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☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Governor says Trump could become the first GOP presidential candidate to win his state in 20 years

By: Paul Steinhauser — June 8th 2024 at 03:00
It's been two decades since a Republican carried Virginia in the White House race, but GOP Gov. Glenn Youngkin says the Commonwealth is in play as former President Trump and President Biden face off in a 2024 election rematch.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Fishermen discover body on Georgia river: police

By: Greg Wehner — June 6th 2024 at 20:48
Georgia law enforcement officials responded to the Chattahoochee River on Wednesday after reports that two fishermen discovered a body in the water.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Following Trump's guilty verdict, first swing state poll reveals how it impacts voters' decisions

By: Brandon Gillespie — June 5th 2024 at 16:12
A new Quinnipiac University poll revealed which presidential candidate holds the advantage in the swing state of Georgia after former President Trump's guilty verdict.

☑ ☆ ✇ Breitbart News

Wisconsin AG Charges 3 Trump Allies Over Alternate Electors Plot

By: Elizabeth Weibel · Elizabeth Weibel — June 4th 2024 at 19:17

Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul (D) filed charges against three allies of former President Donald Trump with charges related to an alternate electors plot.

The post Wisconsin AG Charges 3 Trump Allies Over Alternate Electors Plot appeared first on Breitbart.

☑ ☆ ✇ Politics – The Daily Signal

The Many Reasons You Shouldn’t Be Afraid to Question Election Results

By: Levi Fuller — June 4th 2024 at 11:20

It’s been said that the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he didn’t exist.

Most of us remember the national election of 2020: The COVID-19 pandemic, sudden changes to election procedures, mysterious mail-in ballots, allegedly hacked voting systems, and legions of lawyers filing scores of lawsuits.

I think we all remember the aftermath in 2021, as well. Thousands of angry conservative voters traveled to Washington, D.C., and entered the Capitol to protest the certification of the election after a surprise upset led to Joe Biden becoming the president.

Then came the speculation: Did the Chinese hack voting machines to flip the vote in favor of Biden? Were countless mail-in ballots shoved into voting machines in the dead of night?

Was Joseph R. Biden really the most popular presidential candidate in United States history even after running his entire campaign from a basement in Delaware?

I’ve prosecuted election fraud cases, but I do not know the answer to any of those questions. That’s not what this article is about. It is about why you should never be afraid to question the results of an election.

‘I’m Not a Conspiracy Theorist, But … ’

Having been in the Texas Attorney General’s Election Integrity Division, I have had more than a few conversations with people who almost seem to feel guilty about talking to me about election concerns. They usually start out with the other person saying, “Well, I’m not a conspiracy theorist but …”

That additional qualifier has never surprised me, considering how many risks there are associated with questioning the results of elections.  

The moment anyone is in the vicinity of someone who claims an election was stolen, they risk becoming an “election denier.”

A few notable attorneys who filed election contests have been threatened with losing their license to practice law and even imprisonment. More than 500 of the 1,265 people who were arrested after marching on the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 are—more than three years later—still awaiting trial for what may ultimately amount to a misdemeanor conviction.

The rest of us are constantly told by “experts” that there was nothing wrong with the 2020 election.

But what if those experts were wrong?

Reprimanding Fulton County

Recently, the Georgia State Elections Board voted 2-1 to reprimand Fulton County after finding significant issues with the vote tally in the 2020 presidential election. The board’s investigation concluded there had been over 140 separate violations of election laws and rules not only related to how Fulton County tallied the initial vote, but also how it conducted its recount.

It should be noted that the only vote against reprimanding Fulton County was from board member Janice Johnston and that was only because she felt the reprimand didn’t go far enough. She wanted a more comprehensive investigation conducted by the Georgia Attorney General’s Office.

Out of a plethora of issues in how the election was conducted, the investigation also found that there were more than 3,000 duplicate ballots scanned during the recount. The Georgia Secretary of State’s general counsel declared that it’s inconclusive whether or how many of the 3,000 duplicates were included in the tabulated results.

There were also more than 17,000 ballot images that are allegedly missing from the recount. 

Keep in mind that Fulton County’s initial hand recount shortly after the election awarded 1,300 additional votes to Trump, and while the current numbers would not change the outcome of the election, an open question of whether there are potentially more than 4,000 votes not properly accounted for in a swing state election that was decided by only 11,000 votes is—to say the least—problematic.

The Georgia secretary of state’s position appears to be that the initial count, the hand recount, and the machine recount are all relatively similar and therefore not a cause for alarm. When Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger was asked directly about allegations of election fraud, he said, “No, the numbers are the numbers … . The numbers don’t lie.” 

That seems like a difficult conclusion to reach when his organization seems to not be sure what the numbers are.

It also somehow seems worse to imply that more than 140 violations of election laws were committed by the election administrator’s office for the state’s most populated county by incompetence rather than malfeasance.

Compare Raffensperger’s lack of enthusiasm with the efforts to remove Sidney Powell’s law license, or the criminal indictment of former President Donald Trump currently pending in Fulton County, both of which stem from the actions they took (or are alleged to have taken) in response to issues arising out of the way Fulton County ran the 2020 presidential election.

In fact, the results of Georgia’s inquiry stand in contrast to the popular talking point that Trump’s allegations were so spurious that even individuals in his own administration refuted his claims of election irregularity.

Internal Dissenters’ Willful Blindness

For example, Christopher Krebs, the former director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency of the Department of Homeland Security, who claimed on CBS’ “60 Minutes” that the 2020 election was “the most secure in American history.”  

Not only does it now seem that Krebs was wrong, but less than a month after making that statement, it was publicly reported that Krebs and his agency had been unaware of what could be one of the largest cyberattacks of our national infrastructure in history.

There was also then-Attorney General Bill Barr publicly declaring on Dec. 1, 2020, that the Department of Justice and the FBI had not uncovered evidence of “widespread voter fraud that would change the outcome of the election”—after an investigation he had called for only three weeks prior.

In Texas, after we received an allegation of election fraud, our team of investigators and attorneys—who are already familiar with Texas election law—would seek to contact the election administrator for the county the allegation originated from to obtain their records of the election. Those records were often voluminous and would take time to review.

We would then make attempts to speak to witnesses, including the voters, to determine whether there had been fraud or irregularities in the voting process. We would investigate whether those who cast suspicious ballots were qualified to vote, whether they typically voted by mail or in person, whether their vote in that election came from their listed home address or somewhere else, whether they are even aware a vote was cast in their name, and sometimes even whether they are alive or deceased.

Consider that there were 81,139 votes—in Nevada, Wisconsin, Georgia, and Arizona, combined—which separated Trump from Biden in the election. Among those four states, there were approximately 12,883,742 total ballots cast. Neither of those numbers would include instances where ballots had been destroyed.

The time it took for Georgia to issue its findings on Fulton County alone took three years. At the time of Barr’s statement, the FBI only had a total of 13,245 special agents in the entire bureau, spread out across the United States and other parts of the world. Even if the Justice Department devoted all its resources and limited the scope of their investigations to the largest counties of those four states, it would have taken several weeks just to compile evidence, much less come to a definitive conclusion just for one of those states.

There is also the question whether Barr even wanted the Department of Justice to be involved. The U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, William McSwain, claimed that Barr told him to stand down on investigating election fraud allegations, instead ordering him to refer any complaints to the state of Pennsylvania.

While Barr disputes McSwain’s account, other witnesses testified under oath to receiving the same guidance.

In December 2020 an “irate” Bill Barr called investigators looking into Jesse Morgan’s claim of hundreds of thousands of completed mail-in ballots hauled across state lines to “STAND DOWN”

“‘I told you you need to stand down on this.’

“[He was] agitated, to say the least.”

— Liz Harrington (@realLizUSA) April 4, 2024

So, when Barr said he had not seen evidence sufficient to conclude that fraud would have changed the results of the election, it seems that is exactly what he meant. He hadn’t seen fraud that would change the outcome. That would be difficult to find for someone unfamiliar with election fraud—and not interested in looking for it.

So-Called Fact-Checkers’ Echo Chamber

Nevertheless, Barr’s statements are a common talking point for media “fact-checkers,” who are adamant that election fraud is a myth.  

Take for example how fact-checkers handled allegations of Jesse Morgan. Morgan was a post office contractor who claimed that 288,000 pre-filled ballots had been shipped into the state of Pennsylvania in trailer that somehow mysteriously vanished after being delivered to a post office.

As a former prosecutor, the fact that the investigation by the U.S. Postal Service and the FBI only concluded that Morgan’s claims could not be corroborated, while Morgan himself was never charged with making a false statement to a federal agent seems to me to mean that the investigation was inconclusive. That is, neither confirming, nor denying his account.

If that’s the case, then we are left with the notion there is no security camera footage, records, manifests, receipts or explanation for a missing post-office trailer allegedly containing 288,000 ballots that was left inside a secured post-office motor pool, or that it was just a shoddy investigation.

That didn’t stop the Dispatch and PolitiFact from concluding that Morgan’s allegations were false in their entirety based on the aforementioned sound bite from Barr, and the Postal Service’s largely redacted report.

More dubious fact-checks come from The New York Times. It fact-checked 15 separate statements from Trump about the 2020 election. In the interest of brevity, I’d like to go summarize what I personally took from just a few:

  • Trump claimed surprise ballot dumps changed the outcome of the election overnight. The Times fact-checked this as false, because there were just a lot of mail-in ballots that took a long time to count.
  • Trump claimed mail-in ballots were a corrupt system. Times fact-checkers concluded this was false, because experts say voter fraud is rare.
  • Trump claimed the recount in Georgia was meaningless because there was no signature verification. The Times concluded this was also false, before oddly explaining how signatures cannot be verified during recounts because ballots are separated from the carrier envelope that contains the voter’s identifying information.
  • Trump claimed the Pennsylvania secretary of state and the state Supreme Court abolished signature verification requirements for mail-in ballots. The Times said this was misleading, because the Pennsylvania State Election Code never required signature verification in the first place.
  • Trump claimed that in Georgia only 0.5% of ballots were rejected in 2020 compared with 5.77% in 2016. The Times said that was also misleading, because the Massachusetts Institute of Technology believes the 5% total increase in accepted ballots was likely just due to the addition of a curing mechanism for Georgia mail-in ballots.

Other popular rebuttals stem from the 2020 election contests. The 2020 general election was easily the most litigated in my lifetime. According to some news outlets, Trump and Republicans filed over 60 election challenges, losing almost all of them.

The results of the 2020 election cases always seem to be the easy way out of any debate over the election results. Why wouldn’t they be? The judges found there was no election fraud. Case closed.

Except they kind of didn’t.

Democratic Operatives and the ‘Steele Dossier’

For background, a large bulk of the work against the 2020 presidential election contests was done by the law firm of Marc Elias. Formerly of Perkins-Coie, Elias is notably famous (or infamous) for his involvement with the entirely debunked opposition research against Trump known as the Steele Dossier. Ironically, Elias also thinks Russians intervened in the 2016 election to defeat Hillary Rodham Clinton.

In addition to being at the forefront of litigating election lawsuits on behalf of Democrats, Elias’ law firm also seeks “favorable advisory opinions” from the Federal Election Commission on behalf of Democratic candidates. They are unashamedly pro-Democrat, and to put it mildly, they are very committed to what they do.

Elias’ win record speaks for itself, and I’m not discounting his firm’s successes, but the 2020 general election was an easy playing field. In election contests, “the tie goes to the runner,” and all he and his team have to do to win is make sure that none of the allegations of fraud in any of the election contests are considered sufficient to warrant discounting the results.

This was made all the easier because judges have a hard time with any case involving an election.

Legal Timeliness and Standing

Take for example Trump v. Biden, where the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled Trump’s suit was barred by the legal doctrine of laches. That is to say that Trump’s allegations were reasonable, but the case had been brought too late for courts to act.

To quote the court, “the time to challenge election policies such as these is not after all ballots have been cast and the votes tallied.”

Essentially, a candidate shouldn’t wait to get cheated out of an election before they sue over it.

A similar result occurred in Kistner v. Simon in Minnesota. In that case, the petitioners filed their lawsuit within days of the postelection review, but the court concluded two claims were barred as they should have been brought before the election, and for the third claim, the court found the petitioners failed to provide service to the other county officials required by Minnesota election laws.

In Arizona’s Ward v. Jackson, the Arizona Supreme Court classified instances where a “duplicate ballot did not accurately reflect the voter’s apparent intent as reflected in the original ballot” as a mere error, and held that it did not believe there were enough of these “errors” to overturn the results of the election.

Also stated by the court: “Where an election is contested on the ground of illegal voting, the contestant has the burden of showing sufficient illegal votes were cast to change the result.” It is not enough to prove there was fraud, you must prove there was enough fraud to change the outcome.

In Donald J. Trump for President v. Way, the New Jersey federal district court declined to hear a challenge to the New Jersey governor’s executive order No. 177, which directed the state to send mail-in ballots to all registered voters and extended ballot counting to all ballots received up to 48 hours after the polls closed on Election Day.

After the suit was filed, the Democrat-controlled state legislature passed a bill codifying the governor’s decree, thereby making it law. One of the bill’s co-sponsors allegedly claimed that the bill’s purpose was to “undermine the Trump campaign’s lawsuit.”

Changing the Rules in the Middle of the Game

The court’s ruling in that case was that it would defer to the state on whether to suddenly change election rules in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sidney Powell’s suit in Wisconsin, Feehan v. Wisconsin Elections Commission, was dismissed after the court ruled a Wisconsin voter and potential elector lacked standing to contest the election process in Wisconsin. The federal District Court of the Middle District of Pennsylvania came to the same conclusion in Donald J. Trump for President Inc. v. Boockvar. The result was the same in Nevada in Donald J. Trump for President Inc. v. Cegavske.

Also from Nevada is my favorite postelection opinion by far, Law, et al. v. Whitmer, et. al. In that case, the judge stated that he considered witness declarations—typically statements submitted under the penalty of perjury—to be “hearsay of little or no evidentiary value,” citing that per Nevada’s election code, election contests “shall be tried and submitted so far as may be possible upon depositions … .”

At the time of this suit, America was still reeling from the COVID-19 pandemic and many courts were not even permitting contested hearings out of fear that several people in an enclosed space listening to live testimony could spread the virus.

That prohibition often extended to requests to take someone’s deposition, which was a hurdle I ran into in some of my own cases. Before reading this opinion, I would have thought that “so far as may be possible” under those circumstances would be broad enough to increase the viability of sworn statements to be presented as evidence. I would have been wrong.

Considering the court’s order only gave the contestants from Nov. 17 to Dec. 3 to gather their evidence and granted only 15 depositions to both sides, it’s not clear what evidence the judge expected them to be able to marshal.

I’m not insinuating there was bias, but it feels that way, reading the 10 paragraphs devoted to just bolstering the credibility of the defense expert compared to the five paragraphs the judge spends on the why he felt the entirety of the evidence presented by the other side was inadequate.

Procedural vs. Evidentiary Reasons

The bottom line is, a significant number of the election challenges brought in 2020 appear to have been thrown out for procedural reasons, rather than evidentiary ones. In the few cases where election fraud was discussed, the courts seemed to consistently hold that those bringing the case hadn’t shown enough fraud.  Just don’t tell the fact-checkers at Reuters that.

Going into the election of 2024, it’s not even clear who will be able to successfully contest a national election. Neither voters nor electors appear to have standing to contest an election in their own state, and at least a state attorney general and House Representatives do not have standing to challenge elections in other states. 

Those who do make it past the standing requirement only have weeks to depose as many witnesses as it takes to prove that enough fraudulent ballots were counted to change the result of the election.

If you’re unfamiliar with an election case, that could potentially mean finding thousands of fraudulent ballots in less time than it would take to contest a speeding ticket. Good luck with that. 

The silver lining in all of this is that a byproduct of the controversies surrounding the 2020 presidential election is that we are at least talking about it. And the public outcry has been substantial.

Once a niche topic, election integrity is now at the forefront of public discourse, and several states—including Georgia—are engaged in massive undertakings to identify vulnerabilities in their electoral process and have already taken steps to pass new laws seeking to prevent election integrity issues.  

When Texas ran into hurdles with its high criminal court declaring it was unconstitutional for Attorney General Ken Paxton to unilaterally prosecute election fraud, the voters responded by voting out three of the eight justices who signed on to the opinion, and they were the only three up for reelection.

I do not know what happened in 2020, and I don’t know what’s going to happen in 2024. But I do know election fraud exists, and it has been around for a long time. So long as there are ways to cheat the system to obtain power, there will be people seeking to take advantage of them.

I also know that behind every successful election challenge, investigation, prosecution, and legislation are individuals courageous enough to come forward and question the results when something seems off.

That courage is becoming less and less rare after 2020, and it will be a force to be reckoned with in 2024.

That’s why I encourage everyone to never be afraid to question the results of an election when they see something suspicious, and act on those suspicions.  

Maybe you win, maybe you lose, but the only way it will change is if you’re not afraid to talk about it.

We publish a variety of perspectives. Nothing written here is to be construed as representing the views of The Daily Signal.

The post The Many Reasons You Shouldn’t Be Afraid to Question Election Results appeared first on The Daily Signal.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Former Georgia police officer charged with teen girl's murder rejects plea deal

By: Landon Mion — June 4th 2024 at 02:53
A former Georgia police officer charged with the murder of a 16-year-old girl rejected the prosecution's plea deal before jury selection began Monday.

☑ ☆ ✇ Breitbart News

October Surprise: Georgia Court Schedules Fani Willis Conflict of Interest Hearing One Month Before Election

By: Elizabeth Weibel · Elizabeth Weibel — June 3rd 2024 at 17:57

A Georgia appeals court set a date to hear arguments about Fani Willis remaining on the election interference case against Donald Trump.

The post October Surprise: Georgia Court Schedules Fani Willis Conflict of Interest Hearing One Month Before Election appeared first on Breitbart.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Georgia police sergeant touts ‘amazing’ abilities of K9 companion in book: Made him a 'better human'

By: Angelica Stabile — June 3rd 2024 at 03:00
Mark Tappan, an Alpharetta, Georgia, police officer, wrote the book "A Dog Named Mattis" about the relationship between him and his skilled K9 and lessons learned along the way.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Georgia woman, 85, graduates from high school with honorary diploma: 'I’m really thankful to God'

By: Gabriele Regalbuto — June 2nd 2024 at 13:05
Shirley Smith received an honorary high school diploma for her lifetime of work within her family, community and church. Her family threw her a party following the ceremony.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Georgia man allegedly beat girlfriend, killed bystander who attempted to intervene in Florida

By: Landon Mion — June 2nd 2024 at 02:34
A Georgia man was arrested in Florida after detectives say he beat his girlfriend and punched a man who attempted to intervene in the altercation.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

3 more suspects nabbed in Savannah, Georgia shootout that wounded 11

— May 31st 2024 at 19:29
Three more suspects have been arrested in connection with a Savannah, Georgia, shootout that left 11 people injured earlier this month.

☑ ☆ ✇ Breitbart News

Illegal Alien Pleads Not Guilty to Murdering Laken Riley, Prosecutors Will Not Seek Death Penalty

By: John Binder · John Binder — May 31st 2024 at 14:15

The illegal alien accused of murdering Laken Riley has pleaded not guilty to ten counts, including murder and kidnapping.

The post Illegal Alien Pleads Not Guilty to Murdering Laken Riley, Prosecutors Will Not Seek Death Penalty appeared first on Breitbart.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Atlanta senior home plagued by 'junkie' squatters, rampant crime, residents say

By: Christina Coulter — May 30th 2024 at 12:20
Residents of an Atlanta senior home are begging from relief after a string of arrests and a group of squatters that have plagued their property.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

WWII veteran proud to be part of 'Greatest Generation': 'We saved the world.'

— May 30th 2024 at 06:14
World War II veteran Andy Negra Jr., who lives in Helen, Georgia, just turned 100. He proudly lays claim to being among the last of what is known as “The Greatest Generation."

☑ ☆ ✇ Breitbart News

Openly Gay Former Obama Supporter Picked for Libertarian Party Presidential Nominee

By: Elizabeth Weibel · Elizabeth Weibel — May 27th 2024 at 10:13

Chase Oliver, an openly gay former supporter of former President Barack Obama, was picked to be the Libertarian Party’s presidential nominee in the upcoming presidential election. After hours of voting, Oliver, a former Georgia Senate candidate, advanced to the final

The post Openly Gay Former Obama Supporter Picked for Libertarian Party Presidential Nominee appeared first on Breitbart.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Georgia WWII hero's grave inspires songwriter ballad decades after soldier killed in combat

By: Kerry Byrne — May 27th 2024 at 08:38
Songwriter Craig Gleason wrote "The Ballad of Ervin O. Jones" after finding a World War II hero's grave seven decades after soldier was killed in the Battle of Okinawa.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Georgia man allegedly burned down trailer with stepmom inside because his mother wouldn't sell lot

By: Landon Mion — May 27th 2024 at 01:59
A Georgia man was arrested after he allegedly admitted to police that he burned a trailer down while his stepmother was inside of it because his mother would not sell the lot.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Georgia alligator takes ride in police cruiser after driveway 'arrest': video

By: Andrea Vacchiano — May 26th 2024 at 19:37
An alligator in Georgia was wrangled by Chatham County authorities after making an unwelcome appearance in a driveway in Georgia, bodycam video shows.

☑ ☆ ✇ Breitbart News

Sen. Katie Britt: Democrats Block 'Laken Riley Act' in Senate, Again

By: John Binder · John Binder — May 24th 2024 at 20:49

Senate Democrats have again blocked the "Laken Riley Act," which would require the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to take into custody illegal aliens arrested, charged, or convicted for burglary, theft, larceny, or shoplifting.

The post Sen. Katie Britt: Democrats Block ‘Laken Riley Act’ in Senate, Again appeared first on Breitbart.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Georgia couple sentenced to prison for abusing 8-week-old son

By: Landon Mion — May 25th 2024 at 03:46
A Georgia couple was sentenced to a year and a half in prison after they were convicted for abusing their 8-week-old son, leading to broken bones and hemorrhages in his eyes.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

GA lawmaker probing Fani Willis says more hearings to come after ‘credible’ witness testimony

By: Brianna Herlihy — May 24th 2024 at 11:43
A Georgia state senator spearheading the investigation into Fani Willis' office says some of her claims about her relationship with Nathan Wade are “dubious."

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Georgia prosecutor Fani Willis appeals after judge drops multiple Trump charges

By: Timothy Nerozzi — May 24th 2024 at 10:20
Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is appealing Judge Scott McAfee's decision to dismiss six counts in the racketeering case against Trump and his co-defendants.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Rams GM says Stetson Bennett needed 'a break from the game' during rookie season

By: Chantz Martin — May 23rd 2024 at 19:14
Stetson Bennett overcame the odds during his college football days and rose to stardom. But his first year in the NFL was rocky, leaving many with more questions than answers.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Georgia angler hooks unique-looking fish, snags state record two months after it's broken

By: Sydney Borchers — May 23rd 2024 at 16:37
A Georgia angler has set the new official record for the queen triggerfish only two months after the previous record was set. His catch surpassed the record by two pounds.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Fani Willis’ ex-staffer testifies she was fired after blowing whistle on DA’s spending

By: Brianna Herlihy — May 23rd 2024 at 15:50
A Georgia state Senate investigation committee will hold another hearing today as part of its probe into Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Biden's abortion script flipped by businesswoman's boost to pro-life groups

By: Brandon Gillespie — May 23rd 2024 at 15:49
Former Republican U.S. Sen. Kelly Loeffler of Georgia donated six figures to pro-life groups in an effort to combat Democrats' abortion narrative ahead of the 2024 election.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

'The View' co-host scolds Fani Willis and Nathan Wade for workplace romance: 'Stupid thing to do'

By: Hanna Panreck — May 23rd 2024 at 14:50
"The View" co-host Sunny Hostin scolded Nathan Wade and Fulton County DA Fani Willis on Thursday for their workplace relationship, calling it stupid and careless.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Sununu names the two governors all the other governors hate

By: Charles Creitz — May 25th 2024 at 18:43
New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu torched several left-wing and right-wing public officials, calling former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo a "jacka--" and saying far-right members of Congress don't "do anything."

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Fani Willis’ ex-staffer testifies before GA Senate committee probing DA’s office

By: Brianna Herlihy — May 23rd 2024 at 13:15
A Georgia state Senate investigation committee will hold another hearing today as part of its probe into Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Savannah police arrest suspect in weekend shootings that injured 11 in downtown square

— May 22nd 2024 at 18:52
A 20-year-old suspect has been arrested in connection with shootings at a public square in Savannah that injured 11 people; investigators are seeking 'multiple persons of interest.'

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Trump’s candidates sizzled, 'Squad' candidates sputtered: Top takeaways from Tuesday’s primaries

By: Paul Steinhauser — May 22nd 2024 at 11:01
Former President Trump's clout in contested Republican primaries remains unrivaled. Meanwhile, progressives went down to defeat Democratic congressional primaries in reliably blue Oregon.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Nathan Wade spotted at Fani Willis' victory party 'all smiles': report

By: Brianna Herlihy — May 22nd 2024 at 07:44
Former special prosecutor Nathan Wade reportedly attended the campaign party for Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis after her primary victory Tuesday night.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Biden blasted by experts for repeating 'debunked lie' to Black students at HBCU graduation: 'Factually false'

By: Andrew Miller — May 22nd 2024 at 03:00
President Biden was blasted on social media and by experts after telling Morehouse College graduates that Georgia's voting law doesn't allow voters to drink water in line.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Fani Willis says no one above or 'beneath' the law, plans on drinking Grey Goose to celebrate re-election

By: Sarah Rumpf-Whitten — May 22nd 2024 at 00:37
Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis said that no one above or "beneath" the law, saying that she plans on drinking Grey Goose to celebrate her re-election.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Trump-endorsed Brian Jack advances to Georgia GOP primary runoff

By: Aubrie Spady · Andrew Murray — May 21st 2024 at 22:27
Trump-endorsed candidate Brian Jack advanced to the GOP primary runoff election for Georgia's Third Congressional District on Tuesday.

☑ ☆ ✇ Politics – The Daily Signal

Georgia’s Democratic Voters Render Their Verdict on Fani Willis

By: Fred Lucas — May 21st 2024 at 18:58

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, the Georgia prosecutor who brought racketeering charges against former President Donald Trump and his political allies, won her Democratic primary Tuesday in the face of scandal. 

Meanwhile, Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee, presiding over the Fulton County case against Trump,  also won his race—just two months after his ruling allowed Willis to continue with the case, despite the fact that she was in an undisclosed relationship with the lawyer she had hired to prosecute Trump.  

These local races gained national attention not only because of the Trump case, but because of personal and professional scandal surrounding Willis over the revelations of her affair with Nathan Wade, the man she hired as special prosecutor to go after Trump for trying to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in Georgia. 

The judge made what was considered a mixed ruling in March that the Trump case could go forward only if Willis or Wade recused themselves. So, Wade left the case.

On Tuesday, Willis defeated Christian Wise Smith, a former county prosecutor who previously unsuccessfully sought the Democratic nomination for Georgia attorney general in 2022. He also previously lost to Willis in the Fulton County Democrat primary for district attorney in 2020. 

The Associated Press called the race at 7:31 p.m.

BREAKING: Fani Willis wins the Democratic Party primary in Georgia for District Attorney, Atlanta Judicial Circuit. #APRaceCall at 7:31 p.m. EDT.

— AP Politics (@AP_Politics) May 21, 2024

In the upcoming November general election, Willis now faces Courtney Kramer, a lawyer who didn’t have a challenger in the Republican primary for district attorney in the heavily Democratic jurisdiction made up primarily of Atlanta.

Willis was first elected in 2020. She has faced controversies beyond the Trump case that include the prosecution of rapper Young Thug and complaints by the liberal American Civil Liberties Union about living conditions in the Fulton County Jail. 

Fulton County Superior Judge Scott McAfee presides during a hearing in the case of the State of Georgia v. Donald John Trump at the Fulton County Courthouse on Feb. 27 in Atlanta, Georgia. (Photo: Brynn Anderson/Getty Images)

The Associated Press called the race for McAfee shortly before 8 p.m.

McAfee faced Robert Patillo II, a Georgia civil rights lawyer and radio host. One candidate for the judgeship, defense attorney Tiffani Johnson, was disqualified but was fighting the disqualification, according to The New York Times. 

Judicial races in Georgia are nonpartisan. McAfee is a former state inspector general appointed to the bench by Gov. Brian Kemp in December 2022 to fill a vacancy. 

The Willis-Wade controversy came up after one of the defendants—former Trump White House and campaign aide Michael Roman—filed a legal motion asking for both to be disqualified from the case. 

Willis hired Wade in November 2021 for $250 per hour. Wade has billed Willis’ office for more than $650,000 in legal work. Wade and Willis went on several vacations, cruises, and flights to destinations that included Belize, Aruba, and the Bahamas, which raised accusations that Willis personally benefited from the financial arrangement.

Trump and Roman were among 19 people charged under the state’s Racketeering Influencing and Corrupt Organizations Act, or RICO, in August 2023 by a Fulton County grand jury for challenging the 2020 presidential election results in Georgia. 

McAfee determined in March that the Trump allies hadn’t shown an actual conflict of interest with Willis employing Wade but said, “the established record “highlights a significant appearance of impropriety that infect the current structure of the prosecution team.”

The post Georgia’s Democratic Voters Render Their Verdict on Fani Willis appeared first on The Daily Signal.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Trump Judge Scott McAfee wins Georgia primary

By: Brianna Herlihy — May 21st 2024 at 19:05
Fulton County Superior Judge Scott McAfee, who is the judge in the sweeping racketeering case against former President Donald Trump, won the primary election Tuesday.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Embattled DA Fani Willis wins Georgia primary election

By: Brianna Herlihy — May 21st 2024 at 18:44
Embattled Georgia prosector Fani Willis survived her primary election challenge Tuesday night, and will face off against a GOP challenger in November.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Fani Willis calls Jim Jordan a 'clown,' claims Republicans came after her for 'false reasons'

By: Hanna Panreck · David Rutz — May 21st 2024 at 08:16
Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis railed against Rep. Jim Jordan on Monday during an interview on MSNBC, calling him a "clown."

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

In Georgia, fierce state Supreme Court race, Republican congressional primary top ballots

— May 21st 2024 at 06:34
In Georgia, incumbent Justice Andrew Pinson and Democratic former congressman John Barrow are running for the state Supreme Court in an unusually heated race.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Embattled Trump prosecutor fights to keep job as Georgia among five states holding elections Tuesday

By: Paul Steinhauser — May 21st 2024 at 03:00
Four states-Georgia, Kentucky, Idaho, and Oregon-hold primary contests on Tuesday, including several congressional showdowns that could shape key contests in the autumn battle for control of the House

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4 dead in wrong-way Georgia van crash

— May 20th 2024 at 17:28
Four people — three of whom belonged to the same family — died Sunday after a Kia van veered into oncoming traffic after crossing a median on Interstate 75 near Emerson, Georgia.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Dispute between women leads to 11 injured in shooting at Georgia hot spot

By: Pilar Arias — May 20th 2024 at 06:58
Ten of 11 people hurt during a mass shooting incident in Savannah, Georgia, over the weekend were hit by gunfire, police said. It was one of five shootings.

☑ ☆ ✇ Breitbart News

Georgia College Student Fatally Shot on Campus, Shooter Arrested

By: Olivia Rondeau · Olivia Rondeau — May 19th 2024 at 15:32

One female Georgia college student is dead after an armed intruder entered the campus and shot her near a bus stop, leaving other students shaken.

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☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Top moments from Biden's Morehouse commencement address

By: Anders Hagstrom — May 19th 2024 at 15:52
President Biden's address to Morehouse College saw some protesters in the audience, and Biden called for a cease-fire in Israel.

☑ ☆ ✇ Breitbart News

Suspect Detained After Female Student Shot, Killed on Kennesaw State University Campus

By: AWR Hawkins · AWR Hawkins — May 19th 2024 at 13:02

A suspect was detained after a female Kennesaw State University student was shot and fatally wounded Saturday afternoon shortly after 4 p.m. 

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☑ ☆ ✇ Breitbart News

Amy Kremer Elected RNC National Committeewoman for Georgia

By: Elizabeth Weibel · Elizabeth Weibel — May 19th 2024 at 11:27

Amy Kremer, the cofounder of Women for Trump, was elected to represent the Georgia Republican Party (GAGOP) at the Republican National Committee (RNC) as the committeewoman for the state.

The post Amy Kremer Elected RNC National Committeewoman for Georgia appeared first on Breitbart.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Biden mocked for apparent small showing of supporters in Dem city: 'Nobody cared'

By: Emma Colton — May 19th 2024 at 13:02
President Biden was criticized on social media for video footage showing an apparent small showing of supporters greeting his motorcade as it drove through Atlanta.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

WATCH: Possible Trump VP pick makes major prediction about Black voters as Biden bleeds support

By: Brandon Gillespie — May 18th 2024 at 10:11
Sen. Tim Scott, widely considered a frontrunner on Donald Trump's VP shortlist, predicted Black voters would show up in "historic" numbers for the former president in November.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Survivor of ‘Casanova Killer’ reveals why she wanted murderer to fall in love with her: 'All hell broke loose'

By: Stephanie Nolasco — May 18th 2024 at 03:00
Barbara Mabee Abel spoke about surviving John Paul Knowles, coined the "Casanova Killer" by the press. She's appearing in the true-crime series "People magazine Investigates."

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Nathan Wade's estranged wife says he’s failed to pay spousal support since resigning from Fani Willis' office

By: Brianna Herlihy — May 17th 2024 at 16:54
The estranged wife of Nathan Wade revealed in a court filing he claims his resignation from the district attorney's office left him unable to meet court-ordered financial obligations.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Hundreds pack funeral for Roger Fortson, the airman killed in his home by a Florida deputy

— May 17th 2024 at 14:57
Family, friends and hundreds of members of the Air Force paid their final respects to Roger Fortson at a suburban Atlanta megachurch, after he was shot and killed in Florida by a sheriff's deputy.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Trump files notice of appeal to disqualify DA Fani Willis from Georgia case

By: Brianna Herlihy — May 16th 2024 at 15:38
Former President Donald Trump on Thursday filed a notice of appeal to the Georgia Court of Appeals formalizing his bid to have Fulton Count DA Fani Willis disqualified.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Senate GOP probes Trump prosecutor Fani Willis' office for alleged 'misuse' of funds

By: Brianna Herlihy — May 16th 2024 at 14:53
Two Republican lawmakers are opening a second congressional investigation into embattled Georgia prosecutor Fani Willis for alleged misuse of federal grant funding.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Alabama middle-school assistant principal arrested in 2013 cold-case triple murder in Georgia

By: Stephen Sorace — May 16th 2024 at 13:29
Keante Harris, a 45-year-old assistant principal, is among four men arrested in connection with a triple murder that occurred in January 2013.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

From acting to the squared circle, Emmy winner Hauser is ready to rumble for Major League Wrestling

— May 15th 2024 at 17:04
Emmy-award winning actor Paul Walter Hauser, who snagged a role in Marvel’s upcoming 'Fantastic Four,' is also making moves within his professional wrestling career.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Two Georgia anglers recognized as 'newest state saltwater record holders': See the massive catches

By: Christine Rousselle — May 15th 2024 at 16:44
Two Georgia anglers recently set or tied state fishing records for their impressive catches. The records were recently recognized by officials with the Department of Natural Resources.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Georgia man killed girlfriend, disposed of body with family help after she discovered secret marriage: police

By: Christina Coulter — May 15th 2024 at 14:21
Georgia man Michale Edwards allegedly strangled Briana Winston, burned her body then enlisted his wife and family to help him cover his tracks, Clayton County Police said this week.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Jimmy Carter’s grandson says former president is ‘coming to the end’

By: Lawrence Richard — May 15th 2024 at 02:53
Jimmy Carter’s grandson gave a speech at The 28th Rosalynn Carter Georgia Mental Health Forum, where he provided an update on the former president's health.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Florida sheriff's deputy seen fatally shooting 23-year-old US airman

By: Sarah Rumpf-Whitten — May 14th 2024 at 23:53
A Florida sheriff's office released body camera video that showed the fatal shooting by a sheriff's deputy of a 23-year-old U.S airman.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Georgia Instacart driver says she attempted food delivery to prison for 'death row inmate feast'

By: Brittany Kasko — May 14th 2024 at 11:42
An Instacart driver in Georgia took to TikTok after failing to deliver wings to a state prison. The request on the app said the delivery was for a "death row inmate feast."

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Trump co-defendants officially file notices of appeal to kick Fani Willis off GA case

By: Brianna Herlihy — May 14th 2024 at 08:29
Co-defendants in the Georgia election interference case Trump have filed notices of appeal to the Georgia Court of Appeals in their bid to have Fani Willis disqualified.

☑ ☆ ✇ Breitbart News

Georgia Mom Mauled to Death by Pack of Dogs Days Before Mother’s Day

By: Katherine Hamilton · Katherine Hamilton — May 12th 2024 at 19:49

A Georgia mom was mauled to death, and her three children were attacked, by a pack of dogs outside of a middle school just days before Mother's Day. 

The post Georgia Mom Mauled to Death by Pack of Dogs Days Before Mother’s Day appeared first on Breitbart.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Atlanta nightclub shooting leaves 2 dead at scene, 4 injured

By: Stephen Sorace — May 13th 2024 at 06:11
A physical dispute at Elleven45 Lounge in Atlanta early Sunday escalated into gunfire, killing two victims and wounding four others, police said.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

3 Atlanta police officers wounded in shooting, suspect dead

By: Stephen Sorace — May 12th 2024 at 06:58
Three Atlanta police officers are expected to survive after being shot while responding to a call about an armed individual on Saturday evening.

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Georgia man charged with murdering law student, setting fire to apartment in 23-year-old cold case denied bond

By: Brie Stimson — May 11th 2024 at 20:14
Edrick Lamont Faust, 48, who was charged in the 2001 murder of University of George law student Tar Louise Baker, 23, has been denied bond.

☑ ☆ ✇ Breitbart News

Exclusive — Georgia RNC Candidate Amy Kremer: Tea Party 'Laid the Foundation' for MAGA

By: Hannah Knudsen · Hannah Knudsen — May 11th 2024 at 12:24

The Tea Party movement laid the groundwork for Donald Trump's MAGA movement, Georgia RNC candidate Amy Kremer said.

The post Exclusive — Georgia RNC Candidate Amy Kremer: Tea Party ‘Laid the Foundation’ for MAGA appeared first on Breitbart.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Meet Fani Willis' GOP challenger for the top prosecutor job in deep-blue Georgia

By: Brianna Herlihy — May 11th 2024 at 03:00
Embattled Georgia prosecutor Fani Willis will likely face GOP challenger Courtney Kramer in the race for district attorney this November.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Coast Guard rescues injured sailor off Georgia coast

By: Chris Pandolfo — May 10th 2024 at 12:38
The U.S. Coast Guard rescued an injured man whose sailboat, the Quicksilver, ran aground near Sapelo Sound, Georgia on Wednesday. The man was airlifted away from the scene.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

Arrest made in 2001 murder of Georgia law student found dead in burning home

— May 10th 2024 at 11:11
Authorities have arrested a man who they believe killed a University of Georgia law student more than two decades ago. Twenty-three-year-old Tara Louise Baker was found dead in 2001.

☑ ☆ ✇ FOX News

US committee probes Georgia university's alleged ties to Chinese military-linked research

— May 10th 2024 at 06:07
A U.S. committee has launched an inquiry into the Georgia Institute of Technology's collaboration with a Chinese institution accused of ties to the People's Liberation Army.

☑ ☆ ✇ Jihad Watch

Georgia: Hamas-linked CAIR lobbies against and kills antisemitism bill

By: Robert Spencer — March 31st 2023 at 16:00
Georgia: Hamas-linked CAIR lobbies against and kills antisemitism bill
Murtaza Khwaja said that the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) opposed the bill because it would restrict criticism of (and no doubt propaganda against) Israel, but there is also this: the Jews in the Qur’an are called the strongest of all people in enmity toward the Muslims (5:82); they fabricate things and falsely ascribe […]