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Trans Killer Audrey Hale Diary Details Her 'Imaginary Penis' Fantasy, Would 'Kill' For Puberty Blockers

By: Tierin-Rose Mandelburg — June 7th 2024 at 15:57
A new letter obtained from transgender killer Audrey Hale revealed that prior to killing three adults and three nine-year-olds at the Covenant Christian School in Nashville, Tennessee, she wrote about her “imaginary penis” and how she would “kill” to get puberty blockers. Back in March of 2023, Audrey Hale shot and killed three individuals before being shot down by law enforcement. Now, just over a year later, four dozen pages of Hale’s writings have been obtained. Those writings include notes of her delusional sense of identity and mental confusion, which led to her attack on the school.  The Tennessee Star obtained the papers and exposed some of the writings after police recovered them. “My penis exists in my head. I swear to god I'm a male,” the diary/journal read. Other parts of her diary were about Hale’s sexual fantasies, including being her “stuffed boy doll” named Tony. “I can pretend to be them [and] do the things boys do [and] experience my boy self as Tony,” Hale wrote, noting that the doll “is like the boy I am in another form.” Reports also indicate that Hale admitted to wanting a penis so she could have sex with a woman and noted that being raised as a girl was “torture” and she had a fear that her classmates in school would call her a “dyke or a f****t.” Hale went on in the diary to explain feeling freed in college when she learned about transgenderism. She wrote, “I finally found the answer — that changing one’s gender is possible,” before she wrote about how her mother wasn’t on board with the idea.  “I hate parental views; how my mom sees me as a daughter – and she’d not bear to want to lose that daughter because a son would be the death of Audrey,” Hale wrote. Hale also noted that she’d “kill” to have had puberty blockers as a child so she didn’t have to go through female puberty.  The Tennessee Star noted that the first entry was written just 16-days before Hale conducted her attack on the Covenant School. If you really think that these people aren’t mentally ill, wake the hell up.
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Miss Maryland USA is a MISTER

By: Tierin-Rose Mandelburg — June 7th 2024 at 11:46
Congratulations to the beautiful, poised and very feminine winner of Miss Maryland, Mr. Bailey Anne Kennedy. The Miss Maryland USA competition took place last week and crowned none other than a transgender woman - so a biological man - as Miss Maryland. Men have infiltrated women’s sports and taken spots and awards away from them. And now, unfortunately more than once, men are taking spots away from women in beauty pageants, too. “Bailey Anne is the newly crowned Miss Maryland USA 2024,” Miss Maryland USA wrote on its Instagram page. Kennedy, 31, markets himself as a “Proud Military Wife.” It looks like, according to his Instagram, he married his husband, in 2019. Though it doesn’t seem that either spouse considers their marriage to be the gay marriage that it is. Reports indicate that Kennedy works with the U.S. Military’s United Service Organizations (USO), which works to boost troop morale. Kennedy’s Instagram is flooded with his involvement and work with the USO, but that’s not all Kennedy is an advocate for.   MAN crowed Miss Maryland USA. Transgender male Bailey Anne has beaten dozens of women to win the prestigious women’s pageant title. Upon winning the title Anne declared: “Not everyone has to agree with the spaces that you occupy, and it doesn’t mean that you aren’t worthy… — Oli London (@OliLondonTV) June 6, 2024 During an interview with DC News Now on Wednesday, Kennedy noted that when he won the pageant it was a “whirlwind because I knew it was bigger than me. I knew that it was going to mean a lot for all the LGBTQ kids out there who might feel like they don’t belong in a box — like me growing up.” Kennedy also added that he “hopes that it will open up some doors, open up some hearts for people to see that there are many aspects of LGBT community out there and I hope I can be a positive contribution to society in making a difference like the USO program like I’m working with.” Kennedy will now move on to the Miss USA pageant that is scheduled for August 4, 2024 in Los Angeles, California. One of the issues with this win, other than the fact that it’s completely outrageous and unfair for the actual women competing, is that previous Maryland pageant winners have had significant interaction with young children in past years.  Last year, Miss Maryland USA posed with some children at the 2nd Annual Kids Crushing Cancer event and similarly, Miss Maryland of the Miss America franchise spoke to middle schoolers at a private school for children with learning challenges in D.C., The Federalist pointed out.  The Federalist also noted that Kennedy will be in “close proximity to many children and especially young girls as a Miss Maryland USA pageant winner” and emphasized that this is “another example of how queer politics makes the public square toxic by exposing children as young as preschoolers to sex.” Sadly, this isn’t the first time a man has won a women’s beauty pageant. And honestly, given the current trajectory of our culture, I don’t see it being the last. In April, Caia Souza, a 26-year-old man, won Miss Valley Isle USA pageant in Hawaii. Marina Machete, a 28-year-old man, won Miss Portugal in October. In July of 2023, Rikkie Valerie Kolle, a 22-year-old man, won Miss Netherlands. This is outrageous and is insulting to real women. Someone go take the crowns off those dudes' delusional heads.
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Giant IUD Inflatable Put Up in Washington D.C. for Contraception Act

By: Tierin-Rose Mandelburg — June 6th 2024 at 17:22
Tell me you have too much time on your hands without telling me you have too much time on your hands. On Wednesday, just before the Senate voted against the Americans for Contraception (AFC) Act, a group set up a giant 20-foot intrauterine device (IUD) in front of Washington D.C.’s Union Station, across from the U.S. Capitol building. An IUD is a form of hormonal birth control that is about the size of a quarter and is inserted into a woman’s uterus. It works by making the uterus a hostile environment for an egg by thickening the cervical mucus and thinning the uterine lining making it hard for sperm to fertilize an egg after sexual intercourse. It is not 100 percent effective to prevent pregnancy. Some women have found it successful, while others have had terrible side-effects including painful periods & sex, bleeding, chills, nausea, infection and depression.  The display was set up to show support for a bill that was up for debate. Democrats insisted the bill was about reproduction and providing birth control to women, but in reality, it was about funneling money to Planned Parenthood so that the abortion giant could kill more innocent babies through abortion, spread a lie that sex should be casual and advocate for transgender surgeries for minors. The bill was blocked by Senate Republicans in a 51-39 vote considering how broad it was. But prior to the decision, many shared the image of the IUD and support for the bill in general. Yes, this is a 20-foot IUD in front of D.C.’s Union Station. Today, the Senate is voting on the Right to Contraception Act and let us be clear — “This is not a show vote, it’s a show us who you are vote.” - @SenSchumer — Planned Parenthood Action (@PPact) June 5, 2024 Laura Packard from Health Care Voices shared an image hugging the display. The Senate votes today on the Right to Contraception Act. Will Republicans side with the American people and vote for birth control, or not? #HandsOffMyBirthControl — Laura Packard (@lpackard) June 5, 2024 Y’all, these people are insane. Imagine we get tourists coming in, walking outside the train station and seeing THAT!? All to advocate for a bill that was completely flooded with misinformation. Jesus, please return soon.
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GOP Senators Block 'Right to Contraception' Misinformation Bill

By: Tierin-Rose Mandelburg — June 6th 2024 at 13:51
On Wednesday, Senate Republicans blocked the Democrats' “Right to Contraception” bill. The bill sought to provide more money to places like Planned Parenthood to facilitate more abortions and promote transgender surgeries on kids. Senator Ed Markey (D-Mass.) proposed the bill called “Right to Contraception.” Critics have more appropriately titled the bill as the “Payouts for Planned Parenthood Act.” Democrats attempted to pass the bill with the motives of securing access to contraception for individuals, but, as GOP critics pointed out, that motive was misleading. In actuality, the bill would send money directly into the wide pockets of Planned Parenthood so that it can continue aborting innocent babies. Top pro-life group Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America elaborated on the motives in a letter, noting that it would “funnel money to Planned Parenthood, override conscience protections, and could mandate access to abortion drugs. It also feeds into the false narrative that states have prohibited contraceptives or family planning, or that there are federal efforts to do so,” adding that “This bill has less to do with the ability of individuals to obtain contraception and more to do with ensuring federal funding for abortion providers who also happen to provide contraceptives.” The bill strategically makes the definition of “contraception” broad so that it doesn’t just mean things like condoms, but includes things like the abortion pill, which doesn’t stop a baby from being conceived but rather kills a baby that already is. That’s not reproduction, it’s murder. Terry Shilling, president of the American Principles Project noted the following about Democrats motives according to CatholicVote:  What’s going on is nothing new.  Democrats have been hell-bent on forcing taxpayers to fund all types of ‘reproductive care,’and really what they mean is abortion, sterilization, contraception – everything that the Catholic Church stands against. We stand on the side of life, and the Democratic Party has become a death cult. Shilling also noted that the bill would also serve as a “trojan horse” for transgender surgeries on minors, something Planned Parenthood loves doing. The Senate voted 51-39 against moving forward with the bill. It would’ve needed 60 votes to proceed. The devil is in the details, and it’s a good thing this bill didn’t pass. It, like most of the left, is chock full of misinformation and has an agenda that puts innocent children at imminent risk.
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Vermont Families Blocked From Fostering Children Because of Christian Beliefs

By: Tierin-Rose Mandelburg — June 6th 2024 at 10:09
Two separate Christian families in Vermont are suing the Vermont Department for Children and Families (DCF) after the state blocked them from fostering children. Brian and Kaitlyn Wuoti and Michael and Rebecca Gantt filed the suit on Tuesday after the state alleged that they’d be unable to be foster parents, as they wouldn’t follow leftist ideas when it comes to gender identity. An exclusive report by The Daily Signal noted that the state of Vermont is in need of more foster families. In 2023, Vermont DCF noted that there were roughly 1,060 kids in state custody and only about 900 licensed foster families. Both the Wuoti and Gantt families noticed this need and wanted to fill it.  The Wouti’s became foster parents in 2014 and ended up adopting two “precious brothers.” When they chose to renew their license in 2022, they were described as “AMAZING” and “wonderful” according to case workers.  But, as the lawsuit states, “But when the Woutis politely shared that they were Christian and that they could not say or do anything that went against faith-informed views about human sexuality, Vermont revoked their license anyway.” The Gnatt family had four biological children and began fostering in 2016. DCF asked them to take an emergency placement for a newborn baby, born from a homeless woman addicted to drugs, but they never ended up getting the baby. DCF had sent out an email letting families know that they were required to sign a form indicating that they’d adhere to the state’s view on gender ideology “even if the foster parents hold divergent personal opinions or beliefs.” The Gantts, given that they support biblical standards when it comes to gender and sexuality, wouldn’t sign the form. “The Gantts responded that they would unconditionally love and support any children placed with them, but they would not forsake their religious beliefs that people should value their God-given bodies,” the lawsuit states. The Gantts never received the baby. Both the Gantt and Wouti families insist they would've loved whoever was placed in their care, but that they’d not be open to taking any children to things like pride parades or using preferred pronouns.  “We were offered to be reeducated and given the choice that they could either revoke our foster license or we could take some education materials, and they could give us up to a year to change our faith,” Mr. Gantt said, according to The Daily Signal. “And I said, ‘No, we are not going to change our faith in the next year; absolutely not.’” This story proves that Vermont’s DCF is more focused on ideologies than actually helping orphaned children. A similar case happened in Massachusetts when the Burkes, a Catholic family, were denied foster care licensing. At the time, here’s what I’d written about the situation: Many kids who enter the foster care system suffer from mental health difficulties and challenges. After all, many of these children grow up not knowing their biological parents or bouncing from home to home. It’s definitely a challenge and they should be loved and cultivated throughout those challenges.  Affirming a delusion is simply going to add to these kids' struggles and push them down a long life of trauma, confusion and suffering. The fact that the Burkes would try to prohibit that from happening indicates that they would be great foster parents.  Not to mention, growing up in a home that encourages kids to trust in God when life gets rough, or to acknowledge that they’re adopted by our father in heaven or that in Christ - no matter what they go through in the foster system - they’re not alone, would be great things for kids in this position to know.  Sadly, our current administration couldn’t agree less. In September 2023, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released new guidelines for the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) noting that it would transfer “LGBTQ” foster kids to homes that will “affirm” them. The Biden administration, Vermont, Massachusetts and likely many other states care more about pushing a delusion than about putting a roof over kids heads.
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Ms. Rachel Attempts to Justify Her LGBTQ Support With Biblical Scripture

By: Tierin-Rose Mandelburg — June 5th 2024 at 11:56
On June 1, popular YouTube children's content creator "Ms. Rachel" posted a video in celebration of Pride month. Considering the fact that Ms. Rachel’s target audience is babies and toddlers, she was roasted for promoting the LGBTQ agenda on her page.  Now, she's has released a new video defending her statement, in which she attempted to use the Bible to justify her affirmation of wokeism. Ms. Rachel's original video posted on her TikTok page, titled "MsRachelforLittles," currently has 3.5 million views.  “Happy pride to all of our wonderful families and friends. This month and every month I celebrate you,” she said in the video, adding, “God bless and I am not chasing fame or views. I’m standing strong in love” before noting that she expected to receive backlash for her take. Which, of course, she did. In her follow-up, the YouTuber actually pointed to faith as a reason why she released the Pride-happy statement in the first place. “I’ve shared prayers on here before and said 'God bless' and that’s because my faith is really important to me and it’s also one reason why I love every neighbor,” she said to begin the 50-second video. "There are so many reasons I stand strong in love. I stand with everyone. That’s who I am and the ‘love back’ and the ‘God bless,’ if you disagree, is genuine," she went on. UPDATE: Ms Rachel responds to backlash over her teaching LGBT prode to children by claiming it is what Jesus wanted — Jack Poso 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) June 3, 2024 Ms. Rachel then brought up Matthew 22, where Jesus noted the importance of loving God and loving your neighbor as yourself. 'Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?' Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.’ Matthew 22:36-40 While Ms. Rachel is right in that we are to leave ultimate judgment to God. But that doesn't mean we are supposed to ignore sin when we see it - instead, Christians are to pray hard against it. Yes, as Christians, we are to love our neighbor, but we are also called to call out sin in one another in order to help our friends walk more closely with God (Galatians 6:1). Living a life as part of the alphabet mob is sinful, according to God's rules for sexuality and gender that are plainly laid out in the Scriptures.  Related: Indoctrination Station: Toddler Show YouTuber Posts Video Celebrating Pride Month Reactions to Ms. Rachel’s attempt at justifying her stance did not disappoint.  America First Legal’s Stephen Miller jokingly wrote, “Which part of the Bible says to put children on puberty blockers?” One user noted that Ms. Rachel’s “facial expressions indicate she doesn’t even believe what she’s saying. She’s lying." Another had a similar understanding as I had of Ms. Rachel’s confusion: There’s a difference in agape love, and affirmation and validation of sin. Christ doesn’t affirm the sin. He affirms the sinner with the understanding that we go and sin no more. False prophet alert! I’m glad to see people online are pulling away from both from Ms. Rachel’s content and her cult of personality. I’ll leave you with one more quote from X that sums up what I believe we’re all thinking: “Ms Rachel needs a come to Jesus meeting with some parents.” Follow us on Twitter/X: MRC's @tierin_rose dives into the left's already over-celebration of Pride and far-left propaganda — MRCTV (@mrctv) June 4, 2024
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Leftist Pride: ‘Your Children Will Join Us’

By: Tierin-Rose Mandelburg — June 4th 2024 at 16:28
Welcome to Woke of the Weak where I’ll update you about the most woke, progressive, insane, and crazy clips and stories that the left thinks is tolerable and well, point out why exactly they’re nuts. This week, we looked at what the left served up this first week of Pride month. We started out by seeing an interpretive dance from a trans boy who took off “his” transgender flag shirt in order to expose her mastectomy scars. Next up was a celebration from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where a pride celebration merited a Guinness World Record for biggest drag queen story hour. Also in Philly, was a pride parade where pro-Palestinian protestors chanted their “river to the sea” crap. Funny enough, if they were queer in Palestine, their pronouns would be was/were. More pride parades erupted throughout the nation. At one, FBI agents confidently marched and waved their pride flags. And at another, a mother cheered on her son who identified as a furry. Kids took part in a pride parade in Toronto, and a drag queen went on a tangent saying “your children will love us” and “your children will join us.” After that, we saw a man dance in a rainbow leotard by the subway and then heard a transgender woman introduce all the rest of his queer family. It’s crazy that we’re only one week into this amplified nonsense. Check back next week for more.
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75-Year-Old Sentenced to 2 Years in Prison for Protesting Outside an Abortion Clinic

By: Tierin-Rose Mandelburg — June 3rd 2024 at 15:40
Paulette Harlow, 75, was arrested back in 2020 after praying outside of a Washington D.C. abortion clinic. Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly sentenced Harlow on May 31, deciding that she deserves to sit in jail for two full years. Harlow, visited the Washington Surgi-clinic with a group of other pro-lifers on Oct 22, 2020. She sat in a seat outside of the clinic doors where she sang hymns and prayed that babies would be saved from abortion. Harlow was arrested along with eight other pro-lifers outside of the clinic and was convicted under the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act. The FACE Act prohibits “violent, threatening, damaging, and obstructive conduct intended to injure, intimidate, or interfere with the right to seek, obtain, or provide reproductive health services.” Apparently praying and singing hymns is “violent” and “threatening.” Reports indicate that Harlow’s husband “begged for mercy, expressing his fear that his wife would die alone in prison,” due to her health issues and her age. Judge Kollar-Kotelly couldn’t have seemed to care less when issuing a 24-month sentence. The judge actually asserted that perhaps Harlow would “make an effort to remain alive” since that’s a “tenet of [Harlow’s] religion.” Other protestors who were at the Washington-Surgi clinic that day have also been charged and sentenced. On May 15, Lauren Handy, 30, was sentenced to 57 months in prison as well as three years probation after linking herself with her fellow pro-lifers at the clinic and singing hymns and praying for the babies and moms. Other individuals sentenced include: Josh Darnel, 42, who filmed the blockade, was sentenced to 34 months in prison; Jean Marshall, 74, Harlow’s sister, was sentenced to 24 months; Heather Idoni, 59, similarly received 24 months and John Hinshaw, 69, William Goodman, 54, Joan Bell, 76, and Herb Geraghty all received 27 months. Keep in mind that all these individuals are going to jail for praying for life while people who protest by becoming human roadblocks for PETA, Palestine, BLM, climate change or trans/queer crap are often celebrated instead of incarcerated. It has become abundantly clear that the left has an agenda and now, even our justice system seems willing to assist them in reaching their goals.  
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Indoctrination Station: Baby & Toddler YouTuber Posts Video Celebrating Pride Month

By: Tierin-Rose Mandelburg — June 3rd 2024 at 12:00
Ms. Rachel is a famous YouTube creator with 10 million subscribers who creates content for babies and toddlers. Now, she's come under fire after she posted a TikTok video to celebrate Pride Month - because babies and toddlers should really hear about what it means to be queer. Ms. Rachel's typical content includes lessons on things like learning to read, rhymes for babies, verbal skills, and learning colors and numbers. All of her videos are geared toward kids ages five and younger, with some specifically for babies.  Which, not, includes shout-outs for "Pride," which is all about celebrating deviant sexual preferences and gender "identities" and none of which should include children. Even still, Ms. Rachel posted a video on her TikTok page titled "MsRachelforLittles" on June 1, which currently has more than 3 million views. In her squeaky voice, she says, “Happy pride to all of our wonderful families and friends. This month and every month I celebrate you.” Ms. Rachel is an extremely popular YouTuber who makes content for babies and toddlers. She just posted a video celebrating Pride Month. This is a message to conservatives parents. She doesn’t want your business. You should respond accordingly. — Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) June 2, 2024 It seems like Ms. Rachel knew her video could be controversial given her audience demographic.  “To those who are going to comment they can’t watch the show anymore because of this support, no worries and much love your way. God bless and I am not chasing fame or views. I’m standing strong in love,” she said in the video. Well, she was right about people not agreeing with her post honoring a month that celebrates nothing but utter confusion and delusion. The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh wrote, “Ms. Rachel is an extremely popular YouTuber who makes content for babies and toddlers. She just posted a video celebrating Pride Month. This is a message to conservatives parents. She doesn’t want your business. You should respond accordingly.” Related: NBC's 'Today Third Hour' Praises New Peacock Show About Pride May Mailman, director of Independent Women’s Law Center wrote, “Don’t let Ms. Rachel sexualize your babies. A different user posted a really solid analysis on the situation and Ms. Rachel’s comments: There's a special brand of liberal that assumes they are the loving one, while anyone who disagrees with them is, of course, hateful (this is the only possible reason they could disagree).  Ms. Rachel embodies this. At the end of her video, she addresses the people who wouldn't watch her content due to this post and says "that's okay, I stand in love". This statement is meant to suggest that these other people are not "standing in love".  Instead of hearing what these people might say regarding the matter and how they love their children and want to protect them from politicizing or sexually suggestive content, she calls them hateful (by making everyone assume it). She embodies a brand of liberalism I have grown to really distaste. It is lazy and unintelligent and in fact quite close-minded. Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time Ms. Rachel has shown that she has an agenda, and it isn’t to teach your kids valuable and educational lessons. Ms. Rachel has previously had "non-binary" guests on her show. In addition, some months ago, Ms. Rachel commented on transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney’s account, inviting him on to her program. "Sometime when you’re in NYC you should be on our show, Songs for Littles! We love you & your singing,” Ms. Rachel wrote online.  Ms. Rachel wants a transgender freak who is living a complete and utter delusion to help her talk to and teach lessons to two-year-olds? This is textbook groomer behavior. This should be a reminder to parents that they need to monitor what their kids are consuming for entertainment and learning. Even people like Ms. Rachel, who seem completely harmless and kind, have an agenda. Follow us on Twitter/X: Go woke go broke — MRCTV (@mrctv) June 3, 2024
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Texas Supreme Court Unanimously Rejects Abortion Ban Challenge

By: Tierin-Rose Mandelburg — May 31st 2024 at 15:54
The Texas Supreme Court unanimously decided on Friday to reject a legal challenge that aimed to make abortion more widely available in the state. Presently, Texas law doesn’t allow a woman to abort her child based solely on the child having an abnormal fetal diagnosis. A group of 20 pro-abort women claimed in March 2023 that the Texas law was too narrow and sued the state. The case, Zurawski v. Texas, argued that the state’s abortion ban prohibited the 20 women from getting medical care for their “complicated pregnancies,” as reports indicate.  Back in August of 2023, a “Travis County judge issued a temporary injunction that allowed Texans with complicated pregnancies to get an abortion if their doctor made a ‘good faith judgment’ that it was necessary.” Friday’s ruling got rid of that injunction in order to protect life, all life, regardless of the ability or function of an unborn baby.  “Texas law permits a life-saving abortion,” the court wrote in the order signed by Justice Jane Bland. “The law permits a physician to intervene to address a woman’s life-threatening physical condition before death or serious physical impairment are imminent.” But these women weren’t advocating for that. They were advocating for the “right” to kill their babies in utero in the case the child wasn’t “perfect” according to their standards.  The decision included the following: ‘Reasonable medical judgment,’ we held, ‘does not mean that every doctor would reach the same conclusion.’ Rather, in an enforcement action under the Human Life Protection Act, the burden is the State’s to prove that no reasonable physician would have concluded that the mother had a life-threatening physical condition that placed her at risk of death or of substantial impairment of a major bodily function unless the abortion was performed. The case was facilitated by a woman named Amanda Zurawski who was denied an abortion as her 18-week-old daughter, Willow, had a beating heart in utero. Zurawski, who was marked as a hero at President Joe Biden’s 2024 State of the Union address, did not receive an abortion from doctors in the state and ended up going into sepsis. But, as the Texas Supreme Court ruling indicated, “Ms. Zurawski’s agonizing wait to be ill “enough” for induction, her development of sepsis, and her permanent physical injury are not the results the law commands.” Texas law allows abortions when a mother’s life is in imminent danger or puts her fertility at potential risk. It doesn’t allow babies to be killed willy-nilly when they have devastating fetal diagnosis like Trisomy 13, Down syndrome, cleft lip or dwarfism, all of which are not fatal and some individuals have lived long, rather healthy lives with one or more of these complications. In response to the verdict, pro-life groups and individuals celebrated. The Texas Values X account called it a “victory!” Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of SBA Pro-Life America agreed. Here’s her statement in full: The Texas Supreme Court has ruled that Texas law is clear in protecting the life of unborn children and their mothers. Under the state’s pro-life protections, and all pro-life laws, doctors can provide pregnant women who experience an emergency with the proper care. We know doctors by-and-large understand they can rely on their reasonable medical judgment based on data showing abortions under the state’s ‘life of the mother’ exception have continued post-Dobbs; and we are grateful the Texas Medical Board is taking steps to educate doctors and the public. What happened to Amanda Zurawski was completely wrong. No woman should suffer and almost lose her life when the law is clear that doctors can—and should—intervene to prevent further harm. Doctors and hospitals that refuse to provide women with lifesaving treatment are not abiding by their Hippocratic oath and they should be held accountable. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are putting lives in danger by spreading misinformation on pregnant women’s ability to receive emergency care. The abortion lobby has created confusion on this fact to give the Democrats cover for their extremely unpopular all-trimester abortion agenda. Despite this very clear decision from the Texas Supreme Court, Biden and Harris will continue to capitalize on tragedy and spread lies at the expense of women’s lives. Dannenfelser is right. So many women are being misled about these laws that truly just aim to save lives. Kudos to the Texas Supreme Court for realizing that and deciding in favor of life!
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'TEARS OF JOY': Celebs React to Trump Verdict

By: Tierin-Rose Mandelburg — May 31st 2024 at 11:58
As I’m sure you’re all aware, former President Donald J. Trump was found guilty on all 34 counts in his so-called “hush-money” trial. As a result, celebrities all over the place reacted to the verdict in predictable fashion. “Comedian” Kathy Griffin shared a few tweets on X. “Thank you” she wrote while tagging Stormy Daniels. “He is awful,” she wrote in another tweet before saying “TEARS OF JOY.” If you don’t remember, Kathy Griffin was the freak that posed with a bloody decapitated Trump head back in 2017. As a matter of fact, she was fired from CNN over it, so this “TEARS OF JOY” response regarding the verdict is unsurprising.  Singer Barbra Streisand wrote “Hallelujah! TRUTH WON. I hope Trump’s constituents keep their word when they said they wouldn’t vote for him if he was convicted,” the morning after the verdict came out. Author Stephen King replied to Tucker Carlson’s tweet about the verdict. “Sorry, Tucker,” King wrote on X. “He did this to himself, having sexual intercourse with a porn star. Crookedy-crook-crook-crook.” To nobody’s surprise, washed up actor and director Rob Reiner wrote, “Donald Trump is a Convicted Felon. Now it’s up to the the voters of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania to make sure that a Convicted Felon does not become the President of the United States.”  Witch and actor Bette Midler cheered, “GUILTY ON ALL CHARGES!!!!” And actor John Leguizamo wrote, “We are all cheering for justice that no one is above the law!” Mark Hamill, actor (kinda), posted a graphic that had the word “GUILTY” in red written all over it. On the contrary, some celebrities used the opportunity to question the legitimacy of our justice system.  X CEO Elon Musk wrote that “Great damage was done today to the public’s faith in the American legal system. If a former President can be criminally convicted over such a trivial matter – motivated by politics, rather than justice – then anyone is at risk of a similar fate.” Caitlyn Jenner, transgender father of the Jenner girls and former Olympian, agreed with Musk’s statement saying “Thank you! 1000%.” In a separate tweet on Jenner’s own X page, the celebrity wrote, “An outrageous day for America. The entire process has been outrageous, of course. Shame on the state of New York. Shame on the corrupt DOJ.” I can’t wait for the sentencing, scheduled for July 11, to see what these loonies have to say then!
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Tim McGraw Roasted for Partnering with Trans Loving Planet Fitness

By: Tierin-Rose Mandelburg — May 30th 2024 at 15:25
This week country singer Tim McGraw partnered up with Planet Fitness for a promotional advertisement. Given that Planet Fitness is overtly pro-trans women changing in ladies' locker rooms in front of young girls, McGraw was roasted for the partnership.  The country star even blocked Libs of TikTok after they called him out for the move. On May 27, McGraw shared a 47-second video to his personal X account in which he talked about how important fitness is to him, as it makes him feel better and gives him a “better mental outlook." I wouldn’t be able to stay consistent and fit without the support of my family, my friends and my community. We all need a support system to help keep us moving and that’s where Planet Fitness comes in with things like free fitness training for all members that give you the support you need to start or continue your fitness journey. McGraw certainly does have a family - a family that includes three daughters. And what does Planet Fitness do with girls? Shoves them in locker rooms where biological men are allowed to undress. Related: Following Trans Scandals, Planet Fitness Offers FREE Membership for Teens So far this year alone, there've been multiple instances in which "transgender women" -  biological men - have entered and used women's locker rooms at the gym chain. One instance involved a man stripping down to the nude, while anotherinvolved a man shaving his face while a 12-year-old girl in a towel was nearby.  Getting up and moving is such an important part of my day, so I partnered with @PlanetFitness to give my fans a chance to get moving with a special offer. For a limited time you can get your FIRST MONTH FREE at Planet Fitness when you use promo code "MCGRAW". And when you join… — Tim McGraw (@TheTimMcGraw) May 27, 2024 Yet, McGraw, even knowing this and how much backlash Planet Fitness has received over it, seemed elated to announce the partnership. You can become a part of the planet fitness community today. Consider donating to the Boys and Girls Clubs of America when you join online and if you use promo code ‘MCGRAW,’ you’ll get your first month free. Sounds good, right? No Tim, that doesn’t sound good. Planet Fitness has an agenda. It stood by its policy of allowing men into ladies' spaces and even invited and encouraged young teenagers to get memberships, too. Because the left wants to drive a wedge between parents and their kids, and this is just one of the ways they’re attempting to do that. Get kids into the gym for FREE, and then tell them that men in the women’s restroom is not only acceptable, but normal. Libs of TikTok called McGraw out for endorsing Planet Fitness rather than defending young girls, writing in a post on X, “Country Singer Tim McGraw announced a new partnership with Planet Fitness. Tim has 3 daughters. @TheTimMcGrawdo you feel comfortable letting your daughter use PF knowing a man can expose himself to her and PF will defend the man because that's their policy? Do you support this?”  The account also commented on McGraw's post with the ad, “YIKES. Would you feel comfortable with your daughters using Planet Fitness knowing a man can expose himself to them and Planet Fitness will defend the man?" Almost immediately, McGraw - or whoever runs his X account - hid Libs of TikTok’s comment. Screenshots of the hidden reply are available here. Then, just two minutes after Libs of TikTok generated its own post bashing McGraw, the singer blocked the account. “Welp that was fast. This might be a new record,” Libs of TikTok wrote when sharing a screenshot that McGraw blocked the account.  While McGraw and his team likely flipped out, considering how cancel culture is a huge threat for these self-absorbed swines, I’m afraid his reputation may be on the line. Even though they moved quick, social media and screenshots moved quicker.  McGraw’s stance on companies that support wokeness and grooming, like Planet Fitness does, is already out there. Time will tell how this affects him! Follow us on Twitter/X: Woke of The Weak: Happy Pride Month Eve! Something tells us that sales of bleach and other eye-blinding products will be in high demand this Pride month. — MRCTV (@mrctv) May 28, 2024
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MAN Puts HIS Bare, Fake Lady Boobs on Display Outside Trump Trial

By: Tierin-Rose Mandelburg — May 30th 2024 at 11:58
Free the nip? A rather disturbing display of insanity took place Wednesday morning outside of the New York City court where deliberations for the flimsy legal case Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has against former president Donald Trump entered its first day of jury deliberation. What was shown by one protestor was none other than HIS bare breasts. Yup, you read that right. A grown transgender woman walked up to a gate surrounding the court and pulled up his T-shirt to expose his black bra. Then, in order to escalate things even more, he popped off his bra to expose his bare DD’s (or honestly probably GG’s). The transgender individual bounced his boobs next to a lady that was advocating to send Trump to jail. She held a sign that read “Lock him up.” (Warning: Graphic tranny version of women's breasts.) Show outside of NYC Court where Trump's trial deliberations begin today. — Oliya Scootercaster 🛴 (@ScooterCasterNY) May 29, 2024 The well-endowed trans then began screaming at someone else outside the court yelling things like “$9,000 b**ch” while bouncing his boobs up and down. “You got welfare titties b**ch,” he added while pointing at a real woman. “You ain’t a real woman honey, the real woman replied. "You are disgusting.” Then the real woman called the tranny a “charlatan,” which clearly triggered the trans woman. The kicker of all this is that the trans person then began screaming, “Hunter Biden’s laptop matters.” I’m unsure if he realizes that the conservative take is that, yes, Hunter Biden’s laptop does matter. But then again, the left shares one collective brain cell, so it’s likely the trans woman had no idea what he was even saying. What side of the debate was this freak even on? God only knows. What’s obvious though is that he's clearly mentally confused. “Bring back asylums,” a user wrote on X in response to the video. “Hope your eyes is ok after seeing that vile display of trash,” another wrote while one more called the display “pathetic.” No matter what side you’re on, for the love of God, keep your clothes on or stay home.
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NBC's 'Today Third Hour' Praises New Peacock Show About Pride

By: Tierin-Rose Mandelburg — May 29th 2024 at 17:08
On Wednesday morning, NBC’s “Today Third Hour” had a puff piece about a new Peacock series titled, “It’s Ok to Ask Questions.” The series is all about pushing LGBTQ-ness and NBC used it as a precursor to Pride month, which starts on June 1. The show, set to air on Saturday, is hosted by Matthew Rodriguez, a co-host of “Chicago Today” on NBC Chicago. In it, Rodriguez sits down with various lefties who talk about their experience and intersection with the LGBTQ movement.  During one episode, which “Today Third Hour” promoted, Rodriguez talked to actress Rosie O’Donnell, who conversed about parenting a non-binary child. Another episode showed Rodriguez talking with pop star Jojo Siwa, who promotes gay pride to her audience of young kids. Rodriguez was invited onto the Wednesday morning show to talk about the Peacock series.  “Thank you for having me. Happy, almost pride,” he said before starting to talk about how the show came together (this is the second season of the series, fyi). First season was really just my boss coming to me and saying, hey, we should do something for pride. At first I was nervous about that. I thought, even with this yellow flower on my jacket, I thought I wasn't gay enough. And what I mean by that, what I mean by that is I didn't feel like I was ready to represent a community, right? I was like, I don't know everything about non-binary. I don't know what it means to be a transgender person. So because of that, I was like, I just wish it was okay to ask questions. My boss is like, that's the title. And we leaned into that, the ‘not knowing’ because so many of us don't know and tend to be afraid of what they might do if they offend someone. And oftentimes people want to talk about their story. “Today Third Hour” hosts nodded along and audibly agreed that the gays want a chance to tell their stories and talk about their delusions. Later on in the segment, Rodriguez was asked about his own “coming out” story. He noted that he was raised Catholic and it took time for his traditional parents to fully understand what he meant when he told them he was gay. Rodriguez noted that the show has helped him “heal” and “think about my own relationships and self.” Rodriguez specifically felt impacted after talking with O’Donnell about her own coming out journey. He loved O’Donnell’s tattoo on her wrist that reads “they” to remember what pronouns to use for her child, Clay.  Rodriguez also loved talking to Siwa and learned a bunch from her despite the fact that Siwa is likely more than half Rodriguez’s age. “For her to come out when she did was a really bold move so to me, I’m gonna honor that,” he told the hosts before noting how she handles the “negativity” she gets thrown her way. “Today Third Hour” gave nothing but praise to Rodriguez for his guesting, for his commitment to the gays and for his contribution to the Peacock show. What a waste of air time.
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Melinda French Gates Plans to Donate $1 Bil. to Abortion, Gender & Social Justice to ‘Help’ Girls

By: Tierin-Rose Mandelburg — May 29th 2024 at 12:07
Melinda French Gates, ex-wife of billionaire Bill Gates, announced Tuesday that she plans to donate $1 billion to various organizations that claim to “support” women and girls around the world. To no one’s surprise, French Gates' organizations of choice promote far-left policies like changing your gender and killing your kids. French Gates plans to leave the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the foundation she co-founded with her ex-husband, at some point next week. With her departure, and the divorce, French Gates is set to receive $12.5 billion from Gates - hence her announcement regarding where she plans to give money to.  As AP News noted, French Gates will be making donations through her Pivotal Ventures group. Pivotal noted how the $1 billion will be allocated: $200 million to existing U.S. nonprofits supporting women and girls: Center for Reproductive Rights, Collaborative for Gender + Reproductive Equity, Collective Future Fund, Community Change, Institute for Women’s Policy Research, MomsRising Education Fund, Ms. Foundation for Women, National Domestic Workers Alliance, National Partnership for Women & Families, National Women’s Law Center, New America, The 19th, Roosevelt Institute, States United Democracy Center, Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund, and Washington Center for Equitable Growth. $240 million, in $20 million grants to each of these global leaders: Dr. Alfiee Breland-Noble, founder of The AAKOMA Project; Olympic gold medalist Allyson Felix; filmmaker Ava DuVernay; Crystal Echo Hawk, founder of IllumiNative; Gary Barker, founder of Equimundo: Center for Masculinities and Social Justice; Hauwa Ojeifo, founder of She Writes Woman; former New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern; Nobel Peace Laureate Leymah Roberta Gbowee; M. V. Lee Badgett, founding partner of Koppa: The LGBTI+ Economic Power Lab; Richard V. Reeves, founding president of the American Institute for Boys and Men; Sabrina Habib, co-founder and CEO of Kidogo; and Shabana Basij-Rasikh, co-founder of the School of Leadership Afghanistan. $250 million to be awarded to organizations working to improve women’s mental and physical health worldwide, selected through an open call with Lever for Change this fall. (Note: Bolded are the obviously woke organizations and people, but many of the others promote or endorse woke ideologies as well.) The Center for Reproductive Rights is a global advocacy group who advocates for abortion to be available worldwide. On its website, it noted proudly, that “since 2021, as a result of the Center’s work, 1.7 billion people have stronger legal protections for abortion.” Seems like an odd thing to be proud of. Another woke group French Gates is sending money to is the Collaborative for Gender + Reproductive Equity (CGRE). That group works to accelerate things like transgenderism, Black Lives Matter (BLM) propaganda, abortion and other progressive ideologies. French Gates also plans to donate a $20 million grant to M.V. Lee Badgett, who is a founding partner of Koppa: The LGBTQI+ Economic Power Lab, which has a mission to “unleash global LGBTI+ economic power through knowledge, financing and connection.” In plain English, the group aims to push progressivism throughout the world. While you and I see how these causes don’t actually help women and girls but rather push the idea that life has no meaning, individual needs come first and delusions should be celebrated. The media, especially CBS, loved French Gates’ plans. On Wednesday, "CBS Mornings" highlighted how French Gates plans to “help protect women’s rights” by bringing on the founder of “The 19th,” which is an independent journalism outlet that supposedly gives women and gays information and tools on how to “participate in our democracy.” On "The Daily Report with John Dickerson" for CBS, Dickerson noted that French Gates is working to “support” women and girls too. I’m still unsure how helping women kill their kids and live a lie is a way of showing “support.” "CBS Evenings" puffed up the move as well, calling it a “historic” type of “pledge.” "CBS Evening News" noted that French Gates is “concerned her one year-old granddaughter will grow up with fewer rights than she has” and spoke highly of how French Gates plans to help push abortion with her $1B donation. Right after French Gates noted where she plans to allocate her donations, "CBS Mornings" called it a “stunning announcement” that shows that she’s “committed to advocating for women and girls.” Hosts on the show also noted that her move “shows you what the stakes are and why somebody like Melinda Gates French would choose to take up this battle [abortion ‘rights’] and devote a lot of her wealth to the battle. Well, it’s clear CBS is in love with French Gates’ pledge to do what I would consider is the opposite of “supporting” women and girls. If she really wanted to help women and girls, French Gates could've easily given money to adoption groups, to kids in foster care, to pregnancy centers or to women who need financial and physical support after choosing life. THAT would've actually been "support."
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UNHINGED: Man Milk, Booty Shaking & Cross-Dressing

By: Tierin-Rose Mandelburg — May 28th 2024 at 16:33
Welcome to Woke of the Weak, where I’ll update you about the most woke, progressive, insane, and crazy clips and stories that the left thinks are tolerable and, well, point out why exactly they’re nuts. This week we got a closer look at how unhinged the left is! We started out by seeing a grown woman shake her bare booty cheeks in the face of an elementary-aged little boy. In my opinion, the woman - and the parents who allowed this to happen - should be arrested. Speaking of people who want to be arrested, one lady threw an adult temper tantrum over God only knows what. She chucked fruit on the floor and screamed “I IDENTIFY AS A MAN!” in a clear effort to become the poster child for mental illness.  If she doesn’t get the award, however, the next one - who insisted that "transwomen" (men) can breastfeed - will! Someone who won't be able to breastfeed is the next guy: a drag queen (biological male) dressed up as a woman who got a mastectomy for RuPaul’s Drag Show. And the left has convinced themselves that that’s “entertainment.” Next up was a teacher who asked her TikTok followers for advice on how to talk to her students about her sexuality. My answer was simple: DON’T! Speaking of students, the poor kids who attend UC Davis in California have classrooms decorated with the various pride flags … yeah and the citizens of California's taxpayer dollars are buying the flags! While Cali’s got it’s fair share of BS going down in schools, the East has some too. This weekend, selfish little brats at Princeton stopped a Memorial Day Parade in order to chant “Free Palestine.” Talk about entitled! Related: The Left's Fondling Fetish Freaks: Pride Month is On the Horizon Entitled like the next freaks used in a female perfume line advertisement. They were men in bras and skirts advocating for a product specifically designed for women.  Finally we saw an individual vlog about her transition from female to male: boob removal and all.  It really is sad what our nation has come to adopt as “normal.” Follow us on Twitter/X: Based Florida man does donuts on St. Petersburg "Pride" mural. The police are currently looking for the driver to charge him with a felony. — MRCTV (@mrctv) May 28, 2024
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Travis Kelce Defends Harrison Butker Over Benedictine Speech Backlash

By: Tierin-Rose Mandelburg — May 24th 2024 at 13:46
Swifties are not gonna like this. After weeks of backlash against Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker for his pro-woman, pro-tradition, and pro-religion speech at the commencement ceremony at Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas, his celebrity teammate Travis Kelce spoke out in defense of Butker - which is huge, considering the fact that Kelce is dating pop singer/songwriter Taylor Swift, whose fans roasted Butker’s stance and traditional values. Here’s an excerpt from Butker’s speech on May 11 that garnered so much controversy: How many of you are sitting here now about to cross this stage and are thinking about all the promotions and titles you are going to get in your career? Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world. Butker also condemned IVF and abortion as ways of “playing God.” Butker has been roasted by mainstream media, celebrities, and even other athletes over his traditional views and values. But on Friday, the Kansas City Chiefs tight end came out in defense of Butker. Related: ‘Feminist Hags’ Blast Butker’s Pro-Woman Speech: MRCTV’s Mandelburg on OANN “I’ve known him for seven plus years, probably, eight plus years. And I cherish him as a teammate,” Kelce said on “New Heights,” a podcast he hosts with his brother Jason Kelce, a former Eagles player.   Kelce added the following about Butker, who he calls “Harry”: He’s treated friends and family that I’ve introduced to him with nothing but respect and kindness and that’s how he treats everyone. When it comes down to his views and what he said at Saint Benedict’s commencement speech, those are his. I can’t say I agree with the majority of it or just about any of it outside of just him loving his family and his kids and I don’t think that I should judge him by his views, especially his religious views, of how to go about life. That’s just not who I am. Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes shared a similar sentiment on Wednesday, noting that Butker was a “good person” regardless of whether or not he necessarily agreed with him. While Travis Kelce annoys me and Taylor Swift can’t sing, I appreciate that Kelce, given his place in pop culture right now, defended his friend and acknowledged what we’ve been saying throughout this whole process: we’re all entitled to our own opinions and have a constitutional right to proclaim those opinions.  Follow us on Twitter/X: Despite the leftist mob coming to cancel him, The Kansas City Chiefs are standing behind Harrison Butker. Patrick Mahomes & Andy Reid address their support. — MRCTV (@mrctv) May 23, 2024
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George Floyd Can Breathe: ‘Daddy Changed the World’ Biopic Coming Soon to Your TV

By: Tierin-Rose Mandelburg — May 24th 2024 at 10:45
Remember George Floyd? The guy who the media claims died by a policeman doing his job rather than the concoction of fentanyl and methamphetamine in his system? Floyd’s family just authorized a biopic titled “Daddy Changed the World” to be created by Radar Pictures, 8 Queens Film & Media productions and Night Fox Entertainment. The biopic, created with the help of Floyd’s daughter Gianna and her mother, Roxie Washington, who will serve as producers, is set to dramatize the life of Floyd and emphasize the leftist narrative of police brutality. If you were looking for a one-stop shop of propaganda, lies and virtue signaling, this biopic will be just that! According to Variety,  “The biopic will apparently not portray Floyd as a perfect person, but rather a father with human flaws, whose horrific death changed the world. It will not be a traditional biopic, more a ‘gritty drama of a man and his community thrust into the fiery light of history.’” In a statement, Washington said the following about the film: We are excited the world will see the real, jovial, and loving George we know. This film will humanize him, embody the essence of his life, and hopefully reignite efforts to pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. It’s time for justice and equality for all. We need to make changes swiftly. No other child should lose their father like Gianna did. We thank everyone who stood with us and protested. George’s legacy will live on through this film. What legacy? The legacy of breaking the law? The legacy of framing a story so that it pushes an agenda and movement of “defunding the police?” Need I remind everyone that Floyd was a criminal. He served literally eight jail terms for things like drug possession and theft. This is not some hero that we should be honoring.  This is insane if you ask me.    
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‘My Fetus Dancing Right Before it Was Aborted’ Video Goes Viral

By: Tierin-Rose Mandelburg — May 23rd 2024 at 13:14
This is not funny. A 16-second video featuring a woman dancing is gaining traction online. No, not because she was in a scandalous outfit or was an incredible dancer, but because she captioned the video: “my fetus dancing right before it was aborted.” Yes, these kind of people exist. What is wrong with these people? — Declaration of Memes (@LibertyCappy) May 22, 2024 The video was originally posted by a girl who goes by the user name “abortioncounselor.” Her bio on TikTok reads “that girl that gets abortions.” Her whole account is flooded with pro-abortion messaging from evil jokes to personal experiences and stories from the numerous abortions the woman has received. The woman confidently danced to the song "Blueface" by Thotiana. Here are the lyrics she selected to dance to and post on the internet for her 131,000 TikTok followers. F**k clappin' back, b**ch, I'm clappin' on the d**k (On the dick) Bust it, bust it, I'm a savage (I'm a savage) B**ch, throw it back like a 10-Year Challenge (Woo!) Take him to the crib, then I push him on the sofa (Sofa) Have his breath smellin’ like p**sy and mimosas (Ah, ah, ah) So no, decency isn’t her strong suit. In one recent post on the woman’s TikTok she posted images of herself in the mirror saying she was 36-weeks pregnant. Now, she was very clearly not pregnant and was thus joking around, but her next two captions were a glimpse into the kind of person this chick is. “Should I keep it?” she asked before writing “or get an abortion?” In response to the dancing fetus video, users on X are disgusted and disturbed by the woman. “This is unbelievably disturbing behavior. Abortion is wrong. But celebrating abortion is next level evil and depraved,” someone commented. “Disgusting people who have no value for life” another noted, while one more said she was “a deranged psychopath.” I have my own conclusions about this lady, but for now, I think what’s most important for her and the next baby she plans to abort is for us to pray that she has a radical encounter with Jesus and she changes the direction of her life.
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Walmart Announces New Pride Collection: ‘Queer People Have Magic’

By: Tierin-Rose Mandelburg — May 23rd 2024 at 11:07
Who’s ready for the nation to be covered in rainbows again this year? Apparently Walmart is, as it just released its newest collection for its gay clothing options this pride month. While the store seemed elated about its new clothes, users on social media, who are arguably tired of woke crap being literally everywhere, blasted not only the collection but Walmart as a whole. The video advertisement, which was shared on Walmart’s Instagram page, showed queer people gathered all together for a photo shoot. “Queer people have magic that we can share,” a man said at the start of the 30-second ad which also showcased items like a tote bag that had the words “totes gay” on it. “We’re lucky enough to be in the Walmart Pride collection this year,” two other queers said cheerfully before noting that it was a “dream come true.” Other items were presented throughout the ad like a T-shirt that had the words “born this gay” on the front of it, a rainbow throw blanket, and a journal with skeletons barfing up rainbows and the words “beyond gender” written on it. “The world needs to hear what you have to say and your story,” another queer said in the video which, on Instagram, now has more than 62,000 views. It’s not even June 1st yet, but @Walmart thinks “queer people have magic” and have no problem selling merch that perpetuates the lie that a child can choose their “gender.” @BillboardChris @ConceptualJames @scarlett4kids @libsoftiktok @MegEBrock @Schilling1776 @LoganLancing — January Littlejohn (@JanuaryDoNoHarm) May 22, 2024 It looks like there are at least six collabs with queer designers and Walmart for Pride 2024. Aside from the items in the ad, Walmart is selling a card that reads “I love my 2 moms,” a lot of vibrant colored rainbow merchandise that looks like it was made by a kindergartener and a mug that lists the days of the week but changes the letters “day” to “gay” (Sungay, Mongay, Tuesgay, etc.) On X, various users shared a recording of Walmart’s ad and nobody seemed to appreciate the new items and initiatives. “Walmart apparently didn’t learn a lesson from Target. We are sick of the propaganda being forced upon our kids in every single aspect of their lives!! Walmart is also known for sponsoring many d*ag and pride events for kids,” Libs of TikTok said.  A different user wrote, “It’s not even June 1st yet, but @Walmart thinks ‘queer people have magic’ and have no problem selling merch that perpetuates the lie that a child can choose their ‘gender.’” Others said things like “Walmart is disgusting” and “another reason why I don’t shop there ever.” Oli London, who is very outspoken against grooming kids, noted on X that one of the LGBTQ designers was “very excited to use it with my kids,” when talking about the queer notebook that had “beyond gender” on it. What’s odd is that Walmart’s pride collection comes at a time where Target has decided to reel things in a tad given how poorly received some of its pride/progressive merchandise was. Apparently Walmart is undaunted by “get woke, go broke” but honestly, given the responses to its latest initiative, I think it should be.
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Catholic Monk Comes Out As Transgender: Church Told to ‘Deal With Us’

By: Tierin-Rose Mandelburg — May 22nd 2024 at 16:16
Nope, this isn’t satire. Brother Christian Matson, a diocesan hermit in Kentucky, formally came out as transgender this week with the permission of his bishop, John Stowe. As the Religious News Service (RNS) reported, Matson, a woman who has been living as a man, will be able to remain a monk despite the fact that she’s very obviously and confidently contradicting the biblical principles on gender and identity. “This Sunday, Pentecost 2024, I’m planning to come out publicly as transgender,” Matson told Religion News Service on May 17. So yes, the church was alright with the announcement and her “identity.” Matson, a biological woman, decided to identify as a man in college, reports indicate. Four years later, Matson converted to Catholicism. After going through a vocational discernment following his masters degree and a Ph.D, Matson felt called to work in a religious setting. She was denied, rightfully so in my opinion, by many bishops and churches across the nation but kept trying to get in. She even co-started a nonprofit called the Catholic Artist Connection. It’s aim was to be a “religious community of and for artists — artists who are living together, (operating) in the church through their art, and ministering to the loneliness and sense of precarity many artists experience.” Matson, having taken private vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, sent a letter to Bishop Stowe in 2020 after seeing how vocal Stowe was about Catholics being more pro-LGBTQ and asked to be sponsored by the Kentucky-based bishop. When Stowe accepted, Matson said she felt “an enormous relief,” adding “I was in tears. I felt my hope revive.” For context, Matson was accepted as a diocesan hermit. This role, traditionally, doesn’t have a gender distinction and is more of an external and secluded role that spends most days in quiet prayer. Here’s what Stowe said about Matson’s involvement: My willingness to be open to him is because it’s a sincere person seeking a way to serve the church. Hermits are a rarely used form of religious life … but they can be either male or female. Because there’s no pursuit of priesthood or engagement in sacramental ministry, and because the hermit is a relatively quiet and secluded type of vocation, I didn’t see any harm in letting him live this vocation. While there may be no “harm” in Stowe’s eyes, he’s clearly tip-toeing on what is and isn’t appropriate for someone in an official role in the Catholic Church. Generally speaking, I assume the goal is to have employees or a team of individuals who love the Lord for how he made them and honor His word, even the words the He says about gender and how there’s only two of them. Yet, in “2023, the Vatican doctrine department ruled that transgender people may be baptized and serve as witnesses at Catholic weddings, so long as doing so ‘doesn’t cause scandal among the faithful,’” RNS reported. It’s rather difficult to watch our nation, and religion in our nation, cave to the woke mob. This transgender monk is no exception to that.
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SHOCKER: 'American Idol' Finale Allows Worship Song

By: Tierin-Rose Mandelburg — May 22nd 2024 at 11:21
Maybe the tides are turning… Sunday night marked the finale of "American Idol's" 22nd season. Not only did a girl who previously sang a Christian song win the entire competition, but during the three-hour-long show, one of top 12 contestants, Roman Collins, sang "Goodness of God” with gospel music legend CeCe Winans. Winans, who’s won dozens of awards and sold more than 17 million records as the Christian Broadcasting Network reported, was invited to sing about God’s goodness with Collins, who was eliminated just before the top 10 contestants were announced. Their performance was not only jaw dropping in vocal talent and performance ability, but the power of the Holy Spirit was overwhelming. A clip of the performance was shared on the American Idol Instagram page and has almost 700,000 likes and 27.4 million views with many users commenting prayer emojis or praising God as well. On YouTube, the full video has close to 300,000 views. What’s shocking is that the other videos from the evening don’t even come close to viewership and engagement. A video posted just before it where singer Nick Frandiani sang with the guys of the top 12 has only 367,000 views on Instagram and a video where the New Kids on the Block sang with a different top contestant only has 794,000 views. Shockingly, even though this video proclaims the message of Jesus and the Goodness he can provide, it doesn’t seem like Big Tech giants have squashed its reach like they normally do. That’s the thing, though. This sort of content is growing and deserves to be spread so that others can hear its messaging. If songs about sex, drugs and heartbreak are able to go viral, why can’t a performance about our awesome God go viral too?!   Sunday also marked pop singer and judge Katy Perry’s last season on the show after seven-years of being on the judges panel. When Winans and Collins sang the words “with every breath that I am able, I will sing, of the goodness of God,” the camera panned to Perry, visibly tearing up. While she was likely flooded with the emotion of closing this Idol chapter in her life, I can’t help but hope that the Holy Spirit was stirring something in her. We are living in a time where the message of Jesus is desperately needed. Our culture is so immersed in the things of this world and needs nothing more than to redirect our focus to our Father in Heaven, the only one who can truly satisfy. Kudos to "American Idol," this time, for allowing a Christian song to be sung and for God’s name to be proclaimed to such a large audience. Hopefully this becomes the standard, not the anomaly.
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The Left's Fondling Fetish Freaks: Pride Month is On the Horizon

By: Tierin-Rose Mandelburg — May 21st 2024 at 15:52
Welcome to Woke of the Weak, where I’ll update you about the most woke, progressive, insane and crazy clips and stories that the left thinks is tolerable and well, point out why exactly they’re nuts. This week, we witnessed some of the worst examples of how far out of touch with reality so much of the left is. It seems that with pride month being on the horizon, the left has stepped up its insanity. Two parents need to have their custody revoked this week. One was a queer individual who snuggled up to his child that he conceived in a petri dish. A different father shared a video where he and his son matched eyeshadow. Apparently that wasn’t grooming, but instead was a way of supporting his kid… Next up was a person who explained that she (?) wasn't a man, used he/him pronouns but was also trans-nonbinary and liked her boobs but not her butt. If you’re confused, same! After that was a grown man who was given a microphone and stage time to moan into a microphone and shake not only his upper body but his private parts, too. The left has no decency! Speaking of a lack of decency, two transgender men - so women - showed off their mastectomy scars. To close out, we heard from a man who lives in America and was at a beach, in America, and complained that he saw American flags. While he seemed pissed off, he didn’t seem near as mad as the final clip which showed a group of absolutely unhinged ladies in the woods screaming and crying. That’s what’s up on this week’s Woke of the Weak!
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‘Feminist Hags’ Blast Butker’s Pro-Woman Speech: MRCTV’s Mandelburg on OANN

By: Tierin-Rose Mandelburg — May 21st 2024 at 12:31
On Monday, MRCTV’s Tierin-Rose Mandelburg appeared on One America News Network’s In Focus with Alison Steinberg to talk about Kansas City Chiefs Kicker Harrison Butker's speech at Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas. Since his speech on Saturday, May 11, in which Butker emphasized Christian principals and noted that a woman feels particularly satisfied with life when she starts a family, feminists and social justice warriors have come out of the woodwork to share their distaste and frustration with Butker’s pro-America, pro-woman, pro-Christ, and pro-life references. As Steinberg noted, an op-ed published in the Kansas City Star suggested that Butker be replaced with a female kicker as a way to prove to him that women can be successful in careers outside of the home.  The thing is, Butker never said women couldn't have successful careers; he simply noted, with which most normal women would agree, that most women desire marriage, tradition, and starting a family. Butker also never said it was one or the other - but remember, the left thinks anything that has the slightest bit of Jesus or tradition rooted in it needs to be shut down. Two ladies, or “feminist hags” as Mandelburg called them, insisted that what Butker said was “disrespectful” to women.  “I hope that he is canceled to hell and back and I feel so sorry that his wife has to sleep with him,” one of the old ladies on the “I’ve Had It Podcast” exclaimed. Related: Kansas City Star: ‘Make A Statement' Replace Butker With Female Kicker Both Mandelburg and Steinberg agreed that the take against Butker was “truly laughable," noting that it was insane for women to bash a man praising a woman for literally growing and birthing life. Mandelburg said that the “feminist hags" are professional victims who spend their lives doing nothing more than virtue signaling and complaining, and their complaints against Butker are rooted in jealousy. Funnily enough, as Steinberg noted, the NFL sold out of Butker's women’s jerseys shortly following his speech. Check out the segment! Follow us on Twitter/X: 🙏 — MRCTV (@mrctv) May 20, 2024
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Maryland K-5 Parents Forced to Let Kids Learn LGBTQ Curriculum

By: Tierin-Rose Mandelburg — May 20th 2024 at 16:42
After a years-long battle with the school system and Maryland parents, a federal court has decided that despite parents' concerns and religious conflicts, parents are not allowed to choose to opt their children out of learning about progressive ideologies and topics in schools. Remember: to the left, your children belong to them. Last, parents from the Montgomery County Public School (MCPS) started publicly fighting back against the progressive lessons being taught to their elementary-aged students. In March of 2023, the school district essentially declared that they wouldn’t tell parents prior to teaching lessons or reading books to students about progressive ideologies or agendas. Kids in the school system are now being read books like “The Pride Puppy,” “Uncle Bobby’s Wedding” and “Born Ready: The True Story of a  Boy Named Penelope,” as Fox News reported. They’re also being exposed to themes like drag queens, furries and other queer crap. Parents insisted, and rightfully so, that these books and the ideologies they promote were inappropriate for young kids, and forcing them to listen to or read them would violate said children’s First Amendment right to free exercise of religion by intentionally teaching them ideologies that are antithetical to the tenets of their religion.   “The parents had argued that refusal to provide an opt-out from their children’s exposure to LGBT-themed books and related discussions violates federal and state law,” Fox News reported. The plaintiffs, one Muslim and two Christian, worked with The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty to sue MCPS. Late last week, the Court of Appeals decided in a 2-1 vote that simply exposing kids to these progressive ideologies isn’t enough to constitute a breach of the First Amendment.  “The board argues that exposure to ideas contrary to one’s faith is not enough of a burden to implicate the First Amendment,” the court decision read, adding, “the board contends that exposure to issues that one disagrees with, even for religious reasons, is part of the compromise parents when choosing to send their children to public schools.” So essentially, they’re our kids now. Homeschool if you don’t like what we’re teaching.
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Misgendering Is Now Considered 'Harassment' in the Workplace

By: Tierin-Rose Mandelburg — May 20th 2024 at 11:36
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission published harassment guidelines late last month indicating that it would be a punishable offense to misgender someone. Yup. Now, if you don’t call a person who wants to use “ze/zir” pronouns by those made-up pronouns, it would be considered harassment in the workplace. The new rules note that prohibited harassment includes “repeated and intentional use of a name or pronoun inconsistent with the individual’s known gender identity (misgendering) or the denial of access to a bathroom or other sex-segregated facility consistent with the individual’s gender identity.” Related: Peru Classifies Transgender People as ‘Mentally Ill’ The regulations also state that employees cannot “out” other employees - meaning that if a co-worker is a closeted freak, they must reveal that publicly on their own terms. The rules also state that employees must be allowed to use whichever bathrooms or “other sex-segregated” areas that they choose, even if their gender identity is not consistent with their biological sex. Included in the regulations were also possible scenarios to use as examples in order to understand what is and isn’t appropriate.  Here’s one creators used regarding gender identity: Chloe, a purchase order coordinator at a retail store warehouse, is approached by her supervisor, Alton, who asks whether she was 'born a man' because he had heard a rumor that 'there was a transvestite in the department.' Chloe disclosed to Alton that she is transgender and asked him to keep this information confidential. After this conversation, Alton instructed Chloe to wear pants to work because a dress would be 'inappropriate,' despite other purchase order coordinators being permitted to wear dresses and skirts. Alton also asks inappropriate questions about Chloe’s anatomy and sexual relationships. Further, whenever Alton is frustrated with Chloe, he misgenders her by using, with emphasis, “he/him” pronouns, sometimes in front of Chloe’s coworkers. Based on these facts, Alton’s harassing conduct toward Chloe is based on her gender identity. Cry me a freakin’ river, Chloe. Alfredo Ortiz, CEO of Job Creators Network, a conservative U.S. advocacy group, was not a fan of the new guidance and called it an “overreach.” Here’s what Ortiz told Just the News: The guidance is a solution in search of a problem, as the overwhelming majority of employers already provide their employees with a respectful working environment, no matter what their backgrounds. While the Biden administration is focused on using the correct pronouns, small businesses are suffering under the weight of resurgent inflation, high energy costs, and a credit crunch due to Democrats' bad policies. Rules about how to treat transgender employees amount to another headache for employers at the worst possible time. Honestly, this is ridiculous. The fact that we are even having this conversation is absolutely outrageous. Our country has much bigger fish to fry than hurting people’s feelings regarding their delusional sense of identity. Follow us on Twitter/X Woke of The Weak: The Left Continues To Push Their Fetishes On Normal People We used to have places to put these people. — MRCTV (@mrctv) May 7, 2024
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Biden Administration Wastes Time Celebrating Another Gay Holiday

By: Tierin-Rose Mandelburg — May 17th 2024 at 16:47
“Happy International Day Against homophobia, biphobia, & transphobia” … said no right minded person ever. Though May 17 may be a regular day for you and me, for the left, May 17 marks International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia. Since the gays apparently need ANOTHER made-up holiday, the left, our administration especially, celebrated the occasion on social media.  On May 17, 1990, the World Health Organization (WHO) decided that homosexuality is no longer classified as one of the items on the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). Apparently now, the alphabet mafia has taken it over to celebrate themselves and fight back against anyone who disagrees with their delusional sense of identity. Taking over Easter and celebrating Transgender Day of Visibility seemingly wasn't enough for the White House. Starting off strong, our very own President Joe Biden said, “On the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia, my Administration stands in solidarity with LGBTQI+ people around the world as they seek to live lives free from hate-fueled violence and discrimination." He also noted that "It’s a matter of human rights, plain and simple” on Friday afternoon. Funnily enough, someone brought up Biden’s past statements where he indicated, using his “devout Catholic” beliefs, that “marriage is between a man and a woman.”       Vice President Kamala Harris, an alleged Christian, shared essentially the same thing as her boss adding, “Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and accepted for who they are.” The U.S. Department of State shared an image of the Pride flage and wrote, “LGBTQI+ persons deserve recognition of their universal human rights and human dignity. On #IDAHOBIT and every day, the United States stands with LGBTQI+ persons around the world." The department's head, Secretary Antony Blinken, insisted that he supports “promoting the safety and dignity of LGBTQI+ persons” and noted that it’s a “key component of advancing our nation’s interested.” Sure, sir, as long as the nation’s interests are to promote delusion and confusion and make the idea of a nuclear family cease to exist. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security shared a graphic with a giant rainbow on it and wrote that it plans to defend “DHS employees and each one of our citizens, promoting equality, dignity, and respect for all, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.” While I don’t think that any one of us wants to conduct any harm or have any malicious intent towards people who don’t agree with us, I can’t help but wonder what was not being done in our country while our administration was so heavily focused on a made up holiday for gender and sex? Don’t we have huge things to worry about, like the border, abortion and the economy to name a few? Not to mention two wars raging overseas?!  Geez louise, our country’s gotta get our priorities (and our people) straight.
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Sex W/ Jesus, Foursomes & Oral: Even A Board Member Protests 'Evil' Sexually Explicit Books

By: Tierin-Rose Mandelburg — May 17th 2024 at 13:13
A disgusted school board member read the contents of a book titled “Triangles,” which explained, in extremely graphic detail, a foursome. This book, along with other books like it, is available to students at middle and high school libraries in North East San Antonio, Texas. The book by Ellen Hopkins talks about three different women’s sex lives. According to, a website dedicated to exposing these sexually explicit books given to children, the book “has sexually obscene sexual activities including sadomasochism; sexual nudity; profanity; alcohol abuse; drug use; controversial religious commentary; and alternate sexualities.” GRAPHIC LANGUAGE WARNING: Bonny Wallace, read page 368 from the book at the May 13 board meeting: I move my mouth to taste her nipples. They are larger than mine. Luscious. My partner’s hands pull me backward to lie across the table. He kisses Lorraine as Micah’s tongue finds the sweet spot between my legs. It all becomes a heady mix of men. Tongues. Hands. Gingers. The unique brine of women. The heat of c**k. Condoms. Don’t forget those. And, God, orgasm. Mine. Hers. Theirs. I think other people are watching. Touching themselves because this foursome is amazing. Beautiful people doing incredibly sensual things. Segue to dirty, nasty things.  At that point the woman left the podium to head back to her seat. Before she could make it all the way back to her chair, board member Diane Villareal interrupted saying: “I’m sorry, I’m gonna ask a question now because I was under the impression that these books had been removed from our schools. What the heck is going on?” The audience erupted in applause at her shock.  “This is revolting,” Villarreal continued, “I wouldn’t even expect to read this in Penthouse if they still published that trash and this is in our schools!?” The video, posted originally by Sarah Fields, president for Coalition Texas, and shared by Libs of TikTok, has almost 800,000 views on X.   In the full video of the nearly two-hour long board meeting titled “Parental Advisory Explicit Content,” concerned parents acknowledged the disturbing content in books that are made accessible to students.  One father talked about his daughters who go to Churchill High School in the school district. He noted that many “vulgar” books in the library are things he’d never want his daughters to be able to have access to, adding that there's nothing that has any “educational” value in them. A woman who is the Texas ambassador for Moms for Liberty noted that the material is “harmful” for children. She read an excerpt from the book called “The Empire of Storms” which is available at every middle school in the district. Related: Oral, Abortion, and Sex With Jesus: Mom Reads Shocking Excerpts From Book Found In a Local High School “His teeth gazed over her nipple and her eyes drifted closed, a moaning slipping out of her, his tongue flipped against her nipple and her head tipped back, her fingers digging into his shoulders,” she read. The woman went on but I’ll spare you the details. All you need to know is that it was erotic content that is provided to young kids in school.  A pastor read an excerpt from the book “What Girls are Made Of” which talked about giving “Jesus head” and “having sex with Jesus.” One more read an “evil” book that kids have access to which read “Daddy put his pee pee smelling thing in my mouth.” Like one of the pastors said, these books have no place in schools. They belong in the “pits of hell.” Follow us on Twitter/X: MRCTV’s Eric Scheiner joins @AlisonOAN to talk about what the leftist media really means when they talk about “democracy.” — MRCTV (@mrctv) May 15, 2024
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Historic German Church Hosts Worship Service Ft. Taylor Swift Songs

By: Tierin-Rose Mandelburg — May 16th 2024 at 15:44
That’s certainly an interesting way to get young people to church. The Church of the Holy Spirit in Heidelberg, Germany, put on a service titled “Anti-Hero — Taylor Swift Church Service,” over the weekend in an attempt to get young people into church. According to Deutsche Welle, the pop singer tie-in resulted in bringing more than 1,200 people on Sunday to listen to Taylor Swift’s music. The 600-year-old church, which is now a Protestant church, set up the event to “attract younger people, as well as to focus on the profound religious convictions expressed in many of Swift’s songs.” Pastor Christof Ellsiepen said the following about his intentions with helping set up the service: “The Church of the Holy Spirit has always been a place of encounter and exchange. That's why a pop-music religious service fits so perfectly. With it, we are giving space to the questions and issues that occupy the younger generation." The German congregation insisted that there were Christian themes in Swift’s music.  Parish Pastor Vincenzo Petracca noted that for Taylor Swift, her “faith and action are inseparable” and said that “theologically speaking, she points to the justness of God.” The church, which held two of these stupid services, also left out a gay sign on stage behind its musicians noting that “all sizes, all [colors], all cultures, all sexes, all beliefs, all religions, all ages, all types, all people” were welcome at the congregation. Naturally though, the services were mostly filled up with young females who likely came to the service for the T-Swift sing-a-long rather than to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Among the six total Swift songs performed by Tine Weichmann, a singer from the area, was the song, “Soon You’ll Get Better,” written for Swift's mother who was battling cancer. In it, Swift notes “each night I pray to you / Desperate people find faith, so now I pray to Jesus, too.” Related: WATCH: Taylor Swift, Social Media Slaves & Entitled Invaders Pastor Petracca noted that during that song, many in the congregation teared up.  Yet, even in that line, Swift is implying that she only prayed to save her mom as if to say “desperate times call for desperate measures,” and that she doesn’t regularly pray like actual Christians do. Of course, the performers also sang “Shake It Off,” which allegedly “brought the entire congregation to their feet, singing and dancing before breaking into furious applause.” But remember, they weren't jumping with joy for the son of God but for Taylor Swift's song. In another one of her songs, “Bigger Than the Whole Sky,” which many speculate is about a miscarriage, Swift sings the line, “Did some force take you because I didn't pray?” Where, if speculations are true, she’s insisting that some sort of higher being - God - took her baby away because she wasn’t praying. While Taylor Swift may use lines that point out God or some sort of religious practice, they’re not worship songs and by no means a role model of accurate theology. But, leave it to progressive “Christianity” to take Taylor Swift who arguably doesn’t practice religion that closely or at all, and use her as a role model for a religious leader for young girls. Follow us on Twitter/X: MRCTV’s Eric Scheiner joins @AlisonOAN to talk about what the leftist media really means when they talk about “democracy.” — MRCTV (@mrctv) May 15, 2024
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NBC Nightly News Cheers for Dems Filibustering for Missouri Abortion ‘Rights’

By: Tierin-Rose Mandelburg — May 16th 2024 at 13:54
NBC Nightly News ran a segment celebrating the Missouri Democrats who held a more than 50 hour marathon filibuster trying to block a bill that would restrict abortion. The outlet praised the “supporters of abortion rights” who wanted to “protect” a woman’s “right” to kill her kid. Presently in Missouri, Republicans are trying to pass a bill that would make it more challenging to amend the Missouri constitution. Democrats are fighting for the option to amend the state constitution, in order to eventually include abortion until fetal viability. NBC loved this idea.   “Tonight, Democrats are fighting back,” against “one of the strictest” bans on abortion in the country, NBC News Washington Correspondent Yamiche Alcindor said.  “Supporters of abortion rights say they’ve gathered enough signatures for a separate ballot measure in November that would protect access to abortions,” Alcindor said excitedly. “But if the Republican proposal is passed before November,” she added, “enacting the abortion amendment would not just require a simple statewide majority but also majorities from five of the state’s eight districts,” making it harder to pass certain things, especially for Democrats, given that Missouri is traditionally more red. NBC then played a clip from State Senator Lauren Arthur (D-Mo.) who said, “The reason Republicans are so committed to silencing people’s voices at the ballot box is because they’re afraid that Missourians are going to come out in support of restoring their reproductive rights and their access to abortion in Missouri." It’s extremely obvious which side of this debate NBC stands on with this puff piece. It’s just a shame that it's the side that celebrates and advocates for more baby death.
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Peru Classifies Transgender People as ‘Mentally Ill’

By: Tierin-Rose Mandelburg — May 15th 2024 at 15:15
America should take notes… On Tuesday, the Peruvian government officially categorized both transgender and intersex people as “mentally ill.”  The decree, signed by President Dina Boluarte, notes that “transsexualism, dual-role transvestism, gender identity disorder in childhood, other gender identity disorders and fetishistic transvestism” are now all recorded as mental illnesses in Peru, as Daily Mail reported. The Peruvian government insisted that this will help make “psychological treatment” more freely available to those struggling with these identity and ideology disorders. Now in Peru, people who experience confusion when it comes to their body and identity can receive free health services for said confusion. The shift “categorically reaffirms respect for the dignity of the person and their free actions within the framework of human rights, providing health services for their benefit.” The move, as Daily Mail indicated, came out just days before the 34th anniversary of when the World Health Organization (WHO) removed “homosexuality” from the list of International Classification of Diseases (ICD). Additionally, the word “transexuality” was removed from the list in 2019. But to Peru, those identity terms are now considered mental health illnesses. A report from Yahoo News included a quote from Percy Mayta-Tristán, a medical researcher at Lima’s Scientific University of the South. “You can’t ignore the context that this is happening in a super-conservative society, where the LGBT community has no rights and where labeling them as mentally ill opens the door to conversion therapy,” he said. Critics noted that this new policy would open the door to conversion therapy. But that begs the question, if you’re converting from a delusion, isn’t that good? In response to the news, users on X seemed to be supportive of the move. “I never thought I would see the day Peru was more advanced then the US,” a user wrote on X, while another wrote, “truth hurts.” A different user noted that Peru is “making public what most people are thinking” and said “Good for Peru” Similarly, others said things like “they’re right” and “well done Peru.” I wonder when, if ever, the United States will do the same.
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Pro-Life Activist Sentenced to 57 Months in Prison for Protesting Abortion

By: Tierin-Rose Mandelburg — May 15th 2024 at 12:32
Lauren Handy, 30, was sentenced to 57 months in prison as well as three years probation on Tuesday for trying to save babies from abortion at an abortion facility back in 2020. The court however, deemed that Handy violated the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE Act). On October 22, 2020, Handy, along with a number of other pro-life activists, was arrested for allegedly blocking access to the Washington Surgi abortion clinic in Washington, D.C. Prosecutors insist that Handy instructed other pro-lifers at the scene to link themselves together with locks and chains while they sang hymns and prayed for the moms and babies who were set up for abortions.  JUST IN: Pro-lifer Lauren Handy sentenced to nearly 5 years in prison for "blockading" a Washington abortion clinic in 2020. After she was indicted, police found 5 fetuses in her Washinton home. According to prosecutors, Handy instructed co-defendants to chain themselves… — Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) May 14, 2024   Handy’s already been in jail since August of 2023 when she was convicted of conspiracy against rights and for violating the FACE Act. She was the first of the pro-life group to be sentenced. William Goodman received 27 months and John Hinshaw will have to serve 21 months. according to Tuesday's results. Heather Idoni and Herb Geraghty are waiting for their sentences after pleading not guilty. They face up to 11 years in prison. This is the same clinic where Handy and another pro-life activist, Terrisa Bukovinac, found the bodies of five preemie babies as well as the parts of 115 aborted babies, that the clinic had planned to send to Maryland to be incinerated and used as renewable energy. It’s also the same clinic where late-term abortionist Cesare Santangelo admitted that if a child was accidentally born alive from a botched abortion, he’d leave the child to die slowly and painfully rather than give him or her medical attention. Other pro-life groups and individuals were dumbfounded that Handy will have such a harsh penalty for simply attempting to save babies from the evils of abortion. “30-year-old pro-life activist Lauren Handy has just been sentenced to 57 months in federal prison for handing roses and resources to women at an abortion facility, Meanwhile, abortionists who dismember and kill children walk free. A grave injustice,” LiveAction president Lila Rose said.  Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) wrote, “Protestors can block roads, airports, public transit, take over college campuses, and fight police without consequences, but if you pray, sing hymns, and try to convince women to not have their unborn babies killed then you go to prison for YEARS!!!" “Three weeks ago a judge let a woman walk who smothered her child to death while on meth. Today a judge sentenced a pro life activist (Lauren Handy) to nearly 5 years in federal prison for a peaceful sit in at an abortion clinic,” a different user wrote on X. One more user said, “Thanks to the weaponized DOJ, this woman will spend the next 5 years in prison! If she’d been an environmental activist, she’d have probably  gotten a misdemeanor! But, she’s a pro-life advocate, so this admin used the FACE Act to prosecute her." The leftist media are describing Handy as some sort of villain and insist the 57 month jail sentenced isn’t sufficient.  Daily Beast called Handy a “zealot” who “harassed and directly denied health care access to at least two women who were seeking medical care” (medical “care” being abortions). Similarly The Associated Press called Handy an “anti-abortion activist who led a clinic blockade.” Handy shared some words on the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising’s X page alluding to the fact that she doesn’t regret her decisions back in 2020 that led her to where she is now. “It has been close to 9 months since I was abruptly ripped from my community. This has led me to think long and hard on what to say about my sentencing today in federal court” she said in part one of a four part thread on X. “Yes, this time has been challenging but I refuse to be jaded. Why? Because life goes on … even in jail,” she wrote adding, “today I am at peace with myself and my future” before signing her note “Choose Courage Over Comfort.”
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Following Trans Scandals, Planet Fitness Offers FREE Membership for Teens

By: Tierin-Rose Mandelburg — May 13th 2024 at 17:13
Earlier this year, Planet Fitness came under fire after numerous reports of transgender women in the women’s locker rooms or bathrooms surfaced across the nation. On Monday, word spread that the company, begging for members, announced a new campaign that would give teenagers free summer passes.  Great, now the gym giant wants kids to be subject of the transgender freaks in the bathrooms! “High school summer pass is here,” the commercial stated before noting that from June 1 to August 31 teenagers aged 14 to 19 years old “can work out at Planet Fitness totally free!” BREAKING: Planet Fitness announced that they are giving away free summer passes to kids. This is the same company that lets men enter the women's locker rooms and expose themselves to women and girls while simultaneously allowing a culture of perverted and degenerate behavior in… — Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) May 13, 2024 “Come in and get energized,” the commercial added, “with tons of cardio and strength equipment, all in the judgment free zone, find your big fitness energy with the high school summer pass.”  While encouraging kids to stay active during the summer is a great idea, having them stay active at Planet Fitness is a horrible idea. In March, an Alaskan woman was using the locker room facility at a Planet Fitness location when a “queer” person that was a biological man, began using the women’s area mirrors and shaving his face. There was a roughly 12-year-old girl in the locker room when the man was present and reports indicate the child was “kind of freaked out.” Around the same time, #BoycottPlanetFitness began trending on social media with many people going into their local Planet Fitness to cancel their memberships. Additionally, the company’s stock price dropped. Less than a month later, Christopher Allan Miller stripped naked in the ladies locker room at a Planet Fitness location in North Carolina. While Miller was arrested, the woman who reported him had her gym membership revoked by Planet Fitness after the gym insisted that she wasn’t being inclusive of Miller’s transgender identity. After that fiasco, Planet Fitness’ value plummeted around $400 million. Even still, Planet Fitness has remained firm in its commitment to the delusions of trans people and insists that anyone can use any bathroom that they feel matches their gender identity, even if it means that creepy old men will share spaces with young girls. It’s no wonder the gym is begging for new clients and marketing their membership to teens who are unlikely to either know about these trans policies or too naive to recognize the repercussions they could hold. The information on the website states that teens who are 19-years-old can sign up online or in person without a parent or guardian. For those who are under 19-years-old, a parent or guardian is needed to sign up in person or online. But in filing out the form, there doesn't seem to be any reason a child can't fill it out for his or her parent. So essentially, any kid can sign up online without their parent knowing.   As an aside, on the form, Planet Fitness offers the gender option of "non-binary" for teens to select if they don't identify with male or female. As Libs of TikTok noted in it’s post, “Parents, beware! Do not allow your kids in PF. They are desperate for new customers after seeing mass cancellations. Protect your children!” A user on X wrote how “disturbing” Planet Fitness’ new scheme is, “They’re overtly preying on children now. Planet Fitness allows men in women’s bathrooms and wants kids to now be thrown into the mix,” and insisted that the company is a “threat” to innocent children. “What point is there allowing pervs in the locker rooms unless there is a good supply of kids?” another account sarcastically added. If you are watching this play out and are still thinking the left, and now, Planet Fitness especially, isn’t after your kids, open your eyes.
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Transgender Kills Civilian: Runs Him Over, Stabs Him & Kisses Him

By: Tierin-Rose Mandelburg — May 13th 2024 at 13:59
The left still likes to tell you that transgender people aren’t struggling mentally …  Karon Fisher, a transgender woman in Houston, Texas, allegedly crashed into the body of 64-year-old Steven Anderson earlier this month, before stabbing him to his death, kissing him and prancing over his body. Co-Owner of Trending Politics, Collin Rugg, posted a video of the incident which looks like it was obtained from someone’s outdoor security camera. NEW: Man killed by transgender driver who plowed into him, backed over him and stabbed him 9 times before kissing him and prancing over his body. Absolutely horrific. 20-year-old suspect Karon Fisher is a man according to court papers. After trying to flee the scene in a car,… — Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) May 11, 2024 According to reports, Anderson was outside getting the mail from his mailbox when Fisher rammed right into him with a vehicle. Fisher allegedly then reversed the car in order to hit Anderson again while witnesses called 911. The video shows Fisher, who was wearing what looked like a bra and underpants, flip over Anderson’s limp body before straddling and kissing him. Reports indicate that Fisher then stabbed Anderson a total of nine times before prancing over his body like a gazelle and walking away “as if nothing had happened.” Neighbors were terrified at the sight, rightfully so. “It’s very disturbing. I have kids here; they could have been out here playing,” a neighbor told ABC13 while another noted how shocking it was that the murder happened in “broad daylight” saying “it happened right under our noses.” The suspect previously was on community supervision for five years over evading arrest in 2023 and in 2021 was charged with prostitution. The same day Fisher allegedly killed Anderson, reports indicate that he assaulted a staff member at the hospital. He’s being held on a two million dollar bond.  Twitter CEO Elon Musk summed it up simply but perfectly when he responded “terrible” to this horrific story.
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VCU Students Walk out of Graduation to Protest Youngkin's Speech

By: Tierin-Rose Mandelburg — May 13th 2024 at 11:40
Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) graduates walked out of their graduation ceremony Saturday morning as a way of protest when Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin began to deliver the commencement address. The walkout, participated in by dozens of students, was supposed to be a way to show support for Palestine and protest against some of Youngkin’s Republican policies. The VCU chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) urged VCU officials to rescind the invitation to Youngkin this week prior to the graduation ceremony. When their urges were unsuccessful, they, along with other students, said they planned to walk out when Youngkin began speaking — and that’s exactly what they did Saturday morning.  Students, many of whom were wearing masks, stood up and stormed out when Youngkin began his opening statements. Many students held kaffiyeh scarves and signs reading things like “Teach Black history” and “Book bans [do not equal] respect for learning.” Related: Youngkin Promotes Parental Voice Over Children’s Gender And Pronouns Previously Youngkin has proved that he doesn’t want woke crap in schools and emphasized that “parents matter” when it comes to what is and isn’t taught to their kids in school. To the left however, likely many of those who protested at the graduation, that sort of transparency is seen as a threat to the indoctrination and grooming goals of many progressives. NEW: @VCU students walk out of their own commencement to protest @GlennYoungkin #valeg They will not be allowed back into the ceremony but don’t seem worried. “My families going to be mad, but it’s worth it for what he’s done to bBack and trans ppl” - said by a student outside — BK (@BradKutner) May 11, 2024 Other students and protestors marched around the school holding signs and shouting things like "No books, no peace, let knowledge increase" with plans to all meet up at Abner Clay, a local park. The walkout at @VCU graduation is underway. — Megan E. Pauly (@Megan__Pauly) May 11, 2024 The temper tantrum by the VCU grads was met with mixed reviews from social media users. One user on X gave “kudos” to the students saying “Glenn Youngkin weaponized Black people to win the race for governor with fearmongering over critical race theory and stirring up white parents’ angst. I can’t think of anyone more deserving of a commencement walkout at a historically black university.” A different user said the walkout “warm[ed] her heart.” On the contrary, one user said it wasn’t “courageous” at all, but rather that it was “an insult to their fellow graduates.” Similarly, a user wrote “Pathetic!! Small few inconsiderate fools ruin it for rest of Graduates & families Like so many activists they only care about themselves. What did they really accomplish? Nothing!” I agree with the latter sentiments. Regardless of your personal view of a particular person, there’s something called basic human respect and that’s something I think all those who walked out could benefit from learning about. Follow us on Twitter/X: Wacky Moments of Leftist Extremism: The Media Freak Out Over Trump's Trial Falling Apart The ladies on The View are furious that the court system isn't just throwing Trump in prison without a trial. — MRCTV (@mrctv) May 10, 2024
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Teacher on Bail for Raping One Student, Has Baby With a Different Student

By: Tierin-Rose Mandelburg — May 10th 2024 at 17:06
Here’s the 7,325,793,257th reason I plan to homeschool my children. Rebecca Joynes, a math teacher in Manchester, UK, just had a baby with a teenager she slept with. She did so while out on bail for sex with a different one of her students. I guess raping one kid just wasn’t enough for Miss Joynes. Manchester Evening News reported that Joynes gave the first boy ten digits of her phone number and had him try to guess the 11th. Joynes then coerced the boy with a shopping trip, which CCTV footage confirmed, where she bought him a Gucci belt after picking him up at his house. That evening Joynes allegedly brought the student back to her apartment to rape him two times when he spent the night at her house.  As the New York Post indicated, Joynes was “laughing” while having unprotected sex with the student after he “told her he was too young to even drive.”  “She said, ‘Oh shut up’ … ‘Stop saying that,’” the 15-year-old student said. Joynes admits to going to the shop with the boy, and that he visited her house, but denies any sexual activity. While Joynes appeared in court for that case, she was allegedly sleeping with another minor! Joynes was suspended from work over the first instance and apparently thought that her time off from teaching made it somehow okay to have sexual relations with a different young boy.  Supposedly, she and this minor chatted via Snapchat, kissed once and then, as prosecutors mentioned, their relationship became sexual in nature.  As the Manchester Evening News noted, Joynes allegedly told the child it was “almost impossible” for her to conceive since she had polycystic ovarian syndrome. Yet, a baby girl was conceived. Apparently, Joynes gave the baby’s father an item that had “I love you daddy” written on it. On the same night, reports seem to indicate Joynes also “put rose petals down” and had a “scratchcard” from Victoria’s Secret with different sex positions on it for the two to try.  Joynes tried to justify her actions by claiming that she wasn’t a teacher at the time of the rape of this second boy and that he was 16, which is the age of legal consent in UK. However, when it involves a child and a figure of authority, that age is raised to 18. “Ms Joynes, of Pensby Road, Wirral, denies four counts of sexual activity with a child, and two counts of sexual activity with a child by a person in a position of trust,” Manchester Evening News indicated. While this story takes place over in Europe, the U.S. is no stranger to this kind of behavior. A 24-year-old Wisconsin elementary teacher was recently arrested for allegedly “making out” with one of her fifth-grade students. In California, a teacher just pled no contest after being accused of raping a 14-year-old student on his eighth grade graduation. A Minnesota teacher had sex with one of her 18-year-old students and pleaded guilty in February. Earlier that month a different teacher pleaded guilty to sneaking into a 14-year-old student’s home and bed to rape him. A teacher in Iowa pleaded guilty to sex acts with numerous minors like sending nude images to them and “fondling or touching” at least one of them. Mrs. Phillips from Kentucky admitted to having sex with “numerous teenage boys” during her time as a teachers assistant and a Louisiana teacher was arrested in January after allegedly “sexting” a 15-year-old student from her school. Yup, and the worst part is, that’s all only from the first few months of 2024. All that to say, this type of behavior, where someone who’s supposed to be a trusted adult, coerces, grooms and abuses children, has got to come to an end.
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Target Announces Its 2024 'Pride' Plan

By: Tierin-Rose Mandelburg — May 10th 2024 at 14:36
Another year, another example of Target missing the bullseye. On Thursday evening, Target Corprate released its 2024 fact sheet about how it will commit to the gays during "Pride month" this upcoming June. Among the ideas on how to be more supportive of the LGBTQs were events to educate people about the gays, community events around the nation celebrating the gays, products that represent the gays, support of overtly gay organizations, and spotlighting gay brands in Target stores. Essentially, Target wants to barf the rainbow all over everything for the month of June, and throughout the rest of 2024 as well. “At Target, we know our business thrives when we create experiences that foster a sense of belonging. That’s why we support and celebrate the LGBTQIA+ community during Pride Month and year-round,” the company wrote in its “Plans for Pride 2024” announcement. Here’s the details in full: Our Pride+ Business Council will host internal events and experiences where interested team members can learn, reflect, celebrate and connect. It’s complemented by the year-round resources and benefits we provide to our LGBTQIA+ team members, reflecting our culture of care for all 400,000 people who work at Target. We’re joining local Pride events in our hometown of Minneapolis and around the country. We’re offering a collection of products including adult apparel and home and food and beverage items, curated based on consumer feedback. The collection will be available on and in select stores, based on historical sales performance. We continue to support LGBTQIA+ organizations year-round, including Human Rights Campaign, Family Equality and more. Target also spotlights LGBTQ-owned brands in our assortment during Pride Month and throughout the year in our stores and online. It’s no surprise that Target is excited to roll out its gay crap. Afterall, the store cares more about pushing an agenda than just about anything else, and this fad isn’t new.  For example, for Easter this year, Target ignored the fact that the holiday was in celebration of Jesus' resurrection and instead focused on pastel flowers, bunny rabbits and eggs in its candy selection. During the Christmas season, Target released a “gay Nutcracker” as well as a pride snowglobe, a fabergé pride Santa, and pride Christmas drinking glass among many other rainbow-washed merchandise - and of course last year’s pride display was also nuts. It featured “tuck-friendly swimsuits” and merch from a pro-Satan transgender designer. Related: Target SLAMMED Over ‘Gay Nutcracker’ Christmas Decorations The odd part about Target’s re-commitment to "pride" this year is that last year, while it attempted to use the pride crap to cater to inclusivity and garner more sales, the scheme did the exact opposite.  In August, Q2 results for Target’s earnings indicated that the company had declined 5.4 percent from the year before. As a matter of fact, quarterly sales declined for the time in six-years according to that report. These results initially caused Target executives to re-think all the pride displays yet now, just a few months later, it seems that the liberal shopping giant has learned nothing from its past mistakes. Catch me avoiding the store at ALL COSTS this June and beyond. Follow us on Twitter/X: Hosts of The View have a bizarre conversation about the color of Trump's skin — MRCTV (@mrctv) May 10, 2024
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RFK Jr. Admits to Supporting ‘Full Term’ Abortion

By: Tierin-Rose Mandelburg — May 9th 2024 at 15:52
It’s absolutely jaw dropping to me that people openly support what can be summed up as nothing less than infanticide. In an interview with podcaster Sage Steele, Democratic Presidential nominee Robert Kennedy Jr. was asked about his ideas when it comes to abortion restrictions. Kennedy, very confidently, insisted that all abortion decisions should be made by a mother and that he supports abortion “even if it’s full term.” The interview, released Wednesday as part of The Sage Steele Show, already has over 21,000 views on YouTube. released a less than 30 second clip of the show and it already has more than 154,000 views on X with hundreds of retweets and comments. BREAKING: Robert Kennedy Jr. endorses abortions up to birth. "Even if it's full term." — (@LifeNewsHQ) May 9, 2024 Steele asked if Kennedy, if elected, would keep abortion laws at the federal level as is, “Keeping it as is, with Roe versus Wade having being overturned and leaving it up to the states to determine if and when a woman can have an abortion?” “No, I wouldn’t leave it to the states,” Kennedy said. “We should leave it to the woman,” he added, a few moments later insisting that he’d not place any federal protections on innocent life but rather leave it up to a woman. “We shouldn’t have government involved,” he said. Steele pushed back in order to get Kennedy to clarify his stance: “Even if it’s full term?” What Kennedy said next shocked me. “Even if it’s full term,” he said, meaning that he’d support a woman’s decision to abort her child, even if it is fully formed and merely a few inches up the birth canal. did indicate that even though Kennedy claims that he “may not support late-term abortions personally, his answer makes it crystal clear that his political policy would allow late-term abortions with no limits.” In response to the clip, many pro-lifers were stunned and heartbroken. Sean Feucht, a Christian singer who recently led worship at a pro-Israel march said, “No Bible-believing, Jesus-following Christian should come remotely close to endorsing this guy for President.” TPUSA president Charlie Kirk said RFK Jr. was “affirming his commitment to China-style full-term abortion, without limits, nationwide.” Heritage Foundation president Kevin Roberts shared that sentiment when he said, “The real radicals on abortion are those, like Robert Kennedy, who support full-term abortion. What a grotesque and evil concept.” I pray for the day that pro-aborts either wake up or stop ignoring the realities of what abortion is. Until then, that population, the most vulnerable population in our society, is under eminent risk with mindsets like Kennedy’s.  
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Pro-Israel Protestors Rally & March Outside USC Campus: ‘Bring Them Home’

By: Tierin-Rose Mandelburg — May 9th 2024 at 13:37
Pro-Israel students at the University of Southern California (USC) gathered together on Wednesday to march for the return of the innocent Israelis still held captive by Hamas, standing in stark contrast to the pro-Palestine protests that have erupted across college campuses around the nation, wreaking havoc, causing graduation ceremony cancellations, and bringing violence to school grounds. Pursuit Church teamed up with Christian worship artist Sean Feucht to hold the “United for Israel March” on Wednesday, where hundreds of both local and traveling pro-Israel marchers gathered by USC to stand in solidarity with those who lost their lives on October 7, as well as those still being held by Hamas terrorists. Feucht led worship songs at the start of the event before the march began. Later, marchers gathered outside the front gates of USC as the school's four-day long graduation ceremony series began. USC students in particular have been relatively vocal about their anti-Israel stance. In April more than 90 people were arrested during a protest at the campus after setting up illegal encampments on the school grounds. During the same month, USC even canceled its official commencement ceremony amid concerns of violence and noted that the valedictorian speech, which was set to be given by an outwardly pro-Palestine activist, was canceled, too. In the same vein, back in November, a Jewish professor at USC was banned from teaching on campus for the rest of the fall semester after comments he made against Hamas went viral. Hence why the location of this rally was of vital importance. Related: Indoctrination Nation: YOUNG Missouri School Kids Protest for Palestine - 'Zionism has Got to Go!' Rally-goers peacefully raised their hands to God and prayed for His protection over the Israeli citizens prior to the march. “The significance of us gathering on this University campus is to say, 'anti-semitism will be defeated,'" Feucht told the crowd before launching into a chant of, “Jewish hate must go!” Attendees included both Jews and Christians. USC 🚨: A Christian converted Muslim man from Iran, and Christian converted Jewish woman from Israel take communion together in symbolic peace between Muslims and Jews, and prayer said over the Middle East. — Anthony Cabassa (@AnthonyCabassa_) May 9, 2024 When the singing and prayer ended, attendees began marching down the streets of Los Angeles chanting things like, "Bring them home” while carrying both the Israeli and American flags.   Your daily dose of good news: At USC hundreds of pro israel supporters march at usc after an pro palestinian encampment was removed. Quite a difference with your average pro hamas crowd — Brian BJ (@iamBrianBJ) May 9, 2024 A plane even flew over the University with a banner behind it that read, “Israel is forever. Jewish Lives Matter.” Staff and members of the group Concerned Women for America, which seeks to "protect and promote Biblical values and Constitutional principles through prayer, education, and advocacy," attended the event and held signs that read “CWA Stands with Israel!” Paige Nelson, CWA’s Executive Assistant to the VP and Development Project Manager, issued a statement to MRCTV after attending the event herself: It is no secret that since October 7, 2023, antisemitism in the United States has spiked, specifically targeting Jewish students and faculty at some of our most esteemed institutions. Pro-Hamas protests are breaking out, coating these campuses in violence and hysteria, and creating dangerous environments for the Jewish community to exist. Yesterday’s march was the complete opposite and a testament to our God not being finished with His people. Christians and Jews gathered together in prayer and worship - acknowledging that we serve the same good Father and have power in numbers. The march was filled with joy and laughter, unity and peace. There were no arrests, blocking traffic, or disgracing the American flag. Instead, hundreds gathered to show support for our Jewish brothers and sisters and to spread the good news that our Lord has already won the battle, He has conquered death, and that He will not give up on the promised land. This event stands in stark contrast to the types of protests taking place across the nation, where pro-Hamas students and demonstrators have set up camp at various schools calling to "liberate" Palestine. “Hamas is Me! Hamas is You! Hamas is our Family,” one black supremacist at George Washington University yelled on Tuesday before pledging to destroy Israel. Students from Princeton went on what they called a “hunger strike,” voluntarily denying themselves food in an attempt to show their solidarity with Gaza, and the Latino Institute at UCLA attempted to place blame on police officers for terminating their violent and outrageous protests - and that’s all within just the last week. Like Nelson said, the violence many of the pro-Gaza protestors exude is not necessary, as demonstrated by the pro-Israel group. “There were no arrests, blocking traffic, or disgracing the American flag,” she said about Wednesday’s march. Maybe those pro-Palestine protestors should take a look at how advocating for what you believe in should actually be done. Follow us on Twitter/X: MRCTV's @Schineman joins One America News to talk Biden refusing interviews, Google censorship, and Maxine Waters' hypocrisy. — MRCTV (@mrctv) May 9, 2024  
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Bud Light Still an Epic Failure Since Transgender Mulvaney Scandal

By: Tierin-Rose Mandelburg — May 9th 2024 at 06:08
Just over one year following Bud Light’s terrible decision to hire transgender influencer and professional toddler Dylan Mulvaney to promote its once pro-America beer, the company's sales are plummeting. Again. According to the first-quarter earnings report released Wednesday, Anheuser-Busch, Bud Light’s parent company, has decreased 9.1% in revenue in the U.S. The news comes more than a year after Mulvaney dressed up as a wannabe Katherine Hepburn with black gloves, pearls and red lipstick in an attempt to help Bud Light sell more beer. Mulvaney was also gifted a custom Bud Light can with his face printed on it, which he drank in a bathtub before posting a video of it to social media last April. Given that the beer is usually consumed by pro-America, country-lovin’ men, the fake girl’s attempt backfired. Bud Light ended up being canned by millions of drinkers across the country and ended up costing the company more than $1 billion in sales. In February, Bud Light attempted to make a comeback with its Super Bowl ads focusing on patriotism and humor - but, as Fox Business pointed out, the company is “still suffering.” Aside from the 9.1% decrease in revenue in America, “sales to retailers in the U.S. were down 13.7%” in the first-quarter earnings," Fox News reported. Essentially, distributors don’t want to buy Bud Light to sell because they know that consumers won't buy it! As former Anheuser-Busch President of Operations Anson Frericks said, “They haven’t done a good job climbing out of this ditch at all,” when talking about how much the wokeness has failed Bud Light. “I think the biggest problem is that they’ve lost trust with their customers,” he added, “and they still haven’t gone out and personally asked for their customers to come back to them and until they restore that trust, I don’t think that this brand is gonna turn around and get back to growth anytime soon.” Honestly, I agree with Frericks. Brands that get" woke" end up going broke, and true comeback stories are few and far between. Related: Trans TikToker Dylan Mulvaney Becomes Bud Light's Newest Spokesperson - No, Really Look at Disney, which started implementing more and more woke crap into its parks, branding and programing and now, is suffering immensely with lack of customer interest and buy-in. Doritos Spain hired a transgender freak to promote its chips and received a ton of pushback. Sports Illustrated recently adopted a more "body-positive" approach to its issue covers and ended up cutting tons of its employees due to the lack of revenue from the failed attempt at appealing to audiences. Even fashion brands that have attempted to gender-neutralize their lines have been canceled. The truth is, people don’t want this woke crap ruining our perfectly good brands, and Bud Light is learning that the hard way. Follow us on Twitter/X: Woke of The Weak: The Left Continues To Push Their Fetishes On Normal People We used to have places to put these people. — MRCTV (@mrctv) May 7, 2024
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Macklemore New Song: 'Screamin' Free Palestine 'Til They're Home At Last'

By: Tierin-Rose Mandelburg — May 8th 2024 at 12:00
It seems that celebrities will do absolutely anything to remain relevant. In Macklemore’s latest attempt to stay at least somewhat popular, the 40-year-old rapper released a song called “Hind’s Hall,” which is all about the liberation of Palestine.  “Block the barricade until Palestine is free,” the first verse of the song reads, as well as the line “f**k the police.” Macklemore continues with his pro-Palestine rhetoric in verse two, calling out the elites who aren’t pro-Palestine with: “Seen the rubble, the buildings, the mothers and the children and all the men that you murdered, and then we see how you spin it.” How they spin it? Like how Macklemore is spinning the narrative to insist that Palestine is some innocent country that played no part in the brutal terrorist attack involving kidnaping, rape and murder of innocent Israeli citizens? Sure, Macklemore. “Screamin’ “Free Palestine” ‘til they’re home at last (Woo),” he said. Macklemore also calls out President Joe Biden in the third verse, which begins with, “Claimin’ it’s antiSemetic to be anti-Zionist / I’ve seen Jewish brothers and sisters out there and ridin’ in," and ends with, “The blood is on your hands, Biden, we can see it all / And f**k no, I’m not votin’ for you in the fall.” Related: Terrorists in Training: Pro-Hamas 'Protesters' Vandalize WWI Memorial in Central Park, Burn American Flag In the last portion of the song, Macklemore insists that he’s glad he’s an independent artist, suggesting if he belonged to a label, he’d probably be dropped.  “I’d be fine with it ‘cause the heart fed my page / I want a cease fire, f**k a response from Drake," he raps. The music video for the song featured police officers dealing with violent pro-Palestine protestors, Palestinian flag-waving, and a video montages of  legislators - I assume ones who Macklemore thinks could do more for the Palestinian people. HIND’S HALL. Once it’s up on streaming all proceeds to UNRWA. — Macklemore (@macklemore) May 6, 2024 In response to Macklemore’s attempt of a roast in a song, both those in support of his message and those against it responded. Fox News freelance opinion editor Dan Gainor condemned Macklemore, telling him, “You support gang rape and murder,” pointing out the number of innocent Israeli citizens who’ve fallen victim to Hamas attacks.  “Just deleted every song I ever had of yours,” a different user wrote, while investigative journalist Laura Loomer called Macklemore “a straight up retard” and a “f**king moron.”  Others disagreed, writing things like, “as a Palestinian we appreciate this” and “this has a great lyrically message.” Ultimately, while Macklemore is entitled to his opinion, can’t he just stick to writing music about girls or something instead of virtual signaling until ends meet?! Seriously, this is not even entertaining. Follow MRCTV on X: Things That Need To Be Said: I Don't Care Leftists cry and scream about "freedom for Palestine," but these entitled brats have no idea the real problems facing America. — MRCTV (@mrctv) May 6, 2024