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'-30-': An Ending, But Not the End, by Michelle Malkin

When I first started writing newspaper editorials and columns for the Los Angeles Daily News in November 1992, I learned that "-30-" (pronounced "dash thirty dash") was the journalist's code for letting an editor know where your copy ended. Most media historians believe the typesetting mark originated when news was filed by telegraph. Western Union's...

Fists of Furry, by Michelle Malkin

Don't believe the pervert media. Reuters, NBC News, entertainer John Oliver and Denver 9News zealot Kyle Clark all want you to believe that parents nationwide are simply imagining an infestation of "furries" (children dressing up and identifying as animals) in their public schools. The gaslighting campaign is so toxically incandescent that you can see the...

In Support of a Young America First Scapegoat, by Michelle Malkin

Next week, a young college student will face a federal judge in Washington, D.C., at a sentencing hearing over his nonviolent participation in the Jan. 6 Capitol rally. UCLA undergrad Christian Secor was arrested last February and spent more than a month in solitary confinement. Think about that. Unlike the weekly parade of repeat violent...

The Great Parental Replacement, by Michelle Malkin

It's happening. It's been happening. Parents, you are being replaced. Where? Right under your noses, in your neighborhoods, in your public and private schools, and in your local children's hospitals. How? Under the guise of health, safety, compassion, tolerance, diversity, intellectual superiority and, of course, the public good. By whom? Woke educators, radical school counselors,...

Our UN-American 'Justice' System, by Michelle Malkin

Not all open-borders subversives hide behind black bandanas and hurl Molotov cocktails. Sometimes, they wear three-piece suits or silk dresses. Most insidiously, the saboteurs of American justice wear black robes, wield gavels and enlist other officers of the court to help them perpetrate crimes instead of punish them. Nothing shocks me anymore after 30 years...

They're All Open-Borders Hypocrites, by Michelle Malkin

All the world's a stage, especially two heated months before Election Day. So you'll have to forgive me for not joining the theatrical media frenzy over Martha's Vineyard being overrun by illegal aliens. It's just another naked open-borders exhibition by both political parties that makes a miserable mockery of our country's immigration policies. Yes, I...

Exposing the Woke School Counselor Cabal, by Michelle Malkin

Back in the day, guidance counselors were those helpful (but not unduly intrusive) high school officials who dispensed vocational and career advice, reminded you of college application deadlines, and made sure your transcripts and letters of recommendations got where they needed to go. But like so much else in the 1960s and 1970s, traditional roles...

Whiny Media McWhiner of the Month, by Michelle Malkin

September has barely begun, but I'm confident no one will top my Whiny Media McWhiner of the Month nominee. This diaper-wetting award winner really takes the cake. With unhinged cowards like the San Francisco Chronicle's editorial board editor Matthew Fleischer occupying lofty perches of influence, it's no wonder public confidence in American newspaper and television...

Stop Mental Health Data Mining of Our Kids, by Michelle Malkin

Attention readers: The following column was originally published in 2019 and is being republished in light of back-to-school season. No, no, no. Hell, no! That's my response to the latest trial balloon floated by the White House to join with Silicon Valley on a creepy program monitoring Americans' "neurobehavioral signs" to (purportedly) prevent gun violence....

Lie Down with McChao and You'll Get Bit, by Michelle Malkin

Here's the thing about Mitch McConnell and Elaine Chao. The granddaddy of Republican Beltway barnacles has inhabited the nation's capital in one form or another since 1968, when he worked as a Senate legislative aide. His wife, the daughter of a Beijing-kowtowing shipping mogul, snagged her first job in 1983 as a White House fellow...

Beware of Big Bathroom Brother, by Michelle Malkin

Nine years ago, I warned readers about "eyelock biometric readers" adopted by Florida schools to track them on buses. Under the guise of fighting guns and vaping, countless schools this year are now installing surveillance sensors in bathrooms that can spy and record students' alleged "aggression" and red-flag "spoken key words." Eight years ago, I...

FBI: Feds Behaving Incorrigibly, by Michelle Malkin

The FBI's raid on former president Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate — ever so conveniently timed as the White House occupant's approval numbers sink, the Swamp prepares to shovel a whopping $5.5 billion in foreign and military aid down the bottomless Ukrainian black hole and the American economy keels over like Biden on a bike —...

Nick Kristof's Shamhill Clown Show, by Michelle Malkin

Maybe there's a small glimmer of hope for the Left Coast after all. First, San Francisco voters recalled George Soros-funded district attorney and crime-enabler Chesa Boudin. Now, even liberal Oregonians have kicked an East Coast media elitist to the curb and slapped "return to sender" on the carefully crafted package of Nicholas Kristof's self-serving phony...

The Commie Colonization of America, by Michelle Malkin

From California to the New York island, from the Redwood Forest to the Gulf stream waters, the land that used to belong to Americans has been milked and bilked by investors and paid government agents of the People's Republic of China. The National Association of Realtors reported last week that wealthy Chinese spent $6.1 billion...

A Transplant Miracle That Defied COVID Tyranny (Plus Full Video Interview), by Michelle Malkin

  DALLAS — Leilani Lutali and Jaimee Fougner are alive, giggling and ready to fight for truth, justice and faith. I visited them this weekend at Baylor University Medical Center's aptly named post-kidney transplant surgery center called the Twice Blessed House. If not for their stubborn resistance and persistence, Leilani most likely would not have...

Why Some of Us Can't Dine in Peace, by Michelle Malkin

Fifteen years ago, when I still lived in the D.C. swamp, I took my elementary school-daughter and toddler son out for one of our regular weekend breakfasts at IHOP. But we couldn't be left alone to enjoy our meal. As my kids dug into their funny-face pancakes, a fuming-faced liberal marched to our booth and...

America, the Globalist Grift, by Michelle Malkin

I hate to snuff out any post-Independence Day fervor that you still might be enjoying. Oh, well. "Wet Blanket" is my middle name. All the annual Old Glory-waving rituals and public displays of patriotic affection can't change this bitter fact: Our once-sovereign nation has become nothing more than a morbidly obese cash cow for what...

The Cowardly American Corporation, by Michelle Malkin

I no longer bubble with rage when a new outbreak of corporate wokeness erupts across our fruited plain. It's just another day in the pathetic life of the Land of the Greedy and the Home of the Enslaved. To wit: this week's parade of U.S. companies ostentatiously trumpeting "health care coverage" for employees who want...

Red-Flagging Red-Flag Law Abuse, by Michelle Malkin

Here we go again. The Beltway Swamp's ineluctable impulse to (Pretend To) Do Something in the wake of a mass school shooting committed by a homicidal maniac has put America on the brink of greenlighting untold civil liberties abuses in the name of "safety." The grandstanding gun-grabbing reflex is a hard habit to break. Shamefully,...

What Really Happened to Justin Bieber?, by Michelle Malkin

Everyone with a phone or computer has seen the mega-viral videos and photos of 28-year-old pop star Justin Bieber. "As you can see, this eye is not blinking," he told his whopping 241 million Instagram followers last weekend. Bieber's handsome face is drooping and lopsided; he "can't smile," his "nostril will not move," and "there's...

Goofus and Gallant Go Woke, by Michelle Malkin

Do you remember Highlights, the ubiquitous children's magazine that you'd devour at the dentist's office? If you were lucky, you'd wait for the mailman to deliver a fresh edition to your home at the beginning of every month. It was a treasure. The venerable American publication was established in 1946 by an enterprising married couple...

20 Years: The Murder of Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy David March, by Michelle Malkin

Two decades ago this spring, I was furiously pounding out the manuscript to "Invasion," my very first book on the systemic failures of immigration enforcement in America. On April 29, 2002, as if to underscore the bloody consequences of open borders that I had been compiling, a violent illegal alien repeat criminal offender named Jorge...

Sabotaging America's Military from Within, by Michelle Malkin

USAFA Class of 2022 cadet and COVID-vaccine objector Nathan Suess A year ago this month, a comparison of military recruitment ads from China, Russia and the U.S. went viral on social media. Our foreign competitors wooed their potential enlistees with muscular appeals to national pride and protection of the traditional nuclear family. A U.S. Army...

The Prosecution of Idaho Mom Sara Brady, by Michelle Malkin

UPDATE: Scroll down to read full motion to dismiss on constitutional grounds, memorandum in support of motion to dismiss, and stipuation of undisputed facts. MERIDIAN, IDAHO — Kleiner Park is an all-American, family-friendly gathering place west of Boise with 60 acres of greenery, trails, ponds, outdoor performance facilities, picnic shelters, and children's swings and slides....

The Hunting of Texas Campus Conservative Kelly Neidert, by Michelle Malkin

Most graduating college seniors in America are in high spirits this month as they prepare for cap-and-gown ceremonies and extended family celebrations. But for Kelly Neidert, a firebrand campus conservative and marketing major at the University of North Texas in Denton, commencement is no ordinary rite of passage filled with joy and laughter. Having faced...

The New York Times Gets Israel Wrong – Again

The New York Times Gets Israel Wrong – Again
The New York Times, doing its imitation of the Palestinian news agency Wafa, has yet again misrepresented the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians who would, if only they could, cheerfully destroy the Jewish state. The Times provides what it calls a “news analysis” – more rigorous, presumably, than a mere report of facts — of the current […]

Laying It On Thick: Trump Charged With 34 Felonies

Laying It On Thick: Trump Charged With 34 Felonies
From PJ Media, a piece that was written before Trump’s court appearance Tuesday: Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has apparently decided that as long as he is going to drive us into banana republic territory, he might as well put the pedal to the metal: he is reportedly planning to charge Donald Trump with not one, but […]

Shut Up, Donald: Federal Judge to Place Gag Order on Trump Ahead of Arrest

Shut Up, Donald: Federal Judge to Place Gag Order on Trump Ahead of Arrest
New in PJ Media: Ever since the news broke about his indictment, Donald Trump has been rising in the polls and getting a big boost in campaign donations, demonstrating that the whole banana-republic endeavor is backfiring spectacularly on the Leftist establishment that is determined to find something, anything, it can use to destroy Trump. So […]

This Is Alvin Bragg: Charges Man With Attempted Murder for Shooting Back at Thief Who Shot Him

This Is Alvin Bragg: Charges Man With Attempted Murder for Shooting Back at Thief Who Shot Him
New in PJ Media: With his indictment of Donald Trump, Alvin Bragg has secured his place in history. He could end up being remembered as the rogue, rabidly partisan prosecutor who administered the coup de grace to America’s staggering republic by indicting the chief opponent of the ruling regime on the flimsiest of charges. Even if he […]

Whatever Happened to the Dems Saying That ‘Lock Her Up’ Chants were ‘Banana Republic Stuff’?

Whatever Happened to the Dems Saying That ‘Lock Her Up’ Chants were ‘Banana Republic Stuff’?
New in PJ Media: Back in 2016, it was a feature of Trump rallies: the candidate would mention Hillary Clinton, and the crowd would start chanting “Lock her up!” In Oct. 2016, at their second presidential debate, Trump himself said it to Hillary: “If I win, I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a […]

New York Had 72 Antisemitic Assaults, Florida Had 1

New York Had 72 Antisemitic Assaults, Florida Had 1
New York had 580 antisemitic incidents making it the highest in the country. In news from the Florida Sun-Sentinel. Antisemitic incidents surge in Florida, growing more than nationwide. – Sun Sentinel Those South Florida incidents, from the early weeks of 2022, were at the beginning of a surge that produced the highest annual number of antisemitic […]

New York City: Muslim cleric gets 18 years of prison dawah for encouraging violent jihad activity

New York City: Muslim cleric gets 18 years of prison dawah for encouraging violent jihad activity
Now that we know that Alvin Bragg is desperately corrupt and has politicized his office, this prosecution cannot be taken at face value. This is shaky enough in itself: “Mr. Faisal was not accused of planning violence in New York City and had not set foot there during the period covered by his indictment. But […]

Was He Looking for a Job From Biden? 65-year-old ‘Baby’ Busted for Stealing Diapers

Was He Looking for a Job From Biden? 65-year-old ‘Baby’ Busted for Stealing Diapers
New in PJ Media: How insane is our society today? How much does it encourage and even glorify what any other society would readily identify as mental illness? A recent case in the sleepy town of Clarkson, N.Y., gives an indication of how far we’ve fallen: a 65-year-old man has been arrested there for breaking […]

It’s On: NYPD Is Putting Up Barricades, Expecting Riots When Trump Is Arrested

It’s On: NYPD Is Putting Up Barricades, Expecting Riots When Trump Is Arrested
New in PJ Media: America’s descent to banana republic status, with the ruling regime having its principal opponent arrested on bogus charges, may not happen on Tuesday, but it very much looks as if it is going to happen this week. The New York City Police Department (NYPD) was busy on Monday setting up steel barriers outside the […]

New York Times Claims Ancient Judaism Recognized a Variety of Genders. It Didn’t.

New York Times Claims Ancient Judaism Recognized a Variety of Genders. It Didn’t.
My latest in PJ Media is a VIP article. I am happy to be able to offer you a 5% discount on becoming a VIP member at PJ Media. Just enter the code SPENCER when you sign up here. As Leftists go about reshaping reality to suit themselves or deceiving themselves into thinking they’re doing so, they’re […]

The New York Times’ Iran Hostage – Reagan Conspiracy Theory Makes No Sense

The New York Times’ Iran Hostage – Reagan Conspiracy Theory Makes No Sense
Either the New York Times is historically illiterate or it just doesn’t give a damn. The Left never lets go of anything or forgets its history. No conspiracy theory is too dead to be dragged up again. And with Carter on the way out, the New York Times decided to drag out its old claim […]

Trump Calls for Protests Over His Arrest

Trump Calls for Protests Over His Arrest
New in PJ Media: On Saturday morning, Donald Trump acknowledged that he will indeed be arrested, saying that the fateful day will be this coming Tuesday. Trump wrote in all caps on Truth Social: OUR NATION IS NOW THIRD WORLD & DYING. THE AMERICAN DREAM IS DEAD! THE RADICAL LEFT ANARCHISTS HAVE STOLLEN [sic] OUR PRESIDENTIAL […]

By the Way, a Real Terrorist Just Threatened to ‘Crucify’ New York Cops

By the Way, a Real Terrorist Just Threatened to ‘Crucify’ New York Cops
New in PJ Media: While Maxine Waters is fulminating (yeah, what else is new) against Donald Trump, accusing him of “attempting to organize his domestic terrorists,” and the Biden regime continues its efforts to portray Trump and his supporters as “insurrectionists,” the actual terrorists haven’t stopped their activities even for a moment. On Friday, the feds tore […]

NY: Muslim told cops ‘I will crucify Yonkers cops and their bosses. It will be a horror scene…Allahu Ekberr’

NY: Muslim told cops ‘I will crucify Yonkers cops and their bosses. It will be a horror scene…Allahu Ekberr’
He also called for “jihad” and “war against non-Muslims.” Why haven’t the multitudes of moderate Muslim spokesmen in the U.S. gone to Yonkers to explain to Ridon Kola how he is misunderstanding the Religion of Peace? Meanwhile, where did Kola get this crucifixion idea? Could it have been from here? “The only reward for those […]

NYC jihad mass murderer escapes death penalty, gets life of prison dawah

NYC jihad mass murderer escapes death penalty, gets life of prison dawah
After he murdered eight people for Allah, U.S. taxpayers will now pay for his upkeep for half a century. “NYC bike path attacker to spend life in prison after jury fails to reach unanimous verdict on death penalty,” by Marta Dhanis and Paul Best, Fox News, March 13, 2023: The convicted murderer who killed eight […]

92.5% of Palestinians Killed This Year: Members of Terror Groups Or Active in Attacks, Rest Were Caught In Crossfire

92.5% of Palestinians Killed This Year: Members of Terror Groups Or Active in Attacks, Rest Were Caught In Crossfire
Adin Haykin is an Israeli who – just as he did last year – has been documenting every single Palestinian killed by Israeli forces in the West Bank this year, and identifying their terrorist affiliations or, absent any, their participation in attacks. Elder of Ziyon put Haykin’s current thread on a Twitter Thread Reader post. […]