impress.

While the law passed with the votes of the country’s left-wing coalition, it was opposed by the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), Germany’s largest opposition party.

“The distribution, possession and acquisition of child pornography must … remain classified as crimes. Even if the increase in the penalty range … has led to practical problems in certain cases, a blanket reduction in the penalty range is the wrong solution,” the party said in a statement.

“A change should be limited to the problem cases and solve them effectively. Scientific findings show that if the penalty framework shifts downwards, the penalties imposed in practice also tend to be lower.”

Unfortunately, such legislation is a mere stepping stone towards the long-term aim of many progressives around the world to legalize pedophilia altogether. Such efforts must be resisted by all of us at every turn.

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CHAOS IN THE SKY: One Dead and Dozens Hospitalized After ‘Severe Turbulence’ on Flight to Singapore

By: Ben Kew

At least one person has died, and dozens more have been hospitalized after a Singapore Airlines flight was hit by “severe turbulence” on Tuesday morning.

The flight from London to Singapore was forced to divert to Bangkok after a sudden and severe drop in altitude sent some passengers flying into the ceiling.

Images have emerged from inside SQ321 after hitting severe turbulence while enroute to Singapore, killing one passenger.

— Breaking Aviation News & Videos (@aviationbrk) May 21, 2024

Singapore Airlines said in a statement:

Singapore Airlines flight #SQ321, operating from London (Heathrow) to Singapore on 20 May 2024, encountered severe turbulence en-route. The aircraft diverted to Bangkok and landed at 1545hrs local time on 21 May 2024.
We can confirm that there are injuries and one fatality on board the Boeing 777-300ER. There were a total of 211 passengers and 18 crew on board.
Singapore Airlines offers its deepest condolences to the family of the deceased. Our priority is to provide all possible assistance to all passengers and crew on board the aircraft. We are working with the local authorities in Thailand to provide the necessary medical assistance, and sending a team to Bangkok to provide any additional assistance needed. We will provide regular updates on our Facebook and X account.

“So I started bracing for what was happening, and very suddenly there was a very dramatic drop so everyone seated and not wearing seatbelt was launched immediately into the ceiling,” 28-year-old student Dzafran Azmir told the BBC.

“Some people hit their heads on the baggage cabins overhead and dented it, they hit the places where lights and masks are and broke straight through it.”

Back in March, 50 people were injured after a plane “suddenly nosedived” during the flight on a flight from Sydney, Australia to Auckland, New Zealand.

NEW: 50 people injured traveling from Sydney to Chile on a Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner after the plane had a “technical problem” that caused a “strong movement.”

Some of the passengers were treated at the airport after landing and 12 others were sent to the hospital.

One person is…

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) March 11, 2024

A spokesperson for the Chilean airline LATAM told news outlets that the issue was caused by a “technical problem” and would be thoroughly investigated.

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‘Pure Fiction’: Trump Will Sue Filmmakers Who Depicted Him Raping Wife Ivana

By: Ben Kew

Donald Trump is planning to sue the filmmakers behind The Apprentice, a feature-length film where he is depicted raping his late wife Ivana.

The film, which was directed by Iranian-Danish filmmaker Ali Abbasi and tracks Trump’s rise in the New York real estate industry, shows Trump throwing his wife to the ground and raping her.

“Did I find your G spot?” he asks her.

In a statement to Mail Online, Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung confirmed that they would be taking legal action against the filmmakers for defamation:

‘We will be filing a lawsuit to address the blatantly false assertions from these pretend filmmakers. This garbage is pure fiction which sensationalizes lies that have been long debunked.

As with the illegal Biden Trials, this is election interference by Hollywood elites, who know that President Trump will retake the White House and beat their candidate of choice because nothing they have done has worked.

This “film” is pure malicious defamation, should not see the light of day, and doesn’t even deserve a place in the straight-to-DVD section of a bargain bin at a soon-to-be-closed discount movie store, it belongs in a dumpster fire.

As reported yesteday, the ghoulish attendees at the Cannes Film Festival gave the film an eight minute long standing ovation.

Variety described the event:

In Ali Abbasi’s “The Apprentice,” Trump (played by Sebastian Stan) violently throws his then-wife Ivana (Maria Bakalova) to the ground and proceeds to have nonconsensual sex with her.

In the controversial scene, Ivana playfully presents a book to her husband about the merits of a female orgasm. But the interaction between the two turns dark quickly, as an uninterested Trump tells his wife that he is no longer attracted to her. They argue, and then Trump throws her to the ground. As he angrily thrusts himself into her, an icy Trump sneers: “Is that your G spot? Did I find it?”

Heading into tonight’s premiere, insiders insisted that the scene, which Variety previously reported on, was consensual but uncomfortable. But reactions within the Palais said otherwise. One woman in her 20s called the scene, which unfolds in the couple’s home after an argument, “gross” and referred to it as “rape” after the credits rolled. Another female attendee agreed, calling it a disturbing sexual assault.

In reality, Trump had a close relationship with Ivana despite their eventual divorce. She passed away in 2022, with her death said to have had a profound impact on him.

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WWIII WATCH: Zelensky Begs Biden to Allow Ukraine to Launch U.S. Missiles Inside Russia

By: Ben Kew

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky sent a delegation to Washington this week to demand that the Biden regime reverse a ban on the firing of U.S. missiles on Russian territory.

The delegation, which included five members of the Ukrainian parliament, met with Biden officials and requested that the U.S. drop the ban, which would dramatically increase the risk of WW3 and perhaps even nuclear armageddon.

The Hill reports:

Ukraine’s struggle to fend off Russia’s massive offensive in the Kharkiv region has underscored a pressing issue that Kyiv has long tried to overturn: a ban on firing U.S. weapons to hit inside of Russia.

Russia launched its Kharkiv offensive from the neighboring Belgorod region, and some Ukrainian officials are arguing that the attack could have been blunted if they were allowed to hit targets in that Russian province.

In lieu of a policy change, Ukraine has resorted to hitting inside of Russia with its own weapons, including cheap drones that have harassed Russian targets such as oil refineries. The campaign to hit oil refineries with drones has picked up in pace and breadth in recent months.

But Ukrainian officials say there is no substitute for American-made arms such as the missile launcher weapon High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) or valued long-range artillery like the Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS).

David Arahamiya, a Ukrainian MP who led the delegation, revealed that the request came directly from the country’s military generals.

“It’s like if somebody were to attack Washington, D.C., from the Virginia state, and you say we’re not going to hit Virginia for some reason,” he said. “It’s crazy. Military people, like generals, they don’t understand. So they are pushing us as politicians, like stop [the policy] this is insane.”

Meanwhile, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on a trip to Kiev this week that Ukraine should focus on retaking lost territory.

“Ukraine has to make decisions for itself about how it’s going to conduct this war, a war it’s conducting in defense of its freedom, of its sovereignty, of its territorial integrity,” Blinken said at a press conference. “We’ve been clear about our own policy.”

This position was reiterated by Pentagon deputy press secretary Sabrina Singh. “We believe that the equipment, the capabilities that we are giving Ukraine, that other countries are giving to Ukraine, should be used to take back Ukrainian sovereign territory,” she said. “The weapons that are provided, again, are for use on the battlefield.”

Meanwhile, Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly warned that he will launch a nuclear strike if he feels it is necessary.

“From a military-technical point of view, we are, of course, ready,” Putin said in March. “(In the U.S.) there are enough specialists in the field of Russian-American relations and in the field of strategic restraint. Therefore, I don’t think that here everything is rushing to it (nuclear confrontation), but we are ready for this.”

It might be time to negotiate a peace agreement.

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Commie Pope Francis Claims Stopping America’s Illegal Border Invasion Would Be ‘Sheer Madness’ (VIDEO)

By: Ben Kew
Screenshot: 60 Minutes/Youtube

Pope Francis has come out against efforts to control America’s borders, arguing that attempting to stop the invasion at the U.S.-Mexico border would be “sheer madness.”

In a 60 Minutes interview with Norah O’Donnell, Francis denounced efforts by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton to shut down a Catholic charity that is enabling the passage of thousands of illegal aliens across the southern border.

“Migration is something that makes a country grow,” he said. “They say that you Irish migrated and brought the whiskey, and that the Italians migrated and brought the mafia. Migrants sometimes suffer a lot. They suffer a lot.”

“To close the border and leave them there, that is madness,” he continued. “Migrants have to be welcomed. Thereafter, you see how you are going to deal with them. Maybe you have to send them back, I don’t know, but each case ought to be considered humanely.”

Over the weekend, Paxton filed a fresh complaint against Annunciation House for its role in enabling the crisis at the southern border and warned that other charities involved in such illegal activities will face similar actions.

“Any NGO (non-governmental organization) facilitating the unlawful entry of illegal aliens into Texas is undermining the rule of law and potentially jeopardizing the safety and wellbeing of our citizens,” Paxton wrote in a press release.

“All NGOs who are complicit in (President) Joe Biden’s illegal immigration catastrophe and think they are above the law should consider themselves on notice.”

At another point in the wide-ranging interview, Francis accused conservatives of having a “suicidal attitude” to life and politics.

“You use an adjective – conservative. That is conservative is one who clings to something and does not want to see beyond that,” Francis argued.

“It is a suicidal attitude. Because one thing is to take tradition into account. To consider situations from the past. But quite another to be closed up inside a dogmatic box.”

The Argentinian, who became pontiff in 2013, is notorious for hostility to conservatism and Catholic traditions. This has caused bitter divisions within the wider church, with some Catholics going so far as to call him a heretic.


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Slovakia PM Robert Fico No Longer in Life-Threatening Condition After Assassination Attempt, ‘Approaching Positive Prognosis’

By: Ben Kew

Days after being targeted in an assassination attempt, Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico appears to be on the mend.

According to the hospital where he is being treated, Fico’s condition is now stable and he is no longer considered to be in a life-threatening situation.

“After today’s medical board meeting, the patient’s condition is stable,” the hospital in the central Slovak town of Banska Bystrica wrote on Facebook. “He is clinically improving, communicating, and his inflammatory markers are gradually decreasing. The Prime Minister remains in our care.”

Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister Robert Kalinak over the weekend said that Fico’s surgeries were “beginning to bear fruit” and that he may eventually be able to return to work.

“I can’t find words of gratitude for the fact that we are steadily approaching that positive prognosis,” he said, although maintained that Fico’s condition remains “really serious.”

“Certainly, it does not allow us to make such a transfer in the near future — that is, at the end of the weekend,” he added on the possibility of transfering him back to Bratislava.

Slovak Prime Minister Fico’s condition is improving – his doctors

— Lord Bebo (@MyLordBebo) May 20, 2024

The individual behind the attack has since been identified as  71-year-old Juraj Cintula, a leftist writer who had been involved in various political movements.

BREAKING UPDATE: Leftist Writer Juraj Cintula Arrested Following Attempted Assassination of Populist Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico – Shot Him 5 Times! – VIDEO OF SHOOTING

Despite being a former communist, Fico, a pro-Trump populist, had angered globalists across Europe over his positions on immigration, LGBT rights, and the war in Ukraine.

Following the incident, Kalinak blamed the media for stoking divisions across Slovakia that led to the "lone wolf" attack.

“Many media confused reporting with fighting. Robert Fico was labelled with the worst adjectives for a long time, he was labelled evil on billboards,” he was reported as saying.

“There can and could only be one correct opinion here, and when you didn’t have one, they used all their protocol against you," he continued. "Look what happened to athletes, actors, actually anyone who had a different opinion on vaccinations or on the war in Ukraine. And what a huge hate those people experienced. And that’s exactly the problem.”

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Silicon Valley Mogul Ditches Democrats and Donates $1 Million to Trump, Cites Biden’s Anti-Israel Stance

By: Ben Kew

A Silicon Valley mogul who previously supported a variety of Democratic campaigns has switched his allegiance and donated $1 million to Donald Trump.

Jacob Helberg, who works as a senior advisor at Palantir and also heads up the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, has admitted that Trump was “right on a lot of make-or-break issues for America” and that “the social cost of supporting [him] isn’t as great as it was.”

The Washington Post reports:

Four years ago, tech adviser Jacob Helberg was raising money within his elite circle for the losing presidential campaign of Democrat Pete Buttigieg. But the pandemic, an artificial intelligence arms race against China, and taking up a crusade to ban TikTok in the United States began to shift his views and party allegiances, he says.

Today, Helberg’s previously unreported $1 million donation to the Trump campaign shoots him into the upper echelon of the former president’s donors at a time when Donald Trump’s campaign trails President Biden’s in the money chase. Helberg is part of a small but influential cohort of tech leaders that have decided to back the former president — despite their own waffling and the industry’s broader hostility toward Trump.

The bulk of Helberg’s contribution — $844,600 — went to the Trump 47 joint fundraising committee. At least 20 donors had donated the maximum amount of more than $800,000 to the Trump 47 committee by the end of March, according to the most recent reports available from the Federal Election Commission. Trump has been urging more donors to join that elite circle as he has appeared at several high-profile fundraisers over the past month-and-a-half. Helberg is the only publicly known maxed-out donor who hails from the tech world.

However, it appears that Joe Biden’s lack of support for Israel is what really pushed Helberg towards Trump and the Republican Party.

“This one’s for Israel,” he wrote on the X platform after reports of his donation emerged.

This one’s for Israel.

— Jacob Helberg (@jacobhelberg) May 15, 2024

Despite the apparent softening towards Trump from some in the industry, Silicon Valley remains an extremely hostile environment for conservatives and the Republican Party.

The only major industry figure to have previously supported Trump is PayPal founder Peter Thiel, who has also put money behind various legislative campaigns.

Most notably, Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has become a stalwart opponent of the far-left progressive agenda. However, Musk has repeatedly expressed skepticism over Trump himself and recently indicated that he would not be donating to his 2024 campaign.

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CRINGE: WaPo Crybully Taylor Lorenz Says Elon Musk ‘Goes Out His Way’ to Screw With Her… Even Though He’s Never Heard of Her!

By: Ben Kew

The Washington Post reporter and notorious narcissist Taylor Lorenz has accused X owner Elon Musk of deliberately trying to interfere with her life.

There is just one problem.  Elon Musk has never heard of her. 

In a TikTok posted this weekend, Lorenz discusses how some unnamed individual claimed that she had an affair with Musk and that she has an “ongoing relationship” with him.

“I’ve never even f**king met Elon Musk,” she remarked. “I have reported this man for years, very critically. He f**king hates me. He goes out of his way to f**k with me and like interfere with my life. So no, I’m definitely not, nor have I ever had an affair with Elon Musk.”

Musk took note of the tweet, admitting that he had never even heard of her. The video was originally posted by the Libs of TikTok account, whom Lorenz previously harassed, stalked and eventually doxxed.

Never heard of her

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 19, 2024

How embarassing.

While most left-wing journalists are not household names, Lorenz has made a name for herself by launching a crusade against conservatives and platforms she believes are harming her leftist ideology.

As well as doxxing Chaya Raichik (the woman behind Libs of TikTok), Lorenz has worked with far-left groups such as the Center For Countering Digital Hate, which seeks to harass companies into pulling ads from conservative websites such as The Gateway Pundit in a bid to put them out of business.

Here is Taylor Lorenz dancing at the P*rnhub awards event while wearing a mask.

I saw it so now you have to.

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) March 29, 2024

Despite outing herself as a radical left-wing activist, Lorenz remains a paid columnist at The Washington Post, covering “technology and online culture.” She also serves on the board of the “Alliance for Technology, Learning and Society (ATLAS) Institute at the University of Colorado at Boulder.”

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Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey Placed Migrant Children in Hotels With Pedophiles, Registered Sex Offenders

By: Ben Kew

Gov. Maura Healey’s administration in Massachusetts placed migrant children and their families in hotels with registered pedophiles and other types of sex offenders, it has now been revealed.

According to a report from The Boston Globe, hundreds of children were placed in hotels or facilities that housed or were staffed by convicted sex offenders.

The Globe reported:

Governor Maura Healey’s administration has placed hundreds of homeless families, many of them migrants with young children, in hotels with registered sex offenders, suggesting the state failed to properly vet the sites in its haste to shelter a surge of families arriving from the US southern border, a Boston Globe investigation found.

At least five of the hotels and one dormitory that the state has tapped as homeless shelters also housed or employed sex offenders who have been convicted of crimes against children, including child rape, indecent assault and battery on children, and child pornography.

The hotels where the Globe identified sex offenders include the Comfort Inn in Rockland where a 26-year-old man allegedly raped a 15-year-old girl in March. Both are Haitian migrants who were living in the hotel. At the time, Healey sought to reassure the public that the state was screening migrants for criminal backgrounds.

“Everybody, including him, who enters our shelter locations is vetted,” she told reporters in March. But the Globe found that a registered sex offender had also been living at the hotel for more than two years before the incident — and had been working at the front desk until January.

Such findings serve as a harsh reminder of the risks that migrant children face when their parents or handlers smuggle them across the southern border.

As exposed in the film Sound of Freedom, many children are handed over to human and sex traffickers and are subjected to unspeakable abuse as a result.

The revelations come as Massachussetts drowns under the pressure of the tens of thousands of illegal aliens who have pitched up in the state, many of whom expect taxpayers to foot the bill for their accomodation, hospitality and living expenses.

Earlier this month, Healey approved around $400 million in additional funding to help provide for the illegals, the overwhelming majority crossed the border illegally and have no right to reside in the United States in the first place.

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DYSTOPIAN: China Prepares For War With Military ‘Robodogs’ – Armed With Machine Guns!

By: Ben Kew

China is preparing for war with the help of gun-wielding robodogs.

The robodogs were showcased during the 15-day “Golden Dragon” military exercises conducted at a secluded training facility in central Cambodia and along the coast. Over 2,000 troops, including 760 Chinese military personnel, were involved in the exercise.

The exercises, known as “Golden Dragon,” included 14 warships, two helicopters, and 69 armored vehicles and tanks. Drills include live-fire exercises, anti-terrorism operations, and humanitarian rescue missions.

AFP reported:

The hardware on show included the so-called “robodogs” — remote-controlled four-legged robots with automatic rifles mounted on their backs. Handlers kept the dogs of war on the leash, demonstrating only their walking capabilities to watching journalists and top brass — not their shooting skills.

Opening the exercises, Cambodian armed forces commander-in-chief Vong Pisen said that they would “enhance the capabilities” of the two armies in the fight against terrorism. Vong Pisen said that Cambodia would never allow a foreign military base on its territory, echoing previous assertions by Cambodian leaders.

China is not the only military power interested in manufacturing these somewhat unfriendly pooches. According to Futurism, the U.S. military has also explored the possibility as part of a futuristic approach to warfare.

The outlet notes:

It’s not the first time we’ve come across quadrupedal gun-toting robots. Last year, the Pentagon announced that the US Army is considering arming remote-controlled robot dogs with state-of-the-art rifles as part of its plan to “explore the realm of the possible” in the future of combat.

A US-based military contractor called Ghost Robotics has already showed off such a robot dog, outfitted with a long-distance rifle. However, as far as Boston Dynamics’ popular Spot Mini robot dog is concerned, the company has been adamant that strapping weapons to the robodog is against its terms of service.

“We pledge that we will not weaponize our advanced-mobility general-purpose robots or the software we develop that enables advanced robotics and we will not support others to do so,” the company wrote in an open letter.

Sadly for America and the rest of the world, China does not share such ethical concerns. Black Mirror will soon become a reality.


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IT WAS ALL A LIE: Former NIH Director Admits There Was No Evidence For ‘Social Distancing’ During COVID Pandemic

By: Ben Kew

During the COVID-19 pandemic, one could not go five minutes without hearing the phrase “social distancing.”

The theory, according to the country’s leading scientific “experts,” was that by keeping a distance of six feet from one another, one could successfully protect the vulnerable from the COVID virus and save millions of lives.

Now, it turns out it was all a lie. 

Francis Collins, the former director of the National Insitute of Health, admitted in a closed-door interview earlier this year that he did not see any scientific evidence that social distancing was a proven method of containing the virus.

The Federalist reported:

On March 22, 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued what amounted to placebo guidance advising Americans to avoid mass gatherings and remain at least six feet apart from each other. The businesses the government deemed essential — the supermarkets, the pharmacies, the big-box retailers — marked the dividing lines, two yards between life and death, on the floors and in checkout lines.

But Collins and crew, including the smug and self-righteous Dr. Anthony Fauci, the immunologist who ran the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for a dangerously long time, made a very good living segregating a society at an unprecedented level. The damage done from the scientists’ sign-off on a long and cruel isolation experiment will take a long time to fully measure.

“The six feet of separation recommendation had real life consequences. This guideline made it nearly impossible for schools nationwide to re-open due to the pressure from teachers unions to follow this guideline. In addition, businesses had to adapt at great cost or risk complete closure,” states a Thursday subcommittee staff memo on the Collins interview.

Then comes the crux of the interview:

But the government-imposed individual internment camps were all worth it, right? Social distancing, plus deeply flawed vaccines, prevented 800,000 deaths, headlines last week proclaimed. But when asked whether he believed any science or evidence supported the six-feet rule, Collins said he did not.

“Is that I do not recall or I do not see any evidence supporting six feet?” a Covid subcommittee staff member asked the good doctor. “I did not see evidence, but I’m not sure I would have been shown evidence at that point,” Collins replied.

But what about four years later? “Since then, it has been an awfully large topic. Have you seen any evidence since then supporting six feet?” the staffer asked.

No,” the former NIH director conceded.

So there you have it. Time and time again, those of us, including The Gateway Pundit, who questioned every aspect of the COVID pandemic, from the lockdown regimes and mask mandates all the way through to vaccines and potential treatments, have been proven correct.

There was never any scientific basis for the decisions that were taken, although the political, societal and economic consequences were enormous.

As the famous Francis Bacon quote goes, “Truth is the daughter of time, not of authority.”

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Sales of Harrison Butker’s NFL Jersey SKYROCKET After Epic Commencement Speech, Outpacing Travis Kelce and Patrick Mahomes

By: Ben Kew

Jersey sales of Kansas City Chiefs star Harrison Butker have skyrocketed since he delivered his conservative-themed commencement speech at Benedictine College last weekend.

Butker, who is a placekicker for the Kansas City Chiefs and three-time Super Bowl Champion, discussed a wide range of issues, including the challenges posed by the COVID pandemic, Joe Biden’s appalling leadership and the importance of the Catholic faith.

NEW: Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker blasts President Joe Biden and D.E.I. during his commencement address to Benedictine College.

“Our own nation is led by a man who publicly and proudly proclaims his Catholic faith but at the same time is delusional enough to…

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) May 13, 2024

Now, jersey sales for Butker are on the rise, even outpacing that of fellow stars Patrick Mahomes and Travis Kelce.

CBS Sports reported:

Harrison Butker currently has the top-selling jersey on the Kansas City Chiefs following the controversial statements he made during a recent commencement speech at Benedictine College. As of Friday afternoon, sales of the veteran kicker’s jersey are even outpacing those of teammates Patrick Mahomes and Travis Kelce, according to the official NFL Shop.

Listed among the “Top Sellers” on the official website, Butker’s No. 7 jersey has gotten quite a bump after the kicker’s polarizing remarks. CBS Sports has reached out to the NFL about the specific sales numbers.

Such news will come as a bitter blow to the woke NFL, which quickly sought to distance itself from Butker’s conservative and religious worldview.

“Harrison Butker gave a speech in his personal capacity,” said Jonathan Beane, the NFL’s senior vice president and chief diversity and inclusion officer. “His views are not those of the NFL as an organization. The NFL is steadfast in our commitment to inclusion, which only makes our league stronger.”

Meanwhile, Kansas City is now under investigation for potential violations of Butker’s human rights after Mayor Quinton Lucas doxxed him on the X platform.

“My office is demanding accountability after Kansas City doxxed Harrison Butker last night for daring to express his religious beliefs,” said Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey. “I will enforce the Missouri Human Rights Act to ensure Missourians are not targeted for their free exercise of religion.”




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CHAOS: Mass Brawl Breaks Out in Taiwan’s Parliament as Lawmakers Fight Over Legislation (VIDEO)

By: Ben Kew

Taiwan’s parliament descended into a state of chaos on Friday after a brawl broke out among lawmakers over a controversial piece of legislation.

The altercation occurred on Friday morning as lawmakers prepared to debate a proposal aimed at increasing government authority.

A fight breaks our in Taiwan’s parliament.

— Censored Men (@CensoredMen) May 17, 2024

Amid the ensuing chaos, several MPs surrounded the speaker’s seat, with some leaping over tables and others dragging colleagues to the floor. At one point, a lawmaker snatched a copy of the legislation and ran off with it.

Breaking News: A member of Taiwan’s parliament stole a bill and ran off with it to prevent it from being passed.

— The Calvin Coolidge Project (@TheCalvinCooli1) May 17, 2024

The brawl took place just days before President-elect Lai Ching-te is scheduled to assume office without a legislative majority. Peace was eventually restored, although not before footage of the fighting spread across the internet.

Taiwan’s two principal parties, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), which is poised to form the government, and the Kuomintang (KMT), the primary opposition, are fiercely divided over proposed reforms.

Among these reforms is a contentious measure to criminalize those found guilty of making false statements in parliament.The law, introduced by the KMT and its allies, has been denounced by DPP as “an unconstitutional abuse of power.”

This isn’t the first instance of physical violence breaking out in the Taiwanese parliament. Back in 2020, KMT members threw buckets of pig innards at Premier Su Tseng-chang and exchanged insults over the decision to ease U.S. pork imports.

Taiwanese lawmakers threw pig intestines at their opponents over a controversial trade policy with the U.S.

— NowThis Impact (@nowthisimpact) December 6, 2020

Compared to Taiwan, the U.S. Congress looks like a beacon of civility. Be grateful for small mercies!

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JUSTICE: Christian Teacher Fired For Refusing to Use Students’ Preferred Pronouns Wins Massive Settlement From California School District

By: Ben Kew

A former high school teacher who was fired for refusing to use students’ preferred pronouns has been awarded a $360,000 settlement from the Jurupa Unified School District in California.

The lawsuit, filed in May 2023 by Advocates for Faith and Freedom, was a response to the firing of Jessica Tapia, a gym teacher who refused to follow the district’s pronoun policy back in 2022.

Tapia’s refusal was based on her Christian beliefs, which she cited as the reason for not accommodating students’ gender identities.

BREAKING: @JurupaUSD in California paid $360,000 to former teacher Jessia Tapia who was fired for refusing to use preferred pronouns.

No teacher should be unjustly fired for refusing to bow down to radical gender ideology.

Justice is served!

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) May 15, 2024

The San Francisco Chronicle reports:

The Jurupa Valley Unified School District agreed Tuesday to pay $285,000 to former high school gym teacher Jessica Tapia and $75,000 to her lawyers at Alliance Defending Freedom, a conservative religious nonprofit. The settlement said it was not an admission of wrongdoing by district officials, but Tapia’s lawyers proclaimed a victory for religious rights.

Tapia “fought back to ensure her school district was held accountable and that no other teacher has to succumb to this type of discrimination,” said attorney Julianne Fleischer.

School district spokesperson Jacqueline Paul said the district decided to settle the case “in the best interest of the students, such that the District would be able to dedicate all of its resources and efforts to its student population regardless of their protected class.”

School officials agreed to the settlement despite regulations by the California Department of Education ordering schools to let students decide who, if anyone, should be informed of their gender identity. The state says the rules are authorized by a 2015 law requiring schools to allow transgender students to take part in all programs and to use restrooms and other facilities consistent with their gender identity.

The Gateway Pundit first reported on Tapia’s case in February 2023, when she told Fox News in an interview that the pronoun policy had forced her to decide whether to abide by the school’s immoral code or stay true to her faith.

She explained at the time:

I knew immediately, like in my gut, in my heart, in my soul, that there was a decision I had to make because, you know, these two things were totally butting heads. I essentially had to pick one. Am I going to obey the district in the directive that are not lining up with… my own beliefs, convictions and faith?

Or am I going to stay true…, choose my faith, choose to be obedient to… the way the Lord has called me to live. And so it was crazy to be in the position where I realized that I couldn’t be a Christian and a teacher.

Congratulations to Tapia and the Alliance Defending Freedom for their amazing victory.

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CNN’s Anderson Cooper: I Would ‘Absolutely’ Doubt Michael Cohen’s Testimony, Trial ‘Devastating’ For His Credibility (VIDEO)

By: Ben Kew

CNN’s Anderson Cooper said Thursday has admitted that he would doubt the credibility of Donald Trump’s former lawyer, Michael Cohen, after he provided testimony during the president’s criminal trial in New York.

Discussing the trial with CNN legal analyst Elie Honig, Cooper agreed with the prevailing view that Cohen had crumbled under cross-examination from Trump’s defense lawyer, Todd Blanche.

If Anderson Cooper doesn’t believe Cohen’s testimony, I think we can safely assume the jury knows he’s a liar.

— floridanow1 (@floridanow1) May 17, 2024

The transcript went as follows:

COOPER: Throughout the day, Michael Cohen, when cornered, he found himself in a corner he does have a pattern of suddenly not understanding the question being asked are seemingly kind of, I mean, one could say buying time to try to figure out what, how he wants to answer. But he definitely suddenly starts to have Todd Blanche repeat questions saying, ‘I don’t quite understand what you mean, I’m confused by the question.’ But this time, Michael Cohen was cornered in what appeared here to be a lie, I think to many in the room.

You could tell the import of the moment and everyone in the courtroom could tell and if you were unaware of it, the clicking of every of every reporters’ in the room typewriters, it was like a crescendo because the drama of the moment was so clear to everybody.

HONIG: Let me ask you if if I can put you in the jury box, having just witnessed that piece of cross-examination, do you have doubts that that conversation happened the way Michael Cohen testified?

COOPER: Absolutely. Absolutely. I think it’s devastating for Michael Cohen’s credibility on this, I mean on this one particular topic. It’s hard too, I don’t know. Yes. I think if I was a juror in this case watching that, I would think, this guy’s making this up as he’s going along or he’s making this particular story up.

In a separate clip, Honig concurred that Cohen, himself a convicted perjurer, had had his “knees chopped out” by Trump’s attorney.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen a star cooperating witness get his knees chopped out quite as clearly and dramatically as what just happened with Michael Cohen,” he explained. “I’ve certainly seen very effective cross-examinations of cooperating witnesses. I’ve seen aspects of their story cut into and called into question.”

If even far-left CNN are doubting credibility of their star witness, this does not bode well for the prosecution led by the Manhattan’s leftist District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

The case continues.

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GASLIGHTING: Gavin Newsom Boasts Lawless California is The ‘National Model’ on Solving Homelessness

By: Ben Kew

California Gov. Gavin Newsom is either delusional or gaslighting people. Or both.

Speaking at an event this week to announce a $3.3 billion fund to help California tackle homelessness, Newsom boasted that his state served as a “national model” for solving the issue.

“The state of California saw a decline in veteran’s homelessness,” said Newsom. “We have a national model.”

Newsom Can’t Be Serious: California Governor Gavin Newsom says California is the “National Model” to address homelessness. Anyone that lives or has traveled to California knows that’s a complete lie! They are more like a model of what not to do!

— John Cremeans USA (@JohnCremeansUSA) May 16, 2024

In March, California voters approved Proposition 1, which aims to expand mental health treatment to those living on the streets as well as provide housing for those at risk of becoming homeless.

“What Proposition 1 did is that it reinforced that model, provided more resources to advance that model, and we’re very excited to get those dollars to work,” Newsom explained.

He continued:

Five years ago, there was no homeless strategy, no homeless plan. The state of California was not involved in these issues. To be fair, there was a half-a-billion appropriation that went out to the cities and counties with no accountability, no oversight, and no measured results – that was the first time the state put in a few bucks.

We had a mental health services act… but it outlived the world we’re living in. We were listless, and it was pretty self-evident. The cities and counties were overwhelmed by what was happening on the streets and sidewalks. We said, we need to do more as a state. The cities and counties cannot do this alone… It’s about more than just money, it’s about resourcefulness, it’s about doing things that we were precluded from doing.

Despite his boastful rhetoric, California is widely acknowledged to have the most serious homelessness problem in the entire country, with many areas more reminiscient of an apocalyptic film than one of the wealthiest places on earth.

An audit carried out last month found that the state has spent a staggering $24 billion on homeless programs only for the problem to keep getting worse. There are currently an estimated 180,000 homeless people across the state, amounting to a 53 percent rise over the past decade.


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Rep. Greg Murphy Says He Has ‘Some Evidence’ Biden Was ‘Jacked Up’ on Drugs For His Bizarre State of the Union Address (VIDEO)

By: Ben Kew

Rep. Greg Murphy (R-NC) says that Joe Biden was “jacked up” on drugs during his State of the Union Address earlier this year and that he has the evidence to prove it.

In an interview with Fox News host Maria Bartiromo, Murphy, also a practicing urologist, said that Biden must have taken drugs in order to sustain himself through the speech.

The conversation went as follows:

MURPHY: I’ll just be very plain and simple. I was in the State of the Union address, and Joe Biden must’ve been jacked up on something that day. I absolutely believe that from a medical viewpoint, and actually have a little bit of good knowledge that that happened. He can’t stand it. He can’t stand under the lights for that long, and I don’t think he can keep a concept in his brain that long.

It is going to be important that President Trump stays presidential, he did that during the last debate, he did not do that during the first debate. That he stays on track, that he shows the American people how much worse they are from four years ago and what this president has done to destroy this country. He just has to stay in his lane and act presidential, sometimes he can get off on a wheel, we all know that and love that about him. But Biden will falter and falter if he doesn’t have things right in front of him telling him what to do.

BARTIROMO: What do you mean when you say he was jacked up at the State of the Union?

MURPHY: I believe they gave him something to help him sustain the lights and sustain the vigor that he had. That was not Joe Biden. I was in there. He screamed for two hours. He screamed for two hours. And maybe we can talk offline and I’ll show you something that I think that proves that.”

BARTIROMO: You’ll show me what?

MURPHY: I think I can have some evidence that shows he was given something before that.

BARTIROMO: In terms of a medicine or?

MURPHY: Joe is 82, there’s a picture of him taken last week without his make up on. And guess what, he looks like an 82 year old. You can see his surgical scar on the back where he had his face lift, you can see that very plainly. He is being manufacturered and puppetereed by the Democratic Party to be president of the United States. And I fully believe that has to do sometimes with pharmacology.

BARTIROMO: Congressman I’m going to follow up on that, I’d like to see more of that. That is really compelling.

“What do you mean when you say he was jacked up?” Republican Rep. Greg Murphy, who is a practicing surgeon, claims President Biden was under the influence of some kind of performance enhancer during his State of the Union address…and Murphy has “evidence”. (Video: Fox Business)

— Mike Sington (@MikeSington) May 16, 2024

Murphy is not alone in his suspicions. Trump himself has claimed that Biden must have been under the influence of an unknown substance and even suggested he take a drug test.

“He’s obviously, he’s being helped some way, because most of the time, he looks like he’s falling asleep,” Trump said in an interview back in April. “And all of a sudden, he walked up there and did a poor job. But he was all jacked up.”

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North Carolina’s Senate Votes to Ban Face Masks in Public and Democrats Are Triggered

By: Ben Kew

In a stunning reversal of the tyranny of the COVID era, North Carolina’s Republican-controlled Senate has voted to ban face masks in public.

The proposal, which was voted on following an intense debate, was approved along party lines and will now head to the House for further scrutiny.

The Hill reports:

The North Carolina state Senate voted along party lines Wednesday to ban anyone from wearing masks in public, even for health reasons.

Republican supporters of the ban said it would help law enforcement crack down on protesters who wear masks. They say demonstrators are abusing COVID-19 pandemic-era practices to hide their identities following a wave of pro-Palestine protests nationwide and at North Carolina universities.

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SHE DID IT! Scumbag Senator Bob Menendez Blames His Wife at ‘Gold Bars’ Corruption Trial

By: Ben Kew

The Democratic Senator for New Jersey, Bob Menendez, attempted to shift blame onto his wife during opening statements at his ongoing corruption trial.

Menendez went on trial for corruption this week and is facing 18 criminal counts, including bribery, extortion, wire fraud, obstruction of justice, and acting as a foreign agent.

His lawyer, Avi Weitzman, told the jury that his wife Nadine had “kept him in the dark” about financial matters and that they led separate lives.

“Let me say this about Nadine: Nadine had financial concerns that she kept from Bob,” he said. “The government’s allegations that the senator sold his office and his loyalty to this country are outrageously false. Bob was doing his job, and he was doing it right.”

Day 4: Menendez Trial -Manhattan Federal Court
-Gold bars and who they belonged to were the hot topic of Wednesday opening arguments.

The defense says they were Nadine’s, locked in HER CLOSET in the couple’s home and Bob didn’t know anything about them. @News12NJ

— Chris Keating (@ChrisKeatingNJ) May 16, 2024

However, prosecutor Lara Pomerantz accused Menendez of putting “his power up for sale” and using his wife as a middleman in his trade of political influence for money, gold bars, and other valuables.

“For years he betrayed the people he was supposed to serve by taking bribes,” she said. “This was not politics as usual. This was politics for profit. This was a United States senator on the take.”

Senator Bob Menendez reportedly may blame alleged crimes on his wife in his corruption trial.

Menendez has been accused of accepting bribes.

Before the indictment, we caught him selling up to $400K worth of solid gold bars.

— Quiver Quantitative (@QuiverQuant) April 17, 2024

Investigators who executed a warrant at his home in September found over $480,000 in cash stuffed in items of clothing, as well as 13 gold bars worth over $100,000. Agents also uncovered other lavish gifts, including a Mercedes-Benz and various home furnishings.

Prosecutors argue that these discovered items were given in return for acting on behalf of the Egyptian government. They also allege that he accepted bribes from the Gulf state of Qatar.

Menendez is standing trial alongside Fred Daibes, a New Jersey real estate developer accused of delivering the gold and cash to the senator, and businessman Wael Hana, who is accused of facilitating a deal between Menendez and Egypt.

Both have also entered not guilty pleas.

The trial continues.

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Geert Wilders’s Dutch Coalition Pledges ‘Strictest-Ever’ Migration Policy, Warns Illegals Will Be Removed ‘By Force’

By: Ben Kew

Dutch conservative leader Geert Wilders has pledged to implement his country’s “strictest ever” asylum policy after he finally reached a coalition agreement to form a government.

Wilders yesterday confirmed the completion of a coalition agreement after six months of negotiations following last year’s general election, in which he won a significant number of seats but short of a governing majority.

As a result, Wilders is pledging to bring in major immigration reforms that would prevent the ongoing invasion of the country’s borders.


PVV’s Geert Wilders declares “the strictest asylum policy ever” in Dutch history after creating the most right-wing coalition in DECADES:

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) May 16, 2024

MailOnline notes:

The Netherlands has today said it will opt out of European Union rules to bring in its ‘strictest-ever’ asylum policy following Geert Wilders’ shock election victory.

The newly agreed Dutch coalition government said the new policy will see people removed from the European country ‘by force’ – setting up a clash with leaders in Brussels even before it has taken office.

The 26-page coalition agreement emerged early Thursday after six months of gruelling talks between four parties following last years’ stunning election victory by Wilders, the long-time Euro-sceptic and leader of the far-right PVV party.

The parties said they would file a request to the European Commission for an opt-out on European asylum policy ‘as soon as possible.’ People without a valid residence permit will be deported ‘by force if necessary,’ said the report.

Yet as reported by The Gateway Pundit, Wilders has had to make significant concessions to his left-wing coalition partners that will soften parts of his agenda. This includes dropping opposition to funding Ukraine’s war against Russia and withdrawing his name for the role of Prime Minister.

However, Wilders remained upbeat about the prospects of the coalition government, which involves working with three so-called “right-leaning” political parties.

“‘I can’t see this fail… If everything goes according to plan today, it will be a great outcome,” he told reporters on Wednesday. “We have a negotiating agreement. But the factions will also discuss it later, so there may be adjustments and amendments.”

An agreement on who will serve as Prime Minister has yet to be finalized.

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Disgraced Rapper Lizzo Credits Anti-Israel Activists For Curing Her ‘Deep, Dark Depression’

By: Ben Kew

The rapper Lizzo has credited anti-Israel activists for helping her recover from a recent bout of depression.

In a post on her Instagram page, Lizzo said that the pro-Palestinian protests across the U.S. and around the world have “activated” her desire to live.

She explained:

I just want to take a second and give a personal thank you to all of the activists who have been working tirelessly to help the liberation and the freedom of the people who have been genocided (sic) all over the world, specifically Palestine, Sudan, and the Congo. On a personal note, you have activated me. I was in a deep dark depression. I had some mental health crises and episodes over the last nine months. And I was not present.

I also want to take this moment and thank all of the anti-genocide, anti-war protests that have been happening at collage campuses. What these students have done and are doing is so deeply important. I can’t even express it in one video.


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The singer, whose real name is Melissa Viviane Jefferson, is currently facing a lawsuit from three former employees who accused her of sexual harassment, creating a hostile work environment and racial and religious discrimination.

Despite her artistic success, Lizzo is the subject of widespread mockery for her unappealing appearance, which she often excaerbates by wearing suggestive and highly revealing clothing. She is also an ardent supporter of Joe Biden and recently attended a fundraiser for his presidential campaign.

Last month, she abruptly announced that she was quitting the music industry before quickly backtracking on her pledge.

“When I say ‘I quit’, I mean I quit giving any negative energy attention,” she said in a video at the time. “What I’m not gonna quit is the joy of my life, which is making music, which is connecting to people, because I know I’m not alone. In no way shape or form am I the only person who is experiencing that negative voice that seems to be louder than the positive.”

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RINO Dirtbag Mike Gallagher Cashes Out, Joins Microsoft Backed VC Firm as ‘Strategic Advisor’

By: Ben Kew

Former Rep. Mike Gallagher is cashing in his chips.

After abruptly announcing his resignation from Congress in March, it was announced on Tuesday that the former Wisconsin Congressman had joined venture capital firm TitletownTech as a “senior strategic advisor.”

The Greene Bay Press-Gazette notes:

The venture capital firm TitletownTech hired former U.S. Rep. Mike Gallagher as a senior strategic adviser less than a month after his early departure from Congress. The firm on Monday cited Gallagher’s experience in national security and technology policy in announcing the move. TItletownTech focuses its investments in areas ranging from manufacturing, construction and supply chain issues to digital health, agriculture and entertainment.

The Green Bay Packers and Microsoft together launched the venture capital firm TitletownTech in 2019. The firm has raised $95 million to invest in early stage startups with high-growth potential. Gallagher will help TitletownTech and the startups it invests in better understand public policy and global markets.

In a statement on the announcement, TitletownTech Managing Partner Craig Dickman said that Gallagher’s “leadership in Congress and deep knowledge of technology and security will be crucial as we continue to back transformative companies in various sectors.”

Revolving door update:

After leaving Congress abruptly, Mike Gallagher has joined a Microsoft-backed VC operation

He didn’t even wait a month before cashing out on his time in D.C.

— Jordan Schachtel @ (@JordanSchachtel) May 15, 2024

Gallagher, meanwhile, said he would contribute to “transforming Wisconsin into a hub of technological innovation.”

“Wisconsin is on the front lines of geopolitical competition in the 21st century, and has a critical role to play in enhancing America’s economic competitiveness in general and technological leadership in particular,” Gallagher said.

“I look forward to working with the TitletownTech team to drive Wisconsin’s growth by making it the best destination for top-level tech-talent and thereby advance America’s national security interests.”

Gallagher’s decision to resign from Congress was particularly treasonous given that it left the Republicans with just a one-vote majority.

What Is worse is that Gallagher planned his departure one week after the deadline that would have triggered a special election for his district.  Instead, he left Republicans with one less seat in their majority.

DIRTY RINO OF THE YEAR AWARD: Rep. Mike Gallagher Could Have Left Office TODAY to Trigger a Special Election to Fill His Seat – Instead He Will Leave in 10 Days to Screw the Party… Another Dirtbag Assisting the Radical Democrats

Some have speculated that his departure, along with that of fellow RINO Ken Buck, is part of a coordinated uniparty plan to undermine Trump's chances of winning in November.

The early retirements of Ken Buck and Mike Gallagher are part of a scheme by the uniparty cabal to stop Trump from winning the 2024 election.

How? They want to flip the House blue in time to nullify the electoral vote via the 14th Amendment.

— Emerald Robinson ✝ (@EmeraldRobinson) March 23, 2024

It is unclear how much Gallagher will be paid for the role, although one can safely assume that it is a lot more than he was earning in Congress.

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Turncoat Mike Pence Demands Taxpayers Bail Out His Embarrassing Presidential Campaign, Has Over $1.3 Million in Unpaid Debts

By: Ben Kew

The disgraced former Vice President Mike Pence has sought public funding to help bail out his embarrassing presidential campaign.

According to a report from The New York Times, Pence sought public funds last December after realizing that his campaign could no longer meet its obligations.

The report states:

Former Vice President Mike Pence sought public financing for his failed presidential primary campaign, a highly unusual move that if successful would make him the first Republican in more than a decade to receive such funds, according to Federal Election Commission documents that have not previously been disclosed.

Starting in the post-Watergate era, the federal government has allowed presidential candidates to apply for and receive public dollars. But the program has become all but obsolete as it imposes strict spending limits on anyone who participates, at a time when the cost of nationwide campaigning has skyrocketed. Even applying for the money is generally seen as a sign of desperation because the limits of the program are so onerous.

The Times also found that Pence’s campaign has well over a million dollars in unpaid debts:

Mr. Pence’s campaign committee had more than $1.3 million in unpaid debts as of the end of March, federal records show. Qualifying for public funds now would presumably help him pay down those bills.

A spokesman for Mr. Pence did not immediately respond to a request for comment. It was not clear why Mr. Pence’s request for public funds last fall had not yet been acted upon. On Tuesday, the Federal Election Commission posted an eligibility report from its audit division of the request, as well as a memorandum from its general counsel’s office about the matter. A discussion is on the agenda for a commission meeting on Thursday.

Despite raising over $5 million from an array of establishment and anti-Trump donors, Pence’s campaign was a catastrophic failure that underlined his status as a pariah among the conservative grassroots.

After launching his campaign on an explicitly anti-Trump platform, Pence actively boasted about how he had fufilled his constitutional duty by certifying the 2020 presidential election results despite massive evidence of widespread voter fraud.

However, things did not go to plan and he pulled out the race just four months after announcing his campaign when it became clear he did not even qualify for the Republican primary debates.

Since then, Pence has refused to support Donald Trump’s return to the White House, providing a defacto endorsement for more years of Joe Biden.

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FAIL: Capitol Police Officer Turned J6 Grifter Harry Dunn Loses Maryland Congressional Primary, Blew $4.5 Million on Unsuccessful Campaign

By: Ben Kew

Harry Dunn, a former Capitol police officer who attempted to build a media and political career off his presence at the January 6th protests, has lost his Congressional primary in Maryland.

With over half the votes counted, Dunn was trailing Maryland state Sen. Sarah Elfreth by around 4000 votes, equivalent to around 10 points. The race has now been called.

The Hill reports:

Maryland state Sen. Sarah Elfreth (D) has won the Democratic primary for Maryland’s 3rd congressional district, according to a projection from Decision Desk HQ.

Elfreth, who was the youngest woman ever elected to the Maryland Senate when she won her seat in 2018, topped the crowded Tuesday primary race that also included former U.S. Capitol Police officer Harry Dunn, who was on duty during the Jan. 6 riots and garnered significant media attention in the lead-up to Tuesday.

Polling conducted last month for Dunn’s team showed him leading within the margin of error, up just slightly over Elfreth. Her House campaign has raised more than $1.4 million, according to FEC filings, though that trails Dunn’s $4.5 million.

Elfreth is now expected to cruise toward the general election in the district considered safe for Democrats this fall, though a handful of Republicans have put their name in the ring for the GOP primary.

Dunn rose to national prominence back in 2021 when he testified in front of the United States House Select Committee about how events played out.

At one point, he claimed we that Trump supporters chanted the n-word at him, although this has never been verified. His testimony ultimately led to the conviction of Stewart and Meggs Rhodes for 18 and 12 years respectively. 

Despite styling himself as an American patriot, Dunn is in fact anything but. He was a fervent supporter of the violence wreaked by the Black Lives Matter movement and has expressed his view that Donald Trump should be arrested for his supposed role in the Capitol protests.

Since then, he has sought to cash in on his fame through media appearances and even writing a book about his experiences, entitled Standing My Ground. However, it appears that his pursuit of fame and adulation has run its course, at least for the time being. 

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George Stephanopoulos Insists ‘The Deep State is Packed With Patriots,’ Makes Pitch Against Donald Trump (VIDEO)

By: Ben Kew

ABC News anchor and former Bill Clinton henchman George Stephanopoulos has claimed that the American deep state is “packed with patriots.”

Appearing on Tuesday’s edition of The View to promote his latest book, Stephanopoulos made the case for the deep state, a form of shadow government that wields immense power regardless of who is in the White House.

Here is a transcript of the exchange:

ALYSSAH FARAH GRIFFIN: The book is so good. My favorite thing is you interviewed Situation Room staff. I have always said it’s White House staff whose names you’ll never know are the writers of history. They will tell us so many details.

STEPHANOPOULOS: “That was my favorite part about doing the book. I interviewed about a hundred duty officers from the White House and these are people who come, they are relatively young people who come from all over the government, the CIA, the DIA, the Defense Department, military.

Some people like to call those people the deep state. Well, the big thing I learned doing this book is that the deep state is packed with patriots, people who go to work every single day and are on the frontlines of the most intense crises the country faces and do it to serve their country and to serve the presidency, not the president. They don’t care about political parties. They’re there to serve the presidency and the institution.

SUNNY HOSTIN: And they’re doing it anonymously.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Absolutely. As one of them told me…we serve in silence.

The Deep State used to be a right wing conspiracy theory according to the media.

Now you have George Stephanopoulos happily proclaiming on the View that “The Deep State is packed with patriots.”

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) May 14, 2024

At another point in the interview, Stephanopoulos also weighed in on the upcoming presidential election where he made a less than subtle pitch for Biden’s re-election.

“It is close right now, though I think the polls show [Trump is] ahead in the states that matter the most, largely because President Biden isn’t doing as well as last time with younger voters and Black voters,” Stephanopoulos said.

“I think the most important thing that people should understand about this election is how far from normal it is,” he continued. “We have never had a former president, presidential candidate who was impeached, then indicted for trying to overturn an election. Never in all of our history.”

In March, Donald Trump sued Stephanopoulos for defamation after he falsely called him a rapist during an interview with South Carolina Congresswoman Nancy Mace. Given the severity of the accusation and the lack of evidence for his claim, it may well prove to be a costly mistake.

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Harry and Meghan’s Charity Declared ‘Delinquent’ in California, Must Stop Spending and Fundraising Immediately

By: Ben Kew

A charity set up by Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan Markle, has been declared “delinquent” in the state of California and must stop raising or spending money with immediate effect.

According to Page Six, the charity has failed to submit annual reports and pay the necessary fees in order to qualify for charitable status:

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s charity foundation has been declared delinquent and ordered to stop raising or spending money, Page Six can reveal.

The royal duo have let the official registration fees for their charity, Archewell, lapse since at least the beginning of May, according to an official letter from California’s attorney general, Rob Bonta.

The document states that Archewell has been listed as “delinquent” with the registry of charities and fundraisers for failing to submit its annual report and its registration fees.

The note adds, “An organization that is listed as delinquent is not in good standing and is prohibited from engaging in conduct for which registration is required, including soliciting or disbursing charitable funds.”

The ruling will come as another blow to the couple’s reputation, which has nosedived since they decided to give up Royal duties and move to Hollywood to cash in on their names and pursue left-wing activism.

Donations to Archewell collapsed by a staggering $11 million between 2021 and 2022, although the couple still managed to find money to give their right-hand man, James Holt, a staggering 280 percent pay rise.

Last year, the couple were dropped by Spotify from their their $20 million podcasting and were consequently denounced as “f**king grifters” by company executive and The Ringer founder Bill Simmons.

The couple has just finished a tour of Nigeria where they styled themselves as royal ambassadors, despite having no working role with the family. At one point, Markle described Nigeria as “my country,” even though it was the first time that she had visited.

“I want to start by saying thank you very much for just how gracious you’ve all been in welcoming my husband and I to this country… my country,” she said. “I am just flattered and honored and inspired. It has been a whirlwind 24 hours since we arrived, and I very quickly got the memo that I need to wear more colour, so I can fit in with all of you and your incredible fashion.”

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UC Davis Poetry Professor Tells Gender Critical Woman to ‘Put a Gun in Your Mouth You Piece of Sh*t’ (VIDEO)

By: Ben Kew

A professor at the University of California, Davis urged a woman at a protest to put a gun in her mouth and pull the trigger.

Seeta Chaganti, who works as a professor of English, was heard telling a woman named Beth Bourne to “put a gun in your mouth you piece of sh*t” as she protested against transgender ideology.

NEW: The pro-Palestine protester who told @bourne_beth2345 “put a gun in your mouth you piece of sh*t” has been identified as @ucdavis Professor Seeta Chaganti.

I wonder what @ucdavis thinks of their professor telling people to kiII themselves and behaving like this.

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) May 13, 2024

Chaganti, a committed anti-Israel activist, had previously cancelled all her classes for a week to attend the pro-Palestine protests and urged her students to join her.

.@ucdavis Professor Seeta Chaganti also canceled all her classes for a week in support of pro-Palestine protests and encouraged students to attend the protests.

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) May 13, 2024

According to her university profile, Chaganti is an expert in Old and Middle English poetry and is currently working on a project about the evils of whitness.

Seeta Chaganti joined the faculty of the UC Davis English department in 2001. She specializes in Old and Middle English poetry and its intersections with material culture. Her first book was The Medieval Poetics of the Reliquary. Her second book argues that to medieval audiences, poetic form was a multimedia experience shaped by encounters with dance. In this work, she proposes a new method of reenacting medieval dance that draws upon experiences of watching contemporary dance.

Her current project, tentatively entitled ‘Carceral Angels: An Abolitionist History of the Sheriff,’ traces a long history of the shrieval office from pre-Conquest England to modern America. It argues that the earliest days of English law forged the triangulation of violence, whiteness, and property that obstructs liberation in Anglophone modernity.”

Chaganti has served as a Trustee of the New Chaucer Society and a Councillor of the Medieval Academy of America. She is currently an Executive Board Member of Race before Race and a member of Medievalists of Color.

With nutjobs like this educating America’s best and brightest, no wonder the country is in such a terrible state.


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REPORT: RFK Jr. Surpassing Ballot Access Expectations, Likely to Qualify in All 50 States

By: Ben Kew

The presidential campaign of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is surpassing ballot access expectations and will likely qualify as a candidate in all 50 states.

According to a report from Politico, Kennedy has already turned more than twice the required number of signatures required to run in Texas and is quickly racking up other key states.

The report states:

Kennedy and his rookie campaign team’s ability to reach the requirement is an organizational feat — one they’re repeating in state after state. Kennedy and his running mate, Nicole Shanahan, are now on the ballot in four states. They have finished signature gathering in nine more and are circulating petitions for 29 others.

The campaign hopes to defy the odds and get on the ballot in all 50 states and Washington, D.C., — ensuring that his candidacy will affect the November election.

“In the last two or three months, I’ve been very impressed with the Kennedy operation for being able to smartly maneuver and get on ballots that were expensive and difficult,” said Michael Arno, whose ballot access firm worked with No Labels. ”It sounds like they’ve done very well in both Texas and New York, and that’s very impressive and a real feather in their cap.”

Speaking at a rally in Austin, Texas, Kennedy said that he had proven his doubters wrong. “The pundits, who at the beginning of this campaign, were saying it would be impossible for us to get on the ballot, and we got on the ballot in Texas,” he said. “And if we can get on in Texas, we can get on everywhere.”

Kennedy’s candidacy has become a matter of significant national interest, not just because of his family name, but also the way he could affect the outcome of the election.

Having initially pledged to run as a Democrat, Kennedy realized that there was no room in the party machine for his anti-establishment views and decided to run as an independent.

While Kennedy inevitably pulls votes from both candidates, polling data so far appears to suggest that his candidacy helps Trump more than it does Biden. Last month, his sister Rory expressed concern that his campaign will ultimately help return Trump to the White House.

“My biggest concern with Bobby’s run is that he is going to take votes away from Biden, and I think this election is going to come down to a handful of votes in a handful of states,” she said at the time. “And I am concerned that voting for Bobby is going to take votes away from Biden and lead to a Trump election.”

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Netflix Subjects Audience to a Fully Erect Penis as Disgusted Viewers Slam ‘Low Grade Porn’

By: Ben Kew

Netflix is coming under fresh criticism after needlessly subjecting its British viewers to a man with a fully erect penis.

In what is being described as “low-grade porn,” the streaming giant appeared to break the ultimate taboo by showing a man experiencing the effects of Viagra.

Mail Online reports:

Netflix was heavily criticised last night after British viewers were confronted with a fully erect penis in its new drama. Viewers, MPs and schools campaigners were shocked at the closing episode of the streaming giant’s six-part series A Man In Full. Actor Tom Pelphrey drops his bedsheet after taking Viagra to reveal himself to co-star Jeff Daniels in the adaptation of Tom Wolfe’s best-selling 1998 novel.

It is believed to be the first time a mainstream drama on British TV has broken the ‘erect penis’ taboo – and there was no prior warning about graphic nudity.It has highlighted worries about regulation of streaming services, with concern that children are at risk.

Many people have criticized the scene, including two politicians from the ruling Conservative Party.

“If Netflix is serving up this sort of low-grade, pornographic rubbish, we need to give Ofcom full oversight of the streaming giant’s output as soon as possible,” said Tory MP Alexander Stafford.

“Streaming services are available at any time of day, so watershed protection doesn’t apply,” added Tory MP Sara Britcliffe.

Netflix is notorious for promoting inappropriate content to its viewers, most of it layered with left-wing and progressive messaging.

The platform is currently also under fire for the show Baby Reindeer, which is accused of falsely depicting a man’s experience with a stalker who has since been publicly identified.

Back in 2020, the company sparked outrage after debuting Cuties, a French film showing an 11-year-old Muslim girl joining a sexualized dance clique to build her self confidence. The film is still available to watch and remains exclusive to Netflix.

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German Court Allows Intelligence Monitoring of Conservative AfD Party Over ‘Threat to Democracy,’ Could Ban It Altogether

By: Ben Kew

A court in Germany has approved the intelligence monitoring of the Alternative for Germany (AFD) political party on the grounds that it poses a “threat to democracy.”

As the party’s popularity continues to rise as Germans rise up against the globalist regime that rules them, particulary over the issue of mass immigration, the government has now found an excuse to monitor them by classifying them as an extremist organization.

Bloomberg reports:

The AfD filed a legal challenge to a decision by the BfV agency to classify the party, as well as its youth organization and a now-dissolved radical group within it known as the “Wing,” as suspected extremist cases.

Judges in Muenster backed the view of a lower court in Cologne that there was enough evidence of anti-constitutional activity to warrant enhanced monitoring, they said in a statement. The court “is convinced that there is sufficient factual evidence that the AfD is pursuing efforts that are directed against the human dignity of certain groups of people and against the principle of democracy,” according to the ruling.

The extremist designation means that the authorities are allowed to deploy measures like tapping phones or using informants to monitor potential illegal activity. While the court didn’t allow the AfD to appeal, the party said it will challenge that at the Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig.

The party were also denied the chance to appeal the ruling, but will be able to appeal at a federal court.

“It is incomprehensible that the panel of judges did not allow the appeal, even though we spent days debating complex legal issues,” said Roman Reusch, a member of the AfD leadership committee. “We will of course appeal to the next instance.”

Meanwhile, Chancellor Olaf Scholz celebrated the ruling, saying it proves that Germany has a “resilient democracy” and that the state protects it “against threats from within.”

Such moves are inevitably an attempt to try and shut down the party altogether, a proposal which the German government has made no secret of its intention to pursue.

Back in January, lawmakers from the ruling Social Democratic Party (SPD) debated the idea of banning it altogether, making a mockery of their supposed support for democracy.

“Calls for the AfD to be banned are completely absurd and expose the anti-democratic attitude of those making these demands,” said Alice Weidel, co-leader of the party, said at the time.

“The repeated calls for a ban show that the other parties have long since run out of substantive arguments against our political proposals.”


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Rumble Sues Google For Over $1 Billion For Abusing Its Ad Monopoly, Another Antitrust Lawsuit Also Pending

By: Ben Kew

The popular video-sharing platform Rumble is suing Google for over $1 billion for illegally leveraging its technological dominance against its ability to compete as an ad tech competitor.

The lawsuit, filed in the Northern District of California, alleges that Google has abused its position to deprive Rumble of billions in ad revenue.

The complaint reads:

Google exploits significant conflicts of interest that stem from its multiple roles in this electronically traded marketplace. As a result, it is able to pocket a supra-competitive portion of every advertising dollar that passes through the Ad Tech markets it controls, ad revenue that rightly should have passed through to publishers like Rumble and its content creators.

Google unlawfully forecloses competition in the market for publisher ad servers in the market for ad buying tools for small advertisers, and in the separate markets for ad exchanges and ad networks,” the complaint reads.

Google excludes competition by engaging in conduct unlawful under settled antitrust precedent, including through unlawful tying arrangements, a pattern and practice of exclusionary conduct targeting actual and potential rivals, and even a market allocation and price fixing agreement with Facebook, at one time its largest potential competitive threat in the publisher ad server and ad network markets.

This is not the only lawsuit filed by Rumble against Google, which is notorious for its aggressive and bullying behavior towards potential competitors and conservative entities.

Back in 2021, Rumble filed a separate antitrust lawsuit alleging that it favored YouTube in search results and across the Android operating system. The following year, a judge in California ruled that the lawsuit could proceed, with the two sides current in discovery.

In 2021, Google demonetized The Gateway Pundit from their ad network.

The Gateway Pundit has an outstanding record of accurately reporting the top news stories of the day.  Because of our continued success and our honest conservative bent we are regularly censored, shadowbanned, and banned by the tech giants.  Despite this, our numbers continue to grow year after year.

Of course, The Gateway Pundit is not alone in this latest advertising ban by Google.  We are aware of several top conservative sites that were also banned in the past several weeks from the Google advertising platform.

And for the record, the Google advertising platform is one of the largest ad networks on the internet.  So now Google is not only censoring and shadowbanning conservatives, they are taking away their ad money.

Google is truly one of the most dangerous companies in the world today.

Rumble is far from alone in targeting Google for illegal activities. The Justice Department and several U.S. states sued the company last year for violations of the Sherman Antitrust Act, while the European Union fined them $1.7 billion back in 2019 for engaging anticompetitive practices.

Dozens of other companes and individuals, including presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., have also filed similar lawsuits.

The Gateway Pundit has a growing presence on Rumble, where content is not constrained by Big Tech censorship. You can follow our page here

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U.N. Reduces Estimated Number of Women, Children Killed in Gaza by Half, Blames Error on ‘Fog of War’

By: Ben Kew

The United Nations has seemingly revised the estimated number of women and children it believes have been killed in Gaza during Israel’s war on Hamas, blaming the “fog of war” for the mistake.

In a graphic featured within OCHA’s recent daily briefing on May 6th, it was claimed that approximately 9,500 women had lost their lives in the ongoing conflict. The organization also cited data sourced from the Hamas-administered Ministry of Health in Gaza asserting that since hostilities began last October, roughly 14,500 children had been killed.

Yet just two days later, the U.N. agency appeared to revise these figures significantly downward in its subsequent report. The updated data indicated that approximately 4,959 women and 7,797 children had lost their lives.

The UN has just HALVED its estimate of women and children killed in Gaza.

And this still counts 16 & 17 year old terrorists as children.

It is time @BBCNews @skynews @cnn @nytimes and all the other brainless media apologise for spreading empty Hamas propaganda for 7 months.

— David Collier (@mishtal) May 12, 2024

The conflict erupted following a brutal attack by Hamas militants in southern Israel from Gaza, resulting in the deaths of over 1,200 individuals, predominantly civilians, and the taking of approximately 240 individuals as hostages.

A reporter from the Jewish News Syndicate (JNS) asked the U.N. about the revision, with the spokesperson blaming the “fog of war” for the errors.

“The revisions are taken … you know, of course, in the fog of war, it’s difficult to come up with numbers,”  Farhan Haq, deputy spokesman for U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres, said at a press conference last Friday.

“We get numbers from different sources on the ground, and then we try to cross check them. As we cross check them, we update the numbers, and we’ll continue to do that as that progresses.”

UN revises Gaza death toll, almost 50% less women and children killed than previously reported.

Hamas’ death toll figures have been disputed by Israel, yet they have been quoted by media, humanitarian organizations and world leaders, including Biden.

— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) May 13, 2024

The revision takes place as global tensions and backlash over Israel’s war against Hamas threaten to boil over, with many nations accusing them of committing genocide against the Palestinians, a charge that Israel and its allies have fervently denied.

Over the weekend, neighboring Egypt confirmed that it would formally support South Africa’s genocide case at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), stating that Israel has acted “in flagrant violation of the provisions of international law, international humanitarian law, and the Fourth Convention of 1949 for the protection of civilian persons in time of war”.

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SHOCKING: San Francisco Woman Convicted of Shoplifting Spree, Stole $60,000 Worth of Items in Over 120 Visits to Target

By: Ben Kew

In what could be described as a modern-day miracle, a woman in San Francisco has actually been convicted of shoplifting.

In a press release on Friday, the San Francisco Attorney’s Office confirmed that Aziza Graves, 43, had been found guilty of one felony and 53 misdemeanors following her shoplifting bonanza.

The statement read:

San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins announced today that her office secured a conviction of Aziza Graves (43), of San Francisco, after a trial by jury for repeated theft from retailers. Ms. Graves was convicted of one felony count of grand theft in violation (PC 487(a)) and 52 misdemeanor counts of petty theft (PC 490.2(a)) in relation to a series of retail thefts occurring at Target in Stonestown Galleria in San Francisco. She was also convicted of one count of misdemeanor petty theft (PC 490.2(a)) in relation to a theft that occurred at Abercrombie and Fitch, also in San Francisco.

In this case, the People alleged that Ms. Graves had entered Target located at the Stonestown Galleria on dozens of occasions between the dates of October 3, 2020, through November 16, 2021, and repeatedly stole merchandise with a total value in excess of $60,000. Ms. Graves would enter Target, and then immediately proceed to select merchandise from the shelves. She would then proceed to the self-checkout counter where she would scan each item, insert a nominal amount, such as a single coin or bill, and then exit the store.

Through the combined efforts of San Francisco District Attorneys’ Investigative Bureau and the San Francisco Police Department’s Burglary Unit, she was followed on a couple of occasions and surveilled after leaving Target with unpaid merchandise. She was observed selling her stolen goods at UN Plaza to sellers of stolen property. She subsequently began to sell her stolen goods to anyone passing by.

District Attorney Brooke Jenkins celebrated the conviction, accusing the woman of “egregious thefts” that have cost the local community:

Retail theft continues to have a major impact on San Francisco businesses from the small mom-and-pop corner store to the large retail stores. Individuals such as Aziza Graves commit egregious thefts through brazen and repeated conduct that greatly impacts retailers’ ability to operate and serve the general public in their area.

These crimes demand accountability and we need to send the message to others who engage in open and brash thefts that, with the support of our local law enforcement partners, our office will continue to pursue and prosecute those involved. This verdict emphasizes that the citizens of San Francisco will not tolerate these offenders who attempt to take advantage of our business community.

San Francisco is notorious for its rampant shoplifting, excaerbated by the refusal of the city’s far-left authorities to prosecute repeat offenders. As a result, many prominent businesses have left the city, leading to economic decline and a desire to change.

Shoplifting has been effectively decriminalized under California state law. Those found stealing $950 or less are typically subject to a misdemeanor, meaning law enforcement probably will not even bother to investigate.


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CLASSY: Jennifer Lawrence Calls Mike Pence Gay at GLAAD Awards, Says He Has a Weird Penis

By: Ben Kew

Hollywood actress Jennifer Lawrence suggested that former Vice President Mike Pence is a homosexual and made crass remarks about his penis.

Speaking at the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) annual Media Awards event in New York City on Saturday, Lawrence said that Orville Peck, who was receiving the Vito Russo Award, was her “favorite musician and good friend.”

“I love the gay community. In fact, I was in love with a homosexual. I tried to convert him for years, but now I know conversion therapy doesn’t work,” Lawrence explained.

“Did you hear me, Mike Pence? I said conversion therapy isn’t real, even though I know you think it worked on you. He’s in New York tonight. He’s receiving a Kid’s Choice Award for weirdest dick.”

While Pence is known for his socially conservative views, there is no evidence that he has ever privately or publicly advocated conversion therapy.

As explained by The New York Times, accusations of Pence’s support for conversion therapy originate from a website for Pence’s 2000 congressional campaign where he discussed the Ryan White Care Act, which provided federal funding for H.I.V. and AIDS patients having been approved by Congress that same year.

The website stated:

Congress should support the reauthorization of the Ryan White Care Act only after completion of an audit to ensure that federal dollars were no longer being given to organizations that celebrate and encourage the types of behaviors that facilitate the spreading of the HIV virus. Resources should be directed toward those institutions which provide assistance to those seeking to change their sexual behavior.

Regardless of Pence’s supposed sexuality, it is clear that his political career is at an end. After being dubbed a “traitor” for his refusal to challenge the results of the 2020 presidential election despite widspread evidence of voter fraud, he has alienated vast swathes of the Republican base.

In March, Pence delivered his final betrayal by refusing to support Donald Trump’s campaign to remove Joe Biden from the White House.

“It should come as no surprise that I will not be endorsing Donald Trump this year,” Pence told Fox News at the time. “I’m incredibly proud of the record of our administration.”

“But that being said, during my presidential campaign, I made it clear there were profound differences between me and President Trump on a range of issues,” he continued. “And not just our differences on our constitutional duties that I exercised on January 6th.”

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Federal Judge Tosses Democratic-Funded Lawsuit to Remove Witness Requirement on Absentee Ballots

By: Ben Kew

A federal judge in Wisconsin has dismissed a lawsuit seeking to remove the witness requirement on absentee ballots.

The lawsuit, filed by the law firm of Democratic election lawyer Marc Elias, sought to cancel the witness requirement for voters who cast absentee ballots on the grounds that it violated the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and Civil Rights Act of 1964.

In a scathing ruling, U.S. District Judge James Peterson said that the “demand simply does not make any sense.”

“Under plaintiffs’ interpretation, every witness would have to determine the voter’s age, residence, citizenship, criminal history, whether the voter is unable or unwilling to vote, whether the voter has voted at another location or is planning to do so, whether the voter is capable of understanding the objective of the voting process, whether the voter is under a guardianship, and, if so, whether a court has determined that the voter is competent,” he wrote.

The ruling was celebrated by Derek Lyons, president of Restore Integrity and Trust in Elections (RITE), who described it as a failed attempt by liberal activists to undermine the ingrity of America’s electoral process.

Since its founding in 2022, RITE has been extremely active in Wisconsin and is proud to have made yet another contribution to the integrity of elections in that state,” Lyons said. “It’s essential that people voting by mail follow the law in doing so, and Wisconsin has implemented a witness signature requirement that helps ensure they do just that.

This case marks another example of liberal activists’ transparent and shameful efforts to co-opt important civil rights legislation for their partisan agendas. Sadly, it is all too clear that these activists are more interested in making unfounded accusations than in ensuring impartial and accurate elections.

Jason Snead, Executive Director of Honest Elections Project, similarly applauded the ruling:

A federal judge has officially thrown out a lawsuit filed by Left-wing attorney Marc Elias challenging a key election integrity provision requiring absentee ballot signature verification, exposing his radical legal strategy to flood the zone with dozens of frivolous lawsuits. The plaintiff’s theory in this case was yet another example of Elias and the left twisting old statutes to attack modern ballot safeguards.

In this case, they asked a court to conclude that requiring a witness signature on a mail ballot was illegal vouching under the Voting Rights Act. In the Jim Crow era, many places required a registered voter to vouch for the qualifications of a new voter in order to prevent African Americans from voting. Obviously, that law was not intended to prevent widely used election integrity measures for mail ballots. Fortunately, common sense prevailed, and an Obama-appointed judge agreed, wisely dismissing the case.

In simple terms, one might be forgiven for asking why Democrats want to remove the witness requirement unless they were seeking to subvert the system and carry out election fraud. Needless to say, that is exactly what they have in mind.

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Bill Gates Wants a Vaccine to Stop Cow Farts, Save Planet From So-Called Climate Change

By: Ben Kew

Microsoft co-founder and billionaire Bill Gates is behind an organization seeking to vaccinate cows with the aim of preventing so-called climate change.

According to a report from Axios, Gates is the leader of an investment fund behind ArkeaBio, a Boston pharamceutical company that is seeking to develop a livestock vaccine that will help reduce global vaccine emissions.

The outlet reports:

ArkeaBio, a Boston developer of a vaccine to reduce livestock methane emissions, raised a $26.5 million in venture capital funding led by an investment fund founded by Bill Gates.

Why it matters: Caring about cow farts (or burps) has become a political punchline, but they’re estimated to create more than 5% of global greenhouse gasses. Vaccines could be a relatively low-cost, scalable solution, particularly as food demand increases.

The whole thing feels a little dystopian — giving animals injections so they cook the planet a little less before we cook some of them — but agribusiness sailed over the dystopian hurdle long ago.

Gates is notorious for his obsession with vaccines and was a staunch advocate of the COVID-19 vaccine, despite the fact that it was neither safe nor effective.

Last year, The Gateawy Pundit reported how Gates had Gates invested in Rumin8, an Australian climate technology company exploring dietary supplements for cows that will similarly stop them from farting.

“Rumin8’s most advanced product reproduces the bioactive contained in red seaweed (Asparagopsis) and has been shown to reduce methane production in livestock rumen by up to 95%, whether in liquid, solid or slow-release dose formats,” the company said in a press release at the time.

At the World Economic Forum conference in January, Gates also explained how “next-generation vaccines” promise longer duration, broader coverage, and the shift towards needle-free administration.

“We make sure that for all these vaccines, there’s enough capacity; there’s competition. So the prices keep going down, and we will have new vaccines,” said Gates. “We’ll have a TB vaccine, malaria vaccine, HIV vaccine, and even the things like COVID vaccines; we need to make them have longer duration, more coverage. And we’re going to change instead of using a needle to use a little patch.”


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DOJ Seeks 40-Year Sentence For Man Who Attacked Paul Pelosi With a Hammer

By: Ben Kew

The Department of Justice (DOJ) is demanding a 40-year prison sentence for David DePape, who was recently convicted of attacking Paul Pelosi husband of former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

DePape was convicted last November of assault and attempted kidnapping after he broke into the Pelosi residence and bludgeoned Paul Pelosi with a hammer while looking for her.

In a court filing on Friday, the DOJ confirmed they were seeking the maximum punishment his crimes:

The nature and circumstances of the offense warrant statutory maximums on each count. The core of both crimes—the attempted kidnapping of a public official and the assault on the family member of a public official—is violence aimed at punishing the former Speaker of the House of Representatives. Both crimes are an assault on our democracy and fundamental values.

The jury rejected the defendant’s contentions that he was motivated by something other than the Speaker Emerita’s official position, but even taking his own statements as true for a moment, the defendant claimed that he went to the Pelosi’s home to inflict violence on the Speaker Emerita. He wanted to teach a lesson. The violent lessons that the defendant wanted to teach are not permitted in this country, and the sentence that this Court imposes must reflect the nature and circumstances of the offense.

The filing added that there was “nothing about the history and characteristics of the defendant that warrant leniency.”

It continued:

The defendant has admitted—indeed bragged—that he knew what he was doing when he packed his bags and went to the Pelosi’s home. The government acknowledges that the defendant had difficult relationship with his biological father and then with a romantic partner.

To the extent that these relationships bear on the instant offense, it appears to be because of some amount of isolation. To be sure, isolation may have led the defendant to spend time on YouTube and consuming media that led him to adopt the views that motivated his actions. But the defendant’s history and characteristics do not excuse the instant offense, nor give a reason for leniency given the violent extremism that the defendant unleashed in October 2022.

During his trial in San Francisco , DePape apologized to Paul Pelosi and said that he was not his intended target.

“When he was on the ground breathing, I was really scared for his life,” DePape said in federal court in San Francisco. “And later in the hospital, I felt really bad for him because we had a really good rapport and things were going good until the last second.”

DePape’s sentencing is scheduled for May 17th.

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FREUDIAN SLIP: Dementia Joe Refers to Illegal Aliens as ‘Voters,’ Says Speaking Spanish is America’s ‘Future’

By: Ben Kew

Joe Biden has had another Freudian slip.

In an interview with a Spanish radio show, Biden described Hispanic illegal immigrants as “voters” before reverting back to the official script.

“It’s even a bigger influx now in terms of Hispanic voters, or Hispanic – Hispanic citizens, who want to become citizens,” Biden said.

Biden says Hispanic immigration to the U.S. is “a little bit like back in the 1840s and the great exodus of Ireland”:

“It’s even a bigger influx now in terms of Hispanic voters! Err, Hispanic citizens.”

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) May 7, 2024

He continued:

The Hispanic community is part of the future of America. Twenty-eight out of every 100 students in school speak Spanish, the idea that you’re gonna ignore that? That’s our future. One of the reasons that we’re growing so much is we have a significant influx of immigrants coming into our country, only reason our economy’s so good. We’re not a xenophobic nation. Other nations are, we’re not, that’s why our economy is the best in the world.

Fox News managed to draw comment from the White House, who repeated the lie that illegal aliens do not vote in federal elections.

“Only American citizens can vote in federal elections,” a White House spokesperson said. “As fact checkers across the board have made clear, it is already illegal for noncitizens to vote in federal elections.”

As extensively reported by The Gateway Pundit, the presence and participation of foreign citizens on U.S. voter rolls is one of the main methods of Democratic voter fraud.

Democrats and left-wing activists are overwhelmingly in favor of giving a pathway to citizenship to illegal migrants in the hope that they will reward them with political loyalty.

This is broadly the case, although recent elections and polling data indicates that Hispanic voters, particularly those who entered the country legally, are increasingly moving towards the Republican Party.

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IRS Threatens to Target Biden’s Critics, Those Who Question Washington’s ‘Ability to Govern’

By: Ben Kew

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is threatening to come after individuals or organizations who question Joe Biden or the federal government’s “ability to govern,” it has confirmed.

According to a report from independent journalist Ken Klippenstein, the IRS is planning to expand its investigative interests to those who threaten the federal government’s “ability to govern” or present a “threat to the public safety or national security interests of the United States.”

He wrote in his Substack:

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is positioned to do much more than just collect your taxes as it turns its attention to individuals who threaten the U.S. government’s “ability to govern,” a vague new criteria for criminal investigations, according to its own operating manual.

Buried in the fine print is the revelation that the IRS is pivoting away from its post-9/11 focus on financing of foreign terror groups like al Qaeda and criminal money laundering to a much broader and ill-defined “national security” threat. The shift, revealed in the latest versions of the voluminous Internal Revenue Manual, applies to IRS participation in dozens of federal government “national security” investigative task forces, which were previously referred to as “narcotics and terrorism” task forces until late last year.

Klippenstein goes on to make the case that such criteria is not typically within the investigative remit of a tax collecting agency:

Protecting stock markets and critical infrastructure, protecting the “ability to govern” — that is, the workings of United States officialdom– is hardly a mission historically associated with America’s tax collectors. Their inclusion as criteria to involve IRS special agents in federal investigations opens the door for overreach and abuse.

At a time when the IRS is subject to partisan political attack (the FY 2024 final budget reduced the $80 billion earmarked to the IRS by $20 billion), broadening the IRS mission does little to achieve what the agency says is its goal, which is forcing millionaires and billionaires to pay their fair share.

Earlier this month, the IRS demanded a further $20 billion from Congress to further expand its operations.

According to IRS Commissioner, Daniel Werfel, the agency needs the money in order to fund technology upgrades and improve its customer service. He also confirmed plans to hire a further 14,000 employees over the next few years, with an estimated workforce of 102,500 by 2029.

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Former MLB Star Sean Burroughs Dies Suddenly Aged 43, Had Heart Attack at Son’s Little League Game

By: Ben Kew

The former Major League Baseball star Sean Burroughs died suddenly this week. He was just 43.

“It is with heavy heart that I am writing this message to inform you that yesterday afternoon one of our Coaches, Sean Burroughs, tragically passed away,” Doug Wittman, president of Long Beach Little League, wrote in a statement posted on social media on Friday.

The Long Beach Little League has confirmed in a statement on Instagram that Sean Burroughs died yesterday.

— Kyle Glaser (@KyleAGlaser) May 10, 2024

According to The Orange County Register, Burroughs collapsed and died while dropping off his son at a Little League game.

The outlet reported:

Sean Burroughs, a celebrated baseball standout who led the Long Beach All-Stars to back-to-back Little League World Series titles and played seven seasons in the major leagues, died Thursday. He was 43 years old. Long Beach Little League president Doug Wittman confirmed Burroughs’ death. The cause of death was cardiac arrest, Burroughs’ mother Debbie said in a text message to the Southern California News Group.

According to Wittman, Burroughs was found unconscious next to his car in the parking lot at Stearns Champions Park in Long Beach after he dropped off his 6-year-old son, Knox, for a Little League game. CPR was administered and Burroughs was not responsive. Long Beach Fire Department personnel arrived in response to 9-1-1 calls, but Burroughs was pronounced dead at the scene.

“It was very shocking,” Wittman said. “It’s a real sense of family at Long Beach Little League. So when we lose one of our own, it hurts.”

The #Dbacks mourn the passing of Sean Burroughs and offer our condolences to his family and friends.

Sean was a member of the 2011 NL West champion team and beloved by his teammates, coaches, staff, and fans.

Rest in peace, Sean.

— Arizona Diamondbacks (@Dbacks) May 10, 2024

Tributes to Burrough’s flooded in across social media.

Rest in peace to Sean Burrough.

He was born a few months after myself. I remember watching him as a kid thinking how awesome he was and wishing it was me dominating in the Little League World Series.

— DonyellFreak (@DonyellFreak) May 11, 2024

Burroughs began his career with San Diego Padres in the first round of the 1998 MLB draft. Burroughs made his MLB debut in 2002 and played with the Padres until 2005. Despite showing promise early in his career, he struggled with injuries and consistency.

He later played for the Tampa Bay Rays and Arizona Diamondbacks before retiring from Major League Baseball. After retiring as a player, Burroughs transitioned to coaching. He leaves a grieving young family behind him.

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Hillary Clinton Slams Anti-Israel Protesters, Says They ‘Don’t Know Very Much’ About The Middle East or America

By: Ben Kew

Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has come out against the anti-Israel protesters that have taken over many of America’s college campuses, saying they are ignorant about the realities of the Middle East.

Appearing on Morning Joe on Friday, Clinton was asked by Joe Scarborough about the protests that have dominated the nation’s headlines over the past few weeks.

Clinton responded:

First of all, I have had many conversations, as you have had, with a lot of young people over the last many months now. You are right. They don’t know very much at all about the history of the Middle East, or frankly about history in many areas of the world, including in our own country.

With respect to the Middle East, they don’t know in the bringing together by my husband of, the then-Israel Prime Minister Ehud Barak, the then-head of the Palestinian Liberation Organization and then the Palestinian Authority, Yasser Arafat. An offer was made to the Palestinians for a state on 96% of the existing territory occupied by the Palestinians with 4% of Israel to be given to reach 100% of the amount of territory that was hoped for.

This offer was made. And if Yasser Arafat had accepted it, there would have been a Palestinian state now for about 24 years. It’s one of the great tragedies of history that he was unable to say yes. You know, my husband has a book coming out later this year, Joe, in which he talks about how Arafat kept saying he wanted to agree, but he was pretty sure he’d be killed.

At another point in the interview, the former Secretary of State invoked the crimes of the Holocaust and suggested Trump would rule the country like a dictator.

“We go down the line, and maybe this would be our last election because someone who will not accept the validity of an election is someone who doesn’t believe in elections,” Clinton said.

“The world has been here before. People did not take the kind of threats that we saw in the 1930s as seriously as they should.”

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THEY’RE PANICKING: California AG Prepares ‘Onslaught’ of Lawsuits to Stop Trump’s Second Term Agenda

By: Ben Kew

California Attorney General Rob Bonta is preparing a litany of lawsuits in preparation for President Donald Trump’s possible return to the White House.

According to a report from the Los Angeles Times, Bonta is seeking to emulate the work of his predecessor, Xavier Becerra, who left his role in Congress to run for Attorney General and to sue the Trump administration in a bid to uphold his agenda.

The report states:

California Atty. Gen. Rob Bonta said he and his staff have been reviewing former President Trump’s second-term agenda in detail to prepare a potential onslaught of environmental, immigration and civil rights lawsuits in the event Trump defeats President Biden.

Bonta, a Democrat who is mulling a run for governor, said he has been reviewing the work of his predecessor, Xavier Becerra, who filed more than 100 suits against Trump policies before leaving the office to become Biden’s secretary of Health and Human Services. Bonta and his deputies are also looking closely at a document drafted by the Heritage Foundation, a Trump-aligned think tank, known as “Project 2025,” that offers a blueprint for Trump’s second-term policy goals.

Asked for comment on Bonta’s plans, Anna Kelly, a spokesperson for the Republican National Committee, said, “California liberals will try anything to spread their failed, fringe-left agenda far and wide, but they won’t stop President Trump from making America great again.”

With polls increasingly indicating that Trump is the favorite to win, leftists are panicking about the prospect of his implementing a more radical second-term agenda.

In a wide-ranging interview with TIME magazine last month, Trump outlined his planned agenda, which includes a mass deportation campaign of illegal aliens, gutting the deep state, and pardoning those involved in the January 6th protests.

The article, written from a Democratic perspective, states:

What emerged in two interviews with Trump, and conversations with more than a dozen of his closest advisers and confidants, were the outlines of an imperial presidency that would reshape America and its role in the world.

To carry out a deportation operation designed to remove more than 11 million people from the country, Trump told me, he would be willing to build migrant detention camps and deploy the U.S. military, both at the border and inland. He would let red states monitor women’s pregnancies and prosecute those who violate abortion bans. He would, at his personal discretion, withhold funds appropriated by Congress, according to top advisers. He would be willing to fire a U.S. Attorney who doesn’t carry out his order to prosecute someone, breaking with a tradition of independent law enforcement that dates from America’s founding.

He is weighing pardons for every one of his supporters accused of attacking the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, more than 800 of whom have pleaded guilty or been convicted by a jury. He might not come to the aid of an attacked ally in Europe or Asia if he felt that country wasn’t paying enough for its own defense. He would gut the U.S. civil service, deploy the National Guard to American cities as he sees fit, close the White House pandemic-preparedness office, and staff his Administration with acolytes who back his false assertion that the 2020 election was stolen.

This week, it was also reported that Trump would be open to sending covert assassination squads to Mexico in order to take out the leaders of major drug cartels responsible for flooding America with drugs, crime and illegal immigration.

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