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Corrupt: Colbert Spins WSJ’s Damning Biden Report

By: Christian Toto — June 15th 2024 at 13:30
Stephen Colbert’s fans have little interest in the truth, so the “Late Show” host avoids it at all costs. Inflation? The border? Hamas? Crime? Oct. 7? Name the hot-button topic, and Colbert will spin it to benefit Team Biden. He, like Jimmy Kimmel, literally fundraises for the elderly president. What Colbert did last week on behalf of the 81-year-old should have come with a six-figure DNC check. This kind of spin requires a Herculean effort, and Colbert gave it his comic all. Bottom of Form The subject? The Wall Street Journal’s shocking report detailing just how far President Biden’s age has impacted his mental state. We’ve seen this before, of course. The embarrassing gaffes. The meandering public appearances. The sudden squats that fuel comparisons to wee ones.   Anyone with a toddler recognizes that Biden is pooping his — Liz Wheeler (@Liz_Wheeler) June 7, 2024   Here’s The New York Post summarizing some of the WSJ details. Others in attendance recalled that it took Biden about 10 minutes from when he entered the room to get the meeting started, and when he did, he used note cards to make obvious points that everyone was already in agreement with and participants could barely hear him. In a February follow-up with House Speaker Mike Johnson, the Louisiana Republican expressed his concern to the president over the administration’s liquid natural gas export policy — fearing it was benefiting Russia. Biden didn’t seem to know the policy was actually in effect and falsely claimed it was “only a study,” according to the report…. Biden would “ramble” and mumble, and his ability to command the room varied from day to day during tense negotiations over raising the debt ceiling last May, former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) recalled. Had the report arrived out of the blue it would be stunning. It didn’t. The Biden White House is furiously attempting to stop the audio from Biden’s interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur from going public months before Election Day. We just read a startling Biden interview with Time Magazine which featured more confused comments. President Biden forgot key facts about the economy, foreign policy and his time in public office during a sit-down interview with Time magazine last month — even mixing up Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin. He even threatened to fight the Time’s journalist at one point in the exchange.   Senile Biden's Interview With TIME Goes Way Off the Rails, He Even Challenges the Reporter to a Fight — RedState (@RedState) June 4, 2024   Biden ducks most press interviews these days, even softball-level chats tied to the Super Bowl. Instead, he went on “The Howard Stern Show” for a fawning Q&A. His lying is now legendary, witness him claiming he belongs to any nationality to appease the crowd du jour.   Biden lies about his background so often and compulsively that I sometimes wonder if he even knows what’s true anymore… — AG (@AGHamilton29) April 7, 2024   Some 81-year-olds retain much of their vim and vigor. Not Biden. Something is seriously wrong with the leader of the free world. It’s not a partisan matter. And the press is (mostly) covering it up. So, too, are Democrats eager to drag Biden over the finish line a second and final time. Like Colbert. The comedian covered the blistering WSJ report and flat-out misled his audience. They like that. Still, the people watching it at home and via YouTube were likely less pleased. They know the best political satire is served with a serious helping of the truth.     “A reputable newspaper like The Wall Street Journal would never run a headline like, ‘Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping,’ unless they had the receipts,” Colbert said, setting up the spin. Colbert then cherry-picked quotes from the report, leaving the damning bits out to protect His Precious. For example, he extensively riffed on the fact that Biden relied on notes during some of his important meetings, a potentially innocent scenario without the full, brutal context. The Wall Street Journal delivered said context. Not Colbert. Later, he read a portion of the story sharing how Biden would speak softly at times and often paused before talking. Why, that could be the sign of a leader using his voice for emphasis and taking time to collect his thoughts. Except we know the fuller meaning behind the WSJ article. He left it out for comic effect, and the audience cheered in response. We call that … clapter. Watch the full clip to grasp just how far he stretches the truth for his master. Colbert owes the WSJ reporters behind that story an apology. He’ll never utter one, though. Heck, he spent three years telling his audience Donald Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election. We’re still waiting for a mea culpa on that front.
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Believe All Women? Susan Sarandon Denies Hamas Raped Israelis

By: Christian Toto — June 8th 2024 at 13:30
Susan Sarandon isn’t letting cancellation curb her pro-Palestinian views. The Oscar-winning actress lost her representation late last year after uttering this tone-deaf comparison at a pro-Palestinian rally Bottom of Form “There are a lot of people that are afraid, that are afraid of being Jewish at this time, and are getting a taste of what it feels like to be a Muslim in this country.” She also shouted along with the crowd, “Long live the Intifada,” and “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” according to The New York Post. Both comments are steeped in violent, antisemitic tropes. She quickly apologized. More recently, a pro-Israeli activist confronted her about her strident views. That exchange didn’t get much media attention at the time. It should have. Social media user Keren Picker walked with Sarandon during yet another pro-Palestinian protest in late April. Picker pressed the star on her positions regarding the Israeli/Hamas war. That included the mountains of evidence that Hamas did more than butcher hundreds of women. The terror group sexually assaulted them in the most barbaric ways possible.  Sarandon dubbed those assaults mere “myths.” “We know that all of those myths about babies in ovens and the rapes,” Sarandon said in response to Picker’s interrogation. “It’s not a myth. You’re denying, you’re denying the terror actions made on October 7th to so many innocent civilians,” Picker countered. She shared the exchange on Instagram.             View this post on Instagram                       A post shared by Keren Picker (@keren_picker)   Sarandon, 77, may need to watch “October 7,” a new verbatim theater production from Phelim McAleer. That New York-based play recalls the horrors of that day, including the sexual assaults Hamas committed against its victims. Better yet, she should screen “Screams Before Silence.” The documentary, available for free on YouTube in multiple languages, lets Oct. 7 survivors detail the systemic sexual abuse committed against them.     The latter has been summarily ignored by many media platforms and film critics. Sarandon, too. More recently, the “Bull Durham” star posted a message on Instagram suggesting Israel’s ongoing war against Hamas amounted to a “genocide.” Right or wrong, Sarandon took a professional hit for her earlier comments. Her more recent musings never got the media’s full attention. For more background, here’s another look at Sarandon’s role in the roiling pro-Palestinian protests in New York City.   Hollywood actress Susan Sarandon gets students at Colombia University to repeat a pro-Palestinian chant. They all obediently repeat her words as if members of a — Oli London (@OliLondonTV) April 19, 2024   Sarandon isn’t the only famous person to deny reality when it comes to Hamas’ savagery against women. Comedian Bassem Youssef similarly suggested several months ago that Hamas’s sexual crimes never happened.
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Why Won’t Scorsese, De Niro Decry ‘Goodfellas’ Trigger Warning?

By: Christian Toto — June 1st 2024 at 13:30
“Goodfellas” actor Frank Sivero isn’t a household name, but this week he shamed his famous peers. The veteran actor came to the defense of the 1990 mob classic starring Robert De Niro, Joe Pesci and the late Ray Liotta. Director Martin Scorsese’s film is considered one of his film canon’s highlights, on par with the greatest mobster stories ever told.     AMC added a trigger warning to the film and several others in 2020 during the rise of Black Lives Matter. News of the “Goodfellas” warning went viral earlier this month. “This film includes language and/or cultural stereotypes that are inconsistent with today’s standards of inclusion and tolerance and may offend some viewers.” Sivero, who plays mob enforcer Frankie Carbone in the drama, lashed out at AMC during an interview with TMZ. “I’m kind of a little bit perturbed in a way, that AMC that even, AMC even cuts the movie completely, you don’t hear the language, they delete the language, so why are they so upset?”  “I’m a little perturbed because thank God I was able to do my job by improvisation. I created that, I made those moments real, to take the tension away from those gruesome moments.” He’s right, of course, as Andrew Klavan recently noted in a blistering satire on the subject.     So where are De Niro and Scorsese? We know where the “Raging Bull” actor is these days. He’s on the streets of New York City ranting about a second Donald Trump presidency. It’s embarrassing on many levels, including why an A-list actor’s views on the presidential race warrant outsized attention.   De Niro has gone full Travis Bickle. However, now 80, it came across as De Niro screaming at the courthouse for Trump to get off his lawn. — Jonathan Turley (@JonathanTurley) May 29, 2024   Why won’t De Niro spare a syllable about “Goodfellas” and an artist’s right to offend? It’s not for a lack of microphones around him.  The same is true for Scorsese. He’s weighed in on more trivial subjects in the past, including his alleged disdain for Marvel movies. He’s 81 and still a feisty, formidable talent. Shouldn’t he be rising up to defend his film? If not him, who else? Doesn’t he realize the chilling effect trigger warnings have on the arts? Apparently not. Or, even a film legend knows defying the woke bylaws that control modern Hollywood isn’t good for business. His in particular.
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Adam Carolla Shreds Schwarzenegger, Stern for Insane COVID Rants

By: Christian Toto — May 25th 2024 at 13:30
Adam Carolla is doing a victory lap, and it’s hard to blame him. The “Mr. Birchum” star took to X Sunday to remind everyone what he said during the recent pandemic. Don’t believe Dr. Anthony Fauci Airline masking rules make no sense The virus overwhelmingly affects the old and immunocompromised The media wants to scare you For that he was tarred and feathered in the public square. And, as we now know, he was right on all of the above. Carolla shared a 2020 article from the liberal that noted his unwillingness to “apologize” for sharing those views at the time. He’s not willing to forgive and forget. Read this and tell me what I got wrong and as far as the celebrity’s that spoke out. Let’s hear what you have to say now you cowards please speak up. you were willing to speak out then how about now cowards   Read this and tell me what I got wrong and as far as the celebrity’s that spoke out. Let’s hear what you have to say now you cowards please speak up. you were willing to speak out then how about now cowards — Adam Carolla (@adamcarolla) May 19, 2024   Bottom of Form Carolla and longtime broadcasting partner Dr. Drew Pinsky have led the way in exposing pandemic lies, overreach and misdirection on “The Adam and Dr. Drew Show.” One example? Carolla routinely harped on airlines insisting fliers “mask up” between bites and sips. Did the virus take a knee while passengers snacked on trail mix, he asked. The comedian also targeted the King of All Media on X, someone who many fear for his ability to counter-punch like few others. Like Jerry Seinfeld. Earlier this month, Seinfeld slammed and then swiftly apologized for suggesting radio superstar Howard Stern wasn’t a top-tier comic. Not Carolla.   Read this and tell me what I got wrong and as far as the celebrity’s that spoke out. Let’s hear what you have to say now you cowards please speak up. you were willing to speak out then how about now cowards — Adam Carolla (@adamcarolla) May 19, 2024   The podcaster targeted Stern and Arnold Schwarzenegger for their extreme pandemic rhetoric. The “Predator” star famously said, “screw your freedom” when it came to pandemic rules. He later apologized. Stern became a recluse during the pandemic, refusing to leave his home and shunning his social life. He also blasted those who refused to take the vaccine, a medicinal treatment less effective than we were initially told. He got COVID-19 anyway. He lived. Adam Carolla and Howard Stern. It’s … Complicated Carolla previously appeared on “The Howard Stern Show,” but the podcaster said Stern severed their ties during the pandemic. “I’m no longer welcome on the show because I was right about everything COVID. It’s important that I be punished for being correct about everything COVID.” Now, there’s zero chance of a reunion. One duo who won’t be splintered by COVID-19 disagreements? Carolla and longtime pal Jimmy Kimmel. The two met in the 1990s when Carolla brought his Mr. Birchum character to Kimmel’s show on KROQ-FM in Los Angeles. They’ve been thick as thieves ever since, collaborating on both “The Man Show” and “Crank Yankers” through the years. Kimmel’s pandemic rhetoric proved both aggressively left-of-center and misinformed, in retrospect. Carolla has not held that against his chum, by any indication. The two have been able to set aside their political differences to keep their friendship intact.