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NYT: Jews Face Prejudice Against 'Zionists' in U.S. Publishing Industry

By: Joel B. Pollak · Joel B. Pollak — May 28th 2024 at 03:43

Jews face discrimination in the American publishing industry and litmus tests about whether they support "Zionism," according to a report Monday in the New York Times.

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NY Times: Migrant Hotels Make Visiting New York City More Expensive than Ever

By: John Binder · John Binder — May 27th 2024 at 13:58

The cost of illegal immigration is bearing out in the Big Apple and tourists are the latest to foot the bill.

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Reverse Court-Packing: Democrats Demand Samuel Alito Recuse Himself from Trump Cases for 'Appeal to Heaven' Flag

By: Katherine Hamilton · Katherine Hamilton — May 23rd 2024 at 16:46

Democrats, in another stab at "reverse court-packing," have demanded conservative Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito recuse himself from two ongoing cases involving former President Donald Trump and January 6.

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☑ ☆ ✇ Politics – The Daily Signal

Bungling Biden’s Commencement Whoppers

By: Tim Graham — May 22nd 2024 at 14:03

President Joe Biden made a well-publicized commencement address on May 19 at Morehouse College in Atlanta, a historically black college. The networks touted the speech but didn’t put any “fact-checkers” on it. It contained at least four fibs.

In an echo of his 1987 lies that crumbled in his first presidential campaign, Biden claimed, “I was the first Biden to ever graduate from college.” A newspaper obituary for his maternal grandfather Ambrose Finnegan noted he graduated college.

He repeated his story that his son Beau died of a brain tumor after he spent “a year in Iraq as a major—he won the Bronze Star—living next to a burn pit.” In 2019, noted the science on cancer from exposure to burn pits in Iraq was “insufficient,” but Biden tells that story often.

Then Biden uncorked his typical race-baiting: “Today in Georgia, they won’t allow water to be available to you while you wait in line to vote in an election.” Georgia’s Legislature passed a bill in 2021 that said no person should “give, offer to give, or participate in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and drink” within 150 feet of a polling place. It doesn’t mean you can’t have water!

Biden also claimed, “there’s a national effort to ban books—not to write history, but to erase history. They don’t see you in the future of America.” The leftists all said that “erasing history” bunk about Florida’s education standards, when it was crystal clear that black history was mandated, not erased.

None of these fact-check moments made the front-page New York Times story gushing over the Morehouse speech. It mentioned Biden spoke of deaths in his family and left out the “burn pits” part.

Biden’s recent lie that inflation was at 9% when he became president was so blatant that most of the liberal “fact-checkers” called it out: AP, CNN,, PolitiFact, Snopes, and The Washington Post. (Lead Stories and Reuters did not.) We’ll see if these latest Biden falsehoods get checked (again).

They could also check Biden’s four whoppers in remarks the day before at a campaign fundraiser in Atlanta.

The president told his backers, “I wasn’t going to run again after my son died because of being in Iraq for a year in those burn pits.” He said, “We were supposed to lose in 2020.” He claimed Donald Trump told Time magazine, “States should monitor women’s pregnancies and prosecute those who violate the abortion bans.” Trump did not say that. Biden also claimed Trump said there were “really good people on both sides” in Charlottesville protests, implying he praised neo-Nazis. That’s an ongoing hoax.

At a Sunday afternoon campaign event in Detroit, the president again dragged out the line, “I’m the first in my family ever to go to college.”

A Sunday night speech at the NAACP brought more of the tired-brain gaffes. Biden claimed he was vice president “during the pandemic.” He said Obamacare was “saving millions of families $800,000—$8,000 a year in premiums.” The White House transcript adjusted it down to $800.

Then he returned to “folks wanting to ban books” and “erase black history, literally.”

He misquoted Trump as saying, “I’ll be a dictator on Day One” and “just inject bleach” to cure COVID-19. He bungled in claiming Trump said if he lost, there will be “bloodshed.” Trump implied an economic “bloodbath.”

The more Biden mangles the facts, the more you can be sure that national TV coverage is going to edit out the embarrassing parts. Call it “erasing history as it unfolds.”


The Daily Signal publishes a variety of perspectives. Nothing written here is to be construed as representing the views of The Heritage Foundation.

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☑ ☆ ✇ Breitbart News

NY Times: Populist Working Class Opposes Neoliberal Mass Immigration

By: John Binder · John Binder — May 21st 2024 at 17:26

The New York Times admits that mass immigration is "a core tenet of neoliberalism," deeply opposed by the nation's working class who are most impacted by the continuous inflow of millions of foreign workers willing to work for lower wages.

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NYT Interviews 2 Dozen Black Philadelphia Voters, Just 8 Are Voting for Biden

By: Nick Gilbertson · Nick Gilbertson — May 20th 2024 at 19:31

Only eight out of nearly two dozen black Philadelphia voters interviewed by the New York Times last week plan to vote for President Joe Biden.

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Dulis: NYT Suggests, Without Evidence, Justice Samuel Alito Sent 'Stop the Steal' Message Outside His Home

By: Ezra Dulis · Ezra Dulis — May 17th 2024 at 13:33

It's a dream scoop for the New York Times: Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito displayed a "Stop the Steal" symbol outside his house! Unfortunately for the Times and reporter Jodi Kantor, there isn't any real evidence for that headline -- only a heaping helping of BlueAnon fever-swamp paranoia.

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Maher: NYT Is Just a Democratic Party Instrument

By: Ian Hanchett · Ian Hanchett — May 11th 2024 at 10:36

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher reacted to New York Times Executive Editor Joe Kahn arguing that the paper shouldn’t be an instrument for the Biden campaign and only write negative stories about Republicans while writing

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Top House Armed Services Dem: NYT, a Lot of Outlets Keep Helping Hamas, Disincentivizing Them from Making a Deal

By: Ian Hanchett · Ian Hanchett — May 11th 2024 at 10:36

On Friday’s broadcast of “CNN News Central,” House Armed Services Committee Ranking Member Rep. Adam Smith (D-WA) said the media have downplayed how much Hamas has blocked a ceasefire and specifically called out The New York Times for its reporting

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Fact Check: NYT Claims Reagan Withheld Arms from Israel, Like Biden

By: Joel B. Pollak · Joel B. Pollak — May 10th 2024 at 14:31

CLAIM: President Ronald Reagan, like President Joe Biden, withheld arms from Israel to influence its military policy. VERDICT: MISLEADING. Reagan acted within the law, and in very different circumstances, in withholding arms. The New York Times‘ Peter Baker — winner of

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☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

The New York Times Gets Israel Wrong – Again

By: Hugh Fitzgerald — April 13th 2023 at 09:00
The New York Times Gets Israel Wrong – Again
The New York Times, doing its imitation of the Palestinian news agency Wafa, has yet again misrepresented the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians who would, if only they could, cheerfully destroy the Jewish state. The Times provides what it calls a “news analysis” – more rigorous, presumably, than a mere report of facts — of the current […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Whatever Happened to the Dems Saying That ‘Lock Her Up’ Chants were ‘Banana Republic Stuff’?

By: Robert Spencer — April 1st 2023 at 03:00
Whatever Happened to the Dems Saying That ‘Lock Her Up’ Chants were ‘Banana Republic Stuff’?
New in PJ Media: Back in 2016, it was a feature of Trump rallies: the candidate would mention Hillary Clinton, and the crowd would start chanting “Lock her up!” In Oct. 2016, at their second presidential debate, Trump himself said it to Hillary: “If I win, I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

New York Times Claims Ancient Judaism Recognized a Variety of Genders. It Didn’t.

By: Robert Spencer — March 21st 2023 at 03:00
New York Times Claims Ancient Judaism Recognized a Variety of Genders. It Didn’t.
My latest in PJ Media is a VIP article. I am happy to be able to offer you a 5% discount on becoming a VIP member at PJ Media. Just enter the code SPENCER when you sign up here. As Leftists go about reshaping reality to suit themselves or deceiving themselves into thinking they’re doing so, they’re […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

The New York Times’ Iran Hostage – Reagan Conspiracy Theory Makes No Sense

By: Daniel Greenfield — March 20th 2023 at 07:00
The New York Times’ Iran Hostage – Reagan Conspiracy Theory Makes No Sense
Either the New York Times is historically illiterate or it just doesn’t give a damn. The Left never lets go of anything or forgets its history. No conspiracy theory is too dead to be dragged up again. And with Carter on the way out, the New York Times decided to drag out its old claim […]
☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

92.5% of Palestinians Killed This Year: Members of Terror Groups Or Active in Attacks, Rest Were Caught In Crossfire

By: Hugh Fitzgerald — March 15th 2023 at 09:00
92.5% of Palestinians Killed This Year: Members of Terror Groups Or Active in Attacks, Rest Were Caught In Crossfire
Adin Haykin is an Israeli who – just as he did last year – has been documenting every single Palestinian killed by Israeli forces in the West Bank this year, and identifying their terrorist affiliations or, absent any, their participation in attacks. Elder of Ziyon put Haykin’s current thread on a Twitter Thread Reader post. […]